INDIANS KMSU I 0KI (;0 BBBMBBBapaBBB . . f.i ri-hilii!? the KcdikliiH nrartlie Asf-nn -Alarm In IVndle- tOD. ivt, ivii Or.-.lulr 14-Tl.f fI- - .. n;..., l,ir hurt Hlt iM'fll .Lull l.rre fn-m .1. V. Kiifjr. , . i t ..n.inn .Inlr l' The' dm UlTfU I euuiciwu, j - . . Indor. Chad WICK. - uoit-i1 will trv ami cvl rcorl for the wagou iu t.e ny Wetwlwn La vim; e-xsilirp tA-.IiV hOMtllrt JM'Jiann - f. r,n lha reservation. CJeorg- Con."' rc.l.D.1 ..a Al Bk .; , i . ; f. frr.m Lth on til" kiIli-JndUaDkr WMipFn! to . ,Mnrfi!.T wounded, f """ itK acd only cot away by luck. Banker rode with him aIout two miles !.t. when thev were tin - - . . Fed lu Iat. roMir nrongm n.. ..-me. ami we atarted a t.aui, witl - - - f ..... rn itl lC(rt. tO L'O I'T iniiiit u - Hanker. Ihcy got a far k Clue! Wirrnrnonat n faun, wbr- tbry were .iiArkfl and drivm back alter x rhm gir-r a number of 6bots. The r. tvlMint lfiOstrocc. and the I'matilla are undoubtedly firfhtiug them. Major Cn .....r uith llio larlv. and ii.fik liny killed one Judian, as l.r- urn to fail from bis home. 'Ibe C?ue Homo was pillage 1 and btiimd. Onr itpo nation wa.' not 1 at dark Cart. Milea'a ccui- Wnrk KiMnrcc! fo Twenty Thousand jlinrrs- Hot Weather In St, Louis, bT. Lions, July li.This.has becu . JLlst of JLcttcrs, j -; J The fullowins is the list of loif. rK 1 1 1 1' ir II I ifi U'l I Itliotllfir liif -. 1 : 1 41... I . . . . U. rwuuipiioii .l 1- death ruto was tcrritiic. i!alJv fifty m . 0 ucjaieil in the PcsfoQicc, W il-iu.,rr..- inorriing, after a tuspc-r..un ot casta of snn stroke have occur retl .to- mmgt -Vuluciaj Jyl7lh; t.A(, ii.iks. The minerk of this region day, ami about twentv deaths, in- 1878 : ' -- ( 4- Ailams, ettie J will return t.i work witli a f-iir prrpect clinlmg a number of the 0 ises of ryvs T.-A-ValteirAirVflg r t)p : jra p. a f.fc.mtii.rt-1 tea:y ui.rk for the balance terdrty aud Friday. ! Charles Anaon A D Aubrv mi's lie' ..ft I.. shipping y.'rL TJ10 prowpfct fr . Abbott. :.. . ' , .. ' r!J.l..VlntIit' :u,d Slightly a-1- At tllC lVhiJr Kiilnlmr. n-Hrrlr TAre vi ot -t t uviiJjiJiJwii v. nans, illlS O ;akcr,Vaahington ililood worth, , C M bonham, John C Iiarton, iSrhardJIrooks, Anuio Iirewcr, rrira Christian Brown, 1 tl -1 j'li.Vlntlil :u,I Sllgui'V a'i- v.ifH .-.! tva.'.-K reate.H a intich b ttcr Ail t:i.' :i:r.-i'.; ih" workin;inen here,1 and au . r rn r !; i'-i.i Hi .lMsiiiess is g iirr:iu i..kfl lr Ihr'-ugbiut the tvni regums ly th.' Mp!..yin ut 'f the i: .ri m i,,.-n and m'y lit fh-- van-iiM IIHIitS t j. 1' -1 iri t trad. an ! railr i!.- Hlln.v Ft'MT InlNew Vork. Xrw Voi:k duly 11. Y lhw fev.T i-t lundi' itHipi'rtraii.r5 in thu jnirt. tJ.r-re iM ing" a nunibr of) vis-h in th Ouaraiitine hopitnl. IVuir" pttienth . r ' ' -- men At the While Sulphur. CIi:i:r.NBRiER.WhitoHnInhnrSririiit79. V. Va.t duly l i Tho meeting of tho .rm ric-n namtnry Commission, which was t b; held thi3 month at tho Warm Spriig- has, for the present, been in leiiuily postponed. The Military ComuiiKMon will meet on the 'Jl'd inht. dudgii Wayne IVIacVeagh is hero.jand lien. JHtph i:. Johnbtou in at the WurniSpnugj. I)r. llclmbohla Lunatic- i'nix.ATi.rQiA( Jnly li. In mrs Mary Jan4 Bat son, miss lkt.y wr, miss alary Butler. C--Ji M Capps; York it Chasten, 10th and Mulbery). Johnny Clemens. DlWk Dcberrv. 1 r E MissLillie Kvan; U), n:rs M II hverett. j 1 : ' C-Miss Mary CiiMMlny, miss Minnie "vV1. nirs K V Union, l-Mwdid A Miscollanoous The Laree uniiunii-i lxinrmiin 1 Nos- 5 7 and S, North Front t. I'lac I' .r criorj- one in tbti which Mrrived hero frfm HnvHriaa div t"ii:f'. ne of dietl yenterdav. about eight cases ira, 1 niMAiawuiA, jniy li. in me II i:.v T v ir ,..rr--T-tr-tr" t ian. uuiow delivered tho opinion of the ri J ' There are altogether '"e application of Dr. llenry 1 in tljn hofpital.but Helmbold to supersede the comznis- thesf,! a hreman, Citj of Wiln!rgt:.)naad sarroun.J-Pg cyntry to toy thtix I rbceirfles J Family Suppiie i4i(Iixor, YVine, Toliar- cos A c. - ' . j j The SAtnrr rpiit NEW A.I n-i, Et UAir.v "ii we f orntications anj '"'.l,r- at o.30 p. uj, j . . -;rS: , GEO. MTi:i. i , ' Visitors j lo sinifj,vj.' hT.J ; VV" uu ,imoBic Club1 wk- V " tLHo-u m rear of the (Jarri. . fr, T ipgbottlicU'BL eYrn'n- I'k! C Wanted the fieilth fifliecr faystuerj is nocinsa 8,ou in Inoacy which was, game time for Mppr hi.sion. CAUUMSA. a:mt!.er big bia XewUrti is t -have to-niurruw. ... i , ; The Y.'ung Mns Chrirtiau Assxiation iu Uuarlottu baa a uoittc roc thn last Friday night and receircd 1J' volumes, all standard winks. I I ago appointed. The tiiat tho petitioner is lucid his court decides lunatic ""with J Miss Let tin Jackson, iiiissV'Dolli Jones,; J o Johnson;: 5. j :r. " L Jeijst' .W.Lewis, miss Julia Lamb- M I raneiS A Moore. Henre nlid.Ile- tlio VKKV LOWEST t iuu pciiiioner is a lunatic "with on TTK'fTMin . T 1 ' id intervals, and declined to grant Martin, care A O Lurry, J.h, ca petition. ufimeu "P"1 Meares Wence Mosely, Xevy Melton K .D?WU4i nis risa Merrun miss Mary ifagadaleau McMillau. 1 - "NT f I . ' C 1 1 11 r. , . . .iiss raran vi inaiiekl .Nuton. mrs Parker, Charity Jim Mihlu r areexhanstcd, and ahunld lighttully j.Ieasant. - All htr go to the Agency, tninKing me Charlotte ()'scrrer. I'lntt'ili ae all right, thej may gel U.p iit i f it. Oar f4milira nre at the mill ut.d C.nrt House, and the town in well guarded." The followtrg letter has just ben nr. m-d ry (luv. Chadwick at Uma tilla, by c'nrii r from lVndletnn: ih. tnN.pH ui der lMpt. M.Iea are t f.w,t:gl tu g atont two miitP hInivm ihf Ageiicr. flier havrt bi'cn t'ii! tire f. r the lust two hour. The Ii..ihii ie on the liver, near their l I fr.fupiug p'ace. Almost nil the t"nmti!hiJ nn mimkwM to bo in tin tight. Al. Bnnker has jnt got. in. ( l.a not been fonndyet. JShouhl lie ll.llnthf. L'lt tin ! t i-l Cuptlllll Mil. -, vr.ui!l nil iitidoubt. diy hhve to lii?lit. Th re nre over I CM1 n.en lieie t I Me 1.0 nru.M i f ni 3 kind." A Mob Fired I'pon by Troops. New Yoek, July liA Herald spe- j Nellie Nixon. Kmi uom Aiontreai eays: ''As the I (lima 1'oakiumVnrh aherbrookoand Ilichmond troops were mis Sarah Jaut I'av'ue" mrs 1co"uk utiu veuteruav ior nomft a rears .1 . s , , Nt wUrn Xi'tshcil : l Saturday was large crowd gathered to see them off. 11 MraTririi.i i'i.-rfit?f - n. n... , probably the warmest day ! we have had The crowd taunted the soldier with Russell, miss Li Ha I'lliwil T. RniT At night a heavy rain fell, Laving come to Montreal to see .Pro- S Wm t rowers las K s.niii. Y,r- l.eeded. audi which testauts beaten under their noses, and ,J degree" as the train puiled out an Orange T-Wm Teft, master Wm Tayh r, mi.k pson, mrs Lucy Ann this kUmn.iT. 1 which was much l.eeilml. am cooled the atm.ijhere to such inand wi!l reach the Agency to-night, as to make yesterday and last night de- handkerchief was shook in defiance at I Josephine Thorn r John Eji;. !?ln cashing- windows, &oi ;-"WMisa'Sarah AViHianiNiiiiss Hani Brown exhibite.1,1 vesterdaV. 00 penny- A "y 8U7f werc tueu "red into tHe nah Willis, miss Elizabeth White Jellrev weight of gold which wataken. durinar F????,! autUWO wounded, probably Wise, mrs Josaphine-Al ' Waters, Johi. Ia,t week, out of a bvne on a p!a, of his f J V , omJtu ordered that Webber, Tate White, Harris Wooi 1 near the city, which U being worked on a Sn;l ??reaed. "h Y-Maj VV L Yonug, Daniel Yutcs. i-l mi. luicougaio luewiioieauur, 1 I t".. . . . , ! x nsuiis caiuug ior leuers m above hs -lease say "ad vertised"; if not claims ed in SO days wilFbe sent to dtad letter Office, Washington, D..C. J rr j llij uiil a-wiT-furiiih oa I:ST (i(0UN 'at fb- VhKV IMilCKS. , They wilS .always sell vbu that can uefeiMj- h.-f.-mul in a'nj KeUil Grocery hraLIi.ihirter t in tho itate : and to all. who can urn tli.-tn tli.v r.ot onlr lh. mot politeatter.lidn w r.ile in thirstres hut W4ta their superior facilities fiwn ami drav) to deliver such roods as are ordered, at me uonei?i poMnine notice. ii.jey flloyv no or e to underse'J them, and guarantee all poor's thej oeavtout to b the very best or no salh 5 7 Si 8 Kforh jTront Street. Boatwi ight & McKoy. 1 jnl) l.'i-.lA - i ' J j T. W. STRANGE,! jalj 5- Orders tbi State. We know how to tuv and cln ' 1 caeu am meet th t 1 We ofTer ini!u.o,.... J ( . mi I.nvr nM Dl K Handle Salt. 1 t. Hctt- (Sere ess. Hotel Arrivals. 1 Pubcell House. Wilmington, N. C. July Gth. Uobb Bos.j proprietor: from 10:05 o'clock. ,Juiy 15th, to 10.O5 o'clock July, Cth Tlioa II McKoy, Jr, blliotr, .Sampson county, N C; De Leon I New Hanover, County. N. C "V " vy,lj iiorrcii, vernier, Nreihr ronipirrlng Hero t'onir, ,nNHis', Jnlv II-. 1 he nrmnr- M i.t for lb- n erphoii nt Furl B-n. 1 nsli'il. en hi- return from I'.- rlio i.ext Tiien lay, Im extensive. HiMfiul traui fr ln tinieuiie. In in l.vertti Ij mdoti will b 'provided. uu I n ooinmitb-o 0 the (Jarh ton Club will nio-t htm at Dover hu.I ne ompuii him ti town. At Cioiriiig Cro?H htt tioti another comrnilli o of tho lib Htid many of tho members will meet in in. am! jHipuhir e:ithuia.Mu will iu unfet it'II in vurn.m w'av n. The time for the ban. met nt the Ctrletou flub li i not vet Imhii fixed. It will lepend UHUl tho Mute of Lull Jieii- -oiirtbld'H health uihui hiH return. It it nl to-day that bin it.d:spi:sitiou lutd lHeti ruther KcriuilH, but that he W41 uu a- well ri uu l. Tho rail way uuthoriitej are heartily er-oiittut iuk with tbn committee of Curlcton Club in nuking Mrrangenjeii for th; MtvplKm f ibe lremi r. Ths recep- t- win !al. Lilt in;.,. !i.ut ot that g:eu t' tl.i.,lrn.e ? of ret ;ra froru It d; a. l'l -atiunn wi: l" covered with carp. t. V i-r .puntilies of native and tropic d t-. ur.d tl tuct will bo p'acvd lu m i. email yc.iie.. ' ! j Charlotte (rttscrcc : Mr. John Springs Davidson, of llopcvteil, brought into the ciiy eter.:ay fchippcl ly exjiressto the Agricultural Department at Kalcigh s.iiie U autiful sjKtiineus ot white oats, red clover and wild rye irran's. The oats. measured 5 fett in height, tin; clover 4 fe.-l y, and the rye grass (i fjet. . (iol.lloro Mcsscuyer. DiijMin county i ciirsetl with a few lmlepeiident candi tales. A Mr. 'a von augn oilers to sacrifice hhii-M'li for the I'gilalure,tnid the irre pieib!e il .It Koriiegay wouhl like t oc-. ii.y ine laerk s ohv'e. hut thn present 'liii'ieist el iri i n i Ix'ii t of t hi; ollhe. J. ). St.ittl-erlaiid. will distance him at lcas!S0O .fr.H. "hi4'l I J ill I.nhjcr: The priisjiepts for .1 i in.tiii. eiiiiinieiiieiiienr. at tne elone 01 the Nolinal N-fi'ol ate 7:i'lJ. 'Fhrro will lea KiiiilerirarU'it exhibition, lhe:itri ran. ami an uilt-I i-ciuul li isf in in oiv-.m Jnih a . 1 . .. - ... o ine nenaiiiig .-MKieiy. Nmiii! promi- ttmithville, at JJcthcl ....July L'4-25 Lent ihMker will d. liver an a Mress. and Wilmington: .it. IV..t s:i " t,.k, o. ou no College commencement will alloid a WilmiugUm, at Fifth St ' ' Au' Vi in..,,, interesting KVaion. We will i.ub- KlilM.h . .,.M "J...: '''mmi" , hh a f.dl programme incur next. 3 1 "7A C "L0,IiU-' . K TO K. r.T Mj:anuk.) -Attorney yt Law, Maiket St, bejtween Seond and Third. juJj 1- c r... IL. 11. 13IUNK; P.M., Wilmington;' N. C. Wilmington, N. C. 1 Werner & Premperfs Tonso- rial Rooms, , i. jOS. 11, Nqrth Frf.nt ud 7 South Front Streets. Satisfaction caiarantpud None but the most en.rienced workmen einp oyedin these estab ishmenta is llorrell, rrankford, Penn: John 1L - 7 The Thermometer. l urrentine. C-ity; N W Faison,! U l' l - From the'United'States Signal Ofiice at Manufacture of Tonic, Hair Oil, tcton. l this nlacn we hhtain tho f..llA it, ,,:, ; Cologne, llenomtora, Uvea, Heautiflers. 4c. tauruilMIrg. C; II Godwin, LnmbertorU of the thermometer: as taken this roAro- J- J : , mch 1 ' . f .'ll f - . ii 1 1.. t ? n I . . . . - . ' " I 1 v . 11 i iin ts. 1 iiii;lii(i i)ina I pmr . " , ' tiuignar.l liichanlson. AValter J . Moses. Sumter, S,C. ' Wilmington District. Appoiutmeiits lor Quarterly' Meetings made by Kev. L S. Iiurkhead: , T1URD KOl'N'p. m, at .Magnolia..' Jnlv '20-21' ing at 7:31 o'clock Augusta; Ga..,......83 Cairo, HI.. ... 85 Charleston, a. C....78 Cincinnati 80 CorRicana, Tex 77 Havana.; b3 Fort Gibson. C. 0 aires ton.. ...8 Indianola.'..".;.:......87 Jacksonville, Fla...82 Knoxville 81 Lynchburg ....83 Memphi, Tenn 8G -Mobile, Ala.I 85 Montgomery Ala...8 New Orleans ...6 New ork..i C,7 Savannah, (ia.......8l Shreveport.. ' ..84 SL Loois Mo....,:. 3! St. Marks, Fla......7D Vicksburg, Mitd....8.r W'ashington, I) C7h -Wilmington, N. C.75 Tlie M iii ft World." Fro i Family ;" S"'ppHcs ! t .0 !loro .Ut ssrnfcr : 1 here is not Cokesbnrv aud Cohario Mission the ut Icvliiig on ti.e part of Co . Hum- at Ilf'th. l joeys congressional friends towards Mr. Cliuton, at Salem. ... .. Sept ( . Jluhhs of Craven. It is openly charged Onslowr, . " J .Sent iiiai naving ocvii aclecicil chairimu of the TonsaiL. a. "a! m . . - t.oiiuressioual Con vent ion by the friends el lot. Humphrey, ana suonosfil t, l.l rw im-om in.. ... ' - 11 1 '. wnoij inuu nciiL 111 r.iiiiiiie ....Aug 2-1 25 1- 2 7- 8 7 The Very Host Extra Family Flour, Consumption Cured. I , in barrels and half barrels. , An old physician, retired from practice, The Dcst Table Butler, Hie -Lest Lresh lioasled Coilcc. having had jilace! in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, 'for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption. 8 bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung allections, also a positive- and radical cure ior nervous debility and all 'ground to order, . The Lest Pure Lard, The Best Sugar Cured Pigi Slionldcrsv Strips, Smoked Tongues. an Humphrey man, he yet did -till in his power to defeat the Colonel. . 1 Charlotte Observer: county Treasurer, has u, F-;uaui n meuuiy mierest the ana ins reputation extends aronnd the tKM.OS OI the llmiU"ton. t"!h'lrltt in.l ivnrl.l 11;.. !..- w- I man KTifiV-rinfr T will corrl fraa rf 1-... . - uuv. . .vj . J UJi I illlU IV IIIH IS HOW I " v-. . yOJ ti. .jx.uvi, I11.V vuuic, itUlllvriorU Jiliroad lomnanr. Thri I liemc nr.h.r.w? I... f.. ;.. t i... i I to alii Who ilesir it thi rpr-ino with full t I O u toilllir-o in lj'JIJUHII aiJU I ' " . w . ...uu iii ureen it riauner, Mr. Specr (of Xew Jersey) the Great nervous 'complaints, after having tested Wine Man 8 success lias arisen from th- lti5 wonderful curative powers in thousands r; Capt. b. L. iiclk, strict purity and valuable properties of of cases, :has felt it his duty to make it a "nearly completed his wines for invalids and feeble persons known to his suffering fellows, j Actuated Uily iafereit lin the and his reputation extends aronnd the 1)V tn!s rnotivei and a desire to relieve hu- Pi Beef, Flour, Uol.' Cot, soap. Candle,, liarl (' ra bo.d., Tobacco, Cigarf.'oa,f 7:rM scnption.s Glue, Ac. j ' Solicits connigninent Prodnr- It will paT all to conimonieat';,v Cool ! Kecii (oof, riTHK UM1KRS10NK1) u new r.rii J I larciah Hot or Cold or HuJJLlH hi tShavinir Saloon umr ih . j : ; the l,r price f tirwf l to d and t w en ty-lire ct nU for wlr t Fiiniiaiisti s Celcbra(( Hair In vigonilor which remores daadruff, cleaow., tli a-.l hu.1 gtrengihens audinTicoraVi the uf' i hand and for eale by the bottle. I : (Jentleme-. W ho wieh any thin? idoai I TonsAnsl line, Mill be plewed aUer air, the poPinar Shaving Saloun utd.r tt, jj lional llank. - i I. Frtftlli vor. I Jn. the Hasement 6f the firit .VaUunaj km - SPEER'S Port Crane Wine Used in Hnndredt of Congregation rr r munion purpoges. Alao ( Excellent for Ladies and WeailrP J sons and the 'Aped. 1 rams; Breakfast JJeef and s I i W'Av on his art iww oirstamliiig only about $10,000 Paris. tloim? of cit at 'v"ri oi i-ouus, about' S20 000 of men. navmg been taktri tin ilur n" 187a . . t For sale lv Druggists. r. nut ... r n v, ana ro. -ioi h ringed f r !?..-e inTitcd to Many id ti.e bu.:-c u!o::g li t wdl l l;aLd-"r.uiv det ortti J. he ar- rute and '7;. Goldob ro A .New Lat'cr: 1 he Had: can ot Joues county want a colored man for Sup. rior Court Solicitor in tliU District. At their c unty couvention' thev ad oi.t.d" the f .llowii,- usolntiou. viz: "Jlexcr.! i T;.at we et..l..rse U o.T. Wass.m of Wayne , cjLl.ty as our eii jico tor Solicitor of tni. , Ju.hc a Ditrict und urL'e hi "ron-Nsor in in c l nlvi rsily ' to said n .Mtion AV i . ---- if i oireciious ior nrenarmf and usinrr. in a, x o ' German, I French, or, English. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming tki$ paper. . Wv W. Sherar, 119 Powers' Block. Rochesterr' New York ; , ie 1 8-4 w ( THE liEST OF ALL . Choice Groeerie j 4 Sold by i ; ' - GEORG 9. 11 A 13 S. rROWOT ; june 24 E MYERS, 11'aaj ct lliM L-der. ll.J IK'liJItl.llI 111 a.sim requests u.s to He arrived Thursday m'jruiinr. lim i " l"mt h0 vt be a cauuidate. co: SRCIAL NEWS. autsUirM to the tif'h C' lit rati n havt Ihhd rtliccra in the UuivtrityotNortli . C4roInia. IIih father i.h now a pro- ' fe-Hr; hit m1teru! Krod father ih now a profw.r; his pit rual grand father wa h profe.Mr; hi tnother' mt iu it :rand father, his uu giet gnnd-fnl. r, uan n profe.-icir, bin lalhei'tf laateiuul grand-father, Li ioatii great-grnd-father wns steward; and hi taaterual Krtid-mothtr"H paternal grand-fther (by murriage.) was the find I'rrfideut of the Uuiver- itr. He La been represented iu the FaeuP.y by Li father, his two grand flhers, two Kfeat-graud fathers, atjd oue grcat-grcat-graud father. Hi greai-grcaf-grcat-grand-fathcr p:Rmd ih Declaration of ludeivndeuce in 177tJ. and hi greut-grand-father wai present at the Centennial in lS7d. At present to i m the department of Literature : his pecia'.ily being ele mentary aouud. . Weight ten jund-. rnnre uumarck s C losing Speech. Perlin. July 11. Prince Hii-marck in hia iiecch closdug tho Ctmgrr m on toruay, UeclartM that ho did n t heaitato to aCirm that thi CotigreK deAorTrd well of Knrope. The pleui- tHitcutiarirt would have the c ncion ues of having, aa far n vis i'f ibl. i i i n-sturci mm iuuureti cace. no en terUinetl a firm hopo that tho Ivuo- wan ncderstandiug would remain durable, aud that the cordial relation among tho plenipotentiaries would eonaolidato rrlations between their r;oernmcn!. . Priaee Hismarck incidenlly remarked, that his health wa 8 neb that ho had scarcely hrped to pre ide over the lVngre until ifa oooclusion. Count Andraaiy f tarted for Vienna on Saturday, and Lord lacontield b ft for hone to-lay. TI. - T 1 j,...j; jTueoi raiaAii are pre paring for a grand Charade a,,.i Tableaux to come oO on Thursday, th lSth inst. to conclude with a grand Dill at night. lUeidsvilL ijmes. ; Iascd Down Hie Line. ! Three eai-iads of G'eorgia water uieiou' htoppa 1 un I disLed out at this place last night. Citizen llocked frcm V.l Cvirten, to get thejdrht of ths tea- on. A tall, pHle.j agitateddookiDg man, who i literary und pious aud has an exc.edingly lurge family, fctrol! il out with h-ii umbrella for a wilkicg c tue, to buy a lino melon for Melinda. He bought a large one and handed it to a FEial? colored bov to hold for him, till ho could make the change ' io pay me carman. 2iov, there were just 47 httlt? factory negioea all iu H row, and nil p .nrins for watermelon Pa it down dt. i;nU z.kCt ,luick and tako it to de pmeK,' j said numb.-r oi.e, :u.,i Lke a Hush tho end boy had t it ml was cul to the thick elnitir i.f I EXTRA NDUCEMEEITS ! Great LNT to The palo mat, M(nn returned.and aked for hi. i:nt tho nfff UH8 to amur. 'J5..5.4 i-aid he. man mv c-lle.i ' Ci u to Zi hn Z-ke 'K'rt go: a Mire fov t, tu he gifo Ike. an' Ike nhd ti no for a i water, an he gnb it to dat niggjr vou see dar. he Kiu't big nulV nohow to mis- a bd.y, mi'Jm. ;,t it fall an'ii.h - m i- r..n ior ir, Do.s, but noia;i!tot Ina,niv yer ktou . l.tits . 1 ,l(1,."t DE S U M M JJ 11 ESS 6000S! WILMINGTON MARKET I July 16-1 F M. t SPIRITS TjDRPENTINE Firm at 6 : I cents. W'e hear of sales ofL350 ca&ksat that ligure. ! 1 -i I ' - " kosix Market rirm "at Zlm -for Strained and 51' for Good Strained. Sales ol 1,000b bis G6odShained at quotations. No sales of fine roains reported. TAR Steady at fl 40. CRUDE I TURPENTINE. Market steady at SI 00 for Hard, fl 75 for Soft and 2 00 for Vlrgioj .with sales of receipts at Quota tions. . I . J . COTTON Firm. No sales reported. TheJ follow are the ollicial quotations: . Ordinary Good Ordinary. Strict Good Ordinary. T J 11? . uow aiiauung...... Middling..., 4 uooa jiiaaung i DAILY EKCKIFTS Uotton.... i...- 1 bala fepinta rTurpaitint.L;.u.:...--.. -:i caska il'- Mt, Prospoct;VinoYaffl8,Kev 1 ' Jersey. ,,. if Snor's Pnrf. Iiiirn Wino roiir ji trars ifiu BRUCE WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pender County, N. O. ' jVy ILL; ATTEND at Stanfoid; (Uurgaw) IVY every Monday, and at Ijiis office-at Lillington, the remaiLder of the week. Coliectio- s and, Conrejaacinj,' a Specialty, june 4-diw 8,' il Cec ta. 1 1 it it It Rosin Tar.. Grade Turpentine.. .....'....1,502 bold 1 " 512 ' I TZZZ2 r?2W 8 I rpUlS JUSTLY CELEBRATED MTJVl Wine is made from the julet f the Opwti. Grape, raised in thla country. Its iaralsi-Mi Tonic . ana Strenjitheninz Ircpfrtd are nnBUrpaed by aDj other Inatfra WI Heine the pure juice of the ctm, croci under iir, Bpeer'i own personal wperriiicv its purity and genuineness are ratrtcj x. uc jruuugcct vuim may pariaKe ui in ou3 qualities, and the weakest; inralid v'' use it to advantage. . It is paHicnlarl; hf ficial to the aged and debilitated, tad roi to the various ailments that'atlitct tbs sex. It Is, in every respect, A WUNE 10 J K ELI ED OIK. 1 l! ZArrf LIDS USE SPEER'S PORT OB WINE. - - l 'l - ' ' J FEMALES USE SPEER'S fUIlTG&At WINE. 1 ' M j ' L ' WEAK7.Y PERSONS FIND A BESO BY ITS USE. . ' ! ; i I . C5 peer's Wines in iloanitali are crs:i to other Wines. i ' 1 , Sold by Druggists renerally, lnho tlie SDeers Standard Win Rittura. Tn.e fT Wheeler & Wilson lJTrP, c over , tae cork of each bottle. t A. SPEER'S Mt. Project TiaeTardiJ J ersey .! OfiSoe, No. 34 Warren S t NF t ! I ot sale by GRKSS A FLAN? TfcK, vtv Sewing Irlachine pOMBINE3 ALL THE LATEST Sewing Machine improve in ents atd makes it the best ONLY MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. 6c ail of j 8c, 10cf & 12 l-2c por. yd. as AT taiu't o.illed tue, nuth'n for what I done. I W to hel, a friendly man.' I 1 Tut. tut." sail tho ,,;., iIlrtv:... man. and ho walk&l I,. 7 i . - -7 i:iii i Jieiiiiua nn.i tJit chi.'dr, fl ,MlU ,; I .n " i . . -,,a,r aV ,Ial tl w waft an old time melon catin- in . , I Tor Inwards or Thlrlvi 1 enrv jIks. Win-Lou 's Svie ' i ' ' .... lor i'M'I.In.m li . . ... it'fnii?t nru Hi' ..r . stomarli, n-Iieves ri,ul s.;r "r,,.M1t, vnt arising Irom teitthiti" ,M"-' u-. ah oi.i auJ remedy. ttntt a botlU. m 36 Market St. or well-trkd d& w. j I July Steamship D J Foley, Iiennett; Uultimore, A 1) Ciizaux. ii steamship Rencfactor. Jones. New York. A I) Cazaux. Stpamcr A P Hurt Wrtrth VarotfvilTA Ol LI1 IV T .U 111. I I Steamer ! Wave. Robeson. Favetteville. Williams inrcniin. i steamer North Eastj Ialdi.souj Point Cas well, slluldiwin. . - - , jo , s learner ;nart-hni.-TjtaaTff. Smfih- ville. O G Pandey Co. Steam-yacm riarl, llarrer. Smith vllle. Geo Myers. usJv w , .-i i- Nor barnuntine Jerbuen.. Svendsen. Glaurow, RK IltMtk. . I Schr Allogro. Keller: Boston, E G Rarker t CO. ! .-'-.( schrJno A (riflln. Foster, l'hiladcli hi.i Harriss A Howell. - fi . r CLEaKED. Steamer A 1 Hurt, Worth Worth, A rtrtlu ! . i i Ui Steamer i W ave, Robeson. Williams 4 3i urcmsun. i steainer prUiisait; I3dlsnJJiint Cas well, raddlsota. j Steamer J S UnderhlU. LAtliam. Smith. vllle, O. G Paraley A Co. i Strun-raaiiJLi45nQrs. Ilarner. Smlth-cini GM3-ers 1 . SpViii barqtie Cabieces. Rarcnoj Antwerp, Patern, LMwin&A- Co ' . i i Exports. ! I rnitrii - Antwerp Span .barqua bbls rosin, y v - ; j in the martet. Call and ee this ilachina be- lore bojing any other an-4 get reduced price Hit. -j-.. V We keep tall line of NeW i, Fayettv'UIe, rayciieviiie. Strong Xaiv ScliooJ. muE xext RPGnrii? csioyflf i X Jnautunon will begin on Mondai yJT oieeptember next, and continue tiJWv day of June following: Appcanti in.t lii. A' ! bOWETr. be rpiiril .nvi;mindw(t" ' Will be deliTr ifnrin. tW toi3i mentsfor all J.'aqbin-, Oil, ' TLrea-f, S;lk, Unaining in the city and wishing it. i fc j . . . I fiesta linn 1 tAAiMMA. Ill V- jllIvakTsulfe f ! J j , 1 r vvvaciuuai ICVUI CB, V 111 UCiA f tJ J a. v w Al It i Ai0:iuii t ct ol the faaious iiuttericic- j'aper Patterns of garment. OfTice 23 Market SL, Wiluiington, N CV WilKELER 4 WILSON M'O CO. ;ulv 12 ! Horses-f-Horses- 2QQ WELL RUOKLN HARNESS W. B. OHK. Ag' Cabkrces For sale. and action. i July 8 AND SADDLE HORSES t au suit anybody in style speed - NOHTIIKOP 1 CUMMI.VO. 1J gJCf -TI bosine?s yon can engage In. 5 nliul tojrdaj mada by any MM AMU A worker of cither aex, riAt in ,ocUt,icfc lrticalar.and sample, worth $5 free. Improve your pare time at thU baBines3.AdjreM ST ia$o 4 Co., Fort- chool by diftinguiahed memben of the e.ignriar. -. ... . t 1 The adrantaPJi k-WH thli citv'cr? cnnrin!nii sif aoonaa n Iks Kt librV' in opportnnities 'for altendinj the ...wu . u icrtiuu more iuui w" xj anrl in ma.i!iim MM.k.fe .fik. K md prominent gentlemen, surpasses those ether locality in the State, j J ;.L r FKtOne hundred dollarj, for , Good board can be bad for f 1 to If f month, r ; . ;- , J 1 1 : - For farther particulars, "address, jaly 10-5 1 ' - Balelgli; 'rEALK in School . BcoSr, Sfi rkturei, pVimvBbiei,.: Albiinji0c-li' iltuleal Ioitramennv Fancy 'Gooii, 1 'ho tog rap h Gallery enntr ted w1, Store. f01d Pktn&Vwpfcd as4 alrti July 8. - ... D re t tl jaeti i II lei EltV relief luma - . I 'J lyJ3 illi I Jam Uva I 'Tai re 1 i' irm to