. rxrix Pttb!wlta cTerj.Aftcrftoott, Handays ex cvpted by JOS II . T. J A M K 8 , .KEVIE w i i . ! r -I icSOill'TlONH.l'OHTAUK 1'All'. t, trr,$S 00 rU months, S1W ; Three n.othj, ft 5S; One month, W emu. lie Pprr ,will . b delivered by carriers, . . .t,itm: t ta 4 art of thr ritr. at the -f-m w I p. - y - , raw, or 13 cents fxr wek. A irrrtifiojt t lUi low and libera: t4r-SoUeribri will please report any and , . fail ares to rewrite their p a r s regular ly. Now Advortisomonls. 45 MARKET STREET. 1 i H DA VOL. 3. WILMINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY. JULY 16, 1878. NO. il-l'l PLEASE Jf OTICE." i-1 . . - - ; I ; .1 1 - We w&lbe ia teetrm toaanntfttiAn from our, friendj oa my and tll-iubjectiol CeneralUterertbxUt ; - I ,' ine n&za ofth-writer mm alwtji bt faraiihed to th Editor. ! r ComamnleAtioni miut be wiitten on oalt c uae or tne paper. Penoaalltlei moitbe aToided. S , r ... .. . .. T I Brown LOCAL 'NEWS. 1 -j- New Advertisements. Ml.hu-Lo L At and You Wit! Hot. Sre UtacLv A Cu'i new a!j. 1' IicisskKftfiti In SU ck. S. Jiwitt Look. We U want rafn now.. A Dflishiful EnterUlnmcnt." j incext Solicitor. Sjch was the opiuion ot erery erne e pubiisu elsewbere a list cf Cant. present at the Opera IIousc lest nigh to Swift Gallowai'i appoiuiue'cts, iiiclndiiiK witness and lUtcu to tie cbarmins Wilmington.! A later from hijii to the opcrctUoP'A Ilolidayr We wuor w um piper, ttaU-8 tbat 1 expects . I T f T kit I T I V 1 11 1 f.OTnti 1 . - a I will not individualue let we d j some - i ' Uie eveiUJ,S irai" innvwr; i!,n whole wer- Xfluajr Ul weck. tue-Jth mst , I.-. tx. .,L .ipt. and will audre-s the' people from some 4- i: a::i: i'Loi.o ut T Tir t!nce ; ttrl l"tji f -nr Spiip ! Summer .-i.wk ibJ are f.fT-rin .at a I I . rPHT InniinfmenrS paredtomeetanoat a - w - . - irt or patrobi. Lt"a all goupatoncfl and rrj;iiter. r I ...... f 1.- duets. " - "JK- t I rilari Oil MaiKif rr Vrnt , ., ... . trios and chorua. were all rendered with " ;1 ' . i DRESS GOODS. iur pri in tl.T !parltneot a -lowrr ll.DrTr. Tie :tock is NEW and Desirable; the Prices vary from IO crnls I" cc-nl ! CLACK GRENADINE from 25 cents to $1.00 ! 1 .a tinnn Im t." cxiimsite .taste ami mue m . .e AfW tl p Hiaii.,1(, 'm.w t. 1 ! .1 : I.. .. ! ... . .. 1 tmo. I -i-ral"e iluaJ iuUr)iiiuiiuM.l..nu..i: tirue. ' U e love ice young c jj;.. f htn Ut iui;a aiiuwjniui. , tliim Ot a: fUUSlcal eniUUbjafti, Cftsw-!!. m, Uw. Y..,l r..., i.J.. I I i . . , . I 7 -H'lrflUiH.M, tl-,lUJ- A horse, unlike a man, is1 alw as j r.- ima-ine that all wbu I heard, last mgui, Lere at 11:30 0-c:ock that galaxy of Uautiful young ladies ana rni!(fc IotcIj in their purity and inno-1 thhj,s alJli tben. Ui.uy heie w1k crr.ee and cbanuing in their tasteful ap-jwin feel j seriously disappointed it'Capu parel making the air nth with thwrj (,alloway: does Lot manage to :sjend at sv.cit voices fi r the time, at leabt, were least one day in WilmingtoTi made I c ttt r, piur and holier ar.d in the Gire m moiuito b may and -mm ikfttle his little hill. hf will Al ut one inch of a Vlid raii.fdl wtuMl tiitc welcome at this lime. rso ikit'' aTiciit it H'w rhave vo.u n-iatcred or h.ife yu tiol ryistend ? The tuo.-t dangeroiii of all ll.itttry is the very Commun kind that we bestow auJ tljl.y uxrc vvry lew and trivial) ad deil interest to the performance It was our fortune many jears ago tolii Wrecked. La lt. M t jrsf f ii i?n tic5 aLd amtitions of every day life were ghallotto for this city Ioa led with M.irits drawn nearer to Heaven ly the subduing anj roshl; stramlctl 0a 'tho csteru shore influenie of honit. Kveu the few mistakes of shaliotle Rir , .;.t JParc, Capt Ca.sidey, ran to the assistance i.rui iorgeuuiiitt oi u.u Schooner y- Aiii. fTunt Mr fA., 'or this city-loaded with spirits I i IIHI1 II 1 1 ' It'll L II lCJ Illl IliaillU. I al lh. ...., 47. I it .11 . ,n ui uici o aiiu irifu 10 1 pun nor oil, and again on tho next high w.Uir made; a fruitless attempt to get her i-il. Upon discovering the 1-ta.sh was leaking very badly, heir cargo, wan hrow'u overboard, most of which wjs picUf.d up ly thej Wave. The Hash was a 'vessel of ' about I . . . i .... 'nfi t I tiventv tons lmrilptl aii.l w-.a Lnilt ;.. k'i'-. . a . a t r I - , The coou ieonie oi me ciiy 01 wummzioii j - " t m uo 1 lmgd9 LJ unU I A man Lvlow the rank ol colonel can- i,ist not forget that thev are under pro-1 She was dismantled, and'w ill prove a total I I CT - I ri. I.,: ...i.. t , ... . ,, J ,., , . ten to the wonderful iKiwero J.Miny Lmd, wno nie iiouwiy. arc nee nooouy, ana ..,., ie z,nith of her lan le.anditwasa . . . . . e 4- I are liked hv iioiMklv. f I . -n t . lll.uk with Colored atnpci 1U cents. . 1 . marvei 01 arusuc skin. itstfm;u miuiu If von want t.i l.n r.wi.rrt,! iti wpII man. Last in 'ht we listened to the sweet, droM.L IVorde nevt r "wrin the neck's' fresh voices of young girlhood, and they of ton-knet chickens. ' j i awoke gratitude for tho musical otleriug Printed Lineri Lawns Correction. a little We made -4-4- .'. t - stating mat iLe new1 VJ.r nfCtr Coftimisaioneb, to be elected ia August, would go into cilice cn the first Mondav in September. This is'what Battle's Ke I Coins Xorth. Iiev. Oeorria Put fni- ,-.-. t n. error vesterdav in t " . " . uecior i i " l I CI rit. .Ii"hn hJ 4 I I I 0 new Iiiard of Count v I T ' " wereu -Dy-Uift i vestry of his church V leave1 of 'alsVnce j for three months, which he hai accepQ, and will next week go 2Cdrth to recruit visal tells us, b;;t an act of Legislature hls bealth! which has been failiog for some passed ia 10 , continues the term cf the, tltne Past- During Jiis absence the churchj present incumbents until December, when wilt be closed And next .Sunday'a . scrvlcea the ins whl go out and th outs wi!l come ill be Dr. Patterson's last nrevion tr. I his return. A cordial invitatiori1 to Up and Down the River. worship with them has been extended by -The steamei- North East, Capt lWk tbe CODSrcSation of St. James' Church to . m. l'addispn, brought down yesterday after noon 107 excursionists fronJ Terider eouhty. Some ot tho best men in the Point Caswell and Long Creek and Moore's Creek sections, with their wives' and little ones, arc anions? ihem. Thev , . o - J all went il.jwn the river to-day on a vi?i to salt water. I -' I thoseoft. John's. Ir" r liow Advertlsomota. I Look At A ND YOU WILL BL V ' Boy's Duclc Suits for $2,1 ' ! Good Time at SmUhvllle. We understand hat some of the ladies inSmithville ara to givo a grami ball and . supper at tin; Academy in that town, on I Men's Duck Vests Oul LiLt ami Dark Aln. .acki'cLcan t 60c july 1(J Ti II ' i DTUni lCD mrr fhot lien i iiLHULvrn rnrr . -t.vi.. mrsday evomng uc.t,ifor the benelit oi r,Jr. A.tdh-s, J.. in A -Son, ljr.'A 138 not e.ect to succeed as co!iduitor of a found obligations to the teachers by whose I loss. Linen 1 Tablo Damask, Nap- railroad rating house. kins and Towols. The Cajn? Fear svems abSut to do uhat some people never will do, 4drv in", rom a a r. ..L iV ! fla.mnt a . onnilllll. I...... I- 1 .-ur .-i.'t m "rr""' w-r pieuiy in the upper sections n. eivrr taarafartarrr of anj note U rep instruction and guidance the "Spring Hol iday" was so well tendered. I We must devla!e from our rule, to men. MOURNING DEPARTMENT. We mke the abi-.Tr a fpi-cially and Ladic m ill rertaintr find it to tlu ir alrat.tAge to ;ici- u. a rail and tstminc our Stork. TI1K V I 1 O W S I' ll A II3 von The Dccpt IMoiiriiiii. Thi u a 6-4 Crape and it rertainlj the r-i.r.t TiT offered in any XLarkeL We are le aent in thU icction of tbe cuuntrj. Childrrn's Striped Hose 15c, usual Price 26c 1 ADVEKTISKMEJiT. t To the Public- A minted circular. d..st.ihntpd id .oul. il. . . . . . a . ' t T a . 1 , 1 I .a-a.aaa tioutliattne songs, -ivaues Luer, uy c-ty yesterday, si gned "Alany Tax Payeis' MissJosie Scheuck, and the "Do Not slandering tlie Mayor, a majority of the Never lie in waitefor a man who is Turn Me Fiom Your Door." by Miss karu OI AUkrmen, tin Chief ot l'olice . ,. i, s 4- 4.j mm pi'mc uj uif rm t inpuiuji, me unuer- Alice (iarrell, were sung iu very fine taste, sj d , teJiaU iilUuu C('inlajns crosra and in appropriate style. the serio- misstatemen's, Jt was no doubt eotlen un at . ..A At .. llrn'll.l1'tyil.i4-t.la.4..1ll ,a . .l i al comic manner oi me iormer aim iue j uwaj.(i..imi:u nunni-nt- comranor to i i heavier than you, but wait till you g even with him. Weigh this well. ' , Whj1U ? a IT'j aftrr M1115 touching pathos of the latter, were tiuly SSJjf1LPSvnr,",lr , f P the medical advert semen trf n a ,ncwspa- , r , ' liroaorr(11i member ot the Uoaid ot Aldermen. All . , . ., . artistic. (..Hid order .was preserved wen informed and well think.ni: citizens F,MuiuuuniJS iei u.e Loium tLr0Ullont tho frequent outbursts of and tax payers know full well that the o. uentn. f applause wero a homage paid to the de- present Mayor and a majority of the Board ! T . I . , . ' of Aldermen have done land are doinc all Many on.. ,Ht ni-l.t U- able to ""'" 1 !'' Sl't . J been q thfir (m t,,c rt.,i(l (,f tlleer. collect hi. ;tti uad!u if i, .u " "3 """0Et we ref P."i;derl. pro,'..l!;is .. v t.i urei uiai it was no.. i auuuuiuus jiucia wuicasi, or win oe the iiii-ming lo.k iu an editor's waste-baski t early in . ; allowed in the minds of honest, lair-minded j City Court- l citizens to; cast, any imputation upon the There was a larger attendance than 25?'" n1 l1 One icason why more people , did not U8ual at the Cit thij, mornin- tbe allinir at lhe c,ty JJal, verv r ' , "tt into the ark. is that ISoah neirlectcd to : r, 1 : I finl tilt Up. rMsm-.E wiiv ti.o rr,c'.nn,M-..i -- - j or----- I WUaclUU LiClU ll.V liltl I. Hail H VJ 10Uill " - -' " "J uwuuiuiu advertise in the Ltwspapers. There is a t'-m;m-1-,- ,.,;,c, contractor did not receive the contract for . iuuuwy.- another year. rrrc.it moral lesson contained in this fact. I t it..i i 41 4i ou.mn- I J : D r i uamcs xicaiuu, uuu mo uiuer ouenu iiiau" i Vr-rVv- Attp-v The glorious summer inqLts are here rung, were to be arraigned for disorderly July 1(5 ;lt But a -'Tax-Pa ye wheu a lover whispers impassioned words conduct in committing a breach of tbe iu the dreamy car of ajfavored maiden, I peace at a Radical meeting that was held ; ( A D VERTISEMEXT. ) To the Public. m m m m m I mill f,'-l lii-i lniiT.-.rcl i i rt ' Cf ii-V . ti r a l,5,n I iL. iJ. 4 r T I. n II A UfiCldeil Karffain L,r." m r. usncuorm IfAUerman Flanner ;wn acting in O uwli uiai. ujumtr. I rimV vn 1 nitrHf n-inf9 n TtrnV ! .l fi.U ; .u i:4..'": Don't forget the fine opportunity otl'eied Chief of Police, Sergeant Savage and officer terests and desirous of doing all to correct St. PhilipV ((Episcopal) Church in Smith- The steamer Undcrhib 'will make the run down for tlm l-r-npflf- r.f l,,o. his i-it v wlioj may wish to' attend. First 'Vellon ' Fever Scare - A dispatclv fnfm a friend at Smithville, received here t his afternoon, informs us that the Spanish barque Alaria dl PacJeco arrived in thrt river this morn Wood j.t., Pittsburgh, P jjllC Ivi: ACEWTS READ THIS. : ' i i We. will .ay Acrents a Mlarr of $K0 i aionin, and 'X-n.9 . t our Nt-w bd Wonderful IiiTcntior-n. AdJrt-., ' Sukiian- 4 p., Marfhidf, Mich. jul j 1 C P I A lifl Ulutif ul Coiicer trrand tlOH All " " U"'VV LV1,1 Piano price $1(100 only UnUMH in-' from S42.r. tui.erh (Jrand Su'uare ml'Uutt.ln Havana, and fhat during ,t he passage ' a 1?llK)c iM' Upnjrht Piano,; 1 r ijr , , price S00 only fl.'ij. Nw Ntvle Upright seaman died hit what i .supposed to have Pianos $tl'2.f0. Oran t2b. Orcant lituio is-now how- ,5 ' ('hurch Orsrah.n 1(J flops price m) n, now, how- ()n S15 Klecaiit $J75 Mirror Ton llrJaL ard nor anv an-. only $105. Buyers cumo and aee tna at l,.m 'prehensions df any. I Dr.' W. G 1 Curtis jf oRm' a't r,uf,rr,pnt'd' Fare paid 1 . ' ' VJ uriIS' both rays and Piano, or Urjran given lite. Quarantine Physician, .authorizes this Large IlNt. XcwKpaperwitb . much informk-l Tim vpI ; ibn n.. ",,nau.' "1 oi. i 4Qod ana Urgam tent j -4- u .i- 'iv4. - Iree. r.eat: aJilres8 DAMfcL F. BKATTV; d, and this, J.he first yellow Washington. New IJemey. july lC-4w VI , a rj.i ucuu ye now lever, niiere is now, eyer, no sickness on b statement. iujc Froumi, ana mis, .ne Urst yellow fever scare of the season is 'already, dem ons'tratrd to be a fizzle. 1 The only combination of the truy Jamaica Uintrer QAf,rfiRn'Qwith choice Aromatic. aid OHlir UnU Oprench lirandr for Choli- ra,Cholera'Morban,Ci.an)pa i 1 1 i i in i Rnd Pin". Diarrhoea and JAMAICA !o3rtew,D::,W1'F,r I ulency, W ant of Tone and Activity in the Htomach OIKIjOTD and Iiowels, and aroid UlMULfli ing thd daDgera of Change of Water, Food and Cii-1 I ; ' mate. Ak for ! SAxroEn'a Jamaica Oixota july lC-iw ;car Paper Collars 15c, reduced from 2!c. (i. Di". Percale Shirts 2S cenU. i. nt' WLlu Tics 10 cU each or i for 25. Ac, Ac, Ac., Ae. by tlio i'avport for a day's pleasure to- G. V. Daris of the, police force U teati-1 a wruS. nnn,..i... i ... .4 i. X , . t . . , Pioujiaseu couiracior, since ue was me . , iVMM1kfuuu "'uayomy, neamaixieaion was speaKingana using originatot of the resoluti out o have - why did not he do as he a com unimn RODDICK 49 Market Street. janr At Low Fie:ures, pM-Ot K, HOLASiJF.S. SALT, Uvo, Suar, Coffee, Crn, May, Oal, Saar!, Tt-bacca, Rice l'arket, Tab, Breomf, Mio;rr, Pepper, Splee, 1 rd. Pork, Cotton Yarn, Crackers. Candy, Swap, Ac, BIN FORD, LGEB & CO,, jaielSdlw , Wholeamle Orocera. IMotice. fUUX THIS DlTEaUmtrchan4Uenu.t 1 U. trmoTf J ftua the WhltTif of tLe N w Vrt anJ BalUaiire Stcaaeri the day b 1 Tr srriral cf (acceedi'a Stramer, oth- . Mia? I a"W I I O rvy v vua a v-u va u tivu v aau f o wui" she will take you down to .smithville , and Ubusivo epithets towards Manning, that mittee appointed to consult the Citv At- 1 4 I I XX bkek-tor o(J cents. . I Manning retorted in some way which ex- torney ?, Why did he violate his promise n,n tfn... iL... i.,". I citeu Ileaton's ire to such an extent -that! " 7v- " ...v 4'n.o yiMvj ia-v-u i pany mia up to ino omce or me ijicy made up. There are S5 iu all who are to loelatlcr 8PranS oa tne lDe speakers Attorney, and allow both sides 'to be tiko part. They go "down to-morrow I stantl aJ tnak Manning and Ileaton both represented and fairly discussed ?,; The rin.rmf!,, made for each other at the same time cost to the uity or to Alderman Planner t" . ,i. . . . would have been nothing, as contractor ing hc wiil take them Out to the Banks. aoJ cllQcbed' but werc separated by tbe had e Mf Eugene Martin to rep- m . 1' 4 " i ponce. I resent j him in this matter. This gentle- lnc hesi .nnu .llosl Economical; Capt. Cowan made a statement that he man remained at his office all the after Housekeepers . are 1 ctvinir tho chean. ordered both the bclliserents under arrest. I DooQ expecting to be called upon by MrJ adulterated bakit- powder a "wide berth," and that they recognized his authority and r.--Extract from Circular Signed and why V P.ccause experience has taught i i j .t . - i r "Many fax Payers. th,-m that an absolutely pure full strength 8ubmittcJ ftnd that llllet il!ul or Jer was In reply to the above I will state that full weight article, suclii as : Dooley's rcstoretl in a measure, though not entirely. Mr. Alex. Oldham (Many Tax Payers) Y:AT Pfw ui u. which nevbr fails to pro- The Mayor after hearing) the evidence called at my store some hours previous to ducv light wholesome, and nutritious ordered that a fine of ten dollars and costs t mcfing of the Committee from the biscuit, rolls, mullirs. waiifes. and rrid- , . , i , . Board.of Aldermen, and informed me that dlf eakes of all Kinds, is by far the cheap- enicreu Si eaca ueienaani. he wolld represented by counsel at the et and nut economical. j ,The I:cxt ca was upon a warrant meeting, and requested me to call by his " sworn out by cflicer G. W.- Dais, attorney's office and notify him of the in- Xotuithstanding the fact that ou the aiiainst James Ileaton. for an assault with tended meeting. My reply to Mr.; Old- hrs: Thurs hy in August the Judges for a deadly weapon. When this case was bam was to the effect that in a matter of the Supremo Court and thote for the called the defendant. Ileaton. made quite B ,muuu P"ru "u ".-Uut r..,3. . , ! " , . , , . . 4. , reiy upon my seeing uis.anorney out, go Circuit Court are to be elected, the a lengthy speech, upon a question of law himself; but assuretl him if the, matter did Democrats in this cijy aro luke-warm as to whether he ought to be tried upon not escape my attention that I Would call aboUt registering. What (mean yon, lbis case, as the evidence in part had al. by for him. A few minutts before 4 o'ci'k, First, Second, Third Fourth and Fifth readv been adduced in the previous case finding that bus:aess t would prevent X i 4J 1 m A A . . 1 . A. A 1 "V A T T - t I Vl'-.l o ... .!'' . . - I trid f.r a hrParli nf m-ar and in y prompt aliens ice ai me iiy xiaii. ...uC13. oupposu every township in " , , . T 1 I dispatched a messenger to his attornev's wuicn ne naa oceu convicxeu. e meni . ? tX ofhee to notify him of the meeting. Ihe made an appeal to have the prosecution raessen2er returned and informed me that withdrawn and finally moved that the the gentleman was not in his office. (If case be continued until to morrow, morn-1 necessary will produce tbe sworn state ing at half pastlnine, for cause, to which ot the messenger.; the State acts thus carelessly about rcgis teiicg, how are we to i elect our candi dates ? ! The Coming Etl, flpse. Ou the -JOth of this month will occur motion the court consented. Upon my arrival at the City Hall, -ri aljeet to drayaje, orage, jnfuranee, Ac. ioty IS A. D. CAZACX. Agent. In Stock. PERFORATED CAKD BOAKD. 1 AH iiUet, Kt Tie and Color. iiol'd, Silrcr and Tlaiu. lANCV CUT TAPER, for Decorating ShclTfi and Ou Fixture. Pianos and1 Organs. fPUK O RJUT JIF.D UCTI0 ft in Che prices 1 U PIANOS and OKU A Nri b twoaht rt.'B wittrto the reach of at f. Parii- in atof rwd Jutrumenu will do well by caUieat , J; i v T - llEINSBKKOKR'ri JoljlS LireBiWk and JVIiuic Store. d fia-l: 1l U momlurg nf tlio fVlmmif an astronomical event of great interest All the interest in the proceedings of the I . ,. . . , ,n mftV nreaaa. r rfr i tbe giMult will be etond in warrk.-ue, a total eclipse of the sun which I will be court &eemeii, to have departed as soon as f peatej rT Oldham's request to be repre- I ! ... ' I I ll .. 1 a, J J 1 at. . I . . . . vi?iue gcneraliy throughout Ithd Unite! 4Sfc t"c WM UCCiueat "u sented by counsel, lhe Uity Attorney states. The time of thp rr!in ;n u room was iumjcuuivcjjr ui jueieu oi iiiuoi rcpuea tnat De naa nwuucu Jir. viuuaui a l'Ta "'j De , . . .t.4 i.- l n. 1 ... .! 1 4U4 ,J f Ua limn ,t-v;K from 1 to ur' w-L- in !,. r 'I . oi iue crowu uiai iiau a?5inuieu ai uie i -uuui luaw uajr v . . ..u.v.. IM.IU'JU1. Ill I Mo.-..' 1.1 U Tha Vimm Ifpn opening oi iue lvuu. i o - . .J I.-. ,.... actin? nnon mv sussestion. deferred ac me next c ase on uccsei was lucuara .. Vr, niii.om'- . , . , .. , , tion for some time; but Mr. Oldham, Price, colored, arrested for disorderly con- .,,1 QTlt4Pftr;r the oninion of the I....I .' r ..... j :..: .1 I ,1 ' ff p ,. . wn-ivu turfu i,e name oi nnam nu resistiug wic A-vnti:. ci.tciiut, cm Attorney was then aenverea to me Howe, who works as stevedore on tbe I the court was fine, or live days in the I Committee and final action taken. I Xew York steamers i-r,',,, h,vn ' ritr prison. The defendant was com- know nothing relative to the approval of ..:.i. . .. . ,1 .m;t.o:i . the contract or acceptance of the bond by ...r, uu aa aaeni on upt. Uzaux'g the Board of t Audit and Finance. If wharf this corning and was' pretty badly 7116 COUrt lbeQ adjOUroed- 'Manv Tar Pavers" desire to "act in good will ho only a partial eclipse here Injurert. County Commissioners- I At a meetjng of the Doard i of County Commissioners., held yesterday, afterljbon the following: Jurors were drawn for the approaching term of the Criminal Court: Hardy B. Willis, S. V. Wallace, Jr., babriel Ilolrbes, John L. Corbett, Islorris McFarlan, Horace A. Bagg, Fred.Iihew Monroe, Charles Stemmerman, Gabriel IT U Til lj TH TI Ul Iieavs, W. II. James,;Charles Craig, Jr., If ll Utf l BL Peter II. Smith Jam:fia - ATnlv TnV,nrf- -! a Q8CWB3 LU , J . . Connor, J. D. Woody; John L.- Dudley. I Pareons' Purgative Pills make New Rich ' I ! I -v -.-l ! A .21 1 .w 1 a. I I m.x ai a -v.ii. r ii m - ii "'""u, mm m t-ompieieiT caanue me Diooa amu weenewaia, W. Mayo, tJ. d.l i the entire system in three months. Any jiucnen, ioner Morgan, ueorgo Llooper, k,cib"" iaae a juh eacn mgnt irom w tt v' o,; it n TT to 12 weeks may be restored to sonnd W. 11. Northrop, Wallace II. btyron,-health, if each a thing be possible. Sentbr G. Barker, Henry Taylor, I Joseph Davis, mn for 8 lett?rr stamps. I. 8. JOHNSOJf A John T. Flowers. I " , : CO., Bangor, Me. inly 164w . Metal i c SoapiBoxes. 1 : DOS! !: The tiipe left in which you can register your name for the next election is rapidly J "VERY CONVENIENT and necessary fcra drawing to a Close. I . travel.JHr. A larir .'.e.nrhnon, r - ..4. wmy., A. The setting of every iun brings the PeuelT Uair and Tooth Brtuhci election one day nearer, and you haven't registered yet. Think ot that now, will you?. ' I i JAMES C. MUNDS. Drnirrwit. july. 13 ' Third street, Opp. Citj Hall,. , I Hon. A. M.1 Waddelland his bride have i . . returned to the city, j I Daily oat to Sinithvillb. . A Carrt. Wilmington; X. C.J July 10, To the Editor ofthe Daily .ttcvicic : Please allow me a small space iu your paper to communicate to the good people of the city of Wilmington" to inform them of the amount that I received from them for the purpose of rearmf. up a church at Weldon. I receivctl i$2.GS, for which am thankful, i ours truly. ' . ':: W. A. Davi.-,, Agent Steamer JV ; Underhill, Leaves Wilmington every day at 9.00 A. M. Leaves Smithrillei " " " 3.30-p. M. L aves Sundays half an hoar lter. f Fare to Smithville land return 60 cents.! K jy 13 Q. Q. PAKSLEYyl Jr., Agent. 50einitsL Steamer Fassnort I TfntiAl d wm if I l I . , , - W1LL MAKE ONE OF ' .1 earnestly urge upon you. the nnpor- jVV t VuJS l rice and duty of registering at once. A woee delightful trips to Smith. Vfr 1 ion is reiuiretl bylaw. Thus! . i i have registered. This has fe"" "a ? i llf Hr:.-!- To Hie Democratic Voters of :er injured while trying to throw a heavy! Jurymen mnst be getting scarce, iudg-MAith" why not state facts ? that in the list of those ... ... luiy ltilU, At. SEK, log overboard by the log falling ngaiakfl ing from the fact him and jimm-ng him up against a post selected yesterday for tbe Criminal Court, near the cap oi the wharf. c have not the first name on tbe list is that of a gen- A very pleasant private excursion parry heard the extent of the wounded mana tlemaa who served two weeks last June, j went down tfce river last night on the injuries, but we learn lie was taken to Lis) and the next in that of one who hs been steamer Underbill. "Boom, hoys, room, home on a dray. , . dead for ten years. j I by the light of the moon ta new registrat iar verv lew nave leiiistereti. lina has B . ; ' ' ;ri. - i . r the appearance of apathy anI indifference j I TIJI IwvoNi.Yiq innvr and has a bad effect upon the lukewarm I - . - , , It looks like there was nothjing at stafraj First-Clars 1 iccommoditlEi' jjnar The corruption of the Bepublicau leader. s I an teed. I has aisgnsted tne people, ana tneir party I j is ranidlv coins to pieces. Let u. thorp-il ir itetreshmenis on Board. lore be upwind doing, and thoroughly sar Tcketa for safe at offica of Artnt, am very sanguine in the hf-1 i r 3c full Democratic ttren4h J0 15' GEO. MTERS. is registered and voted on the day of eldc-1 - - - t . j.'. tion, something very , important to the ' . j LaOOlC ? . best interests of ilminitton and the peo- hv a ?" vTmnn r J L. , l . r . i ... ,. , I I 4.1 J. A A u O A.I ilUUn X VIA aLtW 1 COS- nlQ OI the -count v "?r.pra v r.in lu irw.m, I I plished. IJemembcr that Xovth Carolina! "tinr of IVrnrian Water Jars. Chine.. remained many years under Badical rule I 0,1 SaiOD Komao, Ortk, - Portland and because so many of her people would bot ?,p9. Vaeif Watch Standi, Teapotj, vote. In our country, where the govern ment springs directly frjom the xjeoplel, it is a shamjs and a mystery that any odg should not very highly valu) his privi lege as an elector, and, without actively engaging politics, at least register and vote. If you do not register and .vote, do not grumble afterwards, ncr be Sur prised that bad men fill the offices. DctBeutz Cutlar, ! Ch'mn, for tbe County Committee. Jnlj ICtb, 1S78. " . . - apl IS Front Street Book Htorev Wire, Dish Coversr 1 ' ALARGE STOCK of Wire Dish Cover ' ' I I of all sizes, both Oval and Bound; For aalV . it greatly ledacd prices bypj AM giles iiuucuisoar, 33 and 40 JlarcWaoa Clock; jaij 1-dJt i i . .-!,. . ...... 4 i

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