LATEST HEWS. THE AVAR CRISIS IN 1 1 ROPE Significant Utterance of a St. Peters burs Newspaper. London", April 7 Comrueutii,- on the London host's declaration of .Saturday that the British Government would back up its circular, but was willing to consider the views of Viennese statesmen, the Journal de St Tetersbourg says : "Rus fcia can tranquilly- regard the waverings of a nervous poiicy while herself maintaining her position unmoved." The St. Petersburg Gazette, a journal published in the Russian language, has received a warning on account of an arti cle inciting war. A correspondent of the Paris Temps at Testa has had an iuterview witb M. 'I "i.-za, Premier of the Hungarian.' Ministry, who said Austria-Hungary would t-.'i war, ;f necessary, to prevent' the cfttflLksiiment I a Slav State 0:1 her southern lYuiUk-r. A rumor is current iu .St.- iVtersbu; -j that Prince Uor.ei;;tiieu u.ay favor of Ccunt Sciiouvaloli, u a to restore cciitidetiCc lei ween :v. Europe. A Constant inople ilespatch ay : announced that Vefyk Pacha's iiidis: tion has increased and a consultation .t physicians been held, It is aid Vefyk considers, in the event of an Ango liussian war. that ttie lVrtc- should not resist a fleet passing through the IJosphorus. The Turks are to reoccupy liuyjukdere. The Observer believes that - Mr. Glad stone coincides with the determination of the Opposition leaders to move ho amend ment to the address to the Queen on Monday. The Observer says that M. Wadding ton, the French Minister of Foreign Af fairs, when answering Prince OrlofFs representations in regard to the tone of the French press, assured bin: of his friendly feeling toward Russia. Constantinople, April 7. A report comes from a good source tht the Khidive has announced that he will, de clare his independence should Turkey form any alliance against England. It is stated that Russia has officially offered to quit the neighborhood of Con stantinople if the British, fleet with draws. Italy is endeavoring to induce the Porte to suspend hostilities ia Thessaly, alleging fears of grave complications. Greece is similarh" endeavoring to in fluence the insurgents. A Poor-House and Inmates Rurned. Corning, N. Y., April 7 About one a, m. Sunday the insane building con nected with Steuben . Cohnly poor bouse, two miles north of Bath, was fired by L. C. Ford, of Hornell&vilJe, an inmate confined in tbo institution with fits. He bad bren considered trustworthy, and was allowed liberties which enabled him f o destroy bis own life, together with fourteen others The Bath lire department was called to the scene of the conflagration too late to ba of much service.? The build ing was of brick, with iron-grated windows and doors, pdu the mtnates were unable to escape. L. (J. Ford, Darid Curtis, John Albian, John vles senger, Buel M. Page, Betsey Smith Julia Davis, Bos a Welch, Ann Bange, Mary Stone, Chloe Mude (colored), Ann Thultz, Catharine Lullivax, Jen mo Mills, aged, four years, and Mary Hewitt, aged one year, were burned. There were sixty or seventy inmates altogether. The details of the terri ble accident are blood-curdling. One man was badly injured. Over forty wero rescued and several escaped. The scene presented by the charred remains and the debris is sickening in the extreme. Ex-Gov. Hoses, ot South Carolina, Ar rested lor Forsery. New York, April 7. Ex-Governcr Frank J. Moses, of South Carolina, was arrested on Broodway to-night by Deputy Sheriff Conners, of Charleston, and locked up in Police Headquarters. He is.charged with having forged the name of J. Woodruff for $316 and passing the note upon James Allen. Moses will bo taken to Charleston in a few days. It is uviderstood that the object in arresting him ia to get bio back to South' Carolina to have him tried for crimes alleged to have been committed by him while holding a high official position. Wine Tor Evening Entertainincnts The Port Grape Wine of Alfred" Sjveer of Passaic, New Jersey, is generally pro nounced the most reliable wine to be ob tained, and is -now being used 03 those fashionables and families who are the most choice iu the sclectiou of wines for evening entertainmeuts. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. Doa't fail to procure Mus. Winslow's Soothing Sykui for all diseases of teeth ing in children. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and, by giving relief and health to the child, gives rest to the mother. The Most Precious or Gifts- Health is undeniably a mcfre precious gift than riches, honor or power. Who would exchange it for these, the chief objects 0 human ambition ? It is obviously the part of wisdom to employ means for the preser vation of health and the prolongation of life : which time and experience have proved to be reliable. Many of the dangers by which health is threatened may be nullified by the use of that most irresistible of correctives and tonics, Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, which, by increasing vital power and ren dering Uie physical functions regular aud active, keeps the system In good working order and protects it against disease. For constipation, dyspepsia, liver complaint, nervousness, kidney and rheumatic ail ments, it is invaluable, and it allords a sure defence against malarial fevers, besides re moving every trace of such disease- from the system. Haifa wineglassful taken be fore meals improves the appetite and in sures complete digestion and assimilation. bjLROLIN A t Charlotte Observer: I Mr. J-jp- Hawk ins, whose slcull anil leg wcrel jbroken in the railroad accident' last Saturday after noon, died yesterday morning at a qnr.ter past 5 o'clock. 1 j I The Washington Press learr.s that Dr. J. G. Bryant, i of thattownj, has now) in operation an eel net, "by which be is tak ing in large quantities pf eels for khipment to the northern market. ,1 ! Newborn Nut Shel : , fWe are glad to infoim our citizens that ' Gov. Van has accepted the invitation of ' the Memorial Society o this place, and will deliver the oration on the lOlh of May. Morganton Blwle: On the n;uhi of the 2Sthof March, ISIS' in the absence of Lower Creek town consumed I by fire, John Oliver, living in ship, his hous3 was and only by a special providence his . two children weie saved from burning in it. Goldsboro Messenger t We learn from Johnston couutv" that ai little; ison of Anderson Gower, residing near Leachburg,' had his skull fractured by a kick 4'frorh a hor.-e, on Wednesday oil last week 1 rem whkh he has sncedied, I . G.-!d."b;vo Messenger r.The gallows on winch the nejrro Saalliri"ki alias Chal- ton is to expiate his crime oi Friday next, at ijcv iiiii. bas been ere cted within the enclosure temporarily put up around one end of the jail. lh ne ro 'positively re , but there is no luses-to cot.frss his doultof it. f Charlotte Obse vcr :: : GA. Waltjer L. .Steele, our energetic ahd faithful k-epre-seiitative in (ouressj arrived in the city last night from! his home in Rockingham, where he has been lor the) last ten 1 days, on a leave of absence on account i-of sick ness. It. is a pleasure tol state that he has considerablj' improved. 11 e is stop- pino; at the Central Hotel and will re- main in tile city to-diiy. Monroe Enquirer The lieRrs of Com. Messrs. rrfvinrtnn nnrl Vmn .'will fvinrr the ensuing term fof ' "o ' ' tA ........ f ... bring suit at Court for the re- coverv of the lands in this bounty, be' on; in to the Stockton estate On some of these lands are situated the! Howie nd Washington mines, which are' of consider able value and a continujed and Stubborn suit may be looked for. ' 1 ! 1 '-'.' 1 ' Mouroe Enquirer : An 'attempt was1 made on the night of tjie 27th ultj to burn Mr. Joseph R. Hudson's jrin-housel The discovery that it was on ifire wad made by his wife, who happened to wa Ke up about mid-night, ,!aud" some strange supernatural power caused her! to go to the window and- gladce out. She then saw the flames andj I gave j Ibo alarm j FtTiimatelythe ifire had hot gaiiied much headway ..and the flames were soon sub dued without any considerable damage. It. was no doubt the work' of an incen diary. . " - j IIH- 1 j . Monroe Enquirer: Abqut nine o'clock on the night of the 1st ijps$. it waaidiscov ered that Wesley Chapel (thurch '(Meth odist) inSandy-Kidge 'rloynship, also the school-house near by, ;vere iu flames. On the arrival of the .patties .who reached there first, it whs see that nothing could be dons to save the cliurcb, arid their at tention was turned to sav j the school house, which they were suqqessful in do ing. Tbis church was id jibe neighbor hood of Mr. Hudson, 'and sit' is thought by many that the same prsens committed both ol the dastardly deejllji J Charlotte Olserver Mr. jWoitb, of the State agricultural depaitaceriL arrived in the city.yesteiday afternocn with 500 land- lcckeu salmon, which were distributed be tween I hifer's pond and tlWit'on 'the plan tation of Capt. S. JJ. Sandeiio'. These fish were hatched in the 1 BalLimjoie hktchery. The agricultural " department pitrchased from the hatchery about -JOOO ;erys, but only about 1,00) fish I were batcLeU from them. Mr. Woithb.L ijaltimole a few days since with this number, lie deposited i,UUU in the ponds faround urderisboro 8,000 or 0,000 iu the l)an river , near .Da si-' bury.; 1,000 at Sa'Iiibury Airrvinir in Morganton yesterday afternoon, he depos ited 000 in the mill pond of Maj. Wilson, near the town, and the following in tribu taries of the Catawba! : Upper creek 500, jQhn's river 500, and! Linyille river 5,000 to 0,000. " fish lej exclusively in fresh water, and attain their full growth in about three years. j Lumbcrton Times: We learn ; that a young man by the name pf Johnson was killed last Saturday night near .Hamlet, N. C, under the following circumstances, as near as can be ascertained:' iNathau "Walters, Jr., and ll'ijchardsun Johnson started opossum Jiuntbig. They hunted until about 11 o'clock,) , when (they wcut to the house of a Mrs. Steiiljiiu the deigh borhood. Walter commenced hollowing and kicking up a big fusJ. Johnson re monstrated; told him it was!-wrohr. Thev hatt suine rougn wror Walters said, let's, make ' , I v i ... I ... Alter awhile friends.' Johnson it 1 told him all r.igni,' but to les hibi see his other.hand.Svhercupoii Walters phinged a knife into his throat, making a (good sized .wound, whicli produced! death. They had both bem good friends up to this time but were drink wiiicli 1 ac- couuts for the " occurrence'1 Walters' an- cestors had a good de; C ludian i blood in them. Johnsyn from Texas, where he " w . . liad just returned represented a lar nouse. lie was a cieve a brother aud a blind . Hamlet, aud a sister in made good his escape., f young man;; bus njother living at Ion roc. Waters Consumption Cured. An old physician, ileti red from practick navmg nau piaceit in 1 h-.a East ludia missionar. t'ne IS It anas oy an formula of a r tjhe speedy consumption. simple vegetable remedy,, f. and permanent cure I'of bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat anuiung aueciions, also a positive and radical cure for uervous ilebility and all nervous complaints, jaftdr 1 having tested its wonderful curative powers inf. thous ands of cases, has felt it his d 11 ty to it known to his suffering fellows, fuated by this motive, aud a desire make Ac heve human suffering, I will send frctj of charge, to all who desiro'lit, this recliiie in ri i. i. 1' iii- il 4..1 1 - .. vjeiuiuu, a-reiiuu, orj rugusu. wstn JiUl directions for preparing and j Usinj. Sen: by mail by addressing with staniji, i-am-ngthis paper, W. W.liSherar, 12G Pow rs Block, Kocbester,N Yli I .i4wj COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET 1 I- 1 April 9-2 r M.J Sri HITS TURPENTINE-rMarket Arm at 27Vi cents. Last sales of City Distilled at No sales reported to-lay. KOS1N Mariet firm at gl & for Strained and SI for Good Strained. Sales of bbl.s Good Strained at quotations. j TAH Market firm at 1 1 45. Sales of re ceipts at quotations. . j 1 CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady at SI 2t) for Hard, SI po' for Soft and old Vir gin, with l-5th off oh Virgin, and S2 2-3 for new Virgin, if ales of receipts at quotatjons. COTTON Market quiet. Last sales at official quotations. Nq sales reported to-day. The following are the official quotations : Ord'nary Cents. , ... Good orcinary Strict Good ordinar. Low Middling........ Middling.,1 J.... Good Middling-"-. j ! DAILY RECEIPTS. 1 it it Cotton Spirits Turpentine 224 casks Kosin.J Tar..... .1.701 bbls 4 Crude. Turpentine.... 204 MARINE. NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamliip D J Foley, Price, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. ' Steani.iiip Benefactor, Jones, New York, - v cazaux. Steameri6v Worth, Worth & Worth. ."Worth, Fayetleville. Leson, Faj-etteville Steamer Wave, Robeson, FayettevilleJ Williams & Murchison Steamer J S Underh ill, Latham, Smith Ville. U G Parsley A Co. St-eani-yaclit lasiort, Harper, Smithville, Goo Myers. j ', JI5r barquent in- Ifuniet Upl;ia:ii, I'utrjam, .Mautaiix:ts, Ah.x prunt it Soil. ! I CLEARED. Steamer.Gov Worth, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. i ' ' Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayettevillq, Williams- Murchison. Steamer J. S. LTnderhilI, Latham, Smith- vine, O G Parsley & Co. St eam-ly acht 4 'assport Geo Mvers. Harper, Smithville, RSpanish bar'que Augustina, ()ceiin, Ant werp, Patersou, J ovuiiig a Co. I Kxports. FOREIGN. Ant werp Spanish barque Augustina 2 ,2i 12 bhls rosin, !25 casks spirits. j WEEKLY STATEMENT 1 i Oi-' STOCK ON HAND APRI8, 1873. Cotton ashore .'.J 2,311 afloat. b 12 2,323 .Total... Spirits ashore.. G,2G7 afloat J. 1,025 Total Rosin ashore '.I. afloat.. '.. . 7,30? G5,12l , 16,027 Total 81,148 Tar ashore... j afloat..... -1 - I ' I 1,357 3,549 Total............... .4... 4,900 Crude ashore '1 1 1,113 afloat........ I j Total ,113 A PHIL 8, li'78. RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK EKDINffl ! Cotton......!... Spirits Rosin.. , Tar Crude 5G5 . 1,004 . ,0,432 . 1 1,613 .' 1J85 EXPORTS FOR THE VKEK EXDINO APRIL 8, 1878,. Domestic. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Cotton.... Spirits.... Rosin , Tar.. Crude..... Mb 106 1,158 543 W Foreign. Cotton.. .. Spirits Rosin...... Tar , 826 5,D07 2,C47 rude Tie 'Elegant New Strar. Passport WILL MAKE DAILY ' trips to SrnithTille and , iciuiu, iea viiJii -1 t inning iuu iit 9.00 A. mJ and Cinithville at 3.00 P. M. Excursionists will please confer with the Agent. We visit the Fortifications, Ba'd Head, and other points of interest, (with pariies). The cheapest and most de lightful recreation ever offered the public. Leave SUNDAYS at 9.30 A. M. apUj j GEO. MYERS, Agent. Low Quartered Shoes ! A LARGE AND VARIED assortment of lY Gents' Low Quartered Shoes embracing all the different styles wade on the improved Last and warranted to Fit in every particu lar, and will be sold VERY! CHEAP FOR CASH. 1 ' '( Ladies' Newport Ties for $1.25. ! .Ladies' liuttou clippers forj $1.25. Ladies' Kd Slippers 85c a pair, and every thing at proportionately low prices. It will be to your advantage to examine my stock before making your purchases. 1 , THOS. II. IIOWEY, Ku. -17 Market Strtct. . ,apl 4 v i 71 the most extensive Siliiard Table Manufactory IN THE WORLD. THE 1 ' RUB1SUICE1 & BALIIE, CO. Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. THE MONARCH Patentees and sole manufacturers of the Stano a.T'1 Xoveltv nd Monarch Billiard Tables. Billiard Materials, Ten-Pin-Balls and Pins r lowest matket rices. R" bend for Catalogue- j feb 28tues-sat -5w i ' 1 I THOS. J. SPUTHERLAND LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, i ' - .. . i i - Corner Third and Princess Stref U, , Wilmington, N. C Horses and Vehicles for hire at rea sonable ra'tes. Excursion parties to the Sound and country accommodated, may 2S i Miscellaneous. Constantly Receiving. rKUGS, CHEMICALS, i ' - 1 ' j Fancy Articles,; Tobacco and Clears, at HURBANK'S PHARMACY. . .-y Corner Front 'and Princess Streets. I '3f PreecHptions compounded witb the utmost care day or nieht ' api 1 f 6 j . E3EW BUTTER ! AS USUAL THE First of. the.-Season,! Only a emallot received to-day. fectly Elegant,' Sweet and Pe Nice i ! ' M ' ... TRY IT ! TRY IT ! ! Ne Canned Goods. ii t SUCCOTASH, I I LIMA BEANS, I i- M j GREEN PEAS. We always succttd in getting the First Fresh & New Goods , of the sea. ou. ! 13 S. rnOHTST, Notice--9isolution rpUE i COl'AIiTNERSIIIP heretofore ex- istinpr uhder the name and style of McMIL LAN A! W ATKINS, in the ateam Saw and Grist Mill business, in Pender county, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. , I , d. j. McMillan, febl27th, 1878. JOHX W ATKINS, men 12-10t , I est Lager 1 ' ' AT - I Harry Webb's Saloon FRONT STREET, AT Five, Cents a Glass ! ! mch 30 i i ' --i . . i THE SECOND ANNUAL TIEETINC , OF THE GraM Lodge. KuigMs of Honor, rT7ILL CONVENE in Charlotte, on Tues- V y day, April Uth, 1878, at 2 o'clock, p.m. Delegates will be passed orer the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad to Charlotte and return, for one fare. Tickets good for ten days. The'Carolina Central Railway will tran port delegates to Charlotte and return for one fare.) Delegates are requested, to ask for return ticlcets. . The Western North Carolina Railroad will pass delegates for half first-class fare. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad will pass all delegates over their line at 3 cents per mile each way. . I The Richmond and Danville Railroad Com pany, including ihe North Carolina Railroad, have instructed all Agents in North Carolina to Sell to delegates and visitors, round trip tickets to Charlotte at six centV per mile. Tickets will be;on sale April 7th, 8th and 9th and will be good to retuin within ten days from date of sale. ( j ' It is absolutely important that all the pres ent members of the Grand Lodge f should be in attenaance. i I Special arrangements have been made with the proprietor of the Metropolitan Hotel for the accommodation of delegates at reduced rates. CUAS. R. JONES, Attest : j Grand Dictator. P. C. Carlton, Grand Reporter. Charlotte, N. C, March 27, 1878 J rrch 30 ' Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. rpHE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL Session of this school will commence! on TnURS- DAY, the 4th of October. Pupils of alljages received, while the same care will be bestow ed upon each, from, advanced young ladies to the smallest child. 'Object teaching combined with text book instruction, is a particular feature of the school, the Principals, after long and careful experience, having found i to be the mot advantageous method of imt parting knowledge to the young and enquir ing child.. ! Vocal music and calisthenics free of extra charge, excepting a trifle for the daily use of calls tii enic apparatus. Musical Department under the supervision of Mrs. M. S. iCushing, whose long and faith ful experience renders her peculiarly fitted for this work! For terms, Ac., see or address Principals. - sept 6. , ! 1 81 2 Pensions. UNDER THIS ACT, any person who serv ed fourteen days or participated in one baltle, in the War of 1812. ia entitled to a Pension of $8 per month from date of ap proval of act. Widows of such soldiers as have died after similar, service, no matter what was the date of marriage to the soldier, are entitled to the same Pension. No 6 ther parties are entitled". All 1812 Pensioners dropped from the Rolls because of alleged doyalty are re stored by this act. Applications mcst be executed before an officer of a court of record. Send to us for any information or blanks neeaea. GILMORE & CO., GTJ F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. ch 27-4 w W. H. NASH, FASHIONABLE HAIR CUTTING AND Shaving Saloon. All work 1 done in the best style. Sharing 15 cents. Hair Cutting 35 cents. Shampooing 25 cents. No. 28 North Front Street - mch 29 .. "" " ; - 9, 11' & april 4 Hiscollaneoua. i CONDENSED STATEMENT OP THE . i ' hn flow Of I 'i From Organization to December 31, 1877. i I ' .' . I . " Dr. to 1 remiums received... $12 '6U.C70 08 . w JuiC1i recuveo, ipront on stocks, ec....... ' 3,r4,S51 35 I o Interest accrued jS$,l27 38 To Increase in value of stocks, , etc. i i o o?t ii To Deferred Premium8etc.",net 105;221 65 $16,936,741 67 . , ' , Abo b i b. . .. U. S. Bonds. Philadelnhi. otheij Stocks and Loans $2,000,448 93 ajuripsgesjaunru luns 2,484421 17 Real Estate owned by the Co... 367,036 61 Premium Notes and Loans on I 1 Collateral.... ......(..... 1,017,230 82 Cash. on hand and in bank 173.334 43 All otheri securities...!.. 238.511 30 $6,280,723 46 ! ' I' Estimated Surplus over the "Reerve required vi rumis jt vanm uiU X - . ..... . . u uvv U IV.IUIULM iJ tut 1 UI1V.V iiOiU-' crssiuOe organization, . in .dividends, death claims, ttc. j i!,Jj ! i ! The Intcrest-Recints of the Omirtanv exrr-od ih.. nmnni.t L InUwT- j -j, . . i i 1 nc averasc wiv ums received. i dends of tlje Tenn have THE PENN : MUTUAL HAS $124!0F Five C re at Fire fn sura nceCompa hies of Five Great XSnglariu Liverpool & Lfcdon & Globe, A. it. . ....... T'rancC j& Caisse Generale, A?fetj....j......... - y j, u, a.oz..f I - 1 1 - .''.- Canada British America, Assets............ United States Firemen's Fund, Assets... REPRESENTED BY ii roch 1 THE BEST GOODS MAN TJFAC TURED IN THE WORLD For Boy's Wear ' is our celebrated) -1 , ; : : ' , i i Saljein, N. (J4 ( assiiiierc. No. 1, three colors, at 1 pr yard No. two colors, at 75c " " A new lot just received. Parasols-i i ! i ' ' A clicap and handsome stock of Will be open on MONDAY. Also, 50 Ladies' 21 inch Sun Umbrellas, ! Silk, at $2,G5. BargainSp Some Very Great Bargains in Va rious Kinds of Goods. HEDHICK. . Linen Collars ana Cols. The Cheapest Lot Ever Offered in Wilmington. april 1 Quarantine tMotice. Pilots! are hereby notified to brine: all ressels from the Ports of Hari ri a and Rio de Janerio to the Quarantine An chorage, for inflection, from and after this dat, and until further notice. j W. O. CURTIS, Quarantine Physician. Port of Wilminelon. I mch 30-7t I f a week in your own town. $5 Out fit free. No rhk. Reader, if you wanta bmiaess at which Person f eiiner sex can mate great pay all the time they work, write for particulars to fl. IIaio-ett A Co. Portland, Maine. mch 6. . . RUB siiii Iliflcellanooufl. By Death Losses and Endow- ' 1 ' ments paid..: I.... $3,342,099 68 By Surplus Premiums return- I ' 1 ed I'olicy Holders..7 ... 3,799,242 42 Bv Surrendered. LnpH nH n 1 i Canceldl Policies By Re-insurance paid other ! h Companies j jb 116 33 131 U penses. Salaries, etc 2,002,T24 82 BjT'f Pwd ..... , 126.T13 83 By Balance of Assets Jan 1, '78 6,280,123 46 $16,936,741 67 :.. . LIABILITIES.! , i Net Reserve at 4 per cent, Uble,$5,2C0,336 00 Losses not yet due...i............l I 113.352 18 Dividends of '77, to be paid iX 1 , 178, including Accumulations i . 'on Life Rate Endowments.etc 34.716 65 fc u KPLUS, 4 per cent, basis... I 1 8172,318 00 $61280,713 46 by new TOIK I II! t OIO Ann aa j i'm.v ivi va.iu UHI kvn nearly thirty ier cent, of the Prtnii ASSETS TO EACH S100 LIABILITIES Countries I 1 .......j........$27,720,140,Gold. ! , , ' h . ' .........$5,244,354, bold. fii,Mm,,vj. uoia. I ' i , i1 1 n 1 ...., ........J;... ...$1,083,443, Olid. .$736,155, Gold. JOHZU W. OOZLBOZU 6L sxiol. i - I i ' ,1 24 rorth Water Street, "Wilminctoni Ijr. q SPEER'S Port Crape Wine, Used in Hundreds of Congregations for Com munion purposes. A1S0 j . Excellent forladiei and Weakly Per- 1 1 sons and the A?ed Mt. Prospect Vineyards, New ' 1 Jersey. . 'J 'ii' i "i r i - .i i ' 1 I. Speer's Port Grape Wine! Four Years Old mUIS JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVE Wine is made1 from the mice Grape, raised in this country. Its invaluable Tonic ani SHengttenin Properties are unsurpassed by any other natir Wine. Being the pure juice of the jgrape produced under Mr. Speer's own personal superrision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its gener ous qualities, and the weakest inyalid tnay use it to advantage. It is particularly bene facial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the rarious ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It Is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. . . . ' ,). ! , r INVALIDS USE SFJSER'SPORTVriAJ'E WINE. . . ir t .' FEMALES USE SPEER'S FORT GRAPE WINE. '!'. . 1 . WEAKLY PERSONS FIND A BENEFI1 BY ITS USE. ; T 8peer's Wines In Hospitals are preferred toother Wines, t j f , Sold by Druggiats generally who also pell Speer's Standard Wine Bitters.! Trade sup plied by all wholesale Dealers. I See that the signature of Alfred 8peer, Passaic. N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. 1 I A. SPEER'S ML Prospect Vinerards.Nfw Jersey. Office, No. S4 Warren Sti New York. mch 22 H. Marcus & Son. gOLE AGENTS In this citj of the BAY Baltimore AlejpliUal VIEW BREWERY eerl. lis delphia and Foreign Ale and Lag I i . . the celebrated .U t r . Milwaukio , Beer.1 I.I ' " ! 1 We import and bottle the best brands of ' , - I " : i . JT'.'i-, :- i i ,' .' Seer and offer rare! inducements to par' , I r 1 1 ! ' chasers. Families supplied with ' Beer free of charge for delivery. , Ii I H. MARCUS k SON. I feb 21 No. 5, Market street ; - fr TTT cn make money faster at! work for us il I than at anything else.' Capital , not. re" j quired; we will start you. - $12 par day at home made by the industrious. Men, wo men, boys and girls wanted eyery where ;to work for us. Now ii the time. Coitlr oat j fit and termifrce. . Address Taua k Co., Au 7SSi (P & feGOOofjy Ml I'1 gusta, Maine, j men e I - ':