0 2 DAILI TU13 PXFEB JAMES, .rH. T. J1WSS. POSTAGE PAII. r I SrKff 5 S Si month., f 2 50 ; Three I J,trr One 50 cents. 1 Vai b. eliered by carrier. 1 1 r f'fr tof tic city, tth - i I i " la aar P' VOL. 3 : WILMINGTON, N. C I THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 1878. ! NO. 185 ' ... reCeire mer " ' Z " - Xcw Advortisomonts, Special. LOCAIi NEWS. )0VO 4 New Advertisements. Mcxias Wamautta Hhirtf. j N. II. Sracsr They most be sold. P. UnssEEROia Call and See Tbem. S. Jewett Stationery and Fancy Goods J. C. JIfXD.4 Druiat. i Roddick, Duprcz au$j Benedict ari to r-pon th.r soasm in Norfolk ncit Monday. 45 MARKET STREET. The FayTcmpleton troupe will jrform l in Ualeih to-morrow evening. The nights arc really somewhat cooler, T.U. CO.NTINL'E TO SELL AT TllK FormerLow Prices. Ir,J.sect"f tie recent advances hare determined to Rite Lut the 'lays -well, don' them. . talk ?bout Pari benuets are conspicuous t or the absoiKvof feathers flower alorio b?ing ued hi their places. Mr. il. M. Katz. will go North :.bout the ortunitr of laying in lirst of next week and wLon he returns every lifHiy will hear from l.un uinmsii ui- columns cf tha Ucvi&v. lowwt figures titrvti tu- oir ir t.IIi J at thv r.r rt i 1.11 r..-..5UTcloue!ca f r the r-" Tear, ii! iabj'ia the following : lncachccl Cotton. I.UrU-sLIftlcC ctniifcr yard, is ,ieu- Skirting Z, S ctn!i per yard. 1 4 cru: Slirtit, cents per yard. ! g:JU! or Urtic?, J clU per yard. ! 4 Fitit .f the L- om Shi: tin;, lCc peryard. 4 4 .UL-wc -v'S" A Sorting, 10c rr yd. 1 1 nrwcH SUrticjr. 10 cents rer yard- . 4 4 UtrUU blirtini:, 10 centi rr yard. 4 4 Waan an So. 1 Sbirtinp; 11c per yard. Tlci.ty cf showers, acd just such weath er as tends to propagate jand pri a-1 dis eases. Heat , moisture a id vegetahle de composition nru Sft,;lt prnmoters f ?ick- . T ! ncss. Mr. .. IXvid, tie clothier, has'n tr.rri cd fn m the northern markets. Ju addi tion to his usual immense ttock of cloth ing Lc iufvrnis us that he will open a new department, with a large stock of hat for jfeiits and b -w. ! . platters in Wilmington.! G. D. (Maj. Graham Daves ?) writes a 1US citv, the Raleigh iu which i the Relief Tor the Sufferers. uurKawand Onslow Railroad. Our reporter made the rounds this Bubgaw, Pkkdzr Co., N. C, .... ... SenLti' 18TS. I mormng.of course visitrng the most public Mi:.;Editok: The vcrv lan-e crowd ver' nteresting places of resort to find whether there were that greated Ool. Waddell here to-dav Observer, from t i ! i ui r.f- I furnished an nnilian K . . ' iiuv LUULiiuuLiun uuii'h anil wuil ruuiu u,uto iui iiiv luuuou uiusi r m rin r r i uu :r .u J meeting which adjourned at Jacksonville L,...1 . " . Fua uueu put .Wb vu-uy iu u. - here. This inrr. intP.,f !. wu biasl1 o! the pri the figures sufferers by the fearful scourge of yellow manifested and this universal desire to see haTmS evidently been obtained frob ' the fever. At the Bank of New Hanover this road completed, should animate and teble published by thoRr.viEw on Meudav ana national liant, there were no ooxes; V"XW""6 vuwowinenas 10 aeiermi- last, out which the correspondent neglect; at the drug stores it was the same case, r CUUCi , . to state. But ill. iiin'i. Mir m'nn n i i a . a . . . - . - " o o caiicvi iu uiuci we are so used to this sort i'de by except at Messrs. Green & Flanner s.who piacing Dr. Satchwell in the chair, and oHhiaS our exchanges that we don't apprised of the importance of taking m requesting D. J. McMillan to act Secre mna 11 rnuch.pnly yesterday we foiiml th! RntrfPstlnt, ,f tho Tfvtpw man thv i lary. committee aDDomted aa draft the Ilohpsnnlnn tn-n .mmedutoly adopted lb. pUn; at tLe BVS'wiui?h.toR no from tb. Wlmiatoa and 1 urcell House the same wa3 the case and which was unanimously adoDted- credited to that paper, (of bourse) and the Mr. Howell Cobb immediately put the! Rcsolccd. That we are gratified and I ther from theDMLv Kkv'iew atid with- idea in practical forni. At the Empire lencoaraged by the manifestations of pub- out a word of credit. But this ii a di- HoUSc.hidoah,d not -ot ton acted K'.hat tbo SiSiAZl A'T W? " t0 '"TJ-H upon but possibly would be. At the Burlaw down into OnsW will ho aParagrapn lrom (.r. D s. letter toi the different restaurants and saloons we structed and in practical operation at no Ferrer relative to a ' paint stone'' PLEASET NOTICE. rroraonr friendj on taf asd U sntjettief ncaerai latere? t but : ! The naaa of tha writer n rt ality. farniiaed to lb a Editor. CoaunuuJcAUoBj mart b Wrltteiij na cal os3 nee of the paper. BAui:e B:ajtbe avoided. Andit Li e.-peci:iy and palt.eu.ar mt Ge editor d y vn&t r- rt fl'Af all. a r. Now Advortisoiuonts: Vom: .. T r St p Ion: be r I, 1T, Send in Your Claims. T TIIK avL Oi"DEU To mak I. or: NUAL COU.VT V STATI.M KiiT to liw, parties hu'.Mr - V. .1.., Tickets, Ac., oTacj dc3crir.tioB.arJ r. si ea to IeaTd th. nn... . , jE, Clerk of the Audi ir- Cci.imit UU,H lu" " compile! with, jiartic !. ir- B cUiins will hare to, wit i fr v i . . 1 ; I . -. he? aauiifu. Sudden (Deat T Cox oner Hewlett was notilied thisxuorn- 4 4 Wasltutta StirUni:, 12JJ ccnU peryard. ing of the death of a small colored child in the south western part of the city, but up y !. 1.-tir nf Mir frninrr rt lirr.ee TTO 1 1 '1 Vr ;'ii!ilcaclicti Mm iiii. , , , . Coroner aml can nr ob- 4 ' J cents per vard. I not cive the name or eircumsiances con Wilmiastoa Cotton Mill, X cents pr yard. Jiected with the death. rVrUmeuth 1, 4i centa pr yard. 4 4 Kuckicbtni A, 7 centi per yard. . 4 4 Lake Ceorpe A A, 7 cents per yard. 4-4 .Vorfolt N, 7 cents per yard. 4 4 Xew Market O, ft cents per yard. 44 Great Falls J, 8 cents per yard. 4 4 Hplini No. 23, 8 cents per yard. Mieeti In all the Favorite Brands llamlnir Eilin ami Incrtioii. XotwiihstanJinc the great rnsh we have The River. i Capt. Urccn,.of the North State, in forms us that when jho left Fayctteville yesterday morniAg the river I had risen about 12 feet, which would give about 16 feet on the shoals !at that place. When he left the water was rising; very slowly and if there has been no further increase from the interior it is probably falling now. What is known as "a damaging freshet' is not apprehended. . City Court." One old offender and a notorions charac ter by the name o( Wm. Hiinnncy was ar- tr.ae or not. The VaniMitla Shirt. 75c- without AXY exception the best x!se ia this country. I'finted Cambric Shirts 25 cents each I rosted vesterdav on Water street by officer McMillan for disorderly conduct. It ap- tJ ia the above for the past week, we arc jj in cvidence before the Court this prepared to ihow a very larp ajsortment. morning that the defendant resisted the Er.rr . w J see them whether thev rnr- pohcemau, and wuen iaKcn to wo. guaru i. i. i.. houso it w as uiscovereu mainu uau a razor in his pocket and an open knife w.'tli the blade pointing uwwards clasped firmly in side of his hand. Sentence of $23 fine or CO da S.in tlic city prison was pronounced, the Court remarking that this habit of car rying a deadly weapon ia the fihapo of razors and resisting the ! police j must be stopped. j ; Save Your Paper. I The following.clippedfrom an exchange, expresses an idea well wortliy of atten tion : 4It is well worth while to save your horso paper and have it bound. A few years will make it the most! instruc tive and entertaining volume that you 5 I can possess. All the laws of association I a . a' If cmake it more or less a history oi yourseii or friends. Xames, dates, facts are pre served for you in the most acceptable manner; over it you may cry at your mis takes and laugh at your follies and re joice in a review of those steps that have led you to prosperity. It gives the history T'NOW IT 13 IMPOSSIBLE TO SELL I of your town which is but an epitome of - .uvw smes wey aeep laera. t6ti heavy Homespun Drawers 25ccacl. Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. Hike bo delay bat coma at once. miii Ml) RODDICK 45 Market Streot. aa27 Boatwright & McSoy Xos. 5, ; and 8, Xorlh Front St. universal history. 1tJ therefore tara kept. EVEN DURING TC DULL TIMLS, A FULL SUPPLY Of every article yon can naj$"e in the - Impostors as Public Scavenger?. It Laving come to the ears of the city au thorities that certain parties here in the city are in the habit of imposing upon ig norant persons, by . informing them that they are public scavengers and must be al lowed the privilege of removing the nigh CROCFPY I I If P soil, for which they always exact a fee, I tha Mayor remarked: in Court this morn- Tleir are ffMh from the fACt tir g that as soon as such parties could be aajes are ejual to their purchases. I detected a vigorous prosecution would be i v v wvwwi9 uii) ausri ajaj ilOHL GOODS ia their particular lice aay Loose in the State, .Vow, eood friends, ail our bills are tinued His Honor in the open Court, it is decided unwise at this season cf the year to remove the night soil, pisinfectants should be used pretty freely and these the ta'thU date. We are ia TAd of city are ready to furnish whenever desired, aoaev; doa't turn our collector off. We will ; " Make so Mistake. In uoolet s east Powdei: youj get the best articla the kind in the world. The cans are always full weight, the article itself the rve TOO fiitlfolir in the future as we have 'i,7? pMt W eer denied our Yi we trust they will reciprocate. of all Boatwiierht & HcKov. ?mSa you want your baking always perfect? 3. 7 tSt 8 Worth Tront Street. Dontt fail lhen to llfe .colev's Yeast Ptl4Aw Ufc "W I'OJVDER. ! now : i .i i - ,i i . . . found Captain Jim McGowan of the c I. t, . 7 I . . . in tne possession of liey. A . A. WV.soi: - i i Lr.stir ntJi i l'.ir wn i t ,Ai i v v M..7rt iM th VOM 1,,1 nlroa.W ll tU BCO U. V ., Ot thlS CltV '"" i I ine neonie or Olir Sistpr mnnfvnfOnsnw i .. " t lected some four or live dollars as early as are alive to the importance of this wise T -inert 13 1,1 thc possession oi the BVv J i -v f .i . m i lf?"t-tAtv-ks Trt m fc . 1 1 t I A- u ociocu. ui the other Harry Webb was the j only the idea into immediate j: ' J ' O " 1 j,. iwguiij u.- iuaii VUS1UW I , . I . .i !. , , n.any persons dropping in to buy ,ven a will ao her mil portion in this much T- ' r ; w. i il i f -, , ... . liesolved, That the following1 Com Avhcn ;i -loii.v (;. vagn::p.. cu.i:: xi. ax. aiioii or mis rirv whit w saloons iiir. I flV'UCUJO 1Ui nuproving ana aeveiopin" . t. one who nut 1 ender' DsIoT and other counties, and ' ' t r X V'UlHf one who put that the large I public meeting held at b' Ahey there are several -peci-)racticc. lhe Jacksonville in August last to nromote m?ns- sm,a ! c, of severa Uhides, f(1r Lfiw this nntrrnrfc oCC. Vi 01 a auu rcuaish brown eoler rather 01 cigar might drop in a nickle, and-how niauyare thcr who might not deny tee of PenrW am horw nti oa stones are shaken, falls a line dark colored themselves one line cisrar. or one toddv working Committfip in thir rMnA(..t;rp Powder Ihis whcii mixed -with . . w ' " I . , - . .v..". ' T" . lorms. if is! , r,. f..: a .lav or nvi u n ;is (,f h.-i-r f,r nnss hlv lOWnSUipS 1U DChalt Ct the nronosed road. 7' i - " '"Ji :l'o"vui, 1 - - o 1 r I 1.1 1 . . o .,.,1. ,nnf,, ,,h,. .a,or auuiueya"e requcstcil i to asitate the v. . -., w r aj p questi0Uj solicit subacril)tion8 and t0 re. -v" "TtK ac 1,0WUc of ice cream, simply to aitom that much I tMi o,i;r,.n,ui ..u ti.i i otones oi this kind are ouitc relief iu buying a little ice or 3,:ue. cool- on the 14th ot October next, at which f ? CoUnt'. whtire. report say.B, they ge delegation will be ap- v f- i ' , , UI OT cerla:u mds itate the var.yiDS in coIor according to that ol the olv"c uulu wuitu iuu powucr is taKeu. common in me beverajre or refreshment lor a poor I muLWB5 a "" aeiegation will oe ap- .1 : ru. uA:., pointed to represent Tender :in the larse . , ., i ...... railroad meeting at Jacksonville on1 the Anu wnne we are upon mis suojecc we first Monday ia November: will suggest another plan which has occur-1 Point Caswell John ii Va icu iu iao lie auun iiiai iia ciuuiuu i m " vfrj times each ward in the city is divided and Q jj-G F Walker, M C Collins, subdivided into ditlerent districts and com- Lincoln Bruce Wijliams, A il l'addi mittees appointed to see each man in the son, F II iBell. ward,' about registration for instance, and rT1 Kocg r nt-fi b batchwell. ii orter, Q,B , . i a iucuuuuun. i i r 1 i in this way the entire census of the city nollvJllcoD "R Jme- n Suiver,iiob. city where he resided f.r several years. oi painting. Vul not some of vour in telligent correspondents in that part of iuu otaie iayor us with . an account ol what, to some at least, is a curiosity ? Somebody in Luck We copy the following from theJialeigh News .ot yesterday's date. The John in this He is a tall, muscular man and: is -not re lated, it is said, to any ..f the various is taken. Xow,why cannot the same plan be I ert T Williams. carried out in this case ? Remember that I , Grant O W McClammy, 11 K Bryan, rM. l-nnn' nr.f nrlAM f?lft frflTTino f Ufa I df'l R J NiXOn. J . . . .. . . .1 Umon Dr It J Powers, William D O'Brien -now in the city. We can on y m i r -ot Mr vrji nm! it mnir nn vnnr Int. I r;i i -n it t.i I . ' r J - J to be caught in ono of those plague.ridden Holden-S P Hand, J H Moore, W T hoPe at hls luck wlH l're substantial pifiomv.n iiit. cnMi .on nmnn. n,. Dannerman. , , ana noc aitogetncr a newspaper myth. unto others as von would have them do 11 was on motion of Mr- lruce Wilhams Uerc is the article froii the News : untootneisas ou would nave them uo requeste1 of the fcjecreta rv to tend the pro- ' unto you," is a Divine command. Who ceedincs of this meetiusr to the Wilmington One of the woalLhiest men in the eoun- will be first to obey it in this instance, and I Review, Joubnal and Star, and request rtvy was the late Mr. O'Bi ion, of the great .. . I tl.m. nVl;ni.;nr. i il firm nf 'Klnrrl A' fl'TSrif'ti ' r.f I"1-) 1 ifnr?iia wV.ftwril1 lio firottrt mn-ra in tV.ia m x T to r I their publication . , j D. J. McMillan, Secretary. e puuse ior a repjy Improveinents at Burlaw. On a reoent visit to Burgaw we noticed firm of Flood & G'Lrien, of California. Some time past Mr. O'Brien left this world forauother. He leu his immense fortune Anoiner ursiary. , T ,h t (lanTilf pIS 0fa brothfir xchmn Last night a house on Market, between he thought to hv long dead i were left two I TTM al J IU 1 Cl 1 a L - "l .1 1 I iTi TwJvn4. oti.I IWtw hrmontid rk.l, XTrf-i-nrr sevsral substantial improvements which ventnan iw.(a reeoccupu uy . u. to chronicle. The Acade- Bf tee7 Adkms, was burglarized. I lhe lg70 lbere w- j. empoy of Mr. J. 1'. we are d leased mr buildioe is nearly complete and it burglar effected an entrance into the was in this that Hon. A. M. Waddell rongtx a winaow. a pane or i v i x. ar ai i . i : i spoke on Monday last; Mr. I. H. Brown, giasswas DroKen out oi mrougu wuuu Register of Deeds, has sold the pretty the thief put his hand and pulled off ; the little house recently erected byhim,about frip ich holds the sashin position and ... .... 7., . . ql 'rp a hfted it outplacing it on the iloor. Whilo half a mile below the depot, to Sheriff A. .... waa aff inff in a tnmk tha II. Taddison, who it is said will reside sash slIpped makIng suffiQent noise. to thert, while Mr. Brown is putting up a awaken the inmates. The man, who is now dwelling within a hundred yards of described as white with a full beard and the Court j House;! Messrs. Tienken & iorjg tried to effect an escape through Cowan have occupied their new store the window, but was headed off by Betsey near the depot; Mr. R. H. Blood worth Adkins, when he wheeled and made an has completed his new dwelling, and Mr. I exit through a door. An examination of R. M. Croomj, Chairman of the Pender the room proved that the thief had car Board of County Commissioners, has ried off fifty dollars in money and a quan- erected a very neat dwelling within1 the tity of clothing, and as his flight was pre- corporate limits. ' ciPitate ifc 13 bright he had a confederate OUujiae Who nau iuo ciuiues m iue luxiu The Crops. of the alarm. - We are glad to say. that, from reliable ' . Sch00l. reports received from our friends in the JudM Cant well's law class meets at country, there will be good crops in nearly the Hall to-morrow evening, Friday, every locality. In very low lands they- at 8 pm SvLht 0f Lecture: j "Foreign have been somewhat in jurea ny tne 1 Treaties, Consuls and Ambassadors." cent freshets, but in higher locations the SuD!ect of Lecture Friday next: "Rules yield in nearly all kinds of produce will whkh Governj th0 Interpretation of be rather above the average. It w true lawg and Df the United States. the season has not .been so propitious as Laid to Rest. i i The remains of CBas. E. B.. Willis, a some would wish, but the average has , , . , x, , , I voutmul printer wno was ior some ume verse conaiuons unaer wmcn me iaoor - , - . ' ' -n .. i e s m.. i i i empioyea on ine xitvi.w, suu oi hag been performed. This hag been ac u r-- r- capt. H B Wmis, foreman of this paper, compl shed, undoubtedly, by a better F " " ' . A ' . . , f . ,F , j, j were laid to rest this morning in Oakdale and more thorough and systematic way of conducting agricultural operations among our people. Instead of the old r ..tt T n1.nl)M query 01, "Xiow many acreo tau x yiaun i ... it now, "How much on ;I make u gy. ? j l ia. i j .-0- j arro nroduce becomes, as it should, the objective point in conducting an agricultural campaign, we shall seo a prosperity and independ ence among the tillers of the soil such as we pocr denizens of the city will never know, however prosperous we may be. Wilmington District. a nnA ntmMits for KJMxx v ileetmirs I Auffnata. ua, ' J a- . , (in part) made by Rcy. L. S. Burkhcad: ceatonViTaV..73 KOURTU BOUXD. I Cuicinnati... I t fr Til Duplin, at Wesley Chapel. . . .Sept 14-15 KrtdnVcVTl Smithville, at Smithville Sept 21-12 Galveston. fi0 Waccamiw Mission, at Beth- IndianoU lesda - Sept 24 Jwfaon1Ue, Fla...S5 White viile, at Carvers Creek .Sept 23-20 S?gr.7S Wilmington, at Fifth Street.. Oct 5-C tftmvhis, Tenn.i...63 Cemetery, Rer. A. A. Watson, D. D conducting the funeral services in the beautiful and impressive form of the He was but twenty died as quietly, as calmly and as bravely as did ever soldier on the field of battle and with the assured hope of a resurrection beyond the grave. The Tliennometer. From the United States Signal Oilice at this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : j jlobue, Ala ..4 6 Montgomery Ala.1.75 Xashrille ............63 yew OrIeana.......7a Xew York C8 Savannah, Ga.......T9 Shrevepori..;......2 St, Louis ilo 69 St- Harks, Fla......7C Vicksburg, Mis....00 Waahiagton, D C.70 Wilmington, X. C.78 lploy Prairie, at work on; the -city market , one John O'Brien. When that- building was completed O'Biien left for Wilmington. In the autumn of 1ST", he caine back here and soon after obtained employment' as a carpenter,1 at the Insane I Asylum. Last spring" he i 'was taken ill and .has since been on a sick bed. It seems that he divulged the fac1 1 at some time that he was the brother of the Californa O'Brien, and one of his at tendants wrote to that State, jiand spoke of the fact. Not long ago a liwyer came here from California, to! investigate the affair, i He returned satisfied I With the proof, it appears, and those who are at- j tending Mr. 6'Brien here have received instructions to show him every attention, while f nnd3 sufficient for all purposes have been sent. It is said th4t the wife and two daughter of the sick man are in New: lork an affluent circumstances. knowing nothing of his condition, nor even of his being alivei ti r . Another Case MF'-THOSE ITEIiLKS L I I WAHSUTTA 3EIIfTfcS Just ,fp. sod. The inwr.. ;;. fit. rrJiri h'? popularity.- F"ur.i only ; . Mt.NM):V.N. . Would You Buy TLJXG nice suit of dotbea that its-wAll lailorinf hnt r.nti' v J.r; ... llouse, whe(e a complete lioelof m. nV can alwajfl be iound cents. Silk Ilandkercbirfji. Twilje in just received Linen CoHar far H; .'d and fcypt i '"l is j. MiTi:ULU)l'K. - .V.o jit-1 Call and See The LARGK ASSOIlTMENTl " jr.- BEAUTIFUL CUKOOsj . ana tki-.l KSiillA V if (i.--.. AM 1 VPU' . '. mi... ' . . ' vu rA'i:uorj ana ior aio at th. I. LIVE UOOK S.TUl behpol Jioo ,CoiII'hKTE STOCK AT lis. ... 1II:IXS!;e;;;;lkv;, 1 t'o0 and 41 jMairii.-t Kirct. James O. Pounds' DRUGGIST AND DEALER iA Clrif.A a a nv. T..: 1... it ! aDd Chemical, and a full f icmeg, xmra K tree t, oj.j.oEit- tit!ril!u! JZS- I'reecrintior; Lours, nig;bt or dav. r coinpd'una 1'afccv " '' i at all Copartnership Notice. mUE UNDERSIGNED HAVE A formed a copartnertbh) uc name of ins dav the linn HABTHINS & SATES, and will keer always on hand a frc?h urt-' ply of - . i I . i '1. eric. FaiiiiK Oroi est acr 3i ' A. (. HANKlNjS, enow. j We resi.ectfullv.rerjaeit nnr frir.. .md ti public to jrive'us a trial, j ; t i Body Found. The body of .he little colored urchin who was accidentally drowned from iLar- ket Doct a1 few days aero, due mention of which was made at the time intheRE VJ.EW, was this morning discovered by Captain Jones, of the httle schooner Sunny South, floating along side of bis vessel in front of Messrs. Hall &. PearsahVs on JSouth Water Street. The body was immediately secured by means of !a rone. Coroner Hewlett was notified who impanelled ja jury which rendered a verdict of accidental drowning. Thfr body after that was taken below the dram tree antj interred at high water mark ia the neighborhood cf the smallpox hospital. Consumption tared. An old physician', retired! from practice, having had placed in ibis' hands jby an East India, missionary 'the formula qf a simple vegetable remedy, for thejspeedy and permanent; cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, al.o a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after . having testid its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fallow. Actuated by this motive, and a uesire to relieve hu man suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using, in German. French, or English. Sent bv mail by addressing 1 with stamp, naming this paper. Wr. W, Sherar, UfJ Powers t?!i- RhpsiYT- New York, laurr 12-lw ttarjd. li' G ATKS.I ! No. 1 Gurrie'ii Hlock, d BtreM, iiaruwjca (j ol Wilmington', N. C.,1Scpt. 2, 1S7?. - r . . J They Must ho Sold. ! ! I- 1 AM GOING NORTH I.VA FEW I A Y H X and I therefore oS'er 1. I1' Great Bargains ,Axa stllic'gl' m all kixjda of Fancy Goods G-inch Black Grpa Griiin Sa'shllib- -ll: f... II . J .11 ' iuunt uii hiiK, jor -i:, cents , a yard. I give! my personal gup ervitiGn tol ever v- N. II. iSi'ItUNT. "eopt:;-tf Exclude-1 Cotacr. Direct ImBortation. NOW LANDING FROM THE Wituh Barque "North Carolina,' a Jafjro a sortment cf Earthenware direct from tbf EngUsh Potteriej?. Thi impoitatjion will b immediately fallowed by j ethers, and i we trust our cojnntxy friendj will jentocrace o in this new ent!rpri?e. We wilt duplicate any Northern bill and cin aave tie cuntr merchant money by placing his orders wjUj U. I, - GILES A MUliCHLSON.' ' aajr 2 j 38 and 40 A urchin Llock. Onslow Beef; I lihCHYLD TO-DAY AV Drove of that .famous Uzklow County lietf, the best thathaj been fc'e're since' last Winter. It wEl be cn i&le -at rnlj uEj in the JfarkitIIoa very day next weei! and 1 ' 1 I M 1 ! I invito the pabl.c t j call and ate it and bar GEO. F. TILLEV, , au 2i StaJl. No. 8, Market liotue. i 4 V3 i ii.. .i ijmj.,iuu.i iui;a.aL, 1st one x oi taa very b-.- nirrrutia toediami. -'

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