IN. V. HUME wakrevs dkuu M,jorXwinWircandCrneia!Toin IhombN SMcr-In Law. ct and I-rcttiot t f Mr. IJ,mmus dwarf, died in Vxddlclorc. Mas---. on Tuesday evening, ia childbed . he ; vinxn-et t f a fcrnily of eight children all ,'.f whom except herself and hr kMrr virii. now Mr Torn Thumb. ucrcl ordinary size When MifiniV w,s eleven vrarcia.-ehc Hnol tT..m rhnmb "tumpe.and fur f. I tern jcars she trae .ed a!n.l continudly. r;itin- nearly all the riviliz-d vatnut thg!oK-. .wa4 incle-s in height, and x ever Httaii.,a a -weight lo exceed I'-uad.. Uviz c:. kIctaMv h.nrr a!.! l:ere .cr, Mm. 1 Ltin.b. .hc was 1'T year ;-' .it the time . f her d-itli. To a pretty lce .1.? addI plenvint d;poin..n "V1" uir- ways, and hc became the Uat favo rite i f Mr. Rartura" as well as i.f the uj He. Wirt n Torn Thumb was nmiud to I.4tiuia Warnu the gct.erat opinion was that G.rr.mod.n Nutt would t ikn Minnie Lrblslndc; lut the little (, hvU:l.: ai:;tt."t. "M Ly::.ia. a?:d hi i:ttlc heart w is b ighted when J i.tra. Ti.nn.b wn:i h-.r ft via him. Never iwit.d, (Tomne.ure, the jvia iNcw Yt-rk Herald.) hi iii!Ts' or tiir world. C omments cn the Peace Treaty. 1 1 THE TIKKS SATISFIED WITH EXG LAND'S POSITION". j Gambi ttaS Tlnrs. ' I i ITILHV ANNEX ITIO.Y AGITATION - in a enterday confidence I'N:os", J'lly 25 T.ic jTrar?.. !.lii;. editorial urtxc.e tiiitrit!! i f' ii i iJTlio with i..rh Lord lnco i-lidd and bis im1!i -..rm liuvi worked together ia ri'it'iv hot.orab'o tr each of then, and it I- ropriat that their kt v:tvs h.ivi;'b t'!i xecogu zad oa the put f ibecror.jr by Miuiiar, honors. Thfrt-ni p' tin t b every reason to bdh v that th-4i rovai tljusjexpress o i of th- cik i the CoLgretB at Ber lin vwd b oLlirmeiby thh niatuie judgtm nt ef all 'impartial criic ihe i:ssiLf irrit.Vioa which Las hciiK) liitemirate'v fxpret?ti! in Italy is evidently ti:?cui;ttcauCcd, iiot'ratrev bv th'j covenixneut Und thti be.- trtuleMxieu of the couutxyJ but. by th better ju Igberit of the uatioo at :nr". It i.- iibakvd iverywherj elhf, aLd u ill ijoubtlesa ,soou give way to juster views. VruiA ilher countnea we rc:ivi evidtftcj of 'ii:cxen.-iug eat ifuctJj:). umI tiio baity rl;etoric which psum-d every oth r uaiion was ofTended by the co'ae wo liud taken ia t be prfidi't y rtfu'i d. t A litter which we publish this rai-rijii. from C-Jiilaiiliuople, gives a htr:k:uK aconitit ff iU' h ;titiuea with wh:i:ti th people .f l'uiUey have wel coiunl our ecupat:uhuf Cyprus uiAlof tin; Ihijh - tht V entf 1 lain llmt it will ::ov ih.. .sUrtiLi P n-t for giudual iiitrotiueliou of f;mtt a ii;ii(ii.-trrit;ou iu t.i t.'it- xer tiie IrjiilLiu'.; d'jiiuuio of A:u. U-- eoi:h.Iei.c? ipp arb tb.fIt bv Hi" hsutaij'r. Milj clA iu I iht ;u t t.: if o?ir rule a:.4 ou: iH-ire I or ir w. l!ar-. un it i atit:."ip .ted l.r.d l.-,jT:;v to i!h ii;n.Tl.ux..b CrMilH bl2 to COUS..ica- .ii ii.r ' - , w --- . j:.irt.':ra iu.i, "MiiiiJc Warren i a U-tttr i.;ktrh f-r yi:. M.c i younr than ji-u, Ulv l.w it ia i . vi ral "year oMer." I'l.aiik u. ir," iheC'nnii'!;re ha:.l, pI.I ly. I ut-uM i.'it ir.arry the If. t wutnaii , it"'. I I'n"t lI.eve tit w.. !..;:, any- j in.c ! -er.-l ii.--!- ro Null rief. ri 1 I." p irti n-i.-frl h attei.ti":i! to yu.i, I. ;:, utti r hi- I:rt .!;-ap-p t, iul f. it i- a;i btr UraniC a 1 1. 1 .-i.t. 1:1 x'k -1 M:iitti l.k: a wtat: I hi .il-Jn .M -t. it. -. ,1 , 1 uraoj A ' i a r.rt.!in t"!:ti ai.-i .us l.;.; M r Newt II. wn i r Lit.-f :..! Ii 1 . lira;.:. -Ir.. ai.d Y ! T.'tiltto fi b I. all !. 1 'it va bxi ;l.t a:i I m:etii i i ai.d he Miuii'.' ! .;!. rt-t t. ..'l-. vrir t!e Win; iii..rri"l. a Jier rt tu ai.l j .i--i.t a i xti-y uil wU: I t Mi i t.. r Lo t 1 t w to-ttKr in the V.t. :; M whieli th y lie- :.t'y ritun.ii. Wi t. .Mr. Kri.uni w.- la .: nt th' ? "r.t, wiiiUi n i l k. t iy ihxi:. f.ti,;!y, ry t t.i? -put i :.." Tt'..t;.h y :. rt-:r! ti e. ' iy ; I: .t I he lla'.t:- ' 1 0.-.1 c"-' ?. but It e X. i; Lily !--! ;. ; Han l.i:t h-M wer..t ! .!. v ,:!.! bttle hi'. .1 t:.u in xn rttb-f f the W irri htxrcx'' U e ::- iup . l :.. v: :! ti e urt.. t lliviv i 0:1s a- ta fuinb au irrcsisstibloiiiipuibe to i;w liitr odnclioi F ;innlar prtiict P t-- t i :i?tuixti-tr:.t on iu the ij c.ut C.-.i:j'nt. i a - a ! lUrtra I ! ho'f'u'd. A - f;ieti! v. lt t!. ru.y thh r' IK.:.-.' pit:, rt the iittle t:::i!- t:.cixt!i t f I I.f Ir rrtlinarv babies. I.t'ly i rU.! a "ti ni;t;ca n 1 rr itMil, wrat jers v.tre 1 'a; ti.v:i. a?!i Tt st J EK.IIT .alLES I NDEII WATEII j The nrnurKabk Vvzl vT.i !)hi r mar Dcvcreux's meadows yeslerdav. taking I Cant. b'allnwnT' Annnintmrf . with bitu bis fowling piece. He was creep-b n. q:rl n iu 1112 tin on some small birds, whnn sndden- 1 P1' awift Galloway, Democratic ly," with a rush and whirr of wines a & Can didato for Snperior Conrt Solici- ;ant:c towi rose in me air near hixr. iort wm aauresa the people at the lot- ireinnjiii" au cjkeiicnieni. tie urouiini 1 iowiui? piace?:- - . t s his put to a level and fired at tho creature, Wilmington, Friday July 2Ctb. brinpns it down. Ilia prize proved ta be Point CasTrell, Saturday. Jnly 27th. with a spreal of wings of s:x feet. The Rp.nfnrf .i ""r-i-omu bird wa very faf, as usual, its weight be- tt' 'T'Lll"; . - ' . . o i w - . . r LUiiLsua hum ito v. auu earuesny rrqnesteu to meei. as Kaiei-'h vrtrj.- James K. OTIara Chairman of the Eoard of Comuiissionerf? for Halifax county, has recently bail said beard to allow himself five hundred, and two other lawyers one thousand dollars each, total two thousand . five hundred above stated. j The Thermometer. From the United States Signal Oflice at tins place we obtain the following reiort ot the tnermometer. as taken this Miscellaneous REVOLVER FREEvt!: ridjre. Address, J. llown k Son, 1J6 & 13S Wood Et, PitMbarpb, Pa. jy 1G 4r. AC E NTS 071 .... . . . .. ..I - " . j titav u collars, to itcienu tne counry in a suit lor jntr at 7.31 o'clock : Memphis, Tenn.....79 Mobile, Ala... 81 Montomerj Ala.. .SI New Orleans 8 New York ....73 Savannah, Ga 82 ShreTeport. 0 ht, Louis M0.......1U St. Marks, Fla 80 Vicksburp, MUs....8.l Washington, D C.77 Wilmington, N. C.76 fait bond jt said bonds having long since I Augusta, 0a.. g tn iJecurexl invaml by our Supreme! Cairo, 111 . 7 f Charleston, S. C....80 If ir-tim -n.t ontintir Tl.w ; o i.f k rr Cincinnati 81 ..... aiMkLiav v rrtM5... Ta uie u tiara. . - I I7r.n. North Sta'e Prcs; One Bill Brown, on Fort(Oitaon"C."N.76 Thursday last, attempted to commit rape "l'Te,7 -i 1 .l . - . inuiancia 86 upon a child about 9 years of age, by tne jackjonTille, FU...83 name ol JacKson, living abcut 4 miles rTnoxville 79 from town. Brown weut to the blusefor .Lynchburg 79 the purpose cf borrowiuz a shovfcl and finding no one at home but tha' child, I Consumption Cured. committed the deed. He had a hearinc Anpld physician, retired from practice. ce fore the magistrate on Saturday and having bad placed, m ims hands by an the evidence was so conclusive of guilt, East India missionary j the formula of! a that he has been committed to jail to simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy await tnc superior Court. . ana permanent cure lor consumption, (Ireensbcro Vatriat. : The Directors of bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat the FayetteviUe 11. Ii. met yesterday at and lung affections, also a positive and Frankhnsvillo to determine the route it radical cure for nervous debility and all should run and after due deliberation and I nervous complaint.", after I having tested consultation with the fiietids of the Fac- its wonderful curative powers in thousands wryrouie ueienuine 1 10 locate upon me 0f cases, has lei t it bis. duty to nkeit known to his suffering M'ows. Aciuated at-sire to relieve hu- 1 1 4 I : Cr t 1 - m 1 M. ill fcv 14 1. VVy Va V 11 ( 1 tw , t all who dbhire it, this recipe, with lull directions for preparing and usinsr. iu fctraight line via. Ore Hill, as far as Mat tl. ...... fl't . . 1 .1 ,Y" r .V ,e cur.uy1 lue by this motive, ami a a ! I1.;'"6 Ji!11. lew' 10 .thl.s tl man suxieritk. I will se- iti 14 nit: ratL"rti3 is eaimiaieu 10 ue 3tUH,j), which Kandojlph will le required to raisf to si-rism lnrvttin" A rnTi.ii1. erable number of people wete there and bGermau, FrLnch, or Knglish. Sent by aledtolor leln by Dr. Worth mail by addtessitig wilh stamp naming New York. i Yo Mi Xeill !.'-. I .-! ::.g f -r- .I.i'y!421The.ttlLtat of 1 diver. 1 ours nu- Island ter and n.r to i:iatfxt;ity t ;.!. i f T ::.t ?.t wit!; ::rt:;t ai.tieipi- i.d 1.0' ins. 1 1 v r h;tiba:;.1. 1. i-vir, hi 1 l'hmhiv dm- Ukl.iri. ar! exi-xe-X tii rrenle.". .!-l- - It:. t Jii r tlf-atn w.i- a er it mmi,; tti li. r fata.'v. Th- t !..?! !.! at I:rth. It wti !.:'d file P uii ! :u:d ti u t .nr I.. t:r. 1 ift r l'.- tn -1 h- r i"i d !:.:n bati.-li.n. .Mrs. Nv. t '.i . d'.ltii r.i'i.-itl tlt eji T'l-v in bd!.t liof w hete iie and l.t i !..itr uiti' tuucii .' I'-ti. .viucii -iiii- piti.y U i.prest-l f r M.ij- t New til. hln 1.4 o u to The ant.eur.ct tnet.t t-f M.-s. Xewili tlealu wa retnved u itu umi v 1 xp t i..n of re'rit bv thf mxuUTs vl the oM teiita conipifiv in thi city. uoiv 11 itli his fhow i:t Iu sen-in-law, llr Ilunl, who is full t.f remini.tenie of the I.ihputiau family, i tu business in this city and U ?jettling the jnuntucr at Mr. birnumn home in Bridge port. A gentleman who was with Mr. Bar m:t:i l r several years ays that XIaj-r and Mm. Xev.t ll were the MnalUst wedded pair that cicr livil. (ne smaller out pie t mentior.ol by Marco l'olo in hi travels in Tartar v. They were each -." vears f ag. tin I twelve ami -!cvcn inchen in beigltt reptvtivcly. They marrietl by urdt r f the Khan, and tin ir fi urth ni Wat tix feet twoinehts in beigltt. There rue nomc il.ul l as to the correctness of llo figures. lieu. Tom Thumb and wife have grown corpulent ia the lat few years, and nei ther aptnars i tliminutive as iu their c ntigcr days. 1 he Ceueral has bwn wealthy, but has lived extravagantly and ypcut a fortune la yachting and other itHrts, aiul psoses ouiv a moderate competence, lie is 4 1 years of age. l.oWTt Juuseeil, Ho c!AUp'i to waik eii'ht ru:b s in Uv.. ih t'er water, trok p uc.'ou Ii"n, Sound to dav. at Houth! JJrot Kick el's im!uik1. ltusell mado t!io ul itmpt for a wagtr of S1,0L'- At 11:110 ii. in. I v put ou utlivit:, tiiit wcigh tt !'!( pounds. A boat wijlh judges, ait-purupK and lifc-!ino accompanied him He walked sixty-fivo feet under aat: r i;vt r meaMirvd course one- M' itli of u x.iile iu lergtli. which be :..d were apialed to lor h In and were also address.'tl by J. II. My rove O? FayetteviUe. - Bali igh AVic.; The interior of the new 1 osi vun-.e tauiiiiiig grows ilaily more beautiful. The doors have beeu hung, ami are of yellow pine, baudsomely le- .signed a.'.d hi-lllv rolihcd. The metal work of tho tl'.ors is bronze, and i3 sub- s an id while de ait. lTne glazer's woik is completed on t le first flo3. The iou pillars are now being a gray color. The number ot visitors to the building, at- traeted by de.-enptious of it, is . growing large. 1 hs d'tcomforts of the present tiny t.-ffice Mill soon bethinks of the pat. Murfr'ebiro : 'i'he (ircen back IaFnjr I'.irt v lias organizeil iu l'as- quotank couiity, ami mmiiated its ticket fur county officers. ' Wo luck upon it as one 01 the worst moves that has ever been made to defeat the redemption of the country. As we have said, if there is any thing to he accomplished it must be done by uijiku eliort, and every upht amoDg the people is suicidal to pajty interests. Gentlemen, there are but two parties ,in this country .. Which will you take; the oue that has plundered ;tho couutry for fhe past sixteen years, or the one that promises and brings about redemption" in your midst ? Charlotte Democrat : Gen. Ciingman has written another letter about the Sena torial election, in which we think he un necessarily assail Gov. Vance. We pub lished, some weeks ago, the views and his torical statements of Gen. Ciingman in regard to elections for U. S. Senator. .V' . tir ii i.f .... mis patcr. v . u . ancrar. 14'J rowers Block. Bochester. New York. - ie 118-4 w no: MM! 3RCIAL NEWS. r.I WILMINGTON MARKET July 6-4 J M HI'IItlTH TCKPENTINE Steady at cents, hules of 200 casks at that firure. ItOslN Q,uiet at $1 20 for Strained and SI '22i for Good Strained an advance of J cents on yesterday's quotations. No sales rerot ted. j f TAH Firm at 51 CO. ! ' CKUDE TUKPENTINE.-Stea!yat SI 00 for Hard, $1 75 for Soft and S2 00 for Vir gin. Sales of receipts at ouotations. COTTON Firm, tales of 10 bales at the following official quotations Ordinary pood Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary. m v . ... IjOw iiiaaiinnr. Middling.....; Good Middling.. .. 1 - We will pay Ap.-r.ts a sdary of $100 per Month, and espeneit to sell "our - New and Wonderful InTentioris. Addrei., Shekhak Jk Co., Marshall, lliclt. j - julyl6 4w. PIANO $42 5.. Superb Grand Square Pianos, price. $1,100 onlyr $225 Elegant OpriM Pianos, price $800 only $155. New Strle Upright (Pianos $112.50. Organs $35. Organs 12 stops $72.50. Church Organs 16 stops 1 price $390 only $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105. Buyers co'ine and see me at home if I am not as represented, R R Fare paid both .ways a&d Piano or Organ giren free. Large-Illst. Newspaper with much inform tion about -coft of Pianos and Organs sent free. Please address DAIMEL F. BEATTV, Washington, New Jersey. july 16-4w The only combination of the true Jamaica Ginger Q AM5rH5f rJQwi,D cheiceAromatics and OMllr UaU O French Brandy for Chole , r,Cho!era MorbuPjCiamps and rain, Diarrhoea and Dieenterr, Dyspepsia. Flat ult-ncy, Want of Tone and Activity in the Stomach and Bjnwe!?. ; and avoid- jing thd dangers of Change v.t ater. 1-ood atd Cli nute. - Aik for Sasforis Jau mca Ginger JAMAICA GINGER. Miscollanoons. 4J Port CraTjeWinc rr 1 tt !J il U,W,,B unoreai 01 congregations frtr ComJ uuuuiuu purposes. Also j f Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Per sons and the Aecd. july 16-4 w I Parsons' I'urgative Pills make New Rich Blood, and wid compb ttly change the blood m-the entire system in three ruoMlis. Any person whojwiil take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks ijnav b' 'restored to.ound health, if Fueh a thing b possiMe. Si-nt bv mail for 8 letter stauit s. 1. S. JOHNSON i CO. Hantr'T. M. ju!v 1C U- 8J 11 Certs. ............... DAILY BK02IFT8 Cotton.... , Spirits Turpentine uosin. Tar. Crude Turrentine. 20 bales 5G0 casks 1,108 bbls 1 " 811 " NEWS. ti traverpii fortv-eisbt tttu. s. Km sell is live fiet nino it elin iu beiht, i 4ind weighs l.iO liOIlTidsi , II. . rervnt!v r - - ; P -"F I . I ccco ii:i-hcd the same feat at Bridge- L,ecaU!-:e we considered them fair and pro- erwlu hr.t d with grl. 1. Mr.. .W v.ell p r--, Or.ii. Ho mode tho first mile in Per aml trutniui. hut we shall not pub I . 1 i:ri..! in M :, !.!! !., a.. ibU ifi. r- liTi mi'aute?. whic'i wes 2 minutes nhenfl bah the General's l ist letter for the reason of time, iih hn . average tima was 37 t,,:lt we do not.tiiink it will tend towards miiiutta to tho mi 1-3. lb mnda the harmonizing and uniting the Democratic second tailo in DO S minute.; Oa the party, lor the same reason we have on- ARRIVED. ! Steamer A P Hurt. Worth. Fa vettevllle. Worth & Worth. Steamer Wave. Robeson. Favettevllle. Williams & Murchison. 1 Steamer North East. Paddison. Point tlas- well; Paddison. I Steamer J S underbill. Latham. Smith- vi lie, O G Parsley Co.! hteam-yacht 1'assnort. uarner. Smithvllle. Geo Myers. .. I Kchr Eva. Shelly. Philadelphia. Harriss & Howell, with 120 tons iron for Atlantie Coast Line. CLEARED. : " j i Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, FayetteviUe, v orut K w orin. Steamer North East. Taddison. Point Cas third, pneof bis Makes muder water Pcsl the pledging ot candidates for the i'iVrL,,, t U LIUUIiir T. V. STRANGE, 1 (Si'ccj:.ssoi; 'io: Kcij't . Fin anhi:,) -A."t"toriie3r -A.' Law, .Maiker.-'t, between .Second .and Third. july 8-6m i 'Wilmington, N. C. Wernor & PrGmport's Tonso- f ;i rial Roornr, ' jvyoft. 11, North Iroat md 7 South Front ' " H ' ' Streets. Satisfaction guaranteed. j None but the most experienced . workmen emp oyedin these establishments. I Manufacturers of Tonics, Hair Oil, Cologne, Renovators, Djee,1 Beautiflersj Ac, mch 1 To our Friends and Public Generally. - OT TO BE OLTDONE AS low . prices, we offer N Regards a full set of Teeth on Silver plate tor $25.00. Thes nieon Gold plate forj$50.00; perfect fit guaranteed and entire satislaction in every instance. Fillingrand all debtal operations y low Carr's yfp , ifjfjBONUM SANCUWfJJ. 31 ii $T ) (Pffi K G9Q) Mt. Prospoct Vineyards, Now "Jersey. ' .! i ' ... I i Spec r's Tort Grapd Wine ! Tour rearSOId, rpIUS JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVE I .' : ' Mi'' j :i I Wine is made from the juice of the Oporto) Grape, rained in this country. Its inTaJulbl Tl-aic aM Slreigtoinj Prdperliej are unsurpassed by any other natire I Win Being the pure juice of the grape, croducd under Mr. Speer'sown personal superriiion; its purity anl genuineness are guaranteed .The youngest child may partake of its rerer- 0U8 qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to Advantsge. ft is particularly bene ficial to the aged and debilitated, and j fuiud to the various ailments that atllict the weaker sex. It Is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED OX. i ' H ! IirrAIjTbS USE 'srEER'SrORT GRAPE FErA0z3 USE SPEER 8 FORTQRArE WEAKLY PERSONS FIND A PENEFI7 Jt Y ITS USE. Speer's Wines in -Hospitals are preferred to other Wines. ! I Sold by Druggists generally, who also sell Speer's Standard Wine Bitters. ! Trade snn. plied by all wholesale Dealers. See that the signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic, N. J., c over me corx oi eacn Dottle. , A . SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Vinevards.NVw Jersey.' Office, No. 34 Warren St New York. For salebj GREEN & PLANNER, Drut- gllS. ch TL i i I 35. Hsu m'ssm performed skillfully at corresponding prices, 'leeth extracted without pain. Tooth Paste constantly on hand. TH0S. B. CAiRK, & SON, dec 11 , -V 38 Marke t st. Mr. Parnnui broke, r.nd l e had to corn. to tho top. legislature in favor' of some partic idi.u..i. Hi- It took bitu li uiiuutft Ito mako the individual for oflice. All the quarreling tliinl cule, Inv;ii to atjp 10 raiuuts about U. fc. benator now ia advance of oy the accident, 'lhc f fourth, wca the meeting of the Legislature is nut nf rua-io in 1, minutt p, the lifth mile in time and out of order. .10, tho sixth in ID. arid ou the Feventh ha fell rgmst n rock! and injured bis Lip. He made the fi lit mi!o in P) miunttn, nnd linished 23 minutes ahead of time, e.jvcring; eight miles in 4 hours ami 117 mtuutes. ly w.n completely cxliHiistrd at tho finish. (WKOLI.YA. S. radical 1 ai horn . r;,rr: .Gen.- (;iin::tnan's out, in .moiin r letter tut . tut. we ti.ld bun bed wiifo iHiiwif nu br tl o i: enale. ( i ihUboro MiSSClitC,". candidates boldly iroc!a:.m not supjx'rt O llara. vi n.. i . . . ks. m. imoee sr.i in his address that Adam was tho first Odd-IclloU-. Tnrrhl Hy'tt. Kut he got Kve-n pretty soea 7..,.... C,..,r -I J i Our th it they wil A BI:r Wheel Bursts. 1'iTTsnuRO. Ta., Julv 21 The twelve-foot fly wheel in Tainter & bou s hoop milieburstcd about 7 o'clock this evening and completely wrecked i 1 i n i uu iMiiiuiu, au iron ciau Eiruciure otJxiOO feet. The employes foresaw the danger and fled before the wheel oCrsted. Tho accident was caused bv the breaking of the governor belt. (Charlotte Democrat.. The New Railroad. 1 he Winston & "Moorcsville Railroad CW.piny was organized at Mocksville on the 17th inst , by the election of the fob lowing Hoard of Directors: O II Wilev and S E Allen of Forsythe, A M Booe and V U Wilson of Davie, Isaac Harris j oi Iredell, and Lowrance of Rowan. Steamer J itIHa I 1 T. 1 o m . team-yachi I'assport, Harper, Smlthvllle je iuyers. i j Nor barque Jerbnen, Svendsen, Bristol, iiii. vie.v oururn, is. con. Exports. FORKIQN. Bristol, Ens Nor barnue Jerbnen 1.C00 casKs spirits, Zi9 urns roslu. ( Miscellaneous To thq Voters of New Hanover Coiiuiy. i - . i LTAYIXG- DISCHARGED THE DUTIES ' Ml- I ol the office of Clerk of the Superior Court for the past twelve months apparently to the satisfaction of all classes df the people, and believing that my experience and fidelity has peen favorably appreciated, I am induced to sees: the position again and therefore an nounce myself a candidate for the office at the ensuing election, a d respectfnlly solicit tne support oi my teliow-ciuzens. THE 1123 W TCO. 8 Wheeler & Wils6n Sewing Machine COMBINES ALL THE LATEST Sewing Machine improvements and makes it the beat in the market. Call and see this. Machine be tore buying any other and get reduced price list. : i . i july 18 te JOHN D. TAY'LOR. First National Bank. I' rjlHE DAWSON BANK EXTRA IDUCEDTS'! IS NOW CON- are assarted by Goldjiboro ATEJI.VESSEETUAUEUV- The road is to bo narrow ty.mrrr, nnd run mm . i r o- ... HIP Tl(iil!li:ll I i irnfl f It .l,rtr; ;.. .1.: . " f ... - i'1"' .uiaiou to iUwnsMi e ... ,;, ui!i.iy are all verv It in tThirIr.fin .c. 1 t ... 1 .... . 1 . .. . I IV urgeiy auenucM. 1 he out look is all that JiiSseurjti-' Great on Tso Person Murdered x Wounded. and teieral KxtJiviLLz, Tenu., July 2 b In au t-ffray Ibis morning between S.mnel Hicks and Edwin, Nathaniel, Jcre and Joae Dixter, sons of Judge Nathauiel Daxter, Democratic xionncee for re flection as judge of the circuit court. the iJcxnocrata could dcaire. We v. ill not only hold iiirown, but ixtcrcasj our ma- plltle. i! i:ii.aU.-iJU C ty Lconomkt: The lijihtn- mg struck the telegraph wire near K ity, on Saturday , hifcrcdj two or three prosperity of the people along the line posts and produced a report in th, nKrh and adiirnt mnnin. tf hi. t .til n . ' :L i . , as nervine anoovnc on he cjierators- Statesville Railroad."' crossing the Western X. C. Railroad about . 13 miles above Salisbury at or near tkowan AlxIIs. Mr. James O. Moore, the engineer, estimates that it can bo built I and equipped for $C,000 per mile. It will develop a rich Siwinn nnd ndranro IU " UV 3S atrgrixisi IN (rren.sboro Patri.-t: llicls and Jones Baxter were fatally babitants" say that The -oldest Notice. S U M ME R i i , DRESS GOODS! . -. rf i r i .... i l . tuo;. xue iorraer receiveti sivfru! ucn a urouir it m shot from the Baxter V( nd bis hku!l was fractured ia two places by blows irom tbo zauzzio ii a pistol in the bands of one of them. Jones Baxter received oalv one nbob which entered ma uoiiy ner the heart, and from Bomopaitj uaxaowa. Hicks expired t there bis not been pROM THIS DXTE all merchandise mua this scctiou within the evergreens are COTfl- ivm,j jears. t.rvn . I : " B iineriug wane ti.e irardens , nn.l . - . " -" v nen.s kvK as if a little ceLlI.i-raM.W I . d -! aJAu waued over them. i The Albemarle Greys is the ti.iwp . f" nuiuary company recently organized at r.den.on with the following officers: JVr OXLY be reruoved from the Wharves of the New Tors: and Baltimore Steamers the day be fore the arrival -f succeeding S;tamer, oth- . . . r ic uimuiM. rd,i joues linter m '.iio:... u ti wr -i i. . r" .-. . .iMni - , -r . : -r ... t .. .-uvjKiru, r or jsr, Lieuten- lJe OOUJ i ftorea in warehouse, auour. an Hour. aero llitr nwiVMi I r ti- -i ( . .. . u ' h nhght wouud iu the band. Xathaniel LxUir iu thj foot, nud a negro girl thirteen years old, wad struck in the tuigu try a stray ehot, which icllicted a iaiuful but not fatal wound. The affray grew out of remark derogatory t tho father of tbo Baxter by Hicks m "j'rwu iiiuuuug or candidates Cosoti.' rtr 2nd LWton.-. (Jr) I b. Perkins. Vor iSurgeen I)r v I scbi.-f r t r?,., ' .. : . V . J.J.' I (loldsMro Mt scnnr : TLci i f 5xerx:e county is procreinc satisfy tnri to the Democrats. Capt. Darden is inakit " vigorous, ttliing speeches. Thd i ot J. K. Parrott fir the Scaatej is generally for cjun y oCioe-i on the xnd, prudent 0:.uond,a:aiuSt Lit.., the best hey Jj ttckei tho cvenicg previous. The do. " Bixtcmgavea bond for ).im for Raleigh AV : A e.1 ,red ycith TLc, tbcxr appearance on Monday week. Young t y name, made Z SL 'tS ; . july 15 A. D. CAZ1TJX, Agent Horses Horses- 100 WELL KCOKEy HARNESS i . AND SADDLE HORSES ,r or sale, ( an suit anybody in style, speed and action. XORTDUOPA CUMMING, july 8 6c, 8cjl0c, &121-2cporyd. j i AT a . 36 CIarket St. SOLIDATED with ,thia Bank. The Deposi tors of the former are notified that their dei posits and certificates .THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. DIRECTORS E. E. BDRRUSS, - JAS. DAWSON, f JAMES SPRDNT, ALFRED MARTIN i ; . -I D. G. WORTH. OFFICERS II I i E. E. BURRUSSj President. JAS. DAWSOX, Vice President. "A. K. j WALKER, Cashier. WM. LARKIXS, Asst. Gishier. H. M.IBOWDEX, Teller. We keep lull line of Needles and ments for all Machines,! Oil, Cord, Ac. Also full Attach- Thread, Bilk, stjck of the famous Butterick Paper Patterns of garment. J Office 23 Market St, WUmingtcn, N. C. WHEELER A WILSON M'F'O CO. : july 12 W. B. ORRi Agt The Seaside- niHE NEW AND V.Utts i i Steamer PASSPORT will make DAILY TRIPS to Smithville. Parties can visited the Fortifications and all points of interest without extra charge. verv cemfort guar anteed. Leaves her dock at a. xn.i returns at 5.30 p. m, f july 1 OEO. MTEKS, Agent LI Visitors to Smithville CAY GET BLUE OUA8S, I 8WEET Muh and Delmonico Clhh Whf.Var h best of Wines, Brandies and Cigars, at tor Saloou in rear of the Garrison. 1 keep noth ing but the best I I J"7 o- J.D.DAVIS. june 12-tf Star copy. iofl B. D. MORRILL, 1 . . Undertaker, Carpenter and Cabinet-Maker, 1 i. i Third Street; Opp, City Eal "YyLLL FURNISH COFFINS and Casket it July 2 with attendance at short notice. i ; Orden for Carpenter work aad Cabinet work respectfully aolidted and promptly ex j ecu ted. All work guaranteed. ' ffeb 4- Keep Cool ! Kcepl Cool ! THE UNDER8IONEIIj nWprcpared furnish Hot or Cold or K!inwf his Shaving Saloon under the First National Bank, at the . low price of fifteen cent far Cold and twenty-five cent for Warm Bath.; FurmansM V Celebrated1 llair Invigorator. which remove dandruff, cleanses the acalir, and strengthens andlnviirorate the haLr. on hand and for sale by the bottle. j j I Gentlemen who wish anything done In the Tonsorisl line, will be pleased after a trial at the popular Shaving Saloon under the If uonai iaLK. . , i Hi; . t I-FURMA5SKI,1 I In the Basement of the First National Bank. jo'r io i i 1 1 ii Lunch T HARRT WEBB'S Every Day Fact Vou Bet It' So. And Drink Free'too For a . Consideration. june 29 TcVmke money fater at work tor U . V MJ "ng eise. capital not re- i w ,t0 nut uu k juu. pr uay i at uuiuo muc oj wty lnaustrious. jaei xnen, boy tad girl wanted everywhere to work for us. Now i the time. Costly oat fit and term free. Addrees Taxm k Co., An- guava, auie. xncbC it ' 4