rinndercrs to 1 Tin Y IS THE COAL mmiui- ---- Tut Di"" be Exposed - I X.DeroraCene.alStr!ke ln m p.ttiTllIe and mielion kcs.u- 11. The vill pub- Parr-vixix, Fa., Anff. lfh lie followiDg on the mining sitna lion in tbiaxegion: Washiscito.. An&. ll.-Tbe Ojzclle Of tt-layeas: UOngfcssmm u i m to a friend in this ci y ii .1 r.nn cross meet a in JJe- cember, he will lake measures to ex pos and bring to justice the men who were organized in the conspiracy to rob th Freedoieu a B-ink ; j that there liberate conspiracy 10 row we " KnigUU Kk I. tttota there b ample proof. of this county, ne cm wtu ui k .Ju, natioo ol tnericorua mj bco wmg.-. the original trustees cannot be held responsible for the loss in a civil suit . V 1 "Tf a central strike. we uo,"rJ-r:;.TnPl mxn. to wnicn naa ixcu , . - . V At 1T1 AUUUAta w canvassed, ado cujpj - i'Diiiaoiyuia uv . " Iron Company were ino. UXL Ham ford. Auer. ll.The members AnnMAl tO Striae. , pMh.. will rpmftin luuiiAj r . r 1 1 i in & jijiucrit? a t . . . - . .. .. irrii T I l L l . tiaiU WJ - " " re- of the Coal and The Chinese Embassy. w . . I ; riT-nz-e t the Chinese hcadauarters inch as they thought they ongni w d fof 1wq of tbree wetkl de. A I I M M W m mm m - a V . A n aii n a a a n ai ntvu j:av j - nave, .'I T..,:rt f Mr. Oowen' ftKninir aiiTthiDff in the nature of a created under the pieraxioa -M- pablic Option till fcfter presentation t. f malcmff them raruci-1 Y".. i . ri . t t; MSU in tne mudw u "V.r. Ynne Wir. and D. II. m .J wm. wnn ui j MUUfcUC I 1 . wr informed there tfinM sooo. which Bartlett, Sec- retAtv i,t L-cation. will co to Wasn- LT2!.C?J:?...t. .3 uKl tag" "a S 'or .perm.neut wage op to oo tt. "",' --v ,. naarters for the Embassy mere. a . a nr hltbai n ua v tha balance of the year at this rate.and - j . i ,f,rrd to let well enongn aioue iuf the preacnL Oa a Tote being taken it wis found that a majority were of ihi. opinion, audftotne uwger Yellow Fever: at New Orleans. New Orleavv Au?. 11. Twenty two new cae8 of yel ov fever and four teen deaths wt-rt repoitfd by tue QBT be Uealth Uonrd t j-lay. - At I'orte .Aas. COMMERCIAL . NEWS. I WIUUNOTON MARKET August 1.34 Y M. sriKIIB TURPEXTINE Market nrm at 2)i cents. Sales of 400 casks at that figure. ItOSI' Firm at tl 17 for trained and tl 2) for Good Strained. Sales at quota tion k. TAR Steady at SI 73. Sales cf receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at tl 00 for Hard and f 1 75 for Soft and Virgin. Sales at quotations. , ! COTTON Firm. No rales re ported . The followinR are the official quotations: Cents. 11 44 Ordinary.... 9 Good Ordinary 1 JO Strict Good Ordinary....... LowMiddUng Ill Middling J..... UX Good Middling DAILY ElCIIPTi j Cotton 10 bales Spirits Tar pen tine M 712 casks Konn M M.....M2.352 bbls Tar ; 65 ' Crade Tarsentine............M....M 1.015 " , Corrected ETery Thursday by PETTEVAY a SCIIULKEW COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND PliODUCE BROKERS, - ; WrumiCTos, C. re i3K :nK 13X 12 11 8 .9 10 7 6 9' 0 & 2K 12 9 10 13 114 e4 3K MARINE NEWS. .ttikftinthia region may ue 1 ut-auu uvuru "k xlo -t Sd to SSdte'ft. .Print. Lto. J""r 1 C"''8, aDd fl'6 (1K0L1. SerewiU.no doubt, be local strikes, deaths re reported. as baa been the case during- mo ta lent week, brought on by those who . I Ik. mama rula OI W8?CP re cot - . , , - 1 1 that are giTen by the Uoal ana iron Tho llirjllIj.r a h-W lir.,kc j,)r5iie in s.Uis- Company. Individual operat rs can- bury j not sfford to pay the tame rate of wages J ; a the company at the present price Mrs. auce u Utter and the Governor "f coal, for thy are not parfcipants has returm-d to Laleigh. in the pioflta ol the advanced rate of Morgan'ou Ji 'atU: A newproceisf r tull. 8uie py it under protest, how curiLg liurtNiit a cot not exceedingly one im in order to ke.p p ace in the to two cents per buibel has been disoov- mines. Other do Dot, and strikt s are cred, and is now being introduced iu this 11. m iHicpmnrDoa. we arecreuiuiy iu- section, from what wc nave seen A it . . V 1 1 formed tha at a metug 01 inigu c.prator. LId itIisIeton on irruiay Mght, it determined to pay thr raen on the 1S73 basis. This destroys the ground of discontent, and 1. aves no pretext lor a strike m that rf g:oa. ' the iiuTimcTx U0 Ml. t An risht Hours' Batllc. In uhlfh Hie Bosnians Lost J00 Men. we believe it will do all claimed tur it. Vxa.NX.. 11 Ortica. in'oUi- Ki.c ! I rfcvivt-d faiiy ffir!a iu in nil i - ilMaili thn report cf tj btilo 011 Hi ih int. hIi.u 1 tho lice from Mlu to Shopt-ch, n t Ip rmphed by thM Cfrr.n.i.'dout of thi InnJ'iu Duly Tih officiiJ ro- iiortA place tu nnmbr of in-nrg nt ni considerably ovi r fi.000, it1! four anon and tocket battety. Ti. fighting lsted ciht h.ur , the in surgents obstinately holding. t succes aion of slron r rKwihons. Tp D nian kMi 10 killed and woim-it-d ni ti 7(J0 prisooer. Oa F i Uy t Aa - iriao-l ad V I :n in '"KJ entrenchej poih"oi ol V.uml ik. COXTAXT!NOrLR, Aug. II. 1 5 ii p -itiely ta t sl?t ti.n r.rti "i tiaxx ly t'.vrphJ d ciiv iu-trn ? tion to S-rjeVu tUt iu Mjriu-meid hd bn rtched witli Antri upon h for a (Jonventiou; that tberpfore, tlm Austrian fOtr tlm Tmkili pro vinces as f ri.-nds, and th t my ofTor ot r"iiauce to thera will b to no p cr p. Tue Porto bia resoletnl to pant very large cor-cessinos to Cr"t.-. Mich as will be calculated to pic fy the in hbitnt of that i. and; bHn deter mined to refuse the f e nv tliof Gr.ecey deeming tueta uojaaiiflabio. , Been abrt. . Aug. 11. Xes-s rr ceived from iusargeut KonrcM is to the tfl'act that the opponents to An trisu occupation, ooniftting ot' Udsdi aon, Turkish troop-, Arnants and AI Iranians, nnmr iver 100,000 men. well armoJ. All the strategic noin's ARRIVED. Steamer Avave. Robeson. Favetteville. Williams A Murchlson. 1 Steamer A P Hurt. Worth. Favetteville. orin cc onii. Steamer North. East. Paddison. Point Cas well, 1 'addition. Steamer J 8 Underhlll, TthflTn Bmlth- Tiiie, u u arsiey a uo. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, 8mithvllle, CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette ville, Worth A Worth. Steamer Wave." Robeson, Fayettevllle, v luukius r jiurcnison. Steamer North East, TaddLson, Point Cas well, PaddisoiA Steamer J S fUnderhlll, Latham, Smith ville, O G Parsley Co. i steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith ville. 1 I'eaufurt Atlantic: There is rn xhi bitiun at( the Ocean View Hotel," the hkull of aw lulu which ! was caught od our c3ast a year or two I ago. This 1 whale was peventten feet iu length, and the oil ?.d uh.qeborfe sold I for v $1, CIO. Th skull alluded to above weighs about 400 II. ( The Obntrcer is ifraid that the Char-Iota-wholesale trade I will suffer by the IV. 'hnjoud excursion and suggests as a set oil' 1 hat the Charlotte merchnnt8 gather in th dealers i n the various lines of r:iil- rul ainl bring thpmnn to that ci'y arl give them a hunky old time. Mnnrie Enquirer : The gold ruit:r. iu I his county belohuin to the estate of Hugh D nvitjg, deceased, wereoM by G. VV. Fijv, as lXmmiioncrf!at public ?.ile on lasit Monday, ine btewart nnjie. in rlii.lir4 VJ't .v:res Und, brought $1,0 )0. lhe rox Hill mine, with 1I5 acres br-'Ubt S'j-U. J i'n Flow tin pur rli:ior or Uith I . Raleigh Arff . Dr. Jr nshaw of Louis bu g, was found dead iu his bed on Fii d.iy. As was the rt;stom his servant took !;. l.nMkfVt into Ibc room, lalo in tho inrning, and reported him sleeping. At ii imer tune In- Imd not 'aroused and tho f..cf Uing rcpcrteil t his daijghter, he London, July 12. From Foreign Ports to Arrive. Ger barque August, Lowries, sailed from Conway, Ausrust 2. Br barque Blackpool, Aitchinson, sailed 1 rem i-.ouu.on, July Nor barque Chdham, Kneideii, sailed irom Migo, July Lr bHiuue ( bin-Chin. . cleared Irom Newcastle. .TuhkI. 2ox barque Christina, Jensen, sailed irom ui:tsgow via Maderia, June 23. Ger barque I Christopher Columbus Dcrbler, saiied from Bordeaux, July 20. (er barque t;lse Metzler, Dehlman sailed from Moilaiy, July 11. Nor Kirqu . Krftatninger, Jensen, sailed from rirHu,n -, July 20. en, sa'led fr tn (J!r .v. Jiine 2!). Xor b:.ni . Frank, Pedersen. sailed from C'.ius' ov. . .Julv 4. Br 1 ai f 1 w i';t-o li-ivis, TIookor. sailed from J.i-..d. .I.ii. 'SI. - j tier biiqu.'" lbsiiick I) a'.ka, Scliult sailed from WbiU'bave.i. Aug 1. .j Nor barqii; K-ileb, Iafseti, saile.l from Stavanger, July Irt. Xor lnrqn. Lovdabl, Larfen, s.iil?il from Hull, July 1. : Cor barque Lydia SlVschau, Bremer, sailed from London, July 24. lir bajque iMargaret Falconer, Merely, sailed from Liverpool, Juue2l. Xor birque Memory, , Enrope. (ier barque Miona, lioose, sailed from Rotterdam, July .If. lir ban me S'rtli Carolina. Hachan. j sailed Irom Live,viool, July iorDarquo uiur, syimen, sailed from w.:n l.iunl to le !eal. vit:i everv unnmr F ------ aiue of having died early the night before Concord Sun: We learn of the singniar 1...,. r . 1 i . I'll 'iraiu ci h ciMiimi nma wnue digging a uell.near Mr. X uh I'.iaok welder's, last Mo- day 11 had sunk the well to a eon- Nor barque Poseidon. Hock, sailed from Rouen, July 21. , j Nor baraue Pruci5, Koth, cleared from London, July 12. Xorfbarque llettor 'Stt?h, Alvarberg-, sailed from Rotterdam, July 21. idenble .epth, when ne struck an cpen- fron, Sillolh, July :J1. mg ol .me kind, through which a pois- Ger barque ir ,-, Callies, , sailed from owra tr is rush-d an 1 oercome him im- Flcnsburc June f2. Nor barnue Sustcik, Guttormsen. sailed from Lor.donderry, July 1. ( Nor barque lSjed, Oiseu, sailed fn'm London, June 22. 1 Xor barnue St Dlaf. Olsen. sailed fron nmiiaiely . When brought tp the surface, be was dead. We auld not learn the un fortunate man's nam. , j ;sewlern Am .vvf : 'A two-year old cmid 01 mcs Mxson.olored.ofthiscitr. ..I...: ?.t .... .. ' ' u . ooj'l'vii uuwu us 1 wisoeacu, July 10. u-. rtiwrrvniy trying to get the Ger brig Alma, Gvabe, sailed from wuisuc up. iuf parents 01 the child car- I iorueaux, July 18, nru mo oneoi uur pinsicians. He used er orig Anncben Ohier, sailed from every means ir. Ins mnver to dislole tbp London, June 8. on the road tuSewjivo are occupied toy, but was finally com pellcd to inform er brig Atlantic, Harder, sailed from and entrenched. Hoth the insurgents the parents that it wis impossible to do Ml"'werp, juiy 1 4. , and the AustrUua are being reinforced so, and the child codd not live. J. or D.nS Azha, llauger, sailed from 1 75 1 85 I -26 10 00 U 0 25 IVA 12 Q n 13 UlA 00 ! 23 18 ni4 Wk 95 35 40 UK 14 13 30 17 20 75 1 daily. TI1E WALLIXGFOIiD DISASTER. viMintr ; ino- &iate has a column devoted to tho X'orth Carolina guests, m Richmond. The trip, ... iijiwuiiuin; luercuams, me Borjlnz IwenlySeren of the YIetlmi One More Dead and Three Others DjIdi. Mxsioex. Conn., Aug. 11 The de- Tsataticg tor nod o at aliingford, Conn., is still of preeminent interest, and the town is the scene of a on slant stream of comers ard goers The funeral ee. vices of twentj-three of the victims were held to-day, and fully 10,000 persons from a 1 parti of Via State werr present. About 2,000 oarrisges were in attendance. The service were conducted by the Bit appcdrance i 01 the streets C - I 17.? I iaa uospua.uies ana personal mention make a readable article. The Charlotto de.egation heads the list, ! numbetiD LI'U, icaie.gh has o, Uarham CO, Win- stou .0, Greensboro and' Salisbury 50, ana smauer numbers Irom smaller towns. Monroe Enquirer :Ve irere shown on list Friday, quite a curiosity, in thoshajit I Pl June 20 Liverpool, July 20. Am briflrB FXash. Williams, sailed frnm London, July 17. or brig Brazilion, Beck, sailed from Barrow, July CO. ! X'or brir Caroline CatbaHnr "Krai eon sailed from Gloucester, June 20. ' , .tf,0 b i5 Galathea, , sailed from Littlehampton, July 12. Xor brijr Hasselo, Strange, sailed from London, July g. lir brig Janie. Jones, sailed from r.ir-P-P- pool, July 22. I3r brig Leoui-?, EUa, saUed from Livea'- Nor brig Limno. Jornsen. sailii fwm London, July ;8. Xor brirr Patriot. .Tuva.n. aii,i -from London, July 8. ; Rr brig Rover. Webster, sailprl frr-n Rotterdam," July 31. 15T ung fcigoaJ, Tippett, saUsd from London, June S. Bar. Fathers Slocnm and O'ConnoU. they are not there. It is , v m ...T "r..A e e WlDkeI " - w. WIU. I kfl I I LI ilVf TTWin I IfllV 1 ... ' I "HMWll W UII A V . wrong wijuoald, MutzeU, sailed from 01 a nee pup. minus the fore legs. The mother, wh'eh belong to Mr. W. C. .uiu, ui mia piace, gave Dirta, just a week ago, to three pupj i-t this being one olthem. (Kher wie,the 1 ttle de low is perfect and a beauty. It U of a natural shape, and no deformity pxhlhon.! t imer iieo or insu-d, assisted by the I where the fore legs should be onl v that XgfThe foilowuig quotations represent the wholesale prices generally. . In making up mail oraert nig tier prices have to be charged. iiAuuin u truniiy... Doable Anchor... Doable Anchor "A" Standard Domestic........ BACON North Carolina, Ilams, y 2...........l..... Shoidders, V & Sides, J lb ...... Western Smoked Hams... , Sides, 9 lb.... ; bhoolders.. Dry Salted- Sides, V S Shoulders, V lb....... BEEF Live weight......... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine I 8econd B.and, each.......... 1 65 New Tork,each, new.-..- 1 75 BEESWAX fi). 25 BRICKS Wilmington, 8 00 Northern 00 BUTTER North Carolina B 15 Northern, Vlb ?5 C AND LES Sperm V Ib..i. 25 Tallow, V lh.M Adamantine, V set.... GHEES fc I Northern Factory, fi ... Dairy cream, yS S 8Ute, B COFFEE Java, V lb......... Rio, Ib. Laguyra, 39 fi CORN MEAL V bushel.... COTTON TIES- V 1)....... DOMESTIC I Sheeting, 4-4 V yard.M.... Yarn, bunch SU- Mackerel, No. 1, bbl....l6 00 1, V bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl....l2 50 No. 2, V Vi bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 ? bbl 00 00 Mullets, y bbl 3 00 N. C. Herrine. bbL ...... 5 00 Drv Cod, y fi FLOUR Fine, bbl 0 00 Super, Northern, V bbl.4 5 00 Extra do bbl..i 5 75 Family i " ' bbl... 7 00 City MUlEx,.Super y bbl... 7 00 " Family y bbl... 7 50 " Ex. Family V bW... 8 00 FERTILIZERS PeruTialn Guano, y 20005)1.54 00 Kiucrh's Thosphate " " 00 00 Carolina Fertiliser " Ground Bone, ' Hone Meal " V Flour " N avasaa Guano, " Complete Manure " VVhann's Phosphate "Vando Phosphate, " HergerABrutx'sRos. " 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma-i w ""nipulated Guano.. 48 00 fi-i".T7K -1b I GRAIN Corn.store.V 56Bs Coru, cargo, W 66 fcs GO Corn,yeL, bushehi None. Oats, f bnshel...... 60 Peas, cow, y bushl 80 HIDKS Green, y lb , 4 Dryffl 10 nAYKastern, y 100 lbs... MO North Kirer.-V 100 lbs.... 1 uo HOOP IRON y ton....... 80 00 LARD Northern V ft.... North Carolina y Tb LIME flbbL.T. 1 25 l.nVfHRll nit.vatfinmsa'wd Sliiptulr,resAwel,Mtt.I8 00 quj uo Rough edge plank, y Mft.lG 00 18 00 West India cargo, accord- ing to Quality, y M ft...!2 00 014 00 Dressed fiooring,seasoi;ed. 15 00 '15 00 Scantling and boards, com 'fion. V M ft. I...12 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdVgl Cuba, obit., fl gal. ...4...... Supar house, hhds. y gal. . bbhuV gal Orleans Choice bbls. V pah NAILS Cut.s20dto4d.'!yk'r 2 OILS Kerosene, y gal...., Lard, V ral Linseed, $t gal Rojin. y cil......... PEANUTS V bushel. POTATOES - Sweet, y bus. Irish, Northern, bbl PORK Northern, city mess. 12 00 Thin, y bbl.. .....00 00 Prime, V bbl (extra) 10 60 UnmD. y bbl 00 00 BICE Carolina, y 2) . 6H East Iadia, y lb 00 " 45 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 50 CO 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 67 620100 9 00 00 00 6 50 8 60, 3 50 8 00 0 5 00 5 50 6 25 8 00 7 25 7 75 8 25 55 00 00 00 51 00 40 00 45 00 47 00 55 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 67 50 10 70 611 60 00 10 11 Q 1 25 ; 1 10 i 85 00 ; 9 ! 0 00 33 35 24 2S 37 85 IS 10 00 30 05 60 50 14 00 37 40 Rough, y bushel 75 1 45 75 45 10 40 25 75 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 -7: 00 00 WEEK LI STATEMENT or stock os dAsd acgist 12, 1878. Cotton ashore.... afloat.. ........ ........ ToUi............ Spirits ashore afloat... 4r, 12 Is To tai i . Rosin ashore afloat.. ToUl ............ Tar ashore..!.... afloat... , i Total...-:.. ......... Crude ashore... J afloat Total.. aCSIPTS FOH I IHKUK'i ENDISQ AfO. 12, 78. 14,27 94,31S 2,424 96,742 2,692 2,692 1,637 Miscollauoous. SPEER'S Port Crane Win1 Used in Hundreds of Ccngreciiion, rjL I munion purposes. Also " j f0l Excellent for Ladiei and Wcakl 4 p Buna ana ine Aecd. 1,637 Cotton-... Spirits Rosin.... Tari.... Crude..., ...f..t 121 4,416 9,490 398 2,364 XP0KT8 FOB TH t WKEK ENDING ACG. 12, '71 Cotton Spirits Roin Tar .., Crude.... Cotton.. Spirits..1.. Rosin... T. Tar Crude Domestic fc-Vfr 4V,KUM i i Foreign. 1st Mt. ProsDOCtCVineTards. Now r - I . . r. ww a -r 4,515 jerBoy. 194 70 2.4L0 hjioer's rort urapc Wiilo i .-"Tour Iars OUU 1 r i 11 l 'Kit 4 Misoollaneous. PI A MfiRaatifu'I Concer graodHDn A 8J riMIUpiaD(ia price $1600 onlyUnUMn l-'5. Superb irana qnre i ianos, price $1,100 only $225.. hlejrant Uprie.t Pianos, price $00 only $155. New, Style Uptight riaros $112 50. Jrgars $55. Urgana 14 stops $72.50. Church Qrgran? 16 stops pric $390 only $115. Elep-ant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105 ) Buyers come and see rue at home if 1 am not as represented, ! K K r are paid both vavsiand Piano r Orran irivcn freel Large Illst. Newspaper witb n.uch iiiforuial tioa about copt of l'ianfft ard Org-ms Kent free. Plea.-, address UA.MU. F. BEATT V, Washington, New .Irrspv. aug 12-4vr .Tcnic .i. Parsons' Purgative ifiils make New Rich Blood, and will coinplettSj- cLange the blood in the entire system in 1 three months. Any person who will take 1 j i 11 each , night from to 12. weeks may b restored , to sound health, if sucb a' thing be po.ible'. Sent br mail lor 8 letter fra.ni fi. 1 S. JOIINSON CO.. Bangor, Me. aug 12 4w rpms JU3TL CELKHRATK1 N'ATIVK Wine is made f torn the juice of tLeaOportn' Grape, raided in thu countij. lU iuralucblt -and StrfinathRninir PrnnRrtin'. are unsurpassed by any other natire Wlo. IJejnit the pure juice cf the grape, produced under Mr. Speer's own personal froperviifon. its purity and genuineness ar guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of iu eene r- ous qualities, and the weakest ioTalid may, use it to advantage. It isl particularly bece ficial to the aged and debilitated, i and'soited to the rariouj ailments that affiict the weakrr sex. it is, in every respect, a it 1 u Uh RELIED ON. i i ! INVALIDS USE SPEER'S PORT (JRAl'h WINE. . I I FEMALES USE SPEERTS FORT Q RAM WINE. I i i WE A KL T PERSONS FIND 1 A BENEFIT BY ITS USE. . ' ! I - 1 1 Speer's Wines In Horpltali are preftrrtd toother Wines; i 1 1 Sold bv Dru?eisbt penerallr. who also sell Speer's Standard Wine Bitters. Trade ( sup plied by all wholesale Dealers. 8ee that the signature of Alfred Speer, Fassalc, N. J., c over the cork of each bottle. A.tsi'fcfcK'S Mt. Prospect VlSeraras.fw Jersey. Office, No.34 Warren SL New Votk. For sale by GREEN FLANNbR, vrtg glbtS. ! mch 22 1 t KJUTOSEfflD rt X70. 0 KILLS all the F L I E S in ft room In TWO HOURS, xoti trorlh will kill more flies WhccSc: i Wilson r".. worm ox Sewing Blachine 60 75 75 30 75 9X 10 00 00 . '6 Brake, July 22. lir Schooner Frids T?oftilflrmF e:t.i rrom Greenock, July S. lr schooner R'into T . from Glassgow, J ay 8. V WmmmmmmmWmmmWmmmmmmm iuiwuiiru,mu tue awjt. x aiuer i ana irom aa Kppearanc .-a hischance for iuaaioa nsimgioru. xweniy-eeven a longnie lacqual to those of its mates . JLJIJZZJIT i uoiustwro Messenger-. singular ac Tuo cemetery was surrounded by I r: l,,,., , , , .. j ..T . I utile inunt son of our townsman T)r and 120tpecial office weraworn-S Z tL" ZRTZ J?'J? j i . I rnent he leu out cf a second lloor uHn.lnw ato-S Xr.' . wT: H REVOLVER FREE SKS" 7hpiUl hba opened with afSIi'SSSL SS J&.fr2S2-A"m proleaxional nurses, there ar seven- m4TrisIZCl:Z ir ittsDurgn,ra. aug haw. im badly wounded. ofwbomWc!ud .r lI faiL Taylor, with back lhju. ninrniuinn m icm iirain htiii mm. " " f A. I wm i m II John Mooney. iniored internally, axe t r ! V UU4U.. we" sppeara i RtalSK eas.Utanc. could be rendered hTm S Se bSnftfS b? wnP OQ in. and We are -l i .,72 pleased to fay u dom2 well and innMn UCVt lUlCtUUiJ. MDI 1 . . - . , r I - not eipecled to live through theuighu TlJTV "a ?iy neyond a lew flary Mstthews, sged 10 months, died "- ' lata yesterday -afternoon, making Charlotto divorcer; Mri Lin wood, a twenty-eight ao far who hava been Maasachusctts lady, got on tha Chariot. sacrificed to tho fury of tha elements. I a"d Sutesville traiu at Charlotte Friday Promises of assistance for the deati- evening, to go SutesTille. ( AVhen th'j Catholio dioceaa oi the BULe will take reached iu her pocket and discovered that 4w aeaaurea lo aia tbe;r people ner money was gonef It could not le "? obstanUal manner. All who have found in the car, and the supposition is died, with the exception ol Frederick that the roll, amounting to Si 10J fell out JUtUa wood, are of ths Catholic faith, ol her shallow pocket at the depot, as aha but tha aaaittancs from all denomina- remembers having it iu the omnibua Un Uonj could not be exoeeded for kind- to thu time the mUsins property has not neea and generosity. . been found. t noi Theoidy combination of the true Jamaica Ginrer Sflr TnnnJQwith' choice AromaUcs and f wtiu v French Brandy forChola- ra, Cholera Morb&,Cnainpi ........ and Fains, Diarraoen and JAMAICA SOStt AcUnty in the Stomach and Bowels, and avoid ing the danger of Ch.ange of Water, Food and Cli mate. Ask for SAsroan'a Jamaica Gi:eji GINGER. ang 12-4w .AGS Country, y lb VA City. V ,2) IX ROPE - SALT Alum, y sack...... Liverpool, y sack. American V sack Marshal's fine, y sack.; 1 Cadir y sack I SUGAR Cuba, Vft...... Forto Rico, ! A- Coffee, y &......L B " V rh. c- , " y a Ex c--y 2) Crushed V fi HOAP Northern, V 2). SHINGLES Contract, VP 3 00 Common, y M M... 1 60 Cypress saps V M 1 50 CvDreas heart, y M ..j.... 2 00 STAVES W. O. bbl. V M.10 00 . 15 00 B O bhd. f E. 00 00 I 00 00 Cypress, V M.. ...... 00 00 . 00 00 TALLOW y fi......... 9 10 TIMBER Shipping V M...10 00 12 00 Hill, prime per 11 7 60 Hill, fair per H ............... 6 00 Inferior to Ordinary,per M 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 North Caroina, per gal ... 1 60 WOOL Unwashed, per lb... j 18 Washed, per 4 E ......w . 36 22 00 80 80 40 00 10 00 10 0 X &X 9 l nx IX 5 00 2 00 2 00 30 0 9 00 6 50 5 00 3 50' 2 25 The Old House Reopened. THE OLD AND KKTJArlTiK ! Watcliixiaker's & Jeweller's EstabUsliirient, Has been reopened by one of its former I . employes. Mri J. H. Allen, Practical Watchma ker, and Mr. L. S. F. Brown, Jeweller J and Engraver, will be constantly in at tendance, and will give their personal at tention to work intrusted to them. Chronometers Hated and Bantical jristriimenta Repaired ! Time taken by Transit Instniment.- j j Watches, Gccks,1 Jewelry, , Silverware and Fancy Goods "COMBINES ALL TliE LATE3T jewing Machine improveK.ents and makes it the best i in the market. iCall aiid see this Machine bc- rore buyirg any other and get reduced price list, We keep full linfe of Needles and Attach- MacUnea, Oil, Thread. Silk, ments jbr all Cord, Ac. Also full st ck of the famous Butterick Paper Patterns of garments. j ! OlBce 28 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. WHEELER A WILSON -M'F'cJ CO. Me?? go., Bnffalo.N. y.' f . I- july 12 W. B. ORR, Agt THE OLD HOUSE 1. ' ' ; . ' 'i - 1 . - T TUE OLD ESTABLISHED llouse of George ilyers, 11 and 13 South Front Street, the people of the entire Cape Fear section will find a complete stock o I jCfip (jQOl ! IlCCP GOpl Ily Paper. Ko dirt, no trouble. Sold by Pbvocist QotaniQ July 27 Notices Schedule B TaX. ALL WHOLESALE AUD i I ' I I ' Merchantu are hereby notified Uilnt K rrlvH ee:e tax was levied by the last L;!HliUur ti -Five Dollani (the same levied by eotintj) " addition to the Schedule Taxes pror. . U'hhlpcal. ,fler are ftl0 noiineu " piving in their purchases, the law now coir pels payment on all purchases made witnm the State as well as out of the Htate. incloJ liie timber, lumber, turpentine, spirit,' turpentine, rosin and naval h tores oi kind, and cotton, also wodd and coal deawr All Hntl Hoarding Houses. Restaurant and Kating Houses are required byilaw. lay one-hall per cent on gross recelpta, l tax will bo due July 1st., and payaw wunin tne nrsi ten a ays merrajMr, purchases since the first of Januaryll All nartiAs infprstHl In the rarhieni Schedule B Taxes will save costs by atteiw jg to the same at once, as Ihe law - , i. h. Bitnwy. Register 'of Deeds for Pender Vocfc une 22 l i I FAMILY GROCERIES Of all binds, which were purchasedsed ci pressly for this market, and which will s;Id at prices to suit the times. j Now opening a fine assortment of Christ-1 mis Goodies to which attention is invited. In Liquors we defy competition. Oar . i i . . . . , Sweet Mash Wliiskcy, at $3 a (gallon, is the best in the market for the price, and our ' I AGENTS WANTED ! Hedala and Ij. lor HOLMAX'S rplomas awarded ,07 PICTORIAL BIBLES lf!?,A," J- DOLUaN A CO. . 930 Arch street, ! , I Call at the old eland of ' iJ'; :. - : ' .. -.!.-r " TH0S.aW. BE0W1T & SONS, Z7o.n37 ZLSarbpt Street. jan28 J. U. AMIJIJ. DELHONICO CLUB WHISKEY ( which we sell at $4, is worth almost double ' 'I 1 - I tlie money, i J j Call and see the stock and "SAMPLE 1 ' - '. - . ' ' .' 1 1 when you vMt Wilmington. i qeohgemyehs Family Grjxxr,! 1 & 13 S.Front street. dec-Tw , . -' i 1 House Wanted. THE UNDERSIGNED I now prWa fnmLih Hot or Cold or Bhower BitK his Sharing Saloon under the FLni Mtj Bank, at the law price t.t fifteen Jcente i Cold and twenty-five centa for Wsrai I I ' ' . . . Furmanstrs Oclebratea 4 . i 1 Hair Invigorator. i. which removes dandruff, cleanser thf seaj. snd atren gtheni and Invigorates Ue kAir, V. hand and for sale by the bottle, j , i . G.enUemen who wish anything doBf Toniprial line, will be plessed after a trU the popular ShaTing Saloon under , tionalBank. xJbmaWl . In i the Basement of the First Jfstwasl july 10 I For Sale. T 4 SMALL Jrx. - nientiy located. npusE co.yvE- Addrese, stating J. terms and location, P. O. Box 213, aug 5 Iff .1 complete of the Office Saloon Uurant, sitaateu en uustom ""JS,-- hTf in the City of Wilmington, known to all visitor! as the "Coflia KgTfi ant." x or further inrormaoop v - I W. M. COLLIBV i Pottoflice Box fp j 8UgS Wilmiggtooi, ' The Kew and Conmiioiii ( Strnr, Passport ""7"JLL HAKS DAILY , VV Trip, to rimithrille. 1 Lea re D ock - r - 9:00 AMr" J lteturn -! - - - :3aF AH- . , i july 21 GEO. MYhllS, tf

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