THIS TAPES .. . ,rT afternoon, Sundays tx JOSH. T. JAMES, t0:S A5D FKOPRirTOB. .t.r;oNH. POSTAGE PAID. 1 .. . , ;,rr.nnthf. 12 50 : Three jtt J1;; ' one month, 50 cents.. be delivered bj carrier!, f: r1''4 rtof the city, at the t: ' ' . - mm low and liberal i2 "J..?rr$ will please report any and ' "..".", rcctire their papers regularly v.-.-,- Advertisements, - pecsa! Iim & Roddick, 45 I'AFKET S7FEET. i -.jMIM'E TO SELL AT TIIE FormcrLovv Prices, j-: ;ti-.t' f recent adTancei v , V :. e tare determined ta give , tL epportunity of laying in at tie lowest figures AtctM-chtd fr tbe past Tear, Kliailicd Cotton. i .I-irute. C cents per yard. i: -;:tl3, Z, 6 cents per JrJ. t;0.-i.i: rLirtl.;, 0 cents per yard. . .r t L.ta Shirting, 10c per yard, i i i; Ir :?.-'a A, A, Stirling, 10c pr yd. tif.;, 10 cents per yard. : ; L i !: b'-irtis;, 10 cents par yard. ; Kazn ,;aa No. 1 Shirticg, 11c rr yard. ; 4 V..i.:u S-irtirg, 12J,' cents per yard. riifileachccl Shirting. Cir On, 4;; cents per yard. V a Cuttoa, 4) cents pr yin?. ! T, 4J cents pr yard. t : K.cibaa A, 7 cents per yard. U lilt C rA A, T cents per jard. 1 1 -V r: N, 7 cents per yard. H.Vc-IxetO, 8 cents per yard. 1 1 Grat F-IIs J, 8 cents per yard. 1 1 :;llzi No. 22, S cents per yard. X-tiUzz in all the Favorite Brands Uani!uir Hdins and Insertion. ::l:unJg tie grat rush we have ivllatle abvte for the past week, we are ;r;rtJ tJ iho- a very large arsortment. I-ery cze ihoa!J $ee them whether they pur- t t t. . t The AVniiiMif fa Shirt. 75c- iihoat ANY exceptica the best T Jf iz tlu ccaatry. v ud Ca-bris Shirts 25 cents each ! :- lixrj Uoacrpnn Drawer! 4c, Jtc, Ac, 25ccich A:. Ct'.j bat come at once. BBffK & RODDICK, 43 IIarkot Street. Arrival of Our New Cutter JIVING RECENTLY cscaged theter- -. C L COWLES, a practical -t Tiller, cf New llaven, ConnectI- At t i sow tttter prepared than ever to iii? Gtnt's Clothing to crder In TV U'.m itrle aJ aUh. All work ly Made Clotiin', Hats iizzhlizg Goods, at the New 9 L0ri8 J. OTTERBOURO, i: 17 Market st. They all Say '-aT SHRIei; has the best Unlaundrie4 :c Citj for SEVEXTY-FIVE cents; stock or oiotiiiiis Fn CU.VLITY, MAKE & PRICE t-ot U beaten anywhere. . .the Utthecitjfor 7StJ. ThJe. Dial ' EiVKw.' ! I . 1 . -f ! J- . I j VOL. 3. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P. IliiJJSBERS-a School Cooks. O. G. Pahslet, Jr., Act Coal. F. A. NawBCRYCanvassed II ami. Read ad of the New York San. N, II. Si'acsi Exchange Corner. A Shbier Beat Cnlanndried Shirt for 75c J. C. Mc.nds, Druggist. Green's August Flower. New moon this evening. J-t two months to-day to Christmas. Fish roc aro very scarce and consequent- ly high. t 1 i What lovely Octobcr-Indian-Summer weather this is 1 I , i Northern apples are 1 t -r.. 1 very rueuuiui au vtry cheap in this maiketj New River garden oysters were selling at$l.l'0 per gallon to-day.. Large quantities of coots arc shipped weekly from this city to Raleih. l: Newberry is O.K. as any tnaa ought to be win can offer for sale 2,055 canvas 1 him?. This KTentnjr. Do not forget the pleasaut entertain- msnt offered this evening by the young oiks of the Thalian Amateurs. I I he piece they will prcsent'is a very gocll one and those who will represent it arc well viricd in tie charactirs. It is ajplcasant day and will be a delightful evening and Ley should Lave a full house. 1 For the Weldon Fair. t The Wcldon Fair is to be held inext wccic ana tne umioguou wuuu v. R. management offers ome very liberal Inducements tp. thoso along its line who nfir ,'f Tim firn frnm Uy nuuiu tm. . ' ' J . I this city to Wcldon and return is only - u ur i i:iAt rnrft1 fc . . . 4 ..a. mi 'hniin on miff 11' Removal. Tho commissary department of the W. &V. and W. C. &.A. railroads is being Tcmovcd to the rooms under the ticket oflico and dining room at the depot. We ,Wcfjinrl (nit . it 12 ! eontomDlatcd to-1 1 ... 1 take down the brick building which has heretofore been used for commissary pur- poses. We hope so, for as it now stands it is not tho handsomest piece bf archi- tccturc in tho city by a long sight. Personal. 1 Rev. Dr. Patterson, sector 01 ot. John's, this city, who has been absent at the North for several montns, was expec- ted to return to the city yesterday, but I illed otherwise. lie was one of ' i y n.isspn"ers tn board the steamer i o Florida, of the Bay Line,) which was caught in the storm and (which was com pelled to return to Baltimore. A letter was received hero tq-day from Dr.Patter- &oa. He was considerably hrnised while cn bord the Florida, during the terrible stDrm and ii now suffering from the ef- fects. His health, which I had not by any means been fully restored, has again suffered aid he will be' obliged to remain in Baltimore until next Tuesday, when hc hopes to be able, to return to the city. Dooley's Yeast Powder Has been the leading baking Wlcr m .v.:, M v. -trpntv vrarsl It s a sterling article, and ihas gained its great popularity because it is the most perfect r.Akinc Powder made. The purest, re fined materials only aro used in its pre paration. For absolute purity, uniform strength and healthfulness ft stands alone. Drowned. Au old colored man,1 by name George McKoy, was drowned from a wood flat in this city, on last Tuesday evening, about 7 o'clock, under the following circum- stances : I i It seems that on the evening in question, while the steamer Cape Fear was lying at Messrs. Worth & orth s wnarl, witn a flat alongside which had brought a load of wood here from Point Caswell, an old y,.n lv ihp name of Andrew II ill. .tinn, ti: ti belonged. . was passine abn" theguaru 01 tue ugaier, wcu ub stumb'.ed and fell overooara.' ueorge lis v, Kov. also colored, was near snd sprang forward to help him, and they both went inio the river. Nathan Henry, colored, who is employed ori the Cape Fear, heard splashes ana tne cries auu t hurried forward and managed to reach and "to save Hill and' while this was being accomplished McKoy sank and was drowned. . i Deceased is said to have been about CO years old and to have hailed some years p ago from Fayetteville. At ! this writing I his body has not been recovered. 1 is Unmailable. The following unmailable letters re main i a the Postoffice here for tbe want of proper postage prepaid: . R N Sweet, Greensboro, NC, no stamp Mrs Frances Smith, Clarkton, N C, 00 stamp; J A Iiinson, Pine Log, N C, no stamp; Miss Allies E Bates, Westfield, Maf s; Violet Volens, Augusta, Ga. Will Get off. i rom the bizaal Office at this place we learn that the steamer which was re ported as ashore at Gape Lookout is a yacht of C5 tons-, tb WtsterUe, bound to Jacksonville, Fla., from New York, with the owner and a pleasure party on board. At last accounts, received this mornin-. she was reDorted as high and 1 . .1 j ' dry but would probably jbe got off. There is no wrecking party at the spot but those at hand are working hard( in the effort to get her off. , Remember This. Cold weather is coming on and children are more or less affected with pains and aches most annoying in winter, but there is scarcely any ache to which they, are subject, so hard to bear and difficult to cure M tfae earack0 1 Tjut tijere a a reme- never tnown to fail. Take a! bit of cotton batton, put upon it a pinch of black penDer. eather it up and tie it, dip jt int0 8Wcet 0ji( anj in8ert into the ear. Put a bandage over the head to keep it warm. It will give immediate relief. 1 he centre or Attraction, j Dr. Carver and Texas Jack were the centre of attraction to the boys this morning until the elks appeared on the streets and then the doctor and his com panion sank into mere nothingness in comparison with the horny-headed quad- , . ..... c 11 . , . rp rnnria A liftlo fol:rtr thnnfrhr I Taa r - i " " JT"".. Jac was oanta iviaus wna ma xeiuuewro and ran home to announce the arrival 01 A farmer who was looking at the elks with all the eyes he posaefsed, vi,; three pair in all, one natural ana two 01, glass tnougnt "Dy noKey, tney wouia piow ("well." - " Two celebrities. Dr.Xarver, tbe lamous snootisc, ana J. B. Omohundro, well known as Texas JacK, tne acout, arrivea in me cuy iaw evening from Norfolk and are quartered at the Parcell House. Their arrival here has created quite a stir among our peo ple, who have often wondered : at Ur. Carver's marvelous skill is described by tjj0Sg wij0 jjaYe witnessed some of tho feats which have justified bis claim to be tho champion rifleman of the world. The Doctor uses none but leaden pills but those he sends with so much direct ness that they always do their work very effectually. Mr. Oomohundro, or Texas Jack, cim5 to be a descendant of oho of the 0jd indian tribes of Virginia. He is Virginian by birth, but has passed the most of bis tjme n Texas. Dr. Carver leaves here j to-night for 2jacon Ga., where he has an engage- ment Texas Jack will remain here un- t - j j)r Carver's return, which will be ahout a week hence, when the two will : ... V, ;k;tinn rf tKoir sVill T)r. tua ria ftnd Texas Jack Carver with the rifle and lexas oacic with the pistol. Homicide at Halifax. A correspondent at Halifax, in this Rfftf a fumd na soma particulars of a m homicide which occurred in that ancient tnwn on Wednesday ereninflr. A difE- cuity occurred between Charlie Foy and (enry Spears, both colored, two hands in tbe empi0y of the Wilmington & Wel- doQ R r Company, at Halifax, in the mnme of which words led to blows when Foy struck at Spears and the latter then drew a knife and stabbed Foy in the left breast, as the result of which death ensued in fifteen minutes. As soon as Spears saw his antagonist fall he took to ths woods and baa not since been seen. fm Wilmincrfnn anfl FSneara uu; e r irom oouia v4 w-- pondent is credibly mfonnea tnai ne naa been compelled to leave that state to es- cpe arrest for, a somewhat siinilar of fcnce Every effort is being made now --.prebend the murderer ana there are hopes that bo will be captured. The serenity of the neighborhood in the vicinity of Sixth and Walnut street was dturbed last night by the 6jcharge of a - tol. Is this prorxuscuocj -booting on the streets at night to go on untu some oxw killed or serioily mjured? What is He J For a week past; a young white boy, f HIS namA TT;i Allen, has been going around the city be& C5 . '0x ging for lodging ; and in some places he has asked for fifty cents in order to pay his passage to Weldon, where' he says he has a brother and sister living. lie says he has been working in Atlanta, Ga., dur ing the past Summer. His manners are exceedingly insolent and his beariDg is not at all calculated to create favorable impressions. If he lis a worthy oLject of charity, he should be taken care of, and if not, tho police should look out for him. The Democratic Committees. A very interesting meeting of the various Committees of the Democratic Ward Clubs in this city, was held last evening; in Munds' Hall Capt. W. M. Parker pre sided, and Mr. F. n. Darby was made Secretary. 1 The following resolution was adonted Iiesolred. By the Executive Committee of the diflerent Ward Clubs of the city in Hieeuxig suiuiea, mat tne uounty Ixed- utive Committee of New Hanover count v be requested to co-operate with a commit- tee, consisting of one member from each of ,"u T Z rL IT. P,0 dv me vuauu w iuu uireLing, icr me purpose of having a general mass meeting of the wcuiuviaut utci vi uue cut, at a time to V. - C I 1 .1 . - . . 1 TAMrt(IA f ? TTi Amm . AT. A t ..III 1 uc iucu upu uj iceni, ana saia commit - lees are nereoy requested to invite promi- nent speaiters ior saia meeung. In pursuance of the above resolution the ; Chairman appointed ,the following com mittee, act in conjunction with the CouiT jy Executive Committee First Ward W. Dr Mahn. Second Ward G. J. Boney. Third Ward L. H. Bowden. Fourth Ward F. W. Kercln:r. Fifth Ward J. M. McGowan. The County Executive Committee were requested to , meet this committee this morning at 10:30 o'clock, at the office of Mr. L. H. Bowden. j The meeting then adiourued. The meeting was not held, for the want of a quorum, but adjourned to meet again this evening. ' ' A Sharp Trick. kjuq amoujr iae many "commercial -v. ii. . tralLW' wIt, -riBif. nnr nlv In tU in- " terest oi some nortnern soap iactorv or hpnyino diatillprv trpA tn Tla- a shim lAJumg uwiuisjj, lu fiaJ a DU-r triCK upon uetectivo Mayer a aay or so arrn T?f i;Ha . rr.lenr.loJl . . . -mm- . 6U- ww : nwv.w 6l,v, uvi, umcer Mayer naa Deen mere oeiore, ana x a r .i vi r . Was tOO.SOOn for the W OUld-te imposter. The exquisitely dressed individual re- ferred to above,who wears a long flowing black moustache, made so by a constant ' , , , application ot Mall s nair aye, proaucea a lirpnRn fmm the f!itv Treasurer when approached by Mr. Mayer which alter fatincr ocaanal nlnnfie ftt it Mr. Maver i 0 ; r -i 1 1 returned to the individual of the black moustache and turned his steps in the - x direction of the Treasurer's office at tb.3- .. .1 . - .1 m l' City Hall. Accosting the Treasurer upon mnnt eiec,iea &ce? ln tn?t "t1 vtj -au. uuwow-0 . dent s office, where he stills remains it speaks reaching his office in a pleasant manner he out for the .right. That i$ The Scx'a idea remarked: "So yousold von license to-day j hey?" j. irea-urer up au om, too. "You sold von licenss to Mr.fco and so, from j New York, to-day, ain't you ?" "riot if the court Knows useii, replied the sedate gentleman who handles the city funds. "Vat ?" says the now ex" cited detective, with his eyes as big as Any ar( act nnislimpnt. uWiS out Of them. 1 "No " says Captain Savage, "I l.'av'ntj sold any such license to-day T J fVlCft I I9VA- bUV same party one several months ago." WfliL , T b damned says officer Mayer. "I see dat leller right away. ketch him yet,' and off posted the ener getic city detective in search of the gay deceiver Whom he i found at the PurCell j House. "Say I" says juajer, u- walked in let me see -aac license once 1 more, if you blease." The gentleman of tne moustache commeuccu suiius, aalrl Oof trnnA ioke on iTOU." "Yes.5 said, tiot a good joke on j j yu. a w, says tne deteetive, "A aamu guou uuuou tu make a pood ioke on you and make you -u a guuu ju j pay twenty-five dollars, j Here the exquisitely dressed gent.eman of the flowing black moustache drew m his srnile.a-idwmmenced looking thej detec- tive seriously in the face.But the matter was finally seUled by the elegantly dressed iz.f dividual pavine for another license and Pj-e .,,! officer Mayer permitted him to go without the fine. XOU Can't IOOI Oia xw . .. - . -d! u.r n license business, and the arummers uugut ... . . ti.. 1 . - -:na tn ffitit as well rnate- up uieur Once. i ; Mr. Ralston, cf the Signal jOffice at this .. . . iv -,..4ii place, informs ! us that a three-masiea i schooner with signals of distress flying, --uouaer, wiwu , n TTatt I isirtedasrTingpM-A---- yesterday, coming South. lo more is Vnnwi Af 1i I 25, 1878. . NO. 228 Terrible Affair at LumbertonL Information was received in this city last evening, on the arrival of tho C. C. K. W. train, to the effoct that Miss Amelia Lickhan-, of that town, shot and mortally wounded Mr. J. 1 1. Hartman, formerly of Lumberton, but more recent ly a traveler for a Baltimore 1 house. Mr. Hartman had hilt recently, arrived -in Lumberton and yest erday morcicg was approached at his hotel by Miss Linkhaw, who after a few words had passed be tween them drew a pistol from under her shawl and shot him in'tho Breast, from the effects of which ,he(has m all probabi lity died ere this! , It is the old, old story. ' Miss Link haw was about to become a mother, she havinjr been seduced some time! since by Uartma-ii.. This latter relused to marry her and she took the law; in her own hands. Three hours after the occurrence sho save birth to a cbil(J and att the Last accounts was very id. Both parties to the sad affair werebhlv conneftrrf vc!f "'u'y connected. 1 fc We havejSince learned that Mr. Hartman died tn-Hv ami w atjco t :nr- haw has been arrested ami nl.W,l 1 , , r j bond f 5,000 for her appearance for 1 trial. I 1 1 ,- The L,A.riosa At a meeting of L'Ariosa Club, last evening, the following1 officers held 1 were elected for the ensuing year : i President- J. M. Cronly. j Vice President James G. Bradley. Secretary and Treasurer Wi L. Smith, Jr. j 1 Governing Committee Pembroke Jones', John II. Daniel, J. W. Murchison, W. L. Smith, Jr., J D. Nutt, James G. Hjradley and L M. Cronly. , New Advertisements. THE SUN FOR 1879. 1 a UJTwiIl be printed every day during od wl bVte7aTe ii" in Ebe VaTtTto S sent all the news in a readable shape, and ten lemue iruin tnougu tne heavens fall. ! The Scn has been, is, and will continue to be independent of erervbodv and evprvfhincr iv . it ... i .. " . z n. eve me iium ana its own convictions o uul- aum M ine ODJy policy WHICH an HOD est newspaper need have, flh&t is the policy i wmeu nas won ior tnia newsDaoer the nnnti- 4enCe and friendship of a wider constituency I than was ever enioyed bv an-sf other A mpri. I T . can journal. n l.. Sc.N is .tLe: newspaper for the people it is not lor the rich man against thenoor a, or ior me poor man -against the rich i uiau, uui it seesio ao equal jasiice to all in terests in tbe community. It is not the orar of any person, class, sect or party. Therle it i, for the honest man against the rogues every time 13 for the honest Democrat as against the dishonest Republican, and Tot the honest Republican as against the dishonest Democrat. It does not take its cue from the ganization. It gives its support unreserved M7 when men or measures are in agreement pvith the Constitution and with the principles upon which this Republic was Hounded for the people. Whenever the Coastitution and constitutional principles are violated-t-as in the outrageous conspiracy of 187C, by which a man not fileetpd wan rlarpd in fho lr;. of independence. In this respect there vill be no change in it3 programme ! for 1879. 1 he bus has fairly earned the hearty hatred of rascals, frauds, and humbugs of all sorts and 1 sizes. It hopes to jdeserye that hatred not less in the year 1873,1 than in 1878, 1877. or any year gone by. , The Sun will continue to shine on the wicked with unmiti gated brightness. : ! ' While the lessons of the past should be con stantly kept betore thepeople, The Sex does not propose to make itself in 1S79 a magazine of ancient history. It is printed for the menj I and women of to-day, whose concern is chief-i ly with the affairs of to-day. It has both the disposition and lhe ability to afford its read ers the promptest, fullest,1 and most accurate AUiVlUgVUVV J A HUOVIIUI AAA UV(H AUV nUIIU worth attention. 10 this ena tne resources belonging to well-established prceperity wil The present disjointed coaaition ot parties in this country, and the uncertainty of he future, lend an extraordinary significance' to the events of the coming year. Tne discus sions of the press, the debates and acts of Con gress, and the movements of the leaders 1a ict jjearing on the Presidential flection of 1830 an event which must oe regaraea with the mosVan i aiuci ivcui " - 1 w r w - - . legiance. To these elements 01 interest may be added the probibilitiesthat the Democrats control b0th houses of Congress, the in- CreMing feebleness of! the rraudulent Adrmn- istration, and the spread and strengthening everywhere of a healthy abhorence of fraud ia any form- To present with accuracy and clearness the exaet situation in each of its va- gnouid guide ns through the labyrinth, will be an important part of The Scm'a workfor w; h4Te the meaBB 0f making The Sex, as a political, a literary and a general newspa- ner. more entertaining and more useful thsn ir Stores d we mean to apply them freely. . , . .. Onr rates Ol SUDSCnpuon rem uncu-ng - ia n.,,T Mr. 1 four Da?eiheet - . of t-enty eight colnmns, the price Dy man, nnitmii). is 55 cents a month, or 16.SU a Kean o7, inclnding the Sonday paper, an I eight page sheet of fifty-six columns, the price is 63 cents a monui, or m posUge paid. The rice of i r s ' -A rk r t n a w vei lt S7t.a:i;a- a w postage paid. For clubs often sending $10 we will send an extra copy free. Addrea. I. W, ENGLAND, Pubinherof ThS, New York City. OCt 25 T PLEASE s OTICE. WewClbe glad to receive'eommnnicttlc. from or fxienda on tay and n nxbiectsb ; general Interest bat : ! ' name of the writer nxtst alway, b ' nxlahed to the Editor. CcmmnaicaUons mast be wiittcn Icn on' ' one aide of the paper. PerfoojJitleimttitbe avoided.' Andit Is especially and particolarly Bnjd itood that 0 editor does not .A Now Advortisements. Coal Coal. rED AND WHITE ASH COAL. for J- larntces, Ileatert, Grte?, StOTes land ranges, screened free frnm Airt mA au- d ered proaptlj njwhere in the city, at Low- I'ice' A1'0' LUMP BlTUMl ..1 c,yAL wkich fora qaick bright fire can't be O. G. PARSLEY, Ja., Agent, 1 oct lj Cor. Oranggtad S. Water Sts. Newbury all. 0, K. OO CANVASS 11 A MS, , . ' uUO So low you cannot help bujing. A!.o b??t Chf cie anJ L'uMer ' i 1 1 . I r. a. .vewburyJ octi5 , Water street.. , School Books.! PHKlPLACE TO BUY School Books ' is Mlere tlte largest and Most domplcte -At sortment, can ba found. Parents and ' Teach ers win una it to their interest to send their sena me STOtE. i orders to th . 1 ; , LIVE BOOK piUTLli. I Ii AMES. OneThoui acd and Ono Sow Stjlcs. Just receded at I . IiEINSDEUGI-R'S.'. Liv3 Book and ilusic Stirc. oct 23 j T WINBERRY OYSTERS I Lvery Tuesday and TUursday FKIIt SUPPL1KS of tho' (TelebiltedS U in berry Oysters are received at T1IK t SVOPCLI TAN. A lot of them In toly. 1 he best of Wines, Ales, Ll1uors, Peer.1 Ligars, dc. always on hand. i oc t J JUUN L.AUltUl.lJ, I Proprietor. 1 Virginia Apples. TTuki;, freii, svi:et andi cheap; 11 If Uutter, Lard, Cheese, Bacon, Flour, Mo lasses and a hundred other things forralOi very low by m:niJEi;T pkttkway, North Water Street. oct : Antonio Rush I JNFOR I'llIS TRILNDS that he i hss . opened A FAMILY GROCERY in ' i . the store j nextSouthof Granite Row. I will keep a ' small stock cftle choicest grocer- 1 ies. Give ice a trial, old fiiesdsand be coh- vinced. t ' oct 21-1 w. Change of Scheduie.l ON AN1 day the AND AFTKR TH J e Stinr. Passport, " will make daily trips toSmith- ville, leaving Dock at 0.30 A.B M., leave JSmithTiile at 130 IP. M, Tickets $1.00, Round Trip oct 23 GEO. MYERS, AgenlL TILESTOfi UPPER ROOM. i I Dy Special Request i Tlie Thalian Amateurs WILL REPEAT ON FRIDAY' EveniDtr, October 26th, the beautiful Drama, re cently presented by them with such flattering success, entitled -, BREAD ON THE WATERS, (Proceeds for the Normal School. benefit of the Tiles ten Admission Adults 25 c:nts. Children un der 12 years 15 cents. Performance commences at a o clock, oct 23 Flamiag Tokay Grapes I A CHOICE LARGE PURPiIe CALIFOR- NIA GRAPE never before broueht to J this market. Qoinces, Pears, Florida Orasget, Malaga Grapes, Catawba Grapes In boxes. i .. Appies, emons ana cocoanuts. u just re ceived aft I 8. O. NORTIIROP'S, I cct 15 iFruit and Confectionery Stores. Green's August I Floirei AND B03CHE3 GERMAN SYRCPi A supply of each just rtcxlrcd and withj a foil line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet , and Fancy Articles. For sale low by I I JAME3 C. MUNDS, Druggist, Third street, Op?. City HalL oct 18. S- W. Vick, Commission -Uerchant, Xffort-t Water Street, 1 j W"ilmiLiirton, IST. OJ oct 5 1 : H- DeEosset & Northrop, pIRZ AND MARINE INSURANCE Agnts, Representinz Standard American and English Companies, 23 Xorih Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. oct 12-Id. DfEBTISE IN THE 1 WILMINGTON (Weekly) JUUKXAIf Office comer Water and Ctsestatit ptreeU op stairs . ft I 14 A. 8IIR1EK.