THE LITEST fCOM THE SOrTII Many rcllow Fcfcr Tatlcnts Still Dj Ins !ncir Orleans and In .Mem pbls. Mnuriiis.Seit. 17 rotly-ms cokcb r .i.h ro reported up to noon, ramkiuff 101 sioco yesterday ouou. Dr. John Krsiine. Health Officer,, died this xaorniiig. ft!o Father I'ird. . Ihihp H Lnnn. W B May oH'k nveonc.and 15 T Mntr.xner. J Heath, of lUndle, Heath fc LiTermore. u dy ing. W 11 bhepard is also m a criti cal condition. His wife is dead. Mrs J M Clarke, o volunteer mire from Oaaha, Neb., died this muruicg. I ho weather is warn. Ninety six case of death uuro re ported to-day, of which 1!1 wcr col ored. Axnocig the deaths to-day oro J. W. Heath, an active member of the Howards; EC Marshall, a jiromini-ut member of tho Citizen lMnl Cuai mittee; Dr J E Plum; acd Dub II iru mock, ttller of tho Fourth Nutimjul lUnk. 'Xwo bundled ami llv caca have been reported. kw tiJiin Jesus W l'ac, an active HuvMird. wiio l in a critical condition. A D Lang tar, I'xtbidtrut 1 I tuv Howard Asso ciation. IH cokeldeicd out of danger. Tlirt fprr l frnreadlDC in ina bU- 4fc W - W lmrb. New Orleans, Sept 17 To-day a yellow fever reports blow 62 cases of death aad 223 uew case., of which 122 occurred prior to tho 11th instant. Ex-Assiataut Postmaster McGuire was taken with the fever on Saturday, Lia wifo on Sundav. aad IiU t-ou on .Monday. All are dome well. Itev. Dr. Mathews, pastor of the CaroLdelet street down with yellow fever. A. V. Ferguson, tele graph operator : Port Eadf, ia re iHjrtcd very low. J. N'. Shawhaa died to-day. Tlie death lists of tbo past three days itciude 0 children under 7 yrarsj. From r-cou to 0 o'clock this -7en ng 1'J cam 8 of dotb, and US new C4mh Hi re n f.ji- U, wuie:i 1UU oc curred prior io io tho I I'M lust. Canton. Mimi., Spt. 17- -i'lie total number of caee- of fellow fever foots up-T.4. atid tne cam? a of death CS. For the last twt-uty-four Lour.-, twenty tew rs?s and twelve cum-j datli uhvo been rcporttd, and six or ei.qut move are reported a- dying. Dr. A.i Cage, one of our b-kt citizens and lraveet workers, is diiur. Tho fever it worso than at any t:m.-. Baton Iloxirc, Ea., Srpt. 17 For the twentv-four hoiu.s t-udicc at U o'clock Hjij moraiug tin re have been reported two c.tsea ( dctthaud thirty- livo new rasrs. UumuN City, L.I., St-pt. . 1 The ft-ver is ircrcaaing. There were three deaths yesterday Mi Farrell, Hm utl OIuto, an i William Mattin'ti little daughter. Tenty-tive or thirty new cues havo b?vu reported einco Satur day. . Grenada, Mis-., Sept. 17 Saciucl Uirschbcrg of Louisville, Ky., who had been employed as uurt ia the hospital here; Mrs. Jonuua Scanlon, J. II. Campbell, dr.. ami a resident of Colorado, whoe nauio i not given, died to-day. There were three UiW CAses reported to day. LATEST FOKEKiV .EWS- Austrian Operations In Bosnia. Vienna. Sept. IT OihVial intelligence Las been received that General fczapary and the reinforcements which crossed the Save on the Hth instant c mmenced a combined actioc. They have occupied the Important towns of Gradacac and Gracin ica, the laur unopposed In the Uanja luka district Jaitz-j atnl some adjacent vil lages have been burned. The "insurgents, defending them disapivarcd afier prolHiged li'htin?. The Austrians in these small engagements lost 150 killed and wouuded. An Austrian battalion fell into an am buscade betwee-j Trebinje aud liilek and lost three cllicers and eighty men. Adjutant-General Xagv is missing. The Council of the bomogy has refused to lend wagons to the army. It 'has also passed a resolution demanding the indict ment of lYemier Tisza for promoting the occupation of Bosnia. The Austrians burned Lrezka oa the Save because of the treacherous conduct of the inhabitants. London, Sepct. 17. Routers Belgrade dispatch ay: ''Austria is making over tures for the eventual co-operation of Bos nia. It is doubtful whether they willl be accepted until Scrria communicates with Russia. Similar reports have beforo been circulated and denied." Condon and Melody sailed Yesterday ou the steamer Moscl. Their embarkation was conducted iwith the utmost secrecy, the polios and shipping agents denying all knowledge of then movements. The fact that,thcy embarked only became known at a late kour last night. CoPKNiiaoKN, Sept, 17. A vessel which has arrived here reports a violent eruption of Mount Hecla on August 1'2. Canadian Election. Toronto, Sept. 17 The election for tho Dominion Farhament took place to-dty and passed off quietly. Up to midnight the result shows forty-eight Liberals against eighty-nine Conser vative elected. Among the defeated are Hon Air Cartwright, Finance Min ister; Hon A Q Jones, Minister ox Mil itia, and Hon Thomas Coffin, ReceiTer UeneraL Among the leading Conser vatirea defeated are Sir John A Mac Donald, Hon Thomas Gibbs, Hon Teter Mitchell, and J B Plumb. It is impossible to obtain complete returns to-night, but prominent Ministerialists acknowledge the complete defeat of the government. Hon Alex McKenxie, Premier, is elected by a reduced ma jority. Ei-Cot. Curt In for Congress. UAfcRii3GurI?J., Sept. 17. Kx-Got. Andrew G. Curt in was nominated for Congress by the Democrat of Centre County to-day, subject to the decision of tie district conference. BISIIAKCK'S SPEECn, The Antl-Soclalist Bill Debated In the Keith sta. Ilr .Vul. 17 In the Ueichbtas to day Princ liisnmck eupiNirted the anti-.;-iit l. ill in au rneriretic speech. He s.iid thatsia'ial'im wara common danger, avowedly Miivin-: to ell't'eta violent re vol u- il.t. in iii i xisiin" older ol sociei. lie dfi,i K-riitim the al!t2ations made bj Ilerr Uebt l in his tieech on Monday about the fjnuer connection between the govern- jini and the socialist leaders, lie denied cvrr Itkvin relations with L.avaiie or FrkLsche. He said he had conversed with lf. tr I.avallo and found Lini to ba not a ir. i.iihlican. but a monarchist. He; chal- lni:ed Hcrr FrictacLc to specify the! occa- loiis when, as alleged, he (Prince Jiis- nisrclO'received information from him Prince Dismarck iKiinted out that the Socialist newsiaieis celebrated the murder c.f the Kussian pfueral, ilezentzown as an art nf iustiee." He said that society was thus warned against the assassin's dagger ana nouiimgs gun. ii; was uiioierauiu to Lve under the tyranny of such a gang t bandits. He appealed to the Keichstag to support the government in protecting the inpTor and his subjects, Some ad ditional victims might fall on the side of order, but it tUmld bo remembered that they fall on the held of honor lor the great good of their country. The debate continued ou the stiict party lines. The Socialists. Poles iand Alacians oppos ing the bill. Heir Rebel (fruitlessly de manded that Prince liismarck be called to order for speaking of the Socialists as ban dits, and for charging Fritsche with false hoods. He made a personal explanation. insisting on the correctness of (the state- ments he made yesterday concerning Bis marck's relations with tho Socialists. The house ultimately resolved by a large majority to refer the bill to a committee of twenty-one members. Oregon's Xew Senator. Salem, Sept. 17 Johns H. Slater, the nominee of the Democratic caucus for United States Senator, was to day thcted by the Legislature. Iu an in rcrview Mr. Slater said that he was not in sympathy with irJfUtiou; favored the enbstitutiou of Real tender lor natioual bank notes; whs opposed to hat monev. ami for a enrreuv on n coin basis. II.13 cs. and His Regiment Wn.Louonr.Y, Ohio, Sept. 17 Mr. Hayes arrived hereto-day and received a heaity reception. Ho addressed the members of his old Iregiment the Twenty-third Ohio in a touching and eloquent i-peceb. lhe village is eie gantiy and profu-ely decorated, and from I'J.OOd to 1j,IM0 people are pres- .iit. i Kcbcson Nominated Tor Congress. WooDIURY, X. Republicans of tint V.. Sept. 17. The I'iit District to-day imtninated the lhn. (icorgeM.! Robeson f-r Congress. . Hotel Arrivals! t Km r i he House. Wilraiugton X. C, Sept. ID. I. L. Dolby, from 10:05 o'clock Sept. proprietor. is to 10:05 o'clock Sept 10 W A Thomson, FaisoD; F W Foster. City; Geo D Parsley, Sound; Jno A AchisonJ iew lork; L R Ilicks, Dunlin countv:" PRowden. S C: J S Thompson, Sniithville; J II Wilson, Ky; Cant Juau dc Darino. twain : G W Ed- wards. : t : J C Hobb, Clinton, C; It M Collins, II S Rullock, Jacksonville; J C lhynolds, .! icon, Ga. Pcrcf.ll House. Wilmington, X. C, Sept. P.). Cobb Rios., ; proprietors fjrm lO.Doo clock, September Is, to 10.-05 o'clock Sept 19. C I) Myers, Wrights ville. X C; J A Slamm. F E Owecs. T L Johnson, Xew York; A Simmons, Rait; G Z French, R,cky Point; DM Williams, Jlasonboro Sound; Jo irench. Rocky Point;!) M Wright, X C; W Lenim, Rladen.boro, X C; Jao E Leggett. X C; W A Smith, Charlotte, XC; L M Lcdcrcr, New lork; Adolph Nelson, Jacob Haas, Philadelphia; R E Foster. Rait; Capt E D Drowning, ve!don, N C: II tt McLean. Marion.SC: JC McMillan. Faisons. N C; Capt U II Ijovc, Cliarlotte: W A Cum- ming, GreenvillcSound; W A Anthony, Augusta. Ga; L L Burruss, Grcenviik Sound; J W Hall, Columbus, '. C. Anti-Fat Chemically Examined. The analytical chemist, W. D. Beake of BuiTiIo. X. Y.,reccntly analysed Allan' Anti-rat, and gave the following: . CZIil'IFICATE. ! I have subjected Allan's Anti-Fat to I cLeraical analysis: examined the process of its manufacture, aud can truly say that the msredients of which it is composed are eutirely vegetable, and cannot but Yict favorably upon the system, and it is well calculated to attain the object for which it is intended. j 1 Sold by dru-gisL. V. B. DRAKE, Chemist. " Centennial PremlamiWIne. rbvsicians luve used Sneer's Port Grape Wine of Xew Jersey rind bavin applied to it the strictest test pronounce it a pure wine, and recommend it to the aged and infirm, and fr general use, l where wine is desirable, qa the most re- naoie ot wines to do cad. it received the highest award at tho Centennial ei- hibition. Druggists sell it. For sale by I Green & Flanner. . For roirards of ThIrtT Tears Mrs. Winslow's Strcp has Jbeen used ZMcZZ: the bowels, cures dysentery and cuar- rhcra. whether arising irom teething or other cause.! An 'old and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a botiU. d & w. TTcamake money fatter at work tor ma I MW w2 "V ZhSlEJKXmZ" -ftrkfor. Kov is thr timtb Cottlr out-1 fit aai trm fieeJ Xddrtu Tin A Co- An-1 Tits.llaine. 1 seal CAROLm. Warrcnton sends $175. Peace Institute in Rilei IfTh has 75 scholars. The revenue receipt3 in Raleigh Tuesday were $13,105. on An excursion tram is to be run from Warrenton to Fayetteville on the 21st. One young lady in Charlotte has raised $G00 for the sufferers by her individual efforts. Col. Polk has gone to Northampton tell the people there what he knows about farming. Ilobeumiun: Ihcre were 18G bales of I cotton received in Shoe Heel for the week eudiug Saturday the 14th. Totalreceipts to that date 38. ft 1 1 1 w v. Jiaieign acvcs: mt. j. u. Harris yes terday killed a goshawk that measured 4 leei ircm up to tip or uq"s. it was an iinusnally hne specimen. ' llobcsonian'. There was shinocd from 'Shoe Heel during the year ending August Gist, 1878, 3,931! bales of cotton; 8,599 barrels of rosin and 1,CC0 casks spirits of turpentine. lUleigh (Juserver: In this State there are now, according to tne most careful calcu lation, 2C5 carriage and wagon manufac tories, lUo tooacco lactones, Gl turpen tine distilleries. liootsonian: ine reports of crops rt w throughout the county confirm the state ments heretofore made in these columns that the corn crop is excellent, but the cotton crop is short. Charlotte Observer: More than forty car loads of through freight have passed through this city within the past two days via the Charlotte. Columbia & Augusta and Richmond & Danville Railroads. Charlotte Observer: The chickens in several parts of the county are dying with j the same sort of disease that has had suet ch a fatal effect on the hogs, and which for the lack of a better name is called cholera. Charlotte Observer: The news from the Catawba river freshet confirms the reports of the losses heretofore civen. It is possible that some of the farmers may oe able to save a halt or a third otthe corn on the inundated lands. Statesville Landmark: Capk. Jno. B. llu. s y, assistant Librarian of the House of Representatives, after spending the heated term iu the mountains, has returned to Statesville, where he wiil remain until Congress convenes. Raleigh Observer: A letter trom Ben nett s A lioads, Sampson coutny, says: Under the administration of Rev. Mr. Sandford, who, by the way, is an accom plished gentleman and scholar, there were lortv-five added to the membership of Goshen M. E. Church in August last. The Democratic District Committee met in Goldsboro on Tuesday in reference to the Congressional nomination for the State.when it was dicided that the County Committees should call the people togeth cr to select delegates to attend a conven tion to be held in Goldsboro October lstj This looks like making a square out fight in that district. Raleigh Observer: Two negroes while at work on the farm of Mr. James Wright, near Rig Coharie, about ei?ht miles- from Clinton, got into an altercation on Friday afternoon last, and ono of them, Sam Crumpler, received two wounds trom a hoe in the forehead, from the effects of which he died last night. J Hi.- ; George Murphy, w.-.s promptly arresud, Raleish Observer : Last. FnM;y ;..rer; noon lhoma3 l'oix; iitiii eu rc.i wrv. out iast across Lumber liver, at t.uTuhi ton. practicing with a pistol, wlieu Mai tin McLaurm passetl aloug, going in seaicn oi cattle. Pope siid, "Let's shoot him," aud lakincr the pistol from the hands of Rell, immediately tired, the ball passing within about one inch 'of McLauriuys head. Pope was arrested aud bound over to court, which is next week. They were all col ored. Raleigh Xews : Mr. J. A. Hale, Re venue Agent, yesterday completed an in vestigation of the omceot CoI. 1. J. Young. Collector of. this District. The examination was thorough, and he at its conclusion wrote a letter complimenting Col. oung on the good management of q ofhee, whole books and papers were lound perfectly in order and correctly bal -WW . V 1 ancea. lie says tne oiuce ranEs among the best in tho country. Raleigh Observer: On Sunday night as some gentlemen of Shoe I Heel were on their way to Ltiraberton to attend the Superior Court this week, a sudden and brilliant light illumined the western heav ens as if the moon had suddenly shone forth in all her fullness; turning their heads they saw just in the rear a large meteor with a tail apparently about a hundred yards long, falling very rapidly. It struck tho earth with terrific force about a half mile from these gentlemen, who were somewhat frightened. No harm was done that we hear of. Wilkesboro i correspondent Raleigh Observer : We are now having the most destructive freshet ever known in the ladkin River. The rain fell m torrcnti from Wednesday evening until eight o'clock Thursday night, and this morn- mg at aayngnt tne waters oi me river were some two or three feet higher than ever known before. There was hardly a corn tassel to be seen on those large bot toms. ine destruction oi me corn crop is incalculable. Men who would have made the most will not make a pecK of sound corn. ( Raleigh Observer.) Abstracts of Listed Taiables Abstracts of listed taxables have fen receded by the Auditor from the following counties: Henderson Uounty Dy ur totradley. Register of Deeds. General taxes $1,343.46; special tax $1,379.10; school tax S2,0S6.29; county tax $15,076.42. Alexander county by James is. Pool, Register of Deeds General tax $875.- 83: special tax SS75J3; school tax S1.5S0.C3: county tax $2,822.89. OFFICE of the Wilmington Jooraal cor. VJ ncr of Water aal Che tnnt streets, up Uir. rofiumia efK inujwtiijew COUIIEECIAL HEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET 1 8KPTXBB 191 F M. I oium-uj TURPNTINE-BtOCk 10.5TS cast Receipts of the week 1,949 casks. Ex pons zxq casks. Since our last weekly re port tne market has ruled steady at 26 cents. until yesterday, when sales were made of 200 casks at 23? cents, closing quiet at that ngure. Sales of the week 1,289 casks. ROSIN Stock 11999 bbls. Receipts of the week 10,S26bbls. Exports 7,212 bbls. . The quotations for Strained and Good to I Strained has ruled the same as In last I week's report, viz: $1 lTJfor Strained and SI 20 for Good Strainer! xt xvhirh flfmrps sales were supposed to have been made. There has been some little demand for fine rosins, and about 1,200 bbls Kand M, Pale and Low Pale, changed hands at 2$ 2 3714 per bbl. Reported sales of the week of all grades aggregate 1.S70 bbls. TAR Stock 1,327 bbls. Receipts of the week 371 bbls. Exports 1,192 bbls. There has been an advance of 15 cents during the past week, and sales have been inade at fit - .i . a CRUDE TURPENTINE Stock 2,227 bbls. Receipts of the week 1,177! bbls. Exports bbls. The market for this article has re mameu uncnanced since our last report. pVe quote: Hard steady at Si 00 and Soft and Virgiu ditto at SI 85, at which receipts are billed from day to dayf I COTTON Stock 722 bales. Receipts of the week 1,14J5 bales. Exports 1,1'JO bales. There has been a decline in this article of Y of a cent on Low Middling and Middling since our last report. Sales of the week 1,200 bales. ) (Thursday Afternoon.) SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted steady at 2Joe,nts. .Later we hear of sales of 75 casks at 25- cents; still later we hear of sales of 150 casks at 2Gc. ROSIN Quoted steady at 81 17 for Strained and $1 20 for Good Strained. Sales of 500 bbls Strained at $1 20; also sales of S3 bbls (H) No. 1 at 81 50. TAR Quoted firm at SI 75. Sales at quota tions. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted at 81 for Hard and SI 85 for Soft and Virgin. Sales at quotations. I COTTON Quoted quiet and steady. Later hear of sales of 350 bales on a basis of 10 cents for Middling. The fo'lowing are the official quotations: Ordinary Cent?. Good Ordinary Strict Oood Ordinary... Low Middling Middling Good Middling 10 10 1 it DAILY RZCII?TI Cotton 619 bals Spirits Turpentine.......... 260 tasks Rosin 1,830 DDIS Tar 128 tt Crude Turpentine 420 tt Newl York Markets. Herald, ISth. l Cotton on the spot ruled Steady at late prices. Futures opened with buyers at yes terdav's closing prices. The market ruled steady all day, prices fluctuating only 2 or 3 points, nut at tne close was easy. CURRENT PRICES OF SPOT COTTON. The folio winer Quotations are based on American standard-of classification, and on cotton in store, running in quality not more than half a grade above or Delow tne grade quoted : Uplands Ordinarj. - - -.Strict ordlnarj'. - 10 1-16 - - 10 y-io Good ordinary, Ktrict good ordinarj-, - 11 I JLow miuunDsr, - - - Strict low middling, - n 12 JVliddling. - - - Good middling. Strict good middling, - .Middling lair, - Fair, - - - STAINED. Good ordinary, strict good ordinary, Low middling, -Middling, - - " - ; - WA SALES OF SPOT COTTON. To-dav. Last Even'g. Export, - - I J10 Consumption, - 036 70 Total. 110 ; 706 Total, - 716 ro 816 Naval Stores. The market for spirits turpentine was dull and lower and nominal at the decline. Rosin we note sales of 800 bbls Good Strained at $1 40. We quote Hplrlts turpentine, merchantable order, 274'527?c; rosin, good 'strained, fl 40; strained, SI S7J; tar, 12 37g?2 50; pitch, f2. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. I North State, Green, Fayette- Steamer vllle. Worth & Worth. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith vllle, Geo Myers. Nor barque Resolute, Krag, London, R E lieide. CLEARED. Steamer North State, Green, Fayette ville, Worth & Worth. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith vllle, Geo Myers. liNor barque Cort Adelaer, Hansen, Ham burg, Williams & Murchison. Exports. FOaSISK. Hamburg Nor barque Cort Adelaer 958 bbls rosin; 1,000 casts spirits turpentine. AT S3 E W B U R Y 'S i i r"S WATER STREET, you will find No. w. 1 Lard in 3 pound, 10 pound and 20 pound naek a ctp Dai it exnected. Butter and K O - Cheese from Western PennsjlTtnis, at low 1 ! i prices. v New Hats. jyjY STOCK of Men s, & Boys uniiaren Hat if now complete and I offer to the pub lic an a&sortment of ftyle that cannot be tur passed in this city. NO OLD 8T0CK AND i NO OLD PRICES, wire me a call wnen jou want a good and stjliih Hat at a reasonable price, aly i'X.AlklJ Saiai IUU mm wn the lead because of its superiority to alloth- ers. Ask for tne reari ana ouy so ouer. ... Vk ft. A.1 ' ! A. DAVID, THE CLOTHIER, ept 13 Cor. Front & Prineea its. DYEBTISK IN THE ! WILMINGTON (Weekly) JOUKSAU OCce eormer Water mad Chestsat streets, vprstaira. j Miscellaneous. Choice Articles. Gold Medal Mustard, Prize over all others. Pound, Half & Qr. Lb. P'ckgs. Durkee's Celebrated , J Pure Ground Spices. Gordon's Pure Blackberry Brandy, Highest Medical Endorsement, For Summer Use. " i I ! Strictly Pure White Wine and , Cider Vinegar. Dessicated Cocoa-Nut Preserved Ginger, Pine Apples, Peaches and other Fruits. Parepa Cigars. A fresh lot jus received. The finest Cigar j in the city. Three for 25c.' Grant's Yeast Powder, Horsford s Bread Preparation, Sea Foam, and all otherj First Class Baking Powders. Bussian Caveare. A new prepara tion of Pish Roe. i- For sale low by Boatwiight &j McKov- O, 7 &. 8 lVorth Front Street. sept 16 d Aw "Copartnership Kotice. rpUE UNDERSIGNED IIAVE THIS DJl formed a Copartnership under the firm tarn of 1 WORTH dL CONE7, for thtransaction of a General Commission Bueiness, and Dealers in Peanuts, Groceries JOE. B. WORTH, ED. F. CONEY. Nos. 34 & 35 North Water St. i - Wilmington N. C. Sept. 14, 1678. First I National Bank. rpHE DAWSON BAKK IS NOW CON- SO LI DATED with this Bank. The Deposi tors of tha former are notified that their do posies and certificates are aefluxEed by i . THE, FIRST NATIONAL BANK. DIRECTORS: E. E. BURRUSS, JAS. DAWSON, JAMES SPKUNT, ALFRED MARTIN D. O. WORTH. OFFICERS : . E. E. BURRUSS, President. JAS. DAWSON, Vice President. A. K. WALKER, Cashier. WM. LARKINS, Asst. Cashier. " ! ' : It. M. BOWDEN, Teller. I ' a ne 12-tf Star copy. ' The inspection QF, OUR NEWLY IMPORTED Goods is respectfully requested. You will find a large display at low figures. j I GILES 4. MURCHISON, eept 9 1 38 and 10 Murchison Block Tonsorial. fc' AYINO AGAIN located in the base ment of the Purcell House. I hare thor oughly renovated and improved the old stand and am now prepared to sharesbampoo, and cutcairlor ereryhody. The best of work men, clean towels, sharp razors and low pnees. . JELYIN AKTIS, jul 27 Purcell House Barber Shop. For Sale Cheap, N EXCELLENT SIX HORSE ENGINE I with upright cube boiler. Will be sold a bar gain if application is made soon to F. J. LORD, Wilmington, N. C. sept 14 First National Bank of Wilmington. mHIS BANK WILL BE MOVED on the 1st of October next, to the building recently occupied by the DAWSON BASK, which is sow being fitted or its accommodation. E. Ej BURRUSS, i President. aug 23 School Books ! t T LOWEST PRICES. LARGE STOCK PICTURE FRAMES aad HpULDINGS. I Frames of all sizes made to oil tr. C.W. ATES, septlC Bookseller and Phol )grapher. Hiscellaneong. SPEER's Port Crane Win Excellent for Ladies and Weakly pi sons ana the Aped. Mt. Prospect Vineyard s, Ner . Jersey. i Specr's Port Grape u Foiir Years Old. rpnid JUSTLY CELEBRATED .VATTI Wine is made from the juice of the Oport Grape, raised in this country. Iu inTalnab't Tonic ani.StreDllieBii!lProperlif! are unsurpassed by any other natire Wio. Being the pure juice of the grapei prodorH under Mr. Speer's own personal sopertUion, its purity and genuineness are guaranty The youngest child may partake ol iu gener ous qualities,, and the weakest inralij kit use it to advantage. It is particularljbec. ficial to the aged and debilitated, aod laitf to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It Is, in every respect. A WjL K TOBI RELIED ON. 5 INVALIDS USE SPEER'S POR1 URATE WINE. i FEMALE&USE SPEER'S FORI ORAPX WINK I WEAKLY PERSONS FIND A RRXEFn Br ITS USE. i Speer's Wines in Hospitals are preferred to other Wines. . i Sold by Druggists generally, who alio n Speer's Standard Wine Bitteis. Trade sup plied by all wholesale Dealers. See thattbr signature of Alfred Speer, Pasiaic, J., cover the cork of each bottle. A. SPEER'S ML Prospect VineTardi.5 J ersey. Office, No. 34 Warren St Ne w rk. Jj'orsalebj GREEN A FLAN NEK, Dror-. gists. mch ii J 1-4- LLAITS JTLY BJUa imucxantrvmn KILLS a FLIES room in TWO HOURS, xo c worth will kill more flies than $10 worth of FlyPapr. No dirt. no trouble. Sold by Druggist? Etxsy- Botanic Medicine Co., BncaIo,N. x July 27 ' . ' f Just Recelved- jyJIE. DEMOREST'S RELIABLE ... Patterns of Fall & Winter Faiii. 1 , i i i Also ' Mme. Demoreit's TX7hat Portefolio of FASHIONS. I'ricb 15 Cifi Send for Catalogue, at JNO. LJ DUDLEVV,' 8econd Street, next to Post Office. sept 9 , To Move. fN THE FIRST OF OCTOBEli I . FH more my Barber Shop from the buembt of the First NaUonal Bank, to the store st prw eat occupied by Capt. James WJ Lippi't I will fix up one of the finest Bsrber 8W . m mm v rmmm -rr. m inthe8Ute. ' sept 11 I. FUBMAgjj Law School' AY SESSIONS. eTerr Monds D Wednesday & p. m. to 6 p. n. Friday 8 p. m., to 9 p. m. i Particular attenUon Jf, V-r V Man fat tat and Counting Room. Daily prirste taiff tion. Frequent Public Lectares Courts. Course of Instrnctibn ' years, and same as at Harrard . 8tsa ceirea at anj time and for any P'.,vj dents can board in this city t rates. i . TrtTtnw Tvntr.fin Dollar! tr of Fire Months. Fifty - Dollars e ier. xi an area uouarw ior we n bum vj" -able in adranee. lJrrrL sept 16 EDWARD CAnj BETJCE: WILLIAHS, ATTOZLZ7S7 Aff Pender County, 5. C. I ' WILL ATTEND at Btanior,, Lillington, the remainder of u r CoUeetions and ConTeyaacing cp Jane 4-dAw i f