; ' ; - . ;." , - r -i ' - -f. ! ' r . . . c i ; J : , 1 j i. . ., . ' -...-,'..' - . I ' : ' ; ' 1 . " ' ' " ' ' ' ' 1 ' ... - - K -n . ' i -:'Y Y'" j '" : I' .''" . 4 published avery (afternoon, Bundayi x- ZDITO& AVD PBOPKIKTOR. 8UD80RIFXI0K8, POSTAGE PAJD. Um year.CS GO Kx nonths, $160 ; Three oaths, (1 IS jOoe month, 60 cent. The paper wttl be delivered by carriers, free barge, laaay pert of the city, at he ehore rale, or IS eepta per week. HAdrertkiag ratea low end liberal r p&mAmetibtrt will pleaae report any and all tattmrea to reeeive their papers regularly Xovr AdTortiaements. NEW DRES8 GOODS ! Jaat received The Uteet Vevelties of tao Season ! - At ' Vory Low Prices I PARASOLS ! A Beaatlfal Assortment from 13 1-3 cents up ! Gents' UAf.lSUTTA SHIRTS, 1100 LUeo Bosoms and Heavily Lined. UO OHOOQ Cutting in there Shirt ! TO cents each ! PROM 4i 3L-Q -up I may 21 STATE OF NOBTII CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, - . May 21st, 1878. ft the Yoteisof N&w Hanoyer Ccnnty JH ACCOBDAJfC&wltk a Resolution pass ed by the Board of Jnetieee of the Peace for Vew Hanorer County, in meeting aasembled, If ay Id, IjfB, ad in obedience to their or deri, I' hereby fire notice that there will be "AY SJIf I&BLY NEW REGISTRATION 0JTOTXS8' of tbttounty of New Hano er,te commence on the TWEXTY-SEV-IJTTH (17th) DAT OF JUNE, 1878, and to CONTINUB FOR THIRTY (30) DAYS (SondAje excepted,) receding the election to he held oa the First Thursday In August, 1ST. ' JOHN COWAN, HeereUry Board of Justices of the Feacer aiay 11 lw for New Hanover Co. Festival. THE YOUffO LADIES of the Children's Manorial Aseoelatlon will hold a Feiti- Tal Best 171111 AT mi &Zilix$ Jlfi in 81., lathe mist store lnErans' Block, on Prin Ma street. The worthy and humane object far wkieh the raitival win be held, it is hoped Iwlll attr4larg andiiberal attendance on the atertalaaaet. ' W may IT-! COMMITTEE. Otrayborry Pestivali tHI LADIES OF FRONT STREET M, B. Cktttft wfl five ft Strawberry and Ice Cxeaat FWraI it the Rankin Hall on TUEi DAY NIQHT, 13th fast. , mey V A DTCSllSB I TM WlLMINQTOsT (Weekly) JOURNAL Ofiee corner Water and Chestnut streets, p stairs, Broivri Roddick BKOWN&RODDICK 'Ml? JLJLJLJ J r.; VOL. 3. W I LOCAL NEWS. 5 o w "AclTerttsetnentB. XUox tlegaat BJack Cloth. ' M. Jhwbtt Lok. I : Pi-dcbi? arc beginning to turn ri.i." i M ke d p$A of soft sokp and emery for polishing sf?eL Use caibolic acid and water to purify siuks, draiu3, etc Wbeu the boatswain pipes all hand who furnishes tbe tocbacco? . Ibe Yecect heavy rains ought to I bring mi ik down to low waterjmark. "j Dip candle wicks into spirits of turpen tiue and then dry belora using, 1 Old naint nails and cans may be thoroughly cleaned withj strong, hot lye. x I i h- When washing cambrics, do not allow soap to come in contact with the ! fabric. A spoonful of Vinegar shfould always be but into the water in which hsh is ii i boiled. 1 : i- ' - i The rain it rained again last nujht and the rain god deluged everything and every body caught out. in it. ' Kow Uok outrfor scrub! yacht races the river, between Jthis and the time on for the regular races. , - A special train will be ru on the C C. R. W., on the 12th inst. o carry delegates to the State. Conven ion, at Raleigh Don't forset th'ti Festival !to be given this evening by the ladies of Front Street Methodist Church, in Rankin Hall., They will feast you on the best, and not charge you too much for it, either. The picnic to have been given to the scholars of Misses Burr & Jamek' school, to Hilton to-day, was postponed On account of the general wetness of the weather, the grass and the ground, until to-morrow. At a meeting ol the delegates from this county to the Congressional Convention,' tor bo held at Clinton on Friday , next, the 31st "inst., Mr. F. W. kerchner was elected Chairman of the Delegation. Improvements. The elegant structure in course of con struction on Sunset pleted. Preparations Hill is about corn- are being made to tile the roof, and when the house is finished ,it will be occupied by a celebrated novelist, ' i who U now writing a novel, to be knowji as Drift-Wood . ' j 1 1 1 i " ' i ' -1 t- , i-'X- Masonic. The Grand Chaptir of Royal Arch Masonscf North Carolina will 'meet in Winston on f Monday June 3d. The Winston Chapter have planned an escur-i sion to the Pilot Mountain! for tho enter tainment of the visiting brethren.! Open Air Concert. There is .but little doubt that the retail stores will, from the first of June, ..be closed at 7 f o'clock in the tho music loving porttiion evening of the ' and com- munity are looking j forward with much air! pleasure to the open concerts 1 of the Cornet Concert Club. It is Right, Proprietors and clerks in the , retail es tablishments uptown are discussing-the question of closing their placcsof business at 7J o'clock during fie heae3 1 term. It is 'right thatfsomo'recreaiion should be given those pf tfcjpoiJi4uainty rhoAre ap with the lark and who are 'cooped ip sotospeak, for fourteen or fifteen hours a day. Walking Hats. New walking hats, foif the ci y or for travelling, are of black chip; with sides turned up slightly all around, and bound with velvet. These have roukd crowns, and are very handsome when trimmed and some with satin and gauze together I leathers. Flowers are never used on such hats. The trimmings around the crown should be very fully pkated, reaching out to the brim, or else the hrt wiil- have V scant look. An edging of two rows bf silk braid, with a piping of black satin ber tweeti, is very sty lis bats. h i onvthc briui of such Make no Mistake. In I)ooLi&i'a PowdkU you get the best article of the kind in tho .world. aTha cabs are always ! iuu weigni ine &muo itseiL uie purest! and strongest possvbleio tbat a-imailei- quantity than usual suffices. Do you want your baking always" "perfect?" Don't fail then to use Dooley's Yeast Powdsb;4 Mothers, Mothers, Mothers. rfr Don't fail to procure Mbs. Wr&iw's SooTiUNa Sy&up for all diseases of teeth ing in children. It relieves the child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates; the bowels, ana, oy grvingreiier ananeaiin to ho child, gives rest to the mother. 1 r 1 ! IV -'.y ttvr A? :J a - f.i A' ' J W AV I i I 41 v " ' i I i ! Tiw nut lo i'JY ttl ti -rdfn.! o.f ,..!;. .f . ;i, ..,.' . . i ' ' . . - t i? -- -1 I -- war- ' :- " 4- 1 '" . , I - j ; r ; 1 LMINGTON, Nl C; , T 4 hi t j Daily Review 8piciai. uRalIQH, ; May 2&h Harnett, Uouxay Convrntlon lias deelarid for WaddelL , . D. .'. Utt For Colombia. U; Mi . , The Wilmington & Weldoo lafiU Wil mington; Columbia & AngusU Railroads will pats delegates to the Ckmgreaaional Convention to be held at Clinton ,On Saturday next; for three ceuto i mile each way, and the Carolina Central Rail way for one fair for tbe round trip. Rev. Alexander sprunt. The pulpit x of ' the First' Presby tei iin Church was filed last Sunday evening by Rev. Alexander Sprunt who preached a very fine, interesting and! instructive ser- inoc. Mr. oprunt is a young man oi tal ent and bids fair to take a stand among the leading divines of the South, i j A Compromise. j The' long unsettled matter of a tole- graph tax has been finally adjusted after various conferences between the city, and business committees and Mr. L. A. Angela the manager here. The- result which was arrived at yesterday afternoon is that the company .will withdraw the additional charge male by them of 25 cents on each message for this city and substitute thereupon 10 cents as collec table on each message delivered ( here,4he special city tax being fixed at $50 per month. A tax of $25 a month and no additional charge on messages was sug gested but was not agreed to. - - OYerboardi . Oq Sunday night last Patrick Jordan, the insane Irishman who was sent here from Columbus county, and who has been allowed to go at largo for some time past. was discovered by the watohmah at the depot of the W C. & A. R. R. leaning against a warehouse. ' The watchman approached to warn him off when Jordan struck him a powerful blow. The watch man did not know the man, and looking ttpOH Chitras part; of a welMatd scheme of violence atid robbery, drew his1 pistol and leveled it at his assailant. To his surprise Jordan broke into a boisterous laugh, and told him to shoot, whereupon the watchman blew fer the city police to come up and take nini off ' to the" guard house.' Officer 'Wocbse appeared in an swer to the summons, and then Jordan ran off towards ' the dock and Jumping on a stick of timber, paddled out t into 4 the river with his hands for paddles. The officers got a boat and followed him, and finally managed to secure him but not until they had both taken an involuntary bath'in the river, tho results of their efforts to secure the madman without doing him bodily injuries. Jordan is now held to await some disposition' by the proper au- thorUies. ' ' " i ' - Bad! Beliaylor at the Opera Ilonsc 1 - - We ! come now ,to :, write about a matter to which we respectfully invite the attention of the proper authorities with the earnest hope and desire that the sub- ect will receive immediate and proper at tention ' ' , I There is a crowd of. half grown boys, and ' perhaps some of older growth. too, who frequont the Opera House whenever here is a performance enacted there, and occasions' who j by their conduct on such mar the pleasure of the audience frequent ,yj id no little degree, Their behavior, to say the least that can be said of it on such occasions,has been yery indecor ups indeed But last night it was . simply outrageous and ' unendurable. All kinds of shrill whistles E were started from the benches immediately kin rear of the parquet! which were echoed in the gallery only to be re-echoed back again from the benches where these unearthly noises were , origi nally started from. In addition to this, each boy who Was provided with a great big elub called a stick, '. hammered Jaway on the seat in front until ladies who occu pied that row of seats in the parquette felt that they would almost be compelled to leave tbplsOT-thhrwbole-fime-wa jarred and made.ta ebjpthesede demonstrations rni5Catfer appTause; YYet not a Twliceman' moved to make an arrest or to cause quiei j to-be restored. Such conduct xnignt terr'well suit tne Bowery, k;; and ;we.TerV,serioaly doibt wrfethet etieh be oavloriwauld be allowed even there, but it certainly is not fitting fer ajefiued and chaste entertain ment like the one last nighty 4 where" the aniien1 ;ii J ctiwpQ9&li&trz& gen tlemen " f very hne pig-fish4 sold f in the market yesterday afternoon at 10 cents a bunch. i TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1 I . '"lie Beaatiral QoecB, Esther, j . The CantaU of Esther, the beautifu fun was' again repeated at; the Opera tfoujse last nignt--this tirne for the bene fit pt 1 Pifessor' Chase, and was greeted wiui a Moraine iair auaience as regard 3 numbers, surpassing fair as regards their appreciation of the excellent music uu uuo MiuuK vi iuose wno cook pari jn quartettes and duets were rn dered before tho play of Esther commenced The first of these, a quartette, Oh, how I Jove my Mountain Home", was sung in excellent atyte1 the Misses 'Hiompson ana zuessrs. u. u.-Robinoii and w. li. Northrop ,t Miss SallieM.Thbmpson, by special re quest sang ' the Scotch ballad MComin' thro the Rye" in such exquisite style and with so charming a 'manner that she was applauded again and again. Professor A. Paul! delighted the audi ence with a well performed piece on the violincello entitled "A Prayer from Stra della.: ; ;i The duet "Friendship" I by the Misses Thompson, soprano and ontraltd voices, was sweet enough to have been repeated and to have received the heart v encore that it did. The quartette of Messrs. Manning, Welsh, Mitchell and Chase, "What Beaas 8o Bright", was rendered with fine effect. The mingling of four such fine rich voices in such perfect harmony was delightful to listen to. : We have written j so frequently about tne uantata, tnat we deem it hardly ne cessary to make more than a rapid review of the performance last night. The duet between the King and Hainan wasOod and enjoyable. Esther's "I'll go unto the King' wa3 sweet and touch ing. Zeresh, Haman's wife, wasjust sim ply irresistible and charming, and her act ing was by no means inferior to her sing. ing. WhileHaman'8 singing was all that it should be, candor compels! us . to say that his acting in one scene was very poor; wo think 'could ha ve1 Made' ' a better Ha inan ourself right then, and wehave'nt any voice for singing either. The entire performance passed off with much eclat and reflects great credit upon Professor Chase and the talented ladies and gentlemen who assisted him. For. the Review. National Memorial Service, May the , , 30th, 1818. Decoration Day is a holy day which enlists every class of our citizens. Each had its heroes. All rejoiced in the vic tory, and can mingle in the tribute of sympathy and sorrow which on each re curring 4 year we pay to the departed valor of those who died that the nation might live. . .'. j "There's a burden of grief ou the breezes of spring, j - . - ! And a song of regret fioni the bird -on its wing; There's a pall on the sunshine and over the flowers, And a shadow of graves on these spirits of ' " ours." : . r All, the Blue and the Grey, are re spectfully invited to assemble at the National Cemetery at 4 o'clock p. m., on the 30th inst., to participate in, or wit ness, the ceremony attending the decora tion of the graves of the nation's dead. The military, under command of Lt. Col. G. L. Mabson, and all organizations, will assemble at their usual place of i meeting at S o'clock, and march to the cemetery by such route and manner as they may choose. The Excelsior Rose Bud and Cape Fear Bands will" disccurse . appropriate music en route to the cemetery. EXKBCISES AT THE CEMETEEY 1. ' Dirge Excelsior Rose Bud Band. 2. By the Choir "Rest, Soldier, Rest."' 3. PrayeT W. A. Green, Chaplain 5th Battalion. 4. By Brave. the Choir "Honor to the 5. Oration Geo. Z. French, Esq. 5. Dirge Excelsior Rose Bud Band . By the Choir "Cover them over with beautiful flowers." 8. Doxology By the people. H9. Benediction 10. Decorotion of graves, ll Firing a salute by the miliUry The ground will be in charge of the Marshal who will assign eacborganization to proper poaition, and preserve order. I Thr, Superintendent of the cemetery requests that no carriages will enter the enclosure. : , : ( : KespectfuUy, : ! E. H. UcQvigv; Secretray of Committee 1878. NO. 101 Bonn Know. yc have been asked frequently of late if 'any special prizes were to be offered by the : merchants of the city for the yacht races which are to take place at an early date on the river? We are unable to answer but think it more than likely that some inducements will be 1 held out bv somebody. Xot Coming. t Hie two colored companies of the N. C. 8. G., of Fayetteville, which were ex pected to arri ve bere on Wednesday night to participate in j the decoration of the graves pf the Federal dead on the COth, have notified the colored companies of this city that; it will be impossible for them to be in' attendance, on account ol some hitch in the transportation. Excursion. J llie bunday bchool children of St. Thomas' Catholic Church icdulgell in an excursion and picnic, at jilaultsbys Point to-day The steamer North East carried them to the Point and a3 there has been pleasant sunshiny we&ther since morning, we have no doubt that ; tho enjoyment of tho day was universal. The excursion was given to the Kerchner. School by Mr. F. w Bowing Race. There is to be a rowing match next Tuesday evening between the row boats White Swa7i and Little Katie. The start will be made at C o'clock from Market Dock, the route to extend to Kidder's mill and back ; ; there oarsmen to each boat. 11 bo V four Bets of cigars were freely offered and taken oh the wharf this afternoon as to which would be the winning boat. Both boat3 with their full crews will be out for practice on tbe river this afternoon. The Merchants' Excursion to Wil mlngton, Smlthviiic, fcc. j In accordance with an invitation1 from the authorities of the Carolina Central Railroad, .the merchants and other patrons of this road in Charlotte, met at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, last night, to fix the time for an excursion to Wilmington, Waccamaw Lake and i Smithvillr, tendered them by the officers of the Carolina Central. The meeting was large. After some discussion, Wed nesday, the 29th of May, wa3 agreed upon as the time. A resolution was adbpted thanking Capt. V.'Q. Johnson ,'Capt. T. Tt Smith and other officials j of the road for the kind tender of the Excursion. It promises to be a large and exceedingly pleasant one. An invitation willjjbe ex tended to the merchants along tho line of the Carolina Central and Western North Carolina Railroads.- Charlotte 1 Observer. Caught In the Act For sometime past Capt. Owen Fennell, a commission merchant on the wharf, has been missing cotton from his warehonse at the comer of Mulberry and North Water streets, and in one or two instan ces has been; very nearly upon the I thief being so close on one occasion as to make him drop his bag. But yester day afternoon about half past five o'clock he was a littlo nearer than that, and pounced right in upon the thief while hewa8 filling his bag, the rascal already having filled a cask .or barrel alter ripping open the ends of two bales to supply his cask and bag- from. Capt. Fennell im mediately seized'hold of the "gemmem'' and turned him over to a policeman who carried him to the! guard house and locked him up. This morning ;he case came up before the Mayor and he bound the defendant over to the next term of Criminaljj Court requiring a justified bond of $50 for his appearance at that term, in default of which the prisoner was delivered into the custody of the Sheriff. The defend ant is a colored man and gave his name as James Williamson. The only case for trial before the City Court this morning was that of the colored mam James Williamson charged with lar ceny, an account of which is elsewhere published in this issue. 1 ; Sampson and Samson. Clinton, May 24, 1678. Editor Review : Sampson county, in convention assem bled here to-day , voted by an overwhelm ing majority that the Third Congressional District has another Samson by whose mighty aim the Republican Philistines in the district may be slain in the coming campaign and his name spelled in full is Alfred Moore Waddell. In other words Sampson county will go into Convention on the 31st Waddell all i over. How strong Uh dot for Samson ? Thine, T, J. L. -ULEA-si NOTICE. We will be glad to receive communication from our friend on ear end all snbjecttoi general interest but : .' f J The name' of the writer mu?t always be furnished to the Editor. r ... i 1. uncmucauoiu must be iwnttcn on onlt one aide of the paper. I I Personalities mint be avoided. Andit is eepeciair and particniarlyi under stood that lie editor' does not alwaye endor the views of corresndthts, unless so stated in the editorial columns. I List; of Letters, j . ' Tho "fylljuing is.t.lip list of letttr rc-:" maining' unclainicd in the PcstofiicoJ Wil mington, X. C; Wodr.csd;iv. Mav' both, f 1878 : ' - . ' ' . . - ''t I. B Mr John Bci ry cure Dock ilouit, J . W Iiarres. Alfred Lu'iitunr Annie Bohdr ' ' C W F Clark, mrs I! T Girnish, ; Hannah J Cumbcs.. II C Everett, Memico IJenning, care L WalLu, AiU Cramncr,E I I Innm,, I L. I I c.iroj'Shepard Paj-ne, Edw A Charles. 1 F.dic Frti- F Miss Emma FrcdtricU, scm. mrs JS G Floy!. ' - : II Mrs -Sarah II I II. c:uv Maiia Martin mrs roily Henderson, 1:1:5s Amclin, Hooper, vchariah llusstv. '.lJhuiitv' IlOtlllf: care V::i Holme. v J- Serel.ah Johnjc-n, tun 'Mc- I- Cai t U H Price, Aiiioiiia 'ardr, Muik-e M:v.ks, Torr.mit-- Miller, care Jmi Cin;jJ!;an,. una C 1 Mullett, nm Mullit Merr.i'tt, ilea! laieet, (.xraMorriMy, inis.N Kat-e iliinniii;;, Mary-Modire, ftiro Willi Oldham. Violet lU:v, Jlne .Mcr'ritt care Harriet Merritt. R Oatheiine Howe, J M 111 odL'S.. K RU .Smith, F A Smith. T-j-Rev Win Tuckeii,- Dai,' S beull, Uiis lavtiu iliornton, nits Char lotte TaiTAtieh, master ".h-iva Sinletary , mr ueo U aiiAmnio. W--Mis W, I- Wailac c. Curt i'k v, a' Wobvi; Wright nils Mary J' . Wiuslo Wyatt Li Wood,. Miirhiw tou, David Wiiislovv. I miui:- 1'ersons calling 1 r ; i..-tt.c i hi above list will please say '"advertised" if noli claim ed in GO days viiibe sent to di ail letter Onicc.Washiiigtou, 1). C. ' E. R. mtiXK, Jj'. M.-. .; Wilmington, T, C. New Hatiover County, X. C. Hotel Arrivals. . .v Puiici-LL House. Wilmington, 'X.- ). ' May :27th. CoLb Bros., , proprietors ! . from 10:10 o'clock, May ptli, t 10:!! J o'clock May 28th Cornelics DuP.uis, .Jr; II Ammidown and wifej II P Ammii down, Xew York; H P Short, JrJ Like Waccamaw, X O, W.J' Parker, Bladen County, X C; E Xyc Hutchison, Char lotte, X C; William Burd, St LoiuLs, M( GA Whitehead, Augusta. Go: Jlames (j Shaw, Savannah, ra; George I Z - French, Kocky Point, N 1 C; Banfucl Albcr.tson Kenansville. h (J, li Captain II. C. Brock, Clilcl" of Pollc Honor to Whom Honor Is line To Editor of the Daily Jlevicv. In company with' one of our Icadim; merchants yesterday, I took a drivt over the city, and could but be struck with great improvement in numberlefis streets and side walks' whifi have been mark by the above named gentleman sinco je has been oflice. Upon enquiry I.was -.. told that all of this work has been done with only four carts, while under the former Marshal, there were fifteen carts. Look at this work for yourselves',1 and seel if he is not the right man 1 in the right place. In addition jto all this : he nas made the only decent road to the "city of the dead," which is and, will bo a lasting monument to his name, and hei daily receives the praise due io him from' the thousands who visit that lovely spoi . .Why should he not be most highly com mended in his efl"ort3 to make thej place look m6re like a city than any officer who has ever had the streets in charge? All praise then to him. Tho .improvements he has made have done more to enhance ' the value of property than any Marshal" can boast of since the war. That's tne way. to spend the people's money entire satisfaction. their Justic k Reliable WIiic. Mr. A. Speer, of Xew Jersey, ( whose Port Grape Wine has such a wide re putation, and which Physicians prescribe so generally, was the first in this country to introduce the art of making wine; from the Oporto Grape, which i3 now II ihe best wine to behad, and has become!' a great favorite among the1 most fashionable ..' in Xew "Vjork and Philadelphia. - j The Grand Central Hotel, New York) possesses, all the requirements, in sizei style, location and appointments of the modern first-class hotel, and keeps Its reputation as a model house. ' New Advertisoment. Elegant Black Cloth KD DOE3KIX FOR DRESS SUITS, Fashionably Lade an! wrll trimmed, .ai 1 may 28 MU.VSOX'S. Look pi AT TIIS ANTIQUE POTTERyJ con- rijtinjf of 1'erorian Water Jarf, Chinese, Old SaxoD, Roman, Greek, Portland and Olpe Vaefl, Watch Stand, Teapota, Mop, Card ReceiTert, Ac., at I ; S. JEW ETTS, I apl 13 Front 8treet Book Store. Rock Spring Houe. T OC LTED in the moet prominent baBuuig -Mt pari oi tne eitr, conrement to Rail Road uepou ana Lap e Jr ear Steamboat. Neat and clean beda. The table will be supplied withacjb u iha market afford, Board per day, $1.5. Siri gje lueus, weenie may 1?I-ltd-3tir. I?OE,'T LEF,l'rop. V I1 I! I V i i ! k 5 t

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