flOT LOSV, BUT GONE BEFORE. BY FDLA. Oh uo, she is not lost, the loved and cher- lshed Tho' slumbering deep beneath the church yard sod. ' ... Tls but the worthless casket that has per- While she lias gone before us nnto God ! fsleis not lost ;ln youth's bright, sunny Hhe'gave'lier heart with all its-hopes to Then from the world and its allurements She meekly walked the path her Master trod. 5he i not lost ; her lamp was trimmed, and WlienTang the midnight cry, "liehold. He's here !" And bright as dawn of the eternal morning It shone in death s lone vale, serene and clear. She is not lost ; for with a love.undying she gently hovers o'er the. friends left And towards the pearly gate is ever striving To draw the wandering feet of those so dear. Oh' uo, she is not lofct, the loved and cher ished , . " v She lives in heaven, to fade and die no more; And when this tenement of clay has per ish h1, ' , , My soul will greet her on .the eternal shore The Progressive Farmer. . The progressive farmer is he who looks forward with pleasure to that vhich planted now may in the future yield him a fit return for -his trouble arid toil ; whose horizon is not bounded by the -pl Aiitiug and sowing of mere annual crops, lie breeds stock not ony with a view to the natural increase, but at the same time with the intelligent efforts to mane it Utter and better, year by year. He builds sheds and barns for their comfort. These again he shelters with belts and groves if he already has them not. He plants orchards and cares for them. His "garden as well as his farm is a model of MAtness. It is true that he is not found in the corner grocery, nor employed in n, ere gossip iu the village streets. He is generally found at home when nut away on business reading, study ing, seeking pleasure in thinking l best he may . introduce some ad ded convenience for the comfort of his family or the good of his stock. It is this class of men who are gradually p. .min" to see the imDortance of timber ( 0 a planting as one ot the means , to the greatest success. These v ill yet come to know that ten to fifteen per cent of their I'.u ma planted to belts, as a protection, will add fully twenty-five per cent, to the productive capacity of their farms. Thus their growing timber, if of the right varieties, .while it is adding to the pro ductiveness of their fields, will besides give an added value to their farms at the end of ten years at fully twenty-five per cent more. Meanwhile the thinnings from the timber .will fully compensate for the labor expended. in the cultivation. Thus while they will have left a most valuable legacy to their heirs they will have made themselves and their familicj comfortable during their lives. Ashes The btatement has been made we have never seen it tested that a bushel of unleached ashes weighs about forty-eight or fifty pounds. As suming it to be forty-eight pounds, a top-dressing of twenty-five bushels to the acre gives 1,200 pounds of fer tilizers. It is estimated that this quantity of ashes contains about one hundred pounds of potash, three hundred pounds of lime, fifty pounds of magnesia, twenty-five pounds of phosphoric acid, and perhaps ton pounds of sulphuric acid. It will be seen that ashes are about equal iu value to the best commercial guanos, containing the very elements most needed by plants; while guano is val uable mainly for its nitrogen and phosphoric acid. The ashes supply the phosphoric acid, but contains no nitro gen. This is the main difference. The 8 alts of ahea also are generally rendered insoluble by water by the action of the fire, but can be made sol uble by chemical processes. A3b.es are a good fertilizer for any thing that grows, from fruit trees down to potatoes and garden vegeta bles of every kind. As long as farmers can procure them at a reasonable price it is one of the best fertilizers they can use.' They may be applied broadcast, in the hill or drill, or in compost. But in compo3ting care must be taken hot to mix them with anything containing ammonia, as ani mal manures of any kind; Prom the permanency of their effects, and the number of essential elements that they supply, they form perhaps the most economical fertilizers to be bad, and if residing near a town the farmer ought to make arrangements with the inhabitants to purchase all they have. Exchange. " . . H. Marcus & Son . gOLE AGENTS in this city of the 'BAY VIEW BREWERY. Baltimore Ale, Phila delphia and Foreign Ale and Lager. Also the celebrated ' Milwaukie llecr. We import and bottle the best brands oi Beer and offer rare inducement to pur chasers. Families supplied with Beer free of charge for delivery. v H. MARCUS A SON, feb 21 No. 5, Market street. Werner & Prempert's Tonso rial Booms, JOS. 11, North Front and 7 South Front Streets. p Satisfaction guaranteed. None but the most experienced workmen employed in these establishments. Manufacturers of Tonics, Hair Oil, Cologne, Renovators, Dyes, Beautifiers. Ac 4c. : men I Miscellaneous. Send in Your Orders. Havins Facilities ENJOYED j' . BY FEW IN OUR CITY ! We invite ! j ALL TO CALL UPON US, AT OUR STORES. 1 , 5, 7 6l 8 North Front Street- V FOR THEIR j FAMILY SUPBLlfc8! We will give as niuch if not more, Good for the money than any 'Housejn the country, I j And of the very best quality. . We guarantee you always the Very Lowest Prices, the MostjPoliteAttention,and to Deliver your Goods at your Houses in ttxe soonest possible time FREE OF COST ! i i I 1 - : , CA3U A CONSIDERATION 1 J&f Give us a trial and satisfy yourselves. HOATvVKlGlIT & McKOY 5. 7 dt apl 29 0 North Front Streets North Carolina at Gettysburg. APPLICATIONS ARE (CONSTANTLY made for copies of THE OBSERVER containing the articles in regard to ,the con duct of North Carolina troops at GetUyburg. The number of requests Ifor these, from the Northern States especially, has. lately be come so great that, being .unable to jsupply them otherwise it has been determined to publish them in book form. I ( The papers on the subject, on both sides, will be reprinted just as they appeared in Thb Observer, and will make a volume of some two hundred pages. i i The book wWl be printed !on! fair white pa per, with good, clear 'type, and in paper covers will be sold at 25 cents each : I to deal ers and canvassers at $15. per hundred, A library edition will also be made, printed on superior paper and handsomely bound, which will be sold at $1 each to dealers and canvassers at the rate of $60 per hundred. Single copies of either edition mailed post paid on receipt of the price, j ( ' . The book will be ready 'for delivery In a few weeks. Orders accompanied with cash are solicited. Address THE OBSERVER, april27 , Raleigh, N. O. The Observer for 1878. 1 i i THE OBSERVER, a daily and weekly North Carolina Democratic, newspaper, printed at the State Capital, and with a cir culation beyond question of rivalry, is offer ed to subscribers at the following rates : Daily Observer, Three months, $2.00 Six V , 4.00 Twelve " 8 00 Weekly OiispuvER, Three ' 1 1 .50 Six . 4 " i 1.00 " Twelve0' " 2.00 To each person rimitting, after this date, direct to this office, $2 either for The Weekly Observer fer one year, or for Thb Daily Observer for three months, will be mailed postpaid, on application, a copy of the vol ume, ' ' , North Carolina at Gettysburg, handsomely bound in cloth. It will be ready for delivery in a few weeks. To each person remitting after this date, direct to this office $8.00 for the The Duly Observer for one year will be mailed post paid, on application, the same book and in addition any one of the novels of Walter Scott, Thistle Edition, now completed. Address THE OBSERVER, april 27 , - Raleigh J N. C.i . o UH COMBINED CATALOGUE F0K 1878 OF Everything for the Garden. Numbering 175 pages, with colored JJPIate, " " ; ' I - " M':, " SENT FREE , To our customers of past years, and to all purchasers of our books, either GARDEN ING FOR PROFIT, 1 RACTICALjFLORI. CULTURE, or GARDENING FOR PLEAS URE (price $1.50 each, prepaid, by mail). To others, on'receipt of 25c. Plain 'Plant or Seed Catalogues, without Plate, free to all. PETER HENDERSON & CO., Seeedsmen, Market Gardners and Florists,' 35 Cortlandt St, New York. A GREENHOUSE "AT YOUR 1DOOR., For $1.00 we will send free by kail either o' the below-named collections, ! all distinct varieties : ' i j . r ' - 8 Abutilons, or 4 Azaleas 8 Begonias, or 3 Camellias, 2 Caladiums (fancy), or 8 Carnations (monthly), i ' : - , 12 Chrysanthemums, or 12 Coleus, . 8 Centaureas, or 8 other white-leaved plants, 8 Dahlias, or 8 Dianthus (new Japan), j 8 Ferns, 8 Mosses, or 8 Fuchsias, 8 Geraniums, Fancy, 8 variegated, or 8 Ivy leaved, . 1 j 4 Gloxinias, 8 Gladiolus, or 8 Tuberoses (Pearl), 4 Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, 4 Hardy Shrubs, I . 8 Heliotropes, 8 Lantanas ar 8 Petunias, 8 Pansies (new German) or 8 Sal vias, 8 Roses, Monthly, 8 Hardy 1 Hjbrid, or 4 Climbing, . " I 8 Violet (scented) or 8 Daisies, English, 12 Scarcer Bedding, or 12 Scarcer Green house Plants, 16 Verbenas, distinct and splendid torts, 25 Varieties of Flower, or 20 varieties of Veg. etable Seeds, , , or by EXPRESS, buyer to pay charges, 3 collections for $2;. 5 for $3; 9, for $5: 12 for $6; 14 for $7; 18 for I $10; or the fu 1 collection cf 350 varieties of Plants and Seeds sufficient to stock a greenhouse and garden for $25, to our book "Gardening for Pleas ure" and Catalogue offered above (value $1. 75, will be added. j ; y PETER HENDERSON & CO., . '. daw 35 Cortlandt Street, N.X $66 a week in your own town. $5 Out fit free. No ruk. ! Reader, if I you wanta business at which persons of eitner sex can make great pay an we time tney worst, wrile for particular to iu uallett uo., rprtiana, alaine. men 6. Corrected Erery Thursday by( ' PETTEWAY G SCHUUCEH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND PRODUCE BROKERS, r.; ' ak WiucwaioK, N. C. 13?i 12 10 T 9 9 9 &The following quotations repwent th wholesale priced generally, In making up small orders higher price have to be charged. BAGGINQ- Gunny Double Anchor. Double Anchor "A".,... Standard Domestic... .... BACON North Carolina, Hams. V O Shoulders, Ibr... Sides. W.n-. Western Smoked Hams. Sides, V & Shoulders. Dry Salted " Sides, V fi...... Shoulders, V B.,M.....lM.a BEEF Live weight.. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine - Second Hand, each.....;.... 1 75 New York,each, new....... 2 00 BEESWAX B) ....... 25 BRICKS Wilmington, ?M 8 00 10 Q &X9 6 49. 3 Q 11 12 7 6 5 4 00 00 15 25 25 00 1) Northern ...... BUTTER North Carolina B Northern, 10 B CANDLES Sperm ? S.. xaiiow, m., Adamantine, V t... CIKIUSK Northern Factory, B) ... Dairy cream, V tt. 8Ute, yib COFFEE Java, B... . Rio, V Laguyra, V fi CORN MEAL bushel.... COTTON TIES fl....... DOMESTIC 8heeting, 4-4 7$ yard...1... Tarn, boneh ............ nan Mackerel, No. 1, V bW....l 00 No. 1, X bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl... .12 50 No. 2, y bbl........ 6 50 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbL....00 00 Mullets, y bbl........ 3 50 N. C. Herring. V bbL...U. 6 00 9 3 9 9 26 10 00 14 Off 9 & 9 9 O 14 0 00 Q 30 15 9 18 72i 4 9 7 95 9 25 35 40 00 K 14 15K 13 33 18 20 75 6 Dry Cod. V FLOUR Fine, V bbl super, JNortnern. w bbl.. 9 Extra do " V bbl... Family " V bbL.. City Mil!Ex,.Super V bbl... r'amilylf bbl... it 1K9 0 00 5 50 6 25 7 00 7 00 7 50 bbl... 8 00 Ex. Family .KKTlJLilZiEttB Peruvian Guano, ViOOO lbs. 54 00 Baugh's Phosphate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser " ' m mm urouna none, 30 00 & 9 00 00 00 7 00 9 50 3 75 8 00 0 5 00 6 00 6 50 9 8 00 9 7 25 7 75 8 25 Bone Meal I ." FlourJ " Navassa Guano, ' Complete Manure " .Whann's PhMphate iWando Phosphate, " 'BergerABrutx'sRos. " Wilcox, Gibb A Co.; ma nipulated Guano. ..48 00 GLUE V m 9 ' 45 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 50 00 " 00 08 " 00 00 " 03 00 " 00 00 55 00 00 00 51 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 55 00 . 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 67 50 GRAIN Corn,store,56fl)s 72 Corn, cargo, y 56 0s...... 57 IlCorn, yel., V bushel. None. Oats, w bushel...... M. 50 6 10 10 95 Peas, cow, V bushsl HIDES Green, fi Dry,S HAY Eastern, V 100 lbs... North River, V 100 lbs.... 9 9 9 9 9 12 75 58 60 00 Cuba, bbls., V gal........... sugar house, hhds. y gal. HOOP IRON y !ton 80 00 LARD Northern fi 9 North Carolina V fi 11 LIME bbl.... 1 25 LUMBER City steam sa'wd I Ship stuff, resawed, ft. 18 09 Rough edge plank, VMft.16 00 West India cargo, accord--ing to quality, V M ft.. ,12 00 Dressed flooring,seasoned. 15 00 Scantling and boards, com i mon, V Mft ....12 00 MOLASSES Ouba,hhdVgl 33 35 24 bbls.? gal... 26 Orleans Choice bbls. y gal. 37 NAILS Cut,120dto4d,Vk"g 2 85 'mi t . TT T f . . uiuo A.erosene, v irai...... to Lard, gal 1 Linseed, y gal. 1 Rosin, yp gal ' PEANUTS V busheL......J POTATOES Sweet, V bus. Irish. Northern. V bbl 2 P 0 RK Northern, city m ess. 1 2 00 Thin, bbl ...00 00 Prime, y bbl (extra) 10 50 Rump. bbl ..00 00 RICE Carolina, V & 6 East India, S... 00 ,9 Rough, bushel 75 9 RAGS Country, V 2! IK City,?ift 'I rope .j.......... e 9 n 120 1 05 85 00 9 1 10 9 12 O 0 00 20 00 18 00 14 00 25 00 14 00 37 40 10 00 30 75 55 50 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 45 75 45 10 40 00 80 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 . 7 00 1 00 .2 2 22 SALT Alum, V sack Liverpool, sack........... American y sack Marshal's fine, V MckMM. 1 Cadixsa'ck SUGAR Cuba, js Jb ,. Porto Rico, V 9......i...J.. A Coffee, lb B V lb C " V 2 . Ex C V B Crushed lb SOAP Northern, lb...... SHINGLES Contract, VIM 4 Common, f M. 2 Cypress sap M 5 Cypress hearts, V M 6 STAVES W. O. bbL V M.15 R O bhd. V E. ....... .........00 Cypress, V M M..........10 TALLOW- fi TIMBER Shipping V M ...12 Mill, prime per M. 8 Mill, fair per M 7 Inferior to Ordinary,per M 4 WHDiKEY North'n, per gl 1 - North Caroina, per gal... 1 WOOL Unwashed, per fi... Washed, per lb 00 80 00 00 10 00 10 9 ! 11 7 60 75 80 9 45 75 9 10 00 9 ; 9 9 00 9 0 5 O 00 & 6 00 25 3 00 50 0 00 00 10 00 0 25 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 : 9 io 00 13 00 50 10 00 50 8 50 00 00 25. 3 50 60 2 25 O 20 30 18 '28 At Low Figures. 75 Boxes Bacon, &SO Bbls. MolassesV all kinds, 600 Bbls Flqur, allJdnds, 7o Bags Coffee, 75 Bbls. Sugar. We also have on hand a con signment j of whice we will See us. j BIN FORD) LOEB b CO,, apl 29 j Wholesale Grocers. ! Bergner & Engel Beer. 5 CENTS : PEB-i vGLASS, At the OLD CLARENDON BAR. f -. . . I. f - The finest; LIQUORS 10 Cents a Glass aad ; : - CU2ABS ia stock. . , t DICKSEY A GRIFFITH: aprl llv . l, , j Proprietora; ; Bail Boad Lines, &c. CenM SuD'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND A - GUSTA RAILROAD Wilmington, N. C, Noy. 10, 1877. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. , . -i i .... ! On and after Snnday, Nov.-11, the follow lug schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN,(daily ' except Sunday.) i Leave Wilmineton...... ' 10 28 A M Leave Florence-... 3 Arrive atColumbia ; 6 Leave Columhia....... Leave Florence..........i Arrive at Wilmington 8 00 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave Wilmington 7 25 P M Leave Florence .......11 20 P M Arrive atColumbia 2 50 A M Leave Columbia 12 50 A M Leave Florence... 4 18 A M Arrive t Wilmington ....... 8 45AM ; This Train will only stop at Flemington, Whiteville, Fair Blur, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Sumter and Acton between Wilmington and Columbia. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN leept Sundays.) Leave Wilmington 11 00 A M Leave Florence........ 7 00 P M Arrive at Columbia......... 3 10 A M Leave Columbia 12 15 AM Leave Florence....... 8 00 A M Arrive at Wilmington.... 4 00PM . Passengers for Augusta and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. Steamship Lines, &c: 10 PM 20 PM 11 40 PM 3 30PM (Daily, ex 7 Through Sleeting Cars on night trains lor Charleston and Macon. I A. POPE, G P A JOHN F. DITINE, General Supt, nor' 12 V1LMINGT0N & VELDON BAILB0AD COMPANY. Ortioa of Gkh'l Sdpkrihtshdkkt WUmington, N. C, March 5, 1870. On and after Thursday, March 7th, 1878 at 12:45 P. M., Passenger trains on the Wil mington A Weldon Railroad will run as fol lows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at... . 9 05 A M Arrive at Weldon at 3 10 P M Leave Weldon 12 45 P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St Depot at.: 705 P M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at . 7 50 P 3l Arrive at Weldon at 3 10 A ft- Leave Weldon, daily at......L...... 3 15 A Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at ....... 10 10 AM The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. A. POPE, G. P. A. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sunt, mch 7 : . . . - I Soartanbure: & A, R. R.: New Route to theMoun tains of Western No. Ca. THIS NEW ROUTE IS NOW OPSN to the travelling public. Passenger trains leave daily the Depot of the G. A C. R. R. in Columbia at 12:45 p. m., and arrive at ter minus of S. A A. R. R. at 8 p. m., where close connection is made with four-horse coaches- for Flat Rock, Hendersonville, Asheville and Warm Springs. Passengers will have choice to go through or lie over at Mt. Tryon, where the1 fare is excellent, and resume their journey early next morning and thereby enjoy some of the finest moun- i it. TT i rt i 1 X taiu scenery on toe xiuwaru vjrap iurnpiK.e, vu i hf fnnnti in Wosfprn 'N'nrfli HiirnliniL f I f Arrangements have been made with the W. C. A A. R. R., for round trip tickets at the following rates : FronrWil. to Flat Rock and return,!$15.85. " " Asheville and return, $19.85. , it t to farm Springs and return, $25.85. i it u t0 Hendersonville and return, $15.85. , Capt. S. S. Kirkland, of N. C, and for merly of the Air Line R. R., will be present on the arrival of the trains at1 the terminus of the S. A A. R. R., to see that passengers are provided for and sent forward without de lay. On arrival of trains passengers are r e quested to ask for Capt. Kirkland, Passenger and Transportation Agent. I Try this new route. t D.-R. DUNCAN, Pres't. jnly 12 CLYDE'S ' Klew York AND I Wilmington, Wf!;C,f USteamshipllLine, '.The Steamerl BENEFACTOR. : CAPT.'J0NES, W1..jc SAIL FROM NEW VORK OS SATURDAY, May 4. B- Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing; of Steamers as advertised. -fe i For Freight Engagements apply to A. D Cil.Zii.X7Z. Aent, -Wilmington, SiT. C. L t. liELDEtf, SoliciUng Agent WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General agents, 6 Bowling Green, or Pier 13, N. R., New april 29 i - i H5a.Dlininnioire and - ; ( '-. Wilmington. N. C.p STEAMSHIP LINE. The Steamer ' ' D. J. FOLEY, - CAPT. PRICE, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, May 4, Shippers can rely upon the prompt 13111X1? f steamers as advertised. : Through Bills of Lading- given to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt SispatCh guaranteed.' For Freight Engagements apply to1 A. D. CAZAUZ, Agent, Wilmington, W. C. ! L. S. B ELD EN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore. York. 1 apl 29 To our Friends and the r Public Generally. N OT TO BR OUTDONE AS hm-rrri Regards low prices, we offer a full set of Teeth on Silver plate tor $25.00. The 8 me on Gold plate for $50.00; perfect fit guaranteed and entire satisfaction in every instance. Filling and all dental xrperatioms performed skillfully at correspondingly low prices. Teeth extracted without pain. Carr's Tooth Paste constantly on hand. TH0S. B. CARE & SON, dee 11 No. 38 Marketlit Female School. i MISSES BURR A JAMES, Principals. fJlHE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL 8ession of this school will commence on THURS DAY, the 4th of October. Pupils of all ages received, while the same care will be bestow- COTTON YARN. 'mallest child. Object teaching combined Sell at lOW. nerures. t mhn. the PrinciDals. after I .wmw v. , - . -r to be the most advantageous method of lmt parting knowledge to the young and enquir ing child. . . , - ' Vocal music and calisthenics free of extra charge, excepting trifle for the daily nse of calistnenic apparatus. Musical Department under the supervision of Mrs. M. 8. Cuahing, whose loag and faith ful experience renders her peculiarly fitted for this work. I For terms, Ac, see or address Principal; sept 6. j BIST business yom can engage In. $5 to $30 per day made by any worker of either sex, right in their own localities. Particulars and samples i r Tmnvim vnnr mirfl lim t i wurw lice. .v. - - j -r - -- - :- iU business. Address Sriiso A Co., Po rt- t.ana; Maine. v BtH' B, D. MORRILL, Undertaker,;" Carpenter and Cabinet-Maker,S Third Ctreet, Opp.V City! Hal ILL FURNISH COFFINS and Caskets with attendance at short notice. Orders for Carpenter work and Cabinet work respectfully solicited and promptly ex ecuted. All work guaranteed. feb 8 o Telephone, I WING TO THE INTRODUCTION OF the Telephone in the city, I have determined to reduce the price of LAGER BEER to FIVE CENTS A GLASS 1 ' I - rCARL MUGGE, apl 11- Under Dawson Bank Building. The Cosmopolitan. Beer-Lager Beer. rpHE BEST LAGER is sold at my Bar for Five Cents per Glass ! Fine Wines, Ales, Liquors and Cigars al ways on hand. Open Day or Night. 1 .JOHN CARROLL, j apl 11 Proprietor. Lager Beer Notice. II0ZART SALOON. THAT OLD RELIABLE SALOON will from to-dayi sell that celebrated "BERG NER ft ENGEL" BEER at Five Cents per Glass. Fresh arrival of Beer every week. .''.. , i .- : SUMMER DRINKS are now in eeason, prepared in FIRST CLAS S STYLE. apl 11 JOHN HA AR, Jr., Prop- Ice Cream Parlor Wow Open ND I AM READr TO SERVEJMY i patrons with also Strawberries, Fruits v and apl 30 Confectioneries. J. W. Lippitt. m SUBSCRIBE ; . .TO THE y DAILYCREVIEW. Miscellaneous. REVOLVER FREE hi A Revbl w a m m fidges. Address, J. Down A Son, 136 A 138 vvva Si,,t iiwsourgn, i'a. . ; apl i-4w . 1 Q 1 O Soldiers and Widows dan now get J--W Pensions by writing to John Kirk patrick,! Cambridge, Oho. Magistrates wanted as agent. apl 22-4w nnnAKIC HiKtest honors at all World's UnUMnd Exhibitions. Late5t Catalogues and, Circulars, with new styles, reduced pri ces and much information, sent free. MA SON. A HAMLIN ORGAN CO.,1 1 BostSn. New York or Chicago. j apl 22-4w olists renewed. See BeatU's latest Newspa per for full reply sent free. Before buying PIANO or ORGAN read my latest circular Bcatty's celebrated Pianos and Organs, beau tiful Instruments! Challenge comparison 1 Rivals arej ealousff my success ! Most siie. cessful house in America I Commenced aj fetf. w m r m m f r i u i t m fin t n i i a m n i . . n i $2,000,000 annually. Lowest prices ever Riven, elegant Rosewood Pianos, $135, 16 stop Church Organs $115, tremendous bar- Kiuo now reaay. Aaarefs, - I ; DANIEL IF. R E ATT Y, i Hi AD v If Mil WAR april22-4w Washington, New Jersey. t $50 For a CASE of CATARRH That Sanford's Radical Cure for Catarrh will not instantly e lieve ("fid speedily, cure. iteferen cs, Ilcnry Wtl; Efal, Wells, r'arijo. a Co., Aurora. NJ Y.;Wm. liowi-n, Esq., Mc. Uattdn, Grant A Uowcn, St. Louis. .Testimonials p f a-d treatise by mail. ..'tpri.ee, with t(l rtll improved Inhaler, $ I. cold every .IJ LI U wnere. w tfcivrt a i'um,K, I'ro- prietors. Boston, Mass. apl 22-4 w AT FA C- PIANOS AND ORGANS TORY PRICES. Great Reduction to close out present stock of 500 1 New and Second hand Instruments of five first-class makecs, fuKy warrantrd axid at prices that defy' coh rETinoN for this class of Instruments. Agents wanted for Watkks' SurKuioa RelL OkoanSs and Pianos. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. Horace Waters A Sons, Manufacturers and Dealers, 10 East 14th St., New York. Also General Agents for Shonijjgeh'b Celebrated Premium Organs. apr22-4wi in MM i mum ii iu DOCTOR'S REPORTS H. R. Stevens. Esq. ': j Dear Sir : Wa have been selling yourkal- ii -r, . - .1 J J lie. .1 uaDie v egeune ior mree years, nu neubu 4hat it gives perfect satisfaction. We believe it to be the bett blood rurifier now Jol?.: Very respectfullv, Pr, J. E. RROWN & CO., Druggists, -' apl 22 4v Uniontown, Ky. : : - 4- 1 PORUS I -PLASTER was invented to overcome the great objection ever found to the old style of piorus plasters that of slow action in bringing relief. . lien son's Capcine Porus Plaster relieves pain at once and cures quickly. It imparts a ser8a-H tion of gentle and stimulating warmth, and brings rest and comfort to the sufferer. . Benson's Porus Plaster received the high est and only medal awarded to planters. Price 25 cents. ; - l Each genuine Benson's-Capcine Plaster has the word Capcine cut through the placer Take no other. april 22-4w Benson's Cancine N e w Spring: Bu tte; JOE0. RIYERS 9, 11 and 13 South Front Stro. rpHIRD SHIPMENT JUST RECEiyKf. 300 Bbls. Extra Family 'Flour. 10 Tierces I X L Pig Hams, Should- ; ders and Breakfast Strips. I ' 20 Boxes D. S. Sides. Pig Pork', Ful ton Market Beef, Extra Fat No. 1 Shore Mackerel, ' Apples, Or- anges and Lemons. . ' 250 Roxes Laundry "and Toilet Soaps, best and cheapest in THE SI AIL.. The Largest and Cheapest stock of WINE, TEAS, LIQUORS, SEOAR3 and TOBACCO. Cash Buyers will save money selecting from this immense stock of Groceries I i Thousands ? Yes, thousands of nice thing? ior Easter, Sweet Notions, Canned Good3, Choice Cured Meats, Ac, Ac. 1 , " P. S. Free delivery per stmrj Passport o any part of the country day or night. j GEORGE MYERS) 9, ii a 13' a. rnozTTAT april 1 . a B o P X't s Happy Kkhef to Yodbq Man from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Mas hood Restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment, eir and remarkable remedies. Books and circulars sent Ifree in sealed envelopes. Address Howard Association, 419 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution having a high reputation for honorable con dnct and professional skilL 0 A Furniture. I, LARGE 1ND WELL SELECTED ' 1 I i Stock of New and Latest Stjlei of. Black Walnut and Maple Chamber, Parlor I and Dining Koom Suite, Now in Stock and MARKED DOWN to suit the times. Call and examine Price? Goods and Terms. D. A. SM ITH & CO. J ! Furniture Dealers, North Front St apl 18 ' Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, a lady of good char acter, to take charge of a gentleman's family n the country. Good references must be given. Apply to A. B. C, apl 10 :Burgaw Postofic.