... .. .ii it un( one of iy brethren, yc hae M;itt. xxv: v . . . s ... . . heart wcrf f"'. .. t.Ntraxit-i-. ju- li t!) sl;''K. . : 1" W4tl'! : . -r i ..r wt 'f won ! . v :. t! rhlMrrii, A--" I .1- rr.ci-eo Chronicle.) . uBiji MUSTEK OF UMNRKURV In Ihc Eatly Ifornla. Times of lal -i!o:;l-t tcu hart- fill tie jiV if.jniriu in a bcuoo;- . . . . ,r li rrrtrn tlion li nrr . ! 'Vj J a r-n atl to teach echool r errj Uulch. You'll eoon find r . " - i irv. it t3 tu uhu iurrb 1 Q'CtT. I-iV 1 1 J uiu u iuu r"tirJ;a-otLfr Icut Lis cje ami i lo oi euca ecuoui una .uptime for the benefit $ys yuu'ro a slender build, -iV.r learning will only raaku II- 1 1 ..; f rii!l our jouDg folks are J f 1 1 a- J don't fctaLd no uonsenec ! . . . . X 1: . 5i: l ray friend Harry Flotte i r-iJti application lor trio va- m n ox teacher. n- trv. I kuovr 1 am slender, -I J t'.'.f;ljt and I hare a strong llrrr. t n you like! There' tho I Lc uc and I'll have notice given v.. JT.I it uone. saia tno trus ! si:l IIrry. 'And I'd open : nUx at h a. m. ! :;c was civec. and thero was Im sJ of xcttement in tho Gulch tllv nbi dit3. idoro thm : V I pie of both tixes made lrop iuto tbe tavern to :L: tt the fellow who thought -U L'CP fchool in that district. i-t h contemntucus irlanco fel sIcLiler form and yotthful face be tcac!cr. Li .to clock oa aionua morning t;d Ihrrv I'loteo went down to i.i!d'.oI-Lo::5o with a key in c ue I izd a valise in tho other. - Liirto flope it ho hnca woro io zzc'j, for htm,' said a cross-eyed, :r:ii-Loa!i!crcd fellow of eighteen. rieidaoMouso was unlocked, and u tiicLcr went to tho desk, tft-e vouctr folks went m to it L was croind to i.o. tuongu xj not called. EuTTCftxcd his Viliso and took rciUr; Lc!t. Then, after buckling :L:--iLis waist, he put three Colts :.TrfTuhera there, each of mx bar J a bowie-Lcifj eighteen in lie blade. -1. . zlftl lie means businea',' mat tie crca-eyed chap. i-eccx teacner now toot ou: a Exe cird about four inches each nj. Tilled to the other end of the ac!-Ljut and tacked it up against tttxll. Keturnicc to his desk he hi revolver from his belt, and u tLonght sent ball after ball card, till tbcro wcro six balls cttct much Iarccr than a silver E;tL:s t ec tho school-houso vwas biLIlcfhrco boTsland girls. The Z4 ozci were airaid to 'come in. .fcja the tcichcr walked half-way in the rocm with tho bowie-knifo il hied, and threw it with so true V-irItLat it stuck quivericg in the centre of the card. ,H left it there, and put two more ttcscf the fame kind in his belt, pictly reloaded his yet smoking tie bell; I am about to open roie to tho cross-eyed boy, the t tLe crowd, and the boy rung sun without a word. fcLclars will take their seats; schcol with rraver.' ho said to minutes later. theirs sat down, silent, al treithless. the praver tho teacher cock- teToIver and walked down on the e w ill arraiff j the classes.' he 'All who can read, write and ill rise. Of them wo will form das..' ti J,;s Rot 110 cscortcd them crrr $tat. And then he began J'tUaxe the rest. A whisper was fiULicl him. In a second he eJ. revolver in hand. wi:5ricg" allowed here I he 2ercd; and for an instant his re l4T oa a level with tho cross !?ibo?'3 b"d. l1 tot do so any more gasped the jjoadonot. I never give a sec--xlic-,' said the teacher, and tho fell. two Lours to organize the Jl, Lt when done they were well tf ' Tlien camo recess. The vent cut,; too, for th room Jttcwdedand hot. A hawk was rS overhead high in the air. The r drew a revolver, and the next kk camo tumbling down p-S the wondering scholars. I? i thlt JJ o Harry kept school years iu Cranberry Gulch, his jy7oibled after the'.lirst quarter. pcf ila learned to lovo a.i well teci!1 bicr aoa bo revolvers TL. lc eiht toin a month. ccv, tia f0Qnd a man at last who keep school, Thii is "a fact. sleep wiie. men. fit bers. it.iir.I Swimming for Girls. ... i , a mcuical publication caj: Tho pubho aro continually reminded of the numerous contrivances, ; supports, stays, shoulder-straps, etc., and the various exercises that aro ' best ' calcu lated to prevent roucd shoulders, a sioopjg, awKxrard git, contracted chcsU, and fo forth; but perhaps there is no kind of rxercit?e for eiri mnrtx calculated to attain those desirable oh- jrc.s than that of swimming. During tl-. . : : . thrown back, tin chest well forward, wmia ilo inorahc and rcspnatory mu-'cks arxj iaj a strong action, and both the upper and the lower extremi ties are broaghtinto f nil play. Indeed, iu r health-point of ! view, females wou.d often havtj u tdvataco over in! ttrorgcr sex. is, or.iig to the lg Kfr.ount of ad:pose tissue cover ing tucir muscles, aud.tLe compara tive fmali'nees aid lightness of their bob thty not on!v have crt Jittr t:ow- c-r3 ol natation than nica, but , as a rn c, c-u continuo much locger m the wait-r. i uy LTPm tiiertiort . uaturaliv uuBj:iitaio ;icrome cocxi twmimtrs Mr. .Macgregor mentions tLat out of a class of thirty girls, who?e 'i-tiuctiou commenced late last season, twenfy tivo mcto taught to twini in si le- fton', nr.d six of them wen rrizo. 1- is to bo hentd. therefor. tht cirls will not l) debarred from I iruina this graceful sud Lealtlif.il uej ia pli?bucut cither throrgb lack of bath? or cf teachers, rtucli a practice i- particularly cilledfor: at tbe present day, a.s a stt clfogaimt the grown-g tendency in thogirls of the period to indulge in those literary and nedfu tary pur&nits which aro euythiitg but favon.blo to the! devtlopment of a healthy physique. The Chinese In Mm Tranchcc- The CL'ir.f sr quarter i i Han Vii -ci-aco ha bet n undersoil g tho(.u.!i ofUcsal iiif p(cSion. Oaeho'i ' had two stories below ths level tf iho -htrinf. divided into rooms about live ftct by eight, containing two tofi": occupants each. L?pers were for'id. r.nd ouo of them was Haid to bo encaged iu the manufacture of cirars that irrr-rch cold daily in tho city. Oao cf t!o moat noii-ome of the Chinrso tenements is tho piopt rty of the Bev. Otis Gibson. a witness to the good qualities of the Cbinof-e bc-foro the Congressional flommittec that took testimony in ticn Franci?co. Ho derives more rent i from hi densely packed Chinese lodg ing house than "while tenants wonld pay him. ISo thickly inhabited is this quirter, and to such vo ik every foot of indcor pace turned, that in hun dn Is of houses Ihe coot;ng is done in the streets or on tho roofs. Some kitchens nro built on slender, supports overhanging tho ridewalks. Fire places cro built on the window sills, with shields jol old tin bending out ward for chimneys. Fire: were even found burning oa heaps of ashes laid upon unprotected wooJea floor and against wooden partitions, tho spares Hying in all direction?. Miscollanoous. TUB KEIV Wheeler & ISO. 8, Wilson SevIng Machine Q0MBINE3 ALL THE LATEST Sewing Machine improvement! and makes it the best in the market. Ca.l and see this Macmne be- t lore buying any other and get reduced pricf lut. j i We keep tall line of Needles and Attact- ments for all Machine?, Oil, Thread, Silk, Cord, Ac. Also full stck ftf the famous Buttcnck l - Paper Patterns ot garmenb. Office 23 Market St.. Wilmington, N. C. WHEELER & WILSON M'F'G CO. aug23 W. B. ORR. Ag't I from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Max 'hood Restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New S o I and remarkable remedies.' Books and circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Hqward Association, 419 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia; PaJ An Institution having a high! reputation for honorable con-! duct and professional skill. 1 ti I ti Lager Beer. Tho Best in tho City.andtho Choapcs 1 7OR SALE BY THE KEG, BOTTLE, OR . dozen. I Try it this hot weather. It will give you a good appetite and good and make you healthy and wealthy and n. MARCUS A SON, 7 11 No. 5j Market street. ctamake mciey faster at work tor us t&an at anyinmg eue. tipn w it- auired: we uill start you. pr oj t hmn a Tn! the industrious. Men. wo- boTi and trirla wanted everywhera to work for us. owisthe time. Costly out and terms free. Address Tacs A Co., AH' usU, Maine, , j , mcnt SUBSCRIBE TO-THE DAILY REVIEW Only 60 cents-per month to city subscri Offico corner Water and Chestnut su up.it airs. Miscollanoous. ChoiceArticles. Gold Medal Mustard, j , Prize over all others. - Pound, Half & Qr. Lb. P'ckgs. Durkee's Celebrated I Pure Ground Spices. 1 i I Gordon's Pure Blackberry Brandy, Highest Medical ii.ndorsement? For Summer Use. ,. . Strictly lv Pure "White Wine and Cider Yinerrar. Dessicated Cocoa-Nut, Preserved Ginger, Pine Apples, Peaches and other Fruits. 1 'arepa Cigars. A fresh lot just received. The finest Cnrar in f m v Tlimn fn o. Grant's Teast Powder, Horsford's Bread Preparation, Sea Foam, and all other First Class Baking Powders. Ilussian Caveare. A new prepara tion of rish Iioc. j l;r sale low bv Boatwi ight & McKov. 5' 7.,f,f 11011,1 rront atreet- cvt avuun Copartnership' -Notice. rjlIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DA farmed a Copartoeiehip under tbe firm cam of WORTS CL CO I? 12 7, for the transaction of a General Commission Dunnes?, and Dealers jin Peanuts, Groceries Ac. JOE.D. WORTH, ED. F. CONEY. Nob. 34 & 35 North Water St. Wilmington N. C. Sept. 14, 1878. Wrflf: TTnf.iminl I t7?QT1:k flHB DAWSON BANK IS NOW "CON SOLIDATED with this Bank. The Depoei- tors oi tn tormer are nounea mat tneir aei posits and certificates are assumed by THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. DIRECTORS!: E. E. BDRRUSS, JAS. DAWSON, JAMES SPRDNT, ALFRED MARTIN D. O. WORTH. OFFICERS : E. E. BURRUSS, President. JAS. DAWSON, Vice President. A. Iv. WALKER, Cashier. WM. LARKIXS, Asst. Cashier, II. II. BOWDEN, Teller, um L i-t i Star copy. The inspection rF OUR NEWLY IMPORTED Goods is respectfully requested, display at low figures. You will find a large GILES A MURCHISON, 38 and 40 Murchison Bloik sept 9 Tonsorial. T A VINO AGAIN located In the' base LJL ment of the Purcell House, I have thor ouzblv renovated and improved the old stand and am now prepared to shave,shampoo, and cut hair lor everybody. The best of work men, clean towels, sharp razors and low prices, july 27 ELY 13 AKT1S, Purcell House Barber Shop. For Sale Cheap. A N EXCELLENT SIX HORSE ENGINE with UDrieht cube boiler. Will be sold a bar gain if application is made soon to F. J. LORD, sept 14 Wilmington, N. C. First National Bank of Wilmington. i rpniS BANK WILL BE MOVED on the 1st of October next, to the building recently occupied by the DAWSON BANK, which is now being fitted or its accommodation.' j E aug 29 E. BURRUSS, President. School Books A T LOWEST PRICES. LARGE STOCK PICTURE FRAMES and MOULDINGS. Frames of all sixes made to order. I a W. YATES, septic Bookseller and Photographer. Bail Eoad Lines, &c. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL WAY COMPANY. OttlCM GlNEBAL ScPiaisiEKDEBT, V WilmiactoD, 3f. a, Sept. 12, 187S.J Oliane of Scliedulc. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, Hth last, the folio winir Schedule w-il I Ha r.rfH on thii Bilw7 : I if AIL AXD EXPRESS ) Leare Wilmineton at.... 6:00 A M F M A M Xo. 1 Arnre at IJamlet at 2:00 ) " t Charlotte at.... 8:20 Leave Char! rta r.tx. a r o. 2. ArriTeatHan.letat 1:08 P M f v ..a... fl r JX. AJi. ) t WUmingtoa at 9:40 F M SJIELBY DIYISIOX, MAIL, fR EIGHT d- PASSENGER AND EXPRESS. VLeare Charlotte 7:00 A il Arrive at Shelby 11:15 A 11 So: 0. Vn 10 IheaveShelbj 12:45 F M j auuo ai vusrioiie o:w r jj The aboTe Trains have FaseDirer accom modations, and are the only ones permitted to carrv Fasen?ers. I V. Q. JOIINSOX, General rfwerintendent. sept 13 Gen'I Sup'ts Office, it t WILMI.VOTO.V, COLUMBIA AND ATJ Oi.VTA RAILROAD. j I ilminjrtori, N. C.June i, 1878. changp: of schedule. On and after Monday. Jone 3. the follow- ta ecneauie will Deran on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL.TRA IN, (daily except Sunday.) Leave Wilmington .' 10 25 A M Arrive lorence 3 10 V M Leave Florence..... 3 30PM Arrive at Wilmington 7 30 PM rNIQHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). Leave WilmingtOD 7 25 P il Leave Florence 11 47 P il Arrive tf!nlnTnhi 3 !!1 A M Leave Columbia .11 30 AM uca c A' iui uic..... . ..... Arrive at Wilmington 4 00!A M 8 30 A M Thia Train will only eton at Brinklev's Flemington, Whiteville, Fair BluflT, Nich ols, Marion, and Florence, and all stations between r lorence and Columbia. Pasiencrers for Auerusta and "bevond ghould take Night Express Train from Wil mington. & Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General 8upt. j une 2 WILMINGTON & WELDOK BAILB0AD COMPANY. Offiob or Gkn'l Superintkndsnt ) Wilmington, N. C, June 1, 1878. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. i i On and after Monday, ' June 3d, 1878, at 3:15 A. M., Passenger trains on the Wil mington .A Weldon Railroad will run as fol lows: i DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot I at 8 50 A M Arrive at Weldcn at 3 10PM Leave Weldon 12 45 P M Arrive at Wilmington. Front St. Depot at 705 P M NIGHT MAIL AND. EXPRESS TRAIN, I DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington. Front St. Depot at 7 50 P M Arrive at Weldon at 3 10AM Leave Weldon. daily at..... 3 15 A M Arrive at Wilminzton. Front St. i Depot at. 10 05 A M Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 2.30 P M daily, and Tnesdav. Thursday arid Saturc ay at 5:00 I AM. Returning, leave Tarboro at W15 Friday at 8:30 P M. The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich mond and all rail routes. j Nio-ht train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains JOHN F. DIVINE, General Snot, june 3 Kaleigh & Augusta Air-Line, ScpaaisTESDBST's Office, Raleigh, N. C, May lOtt, 878. AS AVI) A FTER MONDAY. May 10, VI !S7.trina on this road will nxn as fol lows : Sundays excepted. PASSENGER TRAIN. i Train 1Aaa Raloicrh 5:30 f il .u . so ..w.b r l Arrive at Hamlet 1 M Leaves Hamlet..... ....i.ou r m Arrivea at Raleigh -. ......' ITi?. rin elosa connections at Ham let with the Carolina Central Railrc ad to and rYia.rlotte. Asheville. .1UU1 IIUUllUKWUf " . ' .. . . - I Statesville. Warm Springs ana an poinu in Western North Carolina ana u puuioiu and Southwest: JOHN C. WINDER, Superintendent. july 26 -tf B. D. MORRILL, Undertaker, Carpenter ana I Cabinet-Maker, Third street, Opp, City Hal yiLL FURNISH COFFINS andCasketi with attendance at ihort notice. Ordcn for Carpenter work and Cabinet work respectfully iolicited and promptly ex ecu ted. AU work guaranteed. feb a week in your own town. Oat. j OLrtr k' Reader, if yon 0UU wanU business at which pertxm. of either sex can maxe r' ? time they work, write for particularf to H. HlLamCo..Portland,iiaine, march Miscellanoons. FIRST RECEIPT - RECEIVED TIII3 DAY tory an entirely new style of and Blue Cloth Top1 Ucular. A nice usortxeat of Ladies Button Boot, Children' atd Isfant'f Ltco led Dut- !IfHieSrlT"MSed hoes;' C,hildren'3 Lace and Button Sl.of, ia Crcat rlrietr syool.hoe specialty. Boj Shoe ia ererr iminab!,. Ja .l .I'L.Tl lfFt.(AJ T ft . . J rTi ' bf.,t.Illity.and at the lowest prices. Steamship Lines, &c CLYDE'S w i Wilmington, Nv C i!Steamship Line, ; r 3 ; The Steamer BENE FACTOR. CAPT. JONES, Wli.t. SAIL FROM NEW YORK 0 TUESDAY, Sept. 17. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. I For r reight Engagements Ripply to A. D CA.2uiA.17Z. Agent, ! Wilmington, TJ. C. L. S. B ELD EN, Soliciting ! Agent. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, Bowling Green, or Pier 13, N. R., New York. septlG iimore AND WlllTlinPtOn. STEAMSHIP LINE 4 - . 1 & riD-'-i D. J. FOLEY, CAPT. TRICE, . i WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, iScpt. 2l. Steamers bail U om VY umuuion .. - . ! TT-1 1 every Saturday promptly at 1211. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailintr OI" Bteamers as advertised, "e. Tbrongn Sills ox Jiaaia? s"" to and from .rnuaaeipnia, taa irrouipi sispatch guiranteed. Ipr Freight Engagements apply to . j 2L. D. CAZAUX, ILgeni, Wilmington, U. C. L. 8. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen r t- aTtA lAtrht Streets. Baltunorei Wiua f " York. sept 16 j The Hew and Commodious Stznr. Passport -CTTTT.T. MAKS DAILY VV Trips to Smithville. Leave Doek Return . - - 6:30PMfii- Sundays half hour later. v . Ilowid Trip.75 Cts. Si"? inW 77 UX.W. . L i ' . -Vo. 47 North TiSESSLW.. i ' ' ; H ---4- H 1 : . ta 3 i jr M ' "5-1 . . A- AJil: : " A i ca ..is-vScT A )'! '" I Sg ti l Wlff i York S'a ! . The Steamer i. ' li ft 'A n 3fAXikmz2iJP?sr m am i i m m &r w wr am ia mi Miscollanoous. dF ALL GOODS. DIRECT FROM THE MANCFAC- -o Genfi II aod Sew. d W ise Colored (JTV imiUtionButtonGaiterf, perfect in Fit and Cuirintccd ia eTcrVT- ot.er as an mdncement new poovis cf thTlatrt. au. examination ol itock aid jhrice r Thouias II. Hoivcvj Karkck Stt. Miscellaneous. -i- Parsons' Purpative Pills mflV v. dL, Blood, and will completely change tlJu blood in the entire system in three 'month!' Anr person whowill take 1 pill ch ni-lJt from 1 to 12 weeks may.be restored ti found health, if such a thing be politic Sent bv mail for 8 letter stamps. I. S. JOHNSON i m.t Bangor, Me. . fcj t I0-4w ' SPECIAL ORDERS FOR NEWSPAPER AD VERTISjHQ, We publish book of 112 Parts Vo. (no advertising) giving special filers fur adver-ti-ing all over tLe countrv I'rices low-r than ever offered before. "The Uh edition pent post-paid on the receipt -f i'.V ct-nts bv DAUC1IY A CO., Printer' Wan-house and Advortieement Agency, !Jl Fu: ton j Street, 21 OW HEADY ! The Grand Achieve ments c.f ANDOTIIKU.S, ONLY S2.70 By Hon. J. T. Hcadley, tlie Prince of .de scriptive author A lull Lidtory of hid ex plorations in Africa and marvelous journey down the Congo, a new exciting bookj . Bristling with wild adventures and (thrilling scenes of daneer. Is profusely! illiitraed j The public eagerly await it. It i telling Wonderfully, ! pAIITinfJ lewaro f mitatf meets rf UHU I lUfl interested partiep, but irnd for proof rfgenuinenesi and full description Ff this work, also terms, j j iWSS!AGEHT& WANTED som st. Phila. j sept 10 4 w ' ji PIANOjMSSSJOROAM $425. "Superb (rand Square PianosT price $1,100 only $255. Elegant. Upright Pianos, price $S00only $155. New Styo Upright Pianos $112.50. Organs $35. Organs 12 stop S72.50. Church Organs 1;J sUms price t'SW only $115, Elegant $.'J75 lirror Top Organs only $105. Buyers corne and s?e me at ho)i . if I am not as represented, R R Faro taii! both wavs and Piano or Oian riven ,fre4. Laree Hist. Newspaper with much informa tion about coet of Pianos and Organs! sent free. Please address DANIEL F. BEATTV, Washington, New Jersey. sept 10-4 tv -4. O C UiraoMo cari.s (perlcct beauties); with Co., J name 10c. Outfit 10c. Turner Card .Co., Ashland, Maff. sept 10-1 w i.ar oiseases. . C E. Shoemaker's Boo: o I aiiU iircsu i'i uic Lai auvi t U w m v I 1 mnm b rm r.f I h a ft. mm v -f f I a m a -i 4 . v- a alltflnnnlnss tfl If ft W f I get immediate Keliet trom all tie unpleasant- ness of this disease, and a perfectly hirmlcM and permanent cure. A book every family should have. Address Dr. C. L. .Shoemaker, Aural Surgeon, Reading, Pa. srpt 10-4 ir $50 For a CASK of C.ATAKKU That HANFOKb's IUniCjft Ccar. fot CaUrrh will not initafitly relieve and speedilf cure. References, Henry Wells, Esq., WelU, Fargn A Co., Aurora, N. Y. Wid. Bow en. Etq.. McIIatton, Grant A Bowt- S50 en. .t. I-ouls. TesirroomaU and treatise bv mail. Price, with improved Id- hxler. 1. Fold everyweere. n ztx a PoTTEa. Proprietors, fcostou, 2au.!. sept 10-4w mw mm mm Farh' asd all itvles. iccluding Oracd Hjor and Upright,ali strictly srur cu so.d at the lowest sir -cash wuotUiL AffTOT prices, direct to the rcac6istai.iThew I Unos maae one o w - . : K.Mhltion.acd were unanimously f e- commended for the UHtsr Hoou-or 12,000 in ue. Keguiariy mcorpw.vfu nfacturing Vo.-t aciory ri , . , vears. ! Je rqairc ( rt.v. r.,?t Durlex OverstrBDg cale. it rreatest isprovemett in the history or Piano mtKing. tiit..... 1,1. .. fail to write for llloJtrited atd Dtstriptive Catalogue 01 3 pipre .v. j MENDELSSOIIX PIANO CO., sept 6-1 y 21 East ISth street, N. V. D7EETISE IN THE "WILMINGTON (Weekly) JOURNAL OEce corner Water ad Chet taut stmt, up'etalrs. 1 STANLEY