V .11 THIS rAi'EK ercrf afternoon, Hunday. .x cepted by ...Mil. T. JAMES, i i' i i ' -! 1 ' 1 . ' i .1', .i r ,DXTOR AND PROPRIETOR. PAID. 50 : Three i hLIkIITIONH.I-OSTAOK .r iS 00 H month "f raff, r 13 eenu week. taUcriber. will rlee report any d fl'.srr t rtrCe-.TC irtt t t Now Advortisomonts, H Daily PLEASE JI0T1CE. 11- 'I wil bo r Lid to recti from our friend nany and til subjects or general interest but : r The name of! th writer n. est alwajr b rumlihed to tat Editor. I J i VOL. 3.1 WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1878. NO.1 173 LOCAL NEWS. Bargains! Bargains- fown. & Roddick 45 MARKET STREET. .ul nri'CKlN'C the balaocd 01 V oiOlI LOTS of Dry Goods at rie',ih4t.3iUST attract the attention of Kvery Close Buyer ! pflVj..a t takin an account of our stock we are offering these New Advertisements. Mckiom More of those Elegant Start'. 1. IJbinsbkrqkr Law and Commercial 8cLool Booke ' , " J. C. Mr. ts imperial Uranium. H. Jeweii" Stationery and Fancy Goods. Last night wai quiic coo!, and before morning tbc mosquitoes put on overoxits and "knocked off" yoxk. ' llev. U. It. Hall, of the Fifth Stecet M. K. Church, of this cityJ will preach at Scott's Hill on Sunday pert. XUUEiiu, I -.:..: v l:tt! c-.j s trimmed with gra j colored ribbon bows, are very popular forbr&kfast wear at the summer resorts. , 1 Extra Inducements is orier to clear tbeia out. Dress Goods ALL t 1 fin!.-d Unco Lawnj .formerly 1V4 now 10. (t tt tt 25 Tt.'j are the mJJt desirable ffood for the rH teasnn. The itjlei the neweaU lbs mm who will read a newspaper three or four years without pating for it, will rmture a zoat-oa the irravc of his grandfather. j A lam pus eel was taken of an encine tender at th Wcldon li. K. shops yesterday. The ten now 20 1 der is never used, but how the eel got in there U the question: to be satisfactorily answered. New Appointments. Literary. Messrs. F. M. James and W. How- The Kectou's WiFEaon,TilE Valley land were appointed Health Olhcers of tbc "r -x.t.u r rcEs. iy tnc autnor o city tins morning aud entered at once on ilargarct and Her Bridesmaids' "Lords the active discharge of their duties. These I and Ladies," "Queen of the ' County' gentlemen gave very great satisfaction in &c. &c. Philadelphia: T. IJ. Peterson thf same caiacity last year. & Brothers. Wilroington: 1 Heinsbcr- State Dental Association. The Charlotte Observer says that tbo next meeting of the North Carolina Htate i. gcr. "ine Kcctor'H , Wife" is a charming story, full of simple country life, and Dental Association will commence in that "i,klt" 111 im pwrncst way. Joim ana city on Tucsdav, the Sd of September. Emily the hero aud heroine, arc a clergy- A lar-o attendance of the members of the man ana Lls w,fc. and the beginning of B . 1 tl. .. li .. .. . together with Lv uieDl on tneir journey into association is expected, Re vera! visiting acuusbs irom oouin varu- lina. Ran Into. i ' I An engine ran into and killed live cows a fev days ago, near Castle Hayne, on the Wilmington & Wcldon II. li., about nine miles from this citv. The head-lkiht of Wales to take up their residence in one of his valleys. The Bernards are vcrv wealthy people, and to them arc the Leslies indebted for their living, Emily, 1 our heroine, is a ' wonderful character. too good to be natural, for nothing affects her calm, serene, amiable disposition. The children of these people at first seemed rlomnlUVinrl mtuI thrown some dfstauce from the track by oneof the ordinary mortals, but as they ad- 1, . tv. ur.r nut no on the cow-catcher and Vdncou u years tney Dccamo more ot tbc iruiu luv la.iiv i o Wilniin"ton & precipitated with force against the light. world worldly. One of the best! char acters in this book is an old nurse, Wilsy and, in fact, there ire no bad ones. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. 0r line is still unbroken and can assure our Ft.-uBJ that it U the interest of all to call and make their purchases now. Parasols. Ur r -00 Sushade and Parasols. ALL AT GREATLY Keduted Prices, GREAT BARGAINS 1 la Plain, Striped and Flaid Xainsook Muslins. The time for holding the! third quarter ly meeting at Scott's Hill, Topsail Circuit, Methodist K. Church I South, has been changed by the Presiding Elder, Rev. Dr. Burkhead, to tbc 24th and 25th instant, next Saturday and Sunday . 1 h- CaptJ Jack. The Robertses, like very many people, full of show and vanity, and always striving to rival their neighbors. Lady Shawls Coieaa Striped I Shawl., j"'"" for to hear this morning tliat the old gentle- stantly in( cnl ereninjjs. worm " nn s man is much better, aud hopes soon to "uw Domestic lied Spreads. ..to. I.2S and 1.50. Ueduced from S1.25, 1.50 1 "Waterstrcct again. and 1.75. Decidedly the cheapest in the market. Uournins Dress GoodK A Specialty I Je Arents in this section of the country far THE WIDOWS CKEl'E for the deepest mourning. 5o;e Atrents tor ine uueins orsci, 4 I ritv nrison. This is a patented Corset and tnel " !lCe. 1BII U PiWBlW VW.c uu iuc. ...... it, C nA I v -J 1.1.1. boaeieanbe Ukcn out withouj, ripping by I a wees s time 10 pajr iuu u, o grecuisa oiuu, auu vurus wa. ccisjofSilk Lacsra. The Wamiutta Shirts each, iV J per cent, less than the same articlo is offered cither North of South. Lrrj Shirt is manufactured by ourselrcs aad guaranteed. Cut and made in the warp of the cloth. No comment required. G&uTnb!cached Drawers 25c a pair, worth I been received here this season t Douhle; - Th0 consignment consists ot i uiiuun 45 ZVZarkot Streot. W make no misrepresentations in orilr to effect ANT sale, jal j 27 UnmailaDIe Unm ail able letters and packages remain in the Postoflice in this city as follows : John L. Caiver, Baxwell, S C ; 'Messis Itirtlnw Sr. Tftin. Vow "Vnrlc : a foreifrn let " ' o I A :t . 1 . e -. r t ,. ter. addressed so badly that the inscription "S " "en nsccr oi .ju s. resile, cannot be made out ; one package of iron, and has co children of her own so that addressed to J. Howard Foote, and a letter she has partially adopted from time to addressed to S C McKoy, Farmer's Turn- time one of the many daughters of the T T I rni i ' out, N C. J-iesnes. inese gins, all except two, mar ry before the story closes one of them Knights of Pythias. pl , u f .... i Mr. John Grifiith. better known to ti.ia nnlpr. mpeis at Indiananolis. on the """" UfcliCia UY vvluau aa ,vvcu' aa wharf rats as Captain Jact Griflith', who 7th inst. It is thought that as many as marrying men of their hearts. I The el- is one of our oldest citizens,-has been con- 5,000 Knights will be present. . There wdl oesc son, donn, wno uies oeiore coming ot fined to his house for a week past threat- be competitive drills and displays for valu- age, evinces talent ot no ordinary kind, enedwith paralysis, but we are pleased able prizes.- (This beneficial order is con. and his death causes life-long grief to increasing in numbers, mere are nis iatner. ine parents live to celebrate is estimated, over 150,000 in the J their golden wedding, and to gather .... a . I ' j v a 1 . ba out and bustling .around on South s 1 IJ J aruuuu luem' IJUfc vmy lueir uauSniers Inerasible Ink. own children, but grandchildren. The According to the Fhannacist,' an ink llobertses die off, and the story closes wit;h City Court. ! that cannot be erased even with acids is I tnc last ot their race. Enoch Green, alias Enoch Griffin, was obtained by the following receipe: To A Heakt Iwice Won; or, bEcoxo arraigned before the Mayor pro tern this good gall ink add a strong solution of fine Love. By Elizabeth VanLoon. Phila morningupon the chak'O of rescuing! a soluble Prussian blue in distilled water, delphia: T. B. Peterson &, Brothers. prisoner, a colored wonian, by the name I This addition makes the ink, which was WlIminSto11 : r- Heinsberger. jnow ana tnen a new writer appears fa this category may bo placed the author ofj"AHEAKT Twicjs Won" (a capital title), in which the mystery of the plot is at once veiled and half revealed. A most experienced critic, who has probably read two-thirds of the novels of the last forty vears. savs. "A Heart Twice Won' must kit the public taste, and bo a brill iant success. That it is by a hew writer, is very evident; it . is equally obvious, from the delicacy and force with which thoplot has been framed and worked out to a legitimate conclusion, as well as from tho development of the respective charac ters. that a vounc lady is the author. It is puro as well as passionate. Moreover, the incidents, sometimes fctartling, J put together in a skilful manner, and are all within the legitixate limit ot proba bility. Saveli's Expiation.! A Russian Storv. Translated from the French! of - Henry Grevillc, by Mary Neal Sherwood. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers Wilmington: P. Heinsberger. Savelis Expiation' snows i more power and wonderful concentration than of Laura Taylor, from a police officer on I previously proof against alkalies, equally last- Saturday night. The sentence 'of proof against acids, and forms a writing to take tho reading world by storm. tho Court was $5 fine or thirty days in the j fluid which cannot be erased without de- Thc defendant was allowed Btruction of tho paper. Tho ink writes furnished security for his appearance the end of that time, j ( at First NetrlCotton. Consecration of the Bishop of Rich mond, i All of the preparations for the cbn- Tlie Congressional Canvass. Hon. A. M. Waddcll has determined upon opening the canvass in this Con gressional district early in September, but in anticipation of that time will,, in re sponse to the written request of a I imm- uer.w gentlemen in this city, deliver an address to the people of Wilmington on the political questions of tl e day, on.Tucsday evening, thc,27th' inst. He will" speak in front of the Market House at about 8 .... 1 ... .i r i o clock on the evening m question, and iL Art - ... J. L ' I ' iae congressional Executive Committee of which G.-.k. Clh'. Ik.. is chair man, will make the necessary arrange ments for the occasion. The follow iu i. the correspondence referred to above: I Wilmington, X. C-, Aug.L'l,?78. lo the Hon. A. M.WadJcll, 31. (' Hard I District : 1 I' Dear Sin We, your frieiJds and bon- stituents, arc desirous of hearing your views on tho financial and other political questions cf the tlay, and therefore re quest that at1 the cdrhst time practicable you will so address your fellowj-citizens Signed Win L Smith J W Galloway r M James DuBrutz Cutlar M J Hyer W H Bernard Owen Fennell, Jr Isaac Bear Thos II McKoy Pat Glavin N B Rankin Thomas Post Jesse Wilder W J Yopp Jas C Smith P T Dicksey C R Clowe M M Katz John L Dudley John C James Jesse Ives A Adrian W E Mayo T J Southerlami Chas D Myers I R M Dix T B Lipnitt RSRadcliffe J W Atkinson M M Hankins lioger Moore Chas M Stedman James Alderman Josh T James Wm L Deliosset Norwood Giles B R Moore Wm Larkins l1 C Singletary H II Morton Thos C James '1G Worth F II Darby J G White II B Willis O C Sasser Richard Wr Price C II Robinson John H Hanby J J Hedrick J L Boatwright S W Vick O G Parsley, Jr Gabriel Holmes , Mr. E. P. Covington, Commission Mcr- sccration of Bishop-elect Keane in St. chant on North Water street, received by I Peter's Cathedral, Richmond, on Sunday tho Carolina Central Railway this morn-1 nCvt have been made, and ! tho Catholic CAMBRIC SUIRTS, FULL 8IZED, 25c. jns from Laurel Hill township, Richmond pubUc arQ i00tins forward to the day county, the first new crop cotton that has I with great interest. Archbishop Gibbons will be tho consecrator, and Bishop Foly, Tho consignment consists ot two bales, j 0f Chicago, and Bishop Kam,- of Wheel- one from Mr. Jeptha Gibson, which gra- j ing,w ill be tho assistant consccrators. I ded middling, and the other from C. W. I Bishop Lynch, of Charleston, who is well wnicn was graacu as i known as a creat orator, win preacn ina t Wright, Esq., strict low middling. Tho cotton was consecration .sermon. The new Bishop placed in tho hands of Mr. 5. R. Birdsy, I will preach in the afternoon after his con cotton broker, for sale, but up to 4 P. M. I secration, when there will bo Pontifical General InSUranCO Agency llj cents was tho best bid obtained, j Vespers. Tho form of consecration will l S. Since the above I was in type bo recited m Latin, but copies ot a Iitera I wo learn that a sale has been matle at 12 translation into English will be distributed cents, rvr pound to Messrs. Kcrchncr & J among tho congregation. Caldcr Bros. seriously III. 1 1 Wc regret to learn that 1 Capt. Isaac B. fJrajnrpr. of this citv. is seriously ill at " o- V - " The Proper channel for Advertis ing. We mean po disparagement to commer cial travelers, says an exchange, when we OF JOHN W. GORDON & BRO., 24 north Water Btrcet UCFBESENTINO OVEIt Fifty Million Dollars Assets rlliE.. I wiin-TVierwrtrf ' Ta wifh hillinns fever. . I Hi.Uld .'J. a. . , " I . . ..A i 1 . I Uaabarf.Breae of. Germany His condition was such yesterday morn- circulated newspaper is Deer man an and 8Urroundings presented with such XM.I..I van- .r m.,.. Tn ing that Mrs. Grainger was telegraphed army of drummers. The drummer can cIearnes8 aad strength, that one ia carried r r. ?wi,f n nmnanv with her only oe m one piace at one umu. i -L I fQ j.a vnrv seenc and feels the atmosphere. Ur erpool 4 London 4 Globe ofEnland ' Jcft Qg mu speaks with a miraculous organ, but to a H . nry GrcyilIe ig nofc what calIed an uoard of.. Norfolk, Ta liimsport; Capt. Graingc Fireoan'irnnif California I vV a wpoV At twn ftco for attendance on I anti sleeP 13 I AUU uuwa" deriving tone of pathos in this i novel Pi:icoof .... T.rbnrn .V.C the Banker's Ccnveiltion which met at PaPer iQ, ma Plac.in da7- which escapes at times in powerful pas ,, wflca wc any tjjQ author has written; the descrip- say that an advertisement in a widely- . . . -d and the cijaracters ..Tarboro, C UCai, General, of. VTnl'l r. . . I with Mr. P. A. Wiley, Cashier of the Citi- inrance A.s'a...QalTeaton, Tex . v.tional Dank !0f : Raleigh, was to labile Cnderwritenof .... Mobile, Ala kavo made a short tour In the North be- Maitable of. ....Jfaahrille, Texm I fore returning home and it was probably It can talk to thousands of persons at one J times. It has no set times nor seasons, but comes every morning smiling to its work.Stcam and lightning are its minis ters. The sign-board is good in its way; sages, the interest being well sustained throughout, while the -story is refined and" exceedingly enjoyable. The charm of this novel consists in its freshness, the characters being delineated with bold yet LIFE. tropolitaa of. ... New York Lv. Co. of Virginia, of...retenbar, Va 3U j School Books. LfrJ tacber &al dealers wUI find it a4rantac to correipond with tnel whito oa this tour that he was taken ill; An Unknown Drowned Man. Mr. H. M. Watson, mate of the steam- circulars are read by the curious and by deIicatQ touche3 anj perfect truthfulness tho innocent;lrummers sometimes make , Wbrvient to art. so that one finds sales; there are a hundred ways of reach- . . :n;vidnalitv which makes life ing for trade, but there is but one high cr -1. P. Jluri, reports having seen yes- road to -ltm rpe newspaper is the natural wr Preliajiaff Itewh.r- 8f!..!TJof.CR?QUET i received uoiiom meet. pictures. Henry Greville is a woman. - terday the body of a colored man about channel of general information. Those j Tne ,ree v A ' .u, occ hundred yards abovo Council's Bluff, who fail it get n0 hold upon the ih UreennacK par,y moving world. Business men who meeilDS ev ,rT 7T have business, and who keep it, advertise. Speeches were made by Messrs C P. UU2UU2 fL Locksy, Thos. . Gardner, E. G. Bar- saii j xsu.uu. ... n a Waller and James au iving. a , in Bladen county, 80 mile3 above this TfiftlimW w in a ntidn stale and was . V hj A M W www. , ' be- being terribly mutilated by buzzards. The aaj n C. W. YATES. One quart of flour, with three teaspoon- a t mescnt the party in this city numbers r.. i . r..yr w'a V t i t 1'oirriirp irrol I . . . , m) p fmiLtl. m. kit JL m.nmw . " . w..w through it, lump of butter sue of a hen's about ona thousand, one fourth of whom him. R quail tl O.Q.PAKSLEY, Ja., Cor. Orange and S. Water Sta x.amc of the man could not be ascertained and no one in the vicinity j of the Bluff m,M knxr Infnrmrvf inn concerning w uivi l . w " I (j i uxiWHii" i.f v - I i no supposiuou is iuAfc w so '"iv . 7,7" j t-.T , " w" . ' 1 iourtna are coioreu. i A meeting will be held at the corner r a. ay ax. 1 a t u. 'I A...lL. I . . a a t lUia AA-t 5 ir.fr A I "rrices 10 suit ma umca, wgciuer of Spvpnth ana Ana nrec -'-"'"o rti licr vajuulu a ju" . . . .... i j ... , , .. m with even comfort tno mos lasnaious i. nnrnJ. cf orcanizmg a Ward rnrnnr mj nnfl O Tl 1 1 l ti nil lirnu.LUll I . - . . . . J 1 . I AJL buu w vtwu.4 km uuti".- ... I nn iii n'.tr nr iMirp. nnn ma must aeiicaifl i t, i . .! . - - "irn,,, tmnrrowevemng airooKiyn uy the unror lunate roan naa ueen pi-1 attention to every warn, nas maue me I "t . ,lr intfrr! I Colonnade the hotel 01 irnuaaeipnia. 1 11 all in t irst " . " a- - If Vrvii li',.. ci.r. V omijiii, dr0WDcd in Harnett county, near the rails, rurt..,n I ..." . . - . . , UMOJu.Uu-..u.e, M1 iat WE KEEP A FULL I and was carried down by tue lresnci ana i i . of C t'utt and qualiaee at loweit caah w &sbea ashore near Council s B Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 21st '78. Gentlemen: 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt ot your note of this date requesting me to address my lellow citizens upon the financial and other political questions and in reply beg leave to say that it will give me pleasure to do so ' on Tuesday evening next-, the 27th mst. : You have by your flattering invitation onlv anticipated mv own intentions, as m At. if 'it? T"rt xt TTirrncn f hnm n m r pnxrocc r, LU lO aLAJ PU1U fcV U-blU "ij WUVM V thid ConCTessional District carlv next month and to make it a very thorough one. Very Respectfully, (Signed) A. M. Waddell. To Messrs R S Radcliffe, A Adrian, C M I Stedman. Jesse Wilder. J W Gal loway, F H Darby,1 Wm L Smith, M! M Hankins, J II Hanby, DuBrutz Cutlar, and others, i I i -r. 1 i The iron front of MrJ L. Vollers' new building, on Front street, is being erected to-day. ; i Read (the interesting letter of Col. Waddell to the Raleigh Observer on the second page of this issue. Personal. Gen. Q. A. Gilmorc, of the U. S. Engineer Corps, is registered at the Pur- cell House, and is said to. have goie down the! river to-day with Mr. Georgo Z. French, one of the contractors on the works at the mouth of file river. Railroad Meeting at Burlaw. We are requested by a corr spondent at Buriraw tostate that there wbl be a grand gathering of the, people of Onslow and Pender counties at Burgaw. on the first Monday in September, to talk about the projected railroad down towards Jackson ville. Several distinguished gentlemen, among them itoa. A. M. Waddell, havo been invited to address the people on that occasion. I A big turn out is confidently expected. . j ; Comaanieationji mutt be one aide of tha paper, j Personal! tiei muit U avoided. n'tten !n ollj . -T Andit la epeciilly and parUcnlarly an4. r tood that fi0 editor doea not alwajaendoj.. i Een a tnxl upon. barrtl hoop wil. turn wheel iiJ At Crlw.r.. It . ., " ., w 'wwr ui, is wna: i iijcv now-a-davs. ' 1 I v say i i unions arc recommended a a reracdv lur nyuropnobia. " j " Following many vocations 'his the' life of many a nian. ' ! 1 ruined. A lemon is an insignificant thirJ.bu like its ade in keeping cool. ' '1- .".j-v,UUiwujr ia ueciarcu toi Lc a word that no dictionary owns. "Come now, you can't try that,oa here' as the shopkeeper said to 'the purchaser of a bustle. j An editor is a man who chronicles tiie departuruLof other people for the cool aid ucucious summer resorts. loung man, don't bo afraid your horn, but din't do it in fro: procession; go behind and do it. O blow t of the A chap dreamed for twenty consecutive nights that ue waa out carriage ridioga id he couldn't imagino any rcson for the art, until ho discovered that his bed Was! a lit tle buggjv It is pleasant to see a husband and w play draw poker, when the wife hold the poker and the husband Jueaka'ofl to the nearest lager beer saloon and cells his friends that he Is trying to c iju self. m- New Advortisomonts. More O F TJIOSE ELEGANT SHIRTS WITHOUT A Rl VAlj. MDXSO.VS. -..1 ..i .i lust opened at -H- Law and Commercial ScbooIrBoobj A LL THE TEXT HOOKS ItEQUlREl) at anl Tneriuoinetrical. To Mr. D. C. IUlston, Sigbal Ofiicer at this place , are we indebted for the follow ing report ot the thermometer for Monday? Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (to-day) of this week : ! Monday, 10th 91 deg. at o'clock ; UJ deg. at 2 o'clock , maxim am lempera ture, 0-1 degrees. I Tuesday, 20th S3 deg. at 12 o'clock; S3 deg.; at i 2 o'clock-maximum tem perature, 01 deg. j ! Wednesday, 21st Si deg. at 12 p clock; 75 deg. at 2 o'clock; maximum tempera- tare, 87 deg. ' j ' . Thursday, 22d 73 deg. at 7 o'cock; 81 den. at 11 o'clock, i i i I i 1 Mind your stops. A compositor in set ting up the tost : "Woman without her, man would be a savage," got the punctua tion in the wrong place, which madej it read : "Woman, without her man, would v!m a.' n4rA 7J . Judge Cantwell a Law and Coinmercr School, Blanks; Stationery, Ac, AcJ, stantly on hand and for sale at M coh- UEINSIJEROEIfS. Lire Book and Muiic Stre., '".I ' Pianos, Organs and Chromos. ASH, T710R SALE CHEAP FOR C r i Or on the e&sj monthly instalment plan at aag 22 i HEINSBERQER'S. How to Make jMoney I i I1 if. BUY YOUR GROCERIES FROM 1 George Myers, I And save 10 to 15 per cent. Oar Stock,! it t Largest, Best and Cheapest in the State, 1 i CONVIJfCES CASH BUYERS - c i 1 of thia sarin; ! We invite all to SAVEMONEf I Our Qoodi , t ; ire Fresh with an immense Stock to i Select f rott. i New Delicate Butter, Foreign and Dorqfeitlc Cheese, Fulton Market Beef, Pig ( Hi Pig Pork, NEW MACKEREL, Beef Tongues. Our GOLD CHOP TEA is pronounced the Best erer offeredln thia Market! ' i I 40 to 90 Cents per Pound ! lamf. Our Wine and Liquor Department, Cneqnaled in the SUte for the, 1 1 OLDEST AUD PJ7HI3DT Wines, Brandies, Whiskeys,' Rum, Ida, Fancy Brandies, New Champafrtes, and all at Wholesale Prices at BotaiL 7 Only compare Prices and Quality aaJt&:n 'hand jour orders to ! GEORGE MYERS, CL 13 fl.iFHOIJT;OT 9, 11 aufrll Imperial Graniuin. THE GREAT MEDICINAL FOOD FOR Infanta and Invalids. , A freih supply just reeeijed aad forj sal Ij JAMES C. MD5DS, Drufiut, I . i 1 t I j anf 10 Third stret, opposite City Half. r SUBSCRIBE TO TIIE DAILY REVIEW. Only LO cents per month to city sabacrV bees. Office corner Water and Chestnut st up stairs. . i i i

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