TI1I3 FAFEU . -rternoCt Kundayi ex- evptedbr J0S!I. T. JAMES, itJsrXiiK. r.n. iT.. fk. $250; Three .. t.i and liberal 'T'ftC--. r :: pleas report any " . . r .. ire thrir papers regularly. . 1 t:i.nmnn4t Bargains 1 1 Bargains 45 SABKET STREEi. .. -1 1 . 1 . r.T V f :oIM LOTS .-f Dry i!' ; : i ji livery Close Buyer ! t . tain; an account f ir stock CTvtrn IndUCemeniS . L. A I t.. clear then a'l '-at. Dress Goods r 1 $ ju now li now .0 1 . . . I .... f , L urjti i"v 1 ... rtielKO. IOC IXJiis ii.v-u-. i ' Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. Uir i ti-l ttbr.krn an J can Miurc ur 2-1 make their parcnajc now. Parasols. u... r :C0 .asha.!tff and rrasoU. ALL AT GULATLY Kcdaeed Fi ice?. GREAT BARGAINS Iarit.ntStrirlaai Nicook Elastic?. Shawls K r.aa ttipt-J Sbawlj, just Bita.L!e ft-r the c.I cietins. 2 worth ?j. Domestic lied Spreads. tad 1. SO, Kodaced from S1.23, 1.50 and 1-Ti. UecUleaiy tnc cneapcB ia the market. Mourning Dress (Joodsf A Specially ! L Ajr-'ntJ 1 tli3 tection of tbp country; f r THE WIDOWS UKfci'l. lor tbt deepest mournitf:. Sole AeentJ for the La Reino Corset, $1 a tiw. Thi is a ratentetl Uorset ana . ... w.: a m . . 1 ...... 1 n n Tho Wamsutta Shirts 5c each, , fxr renu If j man tne tame ariicie ftT..r ilhr nrth or Snnth. ilierT HUrt is manufactured by ourselves a-l uranteeu. cut anu maae in t!.e warp of the cloth. CAMUKIC SUIRTH, FULL SIZED, 25c. No comment required. n-sti;ab!car hed Drawers 25c a pair, worth I Double. , I . . I CO llUlilillll! H 45 Market Street. ----- - - CfJ-T . CllcCt AN Sale. jcly 51 I YisitOrS tO SlUitllVille RWELT OA (JLT HLUE ORASS. SWEr.T J ITuh ad Delmonico Club Whukey, the tofWiaw, Urandies and Cipars, at my .v:.o-4 ia rear of the Garrison. 1 keep noth- fc but the best. J. D. DAYIS. General InBUranCO AgOnCy U JOHN W. GORDON & BftU,k 24 Worth Water Street- REPRESENTING OVER fifty Million Dollars Assets FIRE. Hisbarjr-Brenen cf..... ......Germany i Mjijiijpi Valley of. ....Memphis, Tenn Li'trpool A London A Globe of.. England Sard cf , ....Norfolk, Va f irtxaat Funlof .... California riilko cf- .........Tarboro, N. C Lc-'e Gcrcrals cf. Vaxis, France Ca!ff.ua Insurance Ass'n Galveston, Tex bile Cairwriters of Mobile, Ala 5 11!' of Naahville, Tcan LIFE. opglitxa of. New York ' las. Co. ut Vir-iaia, of...leterburr, V a week la yomr own town. $5 Out. it fr- Sa t-ik- RoAdr. if TOO Villi Kn.t. . . w V t . K wvnVtm tf either aez can male frreat pay!!111 they work, wnu for particul art to IL r -5. One math, 60 cent. .V be dcUvcrM by carrier. rif. rft:.:.iaay rtof th-city, at the , :f. .,licr6t per week. nnnu uuuun r H . 1 in VOL. 3. 1 WILMINGTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, AUGUST t i i 1 ! i it LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Mcsson For Warn Weather. , GLO.Mvtai, Agent MooclL'ht and Muic. 1. HrixiBSkOEaTry It. j J. C Mcxta Imperial (Iratium. S. Jewrtt Stationery and Fanry - - I ; , A r:.i. is irood at a snhc. f It i i juctto to taw r.nlylait ; Lily i 1 1 Ar..l more r.un .incl to uav. Till Lr-t -War Notes' iLll:k tl.o : k and wounded. f No lady should wear I pram; l-Ioss'-ms' exct-r-l al her own wedding. J TK. .T ir I r.1.1 Vlilv liviriT less tlla!) thre;j miles .'.rA thi.s town who firmly A 111.1 L ...A I V. v. ...v. - - - O . Ix'Imtis u. it mnrfi men inarrv m.1.1 men. Ir a h!e r.iadc in H wall bv a caM.on 1. ,:j ;c n W.arh. would two such J a .n:- fih i ''wf'd lir.C i TL.e i i.v f ft natural pniios'.i'ii i A,. Vnn rin't. psr-n liict UDs ai)V' 1 1 . thing at auction unless it has first been .1 , ! knocked duwn. f There is an unmailable Jctttr remain- in" in the City Post Olheir for .JacU Waakins, Landa Station, N O oa bull envelope, no address or stamp. In speaking of a. baby jiadies often ex- 1 claim : "Oh ! isn't it too sweet for any thing ."' This is all a mistake. No baby is to sweet for paregoric. The excrrsioa down the river and out to sea vesicrdav was vc.y much enjoyed by our Up country visitors, isome of them . , . rnrrt in 'j vCTtnJC. Justus the Ilcvcmjc Cutter Craicfvrd was leaving Charleston a swam of bees took charge of one of the small boats and all efforts to route them were fruitless. They were barreled up a few days and sent ashore at Sraithville. j ago lA)ok Out for Them) The Ilaleigh Observer cautions the Deonlc of this! city to keep a sharp look 1 out for two well-dressed young men, one wcarin" a beaver and the other a felt hat, 1 the and calling themselves respectively Ap 3"bj plewhitc and Gcda, who have been in Ralcich trying to get up a Dusmcss uirec- tory, and who left for-ctting to pay their board bills. The Observer says tnat they arc cither m Norfolk,: Petersburg, Richmond or Wilmington. ) Grecnbackcrs. , According to (previous agreement tho flnynWlcrs held a meeting last evening iDjiho Court House. After the disposal of t,c;r.a Krror.hes were announced UUOUVU P. Poster, Duncan lioimcs.coi;, unas Bobinsou, (col), and 11. jWallcr, aa- .ircr.,l the audience. Uur mtormant u.v.. ( -- i,wawTPalimit seventv-five whites QJ - -- -- , , . Lt.ntnnKtm.lr,,! rlnr- anu oeiwtcu m u nww uuu men present. A meeting ot tho Ureen- backers will be held in the Fifth Ward on Friday evening and in the First Ward ou 1 nuaj v. oa Tuesday . . w organizing evening for the purpose of ard Clubs-. Bunawny. afternoon, what might been ...... , terrible catasphe was prevented by Itno prcseutu ui urn." v TrT. r.roen was out driving, accompanied T pari ot i ujiuw- jumping from the buggy, his feet became eutaa-Icd in the reins, wmcn starteu me horic. Mr. Green seized the wheel and "kept up with the buggy for about seventy- five yards when his legs werf cauga: in a wheel, throwing him forward, the wheel passing over his body. The animal's ncal was increased and the lady, stepping oa the shaft, so'.zed the rtjias, kept the imrsein the road and finally stopped him. Mr Green received seyeral burises", but strange to say, was in no way ummea, and the lady was entirely .unnuri. The Tnermometer. United States Signal Ofiice at thU tdaco we obtain the following report 01 tnc inermoiiiti.c, io v.. . . . . Ak tnl-i.tl till TTll IT 1 1 ing at 7;31 o clock : Antrcsti. Ga. T5 Mobile. Ala 78 Cairo, 111.. ,M Charleston, S. Cincinnati... Corsicana, Tex "3 Fort Gibson, C. N.2 GalTeston.........S2 Indiancla t Jacksonville, Fla...S0 Knoxrille -C7 LynchbQrff..... ." Mempbij, Tcnn....75 Montgomery AU...80 hri!l ......To Vow OrlmTis.......kl NVw York "1 Ktrinnih.Gt hhreveport. 77 t Inia Mo 73 St. Markj, Fla....7C I Washington, v v- Wilmintton, X. C79 '- 7 . ; 1 - . 1 - 1 - - - DMLJ EEYIEW. ',' rr :" . , : : i . ' 1 i I 1 -f---,: r- ; Fire at Beaver Dam. j We regret to learn , as vc do from pri vate information received in this citv. as well as from a rei'ort in the Charlotte Observer published elsewhere, cf the to- tal dettruction by fire of the store and dwell in 2 house of Mai. W. C. Fergus (formerly of this city), at Beaver Dam Union county, on the evening cf the 12tl init. Mai. Fergus was in Charlotte a the tiin--. There was insurance for $1 500 on the store and $200 on the furn ture in the Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Company, and C0O on the luildiug, in the La Caisse Generale, both reprcsentetl by Messrs. lno. W. Gordon Sc Bro Death of Miss Mary Brink. It is with sorrowful feelings that we announce to-day the death of Miss Mary J Brink, eldest daughter of Col. E. li. Briuk, (if tliis city, a 1 beautiful and ac complished young lady. A few short weeks ago she left here for Old Port, on a visit to friends residing there, apparently in perfect health and full of plesant an ticipations, and now she has taken another and a longer journey, from whence she will never return. God comfort the af flicted hearts of the parents and sisters and that one other who will share with them the immeasurable grief of their af- i fiction. Miss Brink was just 21 years of age on the first instant. She was a member of St. John's Church, and a beloved teacher in its Sunday School. 1 The remains are to arrive here to- morow, via Goldsboro, and the funeral services will take place from her father's residence, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. npletons' Journal. The policy of AppUtonf- Journal has recently been to give a rapid succession of stirring novelettes instead of long serials, and every number now begins or gives complete, a strong, fresh story such as may be called a novel in miniature, lhe number for September concludes "A Bit of Nature," by Albert Ilhodcs, and gives the first half of a story entitled "A Leap Year Ilomance," which is described as j a "true tale of Western life," and which certainly bteaks new ground in fiction. Another story,' which is given complete, called A Straqge Experience," touches unon the recent development of magnet ism and spiritualism, and depicts accura te! v and effectively certain pnases ci modern life which puzzle philosophers and open to us all a world of speculation. It is a strong well-written story. Both "A Leap-Year Romance" and "A Strange ETnericnce." whilo touching upon tne latest themes and tho most pronounced ideas of the period, are written in a con servativeimpartial, and judicial spirit, and are thoroughly good stones. 1 ne il lustrated articles in the number aro a pa per on the New York Post-Office, hand- snmelv set forth by numerous pictures, and an article describing in a lively man ner lifo in Taraguay. The Theatrical Outlook. Mr Jno. T. Ford, tho wtll-known the atrical manager cf Baltimore, who has done much to give the 'Southern people an opportunity of seeing the bright stars of the American stage, announces nis in tention to come South during the ; winter with the finest array of talent he has ever presonted. The Baltimore uazeue wcicu contains Mr. Fords announcement, Bays. THp stars that the Ford's have presented in the past to the South were Janauschek, rWiman. -Jefferson, Uwens, i.yaia Thompson, Mrs: Oates, Edwin Booth, John McCullougb, Mary Anderson ana . 11 others. This season, unaer ne same management, Mod jeska. goes South, the fairest and brighest actress that the Amer ican stage has accepted for many a year, raro-and radiant dramatic genius. Francis C. Bangs, "the Mate Antony of the boards " a Virginian, who won re cently ia this city three enthuisastic re- rills after his impassioned delivery 01 ice oration over the body of Lftsar from one nf tho finest audiences known to ourthe- atrcs, will also make a tour of the South ern States with a Shakespearian com n.mv. A comic opera company will go out from this city Southward, and that enius among the frontier hertes and ac- Wm F. Codv. better known as Buffalo Bill," will be a "shooting star, with his Indians and ponies, starting un der the Baltimore auspices of the manage ment of Messrs Ford." i. fh-FTs. Tn-o lame cups of Hour. one and a half teaspoonfuls Dooixy's Ykast Powder, one pint sweet milk, or v,-if mi!V- and hidf cmanu three eess beat en separately, and a little salt. Bake In muflin tins, iney are ueucwua ior :. Board of Aldermen. cailed meeting of the Board was held- yesterday afternoon, fcresent Hi. i Konor. Aldern a 1 Bo wden. Ar.tinc'Mator. and Aldermen Planner, YoriGIahn, King, Hill and Lowrcy. j The Mayor pro tern, stated to the Board that ho had called them together rather unexpectedly and hurriedly, j in conse qutnc? of a telegram he had received di - rectly from the City Marshal and 'Acting - Mayor of dreuada, Mississippi,! and another of the same purport addressed to Governor Vance, and which the Governor, I through his Private Secretary, has trans- mittedito'him. The Mayor jro te.m. then read the tele ;ramst! which were those published by us yesterday. Alderman Planner offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously passed:! ( - Resolved, That a committee i of seven citizens, consisting of Messrs. Don. Mac liae. A. II. VanBokkelen, J. C. Heyer,M' x 1" "f Ti T 1 . -r i t : 1 iii. xvui., j . iayiur, ft. xurruss anu the j Mayor, be appointed to solicit con tributions from our people in aid of the sufferers with yellow fever in the city of Grenada. MississinDi. and such amounts ' & . : , as may be given be forwarded immediate ly upon receipt of same. ! Besolved. further. That the citv of Wil- ' w y mington hereby appropriate one j hundred dollars, the Board.of Audit and ! Finance concurring, to relieve the sufferings of the peoploofsaid city. I i Alderman Hill 'offered the following resolution, which was alsj) unanimously carried: Resolved. In the event that the Mavnr j j finds it necessary to do so, he be, and is hcrebv emnowered to annoint two addi- f 1 - , L I tional detectives to examine railroad trains and stop any persons coming from any points known to be infected with yellow fever, and to act under such instrueS tions as he mav think nroDer for the protection of the city against the said dis ease. On motion the Board adjourned. j Chess Play ins, "Telle , est Viei' Mr. Editoi:; As vou have had exnerinnnn hoth n.s a Grass Widower" and "Choss Pl.ivpr" T think you can appreciate the following passing tnougnt: , Look at these chess ldavers: with what an air of confidence they commence the game, each (m his own opinion) sure to win. Presently one loses his Queen. ; t " The air of hopo vanishes from his brow and despair of success takes its place until by over confidence his antagonist loses his Queen. Then the struggle waxes warm azain. but the pristine interest is w w a, wanting until it is discovered that one of the players has a chance of winning a new Queen. Then the race is renewed in earnest. The Queen is restored to her throne and how boldly she comes forth to the support of her King ! A few more moves and victory wreaths the brow of the supported King while the other vainly seeks his Castle and is speedily check mated. ! ' Moral Defend your Queen in ail ex tremities. 1 Hotel Arrivals- ! Empitie'IIouse. Wilmington N. C. August, 15th. I. L. Dolby, proprietor: from 10:05 o'clock August 14th to 10:05 o'clock August 15th. II Bacon, Smith- ville. N C; li C Thompson, J 11 Uarnes, o TT Tlodmnnd.' S A Branch. R Ilarrell, Lumberton; Jas A McQueen, Shoe Heel, N C; O B McNair, T A McDougald, T.anrinbnrf! S P McNair. Devis Depot, S'CjSW VV Eine, New (York; Patrick Murphy, Limerick, li A lvingsnury. Goose station; A B Williams, Master J D Williams, Jr., Col J B Starr, Master Joe Starr, Fayetteville, N C; Jno M Rob inson, city; 11 A Best, Wm II Aiken, Geo B Aiken, Baltimore; J S Collier, Charles son; C A Harrison, Richmond. HonsE. Wilmington. N. C, August 15. Cobb Bros., proprietors. from 10:05 o'clock, August 14, to 10:05 o'clock August 15th D P High, V V Richardson, Whitcville, i U; irreuenca E Hashafn. 'New York; Jas F Rowe, AM- Tfrs Mason Prescott, Weldon, N C; W W Long, wemon, u; 1 Richard Farrell, Lumberton, N C; CM' Burns, Wadesboro, 2 U; m a omun Wadesboro, NC; W P Hix, Columbia, C; A F PowelL.Whiteville, N C; E E Burruss, Sound; li w 1'owers, lucnmc cu, a; J Taylor Albert, Baltimore. Ma. Consumption Cured. , i An v,xTC-H.in. retired from practice. having had placed in his hands by an imusl iuaia iiiisiiouj - simple vegetable remedy, for the speedj and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asmma, auu u iuiv and lung affections, also a positive ami radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested. iU wonderful curative powers in theusanus. of cases, has felt it his duty to make it 1 ,(t,t fflliows. Actuated. by this motive, and a aesire to relieve hn J man suffering, I will send, free of charge,, to all who desire it, this recipe, with falL directions fox preparing and using, m.J German, French, or English. Sent by with stamp, naming' this par. V- W. Sherar, 149 IWr'y t)i..rn..i.., W York, au 12-4TST.'1 15, 1878. NO. 1(5 j ' . I I niorning to order, out of market a quantity of sailed fish, mostly mnilets. Sorry lor the poor fishermen, bu lits better far for the good health of th city. Moonlight and Muslc Another of those delightful "Moonlight and Music" excursions down the river is in contemplation for t to-morrow night on the steamer i Wpor. All that is needed to ensure success is clear weather; the enjoyments of all who1 go will follow as! a matter of course, early. Secure vour ickcts City Court. Alderman L. LI. Bowden, Mayor n, tern., presiding: Frank Hargfave, the white woman who was arrested vestcrdav for indecent V--eha- vior on the streets, was discharged. A white man and a colored man who were arraigned for an affray at the'lower end of the Market House yesterday after noon were required to 'give la justified bend in the sum of .v"0 earh for their an- pearance it the next term of the Criminal Court in October. This ended the Mayor pro tan Court for the day. ' ' . I Explosion. I A few evenings ago a large kerosene lamp exploded at the residence of John Norwood on Fifth,noar the corner of Nunn streets, the oil being thrown in differ ent parts of the room and setting fire to some of the furniture . The only occu pant of the room was a little girl who fortunate'ly jumped froiii the window in stead of passing through the flames, and going out of the door. The fire was quickly extinguished bipt created j con siderable excitement in the vicinity.' , For the Grenada Sufferers, j TVWsre "VT lf Tvaf-r V. V Rnrrnss. Jno. C. Ileyer and M. P. Taylor, a por tion of the Committee appointed by the lioarcl ot Alaermen at therr meeting yes terday afternoon for the purpose of solicit ing" subscriptions for the yellow fever suf-' ferers in Grenada, turned ovei- to acting Mayor L. II. Bowden this afternoon , ' the sum of j two hundred and fifty-one dollars and seventy-fivo 1 cents. This amount will be forwarded by Mayor-Bowden this evenings cither by express or through he mail by check on New York as the parties ihtei ested may1 desire. ! Mayor Plowden exjects to receive a dispatch frxim Grenada before sending off the! remittance, but up to the time of our going to press, no telegram had been re ceived. I New Advertisements. For Warm Weather- JJO MORE PLEASANT GARMENT can be worn than cur j j Sackaphones. OZTXi'S' 50c- 1 aa-15 I - ! ! MUXSON'3. Mo onligkt and M usic ! WEATHrllt PERMI1TIXG, THE S im r -1 Passp ort "lyYILL MAKE THE usuaP trip down the river j f F'ridav Evening, An. 1C. . Leave Dock at 8 P. M. Sharp. Return ;at 1 A. M. j j , Last Trip on this iloc-n. Get your tickets early of t- witoci aug 15 w-v. aii-tt-ii'' TRY !T TT IS THE REST EVER 1 Brtu'ght to this City. Bates'i Heliotrope "Water. A Floral Essence of Exquisite Fragrance, i An exceedingly mild tni Pleasant. Perfume. For sale only at ' ! nEIN'SBEBGER'S, Live Book and Hctic Store, aQ12 33 aad 41 MtrketSt. ...Imperial Granium. THE GREAT MEDICINAL FOOD F0K Infants and Inralid. . A fresh supply just received aal fcr ale Ij JAMES C. MU5DS, Druggist, xnglO Tbird street, oppoiita City Ull. i PLEASE 50TICE. H - . 1 We wm be RUd U receive tliUL from onr friends on any and uil .nbjof general interest but : 'j I ' ,' I 1 ' ' Jaae of the writer Lust aJwiyJib rorniihed to the Editor. Communication mm be- w,itrn L only uus oi us paper. J Persokalitiee anrt be ToideL r : 1 1 1 , AcditU enecialW i4 tood that the editor I'ZZllYP ,V - -"iHBlJI TECViri t T Now Advortisomonts. Stationery. yULL LINES OK STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS fur the, House, tie Df.k and tho School. No tronbli to shoir jo'ds, t S. JEWETT'S,. au. i Vront Street Book Store, School Books. -Large stock- low prices! Mmiitry teachers and dealers will end it' to Great Reduction in - 1 . i Prices t june ' JJ.EMEMliEUTHAT WE KEEP A IT'LL stock of all sizes I and qualities at loretcah price?. - I i O. G. PARSLEY, Ji:., ' au H Cor. Orm'e afad S. Vtc.r St.- ! ; ; PJotice,; ' I QN ' AND AFTER MQXIAY, Auul lath, a!! Goats or Kids found running at larre within the Cilr lirtut.t will be iiEpjuiided anl pold, lin accfr dance ' I 1 1- ' with an Ordinance pa.-od bv tlie I(Urd 1 Aldormcn', .'line Ttli, lsT'.:, ! H. Ic.'jtKUCK, ; july 13-tucii. tb, at. Ciat f rf l''liei htir copy ed, I n, sum. ouse Wanted. i SMALL HOUSE CONV1- niently located,' Addrrs?, statin -i " . I if 7- term and 1 oc.iti-n, i . U. iiox tl. .. .. .. . . . . y.- 1 auj; 5 111 .... 1 Sorth Carolina at Gettysburff- A1 PPLICATIONS ARE CONSTANTLY made for copies of THE OBSERVER containing tho articles in regard to the con duct of North Carolina troops at (JetUyburjr. The number of requests for these, frra tht Northern States especially, has lately b come so great that, bein unable to supply" them otherwise it has been determined, ti publish them in book form. I I i ne papers on ine euDjeci, -on oq'.n siaen mil be reprinted just ad they appetrvd in Thb Observes, and will make a Ttlame Of sonie two hundred pages. j 'j1 1 The book will beprinted on fair white pa per, with good, clear type, and in paper covers will be sold at 25 cents each : to deal ers and canvassers at $15 per hundred.) A library edition will also bo made, printM on superior paper and handsomely bound, which will be sold at $1 each ; to dealieri a$d canvassers at the rate of $60 per hundred. '1 I Single copies of either edition mailed post I post- III I" I'' r. In a paid on receipt of tne price. The book will be ready for delircry; few weeks. Orders accompanied with cash I i. ... 'j ' JJ ' rpup muniriiii t are sonciiea. Auurees j iix. uurt r-( april27 .Raleib, N. (L 100,000 100,000 I 23SPZ2CTZ32) Ono Hundrod Thousand cigars: i at i:5c Which we are prepared td offer at rood . bargains ! .1 - i i J GEO. MYERS, I 11 and 13 So. Front 8. f june 24 B. D. MORRILL, Undertaker,, Carpontor i Cabinot-Makcr,, i . i Third Street, Opp, City ZZal TILL FURNISH COFFINS ind'caaketJ VV ' - ' with attendance at short notice. Orders for Carpenter work and Cabiaet ! II . -'j work respectfully ollcited and promptlj ex ecuted, j All work guaranteed. 1 fob Wotice. ji L7B0il THIS DATE all cjercnaalise auit be remored from the WiarTe oi iLei itw IU 1 '' 'I Tors: and Baltimore Steasert the" day b" r i '. . . ' i i ore tie arma! of aucceedin Steamer, ot! erwie the poods will be stored in warel uJ laijeet to drayage, storage, iaiurasce, Ac, july 15 A. D. CA2AUX, Asent Deasmake moaer faster at work lor than at anything eUe. Capital not re-, Quired; we will start you. 512 per day at borne made by the industrious . Men, wof sien. boys tad girls wasted ererrvbero to work for tu. Now is the time. I Costly out-r fit and tensj free. Addresi Tacx A Co., Aa- trastii alaiae, , -'lineal Anoth Jot of CROQUET jast reWite.1 and lor..uy At IJ.ntoin-Piicos. f , .1 rotr 12 - j C. W. VATKS. , li ''i III ? u t 1 4rTuo.,irUaa3, Maine. marca