V I i it I V. 4- t f i. ! IToT7Tildvorttcomcnt3. Millinery Goods! MOW OP E N I H C . XT THE OLD 8TAKD AT Exchanee Corner, - Tfc rtnert tu&Kori Begintlj Ausrled Stock ol Illiery aii Fancy 4 . . Ever brought to Wilmlag;tou.nAt leait that U'wkt the Ladies say, and nodod yriH contradict them. The new tockeompriiea all of tbe latest tyles In HATS. BOflflETS.'FLOWERS RIBBONS, ORNAMENTS, SILK end ell of the Fancy Trimmings I No one cm possibly object on the icore ? of prices, ea Hate may be had for SO Cents and Up I of all ?zee end shades and fcbapefl. Wreaths and Flowers. la thle line wo hTe an unusually large and t frell ielected stock among which will be - -t ' r fonnd gome of the handsoBiest V All etjlee and Jprlcee that haa erer ' ' been exhibited to the Ladiei of V Wilmington. ,' RIBBONS In ' all shades and in magnificent rarietv. QR0S GRAIN, SATIN and SATJN and GR0S GRAIN COLLARS ASD CUFFS. The latest, newest, beet made and altogether the cheapeit itock in this maaket. j I S In great Variety I To- flt ererybodj and to suit everybody I PffPPF ClClflDK Be enreto examine our stock of Crepe Oooda before making your purchases. Crepe J . . i Telia at aAl prioea. .A few bought at a great bargain will be sold at a bargain. A beau- 'uful article for $6 25, worth $12, and others tn Ilka nronortlon. j I U I J, Ull 53 X M. I. in C5 i All kinds .of Dreae Buttons, unique In -J.. .m.1. . .iih iiwuifl a wt L luu iuiUMaiiJftubaMllluvg www. A full and handsome line of Pearl Buttons. fancy and Plain, all the rage for the new Spring Dresses. SUN SHADES. Special atuntion ia directed to our stock of Sun Bhades and Umbrellas. None better, ooMebeaperand none more durable ever m tbla market. Sold very low. . oCered AZTnll tri of Kocnmgs, au aimas anai priossj. ' ' Cftm Tlsnn Ruohlng of all styles and at all prlea. v Should you want Collars and Cuflk, don't Call to go to Exchange Corner. Bnoald you want Ties, Scarfs or Laoe Goods of any kind, unlike wha any one! else don't fall to go to Jixcnange uorner Rhnni! Toovant frlnzea to match yourl f.. - - -. - - ae w vdress. dont fall to go to Kxcnangei Corner, Should roa wantnythlng. In act, In the -i - - UlUlnerj or Fancy Goods Line, don't (fell to to to Eretiangtt Corner. - ' I . - Something You Should Come : at Once and Get A. fta lot of Flower and Fruit Baskets, boajht Fifty per Cent, under cost, and sold at a mall margin. the tama Goods I have Two or Three Dotea WIRE ORNAMENTS for Flowers, of all dMigna. ' ThesefGoods are very cheap. Call at one. Goods The Daily; Review., r s 1 1 . i. JAM KS Ed. ani Prop 8ATUBDAT J0SB3D, 185a FOR CONGRESS XbZ. , OF KEW-IIAXOVER. OTudg-es Snpreme Court : FOR CHIEF JUSTICE. n. S. SMITH. OF WAKE. FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES TZXOEZAS S ASBS, OFJ ANSON. JOHP7 II. DILIiRD; OF ROCKINGHAM. i FOR SOLICITOR : SWIFT OF GREENE. VIEWS AND REVIEWS. The i philosopher of the iNew York f boarding houses of the city of Now York klone woulil, if gathered together, torm a pyramid with a basj of one thousand square feot and a height of six hundred and fifty feet." Toe Fiix du Jockey Club, commonly called the i'-ench Derby, wa3 founded in 1J36. The prize was then $1,000; it has gradually increased, till dow it amounts to $10,000. . From 1826 to 1877 the bum of $1,938,160 .has been added by the Jockey Club. At New York there seeics to be a gen eral decline in 'the prices of the shares and loans of the p it? lender railway com- paniea of that city. The bonds; being - secured by the real t estate and personal property of tlie companies, are not "greatly HfiVcted, but the elevated roads are seriously ahV -mg the price of stock and J sen;. , Senator Thumb s red-silk handker- chief, which figured so conspicuously during the sessions of the Electoral Com- mission, will appear ia Mr. Fassett's painting of the tribunal. The Senator has been sketched with the handkerchief thrown carelessiy over his arm, and it will be so handed down to nosteritv. General James Grant Wilson, at whoso ! residence the poet Bryant happened-' to havo hia fatal fall, is about to turn the accident to good accouDt by writing "a biographical memoir" to float a new edi- j Uon of Mr Bryant's "Library of Foetry an- SonS-" Tljc &nirig Post very - properly makes this announcement the text ;or some pungent remarks on bio- graphical penny-a-lining. It seems to be now asurcd that J jjonald Uameron, ot l'eunsyivania, ,wni receive, undivided Republican support for. the United States Senatorship. Gov. . Martranlt. who was selected by the anti- manieronrjnterest as the man-.to. make ngnt ngaiusc tne regular cauaiaate, lias pottively announced that he will not . al- 10W ni nnie to go ix'iore tne legislature. The Nautilus, which left Boston June 3, was spoken by the Adriatic of the White Star line oh the 19th ' at a point ajxut one-fourth the distance to Europe, The little vessel is the smallest that ever attempted to cross tbe Atlantic. MerJ two passtngeii were 'well, and the only assisUuce they lequired was information o tbeir latitude and longitude . : The auditor of public accounts of Vir- giuw icivcu ictuiua iiiu an uuuu- lies anu cuies oi mat aiate usins ioe Moffett whiskey register from the date of their being put into operation up to April 30. These returns indicate that the to tal yield oS revenues from tlw ;.8!e of whbkey taxes, etc.,. will foot a p for tbe year i50o,4. 4, as against $202,195 here- tofore reported as the amount assessed on - o i huw 1,1 -c,j "car j i o-i i Tho. jolly members of 'the ' Hobbken .,uuurvus v, mvuus, sayshe Jsew lork -Sun, enjoyed the first feaat of the season in the grove in the rear of Gabo Case's hotel, in 'Jerome avenue1! beef steaks, 150 boiled ;eggs, The! turtle eaters were nearly all heavy weights, amonc.them being ;raany polilicians, hotel proprietor, merchant, lawyers, and turimen. vner naviagtajteu account or e. 1 i-1 : stock, it was deci Jed that Col. Cush had eaten the rriost. In the pools he was in- ciuaea in mo uem. j uois ua niui paia lil ! il.. C .11 1 1. 1 " ' $370 CO. Ilia grand total waa.vl wenty- one plates of soup, thirty "hard-boiled tvaa Qnn! :lt mil'rrrJ tnn rkitnn.lA cfbi K - vw.., wuua un tno tnree long tauies were loo pounds Cross: And:Sa nier to: iftfnder-th -v .a . - i nf Tn?h m;ickerpl ffl twines nf ool.l .1 ! i. . - .. . r rr..r- VCry best, pyisteirrot.etuics jeueeue.m 50 pounds of turtle steaks, 50 pounds of neuttalizioff the power of sintherfl A FAIT II TIIAT IS NOT FAITH, Balph Waldo Emmerson, m a paper rcc4tlc3atribntea to Itho North Um?XcalfMiu tited "SoVbr ignty VtethioflprocUimwith a show lferuoitio4 ihbbifof uew faith aud labors to ' petsnadhis readers that a worship based upon it will necessarily be that which shall engage the devotions of the future Ameiican. Hie Home Journal has copied the ar ticle nnder the head of "The Failhfof the Future ." Mr. , Emmer son lays down ae, the Corner Stone of this strange edifice this very' compxehen sive definition of the term tcorship: Worship' he says, is the regard for what is above ns," by which he evi dently means whatever is incompre sible. In his view of the subject what we have been taught to believe as the most solemn act of religious duty may be so - construed as to embrace any act of superstitions reverence, any system of idolatry, however, monstrous, so long as the mind is blinded to the belief that it is right in rendering such adoration, to say nothing of the very common form known as hero worship, which has of late years obtained such a strong hold upon the average American mind, and which by the eye of reason may be seeri to be working out its legiti mate results, the subversion of good government, and the fraudulent absorption of the inherent rights of the people, by reducing the mind to a condition of slavery to the ories, which-1 have no foundation in truth, thereby rendering man a pliant instrument in promoting the ends of evil ai d ambitious aspirants of power. Mr. EaQmtrson ignores entirely tbe religions inetinc: in man a fact which had ever been admitted, and proclaim ed by the history of the human race, in whatever state of society it hasjbeen . m 3 found. And he attempts toconiounu, at one fell swoop, religion and? ethics, by giving to the latter a dignity and oontrol ovt-r human actions , to whicn it can never attain, except through the 'regenerating power of the former1. Iu a word his theory, if theory it may K,0 callt-d.would sei. up in our midst, as legitimate worship, a blind obedience Q ' impulse, which is as various and iinsi'nfil in its exercises as the cr- cumstanco which tend to produce it, . . . ii i f ui, - And this, he avers is no iruo wiu which the Amwican mind is naturally tendifigi. Mr. Emmerson'a whole ar- tide is a diejointed chain of generan- ties, irom wmcti oniy-ouo wuwuu can be drawn ; that ho has read Uat book called the Bible to lint little pur pose if he has not discovered in it the foundation of hia much boasted sybtem of ethics. lie will find it expanded in the ten Commandments given to Moses. Jit is again condensed in the short compass of a si jiple sentence, ' ' tin jjO unio oiucip ni j4-'14, shpulddo to you, ' And again it is ex pressed in a form that cannot be. mis-; taken, "Love thy , neiguoor ua jf self." Xow, if Mr. Emmergon( can not draw out: either of these passages. into n better svstem ol etnicsman uy. , conceive or with wLich he . kaV'1 if.'';ri' nVrfilfi !rfoof that his mind is better "adap tea to fiction' than to ' the"-development of truth. But this is not where we mas direct issue with Mr. Eminefson. -"i We WiM'clfc lt1rri."tbat: ' if utho Bible. wuich prorniEea the only true founda- 1 UUIU Ml 1 - tlon upon which to erect a system ol ethics, recals to ju3 the" necessity ot 'tuliressingf It upi in 'shallow hours oragesJ With iegends;' - traditions -and forms, we give nis own- wurua, wo ar.e, inclined to think that the Bible 1 is trqe and that Mr. Emmetson ' idle j speculations about the "human mino when trustea never oeiDg xuIBO w sell , ana tne conauct ui tu " maming Bteadf ast amidst the decline of -religion -and tfiety isjbut atyflusioa bf that ' very1 thin Substance :kno wn I as a3.; 1 But in - deference to Mrv Emer- Wo will -feall it- erudite l-gaaV son , We:are willing td adcord' to.man as ,-, ffe , A, Sl ,r. eartn, mucn inai iui., sMunnxumvu olaim for him. But, aitertall,i we are still forced to- the . edi, elusion,'. based uppri a 'careful irtviuwjjOl; hia career, thai be is cot to be treated beyond the in'uneis of U hat inighiy jorcc con centrated bytthennfinita wisdom of his ' Creator under, dtba Bahneri ihet e tnlai ibe-. a faith and ! worahi D a whieh shall Ibara Christ for its 'centrarity." If; lib be not so, wbV is it that the strictly moral- ttatesmen of dur day . I . . ... hav ib the exereiee of their treat moral ideas, " in direct 1 Tlolatioh of Mri Rmmerona th&irp.fc 'Aj ml '1 1 . . . - i suoverung tbe best government in the world, a government founded upon the admission of h very truth's which We I liAra ailiMw Q ; TTT1 . i ' i uva ouiauucuf. v ay are xueFt moral they have offended?; And why is our country cursed with countless i3me, the legitimate ii imate reealts of man's eittempC to Ik for his own ihnato ktrengtu' ? walk jNotmcg is mor.ei evident iaprict;ce thari4bat mind ?mu3tw slip by stepJJlit woallaUiui tMaJr grand view of its own powers or of the wis dom of the Creator, as manifested in His works. Thi3 wisdom is preemi nently hown in ,the existence of , a m6ral principle or1 conscience whichf we find implanted in man's nature, alTord- ingas.u.does a living evidencercon- firmed. by the revealed moral law, tut a guide for its action, of the remaining trace pf the glory of man's original constitution. But it is of. itself ina dequate to effect tha restoration of that glory. It serves only as a bridge over which fallen man may walk till he shall reach the confines of truth, From thence he must walk by the eye of Faith A Faith that shall embrace God's commandments with obedience, and His promises with trust. If Mr. Emmerson will but contract the results of his theory in practice with the fruits borne by the system we here commend to his consideration, we venture the belief that he will not be long in choosing which in best to live bv. ( New bern Nut Shell.) k & Jf. C. Railroad. A large number of stockholders of the Atlantio & N. G. R. It. assembled yesterday in the spacious bail room of the Atlantic Hotel for the purpose of organizing a oermauent Board of Stockholders. J. G. -Wooted, of Iviu ston, was made temporary Chairman and Messrs. Pool of. the Neivb..rniant and Bznitof the Goldsbpro Messen ger, made temporary Secretaries. The attempt to organize a Board failed for want of a quorum. It seem injunctions had been issued by JuUge 'Sf ymour, restraining stock holders from votirg their stock in a divided state, although the same thing had been done in times past by other stockholders who are not Under in" junction. The State, represented by Judge Manly, believing this to bo unequal and unjust, , declined going into a meeting until the stockholders, en joined had an opportunity to obviate this inquali'y by injunctions, or otherwise. , Judge M., said the State, from its standpoint, did not object to -inquiry, but desired it; that the rule of voting might - bo made equally applicable to all and in accordance with the spirit and intent of the charter. This course, be said, was taken in pursuanco of in junctions from His Excellency tbe Governor. Pender Counly New Postoflice on Moore's Creek Secured through Col. Waddell. " Moore's Cueek, Ckdau Dale P. O., ) :-. I 'en dee Co., Juno 27,. 1878. Mu'. Editor You can see from the above caption that we have had estab lished through the influence of that esti mable gentleman and our, much esteemed friend, Col A. M. Waddell, a1 new Post oflice by the name of Cedar Dale. This new office is one mile off the- old route from Rocky .Point to Black . River Chapel on an' intersecting road that in tersects tho old Fayetteville and Sampson roads, also about two miles from ihat memorable old place, the, battle ground of Moore's Creek, where the onco famous battle taat was won aided so much' in the termination of the Revolution within our own State. .This Postoffice has been much needed for some time, U being five miles each to the nearest offices, Long Creek and Point Caswell. 1 Crops are good in this section and our people devote more of their time to farm ing than formerly on account of thff very low prices of , naval stores. We have hundreds of acres of good clayey subsoil land perfectly adapted to cotton "and we look forward and hope that theday is not far distant when this will be the, cot ton section of Pender. We are sure by a little jimprovement.'that they.' cannot be surpassed by any in the State.' And Sir, we have tha needed material on our own farms without having to send abroad; for commercial fertilizers. , . .., We have some specimens of very fine marlj which we think cannot be excelled in either of the Carolinas. We are anx ious to have Prof.'Ken 'visit US' ' and will take pleasure in taking him through our i: 1 Jease send to this office some extra copiesof your valuable JopBSAji for dis tribution.1 I'am anxious that every citi zen? in the vicinity of Cedar Dale should be a 'subscriber: to the Joobnal; : I am, very.rcspfietfuljy yours, V An Open Letter It Speaks for Itself . i Rockoet, iTAss.:i April '2d, ; 1877 .;Mfcil3DrT0B 'Having read f!n' your ra per.repbrts of 4he remarkable oureaef ca tarrl I am indoced to tfelLj? what I know: about catarrhj" and l.'fopefj the .'annHJ' and f inhalipg7 tube makers, (mfejdollar grabbers) 'would "be, gTad t( ,they could emblazdn'a similar cure iir 'the'" papers. For 26 i years I suflered wih catarrh. -The nasal passages became completely ftlosed. Snuff," "dust "ashesT f;iri-haling-tubes" arid 'tfcftoTiia'nt work, Uiough at intervals, -I- wouUl Rniff up the so-called catarrh snuff until. X be came a valuable tester for such medicines I 'graduallyv grew worse, and no one, am know how much I suffered or what : a miserable beinj J waA. JHy bead i ached over my eyea sp that X-was confined to my bod for many .successive days, . suffer ing the most intense pain, which at one time .lasted continuously j for 1C8 hours, All sense of smell and ; taste gone, ;sigbt and hearing impaired.' body shrunken ( and weakened, nervous, system: shattered time. I prayed for death to relieve me of my suffering. A favoi able notice in your paper of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. r j i -... . m puuecu me to purcnase a pacsage ana lise it with I)r? J'ierce's Kasal Douchofc Which apjdies thremeily of hydrostatic pressure insure, the iry y cr,rupatible with nmon sr:se k Vel 1. Sir Editor, il d'd I cure iirtKrc-Hir!hs of a second, com hot nor in one hour r rn'ja':i, iut inlessthan eight minutes I was relieved, aud in three months entirely cured, and have remained so for over sixteen months. While using the Caiarrhllmedy, I used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to purify my blood and strengthen my stomach. I also ""k'epfTny1- liver active and bowels regular by the use of hU Pleasant Purga tive Pellets.Jffmyexperience; will in duce other sufferers to seek the same means bf relief, this letter will' have an swered' its purpose. Yours truly, , d&wlt S. D. Rejiick. Miscellaneous Soartanbura: & A ' ' ' - - . - : New Routo to the Mountains of Western No. Ca. TU13 NEW ROCTK ' W NOW OPS' , to the travelling public. Passenger trains leave daily tbe Depot of the G. A C. R. R, in Columbia at 12:45 p. ru., and Arrive at ter minus of S. & A. U. R.. at 8 p. iu., where close connection ia made with four-horfle coaches for Flat Rock, Uenderaonville, Aabeville and Warm Springs. Passenger will hare choice to go through or lie over at Ait- Tryon, where the fare is excellent, and resume their journey early next morning and thereby ei'joy tome of the finest moan tain scenery on the Howard Gap turnpike, to be found in Western. North Carolina. 'Arrangements have been made with the W. C. & X." R. R., for round trip ticket at the fo lowing rates : . Fr Wil. to Flat Rock and return, $15.85. u . Aeheville and return, $19.85. i" " to Warm Spring and return, ; ' $25.85. ' ti Hendersonville and return. $15,S5. 8. Kirkland, of N. C., and for Capt. merly of the Air Line R. R., will be present on the arrival of the trains at the terminus of the S. A A. R. R., to see that passengers are provided for and sent forward without de lay. On arrival of trains passengers are re quested to aak for Cap t. Kirkland, Passenger and Transportation Agent. Try this new route. D. R. DUNCAN, PreVt. julj 12 "13 Best in M W orlfl." Fresh Family SPlUcs ! EW GOODS! - . i " The Very Best Extra Family Flour, in barrels and half barrels, The Best Table Butter, i The Best Fresh Boasted Coffee, ground to order, . The Best Pure Lard, The Best Sugar Cured Pig Hams, ' Pig Shoulders, Breakfast Strips, Smoked Beef and ; Tongues. ' THE BEST OF ALL Choice Groceries Sold by . . . .1 GEORGE MYERS, & 13j3. rnoiiT ST1 jane 2 t Wrights ville Sound. JPAMILIE3 RESIDING : on, the Sound can be supplied with Vegetables, Melons J Poultry and Groceries DELIVERED by 1 leaving , r : - " orders at the office of . iune 21 PETTEWA.Y & SC0OLKEN. TO ADVERTISERS. Geo. P. Kowell & Co's SELECT LIST Lbcal Newspapers. Many persons suppose this list to be com posed of CHEAP, low-priced newspapers. The fact is quite otherwise. Trie Catalogue states exactlv what the rarers are. When the name of the paper is printed in fall-face type It is in every instauce the best paper m inepiace. wnen pnnjea inuapiiaw " 1 th rknlir nnnpr 1n ihAnlacp. When nrlnt- in Roman letters It U neither the best nor the only paper, but m usually a very gooa one, notwithstanding. - .The list gives tne population orevery town ana me circulation. bf every Daner. It U not a Co-operative Last, It is not a Cheap List. At f her foot of the Catalogue for each gtate the-important towns which are not covered by the list are enumetated. It is an Honest lAsU ;Tbe list Includes 970 newspapers, of which 163 are Issued Dally and 807 WeeJjy - They are lo cated in 835 differer t cities and towns, of which 22 are tstate Capitals, Ks piaceJi of over 5,000 population, and ill County tieaU. Lists Kent' on Application. Address -GEO-P. KOWELX, &CO'0 Newspaper Ad vertlalnz Bureau 10 BprnceSt. ilrlnling House 8q.) BRUCE WILLIAMS, ; - ATXOXLI7B7. -AS XrA.W, ' Pender County,lf. C. ' - TTTILL ATTEND at Stanford, (Bargaw) Wi -every Jlonday, and at hi office at Liliiagtoa, the remainder of the week. . Collection! and Conveyancing a Specialty. , jane'4-dtw - : - i PURCELL HOUSE. it : i ; s. i i - ' ,, i ; J (Formerly the NatWioal Hotel.) NORFOLK ;..J VIKGINIA, j J. R; DAVIS. Pr'D TL.TE3-rvl2 50 andjsijer day, accord. xdD-i-ajtwera Odclal Yptc Tor Cpirehior In 1ST We annex the official vote for Governor cast in November, 1876., This statement will be found, very convenient and , useful for reIcTcnce Tho'rpircscnutfon in Sta, Congressional, Judicial'- and Senatorial ConverAions is based upon this vote: . COUNTIES. Alamance.... v.. . 1850 80S Alexander. 1...... A lleghany 613 Anson.... 1585 Ashe..... Beaufort. 1067 1C88 1120 1395 1006 Bertie...... Bladen....i..i..U..,.l.. BranswickV. ;iXLl.i::.UZ Buhoomba Burke 1965 1195 Cabarrus ... Caldwell.... 1629 1172 Camden Carteret Cnswell... Catawba.. Chatham : Cherokee.. Chowan., Clay ....... i Cleveland"...-... ....... : Oiliimbus.., Craven...... Cumlferland Currituck... Dare - Dav iilbon .1 .. Davie. Duplin... Eilgecombo Forsyth-. mmm'. Franklin. . Gaston..... Gates...... , Graham0.. Granville.. Greene Guilford... Halifax .. Harnett .. Haywood. ................... Houderson.V.. Hertford.......... Hyde.. Iredell.. Jackson... Johnston Jones , Lenoir......... . Lincoln Hff Madison Martin.. a McDowell.. Mecklenburg Mitchell.;.......:;........... Mootgomery ..I Mooreu..... Nash. New Hanover .Northampton f. Onslow....... J Orange. .. Pamlico. Pasquotank.... Pender..... . . f erquimana..,. Person rut. ............. roik Randolph J . .. Richmond..-. ..i.. Robeson .................... Rockingham Rowan. , Rutherford.;.., Sampson ....... .. -. .. .. ..... Stanly ........................ Stokes.... ....... ............. Surry.. Swain.... Transylvania Tyrrell.....; 21G3 1231 2071 954 1129 1286 370 437 546 1564 4192 1315 "676 Union Wake - - j. nHl Warren U . .1 j'.' j( "X." Washington....... . ......... Watauga ...... .i. . .. . C7C l2248 Wayne wiikes.... Wilson . .... v !;:..' ? ' V' " 1284 Yadkin...- l ancey. Total'...'..,..'.,:.. 123203 11017$. 110178; v ances majority.. 9 Votes WiAChekee1. - - . m m i 1 18025 THOS. J. SOTTT 17D LIVERY AND SALE 8TABLX3, ' : - cr r- fj i r - nHjjT.r 4-, Coraar Third as,d Prineaa Dtrei, ; i i i Wilmisftoa, N.O.Q Hones and Yehlelet for ,hir at re a aonabie ratea. Excurfion parties itoi th Sound and country aecomModaUd. I " . wuu' .ibmwii. may 26 fnie Old lloufle Keopened. THE OLD AND RELIABLE Watclimaker'fl & Jovrellor'o Establislimbriti r 1 Uas been reopened by one of Its former employes. u- Mr. J. it Alien; PrUcal'17atchma- l' ker.andMr, Jm, 8. Ff Broirn, Jeweller and Engraver, will-be "feonstantlj la tXi f tendance, and will give their personal at tention to work Intrusted to them. Coronometeri Hated and Uautical Instrnnenti Eep&ired t , Tlcne taken by Transit liiztrr&icat. ,? Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silrerwaro and Piacy , Goods , 1 - 1 - Call at tha old stsnd of !raos;w; BEbx7rj coiid, : ; 17: 07 IirarictClrcst.'' v 'f V,' t i f- J ; 1 !1 fit Jchaaa Corar.- teen cuds of coffee. , . 1 feukd of tho moral Jw egminat whU1 iogaod' spiltinS sevenighths of thq ,JSloca - '- . - - ; ' - : . .;, , - , - i i t 5 - I I ) ' - . . -f 1

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