Br Cable to tbe Herald. Tho Glasgow Crash. The SalTcrln; Shareholders .i-The ixciuntiit iir iu, w - v ----- p Lai uro thon linanciai . i aro et present unapparent and lure ,riea involving many Lome T.e. irii.lilo It i impossible. i. c t ratimate accurately Ui kUCICiUtv, - rirffl CI lUO V . 1 . flirt 1 111 ch mncnpainim ""-"-- - . disaster. ".Many depositor and BbarehoiuerB ach aro dually intertsted-t ;c f - An analysis of the li-t of ,rof th broken bauk r.:;":,"?' rrs of fruCcimt stock to pa'.Iy I,, bo director are -linker, lho; bank ifhcul?, lC;8ohc tor wnuiH, 13; emitter. Jo; Austria's Conquest of Bosnia. SrriAJLVj. Oct. 4. lu AUStrians Raleigh Observer. MUltarr Xcws. rat! Visecrad this morninfr un- Two new battalions have been form opposed. The insurgents' evacuated cd, the First composed of the follow- their entrenchments Roanuomug ieuw, iu uutupamra; oo. a, Winston Light Infantay. 15, itoarioko Light Infantry. C, Albemarle Guards, D, Durham Light Infantry. E, Jarvis Light Infantry. F, Anderson Rifles. Tho Second Battalion is composed Austrian catered Gorsz-Ja yesterday unopposed, and to-day occupied Cajuici. Tut? district lot Fcchia is i.f insiirrpnL. Thns the whole of Uosnia and Herzegovina issnbdned, and tbn country in our Lands. 4 4 It cf: Raleigh New . , Slznal station at Charlotte A Sergeant of the U. 3. Signal Ser vlai has urrired at Charlotte, and is- mrocd charge of the Signal office there. lie has selected a room in the t' v htore of the Traders' National A, Cleveland Guards. 13, Southern Stars. C, Iredell Blue. 1), Lamb Light Infantry. TTidoft. IC;H ue;a r.'. ;;i;papermaaers, 7- laanuf.ctnrt-r. J; citic-ants, 1J; tradesmen. bi; doctors. 82; insurance . w w - M mt . . i t . . - V. frrr!rH. 4 J tX' .eutor. lit; trintte. 78; other profes uu,V,l; not ttated. Almost the i. .;-; tl hnart holdd. rt: n i.tUid. la Glagow tit rear.! 207; iu :-:J:--burgu. 1'JJ. Th" remainder ol i. t vl J.'illlare ictUn d 11 over it,,, count ly. The bubililv f the il.Mieholder is uuhmilul ja d heavy r.tis areshortlv exacted. Aa afss icnt of l50(S75l)to X2j0 (1.0( 0; :ur tTeryharetf l0 C5VA: m cou ndiifd -oUb!t. It m ltIlaaUd tht over nsty per cat of the frhare I...Mrr.HCaniMtd to Ihete c;d:-. ul t i:-li nt-tiululf i f !: diia. Rv t ..t iiuiKi-fib!'. The .State (.ii rd at the Fair. AU lMlMt ltW C- !!! ,l1 l't' rLd 1 1 ciuruiM.t ol the htat Guard Ht ti e l'ir, w!.ii-!i. b.g units oli Monday, Ocloler 11th. contiuue five uayn, hLd tot two iJj?. u- trrone ! ri-POftiL TLtt . In'ttd is .",t!inr!v .ni!able. nitMac: tvery ud vntg5of acceib:U'y: hiiuutiou. and iMDi .ito 1 tift-M i.t i!! bti iibout 1 .UJor l.:.W). Thtr v l bj repre- .entel 2t coajpinifH ti lnfantiy, two of artillery, aa J pcruaps oue ox caval ry Tha cinop la n tcceHible, beicc ja-l on the city outkirti, taai n win t.i . tit u most tftliehtful place to visit, ,.ml tho long lines of white tcntu, the bustling soldiers in uniform, trill carry i:iuy m ol.l cinip 'J r l clz to the dyntif i:i WI1UP i. wiil bo an areeabl. nove'.ry to hua dreJs of younger fpirit. Thft kiudnes.t o: tin? ra'lway and tcaashtp cfaciaU if geurrnl Ptibject ( convcratioi. aMl eiict:?' zrom au iiterested in tl e Stat ,; Gii ird, i xpres nions of npprici-itioa. Every arr.mre:n-'nf tviH be ra.tde for the comfort of :l:e troi. xvho will liud their ipitttr u-udy. '.uid all thing prepared hkh:ui tJ.eir arrival. Hotel Arrlrals- I'' I Ini-cn v:t ; .. V n Bmk Building, and expects to be able n.t - T Ti nnrinr to make his first report Sunday morn- Frum 10:0- O.clock Q 0 10;05 icg tho Cih. As previous y stated the 0,c?ock Qct ?T u Mulu g c A rt ports from a l Mgnal stations are . now Garrason, J C McKae. Faycttevill.; An- ,:,ng received throngh the Jeslern lh AinolJ prof pk j oSnzalezand two Li;ion telegraph office and can be used s v 'M raT, v-. Ynrt. h iwo as dfcfcired. t i XT-.,t;r, r-i.f.. a r T?rtk;T, Tina the signal ttktion which I n rKlf, m . r, .V f ritl(ra. Ch.rlotto has been .o loiig expecting, 7T'u!n. cr"k' n it is now a fixed fact-! She is the 1T ' , -.,f. Tr ,,-k;,!.. lir.tjnland point m the Slate to hao F, s-n s T . ' f w Columbia, S C; Patrick Hayes, Weldon, N C; A K Walker, City. a htation: theonlv others already es tablished are at Wilmington, Smith- vine, Ilatteras and Kitty Hawk. CAUOLIM. 1'aticKLL HougE. Wilmington. N. C, Oct. 7. Uobb Bios., proprietors fi..m 10:03 o'clock. Oct. C, to 10:05 o'clock Oct 7 Jno L Collier, Charleston, S C; W II Anthony, Thos H Allen, Flor ence, S C; W J McDirmiad. D M Wright, Manchester,. N C; Thos Evans, Iiocky New Advertisements. COmiERCIAL HEWS. SPIRITS at27Kc Later wo 1 ofsk of 0 easks J TnE SlGXLD!hereby notifies the Vt2Tam ICa&kS at 27C" cIo8lng flim public that he has' this dj removed his TAR Market quiet at $1 Cj. I. Sales at J Barber Shop from the basement of ihe FIRST quotations. - i ROSIN Quoted firm at tjl 2T for NATIONAL BANK MJILDINO. ta the store on rront street receEtlr ocenpied by . a - : T w - f ftirained, o quotations for Good Strained Captain Jas.W. Lippitt, as a'Confectionerj o sales reported. esUblishment, bet which has beeY. ihoroach- CRUDE TDRPEVTrvK Markrt firm at HJ RENOVATED AND KKFITTE to suit me ionsoriai Duaiaess. tiv om enstomer? and as manr new ones a desire a FIUT- CLASS SHAVE at the bands of Cot-clais Barbery a' re?pecifaJlj- invited vl ca I. I. KUIIMANSKI, Two Doors North of ti e Turccll Ht-ia;. oct 4! $1 25 for Hard and $2 00 for Soft and Virgin bales of receipts at quotations. COTTON Quoted quiet and nominal. I LAter we hear of sales of 250 bales on a basis of 9-; cents or middling. Market closing dull and drooping. The,follow?ng were the last official quotations. Ordinary .......... Good Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary. . Low Middling.. Middling . Good Middling ' Cents. 1 n 9i 0 a tt DAILY BlOlIPTi Cotton ...!....". Spiriu Turpentine....... Kosin. . .1.168 bbls f ' .. tar j ig7 Crude Torsentine ' 2i9 " 4C2 bales 102 casks Drugs, Medicines. henik'xls, Combs, j i Bruslies, JT0il SALE .0W AT nuuiiAN'K'5 riiAibiACV, "or. In:itt Princei-s sts. CCT "Cart" is mv watehwnnl. MARINE NEWS. Xcw -.Hive-.- Oysiers ! JECEIVfcD THI: DA V Chapel Hill Ledger. A pood many cf tne boys will atteud the l'air. Upwards of GO, we hca, will be there IU!cih Xctr: A plan is on foot to Point; G F French, llocky Point; W H purchato one of the larjje., iloutle tant I Coles, rsew lork; Capt B Doane, rsew chemical engine lor use uy tt.e lcior i ork bteamer; Capt rncc, steamer UJ lire company, culored. I Foley, M Em cierson, N "C; Alex Jack- Abhcville Citizen i .The annual meet- son, Shoo Heel; O P Chalk, Richmond, in of tho ttockhuldtri ot the Western Va; L W Saunders, 11 F McKcnny, Char Division of the W. N. C. lUilroad Co., lotte, N C; Win Clanks, N C; K W ARklVPn Schr. Alleero. Keller. Porto RiiSn. Kidder I nrst insUlIuitfct of the celebrated ' ' . i az. nous. .. Br barquentine Summer Cloud. Higgitt, 5. V 1m Abberdeen. A. Snrunt fc Son. Br brig Tees Force, Chrisp, iDemarara, y mwms & Jiurcnlson. ; ! t Ger barque Facke. cliamberg,"Liverpool, E. Peschau fe Westerman.l i ' Schr St. Croix, Leland; New London, E. Kidder Sons. i Steamship DJ Foley, Price, Baltimore, A 1) Cazaux. I i Steamer North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth a Wortli. 63 Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smlthville, i CLEARED. Winberry New Eirer drstere. Those who have been waiting for thJm can now be sup plied at Oct 4 S- fiJE COSMOPt J LITAN. Vick, will be held in Akhivil e, on Wednesday Adams, Charleston, S C; J&s E (J-i!eu Co emission Mercliantj IMorth Water Street, Miscellaneous T . SPEEDS Port Craue Win Used in Iluadredgrf Pa....;. . i i munion purposes. Also h " " "''P Excellent for Ladies and Wcr.klrP . C sons and the Accd- Jj , lr 8CNUM SANCt'OfTM ! rM:; . rA:iT . Mt. Jt'rospoctVmoy,ardsf.Nec j jersey. Four Year QUI. rpiilr JUSTLY CELEUHATK1' .NATIVE Wine is made from the juice cf tJ Otvt urape, lai-tu in iui counirr. lie Charlotte Obierrtr' Where the First Jlccklenhur:; 31illtla Captain 1$ Burled. Mecklenburg abound in old prave Tarda Lnt excepting; that at liugar Creek church there u not perhaps an older in tho county t haa the ld iilack bnryinR ground in Providence town ship, about three-quarter of :i mile from Matthew station. Iu thia i buried Capt. Wra. Black, the lir?: man who ever coniiairuded a militia company iu this county, and tuc iu ecriptiou on tho old fioipstono Blab which marks his iesticf place shows that ho was buried in tne year 1701 117 years ago. Thero may even be older graTesJin this old burying ground than that of Capt. Black. Tho place has fallen into neglect, overgrown with weeds and briars, and sono of the tdabs which marked tho egravca in times gone by, havo sunk fur into the ground unlit tho i;ames and dates uooa them have disappeared from England's Trouble ulih iftanistan. London. Oct. 5. The Standard ha tho following despatch from Bombay: Four of tho Amecr'a infantry regi ments and six guns aro stated to have .r rived in front of Alt Mu5jid, a short distance up theKbyber raw, and have advanced within three miles of Jam lud, at which place a detachment of British troops has arrived, iluch larger be die a of Afghau troops aro on their way down. These threaten to attack the Kbyberees for having al lowed the British mission to penetrate the pass. This would throw the hill tribes into our hands. It is expected we will assist them if the Ameer should attack them. Probably our lirmt ad vance will be into the Koorum Valley. The Afghan troops and guns may be taken from the Almurid fort, and we will occupy some of the minor passes. Hostilities may begin any moment.' ilassacrc by Albanians. COX ST A"TI NCfi'LF, Oct. 4 TU0G0V- ernment has received intelligence that Haad Detden Pasha, on announcing that he had received orders to surrec der Podgorilzi to tho Moategrinr, was killed by the Albanians, and 150 offi cers and men under hia corxraind Political Duel In Italy. Flokexce, Oct. 4 Tho population is excittd because a member of the Interna tionale has been killed in a duel by an ofiicer of a Bersaglieri regiment stationed here. The troops aro con5ned to tho bar rickt. ml it ii hoped tho agitacica will riHMa without a disturbance. .., .- lUkiih-Ofj.rtcr: Mr.lFrauk II. Al- Iricud, who was a Professor in t he Cape Pear Military ACa-Jmiy when Gen. Culs- tin was at its, a tier wards tho Editor f the A'.rr and a ilitinuhed authur. I! t is in I he cit v. lIi;e I iridic .(due: lhe i atawoa Kivcr (llapt'st) AfS;H;i-ti)n uiil Ikj held at EottleV churc'i, thrte mijes from Mor- anton, this xelir Services will Kmu m the Kk'u iritia and continue over Sun day foil'juinj " llluc ll:!"c Lld'Ic : Our cflicient ami Iopu1ar MitnlT, Joseph Hrittaiu, hougtit witness tickeU against the county in the cae Of Sccrest amounting to $1534. G j for SC7S L'0. This he did a. McDo .ve'l Court in the face o: rival bidding fnd saved to Uurke county SGTS.'JO, j Kalcih Observer; Mri Overman re- ceivid a telegram fium Governor Vance yesterday bearing the fid intelligence that Lis mother was sinking rapidly, and he could not come down as. he ex pected, lie lias ouc to Ashcvillc. P.vatifort Atlantic: llluc fih arc now L K row?, New York: Ei E Lnca.s At lanta. Ga; Hon A M Waddell, .Sound; AI is i Sallie Carpenter, City; Jno Temple- ton, Alice Vane, Fay 'JJempleion, Isabel ane, W M Fuller, Burtou Adams, Xfllic Stanwood, Nellie Haywood, Will I Uufiie, Jno Ginselhoef, George F Bird, llarrr Well?, Fay Templeton Star Al liance; C 1) Myers, F W Kerchher, City; Jo Shoe Heel; E Burruss, Green ville S.iuul; O A Wiggins, Sound.J Wine for Evcninj: Entertainments. The Port Grape Wine of Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N w Jersey, is generally pro- nouDced the most reliable wine to be ob tained, and is now heiug used by those fashionables and lamilies who are the most choice in the selection of wines for evening entertainments. For sale bv Green & Planner. vfiLSfStisss: Bcta"z' r - ' wummston, in . .p. Tciic and SlrensllieiiiEs Froscrtil rojcttit Coruna, Spain, Northrm & Com miner. Schr Qeorgietta, Lord, HayuVE Kidder at aons. Nor Brig Brazillian, Beck, Rotterdam, Alex prune A-Son. Steamer North State, Green L Fayette- vine, ynriu a VYorui. ! Steam-yacht Passport, Harier, rf.mlih.ville, ueo flyers. Remova!. f A AN'L QUIXL1VAN, HORSE SUPER, bees to inform hia patrons, friends and tlrJ that he haa removed and LOCAL NEWS. !M i: i. iL- ; rri. i iuieu ooneu arrest mis morning. iuv victims are ruminating over their mis deeds and will ho interviewed by His very numerous in our waters and many Honor Mayor Fishblato to-morrow niorn- huudrcJs ol them are bt-iog caught with hook and line every day. Several boats on a single thlo have taken as many as from one to two hundred, and the fishing seems to improvo each day. Ashevillc Ciiimi: Gov. Vance has ordered r.n extra term cf the Superior Cnrt for Madi.on county, to begin oa the in Fire Saturday A frame building near the corner of Seventh and Market streets was discov ered to be on fire on Saturday evening hut extinguished before any consid 2.1th ot November, the week fel!owiug I craljle damage was lone or th alarm l.-e- the regular term ef the ronrt for that I cami general. county. I .shevilhs Cilizm: Col. Winston's con- Put in for Coal able The steam tug loc. Cant. II exports. FOREIGN. Rotterdam Ger barque Amanda 2 709 bbls roein. j Nor brig Brazillian 2.SG5 bbls rosin. Coruna, Spain Ger barque Tou Hey- den Cartlow 210,Sei) feet lumber. Aux j Caves, Hayti Schr Georgietta- 123,737 feet lumber,. 40,000 cypres shiDgles. New York. Markers. Herald, 33.1 j Cotton The market for spot continued dull and irregular Quotations for uplands ana Alabama were maraed down i-ioc., and for New Orleans and Texas were marked up 3-16c.. as compared with yester day'sjprices. Futures opened about 2 points lower. Liverpool came l-32d. cheaper for arrivals and doll and easier lor spot cotton; middling uplands quoted o 7-lOd, ana mia dltne Orleans, at 6-k:c. Our market im proved during the forenoon, and October the public genera his Shop to Second, between PriDceea Chestnut streets, where be will be pleased to meet ALL who wish to hare work done in bis line. Good work guaranteed arcl! Trices low. oct5-lw Star copy. Carpet Paper Z rilHIS (PAPER is used to great advantage i. under Carpets. Matting and Oil Cloth, causing them to wear as long again, deaden ing the sound and being impervious to air, making the house much warmer in". Winter. It is very durable and wi 1 last for years. Call and examine. ZIMMERMAN" & WHITE, Hole Agents for Manufacturers, Second and IVinctss Ets. oct 5-sat-mon-wed-sat-mon. rown- TNG POINT 18 TO WAKIiANT PERFECT to s are unsurpassed by any other tative VjBf. Being the pure juice of the grape, prodqcul under Mr. Speer'sown personal tu;i rvifinr, its purity and genuineness are vfenr.tcifj The youngest child maj partake it. pi'Eer ous qualities, and tiie weakcet irvtiij my use it to advactngc. It is J articultu y Wce hcial to the aed and dthilitated, hr'juiti'd to the various ailments that af:!:ct i! weaker sex. It Is, in every respect, A W.I N ij TO BE RELIED ON". i INVALIDS USE SrEER'SrOU: URATE WINE, - i ; FJSMALE&XJ8E SPEER'S EG!? I (IRATE WEAKLY PERSONS FIXD A HEXXFIl BY ITS LSE. Speer's Wines in Hofpitalp; are j-referrfd toother Wines. Sold by Druggist generally, w ho s!fo Speer's Standard Wine Bitteis. Trade ur plied by all wholesale Dealer. te thttri signature of Alfred Speer, rs.H;.p, '. JtJ c over the cork of each-bottle. A. SPEER'S ML Prospect Yinerar-!f,.W Jersey. Office, No. Zi Warren St. S"t cri. Eor saleby URtlv. & tbkXXl.:., I'rug- gists. rrch 22 X sold upo 11.45c. and November sold as high I aiisfactron to patron'. as li.iic. uurmgtne aiternoonaprices nu on Stock combines all considerably, and the market closed weak, I new Rl , stylish G( W nil U ucuiiueiur lueuay uiiruui 01 a i puxxits. :fld. CURRENT PRICES OF SPOT COiTTOX. The following quotations are! based on American standard or classincation. and on eotton iu store, running in quality not more than half a grade above or below the grade quoted: KIJK 11 ATS from $1 to $5." UN EN COLLAR-. -from loc M 2lt Charlotte Observer: Jlev. 1). SL Dron son has tendered Ins resignation as rector durt in tlvj Fifth HMri;t is r.s cpljjr as Jo Turner's in tne Fourth even n so, for nothing gool orjlmnorahle was ex. pcctcil of Turner, while Col. Y's former course Ins led all to ex poet something of him. To persist in a courses which can not possibly elect himself but may prob ably elect the inlamous lourgee is disre putable and criminal. 'vcr: K lis res ig of St. Peter's Kpiscdpal church, of this city, and this resignation was accepted ry amectmj: ol the vestry held night be fore last. Mr. Droiison has been the rec tor of this church for many years, and has rcatlv endeared himself to our people, regardless of denomination. lie ism man of great learning, and not only a thorough scholar aud deep thinker but a gentle man of high christian character and rare personal address. Charlotte Obscrccr: A telegram re ceived in this city yesterday announced the death of tho mother of Gov. Z. C. and (Jen. 11. B. Vance, at tho residence of the latter uu the Swannacoa river in Dun- combe county. Mrs. Vance was a very aged lady, and has for several months past been declining rapidly. Indeed the Governor has several times beeu called from his oflicial duties to attend at her bedside. She died in the full enjoyment of the hope held out by the christian re ligion of a blessed immortality beyond the grave, aud leaves behind her tho in cense ef a quiet, uevoted christian life. Kaleigh Observer. Kalclsh Colton Market. Receipts of cvtton for tho week J 2.CS0 bales Scceipts same week last year, 1,1CG " Increase fjr the week,1 1,124 " Total receipts for the year to date Total receipts for same timo j last year .. . . J. . . . . . . b,4C6 w J Increase in tho receipts to date, 2,196 Keceipts yesterday, '515" Raleigh Observer.l I Listed Taiables. Mr. W. W. Aatry, Register of Deeds for Cumberland jcounty, reports to the State Auditor: I " t Foulat, more f-om Philadelphia for Xew Orleans, put in to this port this afternoon for coal; she is a beautiful craft and is said to be of immense power. The Fox will not go direct to New Orleans hut will stop at Pensacola until the fever has abated in theCresent City. General tax Special tax. School tax. County tax. .3,1GS.G9 . 3,232.88 . 4.295.3G .24,685.07 Mr. V. F. Porter, K-gister of Deeds of Wilkes county, report?: . General tax ; .......31,325.41 Special tax 1,355.53 School tax .2,879.17 Ccty tax .7,020.CD The Speaking at Bnrgaw. This being the frst Monday in tbe month, the County Commissioners of Pen der have their regr'ar monthly meeting at Burgaw, and the Greenbackers taking advantage of the opportunity and of tho crowd that is expected there, have invited Judge liussell, late of the Radical party, to address them there to day. Upon second thought, however, we are not positive as to wheiher the Judge was invited by the Greenbackers on whether I be invited hiinseK. At any rate, be is to speak there to-day, and if . we mistake not he will be replied to, too, by o.:C who is thoroughly competent not only to handle the subject in a masterly manner, but able also to use up tb's inflated representative of the Greenbackers in auy argument he may chauce to hit upon. The person wo refer to is none other than Pender's favorite son, Major C. W. McClarnmy. This gallant son of Pender and .staunch Democrat 'promised us some two weeks since that he would try and be at Burgaw to-day to meet this distinguished ex-Judge, but we received a note from him this morning written yes terday alternoon informing us of the fact that he had been suffering from sickness ever since his last visit to this city, but at the time of his writing was feeling better and if no worss to-day he would certainly be in attendance at Burgaw. "We sincerely trust that our friend, first for his own sake is much better, and secondly'br the sake, ot the Democratic party,sothathe may be abio to meet the opponments of Democracy at Burgaw and vanquish them as he certainly will do if his heaith permits. Jno. O. Borneman HAS REMOVED his Family Grocery to No. 4, Second street, where be will be pleased to see his old customers. With Increased facilities I can offer better inducements. c n2-i7 jno. c. BOR::r?rA:r. Ordinary, strict ordinary. uooa ordinary, - -Strict good ordinary, Liow middling, strict low middling, -Middling, -Good middling, strict good middling, Middling lair, - Fair, - - - - - STAIXEU. Good ordinary, - Strict good ordinary, Low middling, - - - Middling, - - - - SALES OF SPOT COTTOX Men's Urn Uplands 9 1-lfi i 9 9-16 J 10 10 10 ii nv, 12 9K erwear, Shirts, Hosiery', ?carfs, Ties, Umbrellas and Valiw C,H.K A V . Ready-Corning, ( lot! i'g order. to Paver P8ttern3 Ar Men or i!i'- gi-n;ccts cut by measure. sept 2J LOUIS' J. OT rKRBOUKG, 27 Market it. Export, Consumption, - Congressional Campaign- Third District. I - TTOX. A. M. WADDELL will speak :at IT the followinsr times and places. If To-day. Last Even'g. Total. I changes are made in any of the appointments LLAN"S FLY BRIG The LUtl Giant fyrillri KILLS all the FLIES ia a roora in TWO HOURS. ioc. wortn iv will kill more flieS - m u worth of Flv Paper. & No dirt, tlifj . vi. r-j; BO ITOUUit.p Sold by Druggists Every- botanic Medicine Co., Buaalo.N. Y July 1 IBS' " tt-M a 'V.T-v, i - 1T1 ccl county, Monday, 39 I 39 I due notice will be given ; 512 8(1 ox l i:iizaDetntown, .Bladen October 7tn. Total. - - 312 '119 431 I Parker's fctore, Bladen countjr, Wednesday, KAVAii Stories. Tne marKet lor spiriis i octooer ytn. turpentine was Arm, as wes also rohin. I Cedar Creek, Cumbeiland county, Thurs We note sales of HTbbls. (Newi York) at I day. October 10th. 29c We quote : Spirits turpentine, mer- I Fayetteville, Cumberland county, Friday, cnaniame order, asvsc. : rosin, goou sirainea i ucioDer nip. Van Xaeri TT7ILL RESUME L3 Lessons in v VV and Instrumental Music, ..Tuesday, Cctoter 1st, 1873. Als) Private and C!af3 Icmtt in tra tut i24 a 81 45 ; strained. 81 40 a 81 5Z47 auw; pltcn, S2 w, 424; tar, WEEKLY STATEMENT. OF STOCK OJf HAND OCT. 7, I878i Cotton ashore afloat. M Total I Spirits ashore - ErySya afloat - Rockfish Village, Cumberland county, Sat urday, October 12th. JonNjro, Moore county, Monday, October litn; Cannaie, Moore county, Tuesday, October lotn. Cameron, Moora county, Wednesday, Goto Vwr 1 lit .1 3,984 I Lillinerton. Harnett county. Friday. October 4,tU4 i JStn. Cnaik Lievel, Harnett county, baturday, r RfiS I October iytn.. r 6,752 944 German. Apply earij as there 1 ! . vacancies. Auarers, oct2-eodlw. E. VAiLAEV CitjL c-w Lav School. . ... i-2 J.i lv AY SESSIONS, every iiorcar r- XJ Wednesday, 5 p. m., to 6 p. m. NIGHT SESSIONS, every Tcitdi Friday B p. in., 'to 9 p. in. aa.i Total L L.... 7,696 NSoberd.teret eOUnty, Wednesday' thipreparation 0f Youn? Men for JUJ- PeUetier's MUls, Carteret county, Thursday. nd Counting. Boom. .P""x Jf ' r October 24th. i tion. Frequent Public Lect-ires ata . Beaufort.Carteretcounty.Saturday, October Courts. ;onrse of Instruction covers ORH, J i I A ot TT.FT-arH. Stcd-etre' Rosin ashore, afloat... Total.......... Papers published in this district copy law tin October 21). sept 10 red at any time and for any rfcr,0f l,0 ta can board in this city at iaJont. Tar ashore afloat. ........ 79,700 1,330 250 Total... ..J Crude ashore. afloat... Total.. ekcxifts roa thkttiu xsmso Cotton. 8 piritj Kosin TAr - .. -4.025 .. 1,361 ,. 9,162 .. 885 Crude J-.... i,S4 XXP0KT8 FOB THE WUK ZSOISO Do mestic. " School for Tomig Ladies. IMISS HAET Principal. i gESSION begins Thuftday October 3d;. Thorough urse of English, French, Math- i - ematics and Natural Science. Preparatory Classej carefully instructed. I .. i Calisthenics and Vocal Music free of charg ' ! -1 Instrumental Music under direction: cf Mir HAHR. For terms, tc, apply to the I PRINCIPAL. sept 16-eod-tf-Mon-Wed-Fri. . j Hrs. E. H. Parsley 1J580 1,413 14 1,427 oct. 7; 78 oct. 7, '78 879 36 910 613 59 Cotton-, Spirits.. Iosin i.......wmwi .. Tar.........M..........M. .. m.m. ...... CrudeM..M. ...... ....-. ...... Foreign- 'I CVtHmrT n. ,,,,,,,, , r Rosin . . 16,6C6 Tr t. .......... Crude . .. - DTJERTISK IN TUB , j TVTJLlIINGTOir (Weekly) JOURNAL OfZz9 comer Water and Cbeitart f treeti years, ceived : denta can board in this city rates. ' Tcitio.v -Twenly-Cve Do'.Urs I ptr of Five Months. lifty Dollars a 1 ear. Hundred Dollars for the Whole toorye, -j able Monthly in advance. French, M ' Latin and Oerman Lan:uages r;'. , sept 16 EDWAltD CA. 1 Female School FOR Young Ladies and Children. Kisses Barr & James, Principals.. i Mrs- ii. ;S. Cushing, . MnsicalJtsstractrcsJ. t THE -annual fJ thui school will commence on Mm. - Y w VOUJlg, ana careioi tuu7 v. - or WILL REOPEN THE DEPARTMENT Principals believe that they oBer saw foi Xoxz Children, in connecUoa advanUge for a refined ""LioBi- moderate cnarea. iuoKiuU--y v book instrucUon a speciaitr, a F" -.s icqaisitive mind of ehilgoodii "gs4lf. with Miss HA THUHn 'S SCHOOL, on; ' , m w w w m m -a T .M 1 j tr;j a lfv j 1 . 111: . . f.r . . 1 . . u 1 . -r I . .... . 1 rri lis then lea Uugbf as heretofore. ept 23-mon-wed-fri-tf Insurance Eemoval. T HAVE REMOVED MY IN5URASCE X 1 - -J OFFICE to neir. bnildjg on East side of North Water strert, next South of Mr. whv ."the nature and origin of thui a- used in daily life; thus Ieriug pleasure instead of toiL Musical f llt9 Ser the direction of Mr. fii has had long and successful J"eJa cr that .cience. Drawing, FsinhoiT vu- Water Colors, at moderate rts. fof Langixages at PrcfeBCo. Urther particulars see rruicip- - C. UeyerV. r' I--" - I l--tf C.-i Tt-r l-'t ircrt:s:r .r;; -

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