W : , ln -1 ; , - Now Advortisomonts. Fancy I ,(11:1 tin Wow is? the ITime To procure jonr anc KlilliiicryXG o ods Call at Exchange Corner for jour TRIMMINGS, FRINGES BUTTONS. LACES, HDK'FS, HOSF, CHI .DREWS FANCY HALF IHOSF. HAIR ORNAMENTS, GLOVES, ami &nj thing el you 1iouM want In the Fancy Line ! Fine Spanish. Lace, wLiU and black, for Tics and Scarfs. New Veiling of allBtyles. Crepe and Crepe Veils illiualitie?,'tbeap. Don't forget tlie BESTtSCISSORS AND NEEDLES iu the world 1 NOW FOR ilinery. Coods ! I- tboee who bare not I ought their HATS. BONNETS, UNO OTHER MILLINERY ARTICLES, Should take adrantage of this month electionaas price bare been reduced such as will v surprise tbexa ! All those desirous of bar gains Hhould call ! NJIH.fSPRUNT,' J15 Excfcasgt'Cxrer. m nnnn uiunm The Daily Review. IDS!!. T. JAMES. Ed. and Prop M-IL31l.GTON. N. C WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7. 1878. YOU CONGRESS : i i AirilED HZ. WADDSLL OF NEW IIANOVEIl. VIEWS AND REVIEWS. - t Mcmj.Lis, aocorJiug to a letter Irora the Tennessee commissioner, has been awarded the rrizc fur the Ust laic of cotton at the Paris expedition, New Or leans a n. iL2 in for the tecoLd honors. "I : t i A curious legacy of he St. jLcuis heat is the overpowcriug drowsiness which has aHlicted thousands of the citizens, causing them to go about yawning and nodding, as if s'cen was the on'y thing worth liv ing for. j Thomas Cirlyle has not been bewilder el. evident!?, bv the Beacon sGcd whirl wind, for in fpcakiog ofthc Tremor lately he said: "Either ho has bewitched the Queen or the Queen has bewitched him, or the have bewitched each other." The subject of iron-clad artillery is now engaging the attention of tho English military authorities. It is safe to pro phesy that lfirc long every battery will into action with! iron. Rhieds which it will effectively protect the' gunners frem ever missile smaller tliau cannon balls. The territory Jwhicli Turkey loses by the treaty of Berlin' is roughly estimated by the London Dally AYiea at sevetitv-one thousand live hundred square miles, or about thirteen thousand $ua-e miles more than the whole area of I England and Wales. The loss in population amounts to mote thin thrH and, a ijilt millions, or Fmnewfiat more than tli- ittire population of I.oi.dom 'lle who fights and rims away will live to ?ij;ht another day." This is the prin ciple upon which the new steel frigates fcr the British navy have been construc ted. One of them, the Iris, has just com pleted her trial trip, in which she made twenty-one miles an hour. She is a four thousand ton frigate, with heavy guns, which can run up to or away from any thing that floats. j ( Wild horses roam over southwestern Kausa. Thejdificult feat of capturing them was formally accomplished with the the lasso. Entire heard arc now eccured by a new plan. The hunter outfit or dinarily consists of a fist-walking pair of Worses attached to a wagon, four saddlo jonics, provisions for several weeks, and six a:cu. A herd being found, tho pur surersgo towards them at a leisurely pace, doing nothing to frighten! them. The wild horses run away, but arc again and aain overtaken. Xo effort is . made to drive tbun in J any particular direction nor to Lurry them. , s is kept up day afkr d.iy. until they become familiar with tin tight of the melt, who, at the ctd ot two wtcks, arc able to junotig tlitm. TLey are somewhat docile through hunger, U, haviog been kept too steadi ly moving to permit of suflieicnt grazing. Toey are at length driven to rauch and secured. . Mr. Charles Li Salle of tho (ourixr dot ImIs I'nis has received from i Mr. Bartholdi, the sculptor and designer of the statue of Liberty, -which is to be placed on Bcdloe's Island, as the gift of tho French nation, a letter saying that he has decided to njako jmauy alterations and improvements upon his original plan. It was intended,. he says, to have the face of tho figure of Liberty looking toward the Narrows, representing welcome to the incoming vessels from foreign shores, but after carefully studying the effect Jirook lyn Bridge will have when completed, he has decided that the statue should face the Bridge as nearly as possible. A greater light" will bo thrown upon the ocean than if the statue faced the ocean. Tho figuro will bo of hollow copper filled with saud. The statue, with tlio -pedestal, will ho three hundred feet above the level of the sea. Mr. Bartholdi estimates that the cost of the figure) will lc close upon $.".00,000. i ; In the matter of puns, ; hero Is one made by no less a perapu than Charles Dickens, who was not addicted to them. Thisj one has, the merit of being, in every sense ot the words, a creation of bis own. One day, while be was I eing taken by a photographer, the result being Jhe well-known ph tcro in which he is shown writing, the artjst told him that he. did not 'hold the pen right, and suggested that he should take it more naturally in his fingers, -just as though you were writing one of. yonr novels, Mr. Dick enp said he. J see, said Dickens all of 'er twist I A sharp little girl in Chicago got out of patience with her bashf ul lover's backwardness, and so broaght matters to a favorablo climax by paying to him I really believe you are afraid to ask me to marry : yon, for jou know I would say yea. j MK. TILDEX AXD THE ELECTO RAL COMMISSION. There can bo no doub now, if Mr. Manlnn Marbl?. onoof tho leaders of the Democratic party at tho North, is to bo believed, that Governor Til den, who was fairly and Fquarely eject ed President cf Ihe United States in accordance with the Constitution of the country by a majority of over 250,000 votes, wa3 unquestionably op posed to any compromise whatever. IIo opposed the bill known as the Electoral Commission , bill at its very inception, and bo expressed himself to Mr. Hewitt, tho Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee. Mr. Marble, who will be remembered as the able editor ol the New York World a few years ago; and the repu ted author of the St. Lonij Platform, upon which Mr. Tilden was nominated seems to have gathered together a few facts and published them to the world through the columns of the Washington Font of Monday's date. . Mr. Tilden's first information in re gard to the preparation of the Electo ral Comm:8uon bill was mad a by Mr. Hewitt, says Mri Marble, in his pres ence on January the 4th, "the day and date when Mr. Tilden received from Mr. Hewitt's lips that other measures had been abandoned." We here extract from Mr. Marbltd statement in the J'oftt. Before he read the new bill, , tor. Tilden was told by Mr. Hewitt that the Democratic members cf the Senate committee were u:ready absolutely committed to it, and would concur with their Republican associates in re porting it to the Senate, whether the House committee should concur or not and whether Mr. Tilden approved it or not. 'Is it not rather late, then," said Mr. Tilden, "to consult me? ' 'They do not consult you," replied Mr. Hewitt. "They are public men, and have their own duties and re sponsibilities. I consuls you. Af:er possessing nimself . of tli policy and provisions of the bill, Mr. Tilden'e perception of their character was prompt and decided. His dip proval of th electoral commit? iou scheme, lb might have been iuferrod bv any political ntopLiyte,lrom its 2vt- trast at all points with bis on pl-ir, was inherent and incurable. , , Mr. Tilden, in his interview :ii'a Mr. Hewitt on the 14th, did not with hold the grounds of bio objection to the bill, as a policy, or in its details, j Expressing some surprise at the fact, j of which he was repeatedly assured by ; Mr. Hewitt, that the Democratic Sena-1 tors had already j determined upon ; their course, whatever liis advice or wishes might be, and some surprise at the secrecy which hd shrouded the gestation of their project, Mr. Tilden observed that secrecy in respect to any plan, implicating the rights and interests of so many, was a mistaken and unfortunate . policy. He recom mended the widest publicity, the full est discussion,' the freest consultation, as a Democratic ' method always ex cellent'in itselfj and contribute g to tho prosperity and stability of nli self-government, aud in tha presenr instance no wa1 hurtful, but advau tageous, rather,' to tho intereit.3 oi toe Demosratic party. ' ' To tho argument oi haste, Air. liid r replied: I "There is Uuie enough. It is r month before the couue. It hd best be'used, all of jit, iu making the pec pie and their agents fully acquainted with their rights and duties. , To the statement that the1 benaU. committee would Dot delay for this to present their bill, with the unanimous approval of its three Democratic men - berp, to the liepublican Senate, Mr. Tilden replied: I "It is a panic of pacificators. Imy will act in haste, and repent at leio i uie. To Mr. Hewitt's representations cf the danger ofj a collision of force with the Executive, Mr. Tilden re plied: i j "2s e vert belt S3, th. s aot on is too pre cipitate. The fears of collision art exaggerated. And why surrender now? You can always surrender. That is all you have to do after being beaten. by surrender beiore the battle, for fear of having to surrender after the battle is over ?" Mr. Tilden's criticisms of the details of the bill, of which in no shape could he approve either the policy or tho substance, exemplify the political sa gacity of the veteran statesman. "If an arbitration is to be adopted the tribunal r nght to be fixed in the bill itself, and not left to rchance or Intrigue." i "If an arbitration is to be adontotl the duty of the arbitrators to investi. gate and decide the case on its merits should be made mandatory, and not left a question of construction. 1 "With both vital nointa left at 1oor ends, you cannot succeed. You can not afford to concede, and you can tr act (1), the selection of good men to composed the tribunal, which is the controlling point; and (2), the nature of the function to be performed by the tribunal, which; is text in imior tanoe." " The scheme which Mr. Hewitt liutl brought contained in its first draft a proTition by which fix judges were to De described in the act, one of them then to be eliminated by lot. To this Mr. Tilden's objection was neremn- tory. Said he: may loDso tht Presidency, but I will not raflle for it.7 He was pressed to sav tliat if th bill conld be modified so as to fix th live judges by a positive provision, h-? wuum give it nis approval, ana n w.a urged that tho attempt to modify woum lait unless it were alleged that would make the bill acceDtable ts . him. He firmly declined. The meas ure itself was not one as to which Mr. Tilden's action was or could be hesi tated for a single instant; An3 hU practical objection deserves as much weight as any argued objection then or since, namely, that bo gTeat a stake as tho government of forty-five mil lions of people,- with an immense civil expenditure, and a hundred thousand ofiiceholdeis to be disposed of by j a small body sitting in the Capitol, the judge of its own powers, would every time become the sport of intrigue or fraud. j 1 It . would seem from the foregoing statement of Mr. Marble that Mr Til 6.2U was in no manner responsible for the sell-out that was ' made by Mr. Hewitt and his compeers. It certain ly has been a very magnanimous and dignified silence that the president de juret Samuel J. Tilden, has pursued, and no doubt now that the inside facts of tl ij great trai s iction have been givi n publicity to, there will be a great revolution in the sentiment and feel ing of a large number of Mrv Tilden's former adherents and admirers iu the South as well as throughout the whole country. BAILED DOWN- There are three thousand Hour mills in Pennsylvania. The Marquis of Lome will not go to Canada until November. j John W. Forney writes that that the water in Europe is very bad. ! Graca Greenwood is having her daughter taught ballad-ringing1 f in London. j j !' I fany farmers in Indiana have plan ted from four to six acres each in ar tichokes for hogs. j Dom Pedro has given $2,000 from Ins private purse to aid Brazilian music students in Enrope. j ! V bogus J. B. GougB" has been luring to delighted Missouri and sissippi audiences. 'Irs. Dion Boucicault has j'ast fiui ! d a euccf seful euSagemcntin Liver j "..! in an Irish piece. - Olive Logan's husband is said to be c )m piling a book on Welsh legends, iu fhs, fairytales, and folk-lore. The Century Club will erect the pedestal for the buet ofWilliam Gullen 13ryant to be placed in Central Park. Gas from a cargo of decomposed fruit killed two sailors who descended into the lower hold of a vessel at Qae beo, ' I Emperor William is anxious, if jit jn at all posible, to open the next session of the German Parliament) in oerson. ' f 'TJie greatest pleasure I know,' ays Oharies Lamb, 4ia to do a good action : v stealth, and havo it fouud cut by :i i Jent.' - 1 f Tlie first foreigner naturaliz-d in the Uaitei States wa3 JbhnH. Kriegplslion, vvJ.o died recently at Attica, I N. Y., ::go(i eighty-five years. O i!y eight cities in the United States will i;ave stock theatrical companies m-.xt, season, the rest relying entirely m gravel ing companies. j The Sultan of Morocco has presen- il: the Emperor Willam with ten fine rl)ary horses. They will be'used !eiy for riding purposes. Clan. Louise Kellogg rccaivtd several jry Mattering offers1 from London .anagers, but j refused them aa her sitit is intended solely for a pleasure The silver wedding of the King and Qaeeu of the Belgians will be celebra ted at Brussels this month! The Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia will be present. Clear the Way Tor the escape from the system of its waste and debris, which, if retained, would vitiate the: bodily fluids and overthrow health That Important channel of exit, the bowels, may be kept permanently free from ob structions by using the non-griping, gently acting and agreeable cathartic Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which not only liberates impurities, but i invigorates the lining of the intestinal canal when weakened by constipation or the unwise use of violent purgatives. The 6tomach, liver and urinary organs are likewise reinforced and aroused to healthful action by this beneficent tonio and corrective, and every organ, fiber, muscle and nerve experiences a share of its invigorating influence. Unobjectionable ln flavor, a most genial and wholesome medi cinal stimulant, and owing Its efficacy to botanic sources exclusively, it Is the remedy best adapted to household use on account of its safety, wide scope and speedy action. - Tho Best in the City and the : . ' ' - . ; v. . ; Cheapest ! SALE BY THE KEG, BOTTLE OR J. dozen. " , . 1 I Trj it this hot weather. ( It will gWe you a good appetite and good flepVnd make you healthy and wealthy and wise. , i H. MARCUS & SON, No. 5, Market street. The Cosmopolitan. 1 i . ' ( r 1 Beer-lager Beer, rpilE UEST AGEB i gold at my Bar for L :. I i . ., - t Five Cents per Glass ! Fine Wines, Ale, Liqnon and Cigarf al warion hand. Open Day or Might. " JOHN CARROLL, 1 ajI'U - Proprietor, Steamship Linos, &c. CLYDE'S Vorfc ew Wilmington, Steamship Line, The Steamer EWEFACTOR. I CAPT. JOXES. WlL SAIL FROM XEW TURK OJ SATURDAY, August 10. i M tegu Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Stearnere &e advertised. "1S tFor Freight Engagements appjy toj A.X CAZAT7Z. Agent, , Wilmington, TZ. C. I.. S. BELDEX, Soliciting Agent. VM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, Bowling (ireen, or Fier 13, X. R., Sew York. . i ausr, 5 r-4 f- -i: alt imorQ- AND .1 Wilmington. PJ.iC. STEAMSHiH LINE. 1 The Steamer D. J. (FOLEY, h CAPT. PPICE, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, xliigust 10. Steamers Sail from "Wilmington i every Saturday promptly at 12 M. Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing of steamers aa adrertised. ThroLtiffh Bills of Lading given to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. 1 ' For Freight Engagements apply to ) ' A. D. CA2AT7Z, Agent, I ( ''-II' Wilmington, TJ. C. L. S. BELDEX, Soliciting Agent. J REUBEX FOSTER, General Ag en Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore York. n . aug Miodellaneous; Wernor & Premport's Tonso- jrial Eoloms, "r N OS. 11, North Front aud 7 South Front Streets. Satisfaction guaranteed. I .None but ;the most experienced workmen emp oyed in these estab.ishments. JSsB Manufacturers of Tonics, Hair Oil, Cologne, Renovato ra, Dyes, Beantiflers, Ac, ao. . , men 1 First National Bank. rjjiiiE DAWSON BANK IS NOW CON SOLIDATED with this Bank. The Depoai tora of the former are notified that their de posits and certificates are assumed by THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. DIRECTORS E. E. BURRDSS, JASi DAWSON, JAMES SPRUNT, ALFRED MARTIN D. G. WORTH. OFFICERS E. P. BURRUSS, President. JAS, DAWSON, Vice Prcsi.lent. A. K. WALKER, Cashier. WM. LARKINS, Asst. Cashier. II. M, BOWDEN, Teller. june 12-tf Star copy. 0 can make money faster at work tor us uuu at anyimng eise. 1 iapitai not re quired; we will start you. Y1 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, wo men, boys and girls ' wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costly out fit and terms free. Address Turin A Co., Au gusta, Maine. , men 6 171 business yon can engage In, $5 t. nn a - j - w v YKi us uioue uj any worker of either sex. riirht in their own localities. Particulars and samples frM. Innrnn vnnr mar. m this business. Address Srnsoa A Co. Port- a, Maine. men;' OFFICE or the Wilmington Journal cor ner of Water and Chestnut streets, no stairs. Published every Friday at $2 a year. B H i H . . Rail Road Lines, &fj. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL WAY COMPANY'. OrriCK 11 knfra l SnriaiKrrni.1 ! riiune of Sclirdulo.1 ON AND ArTKU JIOVDav' -0,1, , I theTollowing Schedule nil! Im : on this Railway : . I r,,eJ( PAKKKXCIER. MAIL AX It .'TIS A IX. Jlare Wilminjrton' it.1..., 530 H Arrire at Hamlet at .12:o " at Chailotteat.... L.x A N. M V iV at.. S re at !lan.lr t t.i !0 at W llminptor. n TUT-WEEKLY J'JlKIlilir AXj :j i "mm. MO PA TIO X TliAIX Leave Wilmington 5:30 A M. an. 7 ' 1 VI ir.. -.1 1 1 " " at u I y-,Uj;i If.f! atardavn. -LtfMV Laurinburg 4:00 A M et, l t:( A M, oing- Wef, W dnfdavf and Fn4ars. SIlELIt Y DIVISTOX. MAIL a-t M..4 1. AV.VfJ .'t PASSEXGEIt AXD EX'KEKS 1 ., Lav Arrlr e Ltiarlotte....-, -mil e at Shelby... No. 4 ! onve Shelbr. Arrive at Charlotte... :00 y Trains-Nos. Sunday. I, 'l, 3 and 4 run Ii! Past-ngrrs for Ra!eij:h ilea-,. 5:30 P. M, and Charlott- at 1:M close poni cciion at Hatnlft, aiiUti Uk .tO.it 1 It I I ill tu io.tf a ji.'- ' 1 I 1 - I Passenger for StUyvillt- ,,d W.ti.ii , C R R, bj No 1 Trnla anivtf ift Statj.U'?' next inorninp at 9:15; arrivi-4H. M.i ..f ... ern Roa ." at 3:20 P M, and ?2Uvill VWU f evepinjr. V. Q '.I Ult.VSO.V, ' mav 20 General Si e. intrini. nt. ' - '11 j . GenM Sup'ts Office. WILMINGTON. COLOMHIA AXD U f " GUdTA RA ILRO V, Wilmington, N. C.,Juu'v 1 CHANGE OP Si EHEE ULK On and after Monday, Jane i 3, the follow ing schedule will be ran on this road; 1 1 I PAY EXPRESS AND MAIL.TBAIN, (daily I ' . except Sunday.) 1 j " LeaTe Wilmington 1 10 25 A M Arrire Florence i 3 20 P II Leave Florence.... .J. 3 30 P II Arrire at Wilmington................. J 30 j M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DailT). Leave Wilmington 7 25 Y II ieave r lorence II 47 r M Arrive at Columbia .4... 3 25 A M Leave Columbia 30 A M Leave Florence........ .........u 4 lOOJA M Arrive at Wilmington............... 8 30 A M 1 This Train will only atop at Brlnklev' Flemington, Whiterille, Fair Blnf, Nich ols, Marion, and Florence, and all statin. between Florence and CoUmbia. ,1! ' ! I ill " Pasaesgeri for Angvata and bevonj should take Night Exprew Train from Nvi'. mington. 1 j U 1 ' J' Throueh SleeplneCartonnlfbtti titii for Charleston and Augusta. 'hi JOHN V. niVIWK. a.n-r.'l Wnt tl J xine 3 i (- ' 1 1 WILMINGTON WELOON KAILE0AD C0IIPANY. ' Ornoi or Gih'l BrnaivrumivT Wilmington, N. C, Jun 1, 1878.' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. , i1 On and 'after Monday, I Jane 3d, 187?, at 3:15 A. M., Panenger train on the Wil mington A Weldoa Railroad will run , m fol lows : . 1 I 1 I PAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, dU. Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot 1 ' at. ;.:.8MAM Arrive at Weldon at.................. 3 10 F M Leave Weldon...... ...J.M.. U 12 45PM Arrive at Wilmington Front 8L' I DeDot at..." ' J. -70S T H ! WIOBT MATT. IVn TTTPRKSa TRAIN DAILY EXCEPTj SUNDAY. (' ' Leave Wilmington, Front St 1 1' I . Depot at....... 7 60PM Arrive at Weldon at ...i...... 3 10 A M Leave Weldon. dailv t J. 3 IS A M Arrive at Wilmington, Frtmt St , 1 'l Depot atT.;.l 10 05 A M Train on Tarboro Branch Eoad kar Rocky Mount for Tarbe mat 2.30 P U dailr, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday it 5:00 A M. Returning, leai 0 Tarboro at 101& A M daily, and 3lond ay, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 P 21. . . , The Day Train maka close eonncdon (at Weldon for all rni n t North via liar Lin daily, (except Sunday) and daHy, via Rich mona and all rail route. 11 1 Night train maker elose coanectoD at Weldon for all points north via KlelMtomi Sleeping Cars at Ucbd toll Nljrht Traim. JOHN F. DIVINE, General 6apt 1 jane 3 1 ! , r TO ADVERTISERS f I Geo. P. Rowcll l & W9 SELECT LIST Local Newspapers. Many persons suppoiw this list to be com noseilof CliKAP, lovr-prlced news pn peni. The fact Is rmlto otherwise. Tlie CalaVw RtaU.-s exactly what the panera are. 1 the naine of the paper la printed la fujl-iar typo It is in ewry instance the besit- pai in the place. When printed in Capital In the only paper in the plara. .When prini et in Koraan letters It ia neitlier the beat nor the ouly panor, hot in usually a very V1 one, notwltiistamlint:. The lbt five U pipulat ton of every town and thecirculatwo of every iapr. It h not aCo-operatlre U Iti not a Cheap Lis L At the Jrt tofth Catalosuo for -ach Ktate the lmportn' towns which are not covered by the uJrr enumeiatrtl. It U anlloneat LUt list iiiclud970iiewKrapeiof whlrh I isKcel ially and Hfi Wkly. Tbey are catil irk UfI'rrer t citi and tonntvt , w Mch 22 am state Capital. JIM places of oTr 5.0i population, an. I J II County 4eat.LJ" tnl on ApptJcrition. Addre UrAJ- r ROWJKLI & GO'S Newspaper Advertl" Jiareau, lUSprocert. (Pruitlns Mouse ba

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