pEATH'3 HARVEST. . ....... I.IUP lnth tcarr"nl'. .. - It all ot air rlc&s nnJ. ...i, hut what care I? . .Ul ai . o ... it - ... ... r irrvu l iihh; iv"...! irro " Mis coll anoonfl. .? eiL'M the h ".. tr rV . i i,i(i.vir I 13M dumb . . . . .i . - ? .Willi. T-ThmTeiml to liold. Parson.' Puncture Pill, make New Rich Blood, nd will completely change tb blood In the entire aystem in three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from i u weess may do restored to sound health, if inch a thing be possible. Sent b mail for 8 letter sUicps. I. S. JOHNSON A CO.. Bangor, Me. j ept l(Mw w - - A- ... !,Vavrat will. ..... ihrouzb the orange AVliU frum lUc perfumed of tun and tt. nurhls work! SPECIAL ORDERS FOR NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. We publish a book of 112 Paes 8 Vo. (no adrertiiog) giring special oilers for adrer tifing all orert te countrv. ! Prices lower than ever offered befor. "The last edition seat pt-paid on thw receipt of 75 cents br DAUCIIl A CO , Printers' Warehouse and Advertisement Areacr. 13L Fulton Street. N. . 4T W - . . ! 8nt 10-lw . ti ..I remain. '. 1 r,J tacij rltyloK . . a airs - r I -. . .. .... ! ntllh" ...vy.r'J :lh lljy healing . .rrn ..." -alflleln m liospiui. 1. HiHember 2S Ooo of re- -1 . .-a,!cLIe Buicideaeter rCuarreJ yestrdaj at the Citj .f Silillor. tbe woman i-ic Jed ws nuri m 006 01 -.V SLc Ld ea laboring week under KOW RABY ! The Grand Achieve ments of 1 STANLEYoSSmTs Br Hon. J.T. Headier, the Prince of de- scriptire authors A full bistorr of his ex- pinrauons in Airica ana marvelous journey down the Congo. a new exciting book. Bristling with wild adfrenturcs and thrilling scenes of danger. Is profunelr illmtrated. The public eager! await it It is felling wonderful!. ' ,i nmirinil ueware 01 mustateinents n UHU I I U n interested parties, but send for proof f.fgenuiaeness and Toll description or tnis wore, also terms, f it . . . Pubs. 733 San-HU til I O YlHli I uli 10m st. Phtla. sept 10-4 :1 13 12 12J 10 0 1 Q 6 Q 15 9 10- 13 8 75 85 26 Cf CaaoMo Cards (perfect beauties) with J name 10c. Outfit 10a. Turner Card Co.. Ashland, Mass. I sept 10-w hear mental aad appeared to be in a per Fl'i liit. She ttola into the - ... n-crhtwatcb. took a bottle fXSw n ,ta,tUm lattAr'a JmbQliO CIU uw. . tfini? it 10 a alas awal- Ts annara that 1 IV a AirifrnisL A. k BlUvl asa. Alien Wood, a patient. r":ifs,loLe?.nitaad of DI.ea.ei of the Ear and their preper rrzz de from the right bottle, Ret immediate Kelief from all the unpleasant- wman hihiiil iniir i .. iki. i r...i l.- i litO B.c& - vi wiuuiKuc, iuu tier 1 ev. n T uiruiiot and permanent cure. ; A book ever family ahould hare. Address Dr. C. E Shoemaker, Aural Surgeon, Beading, Pa. 'sept 10-4 w Ear Diseases. TR. C. fc. Shoemaker's Book on Deafoesi ... -is of td-baz pooD. contaitiiDg ... fs of corrosive sublimate. i.m t4 were ciren almost immedi oljar. cd the patient appeared iii led. Soon as Eaiilj Mallor heard "..r-i.tikp. she took her own life BtietoTe minner. (Waiblcgtoa Post.) . 1 Familj to be Arolded. 1 rrborUr of the rost called on i Acitia the other day. and this is tt r she tells her story: "Well, null joa a'.l about it. aiixdcf it. r?e given birth to $435 $50: $50 . For a CASE of CATARRH That SAxroRD's KadiCal Cure for 'Catarrh will .not instantly relieve and speedily care. References, Henrj; WeUs, Esq., Wells, Fargo I A Co.. Aurora. N. ,Y.: Wmj Bow- en. L&a.. .M cti at ton. urant K itow 'en, r.t. L.OUJS. lestimoniais ana treatise br mail. Price, iwith improred In- naier. 21. rsoia everrwnere. vvxlks a Potter, Proprietors, Eoston, Msjf. sept 10-lw itinD...iiM . 1 nnn a at I'm not riANUpr:rrr,,:uKUAn price $$00 only $155". New Stjle Upright Pianos $112.50. Organs $35. Organs 12 stops $72.50. Church Organs 16 'stops price $390 only $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105. Buyer, come and see me at home if I am not as represented, jit IR Fare paid both way. and Piano or Organ given tree Large Ill.t. Newspaper with' mucn informa tion about cost of Pianos and Organs sent free.w?Please address DANIEL F. BEATTV, Washington, Iew Jersey. septlO-iw WW 11 LI 11 FUND! $125 'ianos price $1600 only Huoerb Urand Sauare rianos. price btriosr Children and im not an old I $1,100 only $255. Elegant Upright Pianos, ta yet sa 1 ? 1 aon t leei oa any- kv.iJIdont beliere 1 look old. racotqaltefiftT-fonr yet, but I'm c:r it 1 night as well call that my I'd be fiftj.fonr jeara old on i'i ttis noatii. Aia tl a young ruaa to tite ao many children? I've 1 (srty sbce I married my present i-jtird. sad he a right out there in btek yard sow. She stepped firii the rear door and called out, 712, cone ia here.' Then she re cruiter seal near the ietTorter. and . : t. t r 1 t j I rr,V f. f Ech, aod all stjles. Including Grand Square LamstoteJl about the. children .Bd Unri.rht.aii strictlr first-class, sold at ft Lai, bat I will do it. He 6 1 the lowest kit casu wholesale factort ilZ.d cf it, but I aint. I'm proud prices, direct to the purchaser. These Pianos lit. szi why Wouldn't I bp? I've ot "d? nfi n"5 wLSSiJLii!i i-w .ln't .o uk t'-o. tennul Exhibition, and were unanimously re- ije.dootyoathirk80? Yby, Ive commended for the Highest UosoRS-orer r-tlMferosly fortythre3 yeara old n.OOO in use. Regularly inco porated Man- rears. 1 tie sauare uranas contain iuamu- ahek'a new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, . . : ' m the greatest Improrement in tne History 01 Piano making. The uprignts are tne nnesi in America. Piano, sent on trial. Don t fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 43 page. mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.; sent 6-1 r 21 East 15th street. N. Y. m lis had tvent six children, and M of thsaare living yet. 810 ptt eieren of thsm to this town. la MSB .Carry Kinney, and Wil- m tiers ray bushaadbas got a test's had f or iy-on children.and f thea are living yV Mr. Lwa born iu South Carolina and ia Tennessee gTessionai Campaign Third District. peak places. at If I0.V.A.M. WADDELL will silVt3. ln a" ot lhe appolutmenu -7e ill be given : A Jl-uplln county. Monday, Soptera- tu: L'cplla county, Tucfcdaj-. Octo- TIE OLD HOUSE. T THE j OLD House of George Myers, ESTABLISHED 11 and 13 South (1:1 mbvrland Mot?rajVnlow countJ' Wednes JrSd.l'nIor countv Thursday tir ;tS; 1 'ltn toT Monday. "Soir S BUden couaty. Wednesday, county, Thurs- county, Friday, Cumberland county, Sat- lr XoOTe county, Monday, October .oo.-e county, Tuesday, October Ki!0"'0 coun. Wednelay, Octo "J Il4rnetl county, Friday, October vitrinh!rnetl countr Saturday. 'Xt;r2trLtret count5' Wednesday J r5-.1;;! 'ret county, Thursday, I att,n iv V VVkr1 county. Saturday. October ' Tu uiauuir let copy I a w - 16 Woman Wanted. 1 VBiTr ... . I ""Wlo da the work of a 43 fi. GEO. X. UARRISS, cveaia, between Uarktt and Front Street, the people of the entire Care Fear section will find a complete stock o .1 I FAMILY (JROUERIES of all l iuds, which were purchasedsed ex- 1 pressly for this market, and which will sold at prices to suit the limes. 1 1 Now opening a fine assortment of Clirist- I ! mas uoouics to wuicu aitcuuoii 19 .umm-u. In Liquors we defy competition. Our Sweet Masli Whiskey, at $3 a gallon, is the best in the market for i 1 ! the price, aad cur 31 feet. pt 2T Furniture. STOCK OF NLW A.VD FRESH G00D3. Mr,'e4 4ad KM SALE LOW BY DELHONICO iCLDB WHISKEI which we sell at $4, is worth almost double i ' i J i ' - the money. ; j I . t Call and seethe stck ai.d AMPLE t when you visit ilmington. Family Grocer, 11 & 13 S.Fnu.t stpv. dec-Tw i jThe following quotationa repraeeat the wholesale price, generally. In making ap mmmu oruer. Ligber price cave to De cnargeo. BAQQISQQunnj Double Anchor. Double Anchor "A"-... HUndard Domestic BACON North Carolina, Hams, 2 esnouiders, n oiaea, E-...... Western Smoked II ami. , Bides, V 2 onouiders. Dr Salted bides. V & - Hhou.ders, "V ... BEEF Live weight........... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, eaeb.w. ...... 1 C5 New York, each, new.. BEESWAX V 2 25 BRICKS Wilmington, TP M 8 00 Northern 00 BUTTER North Carolina lb 15 Northern, V B ' 5 CANDLES Sperm V E 25 Tallow, V It. M. Adamantine, "V st. CUEES Northern Factory, y lb ... Dairy cream, V fl.. ........ Sute, V It COFFEE Java, V C K10, y O Lairuyra. V to CORN MEAL V bushel.... COTTON TIES ? lb UUMKSTIC f Sheetinar, 4-4 "V y.rd. . T Yarn, V bunch 95 Q JI8H- Mackerel, No. 1, 1? bbl....l6 00 No. 1, y X bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl.... 12 50 No. J.VU bbl 6 00 Bail Road Lines, &c. CAROLINA CEOTRAL RAIL WAY COMPANY. KOtRT, 12, 1973.J & 0 11X0 12 Q 12 13 Q 00 28 18 (9 70 0 io 00 014 Of 25 35 40 n f1 - . . it lrrits utaiUL oCriRIKT Wilmington, N. C, Sept, Cliane of SclieduIeJ ON AND AFTER MONDAY, lth insL, the following Schedule will! h nnrtd on this Railway : PASSEXQKR. MAIL Tit A IX. 4.Vi 12K 14 15K 13 30 17 20 72 Leave Wilmington at. No. 1. VArrive at Ilamlet at... 1 ) " at Charlotte at.L Leave Charlotte at.. No. 2. VArriTe at HaaJetat.. ) " at Wilmington! SHELIt Y DI VISTOX, MA TL, 4- PASSENGER AXD EXPRESS. No; 9 Iyave Charlotte.. Afrive at Shelbr. Leave Shelby.. 1 00 & 00 75 00 00 50 00 Mackerel, No. 3 bbl..... 00 00 Mullets, V bbl 3 00 N. C. Herring, V bbL 5 00 Dr- Cod, V O ?LO JR Fine, bbl Super, Northern, V bbl... Extra do " W bbl... Family " obi... City ML'lEx,.Super 73 bbl... " Family? bbl... " Er. Family V bhl... 8 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Ouano,V 2000 lbs. 54 00 Baugh's Phosphate " Carolina Fertilizer " Ground Bone, " Bone Meal j " " Flour I Navassa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann'. Phosphate Wando Phosphate, " BergerABruU'sRos. " Wilcox. Gibb it Co., nipulated Guano 48 00 GLUE V B 8 GRAIN Corn,store,9 56fts 65 Corn, cargo. V &6 i 55 Corn.vel.. N busheL None. 20 00 0 9 00 fJOO 00 & 6 50 0 8 50 0 3 53 0 8 00 0 5 00 5 50 0 6 25 0 8 00 0 7 25 0 7 75 0 8 25 The above Trains have Pafechrer aecom- . modations, aia are tLe only onts permitted to carry rassengers. ...J...n:45 6:00 eept 13 V. Q. JOHNSON, General Superintendent. 055 GO 00 00 00 00 " 45 00 051 00 " 00 00 040 00 Gen'l Sup'ts Office. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA A5TD' AU I GU3TA RAILROAD. 1 ! l-v' Vilmington, N. C.June i, 1878J- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ! i lOn and after Monday, Jane 3L the follow- Ing scneauie win oerun on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAILJTRA IN, (daily except Sunday.) 1 Miscollanooufl. Misccl'aneous. FIRST RECEIPT OF; FALL GOODS. ! 0 I and BlueCioth ton Spring Bee i MANUFAT- jiiLCEITED THIS DAY DIRECT 1HOM 1 tory an entire'y new etvle'ef Gtzi's 11: z Top imiution Button Gaiterr, perfwa . a i i- r.ii -uirict?- ticular. A nici ..sortment of Ladies Button Boots, Chl'rct's ttcflairt i La- Misses School Shoes a edTasseied Shoes. Cbik arcn JLir- . . . s r .... J, v j . -' v . ,14 v t ; k . 1,?a-T stnctlT for Cash and csa .fler r; -q "l-rana at t!le lowest r Hcc?. An lUlly solicited.. it.zcit ab ? ..-v. c .. .! 5 an irtoccn eat r.--,v . ...Jc exaainatior.' ot .'t-aJ j : I ir- r i , 1 .r f t i l.t r " 00 00 " 00 00 " 50 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 00 00 xna- 045 00 047 00 055 00 0G7 00 070 00 070 00 000 00 Leave Wilmington Arrive Florence Leave Florence. Arrive at Wilmington INIGHT EXPRESS; TRAIN Daily). 067 0 0 0 60 80 4 10 10 00 e 0 0 0 0 0 Oats, busnel Peas, cow, & busns HIDES Green, B) Dry, V O HAY Eastern, y 100 fi)s... 1 North River, V 100 lbs.... 1 HOOP IRON y ton 80 00 85 LARD Northern V lb 8X0 North Carolina y fi 11 0 LIME y bbl 1 25 I.TTMRER Citvatesm sa'wd 8bipstuff,resawed,Mft.l8 00 &w uu Rough edge plank. VMft.16 00 018 00 Wfiit India, eareo. accord ing to quality, y M ft...l2 00 14 Dressed nooring,seaaoned. 15 00 025 Scantling and boards, com mon, y m ft 12 00 0 60 10 C7 57 60 00 25 10 00 9 12tf 00 Leave Wilmington '.. 7 25 P M Leave Florence L.ll 47 PM Arrive at Columbia L 3 25 A M 1 I I Tliojxun H. ISowt i J EXPRESS Is- 3 i r;T i ... 6:00 A M 2 $ ? " j . !' 1 A&r'? A ' : P ... 2:00 P M ' ' A. i A ' I f . ...7:ooam -.rri n wfelj y hVvV ..11:15 AM o M Z -' A&cA JT V p M , g 5? v 2 -3 i. XisK , 1 1 r: S s Hit1: r 3- -P1 f i mm mmm t mmmm, I Steamahin Lines. &c. 1 h J . , . j Uo. ClUb ,; tCsJjr. 'J. . 10 . 3 3 7 25 A M 20 PM 30 PM 30 P M ...... ....... .......... Leave Columbia., Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington ...... This Train will enly stop at Flemington, Whiteville, Fair ol8. Marion, and Florence, and between Florence and .Columbia. .11 4 8 30 A M oo;am 30 A M Urinkley's Blur, Nich- all s ations Passengers for Aucrusta and be should take Night Express Train; from mmgton. ; yond Wil- MOLASSES Cuba.hhdygl Cuba, bbl.., y gal Sugar house, hhds. y gal. " " bbls. y gal... Orleans Choice bbls. y gal. NAILS Cut 20dto4d,Vkg 2 OILS Kerosene, y gal Lard, V gal 1 Linseed, y gal 1 Rosin, y eal PEANUTS y bushel 1 POTATOES Sweet, y dub. Irish. Northern. ? bbl 1 9 - - 33 35 24 26 37 85 15 10 00 30 05 00 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 & 0 00 00 00 37 40 'Through Sleeping Cars on fright trains for Charleston and Augusta. I ; JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. ! j une ' WILMINGTON & WELDOh RAILROAD COMPANY. 1 CLYDE'S i 1 Mew 1 York -AND Wilmington, Steamship C Line, IThe Steamer 4 (it 50 PORK Northern, city mess. 12 00 Thin, y bbl 00 00 Prime. " bbl (extra) 10 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 75 45 10 40 25 00 00 00 OrriOB or Gin l Sppkrintkndknt Wilmington, N. C, June 1 1878, "A 000 00 11 00 Jtump, y bbl 00 00 000 00 ICE Carolina. V 2 VA0 -8 75 75 30 75 East India, y lb.. Rough, y bushel.. RA OSCountry, y fi ....... City, V12SM ..... ROPE SALT Alum, V sack...... Liverpool, y sack. American y sack Marshal's fine, y sack.... Cadis y sack SUGAR Cuba, y 2)..:..... Porto Rico, y Jt ... A Coffee, y 2) ... B " "y o C"" " Ex C V fi . Crushed y 2 SOAP Northern, y 2) SHINGLES Contract, y3i Common, y M... Cypress sap. y M Cmress hearts, y M BTAVES W. O. bbl. y M.10 00 R O hhd. y E. u uu Cypress, y M 00 00 TALLOW y 2 TIMBER Shipping y M ...10 00 Mill, prime per M 1 ou Mill, fair per M 6 00 InferiortoOrdinary.perM 3 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 North Caro ina, per gal ... 1 ou WOOL Unwashed, per Xb... 18 Washed, ser 2 2 6 00 0 76 G IK IK i 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 9X0 10X0 00 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 .0 00 5 00 60 50 00 00 00 22 00 80 80 I 40 00 10 00 10 9 8K X "K 7 5 00 2 00 2 00 30 0 015 00 000 00 000 00 0 10 012 00 0 9 00 0 6 50 0 5 00 0 3 50 0 2 25 0 0 n. a. auiTii & co. Shingles of all Kindsj 1 4j 5 AND 6 INCH HEARTS. f In bandies of fifty. Common Shiogles bandied and loose. 1 ; O. O. PARSLEY, Ja., Agent, aept 3 Cor. Orange and S. Water Sts. DTERTISK IN THE , WILMINGTON (Weekly) JOURNAL Office corner Water and Chestnut street. School for Young Jjadies, ! MIS 3 HART, Principalr , lESSION begins Thursday, October 3d. Thorough urse of English, French, Math ematics and Natural science. Preparatory Classes carefully instructed. Callithenics and Vocal Maic free of charg Inttrumental M;c under direction of Miss HAHR. For, terms, Ac, apply to the PRINCIPAL, sept ie-cod-tf-Mon-Wed-Fri. CHANGE OF SCIIEDlLt'. On and 'after Monday, June 3d, 1878, at 3:15 A. M., Passenger trains on the Wil mington A Weldon Railroad will run as fol lows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St- Depot at.. b Arrive at Weldcn at , Leave Weldon.,,......,,.. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at ...a 3 11 60 A 10 P 46 P EC UAP7 LAT OR, 705 P &; NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. e. 7 50 P M 3 10 A M 3 16 A M Leave Wilmington, Front St. I Depot at Arrive at Weldon at Leave Weldon, daily at..... ,. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 10 05 A M Train? on Tarboro Branch Road lea7e Rockr Mount for Tarboro at 2.30 V M daily. and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturc ay at 6:00 A M. Returning, leave 1 Tarboro at IU.-1 A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 P M. The Day Train make, close connection at Weldon lor all point. North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and dailyj via Rich mond and all rail routes. Night train make, close connection, at Weldon for all point, north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. JOHN F. DIVINE; General Sunt. june 3 Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line, Supiristesdxkt's Orricr, Raleirh. N. C. May lOtt. 1878. AND AFTER MONDAY, siN J 1878, train, on this road will run as low. : Sunday, excepted. PASSENGER TRAIN. May 10, fol- 5:30 P M 12.15 P M .1.30 P M .8.45 P M Train leaves Raleigh.. a . w-w m . Arrives at uamiet... Leave. Hamlet........ Arrive, at Raleigh V ! . i . . .;... Ran a ins train maaes ciose conucv wwur uuj let with the Carolina Central Railrc ad to and from Wilmington. Charlotte, Asbeville. Statesville, Warm Springs and all points in Western North Carolina and all points South and Southwest: I JOHN C. WINi'ER, july 26 -tf I Superintendent. Quarantine Notice. Mrs. E- H- Parsley ILL REOPEN THE TT T V V fat Yftan? Children, in DEPARTMENT connection with Miss HART'S SCHOOL, on THTJXLSDA'Sr. October 3d. Object Leons and Kindergarten Methods "employed. Drawing, ClassSinging and Ca listhenics taught a. heretofore. .ept 23-mon-wed-fri-tf Tonsorial. ITAVINO AGAIN located In the base tl ment of the Purcell House, I have thor oughly renovated and improved the old stand and am now prepared to shave,. ham poo, ard cut hair lor everybody. The best of work-r-iAn. dean towels, sharp razor, and low ptices. KLYIN ARTI8, July 27 Purcell Howe Barber Shop JPROM AND: AFTER THIS DA"TF, AND until farther notice, no vesei fromjthe Ports f Havana, Matanzas, KeyjWest,Ior New I i . , Orleans, will ie permitted to approach the City of Wilmington nearer than the Quai-at Une Station at Deep Water PoinL W. O. CURTIS, Qoarantine"".Pbjsicin, 1 ' ' Port of Wilmington. DOANE, I WILL SAIL FROM NEW YOfiH OM WEDNESDAY, Oct. 2, .Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as adTertinod. 1 For Freight Engagements a:iplv to A. D CASAUS, Aj-cnt, Wilmington, TZ. C. I.. S. HELDK.V. Soliciting Airent. WW. 1'. CLYDE t CO., (;tneral gents, Bowling Green, or i'ier 13, N. It., New York. j -- pt j30 tihiore AND Wilminaton. IM.SC.. STEAMSHIP LINE.' i - -: The Steamer D. J. FOLEY, I cArT. njiCE, I I WILL SAIL FROM lULTlMOKE ON Saturday, Oct. 5 Steamers Sail frcfin Wilm.ntrtpn every, Saturday promptly at 12 Ll. ' Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing' of steamers aaj advertised. Through Bills of Iiadin? eB . . i ..... l . r to and fr6mPAiiadelpl)ia,- and Jrompi Dispatch guaranty. For Freight Engagaent? apj It ti.i A.' D. CAATJZ, Areot, TiicjEcst iiitho City i nd Cheapost i ' IORSALE BY TL'K-KLt;, J OIjI.W a. qozen. Try it tin h.t weather. ilt will pive Jon a jro( d srp.tlif hm . sleep and make yv.u l.caitay aaJ jwealtliy and wise. ' j .1 I . II. MAKCC3 A IjON, J 1 1 , .; No. 5. Market nre. i By Its rf'a.i an'l tbnf.uph Moii-pnrlf lr,i? irrx""-tii-s. lr. ritr'at tn.i Jt ii Mt !ibl I i- . ry cur 3 nil Humans flom tin wift tvrtrut t-i . cfiiT)j u lilotcb. l'lmple. f r trupllon. M rrurlal ill ., ' Mineral l'oiaoii, iui'1 thi ir l.t-., urn ra li at. 1 an't vigorous In altli ati'l a -oi:ir n--1 It n t ! .n t:if.. lili . . fcjT!pfli. hulUtnumj l cr hon Kcttty or Itoucb hkln. In hlmrt. ail !l - . '.iti 1 t v I )i ,! I4o!, aro comjin r. l y liUa Iowi.r:Vl, j-urlfjiU-y, ui. 1 invl'orat! uk iii:!1c1im-. . j KsiwciaHy has It luanif.-'stf-'t 1111 '' rirv ' f ''"'r' T'tt r. ltoo lklioh. IIoIIm. urbum In, Krirf ' tvrofulou. Horon unit burlilrnfn. White hKI)l"tfS . If you f.l tlu;l, !m.v. y. !. Mill UN .1. I,.ic f.ior ' color iff bkin. (r v !) 1 -ii-l.p n hf.ti "u f'- r txxiv. f rc jij. ut lK U'i.n h'- r !lin. la 1 In HK.iitli, tntiMi.-il lii nt r t iil - i'.u a wi'li I "t. l!u-h-si, l..w Merits . ni t i'.iiiy y.r tK.-'jlnjf Imwu.-I'tr aTij tit-, ,'iii f t'i.K' - ' .!!. V" i u'i; Mi(!t rln ir-'i.i f th' r" -vti.j ? 't!. .r ; r .' tt it :i' . Torpid r H!llouin Ller t omplulnt " irt i rt d -!. a f i!.' ;yl J'k ft .Un M-'!l'-:;l l'i?jvfry L.U It i llcctrl H i l i t ru.'l r I'll' :!- drt h 111 l!f I'liri' ( f Urorifhltl. M nrlT j '1 iurnitlim. 'AlA 1J' Ui!V, fltl'J U;1!H lit Itll'. It tin' tTcatcl t til !!:!! :i It run s t'u- m v r-'-t Mif.''1"'- " Uli't purffl' th- bloud. --'1'! t i:. v. ri Kii I.. M. ik. it. r and luvali'I lioU.l, l;uii;4., -N 1 . . . u rc I ontDV :in I " It lii- .1 l il 'l' i ll. ry'.f tli-i tr Titln r, i JT'iM'-'J'!' O I i-J WI.!Nv UlOtJ S'.tLJ, .... ' j pi H g.?- -;. iris, r 'tft'1"' i ' Ko ueo r.f tii'!ri ? t l.c 1 -rr". r J -. on.pov.l- r.f rli.ap.,-ri:f-. f i'.v If 31k 1'tlK -nir Jir- Ir Urir tluin inj.trJ Jv IHngr cntlrtly vcffttuMr. t. t i"l ' r,'.r;r' J' "" turbans to t:.o ti!::::. 0"i rj mood. I'idn In tbc hfcrull r, T1tt aux 8 SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY REVIEW Only 60 cent, per month to city subscri m o and Chestnat sts WAimins L. S. BELDE.N REUBEN Corner Lee. and York. 9 wj-vw.-" FOSTER, CD, TJ. C. Ageii. General Aen Taoto the Mouth. It'Uo. ttU r ,71 htomMfh, i:n.a or u.i U' tiU ir i'-- . if.. I . ... . w . r .i ,.i. i-1'..'.iiir x - rl.d or ttatr -tDluX th. Ir kU'; ""',r':Tr r i 'pi i' :iu vi;!' n. i: '-..t -. iAi ;-,tj aii'l r'iii:.i- - i V- r 111 v.ii. r- a L . . t . , -j . ,1 i f i i j : " H 1.1 p. -I, ...t tl. r r. Sltn 1" f !j " I'Jv. I'ltKi-K. bL I .. l l p If-L Ui f U' 'I' '- ! 1 til -r ii. Kit I ght Stieeti, Baltimore THOS, J. SOTJTHERLAND L' IVEKY AND SALE .-TABLES, fnmp Tinrrl and Priaee Htret, - " - . im - Va HnrM. L..t vlhicle for hire at rea- aonaala , rates. lEsearsion parties Sound and eounJtry aceommoaatao. may 26 I 1 , to the I' - V J .-!.t-..ti- Uztsev l I 1 lyes. tu,; plc .;. rr-:;,Tul i-kI'- J rot. ! tires. rir -r. tfifv r utal d prtra Kti r u f a-'H. , jk,l r.f- r flfii ys.PW5 irc iiiJj l H i-J r 'i I cas it oie uc DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY C Hlolt tj iw ifj, thtBlr. uZ ixHrrF dtsth!1 rvmry .J" p-.lalra. iiain. . i