r i THIS ril'KU . a Tvrr afternoon, Sundays c jlcd br iro asp rRorRiTOR. Sl W Hx month,, S3 SO ; Three ' ,i IS; yo month. 60 ccnU. r- " . "r will b delivered b7 carrier!, -:"Xn I VOL. 3. 1 WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY J JULY 31, 1878. NO 151 .larrf t rceife their PM -ri regularly. tfow Advortisomonts. Daily . , ' V -;. , , 1 . " : ' 1 J' Bargains Eai sains own (2 Roddick, s LOCAL . NEWS. Aew Advertisements. J. C. Mcsw Tild n'i Ext. Malt, Ac. Mcirsoa Down They Go ! . PlitiniBiaoiE Field Croquet, Ac Taylob Withdrawal. Col. McRae's Lecture. vomica : I'outlcs !! Politics !!! : The intelligent and appreciative audi-1 Is tn all-absorbing topic around the Court A Small .Freshet. Disnatchrs rmipi 1' . enco which assemblcdat the Opera House Honse to-day. Manning and Garrell, both nouhce a of s f,-f ty" . .... .m liAnml tn L d l . 5 . x .t . I - ' '- ' Water 1U the Market Prices, j . J a witt Look. are bound to be eWtl Ut looo t,of ;a . list nigm to nsun 10 tne Druuani euu- i - - , - " nver at ravettevillo m ,- ' .h.. the fine elocution, and the Splendid I""' .Wj This is from " vlT'', lor iucji cuuuiuaie. i ,r . i c uonuay on liaw River and lWn i:ivPttv . . 1 ,n 'v- ere more rams :a that section oratorical effort of Col. Duncan K. Mc- liprp k Tin orl, r."f : I r nfVsi.In I ..v. wuu tauv. I L " . .. ... . .!-"- DCBiLnsi" v us vuciuig i ..... . ,. . . i bj vimiuu men : ana Lrarreil 13 oouna 45 MARKET STREET. Aprilbh weather this time sublime lecture upon the subjoct of L. . . .. . !, i f . yesterday and to-day it is nrobablt- that la laughter, enjoyed a rare intellectual treat, Manning' constituents, that lie can! Very respectable freshet il! be the result PLEi.SE .50IICE. TerrrtttScafcct We.wUlUfladtoMCfi peneral icterttt hat : ' ' r,D4a:e of writer a..t alJa wie4 to tie Editor. i on Tr b ; Coaanrieationi most be w,i n -on aide of till paper. reroalitieVmtut b aroided.. ui the editorial columnl UUUM io T column. New AdvortisomcJnts. one that baa not been the pri?ilege of a neyer be resurrected a WilmiDgton audience to enjoy since this . ... .ut fiVFERIN'i; the baUiiCe of Y ..x"0l)I LOT8 of Dry Go.h1. at .. ilTt iiLST attract the attention of Kvcry Close Buyer ! . iVir .- at account -f ur stuck V( are oXcTitig these rain. I acd tbacthe steamUoatmea "need have Manning's men claim live hundred no.iears of any more low water this .Sun Thc wrists of new lisle thread gloved are aamff distinguished and brilliant son or tne maioritv already I I I J J "J li ITUiU. 11 UUh . . i ' am t-.. ..t..;e-J 1 4l:i1 I . .... . i . lace clocked. Old North State electrified and thrilled u will be by this time tolmorrow. it is I mm . . A. I ' Gentle, refreshing and much needed aa audience in tbis city some twenty har(1 to Manning cyiJcntly secured i rains this morning. I'olliiiff IMace. he pbliim: Dlacotil of tha d-hW-rvr.t J X 1 ..... I ' w 1 ' au Bjauu uy uaviti'' tne last cnance Wan s .ir foil.,..-.. t.,,,- iv...:,-. l.Miitw ami I iiliint t- .i . .... ...I 1 vears ago, in bi far-faiucd address upon Extra Inducements icorler to c.i-ar them a'l out. P.ridal dresses are no longer entirely . Vo are free to con lets that we taTel made of white satin. t n.it the abilitv to write a criticism or even I a.ult j r i ; i qcui wuunvuuui, Ul uacu pariy. en, i ward corner The swallow-tail jicket is atlected by " - 7 there is this consolation, as it is not our streets- Second nubbv voudc ladies. I 1 rClii,' magwncfiii cuurt 01 u,u fight, it won't be our funeral gentleman s uiftcourse iar. uigui. vu :orncr of Fourth and Dress Goods ALL Xo loopings in backdrajerics art worn J with that it were in our power to portray by f.uhionable women. , j f The penmanship of the auqeut was :h is the battle ground between the Uarnctt s'trdfts; Lower division of First i constituonU of cacli party.' Well, Ward, corner ot Seventh ;kul " lied Cn. Ward, in the Cutirt House up sf air.-; Third Ward, at (Jib- T . I ...... . City Court. ' lcm -L-Odge, corndr oljviglith and rriucess tint 'l "' r , 1 . a to our readers a little of the pleasure ex-1. , ... T1. ?. " I n " I ,! . . . . fore llis Honor Mayor FisLLlate thia morn. Cine llouse. between Front r.tf t.-d I. nm Lawo formerlj 11) i now 10. .. ill DUW i .. .. " 23 now 20 t -r re tSe m t Jrirable oaJj fur the (,?ttefn. inc tijiea iotn..w. Ladies and Gents' Underwear. ur lit- U itill unbroken and can ajjure oar 1 !('0 tbat it i the int'TMt f all t call mu l make tLtrtr purcbat now. Parasols. 11 . :oO othdea and l'arajol. ALL AT UKKATLY Keduti-d Tiice. Vs It EAT BARGAINS ! ; . riin, Sti ipd an! IUM XaiwN.k Shawls 1. i.r StiprJ Shw!i, juit iuitable fur the e..I .tinz. 3 worth slow, careful and plaia. Fifth Ward, Sharp's ttore, on 1 1 ' 1 .1 ..1 4 penenceu ana uiauuesicu uy iub ciwjubui - ,:. j,i ... ....! . j . ler.ttirnr a delirrhted audience, lo have en-1 rn.. r..-. I r . o WIV wmiuautCS. nonn iwtawn I-,4. .T l.f.t. . joyed and appreciated it ouo must have Tbe lirst ca8ft ....... at . r l-.,,,... , 1 The days ate a half-hour shorter than heard it and hearJ it a8 onIy Col McRke jjrvson. for resisting the nrn ,,f ,p f!itv Extra Pollceiuen and the Elertion can aenver 11. 111s eioaueuce at iimea 1 juurt. reiusm m a nw a nn Wpmnn -a.-ti "J'o-mnrrnii- Ah, woman! thy name is frailty Mrs. surpassed anything that we have ever a search-warrant to ent-r bis premises. Captain John Cowan; Assistant Chief (f ' Jciiks, what's your name.? read of or heard- and ho could descend mo mayor reserved his decision in this Police, has been quite busy all day swear- nndrJd kids Lr, tbe from the sublime to the ridiculous, lrom case ana recoguizcu the auiunaant m thci Mng in pxtra policemen.1 We judge frf.m; - - . . . 1 V Wt 1 I Him Twl Itl 'fcll Tk" ItlL ait.tiil'lf.kVi ;t k -v l.y-v . I t 1 I oat bos to bathos, as- too eiitea speawr ouiu v uu ui u,i5 oiu 1 thiH. that AMif P;M,f . ,1 I , w j ! ' i I " --"J w A lUUHlUlf 1.7 "WUIlir liJ termed it. with a grace and caso that ex- uaJ U1 l,U8U I I to oreserve thn tinaro -n,,' ,, ,.,, r ,.t ; . i . 1 1 rri . 1 . , , . 1 1 - - - r v According to the latest dictionaries mere celled any Bpcaker that it has ever been - iviy ocuii.coiuieu, txQ U to.morr()W auu ii. a. 1 uoiuai", coioieu, cnargeu wun 1 , fichtiuff. TLouiasii was discharged, but Fur-buttou thing for full strict costume According to the latest die are 4.1,5GG words in our language. our fortune to hear. Steam has been defined aa a bucket of The beautiful description water in a tremendous perspiration. ot 1 a sunset 1 iu jiuus lo-iuornpw. 1 i We think, too, It hat the good citi.t-ns. f Scott, who resisted arrest, was sentenced Br0oklf certainly deserve some attention j I ' .111.. I. J I. f.l 1 r. . . EXTRA INDUCEMENTS! Great 1 M M K I! .-J R E S 600DS! . . lit ' ' ! 1 I scene from- one of the tall pekks of moun- to fioc ot $10. or i undergo fifteen atth? hfnds of tbe l,oice' thuylhav tains that rise heavenward and adorns ...... ... ., . r . m suffered 1 Lio thrca,! 1.-I4i Unlifu. own C.roIiDa. W Sathcr,Dg ZL' " ".howd.tak tLt 1, 7 1"' .. t f. ..... ; 1.. It.. .. .... . . I " -o uiinu.iuiu;., luu 1'iia'juci i - P 7 ...... ..v.. an- nunii iw .....i, - of a thunder storm.the bcautil uiiyreiiecieu was IY. nlniit(..! ONLY This ended the proceed- tbe First "Ward on jelebtion day The laUst novelty in walking sticks is rays of the setting sun mingling with the iugs, and the court a...ounied for the day. about ! time now that nude of Itussia leather, mouuted in gold, mist of the coming rain throwing out a " resplendent rainbow that completely The "Aimve l a new style of supper, arcncd the Heavens, was gorgeous and which yoinig ladies much delight to wear. 2rand. and the finest word painting we UnlllrM . In(l prCAUS. The hou Uv IloW thoroughly at verily lwliuvu tht was over listened to t I r .d 1.1 Induced from 1.2i, 1.10 home, and will imt be "shooed " hj any -then nJ 1 7i. lJIdrdIr the cbeapect in toe max let. one. the while the sudden transition from grand and beautiful, the audience wero , The Long Branch of the J-outh. Thus doth the lia'eigh Neicx style Smlthviilo,at the mouth of the Cafe Fear river, aud wo. think it will deserve the title. There is no butter seaside resort on the whole line of our coast from Fas- samaquoddy Bayon the shores of Maine, to Galveston, Texas. It has all the con should be afforded them by the authoi Let the Mayor then have; a strui; j forse stationed in the First Ward at f j opening Ol the polls, under a eoiup; tioii some jprotecti'Hi ties. ;ice the tent ; at Illourning Dress Woods A Specialty ! ! AfTfot in thi tertion of the country tor THE WlDOWd CKEl'E for. the dcepeit tsonrnis. jthe first inception of a row to arrest tlic prime movers and instigators at once', and have them carried to the city prison locked up. If this is dqneJ ample made of some lew 'of ami an ex th'e turbulent I spirits, peace may once riipre reign in a: 'I'lmrn w t Ini nnifebfri it lu'inrr u;id J 4 t t ltj(Ainii(T tn uanr(r ainl ilmAf. lirPAlh am Oar. that a washerwoman voice is always a &nd veniences of boating, fishing, and bathing oi-rano. dr0DDdJ rrom lhei elcuuent spealcer's - 1 n elephant may bo wondcful to look lips-down to the practical thoughts and fe8ted wih the myriads of flies, mos- Larsa'w unon. but thero is more fun in two expressions such as, "but: it was get- H""" irouoieaomo insects . .... .. .1 mv:.l. : VI - - .1? a I :1. J ... i i A HI -n.i.r.. ounces of kitten than there is in a ton of ting, too wet lor comion," as tne ram-iuu owm tu uu an .usepurauie aojunci ku4, o5a. -u., j.uiy:i. elenhant I storm burst oer and enveloped tho gor- j of all other salt-water xesorts,and there is j Editor Keview I ... i t .1 I n i tr , '.... I iti. i i l it. geous scene just pic.iu.u,provoiveu an out-1 uoany au ine time a cooi ana invigorating i " xo-uay cioses nere me 8c, lCe, &12 1 2! ptr yd. . i i 1 1 ;"'r 36 IVlarkct St 1 hotly contestcil Sale Ajreati for the LaRine Corset, $U Ignorance and deceit aro two of tho burst of mirth from those who a moment sea breeze which makes a residence there campaign in Pender. Crowds are already tirC. lb If II a pateQleu Corset and the i . . ' . .... rririT.rr tn hor .Ineiiirt cnniw.V.no .f !..-. taab taken out without ripping by worst qualities to combat. It is vastly before were most grave and serious in I during the hot months? a .perfect delight. g 10 near uie ciosm0 speecnes oi tc-asjui iUk Lacsrs. ,i;.n.tt ,Mp.mnn than listen!? to the sneaker's hurnine words ThAio i t '.,. various; candidates. , in summing up i'"""' .u.tovv.vn wix utxjt!..- Ict tls aavise you to mace room ior i en- tivelvlbut little known and its superior der in the Democratic columns that will advantages have 'hot been fairly appre- be erected in North Carotin a to-morrow. ,;Ji ..... i' i ' J .1 The spirit of patr otic manhood that The Wamsntta Shirts jc each, , per cent, less than the same article u otf-red either North or South. Y.rttj Shirt it manufactured by ourselres az I guaranteed. Cut and made in the warp of the cloth. easier to dispute with a statesman than listening to the speaker's burning wordj with a blockhead. i i of eloquence, that it was Impossible to , , suppress. Swearing In Judges or Election. jjut w0 wm not attempt any further no- The following gentlemen, Justices cf ticej knowing and feeling our utter inabil- the Feacc, will administer the oath of ity to give the faintest idea of what those office as required by lawi on the day of who were present enjoyed, and what those CAMBIilC SillRTS, FULL 8IZED, 2Sc election to the different No comment r'juired. tlti'Utbleached Drawers 25c a pair, worth Double. BROWN & HICK, 43 Market Street; ,tffW male no mUrepreientations in ftrjrtft eject ANT sale. Steamer J. S. Underhill, p0MME?fCINO Saturday, -TO-W Ja!y rth, wid leave Wii- , PfTJ tuaiton etery g a tarda r ere- V Vr 's; t ? V. )f., tad Smithriile r " m xtUf Mornbg at 5.30 A. M. different polling places, Judges at the I who were not present missed and lost, by named below j not heaiing the lecture of this most gifted in this cityto-morrow morning before andjbrilliant sou of the Old North State -nVhirfc ! i Col. Duncan KJ Mcisae. . j First Ward, Upper Division, Justice J j M. Henderson. .First Ward, Lower Divisbui Justice L. II. Bowden. ' -Second Ward, Justice John S. James. Third . " I " ' John L. Cant well. Fourth " j ' Fifth " I ' Archibald McCrimmou Wanted Mrs. Sarah McCrimmon, in care of Nor man McLeod, No. 48, South Green street, Chicago, desires to leain the whereabouts 01 ner uroixier, aiuuuuu bv,viiu-iujuu, who resides somewhere in North Carolina, havinrr immigrated from Inverness-Shire David G. Worth. Scotland, or any of his children, if he be W V Harri I dead. She writes to the Governor of ... ... - , ,. . 1, ..v, Xorul v aro una, ai.u 1 c-iucouj uiixi iaj iu& -. .r AfThiinYian. I the diaiO OaPCIO il IliaO liwtiW iui iici, vl" r and they are requested to copy this, f TTie After exploring his pockets in a rul.'" I proper address of the lady is given above. less search for "scad., he Btopped into a lialdgh Ac.cs. South Front street saloon.' llis every Wo think it likely that Robeson county t'M4T?J?r WJ' 75 r look iQ11 tat ho wasdrv. Uelook- may be able to produce the iparty sought ed steadily at the oar Keeper,' wno witniior. iuwu bC4xww. bated breath awaited his order. Draw- county doing business in Wilmington pre Hretl!utaad Sorrer served on board. IT - O. O. rAKSLEY, Jr., A gent. The New and Commodious Stmr. Passport WILL MAKS DAILY Trips Ut Smith wttra - . . SordaTs half hour later. GEO Horses-Horses- Y E HIVE ON HAND a Lt uf CPEKIOK SADDLE WORSES. J-isaad Mi&d. Erery horse warranted - al. r rices reasonable. . a 1 ft a ing himself to his full height,' putting oa vious to the war oy me naiun oi . his blandest smile and suaveit manner, ho McCrimmon, who Is, we think, hv- observed -Ton honor.Colonel jour's is the Z " not far from Shoe Heel. finest bead and most intelligent counte- Supreme Court. caacc I've seen in some time. Ton honor, From the Raleigh Observer we glau Colonel, you arc a perlect picture of my the following points of iptercst fcere from SiVfU Trip 40 Cta. I old friend and chum, Senator Thurma'n. the proceedings of the Supreme Court on . UYEKSArtnt. Ah sir, he's a fine fellow, a noble Roman Monday: and 'pon honor Colonel you're his coun- W. II. Mcllary, Guardian, vs. R. II. I .... n . . 1 r Tl.lir :30PMr "I terpart, 'nough 'liko for, two brothers aud w. 11. onrnn cv a.s , irom uauua; . . 0 , J . . Tt. (2 appeals) argued by U. O. Burton, Jr Tho barkeeper w.ped the hair off his (frX plaintiff, ami T. N Hill, Busbce forehead and pulled down his vest. & uulDCo and Kitchen & Dunn for the ::-dit it NOIiTUROP CUMUINO. 'Speakin of intellect, Colond, I know I defendants from the pleasing physiognomy before Among the opinions filed we Gad the mc you're a gentlemen of high culture following: ) l and rare literary attainments and you State vs. Sykcs & Msrrick, from New will have my thanks by sotting- me rite Hanover; error. Venire de novo. T .1 m Mt ' ... Rachel Joncavs. John Asniora, irom 0 tllO Teachers Oi tllC to wh.ch should be said m-addrcinn inocll. Judgment for plain- a gentleman, Will you have a drink ? or .jnp PuhUc Schools. fpa0SE WISHING TO APPLY for teach- Will you join me in a drink ?" The bar keeper wjped off! hu chin and replied, "Will vmi i..in mo in a drink." Thei The Queen of the Oven. A ' brcakfast-hisctjit or tra-roll made I . t V- .o-r. I ' r iin man smiled serenely and with tho dig- .tTI t,r "HZ . cerUeav., m ,l.aae meet me at th. nity of a lorJ( f(.)ineil. .fYe thank wLite and delicious. Y6u lift it tenderly, r-rt lloas to WflsaUcton, on the f th. Oth you ; brandy and sugar." ,Tbe barkecp- break it open gently, spreads it daintily MCtW Aurust next. tiB- tke dav. rro- er tried to smile1, the "brandy and sagar with fresh, sweet butter, waiting to be A8tnext- m rro- . ; ' gracious.. After breakfasting on bucuiU r27 IawfortheexaniUaUoaoXtahecs.4 T ,V.. . , 1 . , . , made with D00LXT8' ieast xowdeb, www Limwu oBi wu in oranujr what man would conUmpUte suicide, or sugar was charged up to the "Counter grumble because his wif aiked him for part of Thurman." ' , money? ' 1 .' ' A. R. BL1C, Countj Examiner. popular seaside resorts in the county. ciaieu, duc we preuict tnat in ices than a f .s, . X. 1 ui j u . . 1 1 . I - formed render will nob y. redeem her to decade of years bmithville will have be-I rhorrow. It would seem that tho departed come, as it deserves to be, one of the most j spirit of General William 1). Pender has been hovering of late over the gallant county that bears his hallowed. name, Tn- Cliallensrers. citine the Democratic masses to man Iv I I . . . . V - - - . j So far as heard from, the following brave deeds and high purposes. gentlemen have been appointed Challen- Armstrong Paddison and Bannrnkrf , .. ... . 1 - - , will be elected. AVe have three parties gers for the election to-morrow for the Ia the field, each riianing a txktt. Iude yarious ward clubs iuthis City; pendents and disorganizers of the Demo; Second Ward. James C Munds, MP cratic party in Pender will be route! ind Taylor, L T Bowden, B R Moore, Dr TB badlv beatca to-morrow. When the sun A T- 11 m t j n sets to-morrow victory will perch upon Carr, George C Kelly, A T London, Geo the Democratic banner in the new county. Morrison, Walker Meares, C A Price, The canvass has been vigorous and hotly Jesse Pipkin, J.W Lamb, J W Gorjdon, contested, inch by inch. Everyone of tho J E Crow ! Democratic nominees is a farmer, except rTf ' . j T ti !i" 1 n nr one. Mr. Armstrong is a gentleman of TJurd Yard.-Ij H Lowden, C M talent and educati and ab renresbnta- Bissingcr, Samuel Bear, Co! J .L Oant- tive farmer, who will make a good repre- well. A Deumelandt. Samuel Howland. sentativo in the next Legislature.1 P w I P TTpirnr .Hhn T Keen f Jpnrcro W T v . ,r mm.....: ir - Wilmington District ' 1 - I A Tiiir.inf mfinti t, ir fllinrfrrlv Al.'Otimr Price, F Q Robinson, C , G Southerland, - " , , u 1 T t ir .iTiii! - I J 1 xj ixL winiams. j 11 J ! Fourth Wari-W P Holland, L S 1 . . . - Belden, D M Buie, P D Cowan, J W Ebe at Bladen Springs Galloway, H McL Green, TCMcllhenny; Bladen, at Bethlehem. .Aug F W Kerchner. L S F Brown. J D Bel- Cokesbnry and CohaHe Mission, 1 I . n .1 1 ....: HI o r . -r t tt T.i i ir n ai ueinei.... .-u --o umj,or,i;rjai,i. " v"4"' mint ' Hpr, T U . ft WA WW M wa - - v Jr, J I Macki, James ItUly. Onslow. . ......... I . . . , . Sent 7- 8 . . . 1 1 . Tonsail ........ 1 Sept 7- 8 Iioiei o'clock July 27th. -Charles D. Myers, F-Mpibe HOUSE. Wilmington . C. Wri-rhLsville Sound : J. M. Forshee . 1'hi.. Jaly 31st. I. L. Dolby proprietor: adelphia ; Capt. K. P. Point Caswol!, X. from 10:05 o'clock July 30th to 10:05 C. : John W. Galloway, city, j o'clock July! 31st. J B Weller, C G j - - MetU, G A Peck, P D Cowan, city; M L For Upward of Thirty Years Morse', Philadelphia; Jno C Powell, Cerro Mrs. Wjxst-cjw'iYEUP has been used Gordo NC-BM Woodruff, X C; H M for children. It corrects aciditybf the Wadley Jno G Miller Atlanta, Ga. stomach, relieves tcind, colic, regulates Pubcell House. Wilmington, N. U,f we row , curra. u'77 "t:f"ur July SlsL Cobb Bros., propnetott: ria, wnemer anm irom 'f o Dnwn THau finf ATEW LOT JUST AT IMAM) udlfGlIT IN eheap. J'HICE RkDUCED frod 65t' Tilden's Ext. Kaltl J LAI.V, Fcrnatcl and with (inictv Allan's Anti-iat, Al'Iaa'f Flj lirck AnJ a-full line of J'&teat ikdiiinr. ! J ' ' L.I F-.r a!e by JAMES C. MUNDS, JU.J Drurcit. fi Withdrawal ad 1 Aug . Aus ;- 4 10-11 17-lH from 10.-05 o'clock, July 00th. to 10.-03 other cause. An f old and o'clock July 31st Col D K Mcllac, remedy. 1l cents a boltU. 1 Chicago 111-E E Burriss, City; Isaiah .. 7-. T . wSry New York; Miss i Taylor, Mrs The position of ua 'r, at D R Smith South Carolina; Duncan M this season of tka yearj, is one of so.emn Wn'o-Ti Tir.ciM.bnro. N C: Rov T Lewis rrnnniihilitv inTQluntarvIitrofanitv and 6U.f -- , - . r.. , ,;.-. T -rf ; - . - , , - Banuter, Baltimore Aia a vu, vy. Hmitej perspiration. Mai r.wi. II Siodcaan.City: Andrew W Allen, Toronto. Canada; B Godwin, Lutc berton, N C; J II Aycock, wife and child. Rockingham, IS C; aiJ joF" 7t ?, hard boro, NY. lOE SATISFACTORY REASONS. J- I did not fullv understand until tn xernoon, 1 hereby withdraw my naai' as a .uuiui luronermoi .ewuanoter L-ourtr Confident that my irienda will appreciate, t,b motives that impel me to this a'tion, thanking tlrim bqartiiv- for their itallia faror, I ats, very respectful. r. JOdEl'll W. TAYLO ! July 30 H e Arc Ollei-iii at! Lo est JIarliet Trices, 7- .UALES CHOICE UAY, ! Large X. C.and Weftf rn Catva'dd iiAz.m llama, just the' article 'f"r ht-tei? ail TainiJifs. - Lard and Butter ail rade. : Sugar, Cotfee, Canced Good?, Ac. 173 Barrels Flour, choice branc, Chickens, Eggs, Ac. . . 1 Parties in want of Cotton Tit-, ?nd yl orders to r PETTEWAY 6: SCHULIvE.V. Field Croquet. . . 1 r LALITY Iif PROVED. Prices Bedded. KB'1; 1IEIN.S fEKt I Raleigh, NC;EB Borden, Golds-! , N (, lliomas M Bledso, New York, i The ! man who turned. sboaldei to hs friend was m gryat demand last week. See Them I . ; ... QUBTOILET SETS ! I BUKEAU SETS ! YASKS are pretty and cheap ! M GILES MUBCHISO.V, 133 and 40 Jlnrchison uioca. julj 00-dAw Ink and Hucilage. O F THE VERY BEST QUALITY. '-I IIELVrfBERGEB'fv Thermometers. JOi: SALE CnE.lI, at I' 1,1 irrivjnppfiro'ii jaly 20 Lira Boot ltd MojIc Etors.! j I 1

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