THE FEVER. Tttfrlo; Sentiments of Gratitude for the Substantial Aid Extended- MEMrni3, Tent,.. 10-S'uc yesterday noon 57 cise of uea'li from vMlow fever have been reported. .x- Iayor John Johnson. tniperintenaent of the Howard tmre. reports n fn" Knnnlv. and fHT no nore nro: needed. from Hickman pivea a rnorc ablc : : n,,ot imnrRcudinr turn raorr.- in, and no cues of death. Da ton Uoorr. La.. Sept. W-Lx Gov Sao Haul died last nipl.t. jf jel low fever. Although not officially re torted I count o7er 30 case of death to date. We bavo many ectt cases. The disexse ia apfcumicg a more msl icnant typo. Castox, Miis.. pt. rJ-'p;-ard Aefociation and tlio I.hhi mittee aro r.o longer in need f -;5Ler provisions or money. New Orixa-, Sept. 1 0-1-ouuS Mcu'a Ct-iatia-i Association liavo re ceived a despatch from Ln-onua plan tation, ofkiDR for fix mole i.urscs, eay- icfj tho fever ih very oaiu Total casrs of d?atb. Do; new cases reported. Of tbwe. JJ1 date prior to the ICtu ic&t. Tht death lift :uclcdc8 1 1 children cnderT years of Tno weather i cooler, clondy, and threatening rain. Tho number of rases cf death reported from noon to T, p m, 19; cases of fever. 80. of which il originated prior to the lGth inet. Morgan- City, La. Sept. 19 The fever is increasing here. There have beeu 9 cases of ileal it tud 7 new cases trithiu thi la't forty Lour.". Total cefiatoilale. Gtf; of tlcilh, 21; recovered. 11. Uaton Koror, Li. .St pt. 19. lota: ci-s of death. II; new cisp, .Il. Fr-Assr.:::. L t. l'J-A IMtvr jtw: rtci-mu fn.iu I'u'.lr rfoLvii.'o rjivi.H the follow ivr tceoui.t tf the Vfltow fever above and Ulov tin- lie.: "At Lipocila plantation, Jttl ca- p, uud 8 cams of deolh. The proprietors Mr' Clatkc k Hit Lvaro dangerous ly ill." MiDDMiTON. N. V, K 't. 19 -Sifter Kath, v;hte Mm- Ml'r i i the death 1U1 froniyellov.- lev r at Mem 1 hi yehtcrday,' was Miss Holeu Ctiorrf. danghtor of thr Hou. Thomas George, formerly Jndge.oJ. Orange Count r. low cf Colorado. Mobile. A!a. Sept. 19 -The JJoard .r Health re port oCiciilJy this mcrn lug two more cases o( ye. low fever ou t. 28.h, botu terminating fatally. TLeso ca?es recurred iu tho pamo sec turj of the city a" thone previouslj re rortfd. thr.t i-, that portion bounded by lraarei:..rd, Mat-. ::d Conception tree!. Only iitro c 't-f hav lictn re ported since tiie one by Dr. Wm. Koss, wh:ch terminated fatally on thelG'.h of Angnst. tiino.5 t!oofl!c:nl !ejort has bet?n published, another ci-o Ins been reported to the IJurdo: Jlealtl: in the stmo locality. Gr.EX.uA,Iiff, S.M.f. 19 Funr cif es of death fn.m -ilow lever t;-d:iy, and fur new rurrt t (i t t. Gr.iUctl Sch x.l; 4 Wake county cniitributrs The Crll-b'eiinrtt Wedding Newi okt. II I., Sept. 19 lV.-.m;.tly it r!cve: h. iii.,MiH .lt-j;nnv'to l-t;:iett, ! . itvr f .Taiu m tiir;I.u JJ'nueti.of New York, va m irritil to Mf . I?ii e Ilell, ir , of th K ino ei ty, lit v. Father Grace and ussistant, Kv. Fa: her Clin toa, of St. Mary'rt llunnui Catholic Church, olhcating. It v.ns a private affair, and was one of the liuest wed dings ever celebrated in Nswpor:, there beius prestnta large and distin guished attendance. I he presents are numerous and aro valued at i-lOO.ODl). Tramps Surrounded and Captured. New BufN&wicK, N. J., Sept. 19 A large body of tramps bavo for pome time past rendezvoused at fcteiton. They had completely overawed tho in habitants, and their demands for mon ey, clothes, and food were promplb acceded to for fear of viob-nce. Their depredations were carried to Mieli :.u extent that tho aii of the police rf this city was tought. At 3 o'cicck this morning tbo otiicers, aided by citizens, surrounded and peenred ten of the tramps. They wero brought to this city and committed for vagrancy by Justico Ford. General Howard's Prisoners. San Francisco, S:pf. 19 A Rut land dispatch says Ueneral Howard has been collecting bands cf surren dered Indiana at Camp McDermott, and tho whole of them, aggregating about 1.000, aro being transferred to Camp Henry. They aro held as pris oners, and aro to await tho pleasuro of the Government. Tho country is now cleared of all tho bands of Piutes which have been engaged ia hostili ties. General Howard recommends that they bo taken to Indian Territory or some other distant locality. The general desire of the people is that measures should be taken without de lay to cflect permanent settlements with tho Indians of Moses' band cn the Upper Columbia. CAKOLm. No f curlei fever in Raleigh now. Sure-mile. Ins contributed about 400. Senator Ilir.snm and family are ia the moti u tains TIiA-p .ire 403 Mipils at the Raleigh ciuut con- ticts to the pen. ' I rirrttcVille Kninhts ofVvthias have contributed .$CG.G0. I!i!.ih received' and sold 150 bales cotton on Thursday. A i.etv hotel, the Clarendon, has been r-l- ned at Fayetteyiuc. .Rcvi'DUC collecfions in i Raleigh on Thursday were $2,CG3.0G. j Gonzalez, the musical monster was to have sung in ilson last night. - Frost made its appearance in Hickory on tho morning of the loth inst. j The Fay Tcmpleton troupe want to phy in Raleigh during Fair week. The revival at the Person Street Meth odist Church, in Raleigh, bontmucs. In St. John's" Church, Fajctteville, ou Sunday lait, CG0 was contributed. Tho Concord Presbvtcry will meet at Statesvillc on Thursday, the 2Cth inst. The Ralegh Lijrbt Infantry will parade cn Mondav for their annual target firing. The ladies of Shelby had a baziar this week and realized 81 00 for the sufferers. Hro. Farman. of the Ashevi'.lo Citizen? says the weather thereabouts is "sublime ii it iir.t tlif l:LIlll of the SkV'V" The fourth nuarterlv Conference of the M K Church for Wilson, will take place nrxt Sunday week, the Rev DrCloss pre- fciding. Raleieh Xetc.s" Mr. S. G. Worth, the Superintendent of the Trout Hatchery at Swannanoa Gap, near tho Western N. C. R. 11. t left yesterday lor mat poini, xo rt- Mime operations. Asheville Citizen : Our lively fiicnd.St A.Merrill, who lives on upper bwan- tiar.oa. went out one day two weeks ago, and cantured alee tree, from which he got 118 pounds pure, delicious honey. Rahiv'h Observer'. Jloro than mice hui.drtJ pupils were entered atthis school on Mondav last. The hchuol be'uuga to ioss Creek towns !m. aud the number oi ir, iv n-aeh fuiir hundred. It has Leci started on a liuancial basis. Ralech A" tea Gov. (Vance (inds him self compelled to decline; the invitation e. tei.dedto him by a number of citizens to deliver hb popular lecture, " 1 he fccaiiereu Nation iii GoKhboro, in behalf of the yellow levt rsu llreis.. 'll.eieiicus illness or Mrs. Vance prevents his doing so. Raleih Observer. iMr J J Litchford, Grand Secretary of the IOO Fsin North Carolina, has received from Lodge No. C $'ot from Lodge No. 8, $10 and a like bum from Lodge No 30, all of which he has promptly forwarded to the proper destinations fcijTcuuLsc and Mississippi. Guar lotto Obscnir: Wc gather from a Union county correspondent that Robt. Snipes, who was indicted in Lancaster. coUnty for the murderof Wm. Ghent, a fe.v months ago, wis tried last Wednes day at Lancaster coiilt house, and con victed of manslaughter. ! Ashcvillc Citizen: 0:i next Saturday, as 12 o'clock M., a tittle boy, just six year, old, son of Mr. G.1I. Hawkins, of Madison roui.ty, uiil aJdfes The public in the Ciurt -house j at this place. He will first decait upon education; then will present his . eiuims for the Governorship f North Carolina in 1802. Charlotte OhsiTcu': Mr. Whilakcr, the l.orso trainer! now has an excellent Mab!c of horses at the fairj ground, and is setting them in tine trim for the fall races He lias seven horses in all. Nearly all of them are young, and have their records to make, but being ot the veryj best stock iu the country i.ofe irs aro entertained as to their success. MrJ Charlie Walker wiil enter several of them at the Atlanta fair, aud may also take a stable to the State lair it sufiicient inducements arc held out to make the entcrprUe a paying one. (Raleigh Observer.) 'The Greatest or These is Charily." The citizens of Reidsville, through Mr A J Boyd, have sent Gov Vance for transmission to the sufferers from tho fever $67.90; of this amount $G.&M was contributed by the colored peo ple. From Clinton comes the sum of $13. 75, to bo forwarded where tho Gover nor may think it most needed. Tho citizens of Henderson have for warded to Gov Vanc9 through Mr JB YoriDg, $15G.85. They have 'already sent $53.G5. Handsome for the good little town of Henderson. Competitive Drill. Of tho special premiums of the Pee Deo Agricultural and Mechanical As- on tho 23d and 21th days of October, n m anj 7i nre ivo uuy uuuar prizes, one to too bct-t cavalry company and one to the best Infantry company. The compe tition is open to North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia The Judges arc Governor Vance, Governor Hamp ton. General Ivloiso, General Kennedy and Colonel Cash. Oar soldier boys will bo hard to beat if they enter the hstc. Consumption CuredJ ' An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed m his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, brouchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his Buffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a aesire to relieve hu man suffering, I will send, free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, with fui directions for preparing and using.nli German, French, or Lnghsh. bent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming his paper. W . W. Sherar, 149 Powers Rlock, Rochester. New lork. aug JJ-4w Fat People Easily '"Sunstruck." Fat people are not only liable to sud den death from heat disease, apoplexy, etc., but statistics show that they are more liable than others to "sunstrokes" ami affections arising from extreme heat. An extensive experience in the treatment ct corpulence has resulted in the introduc tion of AlSau's Anti-Fat, a safe, certain, and specdyre:nedy for the cure of this terrible condition. Its use insures a re duction of from two to five pounds per week. If corpulent people who are ex posed to the rays ot the sun value life and a corfifortable existence, let them use Allan's Anti-Fat. Sold by druggists. For I'Dirards or Thirty Tears Mrs. Winslow's Strup has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves icind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diar rhtca, whether arising from teething or other cause. An lold and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a bottle. d & w. (Raleigh Observer.) j Abstracts or Listed Taxabies. Opt W W White, the Register of Deeds f.r Wake county, reports to the Auditor; Genera! taxes, $10,H10 .:.; special taxes, $ 10,570 SS; school taxes, S12.7P.32; county taxes, $11,781.72. Mr Joseph Nelson, Register of Deeds for Craven county, reports: General taxes, S3.027.5! special taxes, $3,054.1S school taxes, $1,1SS.CC; cmnty taxes, $33,13G.7G. I MrWWAutrey, Register of Deeds for Cumberland countv. reports: General taxes, $3,303.19; special taes, $3,400- 4S; school taxes, S2l,GSo.( Tricky Traders. The attempt to establish a business by closely imitating the name and style of a favorite article h?.s new illustration in W. F. Taylor's Labor Saving Detersive soap. Fr many years this brand of oan has been made solelv bv (Jo.atc A; Co., New York, which iact, t ;c iher n il its wide popuIantv,Ii.-.s made it Miming mark for the unscrupulous imitator Buyers should remember iiiar. e.cii '.-euu i no wrapper ami bar bears t he name o W. F. Taylor. Its reduced and nresent low prices en sure its being sold everywhere as hereto fore. sept 10-8w Capturlnr Insurgent Outworks. RaorsA, Sept. 10 Two more Austrian brigades reached Trebinjo jestcrday where three brigades arc now concentrated. The Turkish coaimandar at Scutari has shut himself up in a fort with one battalion of troops fearing that he will be massacred n:sx.. Sept. 10 lhe fortress of Rihacs has capitulated. Tho Austriass catered it at 4 o'clock this afternoop. Not to Leave the Vatican. London. Sept. 19 A dispatch from Home to Renter's Telegram Company says a special congregation of tho Car? dinals has just decided that the Pope should not leave the Vatican unless under special overruling circumstanc es. Cardinal Nina is seeking to as certain whether tho German Catholics aro, inclined to follow party leaders Or orders from tho Vatican. Fending the result of his inquiries, it is under stood that negotiations with Prince Bismarck will t-e almo&t suspended. The Vatican has ordered the Catholic Bishops in Mexico to abstain from participation in political contests. . Clshop Odenhclmcr's Illness. Newark, Sept. -19 Th;3 afternoon Bishop ; Odeubeimcr, of the Diocese df Northern New Jersey, was taken to Burlington, and his condition t excites much anxiety. He returned yesterday from Mcndham to Orange, not benefited by his sojourn in the country. Hs goes to Burlington out of a desire to spend there what he believes ar s his last days. He will reside with his son-in-law. Wilmington District. Appointments for Quarterly j Meetings (in part) made by Rev. L S. Burkhcad: FOUSTU BOUND. Smitkville, at Smithville Sept 21-22 vaccamaw Mission, at Re.h- j esda Sept 24 V.'ine and Cake- for Evenings. Alfred Spcer, of New Jersey, it should be known, is ohe of the most extensive producers and dealers iu Pure Wines and Brandies iu the United States. - He makes a Superior Port Wine, which took the highest premium at the j Centennial known as Sneer's Port Grape Wine. It is sold by Green Sc Planner. Hotel Arrivals. Km pike House. Wilmington N. C, Sept. 21. I. L. Dolby, proprietor. from 10:05 o'clock j Sept. 20 to 10:05 o'clock Sept. 21 11 Bacon, Smithville, N C; llrs Stubbs, a; II i Baker, loungs ville; Thos Biville, South Carolina; Miss C Stane.Cheraw, S C: Paul Kenny, Sum tcr, S C; W II Bagiey. Goldsboro; J M Smith, Washington, DC; M! A Suais, Sumter, S C; G B Andrews, Ga; Phil Pearsall, City; C A Davis, Jr, Greensboro, Ga; Capt R Mayo, Richmond jVa; II ti Bunting, New York; M N Dupree, Pet ersburg; A II Armstrong North Carolina. Purcf.ll House. Wilmington, N. C., oent. I'l. Cobb Uros., proprietors form 10:05 o'clock, September 20, to 10:05 o clock Sept. 20 M A Saunders, Sumt cr;Thos E Glennen.North Carolina; W A Cummicg, Greenville Sound; D Rider, Richmond, Va; Thos Jones, New York; J N Cobb, E Walker, Baltimore, Md; G Z French, J D French, Rocky Point; C M Stedman, North Carolina; James Donelly, rmlauelpbta, Pa; R li Burrns, iair Bluff; Bruce Williams, Pender Co; E E Barrus, Greenville Sonnd; M A Smith, North 'Carolina; Mrs C E Taylor and daughter, Smithville, N C; W II Anthony, Augus ta, Ga; Billy Emmerson, Wm II Smith, Dan Waldron, Jno V Morton, Mast Morton, Syngnor Abecco, Jcs Garland, Jno II Stout, Frank Bowis, Wm Stilz, Charlie Ross, Robt Recker, WH Mitchell, HMayillP iJ S Sheppard, Alex Hess, Ernest Stanley, Nat Homer, New York. At tho New Compress. The cylinder of the new Compress at the foot of Red Cross street, which is rapidly approaching completion, arrived by yesterday morning's freight train. It weighs sixteen tons and was cast at Pitts burgh, Pa. The cylinder will be placed in position as rapidly as such a cumbrous and weighty piece of machinery can be handled. I 1 Church Services. W orship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows ; FIRST BAPTIST CHURGH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J B. Taylor pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9J a. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 4 p. m. Youncr Men's Praver Meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. 1 Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at ' 8 o'clock, j I st. Paul's evAxg. Lutheran church, Corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D., pastor i Eng lish service at 11 a m. German service a!t 7i p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. st. Paul's church, (episcopal.) corner of Fourth and Orange streets Uev.,1. M, Ambler, rector. Services at p m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. ! Seats free. j ST. THOMAS' (CATHOLIC) CHURCH, Dock street, between Second and Third streets. Rev. Mark S. Gross, pastor; Rev. 1. Moore, assistant. Sunday Morn ing services at 7 and 10.30 "o'clock. Vespers chanted at 4 p m. Sunday School at 9 J a m. Daily Mass at 7 a. m. Sunday School for colored people at 3 p. m. ( . , SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH, on Cth between Churcli and , Castle streets. Treadling at 1 1 am and j 8 p m by Bro. J. P. King. Regulvr prayer meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'cloc k. seamen's f.etiiel, on Dock between Front and Water streets Rev. Mr. Craig chaplain. Services every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock: All are welcome. Seats free. FIRST FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH, j corner Fourth and Dawson streets. Serj vices at 11 a ni. and 7 p in. ! ' CHESTNUT ST. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. D. J. Sanders, Pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8p. m.- Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Bible Class at 4J p.m. j ST. mark's church. j corner Mulberry and Sixth streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. . Saint's days 9 a. m. and 5 p.m. Sunday School at St. Barnabus at oh p. m. Seats free. ; PRIMITIVE JDAPTIST. j on Castle, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Preaching to-morrow (Sunday) at-11 o'clock by Elder Moore Stephenson FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner Third and Orange streets Rev. Jos. it. Wilson, u. u., pastor. jo services at 11 a. m. i Services at 5 p. m. by Rev. C. M.Payne. Sabbath School at 5 p. m Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday at 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. FIFTH ST. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH, on Fifth, between Nunn and Church sts Rev. B. R. If all, pastor.) Services at 11 a. m. and 7J p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at J o clock. FRONT ST. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH, corner of Front arid Walnut streets. Rev. E.A.Yates, pastor, j Services at 11 a. m and 7J p. m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, pastor. Services. at 11 a. m. None at night. Sabbath School at 4 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wed nesday at 8 p. in. ST. LUKES A. M. E. ZION CHURCH, " r ner Seventh and Church streets. Rev. -T !. Farmer pastor. Morning services fl o'clock. Afternoon services at 3 o'clock. Evening services at 7J o'clock. Scats free The public are invited. j Committed for Larceny. 1 Wonders "will never (jrcasc. Daniel S. Miller, colored, one of the leading lights of the Republican party of Pender, and a well-known schoolmaster cf that ccuoty, was tried and Convicted before a ... magistrate's court at Rocky Point on Thursday for larpcny, and committed to jail. Daniel lives in Rocky Point town ship, and was tried for stealing a fat hog from Dr. SatchWell, of that place, and after ajfull and patient hearing of the case he was adjudged irui'dy aud Com mitted to ppsur. for tral at the next term of the Superior Court f Pender. Truly does the Republican party seem to' be oh the downward grade, and . truly do the morals of many of it? colored school improving. Here is a young i jucation, petted by his race, prominent, one of the Republican leaders and speakers of the Repub ican party, and well-known as an instructor of youth, convicted of stealing 'a tat ho. . Our School Exaniintrs eanui- be too careful in granting certifidiies i f ."uuusual char acter toj applicants t teach public scjhoyl Parents' are often guilty of great wron to their chikhcu and to society iu select- ing leacners. i me liepuuucan party is, ioo mucn auuicted to the pernicious habit of fostering ana honoiig men, as in this case, who ought to have been in the penitentiary many jdxrs before.) Truly do we live in times of depravity aid corruption. . """ " ' ': " ' OOMMEKCIAL NEWSt Cllancon Port CraiseWij, Used in HundredB of CozTes,r , , munion purposes.. A!?o i c ,f?K. Excellent fcr Ladies and VTca'-p sonsand the Aced. m islersi i:ecl man of fair eI rwii . Tacit u' .yl'e phih cup Ml. Prospect Vineyards. Jersey. Spccr's'Pcrt Grape V, Four Years Old.1 ii;c rpmJCSTLY CELEBRATEL UTITI WILMINGTON MAUKET SipPTEMBKIi 21 i i a:, i P1 lilTS TUHPENTINE Market firm at Ge. bid. No official quotations, fr'ales of u7 casks at these figures. KOSIN Market firm at SI 17U Strained and 81 20 for G90d Strained. Head Gear. ' I ' Velvet plush and felt hats in richrubv, deep wine and dark green colors, flaunt ing long plumes and ostrich tips of equally warm hues and disporting yards of heavy ribbon and satin and plush trim ming, are the coming styles!. Proceeds of" the Pic IVic. The net proceeds of the Pic nic given at Wilmington Gardens last Tuesday, under the auspices of Germania Lodge No. 4, K. of P., were $04.00 and this amount has been sent to Jos. Dowdall, S. K. of R. and S., at Columbus, 0., to be by him ! forwarded. Job Printing1. Wc want all our patrons, readers and friends and everybody else to know that our Job Department is complete in all its appointments, and that we are now pre pared to turn out all kinds of Job Work m the very best style and aar cheap as can be done by any other printer in the city.! Our job printer cannot, be excelled, and we invite all to call and get our estimates before contracting for work elsewhere. In workmanship and prices we guaran- teesatisfaction. , Behavior in Caurch. There is no sight more piitable than that of people who haven't good breeding enough to behave in church. Sa!, indeed, must be tb.3 feelings of that parent whose daughters or sons go to the solemn sanctuary of the Most Hish to indulge in levity and disgusting disrespect; not j only the listening portion of the congregation and of the minister, but of the Almighty himself. Church is the place of all others where opinion is brmed of character, and no man or woman can escape severest criticism wno disregards the sacredness of the place and he proprieties of conventionalism. If people cannot conform to the laws of God and to the conventional forms of society when they attend church they have no business to insult their Maker and to con temptuously disregard the ordinary de mands of refined society. iue is xnaue irom me mice or ti n. Grape, raised in thia country. Its invalid, Tonic ana Sirengtoics " frrErprs are unsurpassed py any j ctfcer catire W k .ueiuK me pure juice oi me erarp. t r,J 1 I Tl Z. a 'I...J ... . J . . r - r"x. fllinl nnntdOnnc " fi 1 . .1 . 1 T uu i " UURetl Cii 1 IU ID 5V P!r U K e 1 1 i irr. I nilO nnohriflff ori 41, a ... . ! . . ei 50, 100 do X'at !?2 75 and small sales of . i : Good .Strained at quotations. finiat tn tho, n,r TAR Quoted firm at ?1 7,3. Sales at quota- to the various ailu-cnts; that nfilib' tU t&tt tions. 1 V,,;1." ctr F"!", . M.;10H CRUDE TURPENTINE-duotedatSlfor wvlElbx'uSESrF.rsrmr ,:p. Hard and 51 S5 for Soft and Virgin. Sales at TTAV73L . I i quotations. ' . COTTON-Maxket quoted quiet. Sales of 435 bales at the following oflieial , quota tions: Ordinary .. Good Ordinary. Strict Good Ordinary. Low Middling Middling .. Good Middling.; J 10 10 FEMA LESS' USE SP.EE1VS l O .V ; nA Tl WINE. . r n WEAKLY rERSOXS FIXD A T.hJrjR Speer'a Wines in IIodu&!p :t- krftrrf to otner W ines. ' I ooia Dy Druersists renerallv., o peers Standard Wine Uittcia. r,hed by all wholesale Dealerp Cotton. Spirits Rosin.. Tar Crude' I DAILY RECEIPTS 7. 5U balce Turpentine 4 2U casks 1 6J6 bbls 'J " Tra!e ice- hfi'4 thttL( eignaturej of Alfred SpeM, PaHic, .. J., c over tne corJc ot each bottle, ! , A. SPEER'S Mt. I'roppect VirievRrdi.Sfi J ersey . Office, o. .'54 Warren St S w orL eists. ' .i i t For sale bv GKEEX & FLANNLlf, Dm Tarsentine 211 ilia all the XLLAM'S FLY BR1Q mm New York Markets. 1 1 Herald, 20th. Cotton ouvthe spot Was tlull and prices were luarKeu uowri 1-lOc. lue marKti lor future deliveries opened from 2';7 points lower. Ijiverpool came uuehaugett for spot eottou out arrivals Aere L-.i-u eueaper, nuo this uew caused a depiession in our mar ket. Tho1 market was weak all day ami prices continued to drop until a decline of from 11' 12 points was reached The market, however closed steauy. curvUF:-x prices of srox cottox. The following quotations are based on American standard of classification, and on cotton in store, running in quality -not more thn half a grade above or below the grade quoted : Ordinary. Strict ordinary. uood ordinary. Strict good ordinary, Low middling, - -Strict low middling, -Middling, - - . Good middling, -Strict good middling, Middling fair, - j Fair, - - STAIXEO. Good ordinary, -Strict good ordinary, L,ow middling, Middling, - - !- Upland.4 ft ti-lU io : 1M JO J5-1G 11 3-l .11 5-10 11 7-10 11 11-10 II 15-10 12 7-10 l:J 1-10J J 11-10 'io :;-io J'10 11-10 11 1-10 TThe Utile CiartfyrilLti KILLS FLIES room in TWO HOURS. ioc. worth will kill more fiics than $io worth of Fly Paper. No dirt, Co trouble. Sold by Deuggists Every where. Sotanic Medicine Co., Buffa b,N. Y. July 27' BRUCE WILLIAKS, jssonrrar zlt law, Fender Count7, N. C.j I SAL.FS OF SPOT COTTOX. To-day.' Last Eveng. Total. Export, Consumption, T7ILL ATTEND at Stanford; (UarRiw; t T every Monday, and at Lib oi Lillinffton. the remainder of the wetki Collections and Conrejancing a fc'f eciiity. JIM 020 ioo 005 june 4-diw Total, - - 720 75 705 Naval Storks. The market for spirits turpentine was without change m any particular, values being nominal. We quote Spirits turpentine, merchantable I order. 27l(5 27c; rosin, good strained, SI 40; Ktrain- d, i u7& tar, ?u 'yafz w; pitcn, t-. m w b rAT ' U.R-Y f6 MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. ' Steamer I) Murchison, Garrason, Fayette Ville, Williams & Murchison. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville, prices ueo jiyers. iNor barque Valentine, Jitmansen, Le louge, R E Heide. : . ' I Nor bcig Fram, Marcussen, Whitehaven, n i iieiae. ' ! Steamer Isis, , Norfolk, Master, CLEARED. Steamship Raleigh, Oliver, Baltimore, A ij uazaux. Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York, A D Cazaux. Steamer D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette ville, Williams & Murchison. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville, ueo flyers. Ger barque Apotheker Stettin, Ger, E Peschau Nor barque Preacis, Sprunt & Son. Nor brig Caroline Cathrine, Melson, Liv erpooL Alex Sprunt & Son. Nor barque Lovdahl, Lansen, Hambursr. Williams & 3Iurchison. Br Brig Bat, Kells, Liverpool, Alex Sprunt Ot. DUU. QX WATER STREET, you will Lai i Lard in Z pound, 10 pound and "3 pw package?. Daily exrected, JJuttcr I Cheese from Western PerrifT at Sew Hat jyjY STOCK lofMea'a, & Lovb Cti&' Hats ia now complete and I offir to the t& lie an assortment of ttjlcn that carct be.ijt-j passed in this ci tj. OLDST0CA- j OLD PRICES. Giro me ca!U be J sker Deising, Legebarth want a good and etjliah Hat at a reajcaak--. lau & Westermahn. .1.1 ,Roth, Antwerji, Alex price. My PEAUL SI1IRT atil! fll3,1ri Dutch brig Marie, Tedibrd. Nevir, via St iht lpad hAfansA nf t nrprinritT tO; a"0" ers. : As2 lor me rearx aca Day n I I A. DAVID THE CLOTIJIB& eept 12 Cor. Front PriaceM f Exports, ro&ziex. Stettin. Ger Ger baraue Anothpi rtr! tlfis lxi y oois rosin. i Antwerp Nor baraue Ptmu'? hil rosin. , , ! ) Li verpool Nor Oris G-iVi i n t r a f h r i n e i.TjcasKsspiriLs. T. W. STRANGE. . 1 i . (SCCCESSOB TO Kob'T StEASCEJ Attorney JiX Ia Market St. betireen Second and Ttiri HHamburg Nor harque Xovdalil 2.72C bbLs ri bbLs rosin, GS.- trtenale. ASM oak rosin. 300 casks spirits. Liverpool Br brigBat-71 bbLs rosin. GS.- julj 8-6ni Wilmicuton, 227 feet lumber; 17,713 staves. ' Nevir. via St Martin Tn pitch, 2 do tar, 1 cask spirit Shingles of all IKinds, :h brig Marie ilngles, 10 bbls ciamaxe money raster t irork tor us wan at anything else. Capital not re- Quireaiwewm start voul S12 nor uiuiuuiwh. .wen, wo men, wojb ana gixia wanted very where to woraiorua. now is the time. r!n.tiv u. wiuu, ucc. Auuren i Bin 4 Un An wwfMauit. i men 6 4, 4,. 5 AND C INCH HEARTS. In bjondles of fifty. bandied and loose. 5 AND C IXCII SAP3. ! ' i -j ' O. O. PARSLEY, AZZe sept 3 Cor. Orange anl is-r OFFICE of the Wilmington JarBj Ulr. Publubed er : Frily at V r While ville, at Carvers Creek. Sept 28-20 Wilmington, at Fifth Street. .Oct 5-C V r . ; a -

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