i JNow Advortisoments. J)ajly RevieWJ Fancy lONH. T. JAMES, Ed; and Prop UILMI'GTOXr X. C. FRIDAY JULY 12, 1878. XCIimil vmmm FOR CXttffcKESS :, i i I ALrEED XVI. 1 WA9SSLL, OF NEW HANOVER. Judges Supreme Court FOII CHIEF JUSflCE. Alow is the Time w. w. n. To procure your 3F- Sl. 3NT O "ST SMITH. OFj VjAKE. FOK ASSOCIATE JUSTICES i l THOMAS S ASHE, OF ANSON. and Millinery Goo JOHN U. DILLAHDr OF IIOCKINGIIAM. Call tt Exchanee Corner f.rv i ur TRIMMINGS, FRINGES. BUTTONS. LACES. HDK'FS, ; HOSF, CHILDREN'S FANCY HALF HOSF. HAIR ORNAMENTS, GLOVES, an 1 .uivthit " elm von blouM want In the Fancy Line ! Judges Superior' Court : SEVENTH I)ISTIJICT. J T. GHAV23S, OF SUKIiV. EIGHTH DISTRICT. AXirXOKTSO C. AVEHY, of r.niKE. NINTH DISTK1CT. JAS. d. I.. GUDGEH, OF HAYWOOD. FOR 'SOLICITOR : H i SWIFT GAILCWAY, OF GREENE. i I S,A T I, CHOLERA. 1 1 Ik appears that the Khedire cf Egypt A dispatch ifrom or:cb. Conn., as uncommonly anxious to. surrender ' Lis under date cf the j 10th, says tint the authority to jEagiand, on condition that Asiatic cholera Has j broken out there, he may retain his monstrous cml list, and that its presence (naturally enough and that his son's i succession be we think) ia causing : great excitement guaranteed. This cool proportion having . "Clara Draper died ou Monday night. politely declinW Britighi ner ooay inmea instantly black, and erninent, his E tian : now the Btench Tery soon became highly writcs toi the Prince of Wales begging the "ueB ,TB " tU w latter to use his personal influence1 io dertafcer Alien ordered her burial to foVOr of the nroier t I lajte piace lu-ujgut. x wootnerdeatns are reported as having occurred in this - t Charlotte observer. city yesterday. The most efficient Mt in Highly Colored Life, precautions are being taken against ver considerable sensation was pro the farther epread of this dreaded duced jeStfTl arnoon by the an- disease. vta f rvi Pmi- n uj r u L duel in the back yard and shot each other any of our exchanges, and the fact is down. Crowds rushed to the scene of the apparent, either ihat its presence is dy and found the two men, Mose V,0f it. Jones and Marshall Morrison, lying near real, and that the authorities there are each other, apparently badly hurt. No endeavoring to suppress the truth, or one saw the whole of the difficulty, the else that the report is entirely sensa- family being absent at the time, and hence tional. A discriminating public can jU the facts in the case are not kncjwn, t,Vo I hut it appears that Morrison had insulted iaU 1 CUU1CC ; Tv,Q .L. W .U 1 t uuto ucu iuc :aiLci mieaieueu to Kill u;., w:U : l i -r - tirwr IVli tiituk wnu a piece ui piauK. iuornsm Iviiv," a 7i3iui auu uicu live tuuis ai liia antagonist, one of which took effect in1 his the other day at the barracks near New- thigh. In the melte Jones struck Mjrri- port. It was a splendid affair or, ra her, Ztli , " '7 ' ,! r! n,e u woum nave Deen, put lor the tact that men were greatly exhausted, and as stated o iciiiu raiu came up ana urove me aoovu, were apparently in a aaEgewus beautiful female spectators from the condition. Drs. Jones & Graham weie ground in aWibly wet and bedraggled f ? n T ... m i proved that neither had been fatally hurt, condition. Col. R. 1. lr rank, (formerly Morrison ' who was stiucik in the head in command at Wilmington and whom with the plank, has apparently suffered a we all remember with feelings of regard) worse injury, than his antagonist. The was there with his Command. At the oau w" iaKcn queues imgn, ana it , , : : , , was ciscovereu mat no Dones wtjre same time, about three thousand miles to broken. I j the East, there was another grand parade 13oth men were doing well laht niirht but not of mimic warfare nor in the'pres- and, jt is sai(i that each improved consci ence of applauding beauty. It was a real, eraWy on hearing that hi antagonist was live Indian fight. Are there so Uw nos- They have borne excellent characters. me lcuians ana so many federal; soldiers and are remarkably good servant in the Far West that whole companies, battalions and regiments can be snaretl to man the idh- forts nn frm Aiflnf,v p-,f ore Crow-A Xegro for Congress in Bail Eoad Lines, &c. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL WAY COMPANY. Office General Scpikistekdest, Wilmington, X. C. J Mar 13, ttkcollanooui Moo 5 DEST, 3, 1877.J J-- .l-- 11 w i.yy in Cliange of Schedule. 1 WILL '. I ! ,1 I T I 1 'lr I - aiua(uk MU.MJAY, 20th inst, w tae roiiowing fcchedule will be operated on th is Rail war : i'.iWVU, MAIL AXD EXPRESS TRAIX. ' I . m : I Ci LeaTe Wilmington at ... R:30 P if Xo. 1. I VArrire at Hamlet at!. .....12:40 A Id J " at Chailotteat 5:35 A M ) Leave Charlotte at .7:30 P M yo. 1. V Arrive at Uan.letat 12:15 A M ) " at Wilmington at J:45 A M TRT- WEEKL Y FREIGHT AXD I U CXX)K. yrODATIOX TRAIX. Uare Wilmington 5:P0 A M, I asd Charlotte ' A M on Tuesdays, Thcrsdajs and THEIiEFOHE INSURE AGAINST THEM ! ByUkingout.TearlPolicrtbJI ' LIFE INSURANCE CO 1 ', OF MOBILE, AL.. MAURICE MlCARTUY, H.' M. FRIEND, Secretary. rri.sfi.J - Leave Launnburg 4:00 A M going East, and Kir a 4 s"'fr eerf ;on Alondajs, cuuctudj b auu - r,isaj8. j SHELBY DIVISION MAIL, FREIG III No. I d- PAHSEXGER AXD Leave Charlotte;..., a Arrive at Shelbv... EXPRESS.) So. 4. 1 lieave Shelby... ) An Arrive at Charlotte.. r ....6:35 A M .10:50 A il ...12:45 P M .. fc:00 P M 125 Cents will injure againta A forone dav in theiuljpf 3,000 in the Event of Diath 315,00 Per Week Indeniriity for Disabling Injunos. I imns A og. 1, 2, 3 and 4 run1 Dail-v escept bunday. i i : Passengers for Raleigh lea-e v ihnington 5:30 P-M, and Charlotte at 7:30 P 11, make close conr-eciion at Hamlet, afrivintr at Hal- i assenger- u,r tatesvjilc and Western N 14, Q? so I Trmtx arrive at StatesvilU nextmornins: at f:15: ! arrive "Hnad nf V-. ern Koa " at 3:20 1' M . and ' Ashcviil ssmo evening, mav 20 JOUN8QN, General superintendent Goldsboro 3Iesstnger. this District. VIEWS AKD KK VIEWS. An act of tardy, justice or, more vention lor this Sietrict assembled at properly epeakiug, an endeavor to the Town Hall in this place yesti r Jay, right a wrong, has just been accom- ani following in the footsteps o: the laceuuuiuiai jonvenrion, neia a: xar- TLe discovery Las just Wei. madu that PIlsucd- Coramodore Matthew F. boro nominated ft J for Congress i , iiaurv. iorrnerv oi tiie i nitfld states f n tt 1 mi3 I I BU1V'U UUIOiUUl XX, lllUgUOU! GenM Sup'ts Office, wil'mixgton:, Columbia and r ..U A U JC'iiTAj RAILROAD. Wilmington, S. C.,JunJ 1, 1878. 1'iialiop Ravelled ainl other Frencl sionarirs are held j confined in the caital o Corea, and are in danger of death. A call has been made for their rescue. Fine Spanish Lace, whito and Mack, for Tu-s ai d Scarf.-. New i Veiling of all ty!o?. ...... 0 v m this ago or country, was expelled Edgecombe, JNorthampton and W. impurity of our foy and smutty atmos- duri tLe frQm the New York reni was called to order at 12! o'clo phcrc now?' t. i u with O.l Hubbs of Craven, as tempc : Marine Society, of which it seems flrv nhflirTnan nm1 mith7 Crepe and Creps Veils hy Navy, but u time and gallant son The nominee ia Jas. E. O'Hara, a ofhisnalive titate, Virginia, daring MV est India mulatto carpet-bagger, now Hi IntA mnlpi,ftfnM. .;-! a resident of Halifax county, the xw Bame county that furnished the 3rd . ... . i.. i -ill -v.uu(.u j uuiumi riBirxcu ti e negro oupenor -. order of abilities, a distinguished and Court Solicitor. i mu.u.srauoerne, on tiieru..! ms iwc accompii8hcd .American." ofltoer. and The Convention,consiSting of a mot- in I.nalon under the vry shadow of bt: 0ne who has done more to advance crew of delegates and lasers from Pau 's, and cries out in the newspaper." - . n the counties ot Craven, Jones, Le- ,,w, . ,,,1, . . 7 ? narahme interests than any one man rioir, Greene, Wayne, Wilson, Halifax, ho has got any thing to say about the in th:a ntrn r.oa n P. ,nml,fl Nnrth-mntn L w "V AMil tmtltfv ofmrc I - . I : II 3 3 i inl l.ti.i JOCK. or- ary chairman, and E. E. Smith, color- as Secretary, fl com entials was appointed, the Coavention -took a found a marriage certificate of the Earl ot OTi fo;i rinn,ia Tf recess till 2 o'clock. ,Oa re-assem- il.,lu. ,' , and fami1 and fends. It was an blinc the committee reoorted a full Fi.harlinS for $afi.!a promise of $1, ' S ur3 nd. n wluch ' thue delegation from all the counties, j On u-, .1lAlin,in i .i .. proud spirit ct an honorable man like motion the temporary officers were w.houM the document prove authentic, ' , made permanent after , which the A growth of human hair, the loncest nj . Convention again adjourned to 4 on record, is amonr the ciirnstf-s tn ln r .. n ... oclocJc. ) 1 f .il n i' . t. ever, tno same concern wmch ordered Soon after re-assembling at 4 o'clock, bccnattne laris J-xposition. It camp his name expunged from its roll has the work of balloting for a candidate from the head of a Norman cirl.l Merlot . st. LJ oommenopd hv nail of ennntipa. I i paootu nu, uiuci luicunui; Lit&i lb ut) I . . . . " Ii"f or f.I lif lii-i. I Ti-iinf I tr I ai a i . . I .u mai ue was a momoer.ana &u because ed, of Wayne Lbudon a lucky purchase, if ct ween the U0 wouId aot tlraw his sword against raittee on cred pmeaoravolumpcostins a filling, was Khfl Kffttft nf t- hrth h-9 nwn hntya after which i cuaxge of Schedule. On and afterj Monday June 3, the follow ing: schedule will be run bn this road: DAT EXPRESS AXD MAILTRAIX, (daily j except Sunday.) L' . ! . . Leave Wilmington ;1 1Q 25 A M Arrive Florence J... 20 P M Leave Florence...... ?, HO P M Arrive at Wilmington.......; 7 30 V M NIGHT j EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily); Leave ' Wilmington... ...(,. Leave Florence Arrive at Columbia...... Leave Columbia !... Leave Florence.... Arrive at Wilmington...' 1 .1 ? This) Train wil only stop at Hnnkley's Flemington, Whiteville, Fair Blur, Nich- . 7 25 P M .11 i7'P M . 3 25 AM .11 30 AM . 4 oo;a m . 8 30AM KATES 1 Day 25 cent, ; 2 Day.iOro 5 Days $1.25 ; 10 Daj8$2.50 ; 30 liar, i - Yearly policies issued at from $: i 1 . per $1,000, actor ding t jwntten at short notice b ARTHUR J. 111LL, At x if ii in in VP rccupatUr' Jtd 1 (- - 1 1 General Inauraiico Ajjqncy cton; .. c OF & BRO., JOHN V. GORDON j - i - - ! 1 I : -'i 24 rforth Water Street REPRESENTING OVER 1 'I Ascqts Fifty Million Dollars FIRE. .-!-. I I 11 I Hamburg-Bremen of..........U.... btriulnj Mississippi Valley of. J..Mcmphi, Tenn Liverpool & London .4 Qlobr of....EnirUad' Seaboard of......... Norfolk, -Vf Fireman's Fund of...... Pamlico of. California vTarboflj, .VI C LaCaisse Generate of............. Paris, Fr Galveston Insurance Ass'n... Galveston! T4 ols, Marion, and Florence, and all Detween r lorence and Columbia. stations Mobile Underwriters of. ...i..Mobild, Alij Equitable of...........' ......Nashville. fTfin. ' 1 JESS" Passengers for Augbata and beyond ouia ta mington. V I I I 1 I 1 . should tak Viorht Fmra Troin W:' Life Ins, Metropo. ife Ins. june 25 LI FK an of. L.-.Newi Tori Co. of Virginia, of.. .Petersburg, Vi all iinlitU', theap. ' . A re8lorea. mis is wnat we Una in the vot Mflhsnn o o'TTftra 9. AfonrA r Mn,. uw seven icct published records, as we find it in the Kingl, Peoples 1, Thorn 1, Harris 1 " n uau" oew lorK 7irj) 01 tno nn msf oibdiou i. addoie 'z. xiAiionnc onn- 1 . ant and silky At tiie quarterly meeting' of the timr,ed withcmt any material change uui,x wu nuo ttiu kratiwn, 1 nucu uuu- Hara 8, and liattie MnsIiT. nr nrtihin thirtn I iiew lOTK Marine hOOietv. vestnnlnv , .... x vvw , I U ; 3 rr 1 f, yen, ofa-U-in, ccoU .1 .Inline 5? W,D8 PrcamWe d ., . . . ... , . . J , , nuuw were auopiea on motion oi u.ipt. . ; r . . thirty cents, committed suicide by drown- James F Parker i amidst the wildest mi ri i m ... inrouern oieentnc cars on mtrht rraini I rn 1 fr- T Je i i THE OLD AND RELIABLE WILMINGTON & WELDON Watchmaker's & Jowolloi RAILROAD COMPANY. ! - EstahUBhmnnt 1 Ofjicb of Gen'l Superintendent " Wilmington, N. p., June 1, 1878. J dHAXGE OF SCHEDULE Alr. J.11. Allen, Practical Watcbma- Has been reopened by one of its former employee. I I).n't f.rgtt thf BEST SCISSORS o? oLo.i daflSFl Monday, i June 3d, 187ft ker, and Mr. L. 8. F. llrown ' .WJff i81. a. m., rwsenarer trams oa the Wil-Lnj vrn l.. iT. "ii V.l aieoraer OI tne immgton A WeldoE Railroad 'will run as fol- 7 , 6 . W1U w conBwnuy ib m in- in the Oswego acd Syracuse canal. Whereas, Daring the period of our de eates- Ifc ?.aa PParent through- Jow.: - . . .. S"!??0?'' auTgivo their personaUK lUrf r,f J; t , ate civil war n rPBlntinn nQ Qa. out tne proceedings that the neerroes A x-ioo.AUAiix, aaiiy. ""uu io wors inirusteu to tncm. I I w" iuuuu i " x'" " I , , AiT j :A.-r 1 Leave Wilmino-tnn. Frnnf Hf rn fi ..v c ituuiuuuu noa lIUoSUU I , . - " i r -tit , . . . . - on the floor of the . tore kept by .be man "L 11 ?, cMaemnwory .ox tte -""ZZn? ffil . t-kv-. i .i 50 A H CHronomCter. Bated and KantM r Uuuv. i-uo ioio iuuuucw - ,7 7, 77 i Arnre 11 weiacnat 3 10PM who made tho accusation, and the real p. Maury, formerly a Lieutenant nf a thief has confessed. ! the Nary of tho United States and tne nomination was made 1 Arrire at WUmington, Front St. I .11 1; 11 . 1 - . I 'I'h ttempted, and on tiie "color line LeareiWeiddn i2 45 p Instruments Eepaired I Dmmanon was maae. Arrive at VVilmineton. Front St. i I The nomination of O'Haral oyer Depot at j. 705 p W Time taken by Transit Instrument. 1 1 .... .. ' . . . . I dirpntinf? tlmfc liia Th , me oinncr Kvcn in iscrlm hv the It n. r"7T"-" , I nnnh me aa. TTr. l Aim IJPPni Crown. lVin nf Pm-ui TlJ IVVT:;": JlV- """- 1JU-tJU1UerB Sf .nvT Mo TTT; r;?B3 a f A?D EXPBE88 TRAIX. nilU llbteaJ blaW I 1 ..ivtuisvia 1 IU13 OUUJCIY. UUU lUUb CUr Luln TGSO- I " vvrj cuu "iug 10 an luoum of Con?re.sj tho tahl.1 u-w witii lutions that hart ! fhprnfr.fr.ro haan to the people of this District: that can- Srcat skill. Kcforecach idenipoteniiary Passed commending him for his ef- be too severely rebuked. - For Ur&0 F" flowers were art i-itir.ill v Til rn, 1 oa tn , cause cf nautical astrono , - , 'f.Sf ' Arrive at Weldon at L , mv aLti ligation be likewise ex- lur BU lUB coiorea men PLem Weldon, aUy it....;. . .. ' 3 5 A M vj-.v.w.. uv, uumviid ...uuuai Luiurx oi i uijgcu iiom luo rccoras, of the I u fcU uo 1,110 iaah imt"J j Arrive at Wilmington, Front at. i his nation. The bonuet 1 placed before Uociety; and i 1 to receive the nomination. It is a bad Depot at..J . 10 05 A Si iti t!.f world ! Watches, Clocks, Jjewelry, . I 1 Silverware and Fanf, pocr ,7 50 P il 3 IDA M NOW foi: tho Turkuh envoy riresented a crescent LjW11?""- Ik seems entirely propr spirit tnat has beset the colored peo- j . i I f It o n V, i . I rl linf. HQ if. ia Tirkf nnr fnno.al nnv inery Goads! in the white camelias in tLe mi.lst of scar let roacs. ." . ' i k lhe cemetery in Munich U a siht for thq visitor for in buildings erected lor the purpose many be seen dead persons wait ing the Upsc of three days (required by law before burial. Vnnn nftU .. 1.1 1 . ...I -- . v. felWJl.l v v m.i, tuiiuuuua i.ut.-? rprii.Tir.s inn w - , they arc attired in every day costuruea and placed in careless cr half-reclining altitude, amid freh tlowdrs. To the hand cf each is attached a wire leading to a ipricg bell, so thai an . laria I may be given ia ca.e ot resuscitatLn. J that in the present era of returning PIe but as it is notour funeral, nor Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 2.30 P M good feeling between the people of the funeral of the Democratic party, nJ Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ?h Vn,n, "u i .1 rJ.,.?1 wa mnst rrv flnrl rln fhA hf. an 4 M. Returning, leave Tftrboro at . HATS. BONNETS. AND OTHER MILLINERY ARTICLES, hvulJ take advantage of this mouth, e lection, a prices havq Uvn rttluccd ir.ch as will urprie" them ! All those desirous o rim r- SaitiH sliouhl call ! ' n. h, sprutjt, i l! ' ' ELiciirjt Comer. The rtturr,s of life Wjsurai.ee in Eng- I lamt do not compare f .voraMy with the arue I i:i:iess in this country. ' The largest Kcglih rumpa&y ha on!y $:'.0, iuutwu oi asxrts gaicst tf 2 000,000 in the largest American, the ten Urgest com panies ia this country have $300,000,000 of a.ts agl;ut cl'j3,0C0.ii00 in the ten largest English companies. Thb English companies average only 4.1' per cent on their invctraents,; ours C.S0 per cent, which accounts for the great difference ia income and in the rapidity of accumu lation. Of the twenty-nice leadin" com panies in both countries, the Engliih sup ported $1,100,000,000 of risks on an hj- come of $43,000,000, and ours a risk of $1.021 ,000,000 on an income of $89,000 - 000. J Trains on Tarboro Branch Road lea7e v U If a. rwr i .n n'i .... . . idailv, at s-.na T A ! .v mw I " - h Vn,n, w .u i 5 ,.r wa mnst rrv ftnrl rln fhA hf. ir oar, f1 . .rarnioe, leave i?.rDoro at 10.-15 w oxiix UUUW, l 111 a BOCieiv I TT . " " i A M rla.lr- anH UnnHmr Wt I - j should resciudthe aforesaid condem- The bla have now drawn the calor Friday 37 "CUUCDU A ... II. " ll.f 1 . I - . naiory resolution; therefore j 1,ao ia unmisiaxaDie terms; ine wnites livtolvcd, That the action of the can and, must accept it. 1 society heretofore taken ba rAvnkArl- " ' ' that tne said exnunffed rPso!ntir.T. Blindly Groping H . Call at the old stand ot-( 1 TH0S. W. BR0W1V1 & SONS, IWo . 37 Market ntrcet. 'i jan 28 JT. XZ. ALSI7. TO ADVERTISERS, The Day Train, makes close connection 'at ft Oft Weldon ; tor all j points North via Bav Line - A . T dailv, (except Sundav) and dailv. via Rich mond and all rail routes. i T! li i ? L 1 rt'fttnrp.1 fr. fJ.u nmnav I I Ar crtmd ninlilnul qTvVioH -eTiiof -r I . P i- . ClOM TOBneCtlOM at .w f-f1- I Weldon tor all points north via Richmond Kowcll & to's SELECT LIST 1 ! OF records as at the data of their passage; physical energy whjgfi should take the Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains I and that the name of MattHew F. Ptoco of the headyiaaid frequently adul- JOHN F. DIVIDE General Snnt ' 'OCal ll C WS D 3 06190 Alaury be restored to the list of those terated stimulants dfeommerce.the medical who have been honorary members ofi Practitioners of a quarter of a century ago lUis society. I wereeiecirineaonnrsiODservingtnereviv CommnrlovA V.n'rv .V - ' ingeffectS upon the system of a tonic then v .UMBCVCU recently introduced, but which! has since or eigut years ago auu as lar as his become the most popular medicine sold on "Own fi el.ncs are concrened tho r- this continent, viz : Ilostetter's Stomaeh stitntioT.i'i i-.ttl.oi a - -Matters. Their astonishment and admira- .....jw . . xi la I.- . i 1 j ",vuuo uLujmca ana the ther disclosed that this botanic remedy ecientidc world at large, we presum ettecied results which the mineral drugs of that the aneJdv3 is a matter rather of pharmacopoeia often utterly failed to indifference than Of rejoicing , as the restoration of vigor, the removaVof digef origiLal action of the Xew , York tive, secretive and evacuative irregulai-i alarine Society has not lowered hirr. I ties antl the eradication and prevention of verv citttPriRUvin tf.ir r,rr,.i , periodic fevers. Speedy recognition of the .: ... f ' ttUU merits of the Bitters by unprejudiced and as lor posterity It will know him enlightened physicians naturally followed mroUKU tils labors Which will Jivo nnrl S"" "veiauonoi meaicai iacis, wnicn nave b rmm,rtrl K ' "T a?d i.t.?. received such frequent and positive v u.u tuur puis-1 connrmatlon. aiw sance of the "Xew York MlrinA gMsi imiiiiii . to th wnVVi 77.3 ;T'i ?Tn 100,000 100,000 tions asainot one of the most I Tl ATT.v TiTTJT'rmTiTi plished men of the age fell harmless o rr j 1 1 at his feet. One -Handred Thousand jnne 3; Trailing oar banner in the dust" is a OlOZkPQ erj prettj expression but most too ven- Which we are tn nfr crable, a fact which we must commend to I bargains! the attention of Xorth Carolina M?nrc I GEO.JITERS, Foreclosure, Sale. Many persona auppoae this lit to be com posed of CHEAP, low-priced uewspar" The fact is quite other wi. The Cal!' fctates exactly what the nanera are.. "'! i lj MMui. wf ixi. ruwtJi COX- the name ofthe paper la prfnted in iW-W y . ' tFPe it is in every instance the rei V ferred by a certain deed of mortfraee execnt- ln the Vce. When printed In 'n:t,J J ed bv Srrnpl W ViIr r Is the Onlv natvr In thanlaro. WhfC prU aneand- Martha C, hia'wjfe. to the First 't01111 letteralt is neitber the National Bank of Wilm inTt v n -i lhe only paper, but Is uanally a very . .w. ui osm o wnminpten, JS. C, said one. notwithstanding The Tllst irlvea it deed bearing date the 9th dav of A nrii l hi. y:trSi'.f-rJ?j, . v - -TniU ana recorded in the Ketri.toir'0 nn; r l nfwprv rrwr t a . -..i(vel- anover County, in Hook K, K,-K, pare It is not a -heap I-tst. At the wt;of 508, et seq., the nndersifmed will on Thnra- LAtAl(gue for each Slate the .to day the 1st dav of Angast.WS, atl2o'clock "fwns which are not covered by thtZj X.fX Exchange Cofner. offJr'foV aleby' feS; public auction to the hiehest bidder that cer- LnSf SSlJ and W7 Sy? The 2 tain lot or parcel of land situate in the Pity ted in )f25 difTeren t cities and town JJ of Wilminzton and bounded and deieriW wh ieh 22 are State f!aniLl. 3?x Dlafwoo1! follows? Beginning at the intersection off 5.,0,J,i population, and 411 County fir. u vppucaiion. Auuretw "f'v per Aaverw ting lion Cross street, three hundred and twenty-one (331) feet to the end of the wharf on .h- river, thence southwardly alone' the lino r said wharf one .hundred and thirty three (133) feet,! thence eastwardlv Darall! with ttea crosi siree.t, inree hundred and thirtv eieht (33S) feet to Nutt street. nH t northwardly with Xott street one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet to the beeinninr beinc lots 1 and 2 in Block 216. ' the olEcial plan of said city. s Terms of sale CASH. V iuv cuuuihu me vi xvea iross street with the I Vwtv..;. Hv.!r ""," , . tneace westwaraiy with said line of Red v r, rf a j. il. t . v I T lm-m The Cosmopolitan' Beer-Lager Beer-1 rpHE BEST LAOEB Is told a Wtffcf Five Cents' per Glass il Fine Wires, Ales, Liquors and Ggvr ways on hand. Open Day of ifrBfc For a Coni jane 23 ASA WALKER, ... Cashier.- june 24 11 aad 13 So. Front S. june 28-tda. JOHN CAHKUW apMl Froprirt