f r. . - ' - i : ' K' J t ,.oil .MM IT. ;.'.n li n !. i,. .! allii : I "Mi' 1 tn j-r.r, . j k ! u in li'- r:u li i i.: : it: t j..v :.:- . in'.' r dr.-, .... i t!.M I.M- n t tar ... .r a':y. .v - r. t J -4l;. tf Vis or. v I I! - ... t.- .t . . . I tr.t ,,i-if fort- ' ' V 'i ii:ttm fr,,-ti the r;UrvM 1, r. b an l f r t!;f l,x w v" ''mi 'rI(.rii H?.d d.g t.c'ipu-nhe ! t' .- l.-HrlLr if. u-Ur C:r vr traug-.y n- . p tte n-i.Jl .r i-t bnv.i. f.re-pu. ijick, unit N-I.-inj -1 !!. t. wnti-r f!Uie , wi ' - . ... ii . tine it.ini i nit u I . (rtil. tipri t. :t e full that ;sn.e oi v u interruption which ratdi li u o r-icluui Lae c opportunity He Lad in :iiiLiiti:a:epiob- i,f lhobB urgent c n s uhicli av lo regard for time Lor tide, und c:l-1 ti:t growhd iu thechiLULeVb "t r Lrivyra:n tLat Ucai inriousiy . ttt tLe uiLdows irtmiseii mm jnrj frvvi all case of minorutce , sj.i Le pUvtd ith tL bluziug 'J -d eij-ijtd bin comfortable rt'tlt t nich ai a mun e.m who ha . 4J. to tUre it vith hie:. .tLe M ULd of the wheels rumbl jp!:rstLe ftrtct mingled with the .- iftLe torm he gvo an t suiting id i-; i tLe col, which left it u heap ii iiziii-x luis?; and thin l. nef t ed .. i-r i:.to Lin eLair. with eriou t i:Lt. f ttiu? p'iblv opi"'"11 Qt t:Il Ly Uik;i.g u cigar. X5.it NullrnlT tlo J.'uL:tl ruiird his htMu, ,:reuA IU ei ky car;, and uttered a it :t.p:3itive bik. Iu next mocicr.t .i t'T ,T l.f Ard that the wLeebiftoti '.-.i t.'cru Us doer. 1'idlieg u u.vfz f . ... iL-t snced tacoumiMrutf Liiu- vu ie aitlltiiu-e: .t tt richt vwitiui: for tlm ni:i ! and ruattcrin- LLilocOi hicn'v: i -ii!not thy f:th in toy ...-t -. r Tt.cn cine u ritg tt the niKt-bvll, r.i aLxiale voice that culled from t!ie 'loa't knock! You cttdnat rcuc :: LoIe honje.' 'I hor they'll make haste And ucme. t- T,' replied gruff a Toice.the tones of v:cu earned with them a strong con u-ticn that the vehicle outside must !ib; ;f I don't knock 'em up -La.i be kept wailiccr Lcre lor an There i some one coming I see a . Lt, replied the voice from tho cab. h'inixe if the "gentleman is'at home.' Here's the doctor himself, I sup- p.fe, iatd tho cabman as the 'street Jx ?nncd and showed the figure iu rfvfi atd cerning-gown tbat stood wu-ia. Op-a the door auj Jet me out!' t-aid tit UJy icpatiently; and no sooner UJ the driver, ia hu deliberate, Wry wjt obeyed her commands, i-a tlree light bounds placed her Vy cn the door-mat. bhe. seemed fcl young but her thick veil ef hctailly hid her face. Tj von want me to go toy where? k:J the doctor, glancing at hia slip 'for if so, 111 Xa oh, no!' she interrupted. T n-'h to apeak with you. Wait for oa e added, addressing the cabman; T C! ray joudoubla for vour time in oiCHaatioa ot the bad" weilher.' IU uoor was shut, and the driver, 4?ctiL Liti&alf of his waterproof --i. hh he thxeir o?cr tho reeking itka vi hi horse, cnLSoacod himself :tLeicaide of his carriage to ex-"-g hia habitual dory condition itate cf complete somnolency. - L meantime the doctor had -.c-i.tr.r Lowed his visitor into the parlor -ea:ca Liz oa the sofa. is dreadful weather for you to cut ia, ma'am,' he began; "but I ' V? tLo Ci t vtr rrctnt T h"Q.J judge from the livehnetw cf jar nwTentnU that you cannot have on jour own account. o gre mistaken, sir.' she replied; 1u,ir advicj and assistance for J-yavif, Iwitg t the ham time in iht- 'I tuu,t akyou to be uoxe . kphoit,' M tLe doctor, quite mytiiled. enable you to judge correctly of -l J raust explain all tho cic-CiUc-e he said. To begin, theu : L,c a fithcraaj mother, two aunb. wulow and tho nlht r nn olil -f on the other side of the street. and - wwwi.np urotneis; ro von yJy imagine hat an overiiiw- n LI IinilT IMIriM'.si oan oroaLt to bex upon my i-divid wlI xc any caso lu which it dare a-t for iuelf. Well, urged hr th Kof my family, and also, mut ;a accordance with my owu in - c-wa. 1 some months ugo entered ii a ucemeat with a gentleman u)au g,j a extant companion, of y eldest brother. To morrvjjthe -d taViog np the ker, gent!yieep your engHgement, or to throw ' l"atJ plajed with a lurge coal,ourself ujion the honor of the gentle .'rvVca WL" ti-Minf thi? bluzing lan. He could not insist oii your . l 1 1 L kpnttt-r i.nd fume ?eping a promipo of this nature if Jn-ji mnlu'Klit N nf u expressed a wish to retract it," i ' '! eir unci loud JK' w.ik 4 Under ordinary circumstances, and day hied for tlx a wetlcunK. l am cer tain that I Fhonld not have mado th.8 cug.igccicst if I bad. had greater fros iloca tf intercourse with other men, co n'i ti be ublc to coxupnrc'nuu judgo of character. This freedom I haro never CDjojed until latoly. ftud tho result of mj observations has been ! an j thing but favorable to my intended. Daily I discovered in him traits of character which effectually destroyed all tho rb maiio of my predilection. Unt still I forbore to break clT with him, consol iu mjsolf with tho rellcctiou that no uj:i is perfect, and that I must expect to meet with defects in whomsoever I might take for my husband. I tell von thij tbat you may understand why I did not seek to put an end to thin eLg;gtn:ent until it had approached mi in nr t"i its ompIetiod. I felt dis satiillcd, and wished ttxat I were free; but it wa3 not till th:3 evening tlmt 1 perceived in him ioiuts of char-ieter which excited my cjntcroi't. I need not exfilaiu whit tbbse puintri are it is sufficient that 1 feel ontimpt f.r him; and with buc'm a sentiment iu my heart can it be richtthat I sbould mur- ly him?' JJcc!dedty Lot, emphatically. the doctor, Then what cour.- would yon advice me to adopt to be rid of him ?' demand ed the lady. i Would not this b? a ipiestion for a clergyman or a lawyer to settle,' acked the doctor, gently, 'rather than a physician, whose skill is mainly di rectcd to curing the ills of the body Xeverthe!e a ynxi afknl ny advice I cannot but give it to the ! t of my kaow!edcond rudjjmeDt. Iteen 8 to roo that you hnve ofie of t i ciiirneH biit'i pursue : i:th r to dichne onenlv to h ordinary peoplo to dcnl with, 1 the ladj, 'either of thd-e plans, corabiurttiou of the ,two, would uoubt be biiecus.'-ful. J3ut I havo "Udv told tou what a1 formidable rv family can muster to oppose nio Uud they would do go, jevery one uf cm, if I were to attempt to bring 6uc. u dit-graco on them (for such the-ould all consider it) as to ref jso thisjarriage, from apparent cuprite, at thjl, T .j,tU hour,' 'lu matter to entirely concerning vourf" und iu wLich your happiness for li. js involved, I should iuagine that, thuse eulightcued c ays, every ono wild yield to your wishes and judt,' said tho doctor. XhcJays are certainly past m hen a lady ccja be stormed und carried at 4.he poicof the bayonet,' replied the ttitor ,i)Xxt an immense amount of coerc:ouaQ t i II bo used, of a kind that no 1H C3a protect ns from.' I'hvn Jt. ems to rie that yunt i - .1 . own hrniL'.ss u rcsolutijtu btiouid nipnly the dtllcic- t: Ut;tor. lou un- . uc, rcfumd T ti)lied. 'and u vear bj- yond it. lIi.,v beiniz ler.illv enti- ihd to ct forK does not. as I to.a you, proteose fron m thw peculiar kind of coercion .jqJj j trea Do you reiuemi.er fcaliad of llobiu Gray V , Auld My father urvl nm t?r t'.idna speak j:, Vet sh look it in my foe was like to break.' but n.y lniiher my i.o.iu Can you say there was-i0 coercion toward the heroine of thaid tale ? And it is precisely this klt 0f in tluenca tnat I fear ; and I fear my own strength to withstand it. On every hand I shall bo beset wiv argu ments, anger, reproaches, up)raui ings, Icctnres, appeals to filia and sisterly auestion, sobbing?, sigtings and hysterics. My conduct willbe ascribe to every motive but the tro one, because they have seen no changt ia the gentleman, and will not allow tbat I am blessed with a keener sight. At one moment I shall be told that I em a shameless jilt and an arrant co quette ; that I ciave so inordinately lor notoriety at any cost tnat 1 caa cooly.sacrifice the most scored feelings of a 'confiding lover in order to be-J come a nine-uays 'taiE: Ana tne next moment I shall be informed that such conduct as mine can only bo explained cu' the supposition of my having formed somo attachment so a i a t . excessively uuworthy cf my birth and connectiou that I anij ashamed to ac knowledge it ; aud this kind surmise will como from my Aunt ilatilda, my maiden aunt, who is so only because she was stepped when about to run away with my jrrandfathersi vaiet. I 6hou!d, in fact, be assaileU byi an amount of talk, against which it would be impossible to stand. Then why not tsko tho other alter native I mentioned,' ;said the doctor, and throw yourself upon the honor and generosity of the gentleman?'- Simply because khereis pothing of the kind to throw myself upon.' she replied. Tf there were I should not wish to be freed from him. He , pod- eeej neither honor or generosity; but in their plaoa'are the most grovelling deference to the world's opinion, and an intense selfishness. The first of these pai amount1 feelirgs would prompt him to forego his own pecu niary expectations for the sake of a ni3A r" r t T ft i ' i Trie K f ;I retired toret this evening rcc'iel by anxious thought of how to escape him, and at one' t:mo the only means of f tcape feemed to be running away with someoue el?e; a'ndreaJly, po great was my misery, that if I conld have gnsacd at any oua who had a predilec. turn for me I shoild have gone to him and a-ked him to lojo with me. Then another and better idea came to my aid. I had once in play stolen a latch key from one of my brothers. I took tins ky. difguiscd myself in a suit of diarjed mourning, went out linto the fctreet, found a'cab, and told the driver j take mo! to a doctor's, re solved to&tata my difUcutiestothe gen tleman to whom Providence or chance might conduct me, and to beg his as sistance in furthering my plan.' What is tEat planV demanded the doctor, dryly. . ' w . 'Totto nckhun to rnarrj me,' sue answered, quickly,, with a nod of the head that. tccictl io-.implr that she detected ia"ttm; n suipiciou bt tha na ture.- L want -you to givo :me some medicine that will make me in. 'That is a dangerous experiment.' said tho doctor, dubiously. Bnt one that I am resolved to try,' replied the high-spirited girh ,'What is a temporary physical discomfort compared with the degradation of be ing linked for life with a man whom I despise? I know very well that there are medicines that will bring on all the appearance of disease; but I wish to keep on tho safe side as much as possible and therefore I como to consult yon. Give mo that which is the safest, to take, aud tell me the proper qnautities; othewise I must have recourse to more desperato mon8.'- Ar yoll uwure, euid h 'that when the i licet of thin nifdicim is over you will bo in exactly the ta'no pjsition a at present?' Not at all, Bhe answered; 'tho wid din-tly will have passed without a wedding, aud I shall take care not to fix another. 'All that I want it time. Kuable me to obtain thai and I am safe.' . Jf isu (singular duty that you re quire of me,' said the doctor; 'bat under the circumstances I do not see how I canefnse you. I will fetch you you something.' Sot a policeman!' she cried, fpring ing b-twe.-n bun aLd the door 'for invTcy'a nake d ,u't fetch a policeman!' 'Nothing ik further from my inten tion,' he re-plied, quite unable to re press h huigtj at her hasty suspicion; T amgii:g to f'tch the modicine you wish for.' . T beg your pardon,' who siid, re turning to her seat. ' 'Conscience does make cowards of us all.' .Ilnow that I must appear to merit a lunatic's cell, or a reprimand from a police magistrate; bnt answer me candidly do you think I am acting wisely and conscientiously ?i 'Conscientiously, without doubt,' said tho doctor; 'but I think more wisdom would be shown in refraining from tampering with your health, and in making a bold stand upon your right of free choice.' .'it is very well for a man to talk of standing by his rights,' she replied; but you forget that I am a woman brought up m strict tubserviency to tho will of others, and never accus tomed to dream of possessing rights. The only thing that 'could make a woman so trained throw off her shack les and assert what little independence the law allows her would be the im petus giveu by a new affection.' 'Then why don't you ' he began, but suddenly broke, off and hurried into his nurgerv, muttering: 'What a confounded fojl I was going to make of myself ! iiho may be ft mere adventures.-, for anght I know.' Iu a few miuutes he returned to the young lady with the medicine and full directious fur it use, and also an an tidote, in case .die should require it. Uefore leaving she asked u;a name and address, and put his card safely in her pocket-book. Then, with a slight inclination, sho laid a folded white paper on a mantelpiece, and re quested him to summon the cabman. The doctor listened with some curiosity, in the hope of guessing whereabouts she lived from her direc tions to the driver; but they1 were merely couohed in the very indefinite words: ltetum to the place where you took me up.' The surgeon leturned to his parlor, and with the air of a man f uhy pre pared to laugh at himself for being 'taken in' he ) opened the little fcaper which the lady had evidently pliced thero as h;s fee, He was agreeably surprised to 'find that she had pro portioned her acknowledgment rather to the service rendered to her self than to tho trouble she had given b?m, and in token thereof had i- left a te-pound note behind hei, I . fter all,' said the ,docor, as te Disced it in his pocket-book, ! don't regret having had my rest ditturbed. Two years after this occurrence the doclo was snddenly mmmoLed to attend a lady -whose name was quite unknown to him. although there were tones in her voice which sounded strangely familiar to his ears. IlaYcyou any reoolleotion of having seen me on rome iormer occasion, Dr. ?' she asked him durirjgone'of his visits. . , I certainly recollect your voice, he replied, out I could riot have forgot ten your face if I had seen it, and this Dartial recollection n&a puzziea me from the first moment I heard Vou speak. r . Po you not remember occe receiv ing a visit during a midnight storm from a lady in black, who came to beg your assistance in avoiding a disagree able marriage ?' she said, smilling. Certainly I do of course I do 1' he exclaimed; 'and you are that lady 1 I wonder tbtt I did not recollect you booner. I ortly wonep that you; remember so icueu oi me,' aue repneu. 'Mav I ask if your plan succeeded ?' ho inquired; 'or is Air ' - No, no she interrupted, laughing; I did not make such a mistake as in the character of mv former atjitqr, othert wise X should hot have been go happy as I am now. The plan succeeded ad mirably. My apparent illness enabled mo to enlist the sympathies of my mother nnd aunts, and to a certain extent the sympathies of all my re lation?, Then eqntriCi ta show tho jentieman'fl haxatter in iU true light. Their eyes ,wero gradually opened, and liberation was afterward easy. My present marriage wa en tirely of my own choice, and ii it con tinues as happy as it has been hither to I shall hive lo reason to recft o dVertisk in the . . r7 WILMINGTOX ( Wwklj) J0URX1L Offic oraer Water and Chestnut ctrecta, p stairs. j Steamship Linos, &c. V CLY DE'S ' j : 1 I AND Wilmington, C., Steamship Line. . The Steamer REGULATOR,! I CAPT. DOAXK, WILL, HAIL FKOMl SKVT VORK n SATURDAY, August 3. gfU Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing: of Steamers a adrertised. -1S2 For Freight EnaexneDta applj to , A. D CAZAUI. Agent, Wilmington, H. C, :b S. UELDEX, Solicitinfr Agent P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, Bowling Green, or Pier 13, N R.f yew York. j jui7 28 tfmmoire AND Wilm i.nfito.n. IM . iC. STEAMSHIP LINE. Tho Gtoarner CAIT.j OLIVKi:, WILL .SAIL FROM 1ULTIMOIIF, ON Saturday, August Steamers Sail from Wilmington ; every Saturday promptly at 12 M. Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing' of steamers as i adrertised. Through Sills of Lading ien to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch piaranteed. For Freight Engagements apply to A. Z. CAZAUZ, Agent, Wilmington, W. C. L. S. HELD EN, Soliciting Agent. KUBEX FOSTER, General Agen Corner Iee and Light Streets, Baltimore. York. jaly 28 Fresh Wmily Supplies ! SMEW GOODS! The Very Best Extra Family Flour, in barrels and half barrels, Ihe Best Table Butter, The Best Fresh Roasted Coifee, ground to order, j The Best Pure Lard, The Best Sugar Cured Pig Hams, Pig! Shoulders, Breakfast Strips, Smoked Beef and Tongues. j! THE BEST OF ALL Choice Groceries Sold by I GEORGE 'MYERS, O. 11 ju 24 st 13 s. rnowT st Notice. I Schedule B TaX. I : : A LL WHOLESALE i AND RELAIL r.Tf. V;frpbv aotirlecl ,tha a privll ta w" levied by the last Ietjwlature of xve Dolla (the same levieU by county) la aaiuion to he Hchedule Taxes proper. Wholesaleealers are aLso notitled that in giving in tner purchases, the law now coiu pels paymenton all purchases is&de within the State ax wai nut r'ihe State, includ ing timrjer, Jobber, turpentine, spirits of t4rnciitinft- an.! naval stores of anv kind, and cotton. vlso wood and coal dealers All Hotels, Boariing House, Ketauraut and Katinp Hotiset are required by law- to Py one-half per ctnt on idss receipt. Tlie tx vrill be due J-ily lsU ami piiyabl3 witaln the ttrst t-en lays 1 thereafter, cji all purchases since tlie nrst of Jviuary, Ks. All partloa lntcYeea in tie payment of cLe4vile H Taxes will save tosits by at tend -UifT to the Kame at once. s lii law will be Uictly enfonxxl. , TkT.,v.v, 1 I. II. Register of Deeds for Pendtc CO'n.iy June 1 i PURCELL HOUSE, 1 i ; ; i! (tcaweiiy vbeNanal Hotel.) NORFOLK I VIUilNIA. ' ' ' !. ' i 1 .. ! I . ! ! i ! J. R. DAVIS, Pr'p RATES J3. 12 9 -njia ir day. accord, ns to,localkn. . ; w " Is dwbm i - : U;. - .... - Tie Best iiil World; T Miscellaneous. JUST Ladies' Ladies' ele-arit Centennial San j ' i Stif i ' ... Another lot of tli:.se elegant S. in th's market. .-' Call ana examine stock and p: r !'. i 1 i jalj 22 : r I Fox The Patent Krry ne whct'oi p-r.t f n-v lu any jr 1 a.iiiMrniea r nphlct 'Vilson uf this c!ty. j Offlrc, ! pONl)ENSED STATEMENT OF TIILi PfiDIl Mntnai Llls ' Insurance Froln 'Organization Dr. f i f "nnums rece ed........$i2,S1470 OS rt , v - - . ec.. - , 3,r-04,t5l lo Interest accrued..., ! .u v.7 3.S 3 etc. 22 21 To Deferred l'rt miuinfi.etc.nct 10o',221 05 , 1 J $16,936,741 07 ' - ! ASSET. .! U. S. Bonds, riuadelthia' and I other Stocks and Ljoan? W0,44.S Xl iuorigages, all hret hem , 2,44,121.17 Real Esute owned by the Co... . 2fu,0?.G 01 Premium Notes and i Loans on I Collateral... ...1 1,017,230 Cash on hand and in Bank 173,:i34 4.1 All other Fecaritieji 23S.511 30 6,2S0,7: 23 46 Estimated Surplus over ?the "ReneTvo required tho laws of Pennsylvania and New York jNearly G5 per cent, of the Premium Rm ipts has beui. rc'ur ers since organization, in dividends, k,athc!aim?, .etc. The Interest-Rctceipts of the Company exceed Ahz' atnouLt and Endowments by $G2,7r)l i',7. I The averro dividends of th'lVnn ! have urns received. . THE PPNM mch 11 MUTUAL HS $124:0F Ice Cream Parlor ftSovvIQpeii 4 XI) I AM READY TO S!:iiVi: MYj patrons with PUXE C21EAM I ; ' . also ! Fruits A: Cdiilectioiiorfes. i - i J. W,; Lippitt. apl SO Lager Beer. The Best in tho City and tho , ' Cheapest ! FOR SALE BY Till: KEG,, BOTTLE, OR dozen. ? 1 Try it this hot (weather. j It will give yoa aj good appetite and good sleep andfmake you healthy and wealthy and wue , In. marcueJ & SO", iv 11 . , No. 5, Market street. . -: ; : 1 Furniture. L ARGE STOCK r OF NEW AND . FRESH (JOO , Ju?t received and For. SxLE LOW BY juiy 0 D. A. SMITH & CO. Commissioner's Sale. : U , ' r BY VIRTUE OF AX ORDER made at the June Term, A. I). l&TS, of the Superior Court of .New Hanover county, jn a certain civil action therein pending:, wherein ilartha C. Mebane ia plaintitf and Maria A. llebane is defendant, the undersiened, as Commis sioner, will offer for sale at the Court House Door, in the City of AVihincton, on Satur day the 10th day of Aupuit, A. I). 178, at 12 o'clock, M., the following described lot of land : Bepirmin on the Xorth side of Princess street ninety 00 feet from 1 Front street, the corner of "the National Bank lot, tbence Northwardly with thelline of the Na tional Bank lot, sixty-six 66j feet to E. E. Burruss ! line, thence Eastwardiy with his liae forty-two feet, 4t ten f 10 inches to his corner, thence North with hii hack line nine- tv-nine (00 feet to the line of the lot belong- j sn to the, estate Eii W. Hall, dee'd.. J thence eastwardiy with that line sev- enteen f i7 feet two (2) inches to th4 corner thence North ardlr with his back line j nxty nine, c.0, feet to ilrs. Meares' line, theice Westwardiy with her line fifteen feet to the corner, thence Northwardly with her line thirty, 30, feet, theneej East tweaty-nfne 2'j. feet twp 2, inches, with her line, thence Southwards ono i3sui-drrd and ninety-eigb 198, feet with the oack lines of Mrs. CoWa's and Mrs. Waiting's lots-to Sherwood's hne, thfnc WcstwardJr twentyKnme teet two inches to Sherwood's corner,' thence South wardly with his line sixty-tii feet to Princes street, thence. with the line 01 luat streei the beinnin. I 1 TerniiCah- .JSO. U. TA1 LOK, j kJt S-tlOthAi Commissionrj liarrT Kxxicv tu iocsia froiu the effects of, Error and it O Abuses in early life. ! .! woo Rmto&sd. Iffipedimentti N to Marriage retcoTeL eiiSi HMl. Book and eirealan sent free in sealed eaTelope. Addrea IlnviiD AasociATiosr. 419 N. Ninth SL, PhiladelphU, Pa.; tt An insutunon cavus? w 1 repuUtion for bona-able con- iTg l4 j duct and professional skill. 1 B n 9fl in Id1 1 -f Miscellaneous: IIKCKIVKI. V- vie .l at .5::.'"' ' chnilib1 (V 'i HOMAS h. howm -o.. 47;, .Vo,rth Marka Sfjfc? '. Self - Acting Cow fVlilker M'f'g b. rs row Fhful'l ?..rr r.r rf fnr-wopdirf 'si iri of ti e I riTt d tat ot; r t s t ef $.' NnJ t on lb? (iw. "f.t!:.!i, x-rti r.J v'w -f n Sfut tree. u any .lro9. " iFO.,E. KING, rrcU;ut. Hroadnaj,iev York, I Gomuany oi FMiafiGliiIiii.i to becember :?1, 177 4. i - Cr. By DeatL L iiifnij.. vii Bj Surplus l'rmiuuij return ed 1'olier H(,iH...ra " t " i By Surrtnderv , , ar d otht r Canceled 10 Br Ke-innracce Companies....... ram K 1.151 :u ! Br Commi8iin!, Ajrency 1 X -,.''2.1:1 f.-: penses, halaruc, e4tc Bv Taxt s paid... ' By Balar.crnf A?.-t-1- Jan 1, '7 r i .7 . ( '; 'LIADlLITiLSj ft iicserr'e at 4ptr cent, iable,: Lose." cut ct d-u ?...!'. li vidondi tf '77, to j tti iin '7H, inc'udin Af cuii.ii.iAti"i.i on LiTe Kt. linAu 1 1 ; n . SL'RPLUiS, 4.;..'r ct-rt, ! 2 1 by $l,2lt oc ;d 1 r ocn neirly thirty p. CCi.t. the I ASSETS TQIEACH1 S100 LUDILITlES Foreclosure Sale. .VIRTUE OF T I'O'.V Kli i CON ferred hv a cevtam l cd of ni'rtcCi' K'CUf j M.V.'l fd by1 Samuel V.'. Yick and Cl.arlv I ane and Martha hi wife, to tr.l . Kirtt! National iJajiX. of hid inctor , .V ('., det-d bearing date th lth day of April IhT'i and recorded- in-'thq Kecistef.'a- 0!lk of .fit-i Hanover County, in Hook- K, K, K, 17 ii r "day the l?t day of Ancui-t.lt1", at 1 2 ' M.J at hxchanre Corner. ot!r tr ! l.v public auction to he highest bidder that re taifi lot or parcLl of lacd jntuat" in th ('i y of VViliainpton and bounded acd devrribod k follows-: lJerinnin at the intersection f tli9 Southern line of lied CroM tredwijth th western line of iitt street and 'runnik thence weftwardly with eaid litiC Of Crogs street, three hundred and vreritv (321) feet to the end. of the wharf on river, thence eoiithwardly alorc iLe liEei said wharf one hundred and thirtr-thta cart one hundred ana tiiirtT.tJj.re "eet, thince eastwardiy, pj.ralh-1 with. ros1"' street, three hundred and 'thirv 33SJ feet to iNutt street, and th.-r.- (133) feet Red Cr ei?ht f northwardily with Nutt Jly with Nutt street-or.9 hrir..5rI r-two ( 132) feet to the beinrlitp ; 1 and 2 in li loci- 216, accordi-lt'. ; 1 and thirty beiner lots theorhcial plan of eaid CLty Terms of sale CASH. . 1 ASA" June 28-td3, v . . tt- r 1 4p JUT. REVOLVER FREEiftK:',l j riages Addreff, J. Lowe & ben, 1 ;! A i: ., PitUbarfch, Pa. (jy 10 4 v. ; , Li . Wood et AGEPJTS '.. 1." i! 1 Tf We will pav Atrect a 1 prr an! of 1C'I Jlont.'i, and expenses to t'l cur Sf-rr. Wonderful InTcctions. A Co.. Ma'rshall, Mich. jalyjl',.w. $426. Su'rb frand Square Pianos, j rc 51,100 only i'lio. Elegant Cprlr"t ! Piaa", 1 price S-iOO only $155. New .StvJ I.'prJLt, i'ianos 5ill2.50. Organs ?2j. Organs 13 ft"VM 5.J.C.O. Church Organs lu stopiirnfs 2 f 3ar only ?tlih. tegiat J.i75 ilirrqr Top Orar.s onJy 5105. ' Jayers conic anl s?e n at hon. y if I am no t as rwpresentej, R K Far r afk both wars ani 1 lano cr Urin crirtn juare nisi. .ewpap':r wjia ucara raio. tion about, cost of J'i;moi' r,r-d Orrans ?t.t free. Fka.-e addrees liA.ML'L F. hKATTr. WaehptT:, New Jersey. 1 juiy . e ' 1. 1 y - p ai b iii til d if truH JaS;aic,a,Jiiia;iir C A W5rnJ3ii5Qwith ch ica Aromatic ar1 OMnrUnU Ofrench liraadr.for Chole-! !-, f f,.-,i.L r1 ..... , . 1 . uiuui,vi'. lJ i'aiE !Uiarriio'.a ar,.:i IjicE.terr,Jjvf;fpsia,f tilescy, Watt of Tceiic I Actir'ity in ll" Stcma'h' and li'-wei, ! .tA urv-.i-it the da-rs if Cx-r.?t of Wat., r, V od ail C.s-, Vnite.- Aeif (for j . r t5r. r..i .'x iiz-i : JAMAICA GINGER. Parsons' Poratir? 1 Blood, and -will coxpiet-- in the enure iys-ris perp who will tax r I p: I to 12 weeks tr.r b; health, ity ach t:.:r pv-i.l .!. Sent mail for letur u.'i-: .'. I. JOHNSON CO., Banger, Me-- 1 ly r BRUCE WILLI A :" iWcr Ci.35ty, N. C. ,. ! . WILL ATTEND t Sttnf .ri, (lioriwj leverT ilondar. fed at L'u cflicj at LiIlini?toa. the rescaxsder of th? efk.i Colljrtiot acd Coareyaicir- sJSr-eda!tf J jore 4-diw jalyS-lw iXi-J IIEIISII11', If tl..::.7- '.:; iii. 1-. I . . I j. ... ...Ji -fa'.i r.icM Zf-i-i r-ifr4i f ' jw' -J- I '3 t

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