'! - v New Advertisements. Fancy I vnn iiif At MM" vrnmw LVMiim i. t Wow is the Time To procure your 4 and Millinery Goods Exchange Corner fr your TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, Ths Pail y Review. IOMI. T. JAMKS, K1. ami lrop WILMINGTON. IV. C. MONDAY JULY , 1878. ALFHI2D OF NEW I WADDELL, ANOVER. Jndges Supremo Court : FOR -CHIEF JUSriCE. 1 ' VJ. X. II. SIVTITII. oY.WAKE. . i. . : i r THE MEXICAN TKOUBLES. man was caned upon. But' the Secretary General Ord, .in a recent interview found it as difficult to make-a speech to with the Cbicigo Times, gives a lively the good people of Wyoming "Valley in vw of i ho difficulties i and perils of Pennsylvania as he did to determine the tituiticn. i He ssys the Mexican whether he wrote that lelt?r to Anderson nitional fcrce3 professedly employed and Weber, which was an important to wa'ch these Indians are simply Tag- question before the Potter Investigating aborda captured by the police at abnll Committee. For a few moments after Gght or any casual collection of the commencing his speech, everything went i ' ' ji. r i i . :ui ii i .' . . . A t popu: ice anu cirntu miu camp Dounu i on emuuimy, uut ne was soon interrupted with rcpes. The authorities dare i ot by facetious calls for Mrs Jenks," "3Irs bring regn'.ar troops so. near tho fror.- Jenks," "Fetch her out," "flow a the old tier, because, being unpaid and poor- girl now ' etc., much to the delight cf ly fed, Ihf y wou!d desert. the unterrified and to the confusion of the - i Ord eavs n!ainlv thm tho Secretary. Surely, thete is but one John Mexican troops are not fused to pre- Sherman, and' the syndicate (not MTbe T-nr.f ridini to the Texas side. When Jenkb ) is his profit. 1 a pillaging expedition is contemplated ' m FOU ASSOCIATE JUSTICES THOMAS H- A SHE, Or AXSOX. ' - the fact isnearly always well adver tised weeks beforehand. The Indians cross over to the American side in open broad daylight ; they recro3s in an equally open manner, and retire WASMXGTOX LETTER. Washington, D. C, July Gib 1ST: Your corresponcent did not overesti mate the importance of tfae testimony ot E.Ii L. G. Dennis of Florida, or of E JOIIIM II. DILLARD, OF HOCK INGRAM. breath, every pulsation lofthe heart, ever movement of a limb, every thought, make waste and necessitates the development o new atoms. The used up particles in the blood are sifted fib-m it and dissolved in the watery fluid by the kjdneys, which' then uisciiante tnisiiuid into the bladder. A train of disasters to the system would follow If these "ashes' so to speajk, were no thor oughly strained off and discharged. This Is the case when the kidneys liecumc inactive Hostetter s Stomach! Hitters, h bstheir activity, hot only keeiis open a nios- lmportant outlet for impurities, but pre, vents diseases of the kidnevs themselves which when inert lecome liable to fall a prey tp diabetes. Brishfs disease, neppLstls albumenuriaand other maladies specially incident to them,, which, although not specially rapid in their progression, are par ticularly obstinate and fatal. Miscellaneous Judges Superior Court SEVENTH DISTRICT. ! J P. GRAVES, of si'iinv. I ' ; 1 . ... J "!."' . WILL 3n I THEREFORE IHSU3E ACAiNST THEIH ! Br taking out a Yearly Policy in the EIGHTH DISTIHCT. I OF BURKE J I BUTTONS, LACES, . HDK'FS, NINTH DISTIljCT.. JA5. C. I.. GUDGEK, OF HAYWOOl; leisurely with their plunder into the Weber, of Louisiana. It is impos-sible mountain fastnesses. Recently a band t0 s.- -1 hese meQ were truatW rathcal . . t politicians, and are not impeached. Thev oi raiders COBM m u. wu iU OD testify to speci6c acts of fraud Efficient wnicu io iraogpori, iueu piuuuer aeross to have ch.Dged the result of the Presi- the river. The work was performed dent election, and name witnesses to cor- in open day, and under the very noses' roborate them. Weber also says that he of the Mexican . authorities. This held. thj famous Sherman- letter and it . -'. ' I was iu oueruan b nana wrung, ne names sort of thing is of f requentV)ccurrence. other witnesSe8 wuo have the same knowl- Tho General declares that the Mexi- edge of its contents and authorship, j So can forces stand between the raiders important is this testimony considered .n,i ti.n Am0r,Vn rQ r,,q Aa'iiv that Mf. Sherman will send his lawyers UUSlTUUb lUtJ pUlSUll iULtUO LUIOVCB. Ho did not say, in so many words, that the bo-called protectors were as bad of reform in his office by as the pillagers, but it1 was impossible Appointment Clerk of the Department . . . .. 1-41 jj , Large numbers of removals are anticipa iu iook iub general in me yo uuu not t d Th SecretUv wi,i t heky now understand that he meant Eomething do what ouht to be done in every De- 1-5 Cents will insure agairib Accidcuta Miflcellanedui. TO ADVfRTlSjERSj uco. l lEowclI , SELECT LIST OF Local Wewspapers Many iiersons sunpnKo thin iui L. J 1 lie; fact Is ouite otherwl whaLthA rwn .."VUr the name of the paper is printed in Vuii t n PilLM XTJP in8uScenth; ? J,? iiiir. i hA it. " of e very paper. notTlXT? ii is not a i 'heap 1,1st; A t th , 'f catalgcne for each sui ti. ..l""'.1'" towns which are not coveml by the uLy2! iv iuufy,u newspapers. of whlrK km I issued Dally and 807 Weekly? ? iy jT cated in 8S diireren t eiti- ..Tru lo- wh Ich 5,uoo population d VlT un Vur now J,l,lj a (X) iS NevsDAner A(1vmi i nupeanosrrceSt.llXTDrJ1llVi,''tl 1 & A LIFE IKSURANOE CO., OF JIOIULE, AL . Soartanburer R. R. w AwvrMww w uiu iuu uu tains of Western No. Ca. I and the other witnesaes. Secretary Schurz ha3 commenced the pitactical work of reform in his office by dismissing the MAURICE cCARTHY, Prcsi.lotit. H. M. FillFXD, Secretary. HOSF, CHI.DREN'S FANCY HALF HOSF, HAIR QaNAMEKTS, GLOYES, and .mythin eii-i yu should want In the Fancy Iinc ! FOR SOLICITOR : I SWIFT CAIiIiOWil3T OF GRKKNK: it came VIEWS AHU KKVIKWS. 'This ii the Champs after vou. General " said Ulysses, named the uallant Part of the kind. i i partment reorganize the various Bureaus ! . 7 .1J I - , 1 . V - - Gen. Ord said it way a mortifvirig aDU uroP mea WU,J aru Kuuwa lP VG, m epectacle to the Americans living on I anxnfthpm, Tt is arM, ataLt , , .. I I J o . - the Dorucr to ue compenea to witness this that he i dismisses Zach Qhandler's such dastardly violations of the appointment clerk, a man who knew no neutrality lawj. The Texan author! ; ties have all they can do to restrain the people from taking the matter into their own haudd, . The population of that State is swelling up toward a mil- Virginian that lion, and the country adjacent to the border is 160 rich in pastoral and and LO worth or fitness for office unless in the form of rabid Radicalism, unfitness it it came in that form. Sanator Withers, in a recent interview. adopts the suggestion of another eminent Senator Ihurmans bril liant record at! the last session! of Con gress put him THIS NEW ROUTE , IS NOW OVtH to the tr.rellinjr public. Putenger train, leave dad j the Depot of the O. n R it in Columbia at 12:45 p. n,:, and arrire at'Jr minu8 of S. A. R. R. at. 8 p. d., where close connection ii made with four-hort coache. for Flat Rock, Uendernriiu , Aiherille and Warm Spring P Jener, will baTe choice to go through or lie orer at Mt. Trrot, where the fare if. excellent; and and thereby enjoy some of themett moun tain acenerj on the Howard Gap urnpike, to be found in Western North Carolina. '. Arrangements hare ben niti .v. r Event of Death, & fS,;. for rottnd From Wil, to Fiat Rock and returntklS. ASDeTiiie and return . tia ok oc o onui nia jetarn, 9id.B&. I j. to HenderBonrille and return 315,85. ' . ') i j Ii ' ' 1 T' . . . . U1 ana for merly of the Air Line R. R.. will IL On the arrival nf 4Ka . . .x. , RATES 1 Day 25 cents j 2 Days 50 cents; J 4 A.K. R., to see that paMnlerf for one day $3,000 in the i i the fuui of Oil, $15j00 Per Week Indemnity for Disabling Injuries. u tt tt tt in the lead as a Demo- 5 Dy8 $1.25 , iq Day.J2.50) ,0 0.,. $500. ,.7V OniVi 6f. Sii'SS IS . w vwwuk . M DMC ir. j: jii. r. . i . it L i itian driving Grant along the c ncf boul- otherjrtsoutces to be abandoned, and Thurm5Jn is h-self a native of iruia( 1819. 29th ex-t inner as well mightily llattered. j Kearney, the politicall rocket of the Pacific slope, was born hi Oakmount, Coaiity Gjrk, Ireland, ip l"J7; spent his youth cn the se.i, reached San Francisco uslirst oliicer olthe clipper ship tS.iooiinr Star in 1SG8, is a Catho ic, i married, temperate and swears like a trooper id harangue. evard. And it is intimated that the great all because it is perpetually overrun though he has resided in Ohio since as rs-Prpsidnnt. . wn bv hordes of-nlutidcre rs from the od- He is 05 vears of ase. was in the r - - - af a. : a. i tt j positeside of tha riveir. The tier of Congress, has been Chief Juiticf and i i I I TrT7orn r.r nf f Ihir otir r rxxr in hie! car v c?. - , 4AVOi ond term of six years in the Sedate He ... ' i ' . i i . r i . - m ,ieiii3,. uro parucuiarjy untaie js eminently sound as a lawyer. Yearly policies per $1,000, aceddin to written at short notice by ARTI June 25 for habitation, owing to these depreda- with ail, and, unlike many men of real tory incursions. Tha general said, with ability; is not ashtmed to learn something w ' I : 4. 1 j J? nnn.l- r . u I cvcLi ui Liiico siUfc jCdib ciiiu. live. r" it a. i rv l i i i ri t i i i : m iirr-i t; i ijimi.i popular General Insurance Agency r, nmt-A ..L. - - . IT! I I . .. issued at fromSa to$20 rr.."r.:A:lpuirKia?a WK m .v.- . 1 occupation, and Try this new route. .!';. in D. R. DUNCAN, 4. FreJ'U UR J. HILL, Agent, Wilininffton, N. C. a correspondent has no candidate these outrages could not be presidency, but will be haprjy if for Your the borne alwavs, and that if. the Fine Spanish Lace, Some of the newspaper are not OF using it vears ago white ami black, for Tics and Scarfs. New ajainst Mrs. Jmks that a Tew she undertook to prosecute a claim in Wa&h'njjton and represented that she Veilings of all stvhs. was not married. 1 he Philadelphia .Times thinks there;, is very j little 1 to i : induce a belief that she is; it is the unfor- lunate air. .jenKs wuo seems to be raar- I i . ried. - a list cf British places, pensions and CreD6 Cind Crep3 VeilS sinecures, in 1819, appear the names j of 1 C !-TT T-t'. riwaru oinppen Arnoui, dames liooert- son ArnoM, Geo. ' Arnold, and ftphia Matilda AViolJ the-firstj three for -100 a vear, ir.e jasi iur iiiuu.. l liey arc pensions given by royal signl manual and a note is appenueii: ".n. i : neso are ; 1 ! tlie children of tht notorious American i General Arnold. 1 I Ala gonerai nomination tans upon a man crovernment refused to act. the people Sde than henator Thurman. I I . ! It. 1 1 1 I I 11 ! ! ! of Texas would march over into! Mexi- moDguepuDiicans nere naruiy any I I i I nno hill: (rrant la enntcn nf F.r co one cf these fine mornings! and stir mna T;v,w .nf nv. heathenish re Bla?ne. Washburn and thei rest I 9 it make his praise. ; We are again having rumors of trouble with Mexico. I But the Secretary of State W at the JilHN w. GHRnnn less 24 Worth all qaaliiies. cheap. Don't forget the BEST SCISSORS from S an Fr. n AND NEEDLES in the world 1 NOW FOR The f a est ra.itl advices t cisco indicate that the I Kearney ites or Communists will 1 avo overwhelming conu-ol of the Constitutional ConvcntionJ They have chosen something like two i thirds of the members, about a hundret i 1 : .. x-?. t J iu nuuiLHT, icavjng uie ocri anisans or Corporatic'Uists thirt3-iiine, the Ilepub hcans seven and the. Democrats four. The majority, or ratlT plurality , of the Kearnevitcs in the Stale is over two tlou- i sana. ilinery Goods ! U tluv who have not louj!ht their HATS. BONNETS. AND OTHER MILLINERY ARTICLES, Shoul I take advantage of this month's - selections, as prices have btvn In New York, last Wei 000 acres of land in McDowell countv. W. V., represented as heavily timbered white oak and mineral lancs was sold at public auction. The landi were sold in ..i lot of 1,000 acres or more" to suit pur chasers. One half of the tract was knnrl:. .i iner ? nesday, SG0,- & Co., at half a ed down to G. P. Bom cent per acre. Hie balance was sold mostly to Germans in U.ts of from 1,000 to 10,000 acres at from one jialf a cent . - - to a cent -.and a-half er acre. The average price realized l"o was fct. per acre. : San Francisco haa a police justice who the! entire tract 4 law mainly reduced such as will surprise them 1 All those desirous of bar gain should call ! n, h. sprutjt, julyS Excbir8 Ccruer. deals out the terrors of the with a view to tilling the municipal treas ury, and there is hardly nny ofience on which he is empowered to administer judgment but may be atoned for bv a cah payment. He is a 1 proStablo judi cial cflicer, pecuniarily, though he mav bo a loss otherwise. The .fines imposed by him on an average a day foot up over two thousand dollars. Amng the sen r tenets were: For disturbing the peace, 2o0 or 125 days prison; !kr malicious mischief, 250 or 125 days; for indulgio" in profane laguage, $300 or 150 day. A Z : Tor battery. S00 or 150 day $; for misde meanor, 3150 or 75 day!; for a "drunk," $150 or CO day. j r f up the na'ives of that public in a manner that jwould old Montezuma turn over! in his jstone sepulchre. If this should coma to pass the drubbing which the "Greas ers would get would be a iDod dea severer than What they might expec to receive in a scientific warfare. He said no other gnat government but this on the face of the ecrth would have borne with imch d vstardy insults aud outrages without giving" the psrpetrators a tremendous threshing. The conversation turned cn the ade quacy ol the present force m tho ds rpartment of Texas for ths protection of uettlers on the border. General Ord said that the available - tr'oops iu his command did not number to exceed eighteen hundred or two ' ' i thousand. A condition of turbulence and hostility exists alocgp the Eio Grande for a distance of fourteen hundred miles. This (extent of bcr- dor cmnot be guarded effectively by two thousand troops. ;. If they were deployed out over thai whole distance the Beutinelswonld.be nearly a -mile apart. The General j told the re porter thrat "murders were committed almost daily at all the exposed points. Recently tho raiders j killed thirteen herders jn oii3 neighborhood. He had letters fram ranchmen giving particular cf the inost atrocious crimes upon the white settlers on the American side. He did not expect any immediate improvement in the condition of affairs down there dnring the present! summer. Corn was now selling on the Mex'can side at six doliaisper bushel. The, people back iu the interior had sufferedmuch from famine, and they were without money. Not being possessed with ithe where withal for buying corn, it was to be expected that they would not dis courage raiding, especially as it offtr ed about the only means of livelihood open to them. tne same jSherman, unite in Water & BRO.j Street- The Old IIouso Keopcneil. THE OLD AND RELIAB1 ii Watchmaker's & Jewbllor's Establishment,' j Has been reopened by one of Its former ; . employes. iup for last declares himself for peace, and the Secre tary of War is on on a pleasure trip, and we may therefore conclude that the danger is not ' imminent. ' vhat the United States should' do is to assist Mex ico in every possible way in maintain ing peace on the border and tranquility in the interior. There is no credit to be gained by bullying. I The past ien days has been extremely hot here. Congress 'did well to close its excited session just when it did, legislation on. any of the i nights of would have been an impossiti ity. Though differing never) so widely on nearly every question of public policy to suit the rival inteiests of different localities, there is unanimity among Radical organs j in the bitter warfare wage 1 on j Speaker Kandall. which has attracted the atten tion of intelligent observers everywhere, and of every shade of politics. The avid ity with -which they have seized upon, misrepresented, twisted land perverted! the words of his late speech in' response to the royal reception tendered him in Philadelphia, from the great "Metropolitan dailies" of our large cities to the cross road w e kly with a subscr'ption list of near ly 200, pretty accurately indicates , the feeling of consternation with which they . I ! -i Jf. nave note u ms resisuess scnaes towaras the supreme leadership of the opposition withia the past two years. And their frantic efforts to forestall the action of the next national nominating Convention !of Denocracy as far as to compass his defeat REPRESENTING OVER . i ' j :"' . I- i 1 i h I r. I . i i ' " I Fifty Mil Uori Dollars Assets i:. ' FIRK. be of. England .......Norfolk; Va ...California 1 Hambirg-Bremen of... ......Germany Miisissippi Valley of....i .Memphis, Tenn Liverpool & London & Glo Seaboar4 of. Fireman's Fund of. I.. Pamlico of..... LaCaisse Genera'e of....... Galveston Insurance Ass'n... Galveston, Tex - i:: ' ' . ' .v.) Mobile Underwriters of- .......Mobile, Ala Equitable of.. ....NashvilleJ Tean - '!-::' . life ' . '. i I - - !-.; Metropolitan of..i..... Newj York Life Ins. Co. of Virginia, of... Petersburg, Va Mr. J. II. Alien, Practical Watchma. ker. and Mr. L. S. F Tirnwn .Tlir and Engraver, will be constancy ii at-' tendance, and will give their personkl at tention to work Intrusted to them. J Chronometers Bated and Kantical Instrument! Bepaircd ! ., Time taken by Transit Instrument. - Watches, .Clocks, Jewelry; Silverware and Fancy Gords ..Tarboro, N. C Pari?, France June; 25 f TUs Best ilte'lrio." Call at the old stand o( THOS. W. BROWR & SONS, 'No. 37 SHarket atreet, jah 28 j. n. ASLX3IT. I Wrightsville Sound. FAMILIES RESIDING on the Sound can j - - 1 V ' " . I . . be supplied with Vegetabfes, Melons, Poultry and Groceries DELIVERED by leariD orders it the office of lj i . iuLe 21 PETTEWAY ACUlLK EX. ' The Cosmopolitan. Fresh Family Supplies! Beer-Iager Beer. NEW GOODS i mHE BEST LAGER la gold at mjBarfof JL I'M' i Five Cents ppr Glass ! Fine Wines, AIes,Liquori tad CiVari ways on hand. Open Day or NIgbL ;l M- . JOHN CARROLL, P'.if r Proprietor. 4-1 the Cheap beer has j triumphed ins Cincin nati. The brewers have withdrawn their before it, is one of the most conclusive ar- Thn Vnrv "Rosf. Fxfr?i Fnmilv Flnnr GdBDGE. m.":r::uilth 10 our vnonda and i -Lilt; jLfsi xaum jjulici. i . . r The (Best Fresli Iloasted Coffee, IruDllC UOnorally, ground to order, j r XTOT TO BK OUTD02IE AS opposition to glasses lor three cents and . ard- ,ow p. we offer "schooners" for five. 1 L oi i tii t i 7? ful1 et of Teeth oa Silver plate for !25.W. ouoiuuers, xreaKiast The nmeon Gold clat for A0.00f turfed Beef and I ? Rwanteed ad entire satisfaction in erery maiance. i-uiing and all dental operations performed ikillfullj at eorreepondlniy lo price. Teeth extracted without pain. Csrr'l looth Paste constantly on hand MT k The government has $8,000,000 inlsil ver dollars on hand, and will haveSl2, 000,0(0 more before January 1. Vhat is to be done with them is the qHcstion. They are not wanted in circulation! not even in the South, where the colored Strips, Smoked Tongues. , POOR JOHN SHERMAN ! Wyoming Valley in Pennsylvania was once the scene of a! teirible massacre of white settlers by the savages. The peo ple of that interesting and lively section commemorated that tragic event on the 4th 'lost, by a public celebration at which President Ilayea, Secretary Sher man, Governor Ilartranft ! and other notables were present. Of course, there was tho usua! amount of speech-making and, among ethers, Secretary John Shcr- population were relied Upon to, absorb millions of them. The first silver where with to make the first dollars was paid for in gold; future purchases were paid for in silver dollars, which were then turned over to brokers, who paid themlin at the custom houses for duties. Thus the circulation never got far from the unitea aiates treasury, nor nave tne silver certificates! found any wider range of monetary utility. Secretary Sherman announces that all silver bullion will herd- i i after be paid form standard silver dollars. An Important Function Stimulated. The kMneva exercise most , important functions, which are so wearisome that they tax to the utmost the strength and endur ance of these busy little organs. Every ; THE BEST OF ALL , : j; .. i ' ... Choice G roceries . ; . . Sold by 11 GEORGE MYERS, 9, ii & 13 d. monT ct ' jane 24 , ...J -: v BEUCE WIEliIlMS; ATTORNEY AT LAW, j j Pender County, N. C WILL ATTEND at Stanford, (Bureaw) A eTery Monday,! and ! at his office at I ecd LtXiuazwn, mo remainaer oi tne week. Collectiocs and Conveyancing a Specialty. jane 4-dAw . thos.;b.:Cabe& so; deoll dra.Mlfarketst. b. d. r.'onniu.,' Undertaker! , Carpontor and Cabinet-llakor,1 j Third Otreet, Opp, City XX1 "YLLL FURNISH C0FFI58 and Cskstt with attendance at ihort.noticeJ .j 1 1 ';; Orders for Carpenter work 'and CsWw , - . ri work respectfully lolidted and proaptly ti All work guaranteed. gUBSCSIBE TO THE DAILY REYIE17. week in roar own town, O!! fit free, No risk. Bedert u J0, wanU bostneas at which perto either mx rxn mk trvmAt VT f. ne they work, writ for particalars llAtwrx & Co., rortlxsi, Utl& 9 mi 1 Jy

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