PLEASE JTOTICK. We will be rlad to t cr ir- rl. t., Lii r .rom our friend on kij and til f ahjecti of general iatrcft bet : j f Tho cams of thm v Jt!lK T. JAMES, ,XITO A5D FBOrKlKTOK- varnunea to the Kdi tor. CommtiricaUoas mvt be ' vrtittr J on f dnlj one sida of ti V'ZZ SlW;Thre. rersoaailtlet aut be j avoided. I'-' AnditbefreeiV acd rrticul JlJ Ujjf. ftood that fie editor doe pot alw.jr ctfdor, Ue Tiewt of corrrond.a, ttE:eM o utc d in the editorial column. , ! 1 , 1 1 .will bdcUfred by carriers, VOL. 3. I WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1878. NO. 155 '"". .ndliW and Dint Wmw. It. Ncw Advortisomonts. Bargains !-Bai gains- Bnmsrn I Roddick, 45 MARKET STREET .SS ifcST atr.c the attention of Kvcry CKm Buyer ! ,-f t.ukl. "fMr,,wl Extra Inducements 4B,.rr u, lLen a I "t. s Dress Goods ALL REDUCEtf ! l 2i now 20 r,ll ". The .tjl iLc nNl. Ladies and Gents Undeiwear. tnr h.t U .till unbroken tad can aiir. our . tbatllUttaiatereituf all to call UJDUtiKCii Parasols. '"" E'tf wSTWMd Price, GREAT BARGAINS ! lar:In.Suiplaa4 FIhi Nainsook Ala, in. Shawls SMe8riiw!s,jait gsiUbU far tbe rwl eerlng. 1 worth J5. DomesUc Bed Spreads. CO 1 ti in4 1.50, Reduced from $1.15, l.tO ad l.TS. Detdedly tbe cheapest ia the uukit- Uournins Dress (ioodsjl A Specialty ! la this section of the cuntrj for THE WIDOWS CREl'E for - Ut deepest mourning. iice Tals is a patented Carter aad tbe bee tin be taken oat without ripploe; by xrs ; SUk Laesra. The Wamtntta Bbirts "-c each, . per etau Im tbta tao tame article U o2re4 either North or South. Yftj Slltt li manufactured by ourielree aai guaranteed. Cat and made in tie warp of the cloth. CAM3UIC SHIRTS, TOLL SIZED, 15c No comment required. fltauTab! cached Drawer 25c a pair, worth . . Double. ' JW 45 Zarktt. Street. We make bo misrepresentation ia erir to elect JLXT sale. . jaljlT ' , . Steamer J. S. TJnderhill, COJtAlSXCINO 8tardar, Ja!y 17th, will leaf Wll auftoueTerr Sarnrdav tTt- tia; at I P. 1L, aad 8mi thrilled MotdiT yaniar al a.30 A. If. Far tch way, 75 eeata or fl.for tbe firtkiiajt and 8rper eerred on board. -if II O. 0. 1MKSLEY, Jr., A feat. The 2Tew and Commodious Sbnr Passp ort nitT.V. i TriptW aalthTillav ' ,PjV LeDock .00A M lyH ra - - C:20PIC- 8aadATi half hoar liUr. U-4 Trip T5 Cu. 8iarleTrip 60Cta. M Ti QEO. aiSO A rent. To the Teachers of the Public Schools. qill03 WISHI5C3 TO APPLY for teacb- certUeitM, will please meet me at the ctrt HotM ia Vlljuiaxion, on the 8th. 9th lCia of AifuM aeabiaf the daje pro- d by Uw for the examlaatlo of Leader. A.R. BLACK, Klyll-lw County Eaamlaer. See Them I QCR TOILET SETS 1 ; SETS! ar Htty aad cheep 111" GILES AvUURCHISO.V, aad 49 Harchlaoa Block. RODDICK uiiuiin M-dAw 1 . LOCAL NEWS. New AdTertliementa. J. C. McxM-Lundborjc'i Extract. Uciioi-Sie. K ImlUtio. . H. Jawarr Look; i Tbe new moon will shine IhU creiiing. About six weeks more of this rery warm weather. ! This month has five, Thursdays, five Fridays and tire Saturdays. Splendid weather (this for the lianks Snappers to try It over again. Aurust step lu on the boards uHay. May he deal with us more gently thau did his predecessor. . I 'The liquor sal j?n hvc u btcAdftly dccd all day nl h" who had ft I acme private rcourcr to i"K ujvm have been able t. w t up.' Kotwitlwtandiu the nice little shower we hal yesterday the 'ground appears to day as parched as ever. Two inches of rain would not be a bitftoo much at this time. . ' . : . The law forbidd betting-on an election, but here is for a pair of aa good boots as you've a mind to pay for that OoL John D. Taylor is our next Superior Oourt Clerk. ' Personal. We ackixiwledge, with much pleasure, the courtesy of visits paid us this morning bT Col. 1). K. McUae and Maj. J. A. En- ?lliard. The Third Morth Carolina. Tlie survivors anions the non. commis sioned oflicers and privates of the Third North Carolina Kegiment are to meet at the Hall in CurnVs building, to-morrow evening, for tle purine of jeifecting their orginiatlou. T1k ollicers of the Regi ment are invited to attend. The Greenbarkers.' 'I litre was to have leen a t meeting, on Tuesday niuht, of the followeis in this city of the National Greenback party; Tho oflice ot Thos. M. Gardner, Esq. was the place selected for the meeliug. Wo are not advised aa to the, proceedings of the meeting, or if it was really heldj according to programme. FlnejlUlns. From persons living along the line of railroads runing out of this city we learn that these sections ofthe country wors visi ted by copious rains within the past two or three daysJ Yesterday the rains down the river and at Smithville were the heaviest we ever saw, but not a drop too much, say roost of the farmers. 1 To-Morrow'e Excursion. An excursion train from 'Weldon, Tar- boro and intermediate points on the Wil mington & Weldon. Kailroad will arrive in this city to-morrow. The excursionists will take a steamer for Smithville, Forts Johnson, Fisher and Caswell and Bald IleaJ. Tickets for the excursion are good for ten days and in all probability a good number of the excursionists will stay with ns to tbe limit of time given them. Scene at a Polling Place. . . . i "Stop dar, stop when I opens my mout' at you. Don't yon hab nuffin to say to dem vhite man Hill yon puts dat ticket in debbx; if you doet dey'U gWerhit out of your hand an put dinVcrat ticket in it. Take le ole mau'a 'vice dis time; dont you bletes nothln. dos white trash tell bont ijcsliuo; don't you do it; donH you do It; takede ole man's 'vice." i Unmallable Letters. Tho following U a list of unmailable letters remaining the Pofct Office in this city August 1st: j John Fell, care of J iV Russell, bavan- nah, Ga; Elias llenderson, care .of 5 Sanders, Castle Uaync, N C; S II Mag rieu, Colombia, S C; 1 blue stamped en velop, no address. BechabUet. At a regular meeting of,Nesr Hanovcx Tent, No. 57, j Independent Order of Rechabitcs, held recently, tbe following officers wer elected for the ensuing year James Kendrick, P. O. IL; A. Gutten berc. S.: W. L. Jacobs, C. R ; W. Wes- cott, D. R.; T. E. Skipper, R. S.; James Woodward, F. S.fc James Newton, (T; Samuel Mince, Jr., L.; lira Skipper, J I. G.: J. W. Drancb, O. G.; J. W. Eewett, V. L. Jacobs and II. M, Bishop, Trus- tOS. " I -There's Nothinr Uke 1W TUi we ever had." Find it much cheaper than oUr?tw '"(Jan testify to iu superiority." vtxtracu irom leuers .u v manufacturers ot 1xlky d a kast w i i LauiDeo! aneechifvimr of tho A. UV 0Vfj - 4 campaign of 187S in this city came to f r 'clock this mornins at Vivov cv aw- i l l "t-4a-a i'iaw(a the intersccUon of Hanover,! and Fourth eminent writer ibus describes his expen- of the peace, .aithoughlthe interest attach Streets in the Fitst Ward; the "Garrell" ence:The eye is fixed upon a certain spot, ing to the result, principally among the i.;n,T Un wnrd. To-dav. and. while staring at this, vision becomes Renublicans :'baa .. 1 t-.!-.!! IKUUU uanug by the silent but potential voice oi iue jj .w g their wishes and by to-morrow it will be known to whom the Important trusts imposed by this election will be confided. It has been a campaign in which but a very small share of the respectability of our citizens have taken any part, and in which the most of the intelligence that has been engaged has ben to appeal to tbe mean est aud worst pankLs of an ignorant and irrenixmsible claaa. Fur weeks the nights have been uiado hidoous by the vulgarity, profanity, and obscenity of a half-drunken mob'of bc:ugs, whose low appetites have been prtd rcil to by political aspirants after poiuic jKitUn. It ia a fad com mentary upon the dignity ut oihee when all iu responsibilities reat unon those who have desceuded into the very ccsiool8 of human language and endeavored to arouse the worst passions of human nature to acquire a brief official position. Whoever may be the victor in the principal race, it will be a dearly bought victory a victory in which much of decency, dignity and self-respect has been fearfully sacrificed; and when be be comes installed in office, after the dirty smoke of the battle shall have been swept away, wo hope that some tinge of shame at the means employed to secure his tri umph may be an evidence that he is not wholly lost to the respect aud confidence of his fellow-men. The history of jLhis campaign must stand, however, as a mon ument erected to Ihegrcsiest villification, crimination and recrimination th it ever disgraced a political campaign in New Hanover county. The two Factions and Their Speak. ists. The Garrcll's aud the Manning's were out in their full force last night, but their ranks were not very full at that. Man ning's party held forth in Brooklyn while Garrell's faction orated in front 'of the Market House. Tbe principal topic was vituperation and abuso of the leaders of each faction.Heaton held up to the 'crowd fromthe stand in front of the Market House a little bull-terner which ne claimed to be the exact counterpart of Gen'l S. II. Manniog.and introduced him as such. r ' How long are the quiet, peaceable, and respectable citizens of this commmnity to ba annoyed with such vile and oftentimes obscene and profane harangues? ' Is it to be endured at every election? Are we never to have a change of policy ? Can not the officors of tho law see to it hero- after that decency at least shall be ob served if the noise of a Radical meeting has to be endured? - Registration. Tho following presents the entire num ber registered in the various wards in this city, the Teturn being made to the closing of the books hut evening : . t First Ward Upper Division W hites, 106; colored, 438, Total, 544. Lower Division Whites, 107; i colored, 593. Total, 701.' " " "j Second Ward Whites, 325 colored, 127. 7Total,452.! . Third Ward Whites, 283 ; colored, 128. ' Total,1 417. Fourth Ward Whites, 251; colored, 141. Total, 5D2. j Fifth WardWhites, 194; colored, 522. Total, 7 1C. Grand Tota-W&ltes, 1,272; colored. 1,949. Total registration of the city, 3, 221. ' 1 Cut-lar! J At the Garrell meeting this morning, at the corner of Hanover and Fourth streets. was the irrepressible Cut lar, and, 3 was dioverod by a party of youngsters, who wanted a little fun, just as the Chair man was going to introduce another P-ttr- y,7"B.,r? ,,. rucd a bis sbont for "Cut UrI Cut . . i,.n -hprennon that patriot arose, not - withstanding the attempt made by those ih stand to restrain him, remarking Oitlar speak, and he's a gwine to speak, whether or no," and speak bo did for, a full, half hour, much to the delight of ion , naii uour, wuv- ... . . the aforesaid young men, and disgust , of those having charge of the meeting, j i : . m;l Tpthipg so disappointl a careful house- keeper this weather aa to find her ice cream tainted with salt. A Hint Worth Attention. I 1 Dicomfort,amounting iu many persons I ' " ! a 1 1 j actual uisiress, is olten experienced in sitting for a photographic picture. An i. - . . . - - ! i ...uuuiug yuj ecu capwMj a beins lost4n a thickenins mist. A feel ing of giddiness is apt to follow, if the i sicung is an proiongeu. ine suaering wmca uv, iu coinmou wun tnousanas beaides, underwent, suggested to him the ucud of some remedy and he soon hit upon a simple contrivance which obviated every feeling of uneasiness. Ho drew a small circle about four inches in diameter upon a piece of paper, and converted the circle into a aort ol clock tace by sketching iu tho Roman figured in iheir usual sequence. Then the paper was nailed to a post about eight feet from the position of the sitter. When the operation of taking the picture began he first fixed his eyes on the XII, and then upon I, an 1 so on, shifting the gaze leisurely from figure jto figure "all around the clock." There was no feel ing ot strain, wcariuut?, or giddiness.; The picturo takeu was free also of allj ap pearance of constraint. There was no staring expression, and the eyes were clear and well defined. This hint is well worth the attention of photographers1. The yield of cabbage for the present year will be a gigantic one, and 'those who are partial t siucr kraut need have, no fears of fchort supplies. ! Now is the time for writing loving letters to country cousins, telling them you are not only crazy to see them, but that you art coming with the entirs fam- ity, to remain until early frust. ' It is difficult' to explain the workings of the youthful mind. A boy who will lis ten indifferently to tho sublimest truths, will bo aroused to the, acutest interest by the progress of a caterpillar over the col lar of the baldheaded man in the pew in front of him. ' ' An old lady is collecting all the politi cal journals she can get to make soap of. She says they contain 09 per cent. ,of pure "lie." Au uugallaut contemporary thus writes : "Tbe modern woman, when she has a nail to drive, doesn't wait for her husband to comevhome. She catches hold of the nail as she would the hair of a recreant son, swings the hammer over her head aud plunges downward. Then she ties up her ringer as well as she can, puts on her best bonnet and goes right over to her mother's for a good cry and her tea." Hotel Arrivals. Empibe House. Wilmington N. C. August, 1st. I. L. Dolby proprietor: from 10:05 ociock duiy jihs u iu.vo o'clock August the 1st D M Wright, O Fennell, Jr, G B Fennell, 0 G . Metts, City; R M Richardson, Mayesvuie, a u; R Mayo, Jr, Virginia; Sam B Charles, Albany, N Y; T. F Rhodes, Botesburg, S C. , I : ' Puecell House. Wilmington, N. C. Anmiat itL (Jobb Bros., proprietors" from 10:05 o'clock, July 31st, to 10.O5 o'clock August 1 E E'Burriss.City; 11 & Foster, Baltimore, Md; 'J C Pass, Rox boro,rN C; Jo French, Rocky Point, N C; B Maynez, Thomas Jones. New jYork; nrcr7 TTrmr.h Rack v Point. N C: Cap- tain John W Harper, Smithville, j N C; Alax T Mills. Boston, Mass; Clarence K - 9 - ww a-a - 1 i'-ll 1.11- Knowles, Georgia; W Aaiooay, unarioiw;, N C: P W Clark. Rome, lia; A o uoia- smith. Philadelphia, Penn; Joseph E liruii, James iu nart, Diuiiuwro, jxu, j MWnVht. Hon W Pi Canaday, City; Col D K McRae, Chicago, III; Major Charles M Stedman, Uity. I For Upwards or Thirty Tears j Mrs.Winslow's Sybdp has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates tbe bowels, euros dysentery and diar rhcea, whether arising from teething or other cause.- An old and well-tried 25 anis a boat. d s w.. ) ) Consumption Cored. An old physician, retired from practice, haviner hA placed in hifl hands by an East India missionary the formula of a rimplVeibtery.for th. speedy . . conmrnnton. wvi mamin - - ' i VirrintViUia . f a t-tVi asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous dohihty ad U 0f iet t his duty to make it known to his snifsring fellows. Actuated oy tnis motive, ana a u man snfferin" I will send, free of charge, iVhTdSre it, this ! recipe, with fall irpriinn fnr nrenarine and using, in German, French, or English, Sent by maii by rcsans with stamp, nammg his paper. W. V. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block. Rochester. New York. e 18-4 w The Election. v The election hoTt tn,u v, L, -,i I ! I w un l uW J'dJ."LU k l very quietly. U" i i - ance that mav be caiui on t,i I - ' " fu lUiCia. Hit" ilCUI i uAa -ueerrj disputed by the anmD and tactions f Ilcimblir.ans th.-s.. j parties .having g led their ticket on te nomination lur Sh '010 interest among thif Democrat r lias centered on one point almost entisely outside of the regular State ! ticket,'- iand that is tho election - of .Col.. Joliu 1). Taylor for Clerk of the Superior Court j The polls have not clop at this writing, (4.30, P. j'M$) aiil' we are unable to predicate the result accurately. A lhiviEW reporter made the rounds,-" just before "we go to press, of tliree wards' iu 'the'eity. The!resulti of his ubservatieni liia- bo summarized as follows- I lirst Wardiln this ward thL Repub lican Legislative ticket is about L'OO'abead': Col. Taylor iSjieceiving a gojd vote and will probably run ahead of YanAmringc. The vote for Sheriff is very nearly even. The voting strength of the Lower divi-! of which (iarrel1, sion !of this ward is 70,1 530 ! huve been cast running 17o bi-hind i t Mannitti: for Sheriff. Sampson, Kepnhiici, for the Senate was 50 votes ahead of Wilson, Republican! liryan, I Democrat, f-r the- Senate, has p6 (votes; ..McQuigg, fur O lerk 110; Taylor, for Clerk, 125 ami iUi- Amringe, for Clerk, 292. i 1 j cco7id Ward Yoting strengtur.2, of which 350 have been' polled. Bryant leads about 200 aheai ofSampsony wiio is ahead of Wilson 106 vote?; fJarn-ll has received 200 and Maiming 1(0. Taylor is about 2o0 ahead of YanAmiiii'-e ami ; - i i i McQuigg. In this ward some '50 ' votes were not cast for Sheriil". I Ihird Ward Voting strength no which 305 have been cast. Bryan for the Senate is 50 ahead of Sampson who leads Wilson abdut 0 Votes, Garrell is 36( ahead, of Mariping and Taylor 40 ahead of Yai Amrigc who runs SO votes - ahead of Mc Quigg. In the Fourth and Fifth Wards, we have no reliable reports, other than that in the former Taylor and Garrell arja little ahead the former leading handsomely. i ' I I ! , i 1 Wilmington District. . i Appointments for Quarterly Meetings made by I!ef. L S. Burkhcad: I I ! "". kniBD bound! 1 Wilmington, at Fifth St.l...Aus 3- 4 Elizabeth,at Bladen Springs . . . Aug 10-11 Bladen, at Bethlehem.. .Aug 17-18 Cokesbnfy and Coharie Mission, at Bethel..... Aug 'Z-ro Clinton, at Salem. ...Sept , . Sept . .Sept 1- 2 7- 8 7-'8 Onslow,. Topsail,;, '.; The I Thermometer.! From the United States Sifrnal Office at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 ociock : Augusta, Ga.,.'......85 Cairo, I11L 84 Charleston, S. C....84 Cincinnati... 78 Coraicana, Tex 78 Ilavana.... 81 'Memphis, Tenn.....84 Mobile, Ala ,....83 Montgomery Ala...83 .. Jfew Orleans.... 84 I New York... 67 ! Savannah, Ga 83 Shreveport. 82 St. Louis Mo.... ...80 St. Marks,. Fla 80 Vicksburg, Miss. ...79 Washington, D C.75 Wilmington, C.81 Fort Gibson, C N.81 Galveston.... ....81 Indianola 81 J acksonville, Fla...85 Fnoxrille.............76 Lyncabars.. 8J e want one or two things Some ! Pa a 4 ! tin f Vn in st tock or some money to buy ' New Advertisements. JO IMITATION". GEXniXE ARTICLE, ct&ly 85c N'o more, no lees, jdst 05c ! I . - I for a handsome STRIPE COAT, at J augl (: , MUNSON'S. Lundborg's Extract -pOB THE HANDKEBCHIEF, best per fume maile,put op in SO cents, 75 cents and fjl bottle?. Lundborg's California1 Water. 1 ; For sale by i : ' ! i 'I I JAMES C. MDXDS, Druiit, Horses-'Horses- XX7E HA YE 05 UP a lot of I SUPERIOR SADDLE HORSES, I I if : ' "' young and i sound. Erery horse warranted t tousd. Prices reasonable. jiy27 NORTHROP Ik CCMMIXO. -d3t-ltw $66 a week ia your own town. "Co riii:. Reader. . if Tyoa .. at which teroru of , wklW v , . . mr .n nike frreat I par all tne me thev, work, writ for particulars to U. Haxurx Co., Portland, Maine, march 6 Now Advortisomonts! r EXTRA IDUCEIEMfS1! Great s 1 T 1 M MM 11 ONLY 6c, 8c, 10c, & 12 1 2c poryjl. -i II, - AT 36 -Market Sti julj 2 Great Reduction .I in Prices ! june We Are Offcriiig at Low est' 3Iarkct Jftieas, I i y r UALES CHOICE IIAV, 1 Jiams, just the article lor Motels and Irir; iamiiieaj . Lard ind Uutt'.-r all grallc j. ' Sugar, Coffee, Canned Gooif J.:. 175 liarrela Flcurchoice brand?, Chicken?, Eggs, Ac. , ' Parties ia want of Cotton Tic., sen'' yoor orqers to PETTEWAYA;- .CIIULKI.! T. W. STRANGE, ' Attorney -A.t Market St, between Second and Tliri. joly8-m wllmingttn, '. CV i - i Tonsorial. r . - i I. I :' 1 I L LTAVJXO AOAI.V lfcated the Ut- oughlj renoraud and improved tb old Und and am now prepared to fhT,ihairpoo, r cut hair lor eTerjhody. The bet of work4 men, clean towels, sLarp rators and low prices. 'EL YIN ARTIH, msan i rw rna rnrri iinnm. i : nmT iiifjr-i ralr 27 Purcell Uooj rter cnop, -I i Field Croquet. UALITY IMPROVED. Prie Rucvd.. W- . -I; . . !. I Hi Another lot Jwt rec-nrtnlat ' i-V, If EINHBER'ifcR r. Ink and Mucilage. OF THE VERY BEST QUALlTl'l , ! " j HEI N S B ERO ER'n! I Thermometers, JOR SALE CHEAP, tt i 1 1 ' hei;'Seei:ger'R Lire Boot and Maiic U re. DR I. " 'I! , T

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