DM) AND YOUNG. I .r M If all'l MJlllf shcf r" l tVolW tinl P lhlr I- !f- U,K .1 rruicr Vis m.-M. ... cr..w . Cftthrr K'.l.l t tl.- inim'rtl Utr.U ! sun . ' . Vy,,,.,-,. . . f . Virginia City Kntrrprij-. 1 1MPKI50NEDIXA 31 INK- .Signal .Sounded lie Earth" Stir- ir..- t r: ;.: 1 2 o'clock yiMtml.i, l rc " . fu:k wliich is used iu "":;,. ,!r from tho htt .I the .! ''lli i ,. nk lritJg tVtd " the Vf it:r ,J,J tlulJ. corits V rk-r cci.tttllj allowed it to i t'. iutu the uhtare. The tauk, V o! gailwan chj icity, wat. ,'-ttfr uJ when it struck the .t-thecU lJ im-m oi wcu fttnd to the ttHJi wire cable ' i t-r The tan' wan of wood "I r.o oogaiJ. the fane as a cge u . . i t i -art! ma i" cab.e it went I ,'f tte fcUft hie a 1. nden plntniaet, 4 j.-aiw 1.' ftt l to lLe watvr at .t.. lottos- j, vta cn w.-re cocewht ru ut the i. t. ta f th abaft. Ni'WH of the uc . , 1. 1 1 fi-rraJ r-pidly, and .Snp-rinteii-j.-i t Th-r the frouudt i I , r,.j- r ilTjrtM wtre mmju tando to the fate of the men below. I. Loibtitg tauk fell down the ct-rapartmcut. Tho'next ora , .iluit ut Lorlb is the one iu which !i i-ujfe i- used. The cage wa down time the tank fell. The tir-t -- .v- wan to try to hoist this cage to f,- rtirfaco. A novo was uuMe t do f - I ut lo sooner bad the cage been .?,. a lUu a Mgnal caruo up fn ia I . to blo. This showed that autue r Uluw vrcre alifc. j n..n llow then atrtck twenty It H the Coruisli ' death signal. . u. a above again trred to hoist the .., and rburj and uumihtakab!e Ihi :aal to btuj. Agaiu canic t a twenty bell. Tbee were'fol i bv ..:ber signals th it could not .. .udcr-tod. Several times it v.w . gLt that tLituj Itlow tn'gbf be .... 'v to have tbf cage hoisted, aiid urif llitljrla win mad i to nj?e it bat every tice cunuu up the ler ,u. torr "Stoi !'' It was tinaliy cjn t uiet "tLat ecme one was wedged iu Utvrien the cage and the timbers u iVoai'iittaint Jand to furtl er i f f jrt (I Lciaticg ft mvl-. . the 'vn f th wceident fj rend ;tA;-I-casie Iron all diectio- and !-rdt d into the work. Among tbube irt? the wiVc's and childreu of tome f tt ecu who were in the shaft, and Irundi and relatives ol oiLerd. A th i-igo could cot b-J moved, au tt as utdo to commnnicate with :.v nittxasd Itaro something of. the :::;-!:ua at the bottom of the bLcft. ;:d:rcctioaofSnieriutondcntThfiyir, a r.,j was lowered to which were nt. 'luutwu lantcrnp, n bit of board .id a icrd. bo that th-MC uuiujureii le'ow might make their wauta known l ut when it waahaalcd upono lautem Mgoze, the other cxttigu:hed, aid U vi s clear that it Lad fahed to reacu ,u rcitmatjor, U Ltt now seemed uecctsiry to b was to make a dc&ctnt into the La.t. Jo order to allow of this being dot e the cable attached to the cago in' ih? depths L&J to bo anchored to the ytirfacs so securely that its entire lght might bo sustained aud then .tiUchcd from the reel. This , wan tljae, aid tho cago put ia place. As uoa as all was ready, and it took J.uurs cf preparation, John Ojwell, Uteaia of the Julia &aj Ward, took twj cccapanion, tools, lanterca, .Vj, asd BUried for tho depths. The aiJesand timbers in the shaft had Ua so badly damaged by the descent U t!i tank that it took forty minutes for this ?age to reach the bottom of the llt. It bad been agreed upon between Superintendent Thayer and tho fore-. ca that if any men were dead he LcuU, as Boon as the cage reached the lottom, ricjr six bells, and then one for each death i When at last the cage stopped and co t'sal came up the suspense of all c thd sstface was terrible. What to n.e of all this silence of the bell lo "i knew. At last the bell began to str.k and all present began 'to count. . No death signal was sounded, but in rt ad, clear and unmistakable, the eig bi! La hoist. As the care came La tho surfaco live uea were seen on it the three who Jmtdown and two otherf, od of Loo.was inpportcd by his comrades, U joy of all was great when it was tinuuuj.d that the two men out the wera tho only ones hurt that all fti below wre sound and well. It was B'vn ascertained from the tuea tht the lucky escape waa owing to the fact that all the men in 'the Uittom of the shaft vera iu the north apartment, out of the way of harm, icrpt Fu!l andO'Mara. They were t :he tank compartment, and must ;.s been instantly killed had they r.ot iaI the tank coming down the "haft. Thy dashed into the middle 4xtcprtment, in which was the cage Uh car on it. They tnmbled iuto i-t -uver the car and cage Just iu time -t eca4) the falling tank. Wmwcnj eyf have beccmo dim over Ltdle, women's hearts bteii 'I'-ien over neglect, wciuen'aeot stitulkns ;;v.:n.bcd unJer irsu!ent cruciiy, bit t f '' the hardship a true has t e nter, there is nuhing that tr!ts bT ii.u.i, train and bcHjy, more than th at. 'r,' i U walk ?Tct f,;llv tn a seal th!it .'.V i ia Vu back. 71c lean cf ox bcif ia bright red; cow f, pale red; bull beef, very dirt rel; tLU Io-t alway needi longer cothing. (Springfield Republican.) THE SEW EIM OF STEAM. l,icMurr.s Snrcc!ul Experiment to be Inlroilnml Into FprJnsficIil, Tl? Spriugfiidd (lai Oinipany has lMni.t theriht for this city to use the Holly system of mmiing fit earn pipes through tL" Mr Met to furnish beat and jKjwen-for adjoining j building, and tho city Government will be asked to j ermit the construction of an ex I t'rin.tntrdJine this winter: from the coin pan j'h wcrk?i on! Water street thr!ij:li Klral to Min street. This -! oit lino w!l reach a number of dvvf iJ M2, st.rj and cfiijes, a large s:Lol bouse, the connty Jurt Ilous , HndtLc First Church nnd chaind, in wind-, with the kc?ption, perhajin, of tl e church, it is hoped that a ttial of tho system may! bo made, the most distant point f romjtho works being the Chicopee liank. It is no new thing, of course, to heat more thin one building by fcteam from h fingle lurnace, thin already being d ine iu the city in the armory buildings aud in the I)oton and Albany building oud dr pot. -Tho Ilolly syRtem, wbic'j is owned at Lockport, N. Y., and is in' most successful operation in that city, in cludes numerous improvements in the protection of the pipes laid in tho Htreets, thoarrar g mentof connections, v.ilvcH. traps I" the works Ht Ijockp ort,, steam in cou. d.icteil two mih f, r;d Mr. II ity claims that n die!xu C live rude cui be roachfd. Th' pr iJire u tho pipes in the street i- t1ufc , fifty pounds, ami in the bou.-t leu pounds, although only one or two pounds is used for heating. The Lockport company be gmi on. the basin of charging for the heat about as mnrh as had been before paid forfuel, but introduced meters peon as the enterprise was fairly es tablished, and a similar course will doubtless be pursued in this city. The amount that cau be saved to consum ers by this f-ystcm is evidently large, Miic j there in mevitably n wa3te of fuel iu conuectiou with every firo and a great deal of durt and dirt that are iiijiiriutu to furnitnro nd health. Some of the IjcLport housekeepers told visitors from thirt city that they hardly considered it urcifsiry toeltau houses iiilho -prin, nhiht their bons en hid bccu l eatt d throughout no thoroughly that they hCArceiy kuew of tl o changes of temperature out doors. Tho Meani i alJo used for cooking, and is equ-il to almost any culinary operation except frying aud broiling. Steamship Linos, &c. CLYDE'S ew vYbrk AND , ' Wilmington, Steamship Line, The Stoamcr BEWEFACTOR- CAPT. JONES, !.. SAIL FROM NEW YORK O-M SATURDAY, July 27. JU Shlppera can rely nppn the prompt falling of Steamera as adrertised. ""Q For I'fsiht Enjjaementa apply to il. D CZLZiLTJZ. ilg-cnt, Wilmington, XT. C. b. S. B ELD EN, Soliciting Agent. Wil. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, Bowlinfr Oreen, or Pier 13, R., New York. julr 22 altimd're AND Wilrriinerton. K.,C. STEAMSHIP LINE. The Stoamor D. J. FOLEY, CAPT.WlCH. j WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, July 27. : j Steamers Sail fiOm WilminitOD every Saturday promptly at 12 M. . ?3r Shippera can rely upon the prompt Sailing of teameri as adrertiaed. Thronirh Dills of Iiadin? r to aoi from Philadelphia ! and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. ! , For Freight Ergagementi applyk to L. X). CAZATJX. ilf cnt, Wilmington, 77. C. L S. BELDE.V, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streeta, Baltimore; York. julr Tl i J-W at . i'. mm , I - js. v r i " i ii -v w . v . a a, x "v. Corrected fevery Thursday by PETTEVAY & SCHULKEN, lOMMISSIUN MERCHANTS U AND ritODUCE BROKERS, Wilxjbstov, N. C WZZOZiI3ailXiZ3 7ZLZCZ2S. ."The followinc quotations represent wholeMla price generally. In making UAUGl.NG (ionny.. Doable Anchor . Doable Anchor " A ". KtAndard Dnmestic.... BACON North Carolina, liimi, V E HhouldcTt, V In...... Bidet, V - Wet tern Smoked Ilami. ' Hide, V B Shoulders Drv Salted l3Vi Q UK 11 H 0 12 if 10 11 7 6 13 t l 1 02 Shoulden, V fi. BEKF LiTPweieht L 2 Second Hand, each.......... New York, each, new BEESWAX "V B BRICKS Wilmington, V M Northern BUTTER North Carolina C Northern, fl fi) 1 C5 1 75 1 75 1 85 25 ' 26 8 00 10 00 00 14 Of 15 25 lb 35 25 . 40 110 12 12 Q 12K 13 14 00 13 29 30 14 17 1 18 . 20 ' 72! 75 2X OA 95 CANDLES Sperm V E Tallow, f E AdamantiAe,V aeL GHEESh Northern Factory, y B... Dairy cream, y H. State, V lb COFFEE Java, V fl. Rio, n Lacarra, lb CORN SlEAL-V bunhel.... COTTON TIES- V lb DOMESTIC- I Sheetine, 4-4 V yard...... Yarn. 9 bunch FISli Mackerel, No. 1, f? bbl....l6 00 10 00 No. 1, V XA bbl 8 75 9 00 Alacken-I, Nm. 1, y mj uu uu No. l,VJi bbl..'. C 00 6 50 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbL.... 00 00 8 60 3 50 Mulleta. V bbl 3 00 N. C. Herring, V bbL 5 00 8 00 Dry Cod, 7 0 FLOUR Fine, y bbl. 0 00 5 00 Super, Northern, y bbl... 5 00 5 50 Extra do " W bbl... 5 75 e 25 Familr " y bbl... City MillEx,.Super bbl. 7 00 8 00 7 00 7 25 " Family bbl... 7 50 . " Er. Family V bbl... 8 00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, y 2000 Ra. 64 00 7 75 Q 8 25 55 00 Baugh's Phosphate " " 00 00 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer " " 45 00 51 00 nm,A t;nr, : ft tt 00 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 Bone Mear " ' Flour Navassa Guano, " " 00 00 " 00 00 60 00 65 00 Complete Manure " 00 00 67 00 Whann'e Phosphate " 00 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 67 50 Wando Phosphate, " ' 00 0 BergerABruU'sRos." " 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano 48 00 GLUE y lb 8 10 70 GRAIN-Corn,atore,"561ba 67f Corn, carjro. y 66 lbs CO 61 60 Corn, Tel., V bushel None. Oata, bushel 60 Peas, enw, y bushsl 80 HIDES Green, y fb ... 4 Dry. y lb 10 0 1 00 10 HAY Eastern, y 100 lbs... 1 10 1 25 North River, y 100 lbs.... 1 00 1 10 HOOP IRON y ton 80 00 85 00 LARD Northern y ft) 8K 9 North Carolina y lb 11 12 LIME y bbl 125 0 00 LUMBER City steam sa'wd , Sbipstuff,resawed,VMft.l8 00 20 00 Roughedgeplank.VMft.16 00 18 00 West Wlia cargo, accord- I ing Vanity, V M ft..,12 00 14 00 Dressed fioorinz.seasoned.15 00 25 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, y M ft 12 00 14 1)0 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdVgl Cuba, bbls., V gal Sugar bouse, nhds. y gal. " bbls. V eal... 33 & 0 & 37 35 24 IU 37 40 Orleans Choice bbls. V g&l 45 NAILS Cut,,20dto4d;yk,g 2 85 3 75 OILS Keroaene, i gal., 15 & Lard. V gal 1 10 1 45 Linseed, gal. 1 00 1 10 Rosin, i cau. I 30 40 PEANUTS V bushel. 1 05 1 25 POTATOES Sweet. J bus. 10 75 Irish, Northern, bbl 2 60 3 00 PORK Northern, city mesa. 12 00 00 Thin, y bbl Prime, V bbl (extra) ...CO 00 00 00 10 60 11 00 Kump, y bbl 00 00 00 00 BICE Carolina, V E East India. f ID.. 00 00 75 1 00 VA Rough, r bushel... BAGS Country, V fi . City, E) BOP JS ... 6 60 75 75 22 00 SO 80 SALT Alum, y sack Liverpool, & sack. American sack . r Marshal's fine, V sack-.... 1 30 1 40 Cadiz V tack.... T5 00 SUGAR Cuba, V S... 9X 10i 10 ; 00 10) y Porto Rico, V lb. A- Coffee, V S J... B " y 1- c y & j... Ex c y ib Crushed y lb.. .. SOAP Northern, y lb.... 00 0 00 5 7H SHINGLES Contract, ypi 3 00 Common, y M... 1 60 6 00 2 00 . Cypreaa sapa y M.... Crrresa hearta, y M 1 60 2 00 2 00 30 0 STAVES W. O. bbL V 11.10 00 15 00 R O hhd. y E, .00 00 00 00 i Crpreas, y M 00 00 00 00 TALLOW y lb 9 10 912 00 9 00 TIMBER Shipping y M 10 GO Mill, prime per Al ..-7 6X) Mill, fair per M 6 00 6 50 Inferior to Ordinary,per M 3 00 5 00 WHISKEY Nortb'n,pergl 1 25 3 50 2 25 0 North Caroina, per iral... 1 50 WOOL Unwashed, per D... 18 Wsshed. xcr 2a Foreclosure Sale. 13 Y VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON- ferred by a certain deed of mortgage execut ed by Samuel W. Vick and Charles P. Meb ane and Martha C, his . wife, to the First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C, said deed bearing date the 0th day of April 1875, apd recorded in the Register's Oflice of New Uanorer County, in Book K, K, K, page 60S, et seq., the underaigned will on Thurs day the 1st day of Anguat,1878, at 12 o'clock, M.. at Exchange Corner, offer for sale by public auction to the highest bidder that cer tain lot or parcel of land situate in the City jf Wilmington and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of tha Southern line of Red Cross street with the western line of Nutt street and running theace westwardly with said line of Red Cross street; three hundred and twenty-one (311) feet to the end of the wharf on the river, thence southwardly along the line of said wharf one; hundred and thirty-three J133) feet, thence eastwardly parallel with Led Cros street, three hundred and thirty eight (33S) feet to Nutt street, and thence northwardly with Nutt street one hundred and thirty-iwo (132) feet to the beginning; being lots 1 ani 2 in Block 216, according to the otbcial plan of said city. Ttrmiofaale CASH. ASA K. WALKER, jane 2S-tds. C&abier. HiscollancoBs. I I ju.t the np Lades' ole..:fTit Cn:, ,.! Mnilll Hi . I ' I a.lKs' .Newpoit Tk? 1:i er at vari,,tv. Another lot of th ,1 .u, Fox tsaikct. Call and examine k ar.d prkv. july 22 1 'SI CONDENSED From Organization! Dr. To Premiums received. ..$12,814,670 To Interest rec-ired, profit on fliocas, ec To Interest accrued .V'.V.V..". To Increase in value ofato'ckV" 3,904,851 35 I 88,137 3S etc ati ti To I) ferred J'remimns.etc.n.:?' los'221 i"i $16,936,741 67 ASSET.S. U. S. Bonds, Philadelphia, and other Stocks and Loans $'C00,443 Mvripwges, an nrst Hens.... 2.484.121 17 367,036 61 Premium "Notes and Loans on Collateral Cash on hand and in Bank.!.. ' I 1,017,230 F2 173,334 43 238,511 30 All other Becuritiep.. $6,280,723 46 Estimated Surplus over the "Reserve" required l:v ...w w, rcmisyivania ana new Tork - - sr,2l2 CCO 0.0 Nearly C5 ot cent, of tlje Premi urn Receipts has been rcturn? 1 ,ti tl." P.)lirv-.M- era since oramzntion, in divMcmls, death The lutncBi-jiweiiMsnijnc company Endowments bv C2,irA C7. and The average lividodds of the Penn urns receivcil. THE PENN MUTUAL HiS $124!0F 1J1C11 11 I I'ateulvi May xsUi, J?7 Ice Cream 'Parlor iVSoWi'Open A XD 1 AM HEADY TO SERVE MY I patrons with PURE CREAIYZ i, also Fruits & Confectioneries. J. WLippitt apl 30 St. Mary's School Balelgb. N. C. Pounded IVIay 1842. The Rt. Rev. Thos. Atkiksov. P. D. TL. D. The Kt. Rev. Teeo. Ltman, D. D., is itors. i The Rer. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M.f Rector and Principal. ! ilrsJKATE DkROSSET MEAliES, Lady Principal. i ' 1 rhe73dTerm8beeiD9 Sept. J'2, 1.h. ror circulars address the Rctor. ; ' i i june 23 Lager The Best in tho City and tho Cheapest! POU SALE BY THE KEG, BOTTLE, OK -I- dozen. Trj it this hot weather. It will girc jou 'a jrood appetite and pood sleep, and make joti healthy and wealthy and WUe1 II. MARCUS A SOX, jr Jl No. 5. ilarket strewn I Furniture. JARGETOCK OF NEW AND PRESII GOOD?. Jutt received and - : ! " ! FOU SALE LOW BY july f D. A, SMITH & CO. WFH rt : rf'oi r- W ft -.t-ru-u:!. s. v., U.l . mmmA C l - M v. O . vji:a. r .i t i. i i llbsB "fci - 5rr ! i ii ir ! 'i!i'r..:;-!., i.: th IttrT lli M W S . JiC i.iiidly :-.. :n:V '.': lr!f-. 1 ! i i :" -i r,. " i .t ii. c s tun lirrtu. I i :i ; j m ' V i - - -y -lif'likW . 1 & i I -'ii,.:u-S.,:rit- Sour lirtirta I-.m 1 : 1 4-. .-..:.. V-, j-MM,' . . i -it Miscollarieous. i:eceived, r 1 r ntlrng n-Tr. inl nobby. Sllo,s a! h); ,1 .1J"' S.iO cv.r J hlOMAS 1. HOWkY. jNo. 47, North Market trcetj STATEMENT OF THE Plilielpfe. to Decemboj 1, 1S77, f 08 liv Death I, sM a,l K"t.a.!v- menu paw... t,'; By Surplus Ireraium? rturiv- : ed Policy Hoi i, r? P.r Surrendered, lapsed, and ; ! Canceled Policit-i....-..' ?J ite-insurjance laid 'thr Companie?;..... Br Commissions Ap.-ncv Ex pense?, Salaries", ttc..."... ; By jTaxes' pfiid...'. $ 3, M 2,093 r . 704,1 16 121,121 02,7 24 'l2.7l;$ r.,2S0,723 Kv Balance f A .? ts Jan 1. '7 1 51t;.KC.T41 53 ' ' MAi:iLrni:s. Net Reserve at 4 per ct-r.t, t a I.. ; o , $ 5 , 'J 0 , : n Losses not jet duf... i ll.;.::")2 Dividends of '77, t bo ir: j ' '78, inc'udin? Arcuniulati'iTi j on Life Rate Endowiiwnts.etc '3U!,7ir. SURPLUS, 4 pt -j- cent. las:s... .C72,3W :?,2S0,;7:j 4 claims, etc. : ! exceo the amount pai'S ! r h M-u i ' have lnvn nearlv tliirfv ner r-nr. ..f (!. 'rtin.' " ; ASSETS TOIEACHrSlOO LIABILITIES v ' The Patent Self-Acting Cow Milker ftl'i'g Co. i 1 i 'i , i 1 Every one who owns a con- phouM have one of our -wonderful MHiccrs. Sent free to wny part of the United States on receipt of Svnd fur ir Illustrated Pamphlet on the Cow, contalnlnp wetional viws of s c ow's teats and bap dissected and Bclentlfically explained, ly-Drs. White1 .i:; J AVllson of this city. Sent free to any addresq. GEO. E. KING, rrcSdeuf, Office, 5T5 Broadway, New York. , Commissioner's Sale. B"Y VIRTUE OP AN ORDER made at the June Term, A. D. 1&78, of the Superior Court of New llanos er county, in a ertain civil action therein pending, wherein Martha C. Mebane is plaintiff and Maria A. Mebane is defendant, the u ndersipned, a3 Commis sioner, will offer fo:r pale at the Court House Door, in the City c f Wilmington, on Satur h itiolrttti div nf Anfmat. A. !) 18i8, at 12 o'clock, M., tho following described I'rincegg street nini ty 00 feet from 1 ront street, the corner o f the National Bank lot, thence Northwardly with the line of the Ra tional Bank lot, bia ty-eiac CG feet to k.1fc. Burruss' line, tht nee Eastwardly with pis line fortv-two ek, 142 ten I10JncheB to Lis corner, thence North with his back line nine-tv-nine(DO) feet t the line of the lot belon--n'oz to the eita3 of Eli W. Hall, deed., thence eastwarclly with that line sev enteen (17) feet tv.-o (2) inches to tb corner, thence Northwan ilv with his back line sixty nine, CO; feet tu 3Irs. Meares' line thence Westwardly with, her line hfteen fc4t to t.ic corner, thence ; Northwardly with lc-r lint thi'ty, 30. Tect, t hnce East twenty-nine -.y, feet two '2, incite, with her ltee, ibenw Southwardly om hundred and mnety-ti, it 193, feet with the back lines of Mrs. r"e andilrs. W.hitiTjjra lots to Sherwood, l tt . : -pntr-nine leet I" inches to Sherw ood's corner, l a rr ith ,;iUnFiLrtr-tii feet to, Prince? "r:jiV"" ;.t;r;,!;r. of that street to Pireck, iuiw the beginnme. Terms Cash . JNOi D. TAYLOR, iulv 0-tlOth A. Comtniapion""' laTIiFT .KELiar.To Yousa Mhv .1. " tH Pf? ectsof Krror and a! A. buses in early life. Man- Ing .! r.o-jD Restored. Impediments j fl 5W 21 2 , k method of treatment- A andf remarkable remedies. Cg U ti I Books and circulars sent free - ! cni-t-InrjfS. Address SC"Fj Howard Ass ociatio5, 41J J. 5 J Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. S An Institution havinfrj a hijrh H "w reputation for honoratue coa- g j duct and prof -ional kill. i IB 10O.000 xou.uuu DAIIiX' 33SPSCTI32 Cme Hundred ' Thousand CICAHS- s Which we are prepared to olTer at CooJ r : bargain! I CJEO. mvlks, ; j Li i24 I ! nwiii-c.. AIT. iSilici 1. C- j "33 34 S2 S3 46 rHEiOAT.lUKDS.UVER & BLOOD. mm l mm Ir, , rvonderfu! ir.c '.i.'ir.o to which the afflict-". I f.i m .n!.vp .'tirecj,..1 fr r !;-f. U,r thytrrr ' iif'.ifvv !, h.ii riiVif t lJ tn Ktrytt.tnii' N.Tt?i -.rii roit;n'. wtith f 1 s-uil ir.!. tic m vci'.ilt'ri kijpir-ixm t"f. Ii'.'i:.' t!.e ".--K. t!.:;n wen' fTjlf-r rum- S n.- .!!'-!: . "l'hr r j.JenCe thi f..-tf , l.- iri l in li t- vre.-u x.irtt'.v f nsort i! -v,!U''r ile.i- v . ;--fi il !.,:..- U-,n i:.xvi !c-.i I'urf. ! 1 t . I " -" t.'. ; ..f UroMt It itl, Srvrrc l'ou!i fli t tf . :.t -. t;: . of tlll m Jtl (H, iv t .' , i t:..- i t.-;kI l -u. :. , -ris. f prr-iT-.. :t 't: e' frn-'-tteift1 n.i'-li. ., i. -.crv-.f it,,. r-.-. U 1,; s! ,-i;r?i 11 ' e-t i' -ttf'.lJ !- t!..' U-l H' ..MI rl f5- tin Mood. IIV. i' T'r:;t t On. P. tl.-. 'l.,..j.;i!.r!fysi... .p ;.t-r:U .. it i-i:r"rM't llu- 7 CO IS .fi.', 00 lil itrs 1 1 ti.r i .j Sf roflllli j.i t t:l li, t'linple.'.r i:rut(loiii. jM.-rt-ur Hmvi.-v. Mi"Vr.i, fiii-t 1 1 : r .:-i k, it V! M !ti, ;ti; 1 :i'-T't;.r !hf;i1,"Jr ;iT- ! a riit iiiM, ic.ivr Mirt, ruiy or icouuht N. i li. hi i ;, h.I t.'.f I.-: u.tT- - ! . -f ..,., n !-. ! V!-K.1. ,irt f"!! )'ii- t-1 t'- :..- I' lWjt il If t f,..-; .:.', .iriiu -v. ..;. ,- h.T. 1 tm fji-e r frt-j !i'';it Lfa ! if l.o t If. :!':. tvtt I 'u-:'.? iii"ii-.'i. nt rii.ti hf:it tr cjr.l na'c I u M"i h'it I; u -!, '.) hj -.r !-, a:vt 'jiih f:ir.-!- v -ir.- -i't-ru fr Torpid f r, ,r i j ouil.- ! fi lu.inv' ' if 11 vvr Com I si tut" t.- .art f Lit , viia-ttiia art- t. ti t iiif.l. . A-t a i !!! ) : !! (! i-u.-ts 1 r. 1 'it- iff' i-.l-lfii Mflii-., CtiVffi h:i t. : f'.lft'f- j'fifti t , io.svi'ir l:.e-l;vi-r .-t ::,.:-.t,:: .1 -r..-i .-.tit.'. :, t:. 'n..k'i 1'!i j;n i :.v "it nrr Jt'.' ! i' 'r. t 1 nr .; c i:-u l t j:i;i:i(iii' 'i in 1 o p! i jtati 011, Inii"irt- i;ir..,:, i:i l.3- Mi.m:3-r., 'I 'iht i in'-t. Dist i ticv., '.our l.rnt.i1 Ml t'.. 1.. 1 !ti . t . V . 1 11' r?!ot!:!, :5:lioM . ;iif;u t ill : fii-r.11 oi' jJdiir; , ru-:-i.:il : I- r " :"J t l-cli ;iu ; t-Ji : tu:in-i;.,.. of j:i.)'l t. Itt'iti!, t ;i- o ! Srlt-f. I n Of ill Oi 1 i t v :li:t .n- '1 . ii.rt .)o;I!nd-, ' ' Pirnji- -j ' nut S'h riiii x t''M' S. I'',4k; lf.' r .-!.' U-.ii j"'- " " t (,; ' - ir-. it a :r it ! I v j ti,-t thvtr -a tlotil uHiv Cj.v nr n ,,::u;:v i v :i i v c ra I, !t r i f : f . ," s'-'" ' '' r lot I v !- .'r-i. 1- i ... ' 1 r .i-t.-rt v. ff- at it l'Tirpr.ti v . i--.-' ' 1 ' Wi.i.xiv; 1 11; ThPi 'arc fu.'J by 'ill Urjs'rriln: 2 ceriti a lulllc. 1st i 'r - ' .t ' , ' t " - t Mil i i E3 L- r r f VJ .s A'TI- aiw- i i.v tn-t rKrf- 'Cr t.r.L:4.-w x i.l l t.v ra BOTAIHC KZnWMZ CO - .1 - 1 t-"- "rlf ;:y ; tj-aJ it In t t 1 , . 4'" f 1 f at t l i f " ... k

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