Tho News Br Cable' TfllArSTBUX CAMPAIGN IXDAXGER or FAILURE. ne Retreat from Blhacs Accompanied v s.rloui loss-Meetlns the Jralousv of " Trench Radlcali-Troablcs In .Con-lUntlnople-Itallan Quarantine Re-cnlitlons. AtiRtriali -r Hnt. 9. The torn iin Bot2' Dumber200,000 Opera Iff5?iZ itTre scale are expected tu todajorto morrow, when t ha Sent- in the nighborLooil of tho Serriia frontier. numbering about 2u. ( will be taken m tbo rear by a iimuUaneVn- movement from Doboj. Briikft. andSerajero. iWjx.Sept. O.-Reuter's dispatch tan the Turkish troops continue to ar riTfromSalonicaat MtroTiz and KoTibazar. It is estimated that CO. 000 regular troops and insurgenU are encamped at tLose places. Iho ln s wU in the northeast o! Bosnia re estimated at&u.uw. tivo Texas feature," by employing Texas physicians and nurses bo far as tho iEtrcsts of tho institution will admit Texacs and others who desire to ccntribnto to tbo support oi mis hospital can da f by forwarding their nit,nfini tn the Howard ' A&socia- tion. BDecifvingtho purpose. n. Mis.. Sent. l. lna now cases reported to-day number 8. The death list numbers 4. V number of the rmtirnU in tho Chamberlain House A'!psciu!? ranidlv. o are Ul O U V - C M. - almost without communication, otner- ;Bn ti.ur, trlrcranhic. The mails aro irregular, and our Tostmaster is dead. The Mayor dieu two weess ago, uu nvarv tin mcasaces aro received aa- him at tho telegraph ofiice. Thrt tiimsfl of tho exnrcss atrent will .A. UV m - be seriously felt nniess his, place be epeedily filled. i finrvADA. Miss.. Sent. 9. From the nrpfiprit .outlook wo exnect to have every thing under control in a fewdays. Amass Stone, M. D. Holly Sxtongs, Sept. S).- Since tho last despatch seven cases of death and three new oases of fever have been re ported. Many of tho sick arc iu a crit ical condition. The rest aro convales cing. fcusiiviLLE, Teuu.,SeptJ J. Among the relugees from the South only four, thus far, aro tick, of whom two casts aro supposed td bo yellow fever.) Tho nthors aro not decided. . The tWO BUD- The Telegrapn a ienna "" wsed cases have been removed to the dent reports that General . zuca uuiy infiimary. two miles i from the city. oidered the retreat from muacs ui o Q q tfae uatientg ia a coored student o'clock In tne ancrnwu. . th Flh Umrersitv. wko came dred wounded had been brought in be-1 ffom iiiS8jssior,i by the way of Mem fore twelve ocioc, mmuuK wu ni8i , MTcral officers ox mgu raus. Chattanooga. Ten:).. Sept. U A r. that iMfa vpar scauimiuu. wmvu n nnlr be continued thren wee loncer. will not suffice to quell tho in- nrrection. ? bricklayer named Orifliu, from Mem phis, died heio on Priduy night lat?t from yellow fever, cae imported this being the second NAttRun Tliprii is BrBUN. Sept. 9. In the speech from not another case in the city, nutwith- the throne, read at the oponing oi me Utandinc sensational aewrnap ReichsUg Ulay, U.o emperor pi- tot!jOCtjnt -paper rtports nrMiPi tha hone that tho anti-Social lit bill will be adopted, that the rpread nf th nemicious Socialist movement 1 and t!at thHO who h.Tnbrf-r:rn:s!rd by iirny be brought bck totueiigLi l-ath. No rrferenc a r m tli. KmnArorV j-neech to foreTcn affair. Paris, Sept. 9. "th Radical De puties have held a meeting and com missioned M. Louis Rlauc to express to tie Minister of tho. Interior thfir regret at the conduct of the HUthontiea to Caiuo. III.. S'pt. 9 --Fivo mcmbo.rh of Thomas Torti-r fauiilj, four mii-s nbovo tho city; ou tho Mississippi, arc down the fever. Tho phybJcmiib hert) dibareo uh ti thu suture of the fever. Nouu una becu yet reported iu th city. Canton. lis.4.. Sent. 9. Wo hav tho rest- of tho Greenback ticket by a small majority. .There is no surety that but one Republican representative is elec ted, -v ! liouLTON, .Me., dept. 9 The towns hoard from in 'this county give Powers (Rep.), the Fourth District candidate, lor Congress, 321 majority, a gain of 192 over the. election of 18 iZ. - " The Indians. ; Washington, Sept. 0 The following dispatch from General P.' H. Sheridan, at Chicago, dated the, tbt was received at the War Department to-day by Adjutant uenerai xowabeau: inc troops oi Colonel Miles and Lieutenant Colonel Buell have closed up all the passes on the east side of the lellowstone Park, which the hostile Bannocks are supposed to be making for. The troops at Camp Brown, Muid River alley, have been directed to watch the southern passes, i There is quite a strug gle to-day at Fort Reno, Indian Terri tory, to keep the Isorthem Cheyeiines from leaving for the North. It is possi ble we may be able to keep them . 1 CAROLINA. Senator Ransom was in Baleieb on Monday. Ex-Sheriff Nathan McDaniel. of Jones couutv, is dead. The revenue collections in Raleigh on enday were 1,367. I Some five or six marriages in Raleij on tbo tapis for cool weather. The colored churches in Raleigh are to ;:ve a big dime party for the benefit of l.e sulIVeia. Fourteen persons, three females and !ov:n male, were baptized at Xcw Hope baptist Church, near Raleigh, on Suu lay. , ' .. - The $1,000 sent by the Laches' Relief Association from Raleigh was equally divided between Memphis and New Or- i cans. The ladies ! of the various churches in Charlotte will open this evening a grand for the sale of articles for the bene fit of the yellow fever sufferers. J iubesonian: There were eighty-live bales of cotton icceived at Shoe Heel for iaieigh Actcs: On Saturday nigh :ast, aoout one and a half miles from Lrrecnsboro, D. G. Hnddleston. a division road master of the Richmond & Danville R. IL, was killed. He and his hand were surprised on the track by the mai train m his hand car The hands saved themselves by jumpins off, but for some unsown reason Mr. Huddleston did not follow their example, and was crushed along with the car. His head was mashed to a jelly and his body terribly mangled. The cause of tbe accident is attributed to an error in time made by tbo unfortunate man. i . ' Fat People Corpulent people can be reduced from twq ttrt fare pounds per week without starvation, by usns Allan s Anti-Fat. purely vegetable and perfectly harmless remedy, it acts on the food in the stdm a?b, neutralizing all saccharine and olc'a ginous matter i 383 Washington Street, Boston, j!&ss., Mag 2l8t, 1878. Botanic Medicine Co., Buffalo, N Y.: Gentlemen Without special change of diet, two bottles of Allan's Anti-Fat reduced me four and one-half pounds. Yours respectfully, i M. A. Busu. Hundreds of letters similiar to the above have been received by tho BotaDic Med icine Co. Anti-Fat sold by druggiits. For UDwards of Thlrtv Tears n j Mes. Winslow's Syrup has been used iur cnuuren. itcojrecrs aciouty oi I tne stomach, relieves wind colic, regmates the bowels, cures dgsenterg and diar- ritoza. whether arising from teethm" or othsr cause. An , old land well-tried re medy. 25 cents a bottte. d V w. The Wine for Consumptives, Consumptive persons are said to be greatly benefited by the use of Speer's Port Grape Wine. It seems to give nourishment when everything else fails, ami Physicians are prescribing rich nutritious wine. it as a in rpcard to the Socialist coDgres. in .h-Hrpnollp district, which was bro ken up by the police, as uu infringe mn f th riaht of meeting ana as sociation. Tho Deputies at the Mm? tfmA ilianfAiniHil DArtlCl Dtltioil IU t!lO doctrines of the congrfKM. Loxdom, Sept. 10. A Constantino pie dispatch to the Times says numer ous arrests were mde there ou Suo dav niflrht. it is said on account oi a connniracv in favor of ex-Sultan Mu- rad. Tablic opinion is very excited, nrl th Tiilace guards h:iV been atrentrthened. Rome, Sept. 9. X royal decree has been issued ordering ships arriving at Italian porta from tho United States to be placed iu quarantine. LoTOOjf. SeoL 10. The War Umea curred in ti:? J;st -i hours. Wo h.ic constant calls j f loua the biirrouudiug country. It wib bo nn act of chanty forward niireR here at 0'.)ce. 1 hick sunoosotbe number of those now wouUl amount to lol). Subscriptions for the sufferers from the several places named are us fol lows: Dubuque, I., 2,13".); Ocean Grove, $(570; the L O. O. F. of tho StAte of ludiana, $L209.10;Cincinnati, Ohio, the tolrgraphf rs," 000; Pitts burg. Fa., in all, -20,t'0O; Elizabeth, N. tho chnrchett ! and Sunday schools $297;tlio citizens of Washing ton, D. C, i 10, OoO; Orkney, va, springs gu.'tts and employees, $100; Syracuse, Ji. 1 ., iu all. S.',5j0; Owc- lioapox, oepu iu. mo Independence. Ivan.. puDUsaea a telegram reporting a f town. X. Y.. churches S200: Little so, N. Y., thochnrches, S'2-3;GIovers- ville, N. Y.t churches, $700; Johns town, X. l., !$100; Isewburgh, A. 1., in all, 2,000; Philadelphia, P., in all, $17,708; Savannah, Ga., 87,000; S100; Middle- den increase of fever iuClprus. Three hnndrd and seven: men aro in tha hoamtal out of a forco of 2,010 London. 8ept. 10. Mr. PJimsoll, member of Parliament for Derby, ad dressing hi constituent yesterday, announced that ho would retire wneu the present Parliament wa dissolved. London, Sept. 10. A Lisbon dis patch to the News aays it is reported the Portuguese government baa asked for explanations in regard to tho at tempts of tho Eoglih to establish themselves ou tho lliver Cnnene.. iu Western Africa. Kock. Ark., iu all, $2,000; Chester, 'a., $1,200. i THE MAINE ELECTION. KF.I-:CACKEKS 31 A KING IT HOT. Fraud Kebuked iu the District that lias been .Misrepresented by Eu gene MaleVoters Taking Things into Their (wn hands. ! : THE SOUTH. ptlXM-Thc vote for 1 or.TLANn. 10.. Xent.XJ-i-irie vote lor Governor in this city so far stands: Kc- lilackuall the week endiug Saturday, Sept. 7th. Total receipts to that date, 112 bales. KaNih Olj&crccr'. Yesterday morn irii: Mr JoJm Nicholls, of this city, re ceived a telegram from Asheville an nouncing the 'dangerous illness of his brother. .Julius Xicholls, latterly of Mis sissippi but formerly of this county. Mr Nicholls left for Asheville ou the Western bound train. 1 : . Kaleigh Observer: We are pained to announce the death ofoDeof the most prominent aud estimable citizens of Washington X C, Mr Reading Lewis Myers, who died at his residence on Thursday evening last at C o'clock, aged about 02 years. Ilhlsboro Jlcconlw. The dwelling oc cupied by Mr. C. C. Taylor was struck by. lightning a few nights ago, knocking off bricks . from the chimney and doing some slight injury to the dwelling. ' A little negro girl in the yard was prostra ted by the shock, but was more scared than hurt. j Charlotte Observer: Collections for the benefit of the people in the southern districts, afilicted with yellow fever, were taken up in the various city churches, ounuay, wiin me ioiiowi ng result: sec ond Presbyterian church, $C5; Trym Street Methodist. S41: Episcopal. S20: LiUtheran. .yil.M.j; about $10. Ilaleiah Aries : T over whom thu publj ravetl ijut a lew Mays past, . arc actually in want of Ihe necessaries of lifo. The city editor, upon calling afi the house, on Morgan street, near tho livery stables of O'Kelley Maker, found tli-it all the children and their mother had to eat had lccn sent them bv kind hearted Dr. No hotel in this country or Europe is more thoroughly - comfortable for families and ladies traveling alone, than the well known Colonnade Hotel in (Philadelphia, Pa. ; . COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET SEPTE3IBEK 11 i T 2G Calvary's lUission, io trio t youngsters i l. . c an-1 iiif. press sj GItIss To the Keeplnr loT a Kccorcl of Tellow Fexer Cases In Memphis. Nsw Ort.tiaxs, Sept. 9 Now cases to-day. 141 ; cases of death, St TbftWreather is clear and pleasant. Tha death list to-day includes twenty ix children under seven yearn. From noon to &-p. ra. thirty-three ca3Cs of death we?e reported to the Board of Health, umocxr thm O. S. Bibcock and O. II. Hempstead. Cxjrrojf, Mis., Sept. 9 Thero havo been 21 new cases and 1 cases of death hero daring the last tweoiy-fourhonrs. Tha fever teens country. All look need nurses badly. Mjmrnu, Tenn,, Sept. 'J Tho con dition of this city grows more desper ate every hoar. Of new cases it is useless longer to keep a count. Whole f ami lie are stricken down within a few hoars, and tho call for nurses is greater thin can be supplied. There vera about 100 cases of death yester day and 800 nc cases, and 70 casos of death badt been repoited up to noon to-day. and the death rata will proba bly exceed that of any previous day. Anion? tha deaths reported this morn- ins i tha Ker.iDr. 1 C. Slater, p, tor of thalFirst Methodist Church. Mnrpna. SdL 9 Trv-div's mortn. ary report fir the largest of any since tha fever appeared, undertakers re- portiEg 1:2 in t era ex L of which 24 vara of colored people. Among the number are Major J. C. Thrall, Thorn as Hood, a volunteer telegraph opera tor, from Philadelphia, the Key. D. B. Eoseburg of Bartletcircuit M. E. Church, N. Gibson, Sister Constance, Superior of the Sisters of St. Mary, Hpuoopal. and Paul Cane, and S. P. Qoing of little Bock; who has been saraing the sick. A sou of ex-Mayor Wa Parka, died at the Howard in firmary. Fortyflve new enses were reported by tha resident physicians. Tha Howards hare established, un der the direction of Dr. Louis T. Bryan of Houston, Texas, a hospital for the care of. phjuh ians a fid-nurses, many of whoru ure fallic. Dr. Dayan will cire to this institution a d is tine- Greenback, 491; scattering, f; majority for the Itepublican camlidatc Z'2; against llepublican, 2.0CG; i Democratic 2,037; Greenback and scattering, 43, last year. Heed (Rep.) and Anderson (Dem.) for ConcTess are both ahead of their tickets. drawing from the GrcenbackeraJ Heed will I Iialcigh JSeics: ihe tents and tent poles, camp equipage, etc., for tho use of the State Guard at tho encampment dur mgrair vcck, are arriving, anu aro being stored at the Arsenal. There are 400 A tents. 50 wall tents, and a large number of camp kettles,mess pans, etc. Ball cartridges will this week be issued to R SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at cents. No sales reported;. . ROSIN Market llrrn at SI 17$ ifor Strained and Si 20 for Good Strained. No sales reported. : TAR Steady at SI Man- advance of 10 cents on yesterday's quotations. Sales at quotations. . ECRU13E TURPENTINE Market steady at SI 00 for liard and $1 85 for Soft and Virgin. Sales of receipts at quotations. COTTON Market quiet at a decline of i cent on all grades. We hear of sales of IS bales on a basis ot 10J cents for middling. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary..... Cents. UWW UU1U1 J .................. Strict Good Ordinary .. " r.- riiAAUrxr, - mi- ' Middling , QXA Good iliddling.v DAILY RKCIIPT8 Cotton. Spirits Turpentine.'. liosin Tar. Crude Turpentine.. New Advertisements. liliscellaneoTis. National Bank, Female School First FOR Young Ladies and Children. q dawsojt bank ;:; is .ow co tors of th former are notified' that th'eir posits and certificate are unJ v THEFIKSTNATIOXAL Hank. Misses Burr & James, Principals.. Mrs M. .S. Cushing,i f Musical Instructress. mHB FOUIlTEENTIi Annual Session ofi .... as 1 X. thu school will co aimence on inursaay, October 3d, at the School House on Market Street m the rear of St. James', Church. Al ter long experience in the art of training the young-, and careful study of the work, the JPriucipal3 belijere that "they offer superior adyantaees for a rehned education, at very moderate charges. Young children judicious ly taught. Ooject teaching with daily text book instruction1 a Fpecialty, and while the inquisitive mind of childhood is amused with, designing, modelling, &c. after the Kinder garten system, it lis also taught "the reason why,"the nature and origin of things seen and used in-daily life; thus learning becomes pleasure instead of toil. Musical School un der the direction of Mrs. M. S, Cushing, who has had long and successful experience in that science. Drawing, Painting in Oil or Water Col ois. at moderate rates. 1 , Languages at l'rcfessor s charges, xor urther particulars tee Principals or Circu lars. j sept 10 DIRECTORS : E. E. BUKRUSS; JAMES SPRUNT, Ml ALFRU- D. O. WORTH. Something: PJew f ptREPE VEILS RENOVATED. EQUAL "O TO NEW I Feathers Dyed, Cleaned and Kecurled. All kinds of hne LaccS Cleaned and Kepairec'. First-class work and charges moderate, by A" is. JAMbS J.K.DU. Until turther notice orders will be re ceived at Mes. M. KING'S, Second street, between Nun and Church. sept J Jt OFFICERS:: E. K. BURRUSS, Prcsi,., ! JAS. DAWSON, Vice Pi-mImJ A. K. WALKER, Gislnrr, WM. LARKIXS, Asst. V..,u H. juno ii-t j BOWDEN, Teller. Star copy. The Ezcitement Now hHu"! room in TWO' HOURS. I SAT Til E CORNER of Front and Prin cess strectSjNvhere a magnificent stock of Gents) and Youths' Clothing r tlrtt Fall and Winter! trade is being opened. j ! Merchant Taik-ring Department complete. -.1 i . Best and fullest line of piecci' goods in the State, j Call and take a look. ! ' ' A. DAVID, sept 9 Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Just Received- jyjME. DEMOREST'S RELIABLE j Patterns of Fall & Winter FesMoiis. Also Mme. Demorcst's 7hat to X7g ar .'ortc-fono of FASUIONS. Price 15 Cints. . I " - Send for Catalogue, at f JXO.1l. DUDLEY'S, Second Street, next to PostOfTice. sept 9 mmm M . fxx r mt r tj. J-J t i It it 42 bales 209 casks 812 bbls 11S " 138 " T hat Fori desirable lent, DWELLING HOUSE on Fifth, between Dock and Orange Street? sept 7 Applt to D. B. EILERS. New York. Markets. I Herald, lOth.lJ - Cotton on tho spot ruled irregular and lower, with the weakness mainly noticea ble in new cotton from wharf and to arrive and low trades of old in store. Quotations were reduced Vc for all eraues. JN ew cotton from wharf and to arrive could be bought for 3c under the appended Quotations, which are for old cotton in store. The sales since last report were confined to 665 bales, alt for spinning, of which 490 were sold to - . ft A. rv - 1 l new cotton to arrive: 100 bales were deliv- P ered Saturday on contract. stocK in ssew Yorfc, 19,028 bales. CURRENT TRICES OF SPOT COTTON. The following quotations are based, on American standard of classification, and on cotton in store, running in quality not more than half a grade above or below the grade quo tea : For Rent. THE DWELLING on Market street next North of Mr. A. K. Morris' grocery store. To parties with capital sufficient to -make a store of front part of building level with the street line, a lease for a number of vpurs mav be friven. AppIv to ! j i " . . . . n . JUSU km JAMKS, seotC or, CRONLY & Al ORRIS. xoc, wortn will kill more flies than $IO worta of Fly Paper. No dirt, do trouble. Sold by Dbuccists Eykry-, Whkkk.'v Bot&nic tf edicine Co., Baffalo.N. Y, July 27 " ' j SPEER'S ! Port Crane Wine Used in Hundreds of Congregation!! lor Com- UiUUlUU pUilUtCfia AMU Excellent forXadics and We ok 1 7 Per- 1 20ns and the Asred day. 175 Saturday, after report, ana 200 Dales ITROM aeuv- I ' lorir and wrv dPdirab a UK Y - j - For Rent- i 1st October, 1878, that . GOODS STORE, on North Front Street, at present occupied by R. M. Mcfntire, Esqt aug 26 D. A. SMITH. For Rent, MtProspectVinoyards, New Jersey, J Spccr's Port Grape Wine ! Four Years Old, Ordinary. - ' -Strict ordinary. Good ordinary, Strict good ordinary. Jjow middling. middling, - Good middling, ! Strict good middling, Middling fair, - j Fair, - - - . - STAINED. mi weoiy-iouraonw. , j are th fi for Covcrnor; Gn. 5ktoopinWe nor(ircp),l,G34tiSmith, (Dem.) 1.496, iktotxslQrfcelp. We Garcclott (Greenback),, 197. Conr-or's majority ovcrmith, S8; combined major ity over Concer, 10G. Ihe Conpn'cssional ticket is close, and ttieclectioa ot repre sentatives to tbo Legislature can onlvi be dcciJeU ahcr tho mixed ticket aro fully sorted and counted. The following is the Conjrirssional vote of this city: Power (Ilep.), 1,529; Ladd (Dctn.)v 1.C23; scattenuir, 8. lureca iJcmocratic-ureeuDacic repre- 8C itatives arc elected, one by but 8 ma jority. ! i - , Br.LFAST, Me., Sept. 9 Returns from a lamo portion of Waldo county indicate tbo election of tbo combined Grceaback and Democratic ticket for Senators and county officers bv 1.C00 majority. Each of tbo representatives is either a Green- backer or Democrat. I For Conreas, Fifth! District, Ajurch (Greenback) leads Hale (Hep.) by at Ieat 1,500 voters. JJatii. Me., Sept. 9 lleturnd reccivoil need. Raleigh A'cics: On Sunday, Mary E. Williams, of Laurinburg, X. C, preached ' uuuicuw nuitu uucu AJAttiujjuotau i Good ordinary Hall, one is a woman oi about 45 years I strict good ordinary, of a'e. nmte dark, and has a nlensinf lqw midaung, o m, ; t . face. Her voice is 'rather low but her go out of the city probably with 500 plu- tho troops for practice by the teams, and j strict low mi' rality, while in 187C he carried out only to be held by the companies for cases of I Middling. v4C. Deerinir is renorted as clectinj: a Re publican representative, the first time for years. Daxoor. Zlc. Sept. 9 Alare vote was polleil in this city to-dav. Tho fol liucuing, Naval Storks. The market for Uplands. 10 10 7-16 10 15-16 11 11 11 11 12 1-1C! 12 TUE COMMODIOUS AD DE lightfully situated OflSces over, our Store. Also' the old PILOT HOUSE, opposite P. Cumming r Co's Mill, and two Ollices on Dock Street. Apply to 3v A aug 19 GILES k MURCHISOX. i - For Rent, lauuase is cood. H spirits hne preaches thus for I tumentine continued quiet, with sellers at tho riurnose of securing funds for th tren-1 28c Kosin was inactive and without quq- -. I ,ki iinm Tar tiraa nntornnri nomina' LBU1C l.UlbUt.Ul IMW ...w tion ot a church ediheo in her town. At the close of the sermon a collection was taken up for that purpose. liaicigu xews: wnne Air. i I'omeroy, tho horse trainer, was exercising a fine young horso of Mr. Charles Dunn, of lorestville, on tho track at tho new fair grounds, yesterday morning, the animal fell dead without an. instant's warning. A post mortem examination by Vet. Surg. W. G. McMillan revealed the ex istencq of a rupture of the heart, three inches in length. Tho disease was en largement of the heart. Raleigh Observer : ,On a visit to the Agricultural Museum yesterday, we saw en the shelves for the different counties tho word3,printed in large letters, "Hands Uu: . Upon mquirv we learned that wi th in a snort tine some one or ones naa an- v nnote SDirita turpentine, merchanta ble order. 28c: rosin, good strained, $1 42; strained, $1 37: tar, S2 2of2 50; pitch, S A STORE OS NOItTU SIDE OF MAK tiet street, at precnt occupied by S. liehrens & Co., as a torniture store. A Fine Dwelling over T H Howey's Shoe Store, 12 Rooms, suitable for Boarding House. - Apply to W B McKOY, Or J D BELLAMY, Ja., sept 3 In Attorney. MARINE NEWS. ; 1 ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchlson, Garrason, Fayette-; ville, Williams fc Murchison. 8 team-yacht Passport, Harper; Smith ville. Geo Mvers. ' i ZLZTT y ... -mr . . . i" Ger hnp Atlantic, naraer, Antwerp, z. Peschan Jk Westermann. f Eng brig Lulan, Ford, Boston, IS GBaricer 4 Co. ! . Eng brig Leon, Ella, Liverpool, Wimams x Murchuon. , Eng brig Prince Leboe, Morris; Dudiid, Alex Sprunt it Son. CLEARED. If Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette- ville, Williams & Aiurcnison. Steam-yacht 1'asspori, uaxper, emiuiviiie, Geo Myers, A For Rent. LlKvici DUUJiLrJ WAlit-llUL'Sti in Quince's Alley, in rear of Messrs Sol Bear & Bros' store on Market street. Also a Large Warehouse back of Robert Scarborough's, on South Water street. Apply to . W B McKOY. , Or J D BELLAMY, sept 3 In Attorney. Quarantine Notice. ! rnni3 JUSTLY celebbated katitk Wine is made from the juice of th Oporto Grape, raised in this country. Its inralnab's Tonic an4.Strentlieiiiii Properties are unsurpassed by any other native; Wine. Being the pure juice of the jrrpe, produced under Mr. S peer's own personal supervision, its' purity and genuineness are 'guaranteed. Tho youngest child may partake of its gener ous qualities, and the weakest invalid msy use it to advantacre. It is carticnlarlvbenf iiciai to tne aged and debilitated, and aaitea to the various ailments that afflict tbe weattr sex. It Is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. - ' INVALIDS USE SPEER'SPORT OEAPI WINE, FEMALES USE SPEER'B FORI OR APS WINE. - WEAKLY PERSONS FIND A BENZFI1 BY ITS USE. . - - . Speer's Wines in Hospitals are preferred Sold by Drnceists cenerall v. who also sell Sneer's Standard Wins Bitten. Trade inn plied by all wholesale Dealers. See that tht signature of Alfred ..Speer, Passaic, 5. J. c over tne cora or each bottle. i A. SPEER'S Mt. Prospect Yinertrdi.J' Jersey Office, No. 34 Warren St. N'eir York. For tale by GKEN A FLAN NEK, Vnf giits. . . - I .i . men 21 ' pROM AND AFTER THIS DATE, AND until farther notice, no vessel from the Ports First National of Wllmingtonl here show a majority of 935 in Sagadahoc notably a beautiful siecirnen of county for Frve (Ken. tha Second Bis- rifled clam and a singular trict candidato for Cooctcss. Tho con- which belonged to New little articles that were on exhibition a pert- Indian pipe Hanover county. test was mainly ou representatives to TIje pipe was a Tuscarora pipe of peace, Congress. ; j but the person who toot it on Saturday In this city Fryo lias 04 votes. Belcher or yesterday shall havo no peace until it (Dem.) 71, Chase (Greenback) CGI. The returned. Kepublicaa county ticket is elected. Con- Iiobesoniat: The kitchen, dining ner's majority in this city is 456, against room etc., of Mr. Duncan E. McDryde, ia 405 in 1S7C, on a rcducedivote. Iiepub- Blue Snrin'r township, in this county. lican town representatives are elected as I were destroyed by lire about a week ago. before. ' , hvervthine they contained was lost, and SKowriEr.AN-, Mc.Sept. 0 In Somerset it required tho CTcatest effort to savo his . . I . - county a Uemocratic-UreenDacK cjenator I dwelliog. It is bupposed to is probably elected by .00 maj)nty, and I the work of aa incendiary. i " i" - imu wi " - "-uvAijr i Tyne, Alex sprunt t f Havana, MaUnzas, Key ,West,f or New mHIS BANK WILL BE MO?EU ntl Nor barque speed, Olsen, Cork for orders, DeUosset&uo. Nor bris Galatea, Anderson, CorK lor or- i(t- Anderson A Loeb. Amr senr Helen, uicKson, ron-au-i rince, Hayti, NortmopAUumming. j j - ? , : - i Exports. roBKies. New Castle-on-Tmo Nor barque St Olaf, :.) raKkft snirits. 2.0U0 bbls rotdn. Cork for orders rsor Darnue epeea casts spirits, li bbls rosin. kmtk. ior oruerti or irig ojuatc casks sDirits. . . . . i i r. i i r ten j r.verytbing they contamea was lost, ana feet lumber, 1T6.75G shingles, i . I 1 9 r W.t.r nd stair. Published Journal cor. AT ne-. taut streets, tp erery triOay at f 2 a year- Orleans, will be permitted to approach tbe City of Wilmington nearer than the Quaran tine Station at Deep Water Point ' W. O. CTJBTIS, :t Quarantine Physician, auff 6 Port of Wilmington. Tonsorial, a AVISO AGAIN located in the base ment of the Purcell House. I hare thor ough! r renovated and improved the old stand and am now prepared to sbave,saampoo, apd cot hair tor every hody. i The best of work men, clean towels, sharp razors and low prices. tLTl - i n" t --.11 tt 1st of October next : - . - , i. to the building1 recently occupied by DAWSON BAiiK, which Is bow beinif fitud or its accommodation. aajr 23 . E. E. BUBUUSS, 2'residest n caemake money faster at work lor uu aDyuuag cue. umpiuu -qnired: we will start you. $13 Pr CtJ- at home made by the industrious. Ie men. boys and frfrls wanted everyWher to work for us. Kowlathe ttma. CosUy ont fit and terms free. Address TCotV usta, ilaine. . .

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