!. ' . . ; ! . .-' . - .. j ) 1 1 a ,. . I ' 1 ' 1 I 1 - 1 .,,-ouiof the m. ,. ;;"A1! UUtbeday. s V'Jur banners out ! ..... .l-tdnl foiJM wing. .. u-rn-..,,OchantIcWr. . -. id :ail " cumlD mom. .it' r-uch the tlfry-Uwer. - :1 o beli: proclaim the hour. ? churchyard vrltli a sigh. -i'Notyvt! fur.uletlW. -, -" ' Jsii'tfell''': St York Tribane. A Dreadful Act. :f tri-h iurieatiuo is . v - - ffM -tir t-ok tlmuer with his fam- f " ,tJ 1 4tf froat room of the honse. r"'.'i ... nu Li wifn LcarJa Loise I'1 . : ..I Mho Trent i'" . f.nml tiVr husband I rJ- -.v " - .-7 2 t!e lJjor w,t!l a guu olose 1 rrnzzlc of which emoke was t.. .Tamtna:iuu uu jo iuo . . .!., nnn liatl rhflfCPtl l'- .1,. irm f!il A (iniDtltV I VJL-um then tHJUretlicto the bar n iuct - - - rV:,r which the unfortunato xaan r,'','.i..n!iii Iiiq month anil I. ".. '" . i i r.wtiW. drivin? the I fL-'ft'- UUHU iiJ utwr. -,uu . . tKin nnnur iim lint Hi " -.1 lirvnr were friffhtfallv "" . . t T r tirtl n strikiniylv fine Ii v'l.C- " " " O J creation, for be did not die That Car ACurlosIlj. ! . rtnu. of retcraburir. was in rt'Hetf riceatly. and showed us a . tI " I "ll.nl cai. iuo biorj 1 .. :'..!: i .i!l r l.tchiL out a brco;l of .V.l.iI aw uicu. leayiDK Cf cLicfcn in & !ifIUi.-8 auU loiloru u o u c-t oti tue preiaiaea iiir coLtliiiou iiaj puy ou Ti'j. liocTcr, declined to xieG "t' her otcrtures, uud ran when aooroached. Iu vain she "Jnd d purrtd, and used all her !iTi.clalry to assure them of the Lnt1. tbo ground, and bringing cs:worxa and carrying it as near the n ai thi-v vrould allow her to rrroicb, laid it down and withdrew1 . m .1 TL ...... Fc3'.iJ one oi mem saw it uuu mu bwiitnp. The cat repeated the cnnneat till the chickens, gaining cciiiecce, would run to ner wuea eter thej saw her scratch tig He ground. Thus thej ezi to follow her, and she fed When niffht came their instincr uz$A then to get under the cat fot ile.ter, and so she hovered them &a Uti ibe could every night and fed titacTcry day. Tho affair was so iSiztQ that tho fame of it went urcaJ, and a great many people came i) at "that cat." Anartit took his ipfiTitoa to the place, and just as the eLckei gathered under their feline I'jfp-nother for tho night he took their ploiogTiph, ac opy of which wo saw. Here the chickens are as contentedly peered under tho cat as ever a brood rtiered under' a hen. There, too, i the cat, seemingly ccmcioca t'Ler inability to do tho occasion hJ justice; but with a look of ttirlT iipncToleree. she was Lizg btr boat to meet tho responsi buLesehe had assumed. Then the i? the whito and black hair was part el ia the middle and combed down on tvh tide, after the old style, and so ucretsed the mothcrliness of her ap fcuce. Misy responsible persona vonch for truth of the story, and testified ii they have seen the cat, covering the chickens ; among them Rev. Dr. H. C. Wood, of Minneapolis, near l:ca city M that cat" lives. The phc 'gripber, too, is good evidence of the tr:ta of the story. A most wonderful ns is "that cat," more wonderful Whitticgton'a or Dame Trot's, or other. IDetriot Free Tress. One or Life's Shadows. ft eight o'clock the other morning Second street wife followed her hus tcl down to the gate as he was start er for down town, and kindly said to hia : "Miam, you know how sadJy I a blue bunting dress.' , 'Yes, dear, he remarked, but you t:cw how hard up I am. As soon as I fee ray way clear you shall have dres, and a new hat to boot. Be l-t, be good, and your reward -'ibe great. , J -y minutes after that he emerged a restaurant with a big basket y sh-po!e, bound up tho river. - tie I aket was a chicken, , pickles, j. fruit, pic and a bottle of li.juid r--- c'.or, and Le was just lightit: '::i:v cent o:g;ir when hs wif-jcamo I.t r 1 . fr. :..t . J ;. :.v. - - -.w.:. 1 ...... .:, ;: 1-, :. i A u pre-; ' ' I i ' ti t lit vj- it ! y 1 1 f " . ,''.! ' 1 .'l talk huJcr v.t! ' - k. 'T,! l i: j,u are 0:1. - - k" . . .'-,Iry.Lave 1 ever deceived you!,,lie --i.y asked. I never hate. Ah 11 proof of my I sincerity you can take this basket to tho asylum yourself I And I'll do it!' she promptly replied as she relieved him of it. Mary, hadn't you' No, sir, I hadn't. Yon'd better hurry up with that Cab-polo,1 as the man may want it, and be oareful how you stand arouno iu the hot sun!' She left him there. He watched her take the car for j home, and then ho returned the fish-pblo and cross ed the fitrcit and paid to an acquain tance: Tom, I'm suffering with neuralgia, and the excursion is off ti! next week. Too bad, but we can never tell what a day nay bring forth.' j j There was chicken, and jpickitv, and other good things bu tho table' at din ner, but ho never smiled. Even when his wife wished hhe was an orphan, if mat was the way they were fed, he never betrayed the gloom in his heort. It was only when Eho.t handed him the bottle he had so carefully tucked into the basket,- and hd eaw it labeled, Good for j Iittl.5 children" that he said: j j Mary,. it is an awful thing for a wife to get the impression that her husband is a cold-blooded liar !' j 'It must be,' sho replied, as she took the other chicken le. 'MiscollancouB. P I A M fl autiful Concer erand f R R A M riAnUpiapoa price SlCQOonlyUnUMIl $425. buperb Grind Square Pianos, price $1,100 onlr $225. Klegant Upright Piano?, frice $S00onlj $155. New Stjle Upright 'ianos $112.50. Orpins $35. Organs 12 stops $72.50. Church Organs 16 stops price $390 only $115. Elegant $375 ilirror Top Organs only $105. Buyers come and see me at home in am not as represented, 11 II Fare paid both ways and Piano or Organ given free. Larre I flat. Newspaper with much informa tion about cost of Pianos and Organs sent free. Please address pANlEL F. liEATT V, Washington, "ew Jersey. i aug 12-1 w 1111183! Parsons Pureatire! Pills make New Rich lilood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months.' Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a thinir be possible. Sent bv mail for 8 letter stamps. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. IJangor, Mc. . aug 12-4 w REVOLVER FREE teJfCS ridgetf. Address, J. Bown & Bon, 136 & 138 Wood st, Pittsburgh, Pa. aug 12 4w. i The only combination of tho trnn Jtmuci lincer O AMCflDnJCwith choice Aromatics and OAllrUnU O French Brandy for Chole- ra, Cholera Morbus,Cramps and Pains, Diarrhoea and J A m ti I R A Dysentery .Dyspepsia, Flat JH1IIHIUM uiency, Want of Tone and Activity in the Stomach uINuhni ing the dangers of Change of Water, Food and Cli mate. Aok for Sanfoko's Jamiica Gisgek aug 12-4w AGENTS WANTED ! Medals and Di- forllOLMAN'S t piomas awaraea SBW PICTORIAL BIBLES 2,000 Illustrations, i Address for new circu lars A. J. 1IOLMAX k CO., 930 Arch street, ...... AJ Philadelphia. luftwiw iiarrr Kli kf to Iocns Mkmi from the effect of Errors and! Abuses in early life. Mah-I hood RxsTOaxo. Impediments to Marriage! removed. Newi method of treatment. New aad remarkable remedies. Books and circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Howard Association, 419 N. Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution having a high reputation for i honorable con duct and professional skill. S o ti 0 I Quarantine Notice. O N AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE, 1S73, Quarantine will be enforced, as usual, on all vessels from South of the Cape Fear Hirer, and on all vessels HAVING HAD ANT KIND OFISICKNESS during their Toyae. PILOTS AND ALL PERSONS CON CERNED will please take notice and bring thir vetseLs to the Quarantine Station for Inspection. ! W. O: CURTIS, Quarantine Physician j l-2taw-5m Port of Wilmington, N. C. BRUCE WILLIAMS, j I ATTOHS7S7 AT LAW, 1 Pender County, N. C. : WILL ATTEND at Stanford, (liurgaw) every Monday, I and at his office at Lillington, the remainder of the week. - Collections and Conveyancing a cpeciauy. June 4-dJkw J T. W. STRANGE, (Successor to Kod't Straxge,) Attorney A.-t Hiaw, 1 Market St. between Second aad Third. I julv 8-6ni Wilmington. X. C. IMotice! -1 . . Preserve Your Teeth; it is tondusive to Health ! ! j .1 PRICKS a-.- vi:!.:r. f5sZU V rnrli f a'.!. A.I .'..r.tal S2fcS: ( r -- i: ? .--f v.v.rA s-xiilfallf I T- i M:Lf.ict .ritv. Arttf:c:.il jteth inserted r. fr :n . t. - t tuw wwk .a!'tr fxtracti'.'n :. i : t: t t.t c-Arar.ti I is every ir.iUce. TH0S.J3. CARR& i::ntit.-. :"iv- U.'. c No. 3,Markf:t. SON, U n 100.000 10O,000 DAILY ESrECTED I ! One Hundred i Thousand CIGARS. y r-. jj-epar J-1 otl-r at g"J (;ko. mylrs, 11 aai 1SS. Frost S Miscellaneous - Hk 6 c jdeDute WILL I THEREFORE INSURE AGAINST THEM By taking out a Yearly Policy in the LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF. MOBILE, ALA. MAURICE McCARTflY. President. II. M. FRIEND, Secretary. 25 Cents will insure againts Accidents for one day in the sum of $3,000 in the Event of Death OR. 815.00'Per Week Indemnity for Disahling Injuries. RATES ID ay 25 cents ; 2 Days 50 centsj 5 Days $1.25 ; 10 Days $2.50 ; 30 Days $5.00. Yearly policies issued at from $5 to $20 per $1,000, according to occupation, and written at short notice by artuur' j. hill, Agent, juneSi j Wilmington, N: C. Gold Chop Tea ! jgEST IN THE WORLD I 50 Chests just in. Selling at 9 0 cent per pound. We i i guarantee it the best in the market. 90 Cents per Pound ! Try it and you will use no'other. G-EO. MYERS. Sole Agent, i aug 5 1), 11 'and 13 8outh Front St. Steamship Lines, &c. CLYDE'S Mewl York AND Wilmington; W, d Steamship Line, The Steamer BENEFACTOR. CAPT. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK O SATUEDAY, August 24. ftr Shipper can rely upon the prTJt sailing of Steamers as advertised. gFor Freight Engagement apply to A. D CAAUI. Agent, Wilmington, U. O. L. S. HELD EN, Soliciting Agent WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General agents, "Rowlintr Green, or Pier 13. N, R. New York. I ug I9 al-timbre AND Wilminerton. 1M.1C STEAMSHIP LINE. Tho Steamer - -. r . ... D. J. FOLEY, CArT. PRICE, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, August 24. Steamers Sail from Wilmington every Saturday promptly at 12 M. jSST Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing cf steamers as adrertised. IS. Through Bills of Iiading- ea to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. I For Freight Engagementj apply to CAZAUX, A?ent, Wilmington, U. C. L. S. U ELD ESy Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Street?, Baltimore; York. aq2 19 a week in rour own town. Out, fit free. No risk. Reader, if you wanta business at which persons of eithtr sex can make great pay all the e thev wrS, writo for particulars to 11. :.L3rr'.0.,t,Jrtlta d, Maine, march mm Miscellaneous. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE ai Liie mm From Organization1 to r I Dr. ! To Premiums receiTed on tn na & v -- fiuui on stocks, etc.... 3,904,851 35 To Interest accrued ' g'l37 X To Increase in ralue of stockV- ' etc ...i ggj 21 To Deferred Premiums.etc.ne't ?105',221 G5 Q7C Til CT A C LTf nn U. 8. Bonds, Philadelphia, ana otner Stocrs ana Ioans ..$2,C00,448 93 Mortgiges, all Cm hens 2,484,121 17 Real Estate owned by the Co... 367,036 61 Premium Notes and Loans on i r Collateral...... 1,017,230 82 Cash on hand and in Bank 173 334 43 All other securities.. 238)511 30 ! $6,280,723 46 Estimated Surolus ovnrlthn "Dntnrun the laws of Pennsylvania and Nearly 65 per cent, of the Premium Receipts hais been 'returnevl to era since organization, in dividends, death claims, etc. The Interest-Receipts of the Company exceed the amount paid ! and Endowments bv $02,751 67. h The average dividends of the Tenn have tuns received. " J THE PEN N MUTUAL HAS $124!0F mch 11 Boots s,xxci Slioes. iJUST i Ladics'.elegant Centennial Sandal Slippars'; something" now, neat ami nobby. ! ! : ! Ladies' ewportJTies in great variety. 1 Another lot of tlnse elegant Serge FoxJShoes atj;f2.00: the cheapest in this market. Call and examine stock and price. auein , 1 I 1 The Patent Self-Actings Cow Milker BIT g Co. Every one who owns a cow should have one of onr wonderful Milkers. Sent free to any part of the United States on receipt of tf Send for cur Illustrated Pamphlet on the Cow, containing sectional views pj a cowj tjta ami hoc rifaaantoH nnil Rf lpntlficallv eXDlalnCd. OY Df8. Yl Ultli &P.'.l "Wilson of this city. Sent r4tad Ms xsUt, itfs. Tonsorial, HAVING AGAIN located in the base ment of the Purcell House, I have thor oughly renovated and improved the old stand and am now prepared to ehave,shampoo, and cut hair tor everybody. The best of work menVclean towels, ! sharp razors and low prices. ELYIN aRTIS, july 27 Purcell House Barber Shop. Reasonable Board. lfY HOUSlS IS NOW OPEN at smith 1V1 rille for the reception of visitors. Rates reduced to : , ' Month, $25.00 ; Week, 58.00 ; Day, $1.50 Single Meal, 50 cents. The table is supplied with the best the Market afiorda and evervthine will be done add t o the comforfe of guest. Large grove front of house for children to plav in. jaly 5 G. L. BAXTER. Quarantine Notice. -pROM AND AFTER THIS DATE, AND until farther notice, no vessel from the Portj f Harana, Matanzas, Key West, or New Orleans, will be permitted to approach the City of Wilmington nearer than the Quaran tine Station at Deep Water Point. I W. G. CURTIS, I Quarantine j Phyeician, ; auc c ii Prt of j Wilmington. I Lager Beer. i The Best inithe City and tho j Cheapest! 1 1 1?UR SALE BV TdE KEG, BOTTLE, OR X dozen. I ' i Try it this hot weather. j t. .-n : - . -nod aDPetite and stxh ii ia ju- - f. - I.1 sleep and make you healthy and wealthy ai ifie II. MAKCC3 4 SO.T. I - - - f -. r ni fl - I S 1 s -:g el Sfei UrJi s g e-s-5. g ;4. & & s s sJjJ B g, j ! II rlirl 2 f Z o n: r, Jr" 5 m f? r 2 ri. t r 1 O I a.- i a g- - s . j w - 1 I Mis collanoons. ; ' ' l T T Osm oi Pi December f 31,-1877. -i I Cr. By Death Lo.sc3 atd Endow- ments paid j By Surplus Premiums! .return ed Policy Holders! By Surrendered, Lapsed, and Canceled Policies...! By Re-insurance paid ctht-r Companies ?3,542,0S0 C3 4 , - m m .7fifllC 33 121,121 34 2,f.r;2,724 P2 By Commissions, Agedev Y.- penses, oaiarie?, etc uy laxes paia 120,713 83 1. C,2SO,723 46 By Balance of A?sets Jkn 16,936,741 67 LIABII JTIES Net Reserve ai 4 per jrent, tab!e,$5,2r0,336 00 Losses not yet due..... ...J... 113,352 IS Dividends of '77, to be paid in '78. lnrlndincr AprnmnUtiArn on Life Rate EndowmenL,etc SURPLUS, 4 per cent, basjs... H4.716 CS S72.31S 00 6,2S0,723 46 New York rer-uired by ;l,2i2.oco 00 tpe Polic-hold- or Death 'Losses been nearlv thirtv ner cent, of the Premi ' -H 1 ASSETS TOIEACHIISIOOILIABILIT I ES RECEIVED, i I I I j j THOMAS II. IIOWEV. No. 47, North Market Street. free to any address. . . GEO. E. KING, l-rcsiaeni. Office, 575 Broadway, New York. North Carolina at , Gettysburg:. APPLICATIONS ARE CONSTANTLY made for copies of THE OUSERVER containing the articles in regard to the con duct of North Carolina troops at Gettyburg. The number of requests for these, from the Northern States especially, has lately be come so great that, I being unable to supply them otherwise it has been determined to publish them in book form. The papers bn the subject, on both eius r;n k mrintorl inct si thpv anrjeared in Till W A I. v. : j 1. - - J I M l Tl DninnTfrn a TT ill m O V O A V Cil UIHC K1 some two hundred ipages. I The book will be printed on fair w cite pa per, with good, Iclear type, and in PfPer covers jwill be soldiat 25 cents each : to deal ers and canvassers at $15 per hundred. . ! j A library edition will also be made, f rintt-a on superior paper and handsomely 1 xund, !rhirh will b sold at SI eaeh : to deak rs anl 'canvassers at the rate of $60 per hundr I Single codes of either edition mailea paid on receipt of the price. i The book will be ready fr delivery fow TTAeVa Ordr accomraoied wiith are solicited. Address THE OBSERVjE april27 ialeiffh, N. Furniture. L AUGE'STOCK AND F J'a"itTC-ceivc;d and j FOP SALE LO IV LY d. A.l saixuA CO. PURCELL HOUSE r (Forruerly tbe NaLoual I joU-I.) N( ,11 FOLK j Vir.OI-N'IA. f J. R. DAVIS, ! Pr'p. J J rr ay.iarrnnl ItATr-S-l-T. 2 fc.bl? .-.-d&wtira to local l.t ! ! i ' .. . : ' ALTTTTT-J . , II CSKISDBrAStSOrTB.-----! ' THROAT; LUNCSlIVERfcBLOOIl I In the wonderful mr-lirire u which the affltrt e l are atxrvc ilirvU-l f r rrlirfj C dliwotct' l''!cves he ha- roml'inil vt Kirrriy morrTt Nature's hAfrewn curative impertfcr hif H liol InV.iiiM into the Ti-tab'. klnr1on ior neaunir tne sirn. u.an wrrf vr lforr ctn iiir.e-i in nc raencino. I lit' ct i. if nr. ot tin f-ct is tuuinl in tin 'rrat variety f raot obfttitwtr i;t'afcsA..ifh it ha U-cn fourL.1 to cormmfr. Iu U.c cure of llrour h ltl. Severe I uush.. an I the early iaj:i- it Conaii nipt lull, U a-tonishwt Uio me-llral faculty, an.l rmtneM I'hytinitis i.ninoimce it the preatrri im1iiLJ discovery of the aro. While t enre.i the rvr e-t (.'outi!', U ftreTijfihrn." u'iC fvMcm an-l purl fle Ihe blood, lly its preat and Uion uh Mixxl-i'urif mp i.'Ppeft:e!, it cur'' all; Hu mor w, fmni the wrt Scrofula to a coniuion Itlotch. llmplc,r liruptlon. Mercunal linease, Mierai l'oison, an.l their eSwlx, sre eradicated,! and virornu health an t t ixiuml constitution ttahlir.hst. l.r ) alpelaa. Salt rheum, Fever Sores, Scaly or ICouKh Skin, in hort,all Uie nniuenmsdiearsiraiiMsl hv ha.1 lil'f, are. eoniiiered hv tin wvv-cifuu' ..,,.1 .. II I I It vou foci dill nil, drov.vj delimitated, have.aal. Lin, it yen'ivih hrowu r4ta 0:1 low-' colbr of tV. face or Vwly, frequent hf."vlache or diMnp, lKi taste in nioittn, internal. Iie.it or rtull'f alter, rated with hot ilu-hcs, lovr f-jlnL, and jilooiuv" forebodings. Irregular apjetlte. and trtnjnie c-ated. von are Minerinjr from Torpid I.lver, or lslllouiiiea.? iln many cit rt "Lifer Complaint'? only ran of: the-e pvmptouis are exi-nencciil. Att Mnnhly for all euch cast's, Ir. l'ierce'4 (iolttcn; Meilnal'lM- c-overy ha no ejual. a.- itfffci'U rerfectlcurc, leaving the liver tftrtngther.ed and hcaithy. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT $1 PER BOTTLE Trcpared hr II. V. I'lEItCi:, yi. D. So; J'r"rict"f. ai drlds wim'enhakt, 1uT.ii- N. Y. . j . ; Til OOO OOO rr su'.T.ir-I iiali ti. Cu 11 re nt rated.1 II 00 nnd iltrlval JuK'f, A nti-lllllpu t;ri-.n:tl . TX12: 1-HTLi; il.tT MTS:.II't'It, r ?lultuni ii lxtr v J i'tiysit- T!ic i v. : riiM-ir..!"'-' ; . in vlern'Medicat (;!u:tjiic''.U aH I luU;: ii.-: vc, :i 1 1 I iia i-l"U- ii . 1 1 ;.::. t v a -i-ar. fi.i a.'a:i ': etr-t tl e c.it!ihrti". an-l ; i froi.i ths .in-t valil i.. 1 1 i ; -. .i. -l rr)i-i-:iti at th'm-ln(' . ar orv larcer than u :1 '!, c.i:i ! r I'lilv cwiiliuwi1'! ,1 !!a' ' ... I -:i-lt!e M'Hij:'i,h' td fa ' ). !i li i e l'urtfsitlvo l,elet :;i :t i.m t 'Mi.reiitr.iie l f'rin, iu iiiitctt' ..v. '! -. 1 t !ii! !ifd in any nf tl'' .. f..i--'i ! i5, : ale in dn:ir-h;'. Kruin '.. r;.'. r.i:;!..ir!i'-. nver, in -'uiiartMti . t, vi- .plii i M" have n"t tried thi-iai ari' that' t:. i v-.lie liarh r dratlc t : -n. ii i -, not at all thoe-ue. the diSerei.t i.;t; rilK ijile-. ill V!iii-!l triCV HMJ' j- t, hanutir.uedj and nuwlijlefl. ,:l i lrt-1 ll.l its to iiro.iuci! u iiiioi Ii i si:r 'iii 'I thoroiiKht ' ceiHljr liiisdlyj ope rat I iiR, utharlic. ' ill.' .-! Krtvard i- hrehy offered .by tb rro- i.ii .n i.naiv-i-, l.r. t in tneni an yii iioint-i .vr ..i.'u-i- f u n.- t l.-ii iciir.. , u.uuial i-utson. Or In- imuoii.i uni;'. ' IteliiK etitir Iy vegetable-, ii'i i4 rarticuinr tit t Mm J - ------ V r m ,;.Hr I- ie.,.lire I V.i,u li il.J tl.eiil. tjf hey .11r- 'tho-.it li,-S.'.n ii.u i to iHe-ettnititutloii, dUTt ,r ,.r.:nu.uio-n. For Jau nl lee, lleiidaobe, , C onstipation, Imptirr Illood, l-nliil in Ihe Miotildern, Tl;htiie. of, tUo (,ol, Ullii", Sour i:ructatIoii from t!o stomach, Kud tat In tho nioiitli, Itilloti atiarM. nlu, Iu re , J o , .III Kidney-;- IM. "aljl;r; Itloated fciliiKabondMomn1b.ftali . f,r i Itlood id HradJ iiub-k-olored i r i" , iio-lablllt mid !" 7 i or, -.odiiiff, t..:.. ir. Pierce', ll en-- , ' nx v S""vt IN.Jlcl-.ri -M l' L ., .1.. .. v t il'-ea.-e--. I l-fi V , ;.V,tr the r Action upon the u ilmul Uue VaiVlnu : tJ.elr -anatUjo Im- 1,1-tl! 1 Ciit Tr.i- i.-irwi'i-, 1 lati-I I .1 -' . t ' e.r :rtue- im 1 1 af u l.v i,r---ryi- ! t;' 1 j..r any leTiUi of uua' in :u-y f-:.:i.;.U-. -' ...... iViU- Mh;!!'i ar" 4 -;u-teS.ard 'b-v- . - ;,bi.,.w!.n: a I.ail lrs:atlvf, s ; !-V vi.i ti.-..- j- v' i riot 'the r,to V.l'Uri' . 1 r, h' -a; u oo.' n r.':-i-e-i hat f(-r- all.- d c,' Alfrntlvr. o.4i e i.iiii- i .... ,n t a.i x j ail Drtiirsfit -a T'ev arc oia 2j c?iit- a.boltle. ! , j IlTJltTALa X : I ' III' 1' I ' ' ' ' ' i I 1 ' ' ' - J .. j u. : - U.S. t--iiJv rJ Br-ua -L--jir wrnicINE CO.t KU Mni" :ti j - V T'uT'"" I i " ill'.. 1

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