Miscellaneous. iVAKSl-WEATIIEIt rOETKV. , ,r i n Cru" of cucumU r! ' '.'m! .r Kvln-rj; ' two al nnitrul ! , L.n Hl.ich ut midday ILe &un . t..ra i.!inure-lr i uj t the frdi-: . ,rai4tt!.nD-Klory ihermfnetr, ,vtt i.t.tL.'i' 1H x Ti all ran&tU iu I a a w imroif ant matter of living, wo should Miscellaneous. Steamship Lines, &c. " Mew York . I AND Wilmington, Ny ,C,f Steamship Line, ) nl:imtto!y bo ablo to imitate if not n ... t i. . vai mo irngai ra-uuj. ALT. HXXowJ Mis collanc ous. NO. 47 X70XLTXX MAIL HUT STREET. i . J OHcrs as an indncement for ibis vrcck r 1 1 ' :. . To our Frionds and tho Public Gonorally. 225 Pairs Ladies Eerge Fox Shoes, $2, Kegnlar Price $2 75! The Cheap .... r I'.tnM.ouri thWmoMuri' t!i uiV lnw ! at n!N from est Shoe Ever bold in this City, Warranted Perfect in every Particular. 1 1 1 . j i . :. . 1 L J T . . ft.. J 1VT0T TO ItK OlTTDONE AS ,. :.! t! "1J world won- twmty time n.a'C'ii'.Hy. rr.I Ii' l. It m uu Hi 1 : frnturiif nmlniwlrtl nM liuMer! " w t. u b cm frl an jcu- uouM t-! r i trmtto t' tytUv Iieav.n. Her art! j low rric. we offer A .VOTHKIt LOT of those hleant wark liana neweu vuaru n .: Mjoesat .$6 1 1 tU.O. Ladi.V Newport Ti atl.25 Over five hundred pair sold HtCe the 1st day wot th i The Steamer of June. " Children s Ti- s Sho.s and Slipper? in endlef-s viiely. An exaiujnation of stock respectfallv solicited, jaly 11 THOMAS II. iHOWEY. No. 47, North Market Street. n titt r f lt-nlf in - : .I . . v. i Uiuj-"t Hui:it t l "t 1 1 a full ft of Te th on Silrer plat lor $25.00. The me on iolI pUte for $50.00; perfect fit pnarariteed and entire utijfaction in every tcrtance. Kililnff and all deaUl operation! performed ikil If a I !f t correfpondinfrlr low pric ii.' TYfth Attracted without pain. Carr'f T- th lait-coriftntly on band. tiios.:b..cabji & . SON, I i' 1-1, v" ' : . A- .V t-r iiii :.t.n t lk at me r.M' . .. ?l ' " . .'. I nn;ratuI.itor .iftl-it iftl ftetnw tlit-y hare t-lt'iwn i i iLf toiaination of U'llara fur " C-ju-r(ioul honor. Tu-j h- fallow- II. f H!.o!J faa'ilOUeJ.tlliir- llOLOf- ..I .-uu.ui of l UttliiK H :r vu) li-it uj ,r, . t Da IrnrifH lure I II I . m Iitt n wi-Jthtd m tie bil C.ne acd found wautiLg-lwo rotes li Kiuff of Lenoir as oumuj. o se ,-,,.1 plajeJ OUt. AUliOll llM? arcuuu -.i r.t . siTi drornet!. ni'iuwn C Mid .. j.t. it; ipaatity and yi iht briua. , ...ii.m the fctiet-t (OfarM thut ...I. t. l.i.!in t!if tit : Lii'al. Hl:d Vt there will be a mttJi. g muig H . i. tf w Ix lore Ioni. aru tli4t "tnt- ::ho who had the c Jtirng ? to m K ct rt ii the irtj tho mu .'or C igrr-M , . j-.Hji6cd the a Jit braitu of th . ur? ! I htj maiiii r lo'ff t t thur hue of citrch out 1 1 f .gaiu wo oongratnUre th 11-;-..(. uiu the g ol -JifCtiiu ;, 1ito ta! Wh are Terr rorry MtiTtiue hoI!d be rnu:shd for . i .'lown to the world that thej . .!..,! IuJj their do?, aud were ..4 . lc bought off. Xtwh'.tni tn. .'. thrt Knglish prelates have a mitro f !uo hahio pattern except tha ISishop i).irLam. whose mitre ia adorned t -4-.V.. I ... .... . li'Vn y uu a row ui unuctir ichdj, mj 'ic cjroaet of a duke. This is in cou- t ience of their baTinff been until ..ut thirtj year ago 1'riuce a ralu I!. I- HCrCIIlUK 11" i UUtUUUJ U4 U . . . n A A 9 ttv kice. rrocrediBgs, which i.i i. tin r cunuties rau in tho name of tho liig. were in Durham conducted intiialofthn Bishop, who had his di-ti ccllir, Attonej Oenera!,iVc. The ririnncii of tho see averaced some S1,'H a jear, and tho Bishop livid in prrtit fetate, both at Durham and at It. up5-Auckland his oouutry feat. J lie Inst Prince Bihop was Van-Mil- di rt. who becan life witnout fortune .r inlluential connection?, oa an Esex irate, with S10O a year, and the last :rnnd entertainment by a bishop in baronial call, now part ox trie university buildings, was on a memora h!e occasion, referred to by Bir Walter S-in kid I i f r when he. the old f)uko cl Wellington, aid many other i tbrities wtro f resent. The Bifchop i Durham ii now allowed Sl'J.OOO ken and the palace at Bishops-Aucl:-I. lJ. The deanery, which formerly Imaged $10,000 a year.ia cow reduc ed to 3.000. It is tho most valuable ei English deaneries. Westminster. Christ Church (Oxford), acd Windsor, 3ll000 each come xn xt. Most of the oanerie are low 85, (XXL All have :r-:decce. The deans who are tlyled iVery Keverend," are. usually clergy- ea of distinction cot Ices than OUycara c. l. In most casta their houses are too ataple for their cow cnrtaited . icorne. - Fitq thoasmd dollars a year lDca not bay as ranch ia Ecglacd to t'.iy as $1,00 0 tweaty-five yeirj ig. rho other chief cathedral digu aries csllel canons, cow hare from t2,:W0 to $1,000 a year. They have jeen greatly reduced in salary a .well U in cumber at St. George's Chaptl, Vindsr r, from twelve to four. Thef .(.fiey saved by thcee reductions is , t.d iito the hands of officers known Eccltsiasticil Ooiamissioncrs, and . I'plicd by them to the maintenance it ervleaiastical edifices, the repair of MclaUa' palaces, the augmentation of -oor livings, aad Tarious other jur xes. Tee appropriations of this uccey ate often much grumbled at, it ciog contended that too much money spent on palaces and deaneries, tut, owercr distributed, some cca of onrsie would be displeased. The Com tut'ouers are both lay and cleric. . American and European Hotels Mr. Forney, in a late letter to tue '!nldeliUia Pre , make n compar .o of American aud European Loto!f, )t very creditable 1 the former. lie Uicks the institution raoet worthy of atUtiGn w the, cimtiLOital t-il VhfAfi. tho atpi0 u o clocK dinner. I?re joa tare tho Itro 1 reucii p. cu- ;antie irulj developed; cooking and . .... MYlfig. Mt 106 UlftU t jou uiur, a utlla of win icelnded ; jon can mr.e tter thn yoa cm at m fashionable rataniant in Araenca for S3. There ire never lei than eight ooarace, and Sou Lave coup, fish, fruit and coflee. Le tccret ts experience ana economy. v ecina for preparing food for tbo b-j is not lea cnaracienstio oi mo f'ttaii than, talext for making that jod feed tL most people. With ua t.e Urieh fertility of toil, aeanud air, Uket every body vasUful. There ua- are i almost asRenerou-i, uuv ricu kLd poor has band tier gifu ; nothing .t both extrerxea of aociety eeto j study economy as a fine att. If this rinciplo cooid be applied to our hotel kul household management more uney would be uadc, because more ponpy vould be saved; aud.inlue fir (La niHit."!.. hd aodiLoaldera hIh.- tJ;-:n nil u unit. tr.iO'Uara; "tL .-iwl. ol .- ' aiiuv tli i ark tlOBklC - " "a . I . U j vo. Mr-t it Foreclosure Sale. JJT VIRTCK OF jTHE 'POWER CON- ft-rred by a certain d-d of mVt;i xecot ed by Samuel W. Vick and Churls I. 3!eb aneand Martha C , hi? wife, t the Fint National Hank of Wihrt inpt-n, S. (!., rnd ilvrd learinfr date the 'Jlh day of April 175, and recorded in the Ketri-ter'n Oflice ofNew Hanover County, in Hok K, K, Kpage 50, etteq., the onderiined will on Thurs day the ltdar of Anjru?t,U7, at Vi''t" ii., at Excbanjr'S Corner. o!F-r for al by public auction to Ihe liighet bidder that cer tain lot or parcel of land fituafe in the City of Wilmington and bour.d-d and de cribed a. follows : lieinninz at the int-riection of the ftouthern .ine of Keti Cro treet with the western lite of Nott Hreet'ar.d runninir theace westwardly wiiji laid linei of Ked Cro?atreet, three' hundred and t Avnty one (311) fet to the -f..l of the wharf on the riTer, thence fouthwardly aionjr'the line id wharf one hundred and thirty three (133) feet, thence eaiiwardly parallel with Kd Crrf atreet, three hundred and thirty eiht MS) feet to. Nutt ftreet, and thence northwardly with Nutt etreet one hundred and thirty-iwo (132) feet to the beginning ; beinj: lou 1 an 1 2 in Hlock 216, according to the oilicial pan of eaid ciiy. ' ' Ti-rnis of ale CASH.) 1 ASA K. ALKEK, june Ciehieri n, ii.rer iui.ur to iouru AIen j from the effect of Errors and 6; Abn;e in easly lifi. Man hood Kr.HTOKtD. Impediments t Marriage removed. Xew CO t 4 13 W4 i; nieiiioi oi ireaur.eni. ew I mnA rpnirlililf I fmfilir. c Hfc pHliook and circulars tent free Cl . I in sealed envelope. Addre 23 Rj Howard Association, Al'J X. Dj!Mnth m.: ruiiaa.Mptia, ra. 1 An insuiuuon navia a nip. S reputation for honorable con ! duct and professional skill. Reasonable Board. A I V HOUSil 13 NOW OPEN'at Srnith ItJL ville for the recei-tion of visitor?. Kates reduced to : i Month, $25 CO; Week, fs.rO; Day, $1.50 Single Meal, 50, 'cent?. ' i The tble i supplied villi the best the Mai ket attord and ever'v tliinjr will be dose to add to the comfort of cuest. Larce crove in front of house for children to plar.in. july 5 (. L. UAXTEU. 100,000 100,000 EXPECTED 0no Hundred, Thousand CIGARS. we .ire prepared to oiler at good Which bargains ! GEO. MYEKS, june 21 11 and 13 So. Front S. PURCELL HOUSE, (Knrmerly the National Hotel.) NORFOLK 1 i J. I?. DAVIS, Pr'p. RATKS $. 12 50 aud t2 per lar. accord. rui to kx-atlou. . feb 1 lUvwum Free Lunch A T IIAKKY WEUB'a ETerv Day Fact. ii. f You Uet-It'd So. And Drinkj Free! too. Fit a Consideration. -! 1 june . North Carolina at Gettysburg. IMPLICATIONS ARE CONSTANTLY iV. made for copies cf THE OBSERVER containing the articles in regard to the con duct of North Carolina troops at GetUyburjr. The number of requests; for these, from the Northern States especially, has lately be come to great that, beln unable to supply them otherwise it has .beea determined-1 publUh them in book form.' The papers on the subject, on both sides will be reprinted just as they appeared in TriObsertxb, and will make a volume of some t wro hundred pages. The book will be printed on fair white pa per, with good, clear type, and in paper corers will be sold at 25 cents each : to deal ers and canTassers at SI5 per hundred. A library edition will a!o be made, printed on superior paper and handsomely bound, which will be sold at fl each; to' dealers and canvassers at the rate of $60 per hundred. Single copies of either edition mailed post paid on receipt of the price. The book will be. read j. for delirery in a few weeks. Orders accompanied with cash are solicited. A'ddress TUE OBSERVER, pril27 j Raleigh. X. C. Notice.! Schedule b TaX. LL A V!I0LE5ALB AND R EL AIL MvrchantA nre hereby notified that a privil-r tux was levll by the last ILslature i1 rive lemurs line name ioviei uycouniyjm; aiMitlnn to the KIieuu4e raxes proper. Wholesale dealem are ftb liatlfieU that In I civintj in their purchajes. the law now coin tls payment on all purchases made wumn the stat as well h out of the State, includ ing timber, lumber, turpentine, spirit of turpentine, rosin niid naval stores of any kind, and cotton, also wood and coal dealers. All Hotels, lloardtnz House. Itestaurauts and Eating IIoum-s are rtHjuired bv law to py one-half per cent on cross receipts. The Wx "will be due July ltt.. and payable wltnln the first tn dajs thereafter, on all purchase since the rlrst of January. IST8. All part lea Interested In the pa-ment of schedule li Taxea will save costs by attend ing; t the Mime at oncv, as the law will be btnctly enforced. I. II. BKOWN,. Ilesrlster "of iVcds for render CYuuty June '21 " . I'mUuua lf XMik, 1973. C "A - - a 8 " o a g -3 ' a f -3 5 -1,1 mm& 1 J I i n f O T MM. 1 , .O v lWr- 1 II 1 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE TI ir 1 1 T I T- mm M Jauiaai mo iiisho From Organization J)r. To l'reniiuina rccired...i $12,8U,f7.0 08 To Interest rccfired, profit on stocks, etc 3,yu4,ai To Inierest accrued. .4.. 88,137 08 To Increase in value of utocks, tc TS.Htil n T Deferred rremiums;etc.,nei 105,221 65 f 16,936,741 67 ASSETS. U. i. Bonds, Philadelphia, and other Stocks and Loans $2,000,448 93 Mort capes, all first liens 2,484,121 17 Real Estate owned by the Co... 367,036 61 Premium Notes and Loans on Collateral 1,017,230 82 Cash on hand and in Bank 173,334 43 All other securities 238,511 30 ' - $6,280,723 46 rr.:..n.j Cumitie nvorlthfl "Rflnflrvfl" mn u I rod thO laws OI POnnBJflvania anu nuw 1 vrw. - - Vw Nearly 66 per cent, of the Premium Receipts has been returned to the Policy-holders since organization, in dividends, death claims, etc. 1 ' The Interest-Receipts of the Company exceed the' amount paid for Death Losses and Endowments by $62,751 07. ' i , ; ' m The avera dividends of the Penn have been nearly thirty per cent, of the 1 rem 1 urns received. THE PENN . MUTUAL HAS $124!0F mch 11 B. D. MORRILL) f Undertaker, Carpenter and Cabinet-Maker, Third Street, Opp, City Hal riLL FURNISH COFFINS and Caskete with Attendance at short notice. OH ers for Carpenter work and Cabinet work respectfully solicited and promptly ex ecu ted . All rork guaranteed. feb8 Furniture. AUG E STOCK OF NEW L : . ANI FRESH (100US. Just received and FOK SALK LOW UY . D. A, SMITfl & CO. jllJy Ice Cream Parlor NowIOpen A" 1 AM READY TO SERVE MY patrons with rxruxi cuBAXtt also' - r r, f . gM-VAn4 l-rt- o J. W. Lippitt. apl 30 Great Reduction in Prices ! june? The Patent Self-Acting Cow Milker, MTg Co. Frerv one who owns a cow should have one of our wonderf nl Milker?. Pnt fJto.nVI MrtortlietrnlteHSUteson receipt of L Send for our lnSitdnTnWt on life Cow. cntalnlnjr sectional vi-w. of a toft "m. uliSaliSiS Vffrt lentlncllyplalnd. byr.. Vbtte anJ llaon of thla city. Sent free to any address. ) GEU. Jc. avau, a'resiacut. Office. 575 Broadway, New York. ji nnmnnnrr fT Till 1 I r rl I nil 1 1 uuiupiiy ui r ji imitiipiii, to December 31, 1S77, f f Uv Death Losses aad Endow-"-? inents paid $3,S42,099;6 By Surplus Premiums return- j . ed Policy Holders U... 3,799,242 42 By Surrendered, Lapsed, aDd Canceled Policies ...i.... 764,116 33 By lie-insurance paid other Companies , L.... 121,121 34 By Commissions, Agency Ex penses, Salaries, etc J..... 2,002,724 82 By Taxes paid 1 126,713 ! 83 By Balance of Assets Jan 1; '78 6,280,723 46 , , 'i$16,936,741 67 ! LIABILITIES. f Net Reserve at 4 per cent, table,$5,260,336 00 Losses not yet due 113,352 18 Dividends of '77, to be paid in , '78, including Accumulations on Life Rate Endowments.etc 34,716 65 SURPLUS, 4 per cent, basis..., 872,318 00 $6,280,723 46 bv ' 1 ASSETS TO EACH $100 LIABILITIES St. Mary's School. Baleigi, N. C. , Founded May 1842. I The Rt. Rev. Thos. Atkinson, D. D. LL. D. The Rt. Rev. Thko, Lyman, D. D., Vis itors. The Rev. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M., Rector and Principal. Mrs. KATE DkROSSET MEARES, Lady Principal. The 73d Terms begins Sept. 12, 1978. For circulars address the Hector, june 23 Fruit! Fruit ! W E ARE RECEIVING Peaches Apples, Ac. LEAVS TOUR ORDERS. . Sundries to be closed. Family Mess Beef, $6 per Bbi. Flour Super, Extra and Family. Rid Coffee, 14 to 18 centa.1 C. R. Bulk Sides, Bulk Shoulders. C. R. Bacon Sides and Bacon Shoulders. Oood Butter 12 cents. Pure Apple Vinegar. , Invoice Canned Goods. Mackerel, Lard and Rio Coil'ee. Will price low to close. PKTTEWAY tc SCIIULKKX, Iirokers and" Commission Merchants. v july 6 Lager "Beer. The Best in the City and the Cheapest! FOR SALE BY THE KEG, BOTTLE, OR dozen. Try it this hot weather. It wi l giTe you a good appetite and good sleep and make you healthy jand wealthy and W1Sej H. MARCUS A SON, jr 11 No. 5. Market street. $66 a week in roar own town. $5 Out. fit free. No risk. Reader, if you wanta business at which persona of ...ran mite neai par iu iuc me they work, write for particulars to IL Uxllmtt A Co., Portland, Maine, march 6 REGULATOR, . ' i WILL MAIL'-FROU NEW YORK O , I SATURDAY, July 20. 'S.j Shippers can rely upon the proiij t vailill? Of Steamers as adTerti.ed. For Frfeigrlit Engagements apply to D CXZ3lTJT. Jgcnt, , Wilmington, TJ. I C. . ii. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. WM. PI CLYDE' A CO., General Agent i Bowling Green, cr Pier 13, N. R.. N- Tort. . I . ; julv ilt imore, AND Wilmington. C. TEAfrisHlP UNE.i Tho 3toamtr .4 -"?S?Sfe CAl'T. OLIVER, 1 WILL SAIL FROM JiALlMOliE ON Saturday, July 20. , Steamers Sail from Wilmi nrtoi; every Saturday promptly at 12 M. 1 (Shippers can rely upon, the prompt Sailing of steamers as advertised. "& ; Throug-h Bills of fading- to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. ; . - !s ' , 1 ' . , For Freight Engagements apply to A. 2. CAZATJZ, ilgent, ? Wilmington, V. L. S. B ELD EN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General A gen . Corner Lee ana Liffnt otreetfl iiaitirnorei Tork.' ' jaly 15 Commissioner's Sale; TT Y VTRTTTE OF AN ORDER made at the JL June Term, A. D. 1&73, of the Superior Court of New Hanoyer county, in a certain nivil notion therein nendinc wherein ilartha C. Mebane is plaintiff and Maria A. Mebane is detendant, tne nnaersignea, as vyoiomis w'nnpr. will offer fornale at the Court House Door, in the Citv of Wilmington, on Satur day the 10th day" of August, A. D. 1878, at t. ; M. the following described lot ofland:i Becinnini? on the North side of Princess street ninety 90 feet from Front street, the corner of "the National Hank' lot, thence Northwardly with the line of the Na tional Bank; lot, jsixty-six 66 feet to fc. BurrussV line, thence Eastwardly with hi line forty-two feet, 42 ten 110 inches to his J. - . , , 1 .1.1: : corner, thence a ortn wnn nis dsck uue uiun-tv-nine (99) feet to the line of the lot belong sng to the estatej of Eli W. Hall, dec'd. thence eastwardly with that line sev enteen (17) feet two (2) incheato the corner, iho Vnrthwa'rdlv with hi? back line sixtv- nine. C9, feet to Mrs. Meares' line, thence W estwardly with her line mteen, xeei u me corner, thence '..Northwardly with her line thirty, 30, feet, thence East twenty-nine 29, foa tun 1J inehes. with her line, thence Southwardly one hundred and ninety-eigbt 198, feet with the back lines ot jars. AvGan e and Mrs." Whiting's lota to Sherwood's libe, thence "Westwardly twenty-nine feet two inches to Sherwood's corner, thence South wardly with his line sixty-dx feet to Princes? street, thence with the line of tat street to the beginning. ; Terms Cash, i JNO. D. TAYLOR, jaly 9-tlOthA. ! Commissioner. First National Bank. rriHE DAWSON BANK IS NOW CON- SOLID ATED with thi. Bank. T ie Deposi tors of tha former are n.itilifd that their dr posits and .certificate are asauaed by '! i i ' the FiiiST National bank. D1KECIOKS : E. E. BUIUiUSS, , , J A3. DA WSON, ! i . -r ..... j JAMES SPItUNT, ALFRED' MARTIN ' IX O. WOllTli. , . i: OFFICESS : ' K. E. BURRUSS, VrcdctA. JASJ DAWSO, Vice PrcbMtDt. A. K. WALKER, Cashier. WJL LARK INS, Ast. Cashier. II. M. licjWDEX; Teller. junelMf i.C S tar copy, j -I -j; . -,-'... .:;-," ' . . -i U . - rKRDAT,lUNG5,UVER & BLOOtt I n the wonlf rf ul rr v1 ic'lne to trhiWh the aflUri I aiv ;i!')f direonxl fur relief. Use tiooverer r fiievo-. Ke h:i C4irn'';nel tn tummmv more cfl rnt!Kf ' H'veri'ivn niTfttlvu JrrlUi1 wlnrli li -! i a- iiii'U-l the 1 veculle alnptohi ' fur lir.iliui: the Mrk, man rrrre rrvr lefore rm l:re'S in out- lui.Ume. Th viitcnccW thif fuel i.- f -uj. l in the profit varh l)- f m.t oK-.tina; 'lt'w wJ.i.-h it).;i.s Uvr. foi:r.I toeonqtu. 1 l' the nire t Ilronr hltlk, Severe CouRti! hrvl ttii Hi! v Pt.-4jrf f Cohmii mptlon, i:L J a--ton "the nnliJ faculty, arnl eintfin f ihy.-t:i'.-i i.i-iii.onnce it the 'rvaiet j.-oi-rv t.f t!,' a'c. While it cure tlie rf-i,',v ?: f.oush. U nnfrtl:en. the cv-iein . in ! purl fit t:ie blood. J'.y it ti'.'it mi I Uior'U-!i !.o.-,ijr:f tr.r r"p'rtle, it ehrei all Iljn nor, tr-.fii tr.e oit Merofula tola r4nuifoi lllott li. Vlinple.or, Ilruptlon. Merourdtl tlit-eiLr'. ll",r'll I'oisoHi)., and thir efftVt. ao er:i-licatl. itn I u''.nus hen) in an. I n Knriil 1 4-n,.,ututi.,ii .-t;i!.lihe-l. ICri nl pelaM, SaU . rheum, IV ver Soren, Seal)- or Itougtrt I in -ii-i t, all tt:' niimeriii! iii-.ijie! oaiiMil by IiIinhJ, art! ron.tteri'l hv tl.i- powetful, it run j. i-i :mvr. i i-M r.iteii. Titixc mh f low v.l.ir f .kja, or yeltowi-h Imuu hjhw onj f;n r hly, fri; Mi'iit hiM-l:n"l.t' ifl.o or 'JirJn hrwl hi-." in inoti't.'i, internal heat or rlnlln lt er- , iv:itfl with liit 11 sili.'r-, uw jirlU, anl gli turtlvlinics, iriririilitr appi'llie, an-t tit Miuy coati- . von ;ii i -oilTerlr x trmn Torpid I.I vert or " iJHIIoiiWiieNn.' In m:jiiiv ciuen ' it Llvrr ''onilalift V only art of Uicm (5vi:!jitims arc fxiierienfil. Al a vrme-ly for all hurh car-fj lr. I'lon-e'.- 'i'uhli-n Meli-4jl)i.4-Mwry lH" no fjual. n it 'flt' l-rfot hurt's -leaviuK the hvci rjrehj;t!.e:ie ami heJLLy. . ' SOLD BY D'yCGlSTS AT SI Tin B0tlE .j f ProMtrfl hv It. V. FIF.Itrr, yi. ID., So!a rf"'.r;c'."', Ht Ihf World's IUmHEsa KT, "!;,,-r,'... N. V. - - I i I ; , : ., 'r - ' ' - - V I va Jo ftvv H oi v r V 7" y Ui mm ' i 1 i' '. ' Or i ..tRii:rottt'l, Coiiccntrated, ltoot and ZiTia'l Juice, A ntlIItllou ;ra!5;ile. " ITTI.;! iJIANT" v. ZZl.:iTZtf r nullum In I'arvo vuym,. . Thf-novr:: v t :!! lorn M-li:i1, f;Jieiniea. aat l.i:-;;.iU" 'i i'-.u .- k ;.-. N u-e of any lnnfi r ' l:iku-.'' ! i.c J:iiv.-i', r ;iii.ivo, nicl iiHU"t:oit. iillj. r. t r j i i r - I (if ( In-, i,i. era le, ii l L i ilk vi iYreij i lits, w.'.i'K y ("Lii, by a ireftil fir"jt ui fi v -hi';':ii'-.r c!i:!.. i', ;-tr,Jn-t all the v-i(hurtic Mini ot'hrr :!( lliviji.ii I'T'ijirrtlos from Thi! no0l valy n!i!i' r'V(fs ami l i'i li.-, ami or.i'entrato thi-m int. a :n.:i;ii;o (-irannh", neareely isircrr Uraii n mrisiitrtl neeJ.Mi.it van ! ritufly HWiiUoi..l l.v t.ho- ' t tne :m t roi'.-itivo htomarhs and fa ti'lio-i-i t. i-;e,. l..n h li:tle' I'urifutlvo Iellet rv;,;; in a .'no : r.iiiri i.ti alo.l form, aa niuei c.i' hai : i' i i r a- 'iii!miI:'.1 n nny of tlo hiiu" j. oi's' h"u.'l lf.r .-ah: in trii-pliu k. from, , : 1 i i i r ...'! '.i-rl .1. r.tthnrtic' jMvcr, ill i.nijinriMri ,to Mu ,r .-ic, ;! p,.- m im have- not trie; I therrt nro upt t c,;ii "-' M.:.' ..'' :u- harsh or lriith". In etfe-r:' h.-it 'i i. ;it ait Uice-He, the IiC'erent ' activo ni'-ili' i-i'ii it. ijU'4 nf which tlier ato foiiipo-ri'il hi i.i .-ii h t. nioiiit.'il' aii'l molitiel. one bv-t!.e o'.h',, i- t jn-lin'e u mC , (earehiilj an! thorou;li, vet gently uinl kindly ;rratliis euthurtle. , 5,00 He ward it hereby offerel by the pro-, jirn"'r of thv-e . lTlt-t. t any ehetiiiot who.!, n jv.,n unalAM-fU ii! li-iit in them nnyiotloniel or iM: r foriii-i ..if n.cif;n yt mineral iMioii, or; in jiii ivus !:'u.' , - j . Heine CKtireM' vecetable, no partleiila.r. H'-' w iM:ot.' 't ,.- ir. : li.i'-.'-f to llio roiiftitution, diet, or oretliia-n .ii. l-oi Jan nd ice. Ileudarlie iC'oiiwtlpatioii. Inijure Illood, laUi In the Shoulder, TiKlitiiCMi of tho C'hCMt, llilu, Sour irructatlonti from the Stouiaeh, ISad lalo In the mouth. Itiliouo uitai kM, I'alulln rf- UTlon f Kidney, tiiteriial Vvvrri i;iated feeiliij; about Momach,Ituli i of Ulood to Head, lllith-rolored lrrlno, I 'noeiabi 1 1 1 and C.loomy for imdliitf-, tLke lir. Flrrre'n Plea- : . ant Vnriratlvr PeHet-. In eplar(itlon3of lite n-tiieuial jr of niv llrK'ttive rellvU over trrcjit a variety of l a.-e-, I wlxb to Mir ili.it their actlmi npnii th nnlmul ci oiiomy i iirilveral, not a gland or iiie ei.eailliC their kuiiuIIvc !- rr.' Aye foe-no: impair the iTopertn-M of ,ties' felleu. J 'I l.ev are Miitar-eHte.i and ln-elo-rfxl in dill fiottle s their virtti einff Un-ri-hvpn'-erveil ufiinij'airwl for any le ithot tlme. iii ;Vnv rliniute, mi Ui.it they ar iwa frell rril reliable. Tbi i- i-t the cae- with ti i.i Is which are yut :iy In ehej' ixlen..r .uUeboanl 1,--. Ite.ojiect tht for all dl- iaisca where a I.uiifllve, Alteratlre, or Viireartlve, ir-nirafe.!. U,e Utile Will five Uie rao;:l haU?aciin to bbo Thcr are ioM bf all Draff latt ai 25 ceuta a uottie. . ,' ? ECTFiAl-O. X 7. . . The Xi KEAT. gjoti ALL Ay 9 S AyTlFAT li rlT Tey:txhl and Tv-rfttrtiT barTfilesa. It arti upon the fool In the Umact. vrrr ntlu.tta lln It art . l.ll.,! Unon lilt' IIWl in UPC fwiuwin liTiinuui;ii illi . r-t.1 tnt.1 fat; T afc-n In rrrlan- 'Wltli rtl- rerUnn. U will rtdme m fi ptrm trmm tw tm Bc namwtAm 9r irrek. I - orj.ult-nr 1 nt onlr a dj,sM Itaeir. bat tlx haraiuer of oUi-r."' No wrou- llippricratr- ti tiioasmd ytrxr py, atJ what 'ls truv then is nolie tue !..- o tx.'av. p I bol'J br iru?yist.. or srnt, -T exrrcs. opoo tfdplot ilM y.iarur-doxeu IUU. Addrea, . BOTAN5C MEDICINE CO., 1 1 3 - ii

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