Now Advortisomonts. Fancy i mum CORNER The Dailv iiikii." r. .ami Prop UII.3II.OTON. N. C. Wow is J the Time T.i procure your and 4 ft. "" Millinery Goods Call at t Sxchanee Corner f.-ryour 1 TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, BUTTONS, LACES, HDKTS, Hosr, CHIIOREN'S FANCY HALF HOSF. HAIR ORNAMENTS, CLOVES, ii .1 i: tl tTir i! vu sl.i'iiM v.i!it In the Fancy lane ! THURSDAY JL'LY; 23. 1ST8. VOll 0NtiKIlSS : ALFRED 3M. WADDELL, of m:v hanovek. DON PITT AS A ,311 LITARY any set of men could pilfer and plunder Eddie T And ho said, 0. minima, I CRITIC, i I as openly and shamefully as (be radicals am bo hungry.' r And Lucy, Edward Ti c WaAfctfo. ntut, of wbicb tho people of Xtrtl tttolio.. fZ; . ISrLTSS.SSL'X the no'.onouj LTJa x'iftt: 13 editor, " ""'.uowever, tua. a par.y thinner every Aud before God, devote throo columns of its issue of uIieu rIl4fucn record as is the Kadi hdn-arti, unice yon come Lome ue tho 2 lsiinst., ia the consideration of caijpartj, shrold bjve bmeri impudence mut die. ; ; 3ocr Maht the i rehearing of the case of Gen. enou-h td-rrBst;. wfo a . . , -r, i . ctrinrrc-eh'ii wtJm i -r l r Aaltle,-and other members tof the com t Fdz John rcrtcr, and presents the strangers ill wnl it be if , tue ; people .of wprM . . r? . 7 3 , matt r iu a novel and unique light, I North Carol inashall grant the request Judges Supreme Court: run chief' J us ricE. W. XC XT. SlrllTII, OF 'WAKE. VOll ASSOCIATE JUSTICES t THCX&AS S- ASHE, OF AXSO.W 1 " i I- JOHN II. DILLAHDt OF KOCKINGIIAM. Judges Superior Court SEVENTH DISTRICT. J.?. GRAVES, . of suiinv. wh'h may causo many cf the real fighting men of both the Federal and Confederate armies to think that they have been for many years laboring neder a wild delusion. It ia rtfresh- tiilervmaa what iuMiul i p 11 the recer- A '. A i 1 . T T , m. m . tronoi cneierier. replied that liO tir d k A 'Awching incident, of the siege of j a ade three separate and ineffectual Paris is told Iv a correspondent of the I appb'catioua for a furlough,) and then Contemjvnrg Leiuew. A group of men bia ho meeV hig 8be wemen and boys were drawn j up to be was broken hearted at learning his ab- .L.I ll.. .J 1! - .ia - L 1 1.1 3 .T icg to have some independent spirit ,rmh ujr ,rom Versailles, une U iiuio we, auu -x am nere " cr"" .i .1 -11 r . . , . ... OPntlAmon ' Mill ho 'nnt hrnnnhf liaftlr like Mr Piatt who has viVw il hp Ui luem Iau OI Ioa"een, pleaded witu ,1 r 'u J - ? j. iiKcur. xiait, who uaa view a ine . w . r r . i by military power, but ia obedience battle from afar, and who, not fbe commander of the bootcg squad, to the command of Mary, to abide the being engaged npon either aide may hMy mother wlH nGt know wbat as sentence of your court.' Edward be supposed to write advisedly and meofn Let me go into that por- Copers found guUty of desertion r J a j j i . and sentenneti to rfa&th. - as it was the dispassionately, correct, the errors - .7 w",cn- J plain dutv of the court. Bat thi which partisanship or excitement of S1V0 Jou my word oi nonor lj will l come greatest and most merciful of men was warlike duties mayjhave. led us into back The officer C1"1 the request in command f that army, aDd, upon la hea.tic-.e alluded to. Gen. Por tendingj ao., ejecting th.U ,0 Z iq-Fnlil nn fn nlilflnnr onii i,0 tne lad wou'd Cccape. But. ia a moment - ' , i , - t is ceiu up 10 ouioquy, and, if tne , . , prisoner and or.ier.d him to report for i IGIITII DISTKICT. ALrnowso of in C. AVER IT, IIKE. NINTH DISTRICT.. JAS. C. Ii. CUDGER, OF F0I1 HAYWOOD. SOLIlTrOK!: SWin CAIiItOWAlT, . of! gHeene. ' 1 VIRUS A.I RKVIKVTS. ,Fine Spanish Lace, i vl.;l. M u I., f r Tus m l Soirf-. Ni-w Vc'hii.: r all ?lyli. A Hiiokcr in ruiUmouth, N. II., fitjiliug th it his cia- wu!du't drav, cut it open, and discovered cartridge, v it h the bul let toward the mouth end. . An unprecedented case in life ii.s'irauc litciati.Mi U ipt d from Albany, where tie Atlantic Mutual, which was plhcid in a mviver's haml a .?ar ?go, has iu the I n.eanthne acrumula".d a net cf al-fut OVH) overaii J above all liabilities, int ltiiling its cipi'al. This improvement his been secured from' unpaid premiums n outstanding policies, IT pr cent, inter est e n iirsT-cI.isa n.vesrine'nts and a Tow 1110 tality. I . ; ' P.ita-onia is a vert attractive country Its climate is of the clldestj its men are of the tal!ctt, and it, women of f the ug liest specimens e f thej human race. Its mice are likewise gigantic, and tho natives Cajn'tal has stated the case truthfull, his punishment by the courtina.rtial was insignificant and altogether inad equate for the crime with which he was charged, Bat Gen. Porter, ac cording to the veracious Cajital, was merely a cat's paw in the hands of the great and chief conspirator and trai- Generalj George B. McCIellan, he was back and declared himself ready. The ofiicer hustled him out of the con demned rank with an exclamation in The lad escaped, while his comrades fell. duly to his buttery.' tor, Rail Road Lines, &c. GAPGLiHA CENTRAL RAIL WAY GGMPAHY. Uri-rfE,(f IVFKAL Si FKklNTiJVDKNT, V' Wilirintpn, X. C, M 18, 1ST7. J ( hiUifco of ScIiImIuIo.-. ON AND AFT VJi MO DAY, 20th in-t., the 'llowinfj Schedule Will be op?rated on this Kaiiwav : MOOXSIHXE. PA SSEXV Ell, MA 1L AS'D TRAIN. EXPRESS Leae Wi!niinrton at.... 5:30 P M ArriVe at JIainlet at... ....12:40 A W " at Chailotteari... 5:5 A Al No. 2. Leavei Charlotte at.. SArri J ..7:30 P S! Te at Hanletat....7..12:15 A M " i o U'ilmini.tin a 7.J A f FREIGHT AND A CCOM Crepo and Crepa Veils The British liome Secretary recently received for correction, a petition which hud been forwarde to him by lulios of Ediu- bur for i presentation to the Queen. It whom thousands have heretofore look- addressed the Queen as '-Empress of In ed upon as one of tne purest of Chris- dia, wijr-li tonu, Jlr. ( ross say?, 'Ss not tian gentlemen, whatever they may I lbe pr:ir mode pf addressing Her M.jes have thought of his military eenius. lJ' in tLe Suited Kingdom." The jtition T.pnpml TTfll!plr " rvh ft e0,0 was amended and returned. article, "vraj, the world knows, a znili" tary imbecile," nnd if it had added At A III 1 . m m mm .ne vas aio a cold niooded, "A roint well taken,"' ouoth the sneak sejnsh, heartless worker far his owa I tluf,' as ho artfully bassed a tine lot el No. 1 personal ftcffrandifemont. not carintr aa.iqae lace. who mhiht tnffer if his EuCcGfifl Vn J . . ."X rson on evening visit: 'Aw, I m iiisl (jul or a mpk ipj. iprnme nov assured," then, we could heartily en- .'Say, Mr.! Johnson, what ails yer bed ? dorse the paragraph. The following notice appeared in a shop But what strikes us as peculiarly window of a tailor at Cork: Wanted, two tri- WEEKLr aa j r- ' I auuiciJiivca, lii ljc llcaiCU j9 UiiC Jl I iuieresung 10 our ooumern people, ia the family." MODatiox traix luenewauu Fiarmng una startling, Danviusavs a woman loses one-tenth Leave Wilmington 5:30 A M. d nhrin I- 1 x a m I 1 A. ? 1 . 1 " . V 1 1 ITT I VSft a aw . .j . ufcauue it is ao ennroiy new; estimate J oi uer nine looKing ior ner immuie. lie mo a m on . lueauays, Ttiursilajs and in xvhu h fl-.woia T.a o,i TBvonn recommenas mat a snen ior it be attaclied , . -. - tothetrameofthemuTor .v . . . u.,ueu:ou0u J"ug0 I A baiitifnl widnw of Vpwmrt. R. f- military men and movements. He having lei t her chalet for the season, was gives to General Lee a "dignified dis- asked what induced her to desert such a crctlon," that -ha I no dash nor mush chaimmg retreat. "Too uiuch balcony ii;i;, :n. " .i m j- ana too mue Komeo," was ner reply. - j vw Tilt..',:' i . c e3 ueta groat leuienanc in tne tbe assistant postmaster-generals to pick words, "Stonewall Jackson, who. her out a crood younc man for a hu&band. possessed of nreat dab. had no dis- Ale at once TeJhed "iat 11 was not t'1181" Xo. 4..,A;fATirJ' .. ness to sort tne mans, cretion. i i Pnsohlv t1,;i oB'nA r A man in a rural settlement, who has u Tr,ains Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 run Daily except loas.blythis estimate of men who beeu an . iuveterate foi the w Sunday. . - j I rassengere ior Kaieiga leave jimington 5:30 P M, and Charlotte at 7:30 P M, make close conrection at Hamlet, arriving at Ral- eign at s:45 AM. V Passengers for Statesville and Western N C R Rj br No 1 Train arrive at Htatesville next morning at 9:15; arrive "IIad of West- MiacellanoomJ A if f nrfi'lLjil WILL i TIIEnEfOIiK INSURE AGAINST THEM V, utu.e out r.ul j PoiieJ , w LIFE INSITRANCE CO 9F MOBILE, AL MAUUICEMcCAUTIlY. H. M. FRIEND. Secretin Weauliht Saturdays. Leave Lanrinburg 4:00 A M going East, and b:ou, a M, !gomg est, on Mondays, Wednesdays land Fridays. SHELE Y DIVISION, MAIL, FREIGII1 d PASSENGER AND EXPRESS. : r f j Vo- i lLave Charlotte.... ) auivc at iutiuy ...6:35 A M .10:50 A 12:45 P J Arrive at Charlotte fc:00 P M have . heretofore 6tood at the very twenty years, has suddenly and perina head of the militarv profession, mar nently given up the practice. He knocked be inar. lmt ther is a nnn,n!ftt?nn in the LeS 4f his mto a k"S cf blaSlifi2 ! : powaer. tuo xeuecuou lue ; uasu oz jiick- Wondeiful are the devices on the new son at Yvmchcstcr developed a supe- embroidered stockings ! The latest is a rior amonut of "discretion" to Bs. S'St. VZ3S?" Sfi malv1 20 and that the former, aside from teach- annronriate tomato nlant twining Uv ... . . . " t . . . "Ob lDg me latter, tne important Jesson, over tne instep. General Superintendent. t; ilii; . vl ap Poii't f tM th 3EST SCISSORS AND HEEDLES in the world ! NOW FOR n fliiefy Goods! 1 thoowho have i,d luyht their HATS. BONNETS. AN0 OTHER MILLINERY ARTICLES, ' I S;,r.l ! take advantage of this month's !rc!:oc$, as price hive l en rlr.cctl such as will nrpri.e them ! . . . d,P!ay an inerad.cable propensity to tell w eminently succe sful m the ob ect f Q ! lu- I his delightful country is destined of the Campaign The same might be l (rsllj OfATorth Carolina, to hx-ornc very important, inconsequence id with cquil forca concerning his Enfield N. XLJTuly 22d, 1878. of the recent discovery of gold therein, mdiscreet da,h, i ga.nst Fremont, James Nichols0D( ; aged 19 vear; rromthe Crdilleras to th- Atlantic, Shields and Hen ?t n, and notoriDhsly dWn3(1 in Fishing Creek to-dtJy, from the Santa Crnz to 'IVrr i LVI Php, the "dash" at ChanoeJIorsville, in under the following sad circumstan- 1 - 25 Cents will araiU aJm ' foronedar ia thlium of i: 83,000 in tho Event of Death . . . on. ; ' ' S15 00 Per Wook Indemnity for Disablir Injuries.! KATES-1 Daj.niaL ; 2 D.j. 5'0 ceiu, 5 Iy f 1.25 ; 10 DaJ($2.50; 30 i'jt foo. ( Vearlj policies issued at from $5 to $-o per $1,000, according to occuWtion, ai wiitten at short notice by ' ARTHUR J. II ILL, Affent, jttae Wilminirton. C. General Insurance) Agency OF JOHN W. GORDON & BRO., 24 Uorth Water Street. ! REPRESENTING 0'VR j Fifty Mlhlon Dollars Assets - . j FIRE. ' . ' ; ''.. UambariT-Bremen ofM......L..L..Oermany Mi'sissippi Valley of..........MemibIj, Tenn Liverpool & London A Glob of...lj.England Seaboard of........ Norfolk, Va Fireman'a Fund of.........L....1M ..California Pamlico of.....:. ..........iTarboroJ N. C LaCaisae Generale of.,......J.P4rt.. Trknee I. Galveston Insnranco AM,n...QalTeiton; et Mobile Underwriter! of...;.. Motile, Ala Equitable of. .L..........Nu hTUli, Tein Metropolitan of... i.............J..New' Yojrk Life Ins. Co. of Tirelnia, of.L.Petersbarlr. V Gen'l Sup'ts Office, ie 25 - i l i T i WILMINGTON, ! COLUMBIA AND A U Tile 01(1 llOnfiA 1?AnnArlAf GUSTA RAILROAD. 'I I ' i Arilmiaton, N. C.,June 1; li CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 1S78. THE OLD AND RELIABLE Watchmaker's & Jowol the country tcen with gold. 1h"Ind'm 7 i hits thinks th it wnmcu ir rijihfs uhen th-v a-k' f.-r ors will i-vl th- innii. "Hie ri.ut t v. .to ait i nt m tat 1 i .u i win i n i ii:v::ica it i his boat was drawn - uc ' "u .Ufl roau: ITS t" 'i .,: J Xl under byjthe curert, and the unfoftu 1, j kai ltLno and mail:train, daily 1 uu iwl ,li Iur f a::ic wanttd, ju.t as. i.c.v HiniiVts :m 1 p"iiy e:irri.ic3 ai.htlu r litlld luxuries. arc c u taii.d now. H'rothcrs and huslunds will U tented into grauting what th which Howard Cr I Hhu z display- ess: i lie was in a ooat usnmg Deiow n ji FfaMfaTiwtiif -.1 i n.l ; ,.--t. . J his father's mill dam. and venturing 1 .On and after Monday, June 3, the follow- X.SiaDUSIiment, cuwiiuo-uiwcnou r" ,asc fn,rn, f!,n .Ln, l.ic " QTT7 lnchednle will be run on this road: running is-cr.pab.c. under by' the curert. and the unfortu. '. We may possibly revert to this sub- nate young man loet his life; He grad-j f ; except SundajJ) ject at another timo. a! e. University in : J una last, wilmincton. L:..........J 10 2s ami Mr. J. II; Allen. Practical Watchma- auu uau uub recenwy reuurnea nome Arrive lorence....J I 3 20 P M ker. and Mr. L. fl.j P. Rrnvti .W.llrr MORK ROI1UGR1 . ' tho pride and joy of his family. Cut Leave Florence...... .3 30 PM anilEnwU. , .i-iJ - U,..Ur the alovo title the KaMgU ? in ,tho f P8ti?e I of .bis ri.e WUminn.... j - 7 30 .P M tendanw. aa'rt 'Kd'S..' will ,cr expats m tho .MAonesty a cira""f friendTto deplore . fT. "'"f3 TRf I!f iDlilr'- lw:fl Wtton; vir icm.i.e ui i.a:icai ctucialt ami drv3 a stnktoj; his nntimelv deatb. reteraLura Index "re n iinnnffton 7 J5 P 11 1 Unronomcteri Batpil W.rtlcal ni.v.ivfi are ui.-liiii'; Kt. ami thoy will comnarismbctween thecxrenscsof thenre-UM Appeal. i . i 7-" i "Vi K fi t x ' ' . I . 1 .'. I jtut alio to r,fuso L Vni of pe.i- vios Secretary of State. bo was a IlLli- ,.?'?"78 !? P. o"? &wSZdll "IS iMtnunenti Bepalred I tion anotler. The w. fna. will have cal; and the refect incumhentl who is a "tfkilSS" fe? J t Pf S Timo ,akcn T Tranrit lirtrvment. her own way, winterer :t miy be. If Democrat. Tho Observer says: gallant bbvs to fill soldier'a craves J ? Watches, Clock. Jewelry, i thc-y have net ?,.t Totw.hNWuo they The mere we look into ibe facta ami now,in the very Bunset of his life. "?Lirn .V P.AV?Jr7 Silverware and Fanrr Goodi penditures ot the vonnfyfl:1 nf hm .11 TT ilo no? care t t ?..t T..t, L tW.. they The .ore we ijt ioto ;be facU aDd . now .in tho very nunset of his life,' pf1 wMiertl'lJ '!?S,,i'f'kvfi W- ' ures relate to tbe expenditure, of tbe ' orue iwaTes hare closed over the 1' .urore wi.l next, vear ha dividi-.l I'eople a money, the more nlamlv an rears I omiaKU oianAj.n,ii,.,in.MA. tu h i lnri' f!c rrn-f rtt.r nr.r-mi., J the rPrklf; PTlnrKrancrt th?if nnrl Ilia daafh nn'll tansa q Aaan .T PMPenfferi fdr "AnfiTlsU and beTOfid I V" " tU Old StaUU T-- Vv.....Jt1 0-w t I - ouu ifinnlrl liW VUi ..."t,.;. f tr: 1 rTITTnfl -rr . - AutriaJ CJreat ! Dritaiu. and very. department of government under gneial sorrow. lialeigh Observer. MBdnrtonl r ' , " XXIUO. W. UiiUWK G BUIp, amo: l::sf;:a, if Fmncr;fur. of (medium importance- lcal rule Waste, if not plander, was A ji,rmnls anfl PhetiC Incident Ct 1 Through SleeCar. on nittr.ia. Sweth -n, Spain, Ify, .and Turkey; order of the day everywhere there was . , , j j t i - - - j : thirteen small States Norway, Den- j a dollar cf public money J And nowhere the War. for, Charleston and Augusts. JOHX P. nivi,F.nM..i fli,K mi - e-it r . e . i I - r n D W rl Tl IT tmW. U T K-M T T U W T - a I MVtn -w .uMWiiiu, j.criiuai, owiiz.crjana ui iU.Ub ju-jio uiauucbi 'Historical SkfttehAsof Hnnn. .Itro-rOT Market Street, ! TO ADVERTISERS. i, iirccce, Koumahu, Sorv:a. Hul- 111 Ci'ic t"c uadicai iccretary ty, by J. W. Moore, now in course of tflll MIUnTnil r. urn nnn I Hon Saria, MonteMro. lutein Roamcl'ia Uata. 1 pubUcation in the Marfreesboro En- WlWlWul UN: ftLUUh r.i tir.-ki,-it.iv v., ; irt:.L.i:- . v. : i-. Frr.m .Ti??r t.n m .i,ri,.,rr i-.r, quirer. It will be read with a swell v-" v. . j --i. i u iuuutit:i ; liVMHC J t t -''.'-" .ywrf, o a three mmnte States Monaco. San Marino, Inod of only fcIX months, the Radical of the eyes by all who are not dead to ana Andrre. Ifn5 one cUc rejoices 'at retary of State spent ; $20,270. 01 for tho touches of nature which "make tho diploj- the outcome of the Con-re? matic service will. rrt . - i no venerable Nr Mttb .JuntiLore, tli- mvt l-rlovetl aj.d rcveroncol by his a'l i'vin .Je-s, has naturally Huner. ii urn ub icbu wnu a swell T A TT T? H A PriTtTT) A ing of the heart and a certain moisture ' jUDIFANY. 78. Vmcm or Okjl ScpzarsrswDKirT stationery, that is to sav at the rate Af the whole world kin': over $40,000 a vear. Now let us wLft own State what the present Democratic Secretary of the pervading want amid the families at 3:15 M State spends for thit purpose. A etito- of the Boldiera jut the most enormous minptonAiW Wilmington, S. C, Jan 1, IS Oo'f CHANGE OF SCUEDuJuE. P. Howell & SELECT IIST ... OF f . - i ' Local Newspapers. Weldoa Railroad will ma i u fol- raee if watched the proceeilira iof the CongrcAj with an iKet.f xcu!iar on iu Uann-s upo h tho wclfaru Derlin j.terest meut from tie Auditor's oOIce, und.r date Public charitv cpnld but reach a tithe STvu ati "a vn rrpnvw rr . ,J , . rf r -t 1 ,i u ' . oftheheeds of the many, thousands of PAS MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN daily cfycS.eruaj.inforrhsns that the amount ;woneI and children. The Leave Winnington, Front kt. Depot f ' rJrcnases l,.r blank books ana station- case of Edward Cooper, tried before . "Vw:;V:v;""w " M . 3 Iu V If try by tie Secretary of State from the first I one of tho courts-martial of the Army Leare WeIdon.........!I .. 12 45 P M race. The follow it.. J.i.mch exc'hin! J-murry, 1ST 7, tb the first of January, riaeTUJ J, Amve ai umiaetoa.. jrront 8t; . , . 1 1 C -.chau eI , Will illustrate the diffioultj and fro- Depot at.... ... . 705 1 II U-tween him and iir,a 1 1: throd.r of 13-R. of one year, ia $1,1.0.32 of desertion' at that add NIGHT . .ND ETTOrqo TR1TV Purlin, on tie acceptance iy-tLe Con- An 'itoaUum of $l,7q2.0l is report- tnbsequent periods of the war. The EXCEPT 'BiSdav: irci tf tLd isini!;;r f,f r..'; . r i. -d for Iliink-l-ooks fur varioaa counties prisoner was charged with desertion. i I i " All thoc desirous ol hnr- ain houItl call ! N, H.SPRUPJT, jly I Eaxhaagc Crcr; . - ' I 11 m kMA.IaH.A-aT aV a an na aV ex VI n A I I m no-x-. t nil! I.. ..:.... . lst, . r n, :rs tn f .O Slit.i l,r ' UJC uac VI WUMKi. , ...... Iu.iar interest . ' J nnftr.A tha easa and the sa;l counties as the books are receive a kiBHK Tti nnj m.c". w.nukins only $ii,S7S.C3 iu all! It was told to produce his witnesses. He is io he noted that the amount for Ulank- f i that Jiq had none, sad ins only de- tnelawrequinn- counties to provide court. . it read as t folia war - i troes indexes, and it is also to be noted! "llr Dzau Edwajio : vl-.Iiave beet alway.proud of you, and eiooo. your connection witn tne ix)uieaerate Army I have been prouder of jou than erer -before, j would hot have you do any thing wrong for-tne world ; but be fore God, Edward, unless you . come lVarWiA WA WfV9mt 1 A T.4eat TVaT.tV T wn a bv all Jews aahox i l.t u ;ir.);.i:L i.. tin .v.,. Irriionu. Kipuuiy f J religions wj accepted 3icrv:ay, a.o :ur i.ouniaiiia.. (Augratu ia::ou.. 1 Sill MO.-! M yNTEi ICUE To t'.ALwX LEUK 'EOlJKli. that the csUblLshmtnt of the Asricultural Pepartaiwnt increased the amount neceesa on a .e..e a.. . . A . V . a a. j - w wuiaaunj iu jrt ur it.eraia, ior wtacb heartilv thank voti. I t. r,mt,i mW aa a,Va. - A a. w . late you on the sucetss of vour tiuciainv I much fT laviu au houcst and cfS- tTvrU. l'raie the God of Israel fwr his Cl0ui lc m-rcy and ondno. to hu people. of SUte. It seems scarely .credible that aroused by little ' Eddie i cryinc:. I called and said,- What ia the matter. ' aillr Monday, Jane 3d, 1878, I jvxttxl of CHEAP. low-Driced newicaperm. , 1'aasenper trauM on the WU- ie tact innuiteotherwliie TboiJ!aUkoe hiau exactly what the papers are. wnen the uaine of tho oaner In ttrfatl la fall-l ilia la every Instance tbe beat Pr iu the. place. When printed An Cptui it is the only Daner in tLe dL-uus! UVa print ea in Itomau fetters It la neither th beat nor -the only paper, bat U utfuaUv a very fo1 one, notwithstanding, me Hat tlve tne population of every town an4 tneirculti ' ? ?ver" PPr. . 11 U not a CVcperative jUf Jt is pot a Cheap List. At the toot of tLf Catafcjgue. for each, State tha lmportat towns which are not covered by the llatfre enumetated. It is an Honest- Ilt, list lncltuWtrrO newspapers, of which lO are. Ursiifrf Dally and 807 Weekly. I They are lo catl in 825 different cities and townn. ? jrhkb 22 are wtate Cap! tain, S3 places of ottt. 5,(aw tionuiatlon. and 4U (Joanty Beats. Li" isent oh Application. - Address i OIX)-! ' IUiWKLTj A tTJ'S Newspaper AdvertiSi? ureau, 1'jeprttceSt. (Printing House J The Odshibpbiifen Beer-Lager Been I rpiIE BEST LAGEB i sold tiny Bar fc Fire Cents per Glass ! r Fine Wines, Ala, Uqvon and Clgut ways ODband. Opn Day or N1?bC, M IJOI1N CAKKOLU cpl 11 J Proprietor' Leave Wilmington, Front. St. Depot at... . . 7 60PJ1 ArriTe at Weldon st... 3 10AM Leave Weldon, daily 3 15 A II Arrive at Wilmington, FrontSt. . Depot at............ 05 X 11 Train- on Tarboro Branch Road leare Rocky ITount for Tarboro at 2.20 P II dailr, and Taesdaj.Thnnidayaijd Saturday at 5:00 A M. Returtine, leave Twboro at 1015 A M dailj. and Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 P II. , , The fi Train makes eloee connection at Weldon' for all points Morta via Bay Lias daily, (except Sunday) and daily, ria Bich mond and all rail routes. I Xijrht train! makes close connections at Weldon far al point north via Richmond, 1 Sleeping Cari attached to all Night Trains. JOIIX F. DIVINE, General Sxpt i jane 3 1 . ..