I M ,! I IBWMMBHMMBMi. .,, . HMMMMMMMMMMM. ! MVMMMIIW II I MMMMMBMMHMMM- ?IW I Mill - ; . !. ' , 1 : ' ' 1 ..-nREABV O.V GOING P1 P TOirllUBCII. ...- "u " , .... ihe church Kl ' r: , twr! an that; . ! ur' rl,-Ui'le thine-. do you . L . .W ... fi rhlircli. - -;rah. ..fourth. nut go .... ...aui.sy.uriuw .lriss - 1III "I I V w . t-tu walK, ... ... i t. tl.txlUh rlturc! ., .a " i Ml..' ...! viU l...w i uai i - - - j.U i.ul t Hie." ?, uit:.i.t wrui: t-t. ,- l-.X 15 ! ::".! -V a-14,1 -vic-'- la the 1'awk.' (Ler;' ol Po.t) Ilanlnz a Woman. . vjgn was executed yester- J:.r;f lfur .-LiM. at IULceston, 5-- .. . r... ! ,.. Tim rebrn- 'v.,..,.: tuepn Leiii- refund :'.;!liS, tu tLe pruou. home diViCUl- . . . I ... ..I.tnitilrf unv circura- ;,t:cuJiLf5tLo cxecutioi. but .jca;h Ulected. There had been t 7i.Atiuain Hat jail for eixtcen Up to 7 xnorniDg u tin rreT;cu8' believed that a woa'.d arriTed, but at that t' e Ctk of the Peaco to tho effect i'tLe Hone Secretary could not see iV.iT to interfero with tho due :.e of the law. An hour later tho '"sanite tronaa had paid the psn xll htr enne. Tho chaplain re edTTithhcr frora7:15 until tho vUll. SLu nibbed greatly as eho ,ktJ fuca thu cell to the :J. cn CMccLdicg the etepa i LturJ t ear, 'Lord, deliver me a thi r-:serablo world." Jdat wood, tXtcuf.oser, cave a drop of eiht r.LJ WiJgo died without a fctrug- , jjraM'it S ughtly in Ler Laiul a :Jktrcu;rt. 'lho accused, it will be ubortd, threw Ler child tlowu wii!, td ut her trial nllcged r Lc Lai been induced to do so by L.a taucd WtStWOOd, who Wtt3 -rttcR Ler, and who, she said, pro il tu marry her if sLc Rot rid of cLuIJ. Tnc jury who found, her ircucirucnded her to mercy on tv r groacd of her previous love for be r : Jrtu, arid because they considered r snrdcr was uupreuiediUted; but 11 X f. Justice IK'uman, in passiLg lULCof deatb, inp!ored tbo ac cJnot to rest upon the recommenda i3, althoajh ha would forward it to ejTPprr iarter. Since thau op ili from ail parts of tho country ! :.ve been Mat to the liozno Secretary, Ifiji fcr a remission ox tho tctce, . but wiiuout avail, txccutiou was originally. 4 fur Monday lait, but it was post ed nil yesterday morning, as Alar J ttcocetatut prevented him II iu eoatcg earher. After her cou aciucc, VYaJge received a letter tLe zuau Westwood, who was a :os ut her trial, begging forgive k When his letter was read to her, reply was : "'Yea, ho needed for- Ler rstis for many things, or words tilt effect. It is said that eho made ft&me&t to .tho Chaplain, which tie rtTeread gentleman intenda for- to the Hone Secretary. (New York iiail.) Expensive Curiosities ocg curiosities that aro works of t Stewart's i i a shawl that was le for Empress Eugenia. Itjis the art exquisitely hne embroidery oi rsoa a ground-work composed icull has Jwoven squares set to- tf ft ria the most delicate manner, -e lathe embroidery that to a l observer it looks almost liko rework. Theahawl was boucUt Cl Mr. htewart for SC0.000 at the time -aprc4H JLugeaies possessions 'ere A ow. I or a llounce of lirusseis tlace he paid 8100,000". 1 LilAdelphia Times. ) Th Confederate Archives. TL e tUteaeat that General Marcus ":gbt, formerly of the Confedo- .f "rT. has been made custodian t Confederate achives and that he r. UcJd the Southern Historical cety fro access to them, is de c.are.1 by the War Department to be ost foundation The achieves are ia c-rKe of Colonel Scott, U. S. A., coae but sworn officials of tho de- dli !Zt LaTe acces to tbem. Tho t wtraent has, however, promised c' ?0 eru IIisfical Society copies crula papers in exchange for im Jfit original documents in iU pos- L Ship Notice. T A ALL PERSON'S are bcrehv yt . , nnit aarborinjr r uun?anjortne Crew of the B.itub bri "BAT", ac bo debt a-u:r orConji,. s ALEX. SrRUXT A SOX, u Lonuptef . YDtWlsk in tue ISJW1?31 wkI JOURNAL turner it, a.i ... . Bo Ily . v-ucslchi f tree t, ' j riifal cue, all theofliceir. tti Miscollanoous. B. D. MORRILL, it Undortakor, Carpenter and Cabinot-Makor, Third Street, Opp, city Hal I "T7ILL FURNIHU COFFINS and CasketJ with attod&nce at abort notice. Ordcri for Carpenter work and Cabinet rork repectfallr an eiteJ and promptly ex ecnted. All work guaranteed. feb Quarantine Notice 1 KOM AND AFTER Til IS 1 ATE, AN D until farther notice, no Tejjvl from the PorU . f I f Harana, Matanto;, Key mVt t, or Xew I I Orlcar.i, will be permitted to approach the City of Wilmicffton nearer than the Quaran- I t Une Station at Deep Water Point i l J W. C. CURTIS, j Quarantine Physician, au C Port of Wilmington, PIANO!f'rpcsc1roo"oORGAN $ti5. Sunerb Grand Sauare Pianos, crice $1,100 only $225. Elegant Upright Piano?, i rice $H00only $155. New Strle Upright 'ianos $112.50. Orzats S35. Organs 12 stops $72.50. Church Organs 16 stops price $300 onlj $115. Elegant $.175 Mirror Top Organs only $105. Rajers cine and sse uik at home f I am nt as represented, It i; rare paid both ways and Piano or Oran given l"rej. Large Hist. Newspaper with much informa tion about cost of i'ianos and Organs cent free. Please address DANIEL K. UEATTV Washington, New Jersey. I aug 12-4 w Parsons' Purgatire Pills make New Rich Blood, and will completely change th blood in the enure system in three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from to 12 weeks may oe restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent bv mail for 8 letter sumps. I. S. JOHNSON A CO., Bangor, Me. aug 12-4 w nruni urn rnrr aeTen-enot kctoi nCffULfCn mCCTerwith box cart ridges. Address, J. Bown & Son, 136 fc 138 ood st, I'lttsburgb, l'a. aug 124w. The only combination of tho truq Jamaica uinger C A M LnDnJCwith chice Aromatics and OM1U U1IU O French Brand y for Choltf ra.ChoIera Morbus, Cramps . and Pains. Diarrhoea and I a M A I K A Dysenterr.D vspepsia.Flat "l"",vr ulency, Want of Tone and Activity in the Stomach PlilPrn an Bowels, and aroid Ulrtuhjli ing the dangers of Change of Water, 1-ood and Cli mate. Ask for SANFOHu'd Jamaica Gin'gku aug 12-4 w ACCXTS WAXTED ! Medals and Di- for HOLMAN'S i ploma.i awarded x,:w PICTORIAL BIBLES 2.C0O Illustrations. Address f.r newcircu- lars A. J. HOLM AN Jfc CO., 930 Arch street, Philadelphia. : aug 12 w - TTTrrrKsxiToUJUNMBjr from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man rood Restored. Impediments to Marriage remoTed. New method ot treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and circular! sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Howabd Association, 419 N. Ninth St, JPhiladelphia, Pa. An Institution hating a high reputation for honorable con duct and professional skill. R C3 H s O S3 -tf S T. W. STRANGE, (Successor to Rod't Strange,) jctovnaY Jt Law, t i Market St. between Second and Third. july 8-6m Wilmingtnn, N. C. PURCELL HOUSE ! r , (Formerly tbo National Hotel.) NORFOLK VIKGINIX J. R. DAVIS i Pr'p. ItATrj J-'s f2 5C and Si rr day, accord. IS dAwGm ns Ui location. feb CITV OF WILMINGTON, S. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, I i August 5, 1878. Notice. LL PERSON'S SOUTH OF WILMINO i i i i of the cities or towns on the ton, from any Sea Coast where Yellow Fereri or infectious 1-1,1 or contagious diseases eibt, will) be Quaran tined for Twenty Dart before being allowed to rUit the City of Wilmington tlis order to be enforced until iforemberjlst, 1878 Any peron Tiolating the aboTe order will be fined Fifty Dollars and imprisoned not less than one month. There will be) a Police man stationed at the Depots on the arrival of trains, who will enforce the aboTe order. By order of 8. II. FISHBLATE, augS Major of City of ilmington. urniture. ARGE STOCK OF NEW AND FRESH (lOOI)S. Jat received and FOK SALE LOW BY au. 9 i). a., smith vt a. caamake monev faster at work tor us than at anything else. Capital not re quired; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, wo men, boy i and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the lime. Costly out fit and terms free. Address Tan A Co., Au gusta, Maine. - . . inch 6 MisceUaneous - WILL IB THEREFORE INSUREl AGAINST THEM Ry taking out a Yearly Policy in the LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF 3IOBILE, ALA. MAURICE MCCARTHY. President. t II. M. FRIEND, Secretary. 25 Cents will insure againte Accidents for one day in the sum of 33,000 in the Event of Death OR. t S15.00;Per Week. Indemnity r for Disabling Injuries. " RATES 1 Day 25 centa ; 1 DajB 50 cents; 5 Days $1.25 ; 10 Days$2.50 ; 30 Days $5.00. i earlv policies issued at from $5 to per fl.uoa, accord in g0" occupation, and j written at short noticv.oy ARTIIC?i J. HILL, Agent, june25 Wilmington, N: C. Gold Chop Tea !i! JEST IN THE WORLD! 50 Chests just in. Selling at 90 cents per pound. We guarantee it the best in the market. 90 Cents per Found ! Try it and you will use no other. GEO. MYERS. Sole Agent, aug 5 0, 11 and 13 South Front St. .... t Steamship Lines, &c. CLYDE'S ew York Wilmington, N, Cf Steamship Line. :Tho Steamer REGULATOR, CAPT. DOANE. WILL SAIL FROM NEW TORK O SATURDAY, August 31. . gr Shippers can rely upon the pronfpt sailing of Steamers as advertised. fJor Freight Engagements apply to i A. D CAZiLXTZ. A?ent, Wilming-ton, P3T. C. L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent WM. P. CLYDE A CO. General A.geots, Bowline Green, or Tier 13. N. K.. Hew York. aug26 auDmraoire AND. Wilminarton- U.iC.s STEAMSHIP LINE. Tho Steamer CAPT. OLIVER, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, August 31. Steamers Sail from wilmiiurtoii every Saturday promptly at 12M.' Shipperi can rely, upon the prompt sailing OI steamers as advertised. Through Dills of Xiading- gTen to and from Philadelphia? and Prompt DiipatCh guaranteed. ( For Freight Engagements apply t A. D. OAZAT7I, Agent, , Wilmington, W. C. L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General A gen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore; York. muz26 a week in your own town. $ Out fit free. No risk. Reader, if you wan La business at which persona of either sex can make great pay all the they work, write for particulars to U. v lrtt k Co., Portland, Maine, march t v- i $66 MisceUaneous. CONDENSED STATEAffiXr" hp rrTTU- M Meal Life Hmm Company of HeJellia From Organization to Decenibcr 01TS77. i I . ' . j Dr. To Premiums received $12 814 670 OS 10 luiciw icticu, proci on ftocks, etc To Interest accrued. To Increase in value of stocks . 3,W)4,851'35 88,137 38 etc.. i.... L. 23,861 21 To Deferred remiums.etc.net 105,221 C5 $16,936,741 C7 JASSETS.. U S. Bonds, Philadelphia, ana , other Stock and Loans $2,000,44893 Mortgages, all first liens 2,484,121 17 Real Estate owned by the Co... Premium Notes and Loans on Collateral Ca-sh on hand and in Bank...... 367,036 61 1,017,230 82 173,334 43 238,511 30 All other securities $6,280,723 46 FefirvmrArl Siirnlup m..i.u. it thn lnw rf Dnnn.. ...w . vniiojiTduia ana new. T O r k Nearly 65 per cent, of the Premium Receipts has hem Ti ers since organization, in dividends, death clairri etc i me iukui;ak-iMs.cij)is 01 ne ijompany and Endowments by 62,751 67. liie average dividends of the Penn have urns receivea. 1 TmEchPnNN MUTUAL HAS $10F The Patent Se J t very one who TftUbUU Hay isiij, la7b. Office, 575 Broad way, New York. fcJUST i Ladies' eleantJCentennial Sandal SSlippers ; sometliing:;. I Ladies' Newport fries in zat variety. Anotli2r lot oflt'.ioso olpcanf .Sorgo Fox in this market. Call audfixamine stock ar.d piicp. aug 17 jgEW iv o. 8, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine QOMBINES ALL THE LATEST Sewing Machine improTements and makes it the best in the market. Call and swe this Machine be- I ' " tore buying any other and get reduced pric Hit. We keep full line of Needles and Attach ments for all Machines, Oil, Thread, Silk, Cord, Ac. I Also full stjck of the famous Butterick Paper Patterns of garment.) Office 23 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. i .... WUEELER A WILSO.n w. b. okr. Act f aus 23 i Tonsorial: I LTAVIVG AGAIN located in the ae- Li ment of the Purcell House, I have thor- ouehly renovated n.d improved the. old stand nd am now prepared to shaTe,shampoo, ard cutbair lor everybody. --The be.t. of work- moTi niv a. cnarp KLTIN ART1S, prices, julj 27 Purcell House Barber Shopj BRUCE WILLIAMS, ATTOILWS'Sri AT IiAW, Pender County, N. C. wrti t iTTCVD at Stanford, (Burgai ) W- eTerj Mondaj. -J-" " LUUngton, the remainder of tie weeic. . ColSSiona and Conreyancing a Specialty. jane4-dAw .1 e CO "ii lllb ' 1 SS ?r Eo 5 4' i ;3 - hid i s ts p ' JSr J 1 Q o c i 7 o-j J o a o - " i , I r - . T!T-!T 1 Z7mmmmmmmmfummmm Miscellaneons. Cr.i By Death Losses and Endo uirou paia........ ; By Surplus; 1'remwmT return ed Policv Holder Canceled Policies. Bv lle-insuraiice paid "other Companies.. L By Commissions, Agency : T--" pecses.Salari, a $3,842,059 3,7??,2i2 764,116 121,121 ByTaxMlpaid.......! . By Balance of Aset; j&n"i'"'7 ,02,724 12C.713 fr3 6,280,723 46 9iR Til e.7 T T i I T IT"- t ' Net Reserve at 4 per ceit, ubIej$5,2X,: Losses not vet diue. T ' ' , nV Dividends of '77,' to'be pk7d'in'- ,336 Of ,352 1- 7ft ' ?ti7ti;. . . . i on Life Rate EndwxPEt et :t7ic GS ... .w.-, i trr cent, oaLS 872,318 f 6,28,723 46 1 . " ' w '. uirou by S1.2I2.0COOO turned t thf rilcv-hoid- exceea the amount T pil .l-.T J,)eath Losses hifn .p - irly thirty per ccnt.!ef the Frrmi ASSETS T0:EACHn$lW!LimiT f-Acting Cow Milker HTg Co. I I owns a cow should have one of our wonderful M j! t CEO. E. king, President. RECEIVED, 1 I -I""" Shoos at sl'.)' j ihpj.viipafost- North Carolina at I i Gettysburg:. APPLICATIONS ARE CONSTANTLY made for eopies' of THE OBSERVER containing the articles in regard to the con duct of North Carolina troops at Gettevbunr The number of requests for these, from the Northern States especially, has lately, be como bo great ttiat, being unable to, euppl them otherwise it has beea determined to ipublish them in book form. I ' The papers on the subject, on both sides will be reprinted just as they appeared in Thk Observkb, and will make a volume o some two hundred pages. The book will be printed on fair white pa per, with good, jclear type, and in paper coTcrs will be sold at 2o cents each : to deal ers and canvassers at $15 per hundred. A library edition will also be made, printed on superior paper and handsomely bound, which wiI be sold at 51 eaen ; to dealer? ana canvasserjs at the rate of $0 per hundred. Single copies of either edition mailed post paid on receipt of the price. I The book will oe ready for -dearer? in a few weeks. Orders accompanied with cash are solicited. Address THE OBSERVER, ,apri!27 ' Raleigh, N. C. Ecei Cnol"! Keep. ("obi ! i i mHE .UNDERSIGNED is now prepared to L i furniih Hoi or Cold or fctower j;atna at his Shaving Saloon under the First National Bank, at the Hr pries if fifteen cents frr Co'd and twentf-five centi for AVarin 'Hath-,. Furmaiksk ! "s relehrated .! tfr. ! Tin-oi.intil i , 1 llilir All lin aioi , ; which removes jdandruff, cleansef t.'.e rca?, and atrenrthens and invigorates the hair, on : band and for aalje by the bctl.c. )i Gentiem-, who wiib any thing dune iu the , TonaorialIinerwi:l b-i pieced alter a irtal at 1 u popt;ar Sharing Sa!a ui-der th N a , ?k ' i - r v - - , In the Basexuent '1 the Fir.-t National l!ar.k. juby 10 For Sale. hi 1 lllF. (;t)UD WILL. Macs ana turei complete of the Oi:.c aiuon ana xves rantjrituated on Castoia House Avenue, he Citr of Wilmingtoii, N. C , favi rab4y tao in fhik known f 'all visitors aj the"Co::iw Re.taur-ant-' For further information api ly to W. M. COLLIN'S, Agent, 1 poaUl!ice Box 20, Ur. 5j j Wilmington,' N. C. . Pent free to any part of the United States on receipt of 2. .Send tlr .w Illustrated Pamphlet on the Cow. containing KiH.-tional views of a Trows teats and bac aissected and scientifically explained, by Drs. White an I Mlson of this city, bent free to any address. , I 'i j " noat and nobby, i IV: i J. 1 I ' 1 ' i 1 . " 1 'Tiinf ij ir iiiiUri7' ;No. 47, North Market Strfeet. J T SPEER'S Port Grr2-)c Wiinc Vt A xzi I!-Jreii of CftE-rc-munu-r. purposes. Also- ticn? f.'t CIL: Escellcat for Ladies aadlVcali'lrP sons and thd Arcd. CS 42 33 i . A.' L 34 2 00. vHl,Trc-:pcct Vineyard?, Now .Jersov. X . I; ! ! . Y IV Wine i? ma. ie t-riii t: e Grai e, raiftd in ti.ia c 0!..rt.. abk-. Tonic , and Stentlieiiics; i Prcuerlies are unsurpassed bv aay; fthtr native win-. Reing the pun-juice ..f t!.e jraj. , roudr.t tinder Mr. ..Speer' own J'l rsoiial f upervil-itc its puritv and trenuincness ar ptiarajiteed. The youne:c?t child may partake of its jtfJ ner ous qualities, and the weaiett ii. val il may use, it to adrantage. It is ji'rt:.-cul.yly b;nt licial to the aed und debihtkt-tl, knd cuiU-d to the various ailments tLiat Ur.liot thojWelaker . i sex. It Is. in every refl ect. A WINE TO a f I RELIED ON. I H ijrVAT.rij.s mi: svkel .sront uk.n wrxj:. . 1 FEMALIX US1 UVXK .v'J FOXTL i! a n: J WKA KI. V PKIiSOrM-l-T.S Jiy its i s:. i SID A r,i .v; Speer'. Vine.- in Hi.-j ua! to other Wine?. Sold bv Drujrpi.- grz'.t nV, Speer's SMndiir-i W'ir: JiiJU i ) j nlied bv a,r wJi:ii"-ao!!l; if. t i.:-t ti signatur; oJ' i r .1 J r. ovt-r the r-irk ofrarh til A . Sl'KKivci Mt. J'ro prrt- Vir.ev.irdi!,N Jrr.i'v. Oili.'v. No. : t V!rt r. St. '.-w t For rv'-t.' fiUI'tA-.;-: i;A N i' IJy'Jts great a'D'l thortURh Mool-t)nrlfylnr propr t!etiI)r. l'icr- lil i Medli-nf liroviry cureJ .ill Ilumorfr"m ihe cr-t krorltt to a conittjoa Kiottb. IMnipK. it Lruptlon. -MtrCurllil llHra-, Mineral I'uImui-, nii'I llj.'ir rffect, are Jradlraf't, tin-1 iporiiis hcalUi aii-l a (-ontui rom!ltuil"U' ttal lll!i l 1IihIu. hult-rlu uin,' Ft vt lort. Henljr or liougb hLUt, in hlinrt. nil m-earns ijli l rv lt 1Km.J, are couuier-l by tUa JiOWcXlui, luili U.fc, aa4 in It'i.r.il Ini ineilk lne. lix.cl.iUy ba it u.ani.stel Hn potrnrr In Tetter. Jtoao luah, lilm f arbana lea. rort ennnr K-rnfulou r ond rwelHnn. WhIM rtwcUina Ooilre or Tlilek -e k, ujj1 taUrrrd GUnl. , I I If you f ( t dull, 'liow.-y, lielihut. 1. hare crknr of fakln. or Vellibtl-br.wn Fpot rufar iT iiionih. inteninl beat r rlilil alti rnatoil fith ri"t liu.-lies. luw t pirlt. and K'l""uy l"reb.dlng Irrern fippeJiti-. nii'f t'.i.(.'ii' ( ...-it. rl. Von nr.; ulT rUif fr lrreruur fippeJ Iti-. rill'l e.;n. ;i. it fire, miii ruif iroui Torpid. Ller. or KU1oubci." tin m&ny cii of Liver omiulot " t iilv nrt o ii,. o rn.uUi am rleije-J. A' a r T'Hfely for f"i' t1 ca.. Dr. J'n re( tOi'Kii Mt :eai i 'isinyi ry uu uu kijiiw, m It ellt et.j . I r.et : lei X, "'. ;il t urjt s m In the. eiire f HroncMtK r.-ro Ctmgba, atiil early t-t in-.iral faenrrv.aii'l u irn rit phyu lam irvurnwp it tlic Kreatet iu( !iral Ol;ovt ry of thu af -. VtUS It cures then .' n-t 'oub-,li t In! iu na lUQi jtttli and parlflitb; blood, hold lv lrin.'jntB. . I l:. V. lIhl: ivM.'IK. l iop r.Wwiirj.DLlHaiarj and luvalids? Jlot-.l, Lui?A jS. Y. . ; XotM of takln the lar?c,rcpnl.nanwoorp!. Tf,r i rtlk-fi arc ncMrrrFr lurgrr the TZZJ , Uelnc catlncly tt tkr. n particular r U re-t fjiilro-i while Vlug mem. 'J be? For JdJc. UuWbr. WIU.. n- . . .Zl. w IUIUm af tiluk i la tl rr or WM-ra. I.trrAl vrr, IttnaicJ fctng llMl They aro iujrar--oati and ucioJ 13 fUHt tttW. tiw ir virtue bH nr Uk n. ' r J " r v cd ur. Iw. pal rt-l f . Z?wayi Tfniy and Triable ThU 1 no? it tor a! t adiw hero alia o! vc7 AlttT, , r I i WlU glv aad Lavali rm DR. SACrS'CATABBH;EHEDT pr" r4'il -!n f tV wsrst faj CatwJu r . .. .. . . .. .t.j.:!tv. TiKlit.H Pft'VlV - iSti. 7 CTtwr appue.1 by W of Dr. farrieS mill cr nwiLr fi-njio to ail ,r3 an4 ulcer frtutatlr aKu sart from wtJtk T i-. I . - H it'' . T.-t Cvf J-0 'A'- I j If - 'I ' I wax frs; r-tomrli. lutih or lijon ;y, - IlcaMBt IV Uca. In t; liCi;!',n '-f ti. remedial twtr cf l'ttrVaflv I -t' t -' preat a variety of d1 a.s,H wiyf-o ' ij..1 , ik.biuiiutiaini . 1 V. I'lKia E. M, J .. PitorTt. Wc:HTi VMM 1 r'VVtr? J a'b-.t51tarr.'n: Xf rntKtarrai Lu-rr2 STrii. t.ru:el.U Jf: Jr total U. priv.. cf !tcfil - f, wuf th sym wga ars-U-J jxoU. accpnyln4 each mnrumeriU Jlr. t,"1 cr 1 i I i -