i tui3 rxrsn JOSH. T. JAMES, Airp ropxrroB. V?! .--anr iartof the city, at the j a Krr. wiH pleuereport any ad eceir thtir paperi regularly. Advortisomonts. ial. pec Brow n & rtTnCCT 45 MARKET STREET. W I ,Tia CONTINUE TO SELL AT TDK FormerLow Prices, IaJepe5Jt of tk recent adraneee e bate determined to gite iaSVori. w , the opportunity of laying m K . Ir Witter iufpli at the lowat figures bgoodiUte touched fur the past year, jajuljia the following: Ulcachcil Cottons. Caiaa ShlrUng, C cnt5 ptr yard. lZjiiZ SUrtiar, l, 8 centi per yard. 4 4 CriuJe SLir ting, 8 cenU per yard. 44 c:dit r Shirticg, 0 wnU per yard. 44 Fnit cf lha Loom Shirting, 10c per yard. . j I 41 isircicoggta a, A, Doiruiii,, j- 4 4 farwetl Sbirting, 10 centi pcr yard. 4 4 Lr-BJal Shirting, 10 cenU pr yard. 4 4 Wiarezaa o. 1 Shirting, 11c rer yard. 4 4 Wfcxiatu Shirting. WA cenU pcr yard. rnlilcaclicil Shirlinp:. Ur Own, cents per yard. Wilaistoa Cotton Mills, M cent pr yard, rirtnnouth 1, ilA centi pr yard. H Kociinchaa A, 7 centi per yard. 44 L-.e George A A, T cents per yard M Xcrfolk y, 7 cents per yard. 41 5tw Market 0, 8 cents per yard. 4 4 Crett Fa!U J, 8 cents per yard. 4 4 Splint No. 23, 8 cent per yard. Shectisir la all the Favorite Brands immimrfr isiiiti hit :iiiiti insertions. - of Uiia the boT for the past week, we are ired to ihow a very large aisortment. iMry cae ihoaM tee them whether they pur fiweer tot iuc iinniMitia Muri. 75c witlont AXY exception the beat Iae la thii country. rriifj Casbrie Shirts 25 centa each ! Ctva'teify Uomeipnn Drawers 13ceacU c, Ac, &c, Ac, Ac. : ao iklay but come at once. f I 3 Market Otreot. Boatwright & McXoy os. 5, ; and 5, orth Front St. IMPOSSIBLE TO SELL J l j:ovJna:esj they keep them. -'j thrrtfore Lit kept. EVEN DURING I THE DULL TIMES, A FULL SUPPLY f r j Mticlt yea cn name in the GROCERY LINE roo4 are fruh from the fact that their are eiual to their purchases. aut?nw 00 bts that ther SELL l-..?D v ltt ir Ptleulaf line Ia any house in the State. :rkt- . " neTer uuuel our " uey will reciprocate Batwright & HcKbv. ief.rf.? Worth Front Btroot. ClBJfS S0; Three js 'r' t. 2j. oneoth,60eeBU. ,jaui.I . ,iTered by carriers, loddjc (, id RODDICK tMctYrTim Many unable to give much n z'l J11! la the fatore aj we have would contribute a little if somo one . - I I r 1 VOL. 3; I WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER G, 1878. no. is 6 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. , Mciiom Fall and Winter. I S. U. FisHiLiiEj Major Sealed Fropo- talain regard to Gaj. 8. IL. Fwbblati, Major Sealed Propo- alj in regard to Weighing Beef Cattle. X n. Hprcst They mustbooiu. P. Uiutiaxaoia Try It. f Joh.v O Waosei Notice. See adrertiiement For Rent. F A kwbct Commhuion Merchant. See adTertisement of Grand I'ic Mc. ruma-sno,tm. I . " ' See adTertisement of Grand Pie N'ic. K. Jew. HtAtionPr; and Fanor Goods, J. C. Mcsds DrogUt. x ?l I No City Court to-day.. Shrimps were selling at five cents per quart yesterday afternoon. 1 Mai J C. Hines a member of the j. UlUtB, a niuiuu RnmlnfmminnPHnf Simnson coun- ha3resjsncdf but w successor has not r-4 yct xxn namcd. The members j of the Fayetteville Inde llUt i annual pendent Light Infantry met in session recently and elected jfcll of th; old commissioned officers. Thi i . I -i i .... ic navai stores ijhuw un an the ir into wharves are beginning to disappc :cntly j the holds (f the foreign vvse!s reccn arrived here under charter.' Parties lor whom warrants were issued - ! 1 1. :..;! jL - aicruajr jur "-o'"ui. fcV I'-J tax license are to-uay walking up 10 captain soQice and settling.' j Mr. Lalstou, of tho ! Signal office, ;m .!i ' u -ilJ. . , , J. ieariui uurricauu was i.uticu , passed to tho right of Santiago dc uubaj this morning 1 ! The KnighU of Pythias iu this city,! comprising tho ;Stonewall and Germania trmania lyUy of the Lodges, are contemplating at an car a picnic excursion for the benefit yellow fever sufferers. I Vc invite attention to the card of Mr. F. A. Newbury, which appears in thi3 issue. Mr. Ncwburv is an indefatigable businessman anil wili give his prompt and individual attention to all business I entrusted to his care. In the pitiful account of the ravages of the yellow fever as pub- " k ' r i iWo I AWUUU . w " -v reiereutc u, uc uUW . Dr. W. II. Beatty, of Mobile, now in firenada. Dr. Beatty is a native of Bladen county and nearly related to L. J. Beatty, Esq., of this city. Let our Boys Look Out. The Fayetteviile teams are at it and are making somo good records as the folio w iogfrom the Fayetteviile Gazette will testify: I I I Messrs. J. C. Vann, T. B. Fuller, J. P, Thomson and J. A. Banks made 40, 41. 42 and 43 out of a possible 50 in shoot ing for a barrel ot Fatapsco Hour a few mornings since. j To Arrive. 1 A revised list of vessels cleared, sailed and up for this port, is published to-day. There are in all CI sailing vessels bound hero from foreign ports and of tbt3e CI, there are- C8 square riggers. This is in addition to the j handsome number already arrived here within the past few days and which aro not, of course, in cluded in the revised list. J Unmallable. The following U a list of letters remain ing in the Postofjice in this city: i Laura L Harrits, Margarettsville; John UIDCnel,a ( ' T'f ' M r PerneU Dunhap, Ehzabethtown, NO; Miss Gussie Sampson, Philadelphia; M J Keith, Castle llayne,! N C; Miss Eliza Skipper, Brunswick county, N C; R Draper, Alexander county, Alabama; John McMillan, Veldon,N C; J F Oliver, NC. One More Suggestion. The sufferingand distress ia our scourg" ed and afllicted sister cities appeals to us for aid and remembering when in sim ilar distress the charitable of the land seat their generous conUibutions to aid 0Ur owtkcity and citizens in that sad year " . .. . , i . ,T-tt of 15G- causes us to uesire iou umiug- ton shall at the present j time contribute would call for it or bring it to their atten tion. Why cannot our ladi, who are foremost in all good deeds, take the matter in hand and canvass the city, visiting every bouse, as they did for. the LceTuad sever r i i i : , For the Sufferers. Mr. George W. Kidder was soliciting donations for the yellow fever sufferers this morning. Ia about three hours he collected $350 and is still exercising him self in behalf of the plague ridden cities: Mariners Subscribing. Capt. II. A. Williams, of the barque llirdstoic, now in port, feeling for the yel. low fever sullerers, started out this niorn- iDg among the captains of vessels in port and solicited aid for the sufferers. Up to . i o-ciock baa couccted $so but had , oil , .Totno Vrv rlnilVif Vlft Will seen all the captains. No doubt he will I eiinm&i in rjicinff a lrfKfTYll MllTl of money. Credit This. Wilmington is certainly not getting croiit for all the money contributed by her J 7 citizens to the yellow lover suuorers, ty j . ... ... I . . as a a Ions ways. Some of our Jewish lellow i citizens a few mm n urt f Y n an hour's time the sum of Cftv dollars. and sent tLc amoubt forward through the proner channel to the sufferers of the West. 1 Monthly Statement. A correspondent, a mercantile nan says: it has been customary to render month,y statements on tho first of sach and every month and to collect on the second, but from the many notices to be found in our business houses, "no bills n.iiil until tho ifith" A-r... rpn.lfrs some , , uuuerstauumg uecwasary iur a u is uovr collcctors.do not know when to call and il one has a right to postpone settlements I rthrr Invn tho KAmn nrw.Tiliar ricrVit nnd .f crt.oa . tho :f.af lt resolves into the fact thatour merchants have no system at all for monthly settle-1 mcQtg - A Sanitary HiHt. As tho season of autumn advances, the heat of the noon day is relieved by the . . " coolncssof the evecrng and night and thero1?astronStcffiptat,onto Blt ont of inr.q in Knnrrh nf mmfriTk. Tint thn even in- air is damn, and heavily ; laden with the condensation of the vapors sun's heat evolved in the day , .. f., , . u which the time. The Uanors are. for breathing isimnlv hmalaria or unwholesome air; and H must be a high state ef health which can r w . . ... .. , ., . . i breathe such air rwitii impunity wnue tne t. 3 ? ? rri i.Tl bcy is in repose. The frame is exhausted th hef k hf of tho day, and u ' nrofnrn totiiiotIw attaArkt.ililo Sir. n doors, or undre shelter. If you must . , go out ior coolness waiK. a licvcii'c iu uc luisciuui. . i-. k Kfi..,.nhin Tho Wf rn tta l-nnw if vnn want 19 uo miseraoio, is w miau. auuuw juu- . i i .i:t kr f. how mnr.h vou havo lost, how aucn - . vou have not made, and the poor pros- " J ...... . , pect for the future. A brave man witn a soul in him eets out of such pitiful ruts and laughs at discouragement, rolls up his sleeves, whistles and sings, and makes il.. i i r i:r rru: -u ,OT,o-1 IUU ueob Ol lilt;. xuid caitu n uo unw intended for a paradise, and a' man who rises above his discouragement and keeps his manhood will only be the stronger and better for his adversities. Many a noble ship has been saved by throwing . over- board its most valuable cargo, and many a man is better and more humble after he has his gold. "'rlv' Corpulent neonle can be reduced from two to five pounds per week without starvation, by using Allan s Anti-Uat, a purely vegetable ana penecuy narmiesa remedv. It acts on the looa in me siom-1 ach, neutralizing all saccharine and olea. j ginous matter. . 383 Washington Street, jsosion, jucus., May 21, 1878. I Botanjc Medicixb Co., Buffalo, NY.: Gcutltmen WithOUt Special Cnangei of diet, two bottles of Allan's AntFafc reducelme four and one-naif pounds. Yours respectfully, i iU. J. uou: lTimdmda of letters similiar to the above I m. - have been received oy wio xu -- icine Co. Anti-Fat sold by drugguts. The Wine for ConsnmptlTes. No hotel in this country or Europe is r,M .mfr.rtabla for families I rd MiIing7loce, than fly well- known Colonnade Hotel in Philadelphia, i a. M Pnr mmirds Of ThlrlT Tears i Mas. Wixslow s Sybcf ... u!f for children . It corrects f1 stomach, relieves tcind cohe, regulates the bowels cures cfen ani car- rAra, whether ansirs from teething or other cause. An old ana weu-uiea Consumptive persons are said to be assured that the act will not only be ap- 0f cases, has lelt it his duty to mafceit neatly benefited by. the use of Speer's predated, but if they will attend the pic- known to his suffering fellows. ; Actuated Port Grape Wine.. It seems to give nic that thev will be heartily welcomed, by this motive, and a aesire to relievo hu- trJaKrf cvCTvthinff else fails J I r . . - man suffering, I will send, free of charge, ?!Le:2&d and receive the worth of their money in M whod'5re ;t, this Wcipe, with full rich nutritious wine. remedy. 25 ecnt tf battle. as w. i : r- T " .. I i ! i I . " . 1 1-.- . . : Review, i Those interested are referred to the ad vertisement of Mayor Fishblate, to found in this issue, inviting bids, for furnishing materials for lighting street lamps and the other for weighiD beef cattle. DeatU of Dr. Campbell. f A letter received here to-day announces the death of Dr. Campbell, U. S. A., a gentleman well known at oue time to a number of J our citizens. He married a sister of Mr. II. E. Scott, of this city, and sister, to Maj. J. C. Mannas wife. Camobell died in riling ,,ci from ! softening of the brain. His wife was with him when be died. A Prhllesed Class Squire Williams, Clerk of the Market, I tn i - - - I M I 1 I I ." I II II I f 111 Tl (IIIli'FIAn M-b-v rt a .-i" miurm -rl t,c tn-Tav f W V, l.t . - Ul1" "lu auuui lor,i i hnnL'cinF. .1 i - .-. I " " uu UUSinCSS OU tne SiQC- waiKS on Market. Front nud Second strcets' who W no taxes These arc le w of day 1 they who are on hand with the first crack ight and buy up a loa.l of pro duce befort! -a finnmmor' oi make him pay au advancc of .J, pcr cent. wuwumvi kJ V f aiiU tuwu on any aDd everything he may want, Thsy seem to be a'i class of people who are favored very stronglyj They pay no taxes, laugh at laws and locksmiths and get fat on the needs and necessities I r a i: x. u.c . . i - - irom cacn ol tnem Wouj mako the by no means to be despised addition of S200 a month to the City Treasury Whv do I U T i ,.t i i J .. Al ...L . . i Up a little in this time ? Manly i- liuuc x cnun iime Years 01 Af?e Saves lus Brother's jife. ' Yesterday littlo George Souther land, aged about five years, son of Capt. T.J. SoutberlaniI bcing 'd0WDcd beWMre.cuedlrom.Wi.rygA I J to hy his hothcT Tom' a littlc felI of nine years 01 age. i lie tide was high and the children ware-playing on a raD:wav .uuBw . l"u leading to a bath house on one of tho " r Sounds when George attempted to get into a boat but fell overboard and sank krann Yintnra ln"a nor;Jrtno clfMiti'nn mna vnivw vviwi - uiB iJ.k.ii.sKA0 uiuuuiiuii Tiao ODBerVeU. uiiuo jloiu mauiuuy piuugeu mio me water and caught his brother around the wail hm rioht am-, on,i mnT t I, , K ... ,. ,. t Bnoai water wuu mm, a uis.tance 01 some five or six yards. The brave little fellow nau oresence or mmu enouim to swim i i . i i a. ? I - o- tuuo w,x. xi. ucutiCUiau v iio ctauuiij uu iuu suuie I A i l: il, - . r.i 7 i nr. i in. ti vnfi ni vnn sirr.if r. M.nii tiih i :ii 7 I , . . , n P0SSIDie nasce 10 Scc 10 11Uie ?rge, .uu I before he could reach him Tommv had j . - J SotteQ him to shore- Al1 honor vo' to tne brave little lellow, tor to our mma his conduct a most manl act oi ncroism Grand Picnic for the Benefit of the Sufferers. By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that Germania Lodge o. 4. K. of P., of this city, propose on Wed- -m nesday next, the 11th inst., to give" one of their enjoyable picnics at the Wilmington Gardens m aid of the yellow fever suffer- era of our sister cities. 1 his movement nn fTi rorf. nf fVio Knitrhta of that Tnde .gWortn f the commendation aud co- . . . ... . tU -r- w.v, . j , reuei oi tneir bretnrenoi juempuis, liouis- rllet New Orleans, and our other feyer- latrieken ritipa.ia a noble one. more esnec- . " ' t, lUy when we take into consideration the fact that they are taxsd by the Supreme nnwprnf tbp Orer for the same PUrDOSC and that all other sums given are volun- . - , "ry. xae memuers u.u xC- spuuuea wneu our gouiuiuvw lki"J nallpf! nnnn m now let our citizens as - ' " gigt tne Knights raising a goodly sum. The oi MCh and those of w.j v- our citizens who purchase them may rest real enjoyment. . "Good Wine Needs no if usn. v t nivr. Pnw. I ,SuS ioVrt ktadi T oi br and pagtrj. The purest cream tartar made from irrana inica is usea m wwuip1' Uon And each can is exacUy full weihtj Tt' not merely a question of economy in purse, however. The pro- duct in which it is used are most healthy and debcious. . 0ne hundred bales of new cotton were , OTer , the C. C. " i liauway. j i CountV Coiniiilasinnprc be Vhe Doard met yesterday, at 4 o'clock, one ia farced session the The matter of instructing Mr. Solitrr Moore to draw a bill cf indictment at the next term of the Criminal Court, against JohnF. Garreli. ScnorintPn'f tv County roor.Hou. in r complaints ma Je by t-he Grand J"ry the August term, waJ left onen uU XZ next meeting. o e , J i n mf? f r wlxth, it Dr. ara should v:a:t luc Vuulv I0or iiouse in a body, on ay. thcjlltb of September, and examine into the condition of that i:-ti tuticn.i i i i : The 'official, bond of Gen S II. Man- nin' Sheriff of Xew Hanover oountv. I WAS nrPSnn f nt ionrl 1 . f . 1 W4 VUVU VVa. UUU. ( II ! i l'Ii ill:! I I I 1 ' j T" " - - . -.'j u,"',liut Until SUCh time as rfflinvwurnr ,lr . ii snoiiin no rrrpnt lJ' 1 - -ueu icuuere .a ;rta into ignation as Clerk of the Auditing. mittce wliich was accepted. On motion, it was resolved to an elecVtou for his successor. whereUDo: a .. I A 1 nominated A. B. Lind ' " A vote was taken, when Col. Tayk r wa.s Poor. ! uu,rtiijiiiuusjy eitJCitu VieiK OI lilt1 AUG iitilpr On 'motion,. ijL was ordered !h:it tl.c -Plications lor hit' l it ion of ia nit on jam uiu wuic. 1 he Hoard then adjourned. Tribute Of Kespett- I liesollltionk adniif.od liv T.rl-ioT-ii I -r. No. Ii07, ,A. I. M., at Whitev'ille. xJc. I O i -i i - j'- Sept., 1st 1878: vviiEUZAs, It has pleased (jiod to take lrom U3 by the hand of death Jour brother. Uoi. iorney Oeorge. '' -Resolved 1, That while in humble sub mission we bow to thn rWrp nf n n olt. wise Master, we deeply deplore tho lloss of a oood in,and a! worthy brother. 1 itorftrf" Tha't in LiJ, loath tbeje. "'1 'f " , SUi' T : com- I warm-hoartnd innnil. jiml fln Kt if eful, public spirifed citizen.' . ICcaolvtd 3, ihat when w consider1 the many positions of hc-aor and j trust -1 ..... . . l wnich Brother G eorgo was called to; oc- cupy, as County Attotnev. llcnresen til- tivein our State I,egiatnre, Colonel i, the C. S. Army, Delegrate to Stat6 Con I VCLtlOn. aud IrUStce of tllO St.lff! Iljli- I i versity, wo. recognize in him one who! I , . ,i . i n.i n m . i . uiu iiis uuiy, auu uiieu wuti an j(om io which he was called. ll&solved 4. That, we extend o:ir heartfelt- sympathy to tho bercavet; family now mourning the loss of a devoted husband, and kind, iadulsent mrpnt. Resolved 5, That a pago of our 1 lecon I uuua. uu iiisicriucil r,f I in iiicttinrr f. i,. . . v v i liroiner ueorge, uuu ujiiu IUU UlUIllUUIS U 111,1 t),nt! 41. . . uus .ouge wear huio uuugu wear usual oau"o oi mourn r . t. i . I I tit fnr tbirttr la-ire o .-' ' llcsolced 4, That a com- of these reso- i . . . ' t lutions be presented to the fami v of f lu- . . . J aeceasea, ana mat the Secretary forward cuijy L"-no uiuiisgton jouiwal, aiu: Daily Keview for publication, ilh request that1 the Raleigh Observer ropy. W. J. Stanly, M. A. Uyick, J. W. Council, J. F. IlAKKELL, W. S. Fkink, . Committee. When bran new pianos can be bough for $125, we ought to become a musica I nnl wit-tots. aavIa f 1 1V. n - - mknl nun III l I.WKIV I V lll'l I IIIH I kV I Ml, fche 0 an c0 21 East 15th street. New York, are doing selling pianos from their factory at these prices, The great reputation of these pianos for u hesfc h(morg afc Ccn. tennial Exhibition and the hi?h charac- I tor of the comnanv for honorablo and straightforward dealing, should insure for them liberal patronage. Their illustrated antj descriptive' catalogue, of forty odd i Ta2es. crivins highest testimonials of lead- ing musicians, will be mailed free to all, and all .inquiries by letter cheer! ully an swered. lt. ConsumiMon Cured An rslr-lan rntirpd frnni ivrar.titt!. having had placed in his hands by an jsf India missionary the formula of a Vegetable remedy, for the speedy onH normanont rnrn lor Consumption. 1 tarrh asthma, and all throat iva V U W- wwa t J and lung auections, also a positive anu radical cure for nervous debility and all rorvnnn rnmn a ntS. after having tCStCd Us wonderfui Cnrative powers in thousands I directions for preparing and using, :n German, French, or English: Sent by i maii by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. . W. Sherar, 11J lowers Clock. hctcr. Sew Tork. adS 12-Iw , Wumlnrton District , rin..i0 t '.Appomiuiu. j 6- fin part) made by Key. L. S. Bnrkhcau: rorjBTn! eousd. D lm Wesl chapel. .. .Sept ,14-15 Smithville. at Smithville. . . . .Sct 1-1-12 Waccamaw 3Iis-icn at lieih- w ..Sept i'4 Whittle, at Carvers Creek. Sept 28-20 . ;i -r.i. rw.; . . PLEASE SOTlCK. W be r!U torcrcii re CMtantira'fi.- v-vnr ir;cacuca tcr m! a; eneraj wt-rett be: The ca:e or t a - rivr -U i.wr- o,-. 1 .. W"D oi me pppr. rertoaiit!e mnrt ba Tt;dp,t. Audit is especiIiy d rrticLur:v stood tht ,the editor d.i L . " 4r 1 i tae editonl colamts. I Advortisomonts. Commissioii Herchbn roi: Tin: sAu: or Cotton. " Wnvnl StU4ne and Country 'Produce. prth W4ter Street, V::r.iJ ;to. .V. (' For Rent qiUL DWELLING in XzriJ ! i i trect next ortl. cf Mr. A. L. A-kyi Morru' eiorery tore. To r.rtic 5 t ; ' f OSH V. .'AM! 4-pt ' r, .CKO.VLVI A 5i() Fall and Winten TLW STOCK ' CLOTH i.N( a. 1 . Office Board of (otmty Ccniiiiisviik: ers, Hew Hanoirer Cov.kty. OKALEI) I'ROi'OSAI.S U rcceiv, ,1 O by the underMgnol until Monday th at 12 o'clock, M., lor repairing! Corr.tr jiiutr umiwD &a looicer ? 31 ill Uri'io. V'V, tractors to furnUh aJl material. The Cot: mies loners reserve tho right to 'reject; aiy all bid.- . i: ir v r cept C-2t Ch'm'n Bd. Coiinty Cdm'r. Try St. J ATK' J!I;LI0TK0P W'ATt A 2or;tl Esccnce of ui.'df Fra-rnnoti.. 1'rvi'trcJ . niy by Lol'IS A. UATOj N.-u and for .i!OVh.l:t.aIp anJ'Uaai: at ! jii;ins J OOJvLa CJLASSES,. All fiz:.'? and' utylc?, J.?l :Kli ; .1.0 ( mi; in:ixsiii:nc;i:u!s oJ and 41 M:TK'-t Str sept G City of jVf ilmingt'on, A . C -1 . i .. Mayer's OUc? Sealed Proposals pOR WEIGIILN'G HEKF (JATTbK iL t - City of Wilmington, ad'i-cr Oroina'iiC'! "tin-. City, passed April ;:tli, 1-i'r, wi!lit rrr .vr until 12 M., Monday, October .7 1-7 - I s. ir. fisihmAt;:,' eept i,-2t')ii'J Mav; City of Wilmington, 2- C. I l ! .. Mayor's Ulficc I -; r September 5, IjTr Seajed Proposal JOIi FUK.NISU1NG the City with ('isi or other Material for tic htreci Lazcp?, 'i T One Year and Fire Year; from trpiration ft i . '.!'. present contract, will be received uotil-12 M. ', " ' i -'I' ' ,'- Monday, October.Tth, lb7. 1 Bids to be based on What is known as Four j and Six feet Burner?, and- for each L&ir.p by the vear. lM , S. IiJ FISIIIiLATl.V 1 ' I . -Til j i eept C-2t-6Al . Mayttr. -ill III : PIANOS m Each, and all utylee, including Grand Sq'uarj and Upriht,all gtrictly riRar-ci-Asa, jsold at the loweit sht cash vnor.Ar.B (rAcioar,1 prices, direct to the j-cbohase. Thee l'iano.L . made one of the tineet displays 'at thy On- j tennial Exhibition, and w er unanimou.'lr r- . commended for the Uhuet lio.voas orcr 12,000 in use. Kefjularly incrrporatd Man-' ufacturinjr Co. Factory establishejl orer 3'- ; years. The Square Grands tontain , ilatLu ghek'a new patent Duplex UTentrnn? Hp ale, the greatett improvement in tb hutory of l'iano making. The Upriffhu are the f:oet in America. Pianos eent on trial Don't . fail to write for lhustrated and Dej crip tire CaUlogueof 43 paes mailed free. I MENDELSSOHN ITANO CO., , , sept C-ly 21 Last 15tn itreet, . 1 . Crand Picnic At the Wilmington Gardens unaer the auspices of Gcnnaaia Loage ; No. 4 K. of P-, ia Aid of the j Ycllou I'ccr Suilcrvv Ot Oar Southern Cities on ' Wednesday Eresici Neil, lltii M rpHE PCBLIC gcseraJly are liintiui ti aid X ' . . the KtijjhtJ.ia tLtir :lurt y Jiiit in Uie fellow amelioration cf tic diitreisef of their i men. 'TieJteu $1, to b? ai f the fpllowisjr Committee : 1 C. F. VosKamiIs, 11. C.VnKUiti.7, i. I). Srruti, W. II. iltxx.es, ric . ' .' . M. h.Areowic. etpt C Cf 4. 1 al years ago? .-1 tut