- ,, EElllalMaiaMB.BSjJBSBWSlllSSlMSMSl PUUSE s onct . . rr afternoon, Sundays z eeptedbv ii T. JAMES rromcmr friendj cm aar and aJl smbjediof Caeral Interest but : j 1 J J aJM of th writer nrirt alw.yr b f8raJal to taa Editor. ! I f-RMTI0N3.rOSTAGErAlD. A' W PU month. f250;Th HOoronetlmjMt be wiitten on ml " wi'l b deiiveredby carriers, R in s 7 ptrtef theeitr.atihe ox uo paper Ptrsonalltle xnnst b avoiiad. ( ! VOL. 3. ! WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER. 1, 1878. , NO. 207 Aadit b atpialr and nj-tlmUrw J.L ,vrt ' loir liberal CS"rr. will r'.ease report any and tood that editor does not always endor, . Tie i Bum Bmew. I i t ' .... , . I .i ... ; I - ' l -i -L- .. . - 1 ' ; - 1 ' 1 1 - ! i - '. -1 F1 i Tl i F 1 : r r 1 l I ' ' i . ' 1 , - Xcw Advortisomonts. pecissJi- 45 MARKET STREET. ft:ti CJMI-fLE TO SELL AT TUf FormerLow Prices, I: i siti-.U of tie recent advances re bare determined to give I is orrortuxiity of laying in .i.Xttitsfisjr15 l t!w ,owe!t fiures . .. l ire touched for the psst Tear, ii theft"owisg : lUcachcd Cotton. G:il SLIrtisji 6 cmts pv yard. iz jitx: '-irtin. Z, 8 cents per yard. f .4 crsni SLirtisg, 8 centi per yard. 4 c:iiat r irtirg. 9 cenU per yard. 4 r.-.I: t- Loo:a Stirtic?, 10c per yard. v; l: !.-.ceaa A, A, ShirUag, 10c pr yd. H Farw,:: SLirtin;. 10 cenU per yard, i ; I zsli'.t Minis;, lOcenU per yard. 4 i Vix-e;a5 Xo. 1 SLirting, 11c per yard. i W4rt.u:t Slirticz. HIS cents per jard, Inlilcaclicd Sliirliiifjs. it; 0c, ill cents per yard. , WJ.;c;ti a Ccttun Mills, 4 cenU pr yard, rarticaih I', 4J cents pr yard. 4-t t:elL;bta A, 7 conts per yard. 4-llicGetr;eA A, 7 cents per jard. i 14 Xorf a X, 7 cenU per ya-d. 4-4 Xw ilriet C, S cents per yard. 4 4 Grfit Fa!'.s J, 8 cents per yard. 4-1 .lisi No. '.2, 8 cents per yard. MtiMzz la all the Favorite Brands IlnmlHir? Ktlill and Insertion. itLtnJiu the creat rosb wa bare inn the at,r f,.r the past weelr, we are srr;&rrdtsaow a very lare a?sortment. Ittry f zt ilco!J see them whether they rur- j 3 KWfTtot. Ite iaiIllUIa 3lliri. 75c- witaaut AXV exception the bet at it ia this eonatry. T.hui Caabric Shirts Zi cents each ! c..m , . -j i . iit iioccfToa urawcrs c rn A. . I Kue t Mj but cose at once. 5 IMarket Street. Newspapers and Clears. T ATEST PAPERS scd BEST CI (JARS At 8. JEWETT'S, I Front Street Book Store. Just Received. p STORE AXD FOR SAE CHEAP ! H ft A T 50 Kit i;ltC FIoor' betl in mirket 50 Bajrt CvJtt, r!e,r,lc ced for family we. v. t.S4 ff jj. J. W. ALDERMAN A CO., u.,.,. Chestnut and Water streets. School Books. T "f cLR?2i5T uJ not complete stock ----- . am UIC Live Book Store IkI'TJ?,- the eoostrJ wU1 Dl attenuon. run i o. (JALLASDSEF ioijeBiuoi CDroxaoa- I And Es.crarlnffs. At ft UEINSBERGEB'S, Mule and Art Store. 1 & Roddick, town eiio RUDD1G LOCAL, news. Xcir Advertisements, ilowjos A GoodSuit of Clothe?. Ojstirs at Webb's Saloon. ! Li vk Cook Stoue Anniversary. Jioawooa O i li Insurance Removal.--P. EaisiBEaciK School Books. S. Jewitt Newspapers and Cigar. Jf. II. SracxT For Sale at Fxchange Cor ner. J. C. Mcst'f, Druggist. Ilclman' Ague and Liver Pad. A SecuaBest Unlaundried Shirt for 75c No City Court to-day. Beware cf pick pockets. Fili are scarce and high. To day is general breaking-up day. Turkey point and Rock oysters (at Webb's. Yum, Yum, Yum. Xbis month had five Tuesday?, five Wednesdays and five Thur.-da3s. The weather may le clas-sed as decided- .. : it ly pleasant, i ciSher too warm i.or too COOJ. ilr. J ."11. Xcff has removed his thip chacdlcrv .store to the Verandah Silocrn bu:ldinr. Jj - r Very due New River oysters inmaike thi iiicrning,wh;ch,su!d T twj doMars a buahc-1 in the shell. It.Un't likely that lurra-oil is the kind thafshould he used in quieting the troubled waters cf political life. . It is better to have loved and to have busted up somewhere during the corres pondence than never t6 have loved at aill. The North Carolina Baptist Conven tion, and the N. C Methodist Coafor- ence, both meet in Charlotte in Novem- ber. The Synod of North (liroliua will meet ia the Presbyterian Church, Goldsboro, on uncsjay, uaowcr --.mi, ioo, ai o p. m. A colored woman's pocket was picked o:i Market street lsst even ins a tout dusk- but her loss was only a wash book and a locket handkerchief. . , , If tobacco juice does not impart an imitation of q;1 polish, it stains the floor most admirably and on this account we suppose our friends use it. f There will be a regular meeting of tho Anri ition n f Oncers' of the Sd X. C. WooJ.g on:cef Market- street, to mcrrow evening at o'clock. ... ...... ,r t r:11. Wo understand tuai ir. o. v. iuui, with a charter of orphans from the Asy lnm :n Ov.ford. will cvi an entertainment Point Caswell on the Saturday of next, week, October 12:h, at 7 o'clock P. M. The PcstcP.icc Department Las ruled that a husband has no control over the correspondence j of his wife. But this .wicW, n I nnt nrcvcnt a man irom car- -i f .vi.-.v. 4- rjinghis wife s letter in Ins inside coai pOCKCl inrcc WCt9 uciJic mgump i. .. i.ri ; i : n t A young man in town having been crossed ia love, went down to the river, took off his coat, gave ono lihgering look at the water beneath him and then went home. His body was found next morning in bed. Rent or Market stalls. The stalls- and restaurants in the Mar kct were rented this morning at public auction bv Messrs. CronTy & Morris. The vegetable stalls brought $1,25 ando.25 per uioatn; tne meai uus s'i vi $0,75, $12.50 and $15 per month, and the restaurants from $24 to 30 per an- i num. i s , The rents amount to $1225. Some of the stalls were not rented, but have been retained by the city. Life Time Misery Has often been established from dyspeptic stomachs, received ia childhood by the use of bad bread, heavy biscuits and mdi- cMh' rastrv. .No Umiiy now nceu curse its children with such an inheritance. In Dooley's Ykast Powder is found the absolute preventive. ? Wilmington District. Anoointmcntafor Quarterly Meetings (in part) made by Rev. L. S. Burkhcad; FOUBTU SOUND Elirxbeth, at Eluabethtown. . . " 12-13 p. , Antioch... , 19-20 Cokcsbury, at Salem. .1 ... I . " 20-27 Coharie Miss . at Mingi Lodge' -29 - rt ?frf Vmr 2-3 To,t uCTtlag Chapel! t 6-C Qinton, at Andrews Chape!. .:! " 9-10 Onslow, at Queen s UrccK io-i i New Store. i Mr. J. Herbert Petteway haa opened a grocery and commission house on W ater, between Princess and Chestnut streets. We extend to him our best wishes, and trust he will meet with that success he as snrcdlv deserves. , New Cart House. The stables on Hecond, bet . Ln cess and Chestnut streets.have uVby Cpt. T. J. Southerlanil, as a cart biuse. Owing to iu convenient and nroximitT to the business portions cf the c.t, vwe arc oltlia opinion Uxat ,t wm t a place of popular resort for our country friends--. . ft ,.e .rwl I ,Mitp ..u iu l 'Ic. icehouse. We know nothing of it yet , , , , , . , , orJw,,u f" wanuiauure uuseu ou compru air, . r . ... it l l uut in ucauiuu us nviiktuga in ui,au, as'socn as it is in operation, Two Cherubs. Mr. Delia Evans, of Boston, has sent to his father here a photographic burlesque of IUphael's Cherubs, which is sure7 to iirinjr uown me nouse wun wnoever sees it The surroundings are the same as in .... f , . . the original picture but the Cherubs ap- pear as Ben Butler and Denn:s Kearney, the f.irmpr with his cock-eve I snuintin? aloftand the .lattery a-most villainous countenance, ensaircd in the same occu- pation. It is about the best "take off" The new ice machine, invented and The following preamble and resolu- three or lour colored men. 'Henry' rityne patented by Dr. J. E. Wmants, of this tion3 were unanimously adopted: onJnf tha L nJ .-k. ir'n ci.v, ,rtril.thU morhing and .01 ! Whereas, The people of Pecder. feel- fnZ " T." ... . ' - f. ,,.., ioffin common the nneiamnlal donrea. fta"nUrnal injuries. Tbe I accident was The colored people in this city have in of the Democratic , Executive j Committee ,..vJjtrtunaLn;, JofPender.be requested to forward these pro aiwt,.a,u. j,,, nau to-morrow cveuiug, ior iuo ,i ir.ii a- - ; anH a a A iAMt.ft t the yellow fever sufferers. The movement will be under the auspices of the various colored churches here, all having ioined W Wf f liia vnrv InndaWn iinflprtakin?. TLrrnwill ho a nlnntv nf troml things to . . . .. , - eat and some very iritty articles for saiu auu mu iinua .m m w .i i i : r ri .:n i- Ilnnra ntmn nt 8 o'clock. Admission 15 cents for adults and 10 cents for children; We treat that their efforts will Prove very , , successful. ToxPgPnttaiP9ruagt Tlieisew Postal Package. Col. Brink has received a sample oftbe new packages provided under direction of the Postoflke Department at Washing- ton for the transmission through the mails as third-class matter, certain articles, such as flour, sugar and other powdered subs- tances and small sharp-pointed instruments heretoforo excluded, excepting, oif course, in all cases, liquids, poisons glass and ex- plosive materials. The sample received is a small tin box, like in ' size and shape to a bl,ckicS-box. with a SprinS and slides to recqre tho lid in place so as to prevent the possibility of its slipping and thus keeping the contents secure and fast, It is a patented article, of course, and is manufactured in New York. A Neat Bundle. i i A well-dressed stranger stopped at one of the eating stalls in the lower end of the Market, Saturday evening, and suppeu on the best tuo propiieiress oi iue suu iiu, . .. i n v, Tin an-iaireauugveryaxt, from the seat, brushed the crumbs rom me sea oru.x.cu his pants, puwaaownflH i, ited a neat looking bundle on the stall, telling the woman to let it stay untU bis return, which would be in a tew minutes. The woman put on her Sunday manners, and with a low courtesy replied, "yes auu J 1 - boS. The bundle has not been called for, neither has the well-dressed been seen, but the bundle was .opened and found to h nnlr nieces of old naper. Moral ! all t . that gutters Is not gold. Harbor Mater's Report. From Capt. Joseph Trice, Harbor Mas ter, we have the following report of the number of vessels and the tonnage of the i,;h m'v lit ih'm tort ' durinff I BAliJC W UIVU - X "o the montn oi oepiemoer, xoio . -o-o. I Ampriean 1 lonnage. i American. o rv-i . Schooners C - ?wr1A"rIZ. c- Steamers 11... 7,975 Total 17 ! Foreign. Tonnage Brigs1 19.- 4.884 Barques 25 9,714 Barren tines u -.001 ToUl 50 17,179 Total number of vessel,, Americanand Foreign, 73. Total amount 01 tonnage, American and Foreign, 26,115. , I Look up at the wharves of the com- press companies for a forest of masts. senator oicrrimon to Speak at Bur- i t - t i Jtaw. f I have received from rirJ V. PnrtPr Chairman oftbe pender juej f a rsToeeQd ings of a public ceetins bcld in Buryaw last week, wherein it was determined upon to invite Senator Merrimon to speak I in fliafc tnwn nnTfK inst., Dr. Porter's letter to the Senator, and that 8" a nto- We publish them here entire Senator Merrimcn's accept " "fcuw; I. .tit. Ik. .tL, . - public meeting of citizens of Bargaw &ad icinity was held at Bw-aw on Thursday, Sept.l9th, Mr. W. T. Banner- man TITO a rA ts V, n PU.i. I - H T T aiouru uFliuuii.eu oecreiary, 7 u ,7 T 1 Tr w Hid the country, desire additional light and tnowiedce as to the causes that have I . . - I produced tins extraordinary scarcity of i mwucjf auu piuanauuu ui uuaiucss, uuu anxiously seek the proper remedy. h merejore uesoicca, inat we can upon our able Senator in Congress, Mferri mon' elj .n0W?,aj ,nf ot men 0f the wholc COUntrT. to 'address the people at Burgaw up6n those leading po- i ",4vx1 uvonwuo man uu a&u,aw Pfu.DI c mu' inciuaiDS l.DQ locai of internal improvement m our eastern counties; Resolved, That inasmuch as a rail road meeting wnl be uciu the construction of a railroad from Burgaw 10 some 'point m Onslow, ; we suggest I tViaf ot o CTiitoKla rlotr t motto Spnntrkr irn if nirntinT. and vided he accept the imitation, i Itesolved. That Dr. E. Porter, Chairman nwpodir,ftS(in9t-lr Mprrimon and in ... ... i solicjt Lis acceptance ot tne nomination. i W. T. Banmeemax, Clrm. Moode, Secretary. Kocky, Point, N. C. Sept. 22, 78. I I Hon- A. S. McrHmoni DE1U fclK lUClOsed please Una tne proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of , ?. , u i I . .. ' - ... , ,. 1 . teuuer, wunu rcurcw tuwr u.Su , v j : l l ri iL.: u:u ciation ot your vaiuaoie puoiic services. I I In alludincr to vou as one statesmen of the country," 1 1 am sure e7 Pa7 . yno M l1?' tneir uesire 10 near you on vue and lmnortant issues of the dav is but an expression of their confidence in your fidelity and abilitv. I Hopingyou will be able to ;meet your friends (the people of Pender) at the time indicated or soen thereafter, I am, sir, I t E p0BTER chairman i Dcm. Ex. Com. of Pender Co. I , Raleigii c Sept 20 1878. ' x ' ' . ' -j ' .i ' , Dear ,1 to address the people of Pender county, at Burgaw on the 12th proximoj on the public issues of the day, and inclosing me tiX Curgaw on the th insUnt, at which a desire was expressed that I address the people, and you were requested to! invite metodo so at the time and place desig- I beg to express ray high appreciation of the action ol the meeting, andthe very complimentary terms m which both your- if and the meeting have been pleasod to make reference to myself. J I wish I were more worthy ol your worus or nat- touug tuiuuKuuduuu. I It hasnnthwn mT haDDV fortune t - -- . . . . , r - .r . r peoplo of Pender oa any occasion in the past, and it will give me great pleasure to amiajdress them at tha time you de8i2ate. Thanking you for your very obliging letter, and tendering to yourself and the Pple ypu represent kindest salutations on.) m w kn.1 mioViaa fnr . vnnr and their and rit7ana Sil am. &c.. , prospenty.and happ Yours truly, ; : j A. S. Mebbimox. Dr.E. Porter, Chairman, &c. . Burgaw, I N C. Unmailaple. j The following unmailable letters and packages are remaining in the: cty Posi- nffim I vv t , oaue vuu, - - "LJTSnim. r t : . frr nr 1 wrUll. ifla. mm i a a, i r -is a .mrviftr ais v ouvnaries sireefc , - ..xr F.mma Carr care Dr Moore; Aiessrs i miij . v, Xorfolk Va : Mr Archie Marine, Ueorgu; I " ' . - - HrDunneyBBurruss, Smitnvue, u p'tg'ni'dse forC H Johnson, Dobbinsvifle, SC. i . ' , , personal. j Personal. We had the -j pleasure of cmi n rr gxnr rA nr. r W. Dond. of the Raleigh V t rning. wl i. in this city in ; : ofWa vver. In Mr. Dowd Tm fithfnl aponent of its I - ". .. . cause and we commend him to tne lavor- able consideration of our mercnants. - Schutte's Furniture House. The 8caffoldics; in front of Mr. I vollers,new iron front buiUW on Somh J Front street has all been removed and a beautiful .building is presented to the ritw. It will be occupied, both on Front Dock street J Mr.F. A. Schutte, who beca 'orth and laid in an ele- Sani sl0C4r 01 ,aroitare. This is now, on ud Mr. Schutte expects to have a Pg about the middle of next week, due notice of which will be given. Perhaps Fatat lBjnrics. afternoon a heavy Wot1 "of f from a point to which it had Wn ralsea on 1110 t0er of the Champion Gem. I TlrOOa KlliMinv n ,1 t-L J a. 1 j. 1 . aown a1 scaflold, on .which was standin one Of those UnforsPPn a.n.1 nn.rni.l.l. onw ni n m ones ana such as will occur sometimes, even with the best nrfrntinn. The .unfortunate man died this mornine i qj injuries he sustained , i some statistics. ; The comparison ! of receipts of produce tere for the month ofSeptember,1878,with tho month last year is a very in- teresting and j a very gratifying one., i xyurxug me monm iusc ciosea mere were received at this port 9,278 bales of cotton . . . , , . ., ' against 2,464 bales in Septeaiber, 1877, an increase this year of 0,814 bales.1 In i KDiriLS lurneniino ( trank-n worn ro. ceived this September k?ainst 0.J24 for theisame month last year j a slight falling off; rosiu shows receipts last 'month of I r 46.902 baels aSains 41,028 last , Sep- tember, a gain of nearly 5,000 barrels for this Year- tar has fnllpn nfr nvr non Far- ; . . , . n Vhe rcce,Pts belnS lri 18?8 asainst S 07A fnr th ur.m mnnth !'(. , year, whil0 the increase in crude turnen- tine has been a marked one, September, loits, snowing 1 7,090 barrels against 7,179 for September, 1877.' i. His Tenth Anniversary. There are other; anniversaries besides I 1 i those Qf bj, th and which are i . , , I y-f SIC W ft i-w ftKA l-Ant F ftU..n. I. marriage just fallen to the Iol vflour worthy friend, Mr- P- Ueinsbcrger, proprietor of tho book and music Btorb in this city which bears . . , . . . . I . bls fiarac' 11 3 just ten years ago to-day since Mr. Ueinsbcrgcr first opened , the doors of the "Live Book Store" on ilar- feet street' and during that time, by his ai)pUcatjon anil doso aUen. tion to business ho has succeed- ed in building up a connection which in that line is probably second to none in the South. ! The rapid increase in his trade aod the marked appreciation in the value of his stock of goods is t seen in the fact that Mr. Heinsberger has now ten dollars invested in the business where ia 1868 one and this jg excm8ive of the two handle .tores Ur oc- pied by him and which he owns. Mr. U. was the recipient this morning of nu- mroas ani hearty congratulations from au3piciou3 anniversary. i Koonce Endorgei Wadden. ! ... Col. Waddell might very wel nave telegraphed from Harrell's Stofe last FfiJ lhQ g ' h ho jetivcrcd ;mm'0ul words used bv the clorious - - T - -,. PerTy after the battle on Lake 'Erie, "We - 'met the enemy and he U ours," for Te met Ihe enemy ana no iso , 8uch was the f W J undoubted source and tne tacts as w . hear them would have justified just such a glorifiJation dispatch as the one above ... menUoned. Singular .t may .ecm it .. none the less true, itnat we' reuouuiauic Frank D. Kooncp, the whilom Democrat and quondam Independent from Onslpw county, who had gone to narrellV fibre in tKfl fnll rjaraDhernaliaol'in Indepen- ! deiitGreenrer,armedvith the panoply of his own logb 1 and sophisms to utterly annihilate our distinguished representative axd candidate, was made a . capilTB uj fx Waddell speech and ar- f at mn,h n that Kooncev. if sluusvu s- i " i i t . we mav beIllowed to use ft familiar a L a;m;aM m aaoirant for KHuwiwwui. Congressional honors Irom unsiow, aciuaa- 1 I 1 . mm 1 y got ujpon his feet after uoi. v a. aa- dress add endorsed every word that he had sajd. ' t Thrf fact is, CoL Waddell is as good a I rAer as Mr. Koonce orMr.any- And Koonce, it seems, has I wJ t , : I nr t,-t fxr fpr CapLS. W. vjck naa u and bis established bunsell in an ( olk 1 r r irM nnwit nnirtm. pverp. . ,r. - We wish him every success. 4 Now Advortisomonts. Insurance Eemoval. J IUVE REMOVED UY INSURixCK OFFICE to new boi!d;?g on Eut side of North Water street, text South of Mr. John CHejer's. i , I I I -NORWOOD GILES. Turkey Point i--; (; AT W KR dm s:a loo.v toTJat. ft. BEST I.V MARKET, oct 1 A Good Suit of Clodies I s . I FOU 0.LV nkvs oet 1 At In the Life, Progress and stability 1 of Business Houses, Observe ' The Live Book Store I I ' .I' j I ' Starting life just ten years "ago to-dy, it na s built itself np, step by step, link by link, growing stronger and improving with age, until it has reached its present popularity. It has been most successful in the accomplish i ment of knowing and supplying jthc many1 wants of the people. The name is well known in the State, and stands AT THE HEAD OK THE RETAIL TKADE in its special line. To-day is its . j i TENTH AIII1IVERSARY ! and it presents itself to the public a thousand I fold as strong atf in its inraccT, withlrigor and facilities greater than ever. Year br year itsimprovrments bare been marxed acd its attractions increased, until it stands Unrivalled in the hUh I ii The Proprietor has acted upon the princi ple that everything which tends to arrest the attention of the multitude, to divert their, minds from the mere gratification of physical' appetite, and to initiate them ioto the pleas ures of the intellect, has a moral tfltct of j the most important character, tending to tuak'tr the people wiser and better. Well docs I . I The Live Book Store I ; i deserve its name, for it has proren its title bv the energy displayed, upon erery iocca- ' sion, to cater to the desires of the public, whether to present to tbein J.iht in science. Beauty in Art, Poetry in Muic, Literature by all Writers, or No-el ties necessary in 11 c- cantile Life. It deserves to continue the lead in its progress of onward ard upward in its efforts to keep the world's knowledge beforel the people. , I The Live Book Store ! i i ' . - ' i Is a School for tb Public, wherein all knowl edge is contained; the best Public Uesort, because of its influences for good, 'for th reason that the enlightenment of the mbd.'i by the cultivation of knowledge.. isShe grr a.-1 est moral guide. j I i Eastern Jforth Carolina, and Wilmington in special, should be proud to have so enter prising and so complete an establishment, irou live Diinir (JT.it; l' .n l.-b..-a its youth, and gives evidence of its beautjiMi within. May success and popularity strength 1IJD lil I o iiuvn rVfl HWrnn, en with its years. Wilmington, October 1, I'm?. The Right Time DAY TO BUY an Klegant Suit of lall OlotliinR-L r ,j Or a HAT, or the ' j j Best Unlaundriod Shut i in the City, for 75 CentSf - Is anywhere between dajl'r. -i t and 9 o'clock, and the place is in iii , SIIRII-RS i;mpor 34. Market Street. sept 25 FOR 1 AT .1 I . j Exchange Corner; New Goods Just Refceived I ' ! I; ! New Opera Kid Gloves, Fancy Goods, Hats, I and Millinery, sept 2G X. H. SPBUKT. One Thousand and Ono School Books 1 . ' AT YATES B00E STORE. i ; sJ Prices lower than aver. sept JO Wanted. FIB3T-CLAS3 WO REM EX. Xoceceed apply except the test. A. DAVJD, j Hercixat Taihtf. ssftO

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