. . ..,t:,clre!c 11 Gazette , Ot SCOT MADE WITH HANDS." . :,: J., l.t. "jITI'X. III!. , nrL-tHy wot 1.1. ' 1 . , - i.,.Kiorman shake. :.: ::mJc wltU hand." ,! -h luin - but fjriatd y v :-. m t!v wis' v.t' P:i r ii-'ia ws : ,., -l.u.'-V.nj: t!ivh.-! ' ' ' , u ith'n r v , - 'U-ut v !! Tti -Tt. rt-. Iioiik' - "" ''..'.. ..jjrfu-ot .lrvaius ! ! In t!e , vrun l ark. .,:,ni"riiislitl brca'i - , " t:i:i'ftal n-:irk ! Urirufural Xutcs : ur Avon. I i.i 3 ;st . .. r;h 't li"-.- 'u tI,t5 pt , , . :. zu c.Of r.t. A ivt rii- r t-- Ltioss , i i ow ia tiiht market for .' wlifjt the Ust Hitet-n months .'. 1 .1 ::s 1 ::-er aud C-etse .273, bs- . it tvj- use 1 iu tLe family of . A-.. - a farmer m Bra.Uord.Yer- r-:,r.rfii ur li.uc ij. uucu . r; ..u to make good nso of Lis u w 1 1 l -muion or j-crub animal. ' r r:a i-l-cji: ffcd rcgnlarly. T r": L.c-, arid yci!, and thrash - r :t1:. ? yoa ciro to Lave then? : - x '. K oti and brju Lave a good :.v ct iti the winter. " Tueir i cannot bo eitiaiated by the '. ' ( starch or alnuruai they cul--1: jni New Yorker. 1, Ulvi husbandman Ula - the ' c- cl i araitr that in tha lieid ho 'u ; naTs move aheavier load, under i ":c ;r--taLCc5, with Lis broad-tired . : , v f.h much Ie?s danger cf up ":1 L;II-":dci, and without mik-tux-, th-iu wiih the wheels of arv width, but that on the com- u r 1 ! 'r which ho travels it is -f: :.tr revtrsc. A slight ehower of j . : :iku nu extra team ncccsaaty to urvf:- tl.c t-tra width of tiro, and l:. I-tl. it the whe'!s o nearly an i! ! tf, !t t t!.. tiro lie narrow or K.ctpwiil enrich o:;o aero of v, ru-out inowicg land in three n .r. s-tLat it will producj ono and ict-Li'f tor s of hay pc-r year, for sev ir .l vtar, by a light pprinkle of Fi?ed !ie.r, fowu ia early pprig. Five ctp Will produce manure in thowiu tir to tLe value of $10 by giving them .;.:.!.:. leddirjg. 1'ivo t-heep will id thoir hvicg through tLo summer :; c.t ccr of ground: tho pasturing 1 i t san j would be S3. Fivo sheep . I raVe live Iambs, worth 811. Fivo p v.i:i .-Loar twinty-fivepounds of r., wt rt 1 $0. N"ew England Fa: r. D.alhcra SjuIU American Kin 2:, A-to."r." AurtlioTournens, the Feri- e- L'a.y, whoso airange fato it was :ltfyr fomo years King of tho tar! ke Araaeanra:s cf Sonth America, vl.t.la ftw weeks ago in a French Li;;.'. He landed ia Araucania "'.u r!v ignorant of tto Ungaage. and - Lave had some Tery cxtraordi- irv nttkcKl ia his madness if, as tto :.aa liovernment averred, ho was a zx'.ic, U I .ave obtained'tho influence a! : Le undoubtedly did obtain over i.T.i a race as tLo Araucaaians. lie id tLtm lighting among them c, tal rtrsuaded them to re : i::?h lutcrtribal contests and make -ou cause against Chili. This led L: bcicg captured by the Chilians i' iLe Oovernment of Chili let xctarn to France, where the .u.tyti L;s Kingship was rccog- -eu in a law court. Ho returned to rw-tdam lbG'J-70, but was back in MLw inl71, and subsequently fell f-ch x)verty that ho sought a ic-.' a limphchter. Terhapa," the iru'.Iownr.d, ia his last hour., "I c. Yet what Una colonies rice Lan rtlucd.' His idea was to tt 1 Ariujiniata Franco and ba him i i.'erov. i r A 1 emale Soldier. lz tie hte tight at Ktolaa betwcea A istria-s tnd Bosaian?, the com j '.iLts cie to cJosa quarters, the ijoie. uud yataghan wcr used and i-irUr uas usktd nor given. 'An ran ttated to tho editor of the Vu? Tester Journal that as his regi - -ttpproaohed the enemy, a Turk auoniia was observed in its ranks, - 'g wita great rapidity. Ia subse-"--ty igLting hand to hand, fhe great f kill with her yatagl a it tnbuticg b'.ows right and left. aud larryicg Layenets with surprising p tv aud ability, fcjho at Uel fell, tveu !y xrcuLded. and at tho close of e "trur!se, as the ambulances ar Tid t j collect tho sufTerers. she was w ;? 1 blood stained and appar :I de id. When the doclor felt her n . se opened her eyes, and as he tf, withdrew her hand angrily, - i.-ieu a; ntm wiiu tiio other the y hasband: let ma die. soon after expired. Sho was a . "-uioce ycang woman of aboat Tonsorial.. lit Kk AGAIN located la the base- treat f tie 1'urcell House, I have thor .r. r p-U4 and improved the old stand ef.t.0,r rcPrJ to thave,ihampoo, ard ;Pr TfrjNdy. The best of work t'Z. cla liWeU -T razors and low - . KLVIN aRTIS, .-j - I'arcell Houje Darber Shop. "..ver sLe Lad been t-ghtly clutch J"7 1: Wis quickly, eaatched from : V e crieJ: Get ont Jot Chris aos. I doa't want roar helo. rEUSOXAL. i Bismarck weighs 213 pound. Wolf & Whelp ia tho title of a Brooklyn firm. j Mr John S Clarko is plaji:?c Eob Acre3 in London. 1 I Ben Zecn, Ann TLracit?, r.r.i: Pete Kolcnni are CDuains. (iO'cral Joe Jo k ,is rJ brill. rJ conversational.-1. Jupant-3? Mi(n5si.T Yoahida v.i!I make a br;tf v:.ci: to Yokokami. TraLZ L:.'z wh J'-is .vJ:-r; at Bom'1, is composi: .: ijr.ta ii t r.i'o- . Genera! O O H-iaW hi.- written two books f.r tls I ovt Doni'd's School Days i::.d L'ouil.l i'i lb 3 War. B;j.b"p McO ( f B)(t-r. Bjule.l fr i;;L:i'. List utek, ua 1 wi.l rem aia four or live dioatks abroad. Mrs Scott-SiddoLs 1 receives the highest pricf s pr.d uuy reader or ci turer. Sic ranges from $2'1J t .$250 a nr.J.i, co?crdiL2 tu the z of the Adwiral Fauldirgi U S IV. l u been fur ume dayi ddtgerous i:l with emboiibm ;c tho heart, ir, njiuowaat bttter, buiis still very feeble. Mrs Mirgiret llauueiy, u bentvo- ILtladyof .Sew Orleans, out 01 her private purst support' en nsvlum CDutaiuiLg ono hundred and HUy ia- matis. M0OXSIU.VE. A great curiosity Tho woman who caa drive a nail without hitting her ticcrer nine times out of a posib! tec. lliickeusack Iiepub'ica'n. ( You never find, a drunk !f CLIt man,' Fays Tahitr-:'. Ch. j i you do, doctor ; but t:i i trntji i.-t, ' L-'-.vb nour1: to c.rry il in 1 1 v B Ji fa!i Bspres. I , If the average hcuooi-gitl ever haj a chance to witness a tornado h!io will clap her Iicn.ls nnd exclaim : 'Is:i"t it gorgeous ! Isn't it too coniic f.)r anr thing.' Detroit Frdc Frcs?. Chicago hns n girl that bulu iiko a do. and . Racine; Vv "is.. 1km g ditto that news like a cat. And if wo hadn't sworn oil lying when wo wcro -1 ycirs old Nciristown should havo a girl that neighs, liko a horse.-rXorristown Her ald. , ,' 1 1 A (lirmaLtorcu gentleman La 1 a dog that will not permit him ti f titer the hoaso if his wifa is out of temper. The animal foresees a tirno between his macter nnd mistres?, and out of con sideration for the formtr prevents his entrance. 1 ' ( ! Lliscollancous. Parsons' Purgative Pills make New Ricn Blood, and will complete! change the blood in the entire system in three 1 month. Any person who will take 1 pill each niht froii 1 to 12 weeks may be1 restored to sound health, if such a thinj; be possible. Sent bv mail for 8 letter stauij s. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., Danor, Me. j. oct 8 4w Don't cay humbug, , but iudgo for yourself, Gcndfor 1 Froisht-Paid.Sotd oh Trial free lithograph of 5 Ton S5p Wagon fecalc, all iron and Steel, Brass Beam. Address Jones of Einghampton Binghampton, New York. OCt S4V 1 , , ! . TALAiVJ.E BACK JUDP Eexsox's CArcixr. Poars Plas H TEaisfor lameness or weakness oi . . . 1 ot tbe Lack. Rheumatism and all local achet ind pains, tha best remedy known. It wa invented to overcome itbeis'ow action of :he ordinary Porus Plaster?. It relieve? :ain at once, and cures vhere other plas ters will not even relieve. Sold every whert y Drcfu-ts. Price 25 cenls. oct 8-4w mm iw 1 urn 111 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1111 1 nr 1 Aconts Wnntod f.r IIt. M A ICt'II MEWFBr?KS!!UHIll DAWN. In this new volume th? a'opular Author; of 'NishtScenesiathc Hible' portrays with viv S .1 and thrilling force and eloquence the events of Sacred Truth, and adds fresh testimony to the beauty, pathos and sublimity of the Sto ries of the Bible. Aeents will hnd tnis iJook rith it sparkling thmiphU, clowinjr style, eaatifal Ercravings, and rich bindings, the beaatif best in tte market. Terms Liberal. Circa lart Free. Address, J.I C. McCcrdy A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. oct S-4w PAR!S,lS7!S;fl.Ti EVEEY SWEDEN, 1878.' ' WORLD'S, PH1LADA, ""EXPOSITION SANTIAGO, 75; 1 V.EKA. 1H3 YEAHS Paris, iS6; H,CHESTl H0K0RS jllave been awarded the MASON, & HAMLIN Oabinet'ibrgans ! At the Paris Kipo?ition this vear they are awarded the (JOLD MEDAL, the highest re compense at the disposal of the jury. Thev have also receired the OKAND GOLD MEDAL of Sweden and Norway, 1STS. No other American Orjranl have ever attained highest awa-d at ANVlWorld's Fxposinon. Sold for cash er payments by installments, Laust Catalogues, wi b newest stvles, rrioe, Ac, free. MAmON HAMLIN ORGAN Co., Boston, New York, or Chicago, oct S-4w 1 Cards. RECEIVED THIS MORNING a splendid line of white and colored Cards and Bristol boards. Can give a nice job and the cheapest iob in the citv. ! DAILY REVIEW JOB OFFICE. oct 2 nnn to Miscellaneous.. Ror Rent. THE DWELLING on- Market street next North of Mr. A. II. Morris grocery store. To parties with capital sufficient to make a store of front rart of buildine: level with the street line, a lease for a numbr of years may be given. Applj ta JOSH T.JAMES, feptG . or, CRONLY AiiOUKlS. For Rent, mHE (X)M1IODIOUS ANDDE- ' X lishtfullv fitialed Offices orer ,AJ- on rStore. Also, the old riLOTi7; JUSE. opposite P. Cnmmine 4 1! UO Co'a Mill, and two OiUces on Dock MreeL Apply to ' I 13 OILE3 A MURCHISOX. (oianiisGicrier's Sale. t V VKITUE Of AN' ORDEIi made at the J J J un Term, A. Ii., 1S78, of the Superior Court cf New Hanover county, ia a certain civil action therein penainp, wherein Martha C Mf-bice is plaintiO and Maria A. Mebanr n Gtricndant. the undersigned, as Commis wr, will cfler fur sale at the Court House Door, in the City of Wilmington, on Mon day, tJie 4:h day of November, A. D. 1S78. at 1 i o clock, it., tbc following described lot of land : lieinniop: on the North side of rnnceps street nineiy yJV) leet, irom rront Ftrt-et, the corner of the National Bank lot, thince Northwardly with the line of the Na tional Dank lor, sixty-six (C6) feet to E. E. Durru5a line, tbence Eastwardly with his line forty-two (42) feet, ten (10) inches to his corner, thence North with his back line nine-tv-nine (93) feet to the line of the lot belong ing to the catata of Eli W. Hall, dee'd., thi-nce Eastwardly with that line seventeen (17) feet two (2) inches to the corner, thence Northwardly with his back line sixty-nine 6:J feet to Mrs. Meares line, thence West wardly with her line fifteen 15 feet to the corner, thence Northwardly with her line thirty 30J fret, thence East twenty-nine 29j feet two 2J incbs, with her line, thence Southwardly one hundred and ninety-eight (I'Ji) feet with the back lines of Mrs. Cowan's and Mrs. Whitinjr's lots to Sherwood's lime, thence Westwardly twenty-nine feet - two inches to Sherwood s corner, thence South wardly with his line sixty-six feet to Princess street, thence with the line of that street to the beginning. Terms Cash. I 1 S. VANAMRINGE, Clerk y. C. New Hanover Co. oct 2-tnovi 1 , HOUS Wilmington, IV. C, GOtJB BROS..- - Proprietors IT AS DURING the Summer' been thor- ouchlv overhauled and refitted in every particular, and is now hew throughout; and is very desirably located, being convenient to every business house, also to the Post o!G Custom House, City Hall and De pots. ' I Terms 32 and 82.50 per day. oct S COBtt BROS. rj Happy Kelibf to Yocno Men cEJS I from the effects of Errors and 3 Abuses in early life. Max- a hood Restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable . remedies. A I H "Sri O Books and circulars gent free in sealed envelopes. Address Howard Association, 419 N. Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution having a high reputation for honorable con-j duct and professional skill. 1 q PS O 4 8 B. D.SflORRiLLj Undertaker,, Carpenter and Cabinot-Maker, Third ;Strcet,:; Opp, City; Hal yiLL FURNISH COFFINS and Casket with attendance at short notice. Ordera for Carpenter work and Cabinet work respectfully eolicited and promptly ex ccntcd. AH work guaranteed. feb Law School "TAY SESSIONS, every Monday and J ednesday, 5 p. m., to 6 p. m. I NIGHT SESSIONS, every Tuesday ana Friday 8 p. m., to 9 p. m. Particular attentiori given tr the preparation of Young Men for the Bar and Counting Room. Daily priv-te instruc tion. Frequent Public Lect vires and Moot Coifrts. Course of Instruction covers two years, and same as at Harvard. Students re ceived at any time and for any period. Stu dents can board in this city 'at reasonable rates. 9 Tcxtion Twentv-five Dollars per session of Five Months. Fifty Dollars a Year. One Hundred Dollars for the Whole Course. Pay able Monthly in advance. French, English, Latin and German Languages extra. , sept 16 EDWARD CANTWELL. For Sale Cheap. N EXCELLENT SIX HORSE ENGINE V 1 with upright cube boiler. Will be eold a bar gain if application ii made ioon to F. J. LORD, sept 14 ' Wilmington, N. C, To Housekeepers. QOME AND INSPECT j OUR NEW LINE OF GOODS, JUST OPENED. , GILES A MURCHISON, oct 11 38 and 40 Murchisoa Block. BRUCE WILLIAMS ATTonni33r at izaw, ' Pender County, N. C. WILL ATTEND at Stanford, (Burgaw) every Menday, and at his office at Lillington, the remainder of the week. Collections and Conveyancing a Specialty. june4-3Aw , a week In vour own town. . $5 Out, fit free. No risk. Reader, if yon wanta business at which persons of either sex can make rreat par all the ethey wor k, write for particular to H. allktt A Co.,Portland, Maine, inarch PURGELL $66 Bail Eoad Lines, &c. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL 1 WAY COMPANY. , Orrics Gi5Er.iL Scpkrixtekdest, V Wilmington, X. C., Sept. 12, 1S7S.J Cliaiiseof Sclicrtulc.1'-'.' i-N AND AFTETi MONDAY, ICth inst, KJ the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway : , PASSEXG ER , IT AIL AD EXPRESS . thai:?. , i I 1 Leave Wilmington at.... C:00 A M Arrive at Hamlet at 2:00 P M M at Charlotte ar.... S:20 A M Leave Charlotte kt..- 7:25 A M Arrive at Harriet at 1:08 P M 1 " at Wilmington at 9:40 P M SHELBY DIYISIOX, AIL, FREIGR7 & PASSENGER AXB EXPRESS. ,0 Leave Charlotte...... Arrive at Shelby v to eave Shelby ... .so.i Arrive at charlotte. ..7:00 A M 11:15 A M i 12:45 P M 5:00 P M The above Trains halve Passenger accom modations, and are the onlv ones permitted to carrv Passengers. V. Q. JOHNSON, General Superintendent.' sept 13 Qen'i Supyts Office, WILMINGTON1, COLUMBIA AND AU 1 U-STA 'RAILROAD, ' iVilmicgton, N. C.June i, 1S78. CHANGE OF SCITEDT'LE I On and after .Vonday, Juno 3, the follo ;W- ing schedule will be run on this road: ' DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAlN,(dai!y ! i except Sunday.) Leave Wilmington i0 25 A M Arrive Florence.. ; 3 20P11 Leave Florence..... 3 30 P M Arrive at Wilmington i 7 30 P M i I NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). ! I! Leave Wilmington 1 7 25 P M Leave Florence ; 11 47 P M Arrive at Columbia 3 25 A M Leave Columbia 11 30 A M Leave Florence... 1 4 00!A M Arrive at Wilmington 8 30 AM This Train will onlv stop at Brinklev'S; Flemington, Whiteville, Fair BlufiT, Nich ols, Marion, and Florence, and all stations between Florence and Columbia. Passengers for Aucusta and bevond should take Night Express Train from Wil mington. . ii Through Sleeping Cars on merht train for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Snpi. june 3 WILMINGTON.: & WELDON RAILROAD COMPANY. OlFIOB OF GES'L StfPEKINTKSDENT I Wilmington, S. C, June 1,1878. CHANGE 'OF SCHEDULE. On and aftr Monday, Jane 3d, 1 1878, at 3:15 A. M., Passenger trains on the Wil mington A WelUon Railroad will run as fol lows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St.' Depot at b 50 A il rrive at Weldcn at.... .... 3 10 P M Leave Weldon ' Arrive at Wilmington, Front St; I i 45 P M Depot at 705 P M NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at..: 7 60 P M Arrive at Weldon at ,3 10AM Leave Weldon, daily at I.. 3 15 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.. 10 05 A M Train? on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 2.30 P M daily, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturc ay at 5:00 A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at 10.-15 A M daily, ana Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 P M. The Day Train makes close, connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to all -Night Trains. I JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sapt. june 3 i Kaleisrh & Angusta Air-Line, i SCPEEINTEXDESrS OFFICE, ! Raleigh, N. C, May 10th, 1878. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, May 1 10, , 1878, trains on this road will run a3 fol low : Sundays excepted. 1 , PASSENGER TRAIN. Train leaves Raleigh 5:50 P li Arrives at Hamlet 1'.15 P M Leaves. Hamlet 1.30 P M Arrives at Raleigh 8.45 P M This train makes close connections at Ham let with the Carolina Central Railroad to and froni Wilmington, Charlotte, Asbeville, Statesville, Warm Springs and all points in Western North Carolina and all points South and Southwest: J JOHN C. WINDER, july 26 -tf Superintendent. Quarantine Notice. JPROM ASD AFTER THIS DATE, AND until farther notice, no vessel from the Ports f Ha r ana, Matanzac, Key West, or New Orleacj, will be permitted to approach the I City of Wilmington nearer than the Quaran tine Station at Deep Water Point. W. G. CURTIS, Quarantine I Physician, aug 6 Port of Wilmington. Shingles of all Kinds J 4, 5 AND 6 INCH HEARTS. ii 4 ru 6 INCH SAPS. In bundles of fifty .Common Shingles bundled and loose.; ! O.O. PARSLEY, Ja., Agent, Cor. Orange and S. Water Sts. sept 3 Miscellaneous. 3 -I f l"! J - ..... x I 1 ' i s CO lfr A :d ; ; i ; a g f ) ' 'fr fife? a.xP' . - .'i 5" m 5 - r , .1,' C c P o Co c "ts t - P. t CL o c 3 O : I J t-l i Steamship Lines, &c. 'CLYDE'S i j w ri I . AXD-J- ' Wilmingto ,'&. G IlSteamshio Line, ZTho StearnGr REGULATOR, CAPT. DOANE, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ) 0 i WEDNESDAY, Get. 23. Shippers can rely upon the pronij t sailing of Steamers as advertised. t j For Freight Engagements apply to ' A. D CAZATJZ. Agent, Wilmington, TT. C. L. . BELDEN, Soliciting Jgent. , , VM. P. CLY'DE & CO.. General AeeW York. i oc t 21 & B S 13 a i I. AND Wilmington. KL STEAMSHIP 0 HE. The Steamer, CAPT. olivrT: WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Wednesday, Oct. 2:. Steamers Sail from Wihninpon every Saturday promptly at 12 M. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing1 0I eteamers as advertised, "fejv Through Sills of Lading- PiroE to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. , For Freight Engagements apply to i ' I ' - " I A. D. CASAUI, Agent, Wilmington, 2. C L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. I , REUBEN FOSTER, Generaf Agcnl Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore; ork. i oct 21 The Cosmopolitani Beer-Lager, Beer. rpHE BEST LAGER is sold at my Bar for Five Cents per Glass ! Fine Wines. Alls. Liquors' aDd Cigars aJ ways on hand. Open Day or Night. 3 'miiv pminrT. ap! 11 Proprietor. ew liiver Oysters ! JjECEIVED THI3 DAY .( first installment of the celebrated n Winberry New Riter Oysters. Those who have bees waiting for them can now be cup i ; THE i COSMOPOLITAN1. plied at oct 4 THE WILMINGTON JOURNAL, ia one of the very best advertising mediums. Try ' , j J7 Mi8cel!ancone. td - 3 tR.H I I LI -o . o rr ! 1 Job Printing. A HE ..PREPAKM) new to execute Ikinli of BOOK AND JOB 'WORK, and I uij-'ctuuiii tu.iiii :i.au' u; w.g UC11C patf .. ' rnnae. - 1 , I 'I 1 Oar facui:ii.3 arejuth t'.itt we'ean oiler tle very best work at t':e ' V KRY Lo'wEST r PRICES.' j ! ! ! J Cull zzd get c:ti-nates anu ! ". eare your order v ith u?. I sept 19 .I0SU. T. JAMES, . Book and Job Printer.- ' CHAS. KLEIN, '" ; Undertaker and Cabinet -Mfcr Iio. 24 South Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' ', ' j A line assortment of Cofilns.and Cts kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and "Varnished. Orders bv tele-1 graph or mall promptly filled, i o'ct' 12 W. Vick, 1 1 I, Cpmuiission Iilcrcfliaiil Korth Water Street, 1 KT.O oct 5 . ' m I)y Its grpat ani l Ihorcneh l.loo-pnrfjlrl propcr t!i Ir. I'icrrc's i.l-i. ii !-liral I lscovi ry -Ciitt-3 .il Iluaiorn. frf.ru thv wf.r-t t:ruTuix to a con.tiiOU , lilotcb. P!onpK', r trupllcn. Mcrourlat t'A r; M-iiicrfil l'oi.-i'iis. t ti ir t :rct. iim Tailcat(l, vioio'is htalfli asj-1 .1 w.un I.--titttntnn . ' j-M i;ro)p iaf, hiilSrbi ur.i, l v p hot, hcuiy . ' or Kousb ia r-I. rt. nil Oi - :i- 3 c.ium-I f.y ! t .loot I, ar' n,;i'i'.KTc. I y tiil jov;tnuI, i uri:j U.fc', au 1 iuvi?.,rat!m: i:.-!ic:n'-. ,' I K-iK-ci.-iUv ha it ii.a:!!rv-:cl-m pou-ner in crln,j t Tetter. Curtn I.'lLi. liuil-, i'arburK-ii-a, pWrc I jr-i, tHTofulouo fnri-n ta il t-ucJilnc. Vblt ricliln2 Uottro or TliU U Nuk, aii-t linlutgod Unl. 1 Jf yo i f ' 1 dull, !row,tf. !MlUtatcJ. have tullcrr, Color I f i.i'.l. VI ii'V, iMI-ITMVMl hjltllt fH I.U-C I I bO'lv1. lif ij!:! lit li-;ilath: or !iziin s ta l tato in r f,ui' i JiiUrna! i.' at r Hall:, alternate)! liot tu-h.'. nii it r. Mi l fi'iuuv f..rel.--.jin(r irregular i:u-l.. h,w -i Vii it-. 'a 1 y.'" Ui i..rei,...jin?s irreuiar 1 p;.; Hi . i si'f t' et.-ate.i. a aiij mili rlut? from 'ie.'rpIJ Liver. r KIUsumii'm." li many CUM.S 't Liver t oii.plnlnt " :.lv j art t t!i If m ujJ toina rJ ' exj.eri" i)' c l'i !"('! '.i A-i n rei;ie'!v lr all s-u u cas-n, -ur. ti Mi :-ul li;-' ry Laj 1.0 tqQal, a It f lit trJ i : i t .-'rl 1 -i'lii .-il.' ur -J I . In ti.e.euri; et" 'tZrunelilt 1 St-vtrt- Coughs n'I tOO cai'lv fr'.a:.'1 -i i 1 ( tiiwumpllun, It lia- aioiiMi"l tli 'iV:.l faetiliv. afcl ei;,i:n n't j jiy-ielans i-roli'inro i It t:.e L-reati t ii;eiii'-al ii-i ' ry f-f ilie aye. W'lillu , Itt i.r h i'ie v re'st"outrle. it Ht reiiirtiien ike 6) item ar. ! ruri:ietlie blood. f l'l l v iiniK'.Ki-t. 1 I l:. Vi rir l: K. M. 1 !'r r yoli.rii DlSl.Z.ZZ?7 an'l luvaU ii" Hotel, Uullal .-, X. 'i j , size PtLlEC o o o GGO U GWITT TKSt,M1,CA'THMri ff ' sr.MITOUfC-Fr'-Tti'tit.M'a- ?C -;'7 a'!.i Ui?v tiVAL.il lalo tiiroi. SICL' tiurous. nuroiciit. BMUlJ. t ct cat- tls. " ' I I 'j Da. SAGE'S CATARRH REUEDYl , r :r a&ylis each t- rr".! iCeniwlr curt few affiicaUon. It li mUliffl aW . '"rv i--' iK-t:i. Tl.ey r- rate without f-rJ'-tU 't. o'Ve.n--titntl.. CU-U t occupation. TV- Jrondlco, .lr.eSc. fow'.lp.tlwi. IP I.'jleIuV. hour Lruttr.tlona from the Momacfc. IM TWc hTtto Mouth, LiUaur, 7 ," f rVv."tft-i;i their anntlvc laiprw. Afil , 5 .. ...r I -" i j ln UM tottlM. , r -rr'' .iV- '-t rJr'r jtV ie-it.! ur.u pU-.l U r J '-I'JV.t? f i';m. la .y e,l:..au-. f ', tl.l they r -' i i rl ea.!. a or- r a.:ef-.aM boxe. i . r , " i ".. .... r-tscf the- wont ras-s rif Ca'rrrh. , T 'Vi ''r 'taSlnr. The 11-rcU rmr.lT afrocud nasal T "ifAS ;r:;Lfr.:levr,CfrI.Uy Ht,au-irrum wWcU rf