THIS PAFEK , i rtcrr afaraoon, Sunday- ex. ciptcd br jsll. T. JAMES, , ;ji r ANDBOPBirroa. .:i-i:on.-.iostagk r.uu. ' . t-l t ) Six month, S 2 50 ; Thre m.. , j j -5; use monui, v tcui. , '"'.V- '! fc Slivered bj carriers, r. ,1- in 1ST rir-of tie city, at '.be ,v. , r 13 ccfj p r weex. .. - - ttt ; and liberal I tj mill please report auy atd 7 . t. r,cifethcir papers regularly 2;CT- Advertisements. r H DAIL i . . i I VOL. 3.- i WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 31. 1878. NO. 233 LOCAL NEWS. iVllMi; CORKER-! Opening Davs : . Turstlay nnd Friday, r 1 tP - ""C". 1. rv'ew- Advertisements. CaoxLT Jt Mcr.His Oratircs aaJ Dananai at Auction. P. IliissBiaora New lit els. N, II. Si'acar Exchange Corner. , A SHiitBfstUnlaundried Shirt for 75c, J. C. Mc.tDJ, "-Druggist. Trusses and Supporter. ; Al.LXANIiF.Ii SlTiUST $ Sox Vc .Oflir Se Notice to Liquor Dealers. Attention ! First Ward Democratic Club Atter.tnn! Second Wad Democratic Club. I ' , Attention! Third Ward l)f m-c:atic iiLli:.! Mid FANCY COGDS ! - .. :t."t: aai it st ctn lite stccx tie Li!,:f La-.e ever had to itkctfiom. IS THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ; f.iLir If'l our. A!I th- rw rVr. If. lancet. Tiimmin;s, Silks, nuiw iiATS Au'D bonnets Club. At'eii'ion ! Club. Attention ! Club I!cgii!cr. i l'uimh Ward De;niHra!ic Waid Do-uoTu'ic i i lie, ycur tir barrels Mid torches raly for fp-:r.o row nih!. i - It is no time to stand Dark now i vny Djrr.ocrat must do L; duty. The Democrats of this city ;nv ix to-:ivrriw itiiwi S the Orcnin; Dav. rrriri n turn out on m.iM 1 XrCitallnaj come the opening wi l Icctu Iolu" oUC CJ m1' ' J-.; ..m re- day. (Friday) night. FANCY CCODSCF ALL KINDS Col. S. L. Fremont arrived ia tlis city to-day from Goldsboro and will leave tc- I - . " i -,r. 1 r Solid coTorcd noie-all raoirow lor h.ivannaii lor n:s i.cwji.c.u -.i .li-uir frttn match nice qoalitj.l jgjy i t-'isi' ! t.! l.-e T Conets jot the kind I : ;.Ir. Harry Locb and his bride, the FAiGY GILT BUTTONS- dauhUr of Hon. Jos. 1 liatcbdor, of t !:;. Crochet Needles , t j UZ'.tl Uibbcn, Satin. ff Kiicigh, returned to the city j last night !i frcm their wedtlin trip, i The work on the Uoatiog Compress is 1 S-irol IxerfCoInreex Bordered Hanfl- . .- . I . 1-.. l r I mrA ;!. LI. n ai 1 ilk Htndicrebitf. progressing hue!'. A portion of the ::,.,t..:i3TiLow5,Jtc,aIarIot. presses have arrived and will bo j-ut in , .. position in a few day?. i A n ; t-fZ j f.jri', all color r, (full or. i . ri ,1- J J . Dr. Wiuaals eipccts to -.t up steam in iii; ' Cv::i and CoR, all ttjltf. the boilers of his ieo michine to-morrow V t ;rftit barpaint eter the to ascertain tha movement of the cug:r.c, a jsb ic in preparatory to freezing things. ; Iid GIOVCS S Music antl Time. . A few nights ago scrrie thief stole a P;-rtaiJIarkShidein2f4Bd6bntt0M. , , U , ... ' nn r-i-t from tu cent ta 51.50 pct pair. melodeoa from the Union bcliool on rTt Soar-, Hand Glas?f. Mottoe,, Xua fnJ Cburch streets, fri ati i:riitul Board, GolJ and fcilrer and last night made another visit to the CrLK3chi6-f,allkindj. t temple of learning and carried eft' two '-77.1 Ucn't foriret tee" belt Scifsora clocks. I i tiL aid X.-edles in the World. : -rf- X f.:: i-a.. cf tloi beautiful Razor Steel Ka,,y al "ua' .i.rj. We arc requested to ; state that there o - lUjs-Wedcetiij, Thursday and will be a general rally of the Democracy Uc:bvr ZO and 31 nJ oremDer 1. 1 0f render at Uurgaw, on baturcay PJ M OOOIB"?T November 2nd, when many prominen The Secoiul and Third Wards I Challengers Co! Kcger Moore, ilaj H Their 3Icetlncs Last Nlcht. G Flanncr, L T Bowden and John T The ruetnbers of the Second Ward Dem- Rankin. i ccratlc Club, in pursuance of a notice On motion, Mr. Sol Bear, the Chairman publiihed in our lecal columns j esterday was apppointed a committee) of' one to afternoon, assembled in the Court House, confer with the other Ward Clubs rela- ast evening, at S o'clock. tjve to holding a grand mass meeting in The lVciiJtut and lrst Vic President the Fifth Ward on Friday niht 1 be ing absent, the duty of presiding devolv- mQtion thfi meet. adj Vice riesideut of the Club, who, upon assuming ll.e Chair, put forth some tery thiri) ward. good, suud reasoning in regard io the! The Democrats of this ward met at present campaign and the duty pertaining 7$ o'clock at Munds'IIall.Mr. W.J.Yopp, to each Democratic eUclor in this city in chairman of the Third Ward Democratic regard la the conduct of the same during Clabf in tDe chair, and the regular Secre tin intervening liain between this ana t James y: K- . Tuesday n it. Mr. Wtn. L. Smith, r- I tary's dek ' ' 1 At the commencement tlr.s monl mf was rel?I .. ., I J marked with a tuller and more enthusias- 1 lie? IIIMt'Iil)" II111H 1)1 "aillf 41 I1I11A IL'dUt I , forl, n,. r.f tl. nbl lan.l-marks of tic att3ndae (thfln On any OC- th- S ..:,i Ward, Club, Col. Wm.L, casicn fcince the great Tilden campaign 0 Sraii!', an.ff and urged t ho propriety cf S"C. f t!;e ;,o it;-n.en taking the initiative, and The Club entered forthwith ;nto buM i'j c r:nectioii remarked that there neFS- Various committees were appoin- were I hire ;Ua pre.kent whose sirss and bed, among tliem a committee to attend grandsirt-s had clone 1 oblo work in the the polls on election day. The gentle- 1 . i- ' c-use. Col..;, concluded his remaiksby men composing this committee are: susgesifr.g that the meeting hear from Mr. Messr Walker Meares, JH Allen; G F Ihos. W., whom he saw present. Alderman, L H Bowden, Samuel Bear, In response to loud call?, that gentleman jr rj A Eaggt j L Cantwell, A G Cono- came lorward and delivered bis maiden p- Mey, Walter Ccney, Aug Deumelandt, nurai EFceui. . Timothy Donlan, M J Dinglehoef, E V 4 Elwell, W C Farrar. W M Hayes, M J s , , , .t u . Heyer, James W King, Robert Lil y and nrenared and therefore the few words he I should uttpr on this occasion could not be A committee of threei consisting of L expected to Le teeming with wisJom. II Bowden, Col Jno D Taylor and Col Mr. Stiauge's speedy was neat and ornate Jonn h cantwell, were appointed to meet m to tne The Lumberton Tragedy. Tha Lumberton papers are very Ret icent as regards the killing in that town last week cf Mr. Hartmac, at the hands of Miss L-nkhaw. The fiobesonian says that Mr. Haritnan, while at "the point of death, protested his innocence of the charge tnade agaiasf him lv Miss Lmkhaw and that his statement is sus tained by public sentiment. j I Prepayment of Postage. The following ruing of the rostofiice Department, published on page 5 of the. United States Omcial Postal Guide for October, should le more1 generally known to the public: "A letter having been once delivered in accordance with the address, the jurisdiction cf the Department hr.s ceased; therefore,! it is desired to be again transmitted in the mafs, itreiistlo pre paid anew.' ' 1 PLEAS5 S OTICK. W wiU be g UwJ to receive connnwiicatic.-. from our friend on toy and all tubjeetjo g-eneral Interest but : Jkt aarae of the writer n-t aliraW b farruahe4 to the Editor. - Communication cujt be wihi-n nn tin one ride of the paper. , PerforudiUei xaujt be avoided I Andit Li etpecially nd particularir uo tood that the editor does not alw-jr eador ia the editorial column. 1 J??7 AdvortlsomoDtg Attention "!""""" First War Democratic Club rpiIE ADVANCE GUARD of Democracy willl n:ce: at 7 o'clock, Friday etis at Brooklja lUil, to attjrd tb i i'a31 .Vretitp in the Fift'i Ward. I Drum borpj will rr j 1 The Ward will i-arrh atT.l). ' I W. M. TAKKEK, cct3t-2t I'rciiieat. -1t' AtleKlh) ; ! 2nd Ward Democratic Club. i' a;;.--: HbiKny oiinnuKD tin X Exchange Corner. speakers wiiaddrcss the people of tha comity. Death of Airs. Bernard. Still TheV COme ! It is with very great regret we -learn t I. . 1 r -f iL.y It. . 0?wi:r- r.nnnq at yatfr-: Pho. Jt tciore going 10 prc6S. 01 iuu ueaiu u Mrs. Bernard, wile of y . 11. Ucrnartl about M i:x.. Fancy l'icture Frames. Children gh dicJ vcrv gUlIJenl v to-day - ir, Gae, Ulocfc?, dc.t . 1 o'clock. We tender our (sincere- IS. Call and examine mr stock. Trices I pathics. 'r tl.3 eter I oct 28 sym- Carcets and Matting, T-IF. r.F-ST. F.ICCEST AND CnEAF- l tT Mik in the city, selling at Xcw iiUSMLS, Two and Tnxcc Ply Carpets. l xf. all jalities, and all prices that :v tiifap. Also, an unusually I a:;.!some line of Hugs, Mats. &c. .OL. BEAK &. BROS., fiL IS and 20 Market st. Virginia Apples. p:Ni". H:iIf, KWKLT AND CHEAP Religious Days. To-motrow is All Saints' Day, observed in commeration of tho kaintcd dead, of those who died in the lailh. It is observ ed in the Catho!ic and Episcopal Churches. In the former church to-day is observed as the Vigil of All Saints, to-morrow is All Saints' and Saturday as Alii Souls'. The Episcopalians do not observe either the Vigil or All Souls' Day. .Democrats Waking; Up. We are glad to see that tha Democratic party of this city.scem determined to make up for lost time and will follow out the suggestion made in the Keview yesterday afternoan, of having a Mass Meeting in the Ffth Ward at the Oaks oa Friday night which is to be followed by another "rous ; :. Lard, Cbt-e-e. Iiaoon, Flour, Mo- ing, rip roaring" meeting of all the Dem t Luu !rtU olhcr lhmsH for iftIe ccrats in the city on Monday night to HiimtKitT rmEWAV, North Water SStret U hear some of the tig guns cf our party open re on Jadge and so called Greenback candidate, tho J trans parent laboring man's 1 candidate who Hue .Merchant Tailoring! E IXVITE attextiov cf thr In- boaststhat ho never did a day's work with efc'wted to cur immecie Stock of Fiece b-54 bacd3 ja a his life. j ,c -rnna; tl the leading itylei in ?o?ilct Tailoring fAnother School House Robbed a-T la ih9 Cit-T iad feel The Willistoa school house, on the i-:.4ianiin that our ,e . , ' . . . 5TY corner of Seventh and Ann street?, was IXS. FITS AND P1UCES visited a few nights ago by 'visiting !-e32? t 1, - ctatprr.rn" whi fell in love with a few ' raoij wiiQ aaj . oriaern 1 . ur. A L"lf uUj to order cheaper thia I . . . tLx eter bfor. Bi ill h fid ti their ad books and slate pencils and so great was .J . " " - " I I C.Vr tock 13 oae florin tr u ith r;cj 0ff the books and pencils. They if- Mercbant Tailor, fected an entrance into the building by WhoWcale and KetaH Clothier. I rntt;rf nut tho rmttv from aronnd a nine lretty, Useful and Cheap. rf "hic-,,hf? rcmoreJ aDi, tbeQ Tx crawled through the opening. There is a- GOODS KEPT BGILES& no clue to the perpetrators of the theft. jj,v Robberies of school houses are be:oming ",-:i in their two departments. See fashionable now and as winter is coming "-ipjg? for yourself. on abo't the only way of ensuring the GILES 4 MtTBCBtSOX, ? the 'a luilliDS, " t0 and drew forth frequent applause from his Judge Merrimon and escort h hearers. 1 hotel. Mr. A. T. Londou wai then j called The chairman now announced that the upon and poked a few more thrusts under house was'.readyto hear speeches, and his corpulency's short ribs particularly loud and enthusiastic calls were made for when ho told the fable of the ass in the no D Bellamy, Jr. He rose and respon- lion's skia, how he strutted and pranced aed in a speech of Fomo twenty minutes around among the other beasts, until ia lensth, which received frequent inter compelled to take breath, when his un- ruptions of applause. 1 mistakable bra v iu doinjr so revealed his ! CaP- Eadcliff was the next real nature to thoso who had been de- 8Peak called, and ha was followed by ceived ty his outside appearance. Messrs waiKer juearcs ana a i i,on- f t t - i I don. in cofwi :inl knnon Drmnrrfltio Jill . 1 JU11111I11 B I If I 1 .1 I VMB 2& VI A .1 1111 I . D - . 1 SI nt both in argument and anecdote and was speecnes. two cups of flour, half cup1 of water, the well received. A discuEsion then ensued in regard to yolks of five eggs, the whites cf three Col. Kof-er Moore ouo of the recoc- Friday night's mass meeting and proces- eggs, the juice and rind of two oranges, nized Isaders of the Democratic party in Kl0n and a committee was finally appoint- ""PJ? 1 this city, was next called upon. Col. ed to make arrangements, etc. Thiscom- cake, and put together with icing made Moore responded, but stated at the same mittee ia requested to meet at the Furcell 0f the whites of three egg, the juice and ime that jspeech.making was not his AAUUOe tUiB CYemuS fl,wuuli WUC1C "uu.u.aUb!;.,jU oJ lu ua rotation. But. nevertheless notwith- they make final preparations. It is the lcinS stifl. bay, neighbor, have you register! V Chasing the Desrlcrado, Elvi John ' l: -i ' sen. i To-day about twelve o'clork, informa tion was lodged with cHicer Ashe that the desperado. Elvi Johnson, was iu the va- cinity of Eleventh and Market ktreets. umcers Ashe, Iiichardsou, Davis, and Howard started in pursuit of Johnson and ran up with him on Eleventh between Market and Trincess streets. The chase was an exciting one and 'by, a little stratagem officer Ashe cut Johnson oft" and got within about twenty yards of him when he dropped a bag and a basket and ran with tke speedofa hurricane wind, fairly running out of his shoes. The officers lost sight of Johnson in the swamp near Oakdale Cemetery but gave him a few parting shots' as he ran through the undergrowth of the bay. The bag which Johnson dropped was marked JI. Ilaar, and contained two pigs, aEd the basket, a hat and bag; his shoes were also picked up, The pigs are at the office of J. C. Hill, J. P., where the owner can get them by proof ot property. mvl in fMund.'IIa'l at 7 Jk-ekl. (toimorow) FrM.-.jMveTM.M-, t )ale 'L t I?;iJ v. ', oct :n .irxitrs davis. Vliv J4hsu!cij!.- Attention! "i 3rd Ward Democratic Club. You auk iik nr:uy i:equestki to. meet in Ho:.: ,f MunJV Ifa!;, at 7 o'clock, 'i . FIIIDAV EVENI.W, pursuant to adjournment, to tj&ke. ait in the Iprtv.Ion ar:d Grand FiffJ, Ward Iialfj I3y cider Jv i r et ::i Grand "v'cii.e t-uf,i IJloody Third.'' . Secretary. , 1 vocation. But. nevertheless notwith standing, the gentleman seemed to our important that there should be a full. and mind to talk as though possibly he had prompt attendance of this committee, j mistaken his calling and that probably Tha Club adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock it was origina '"T'liilffl 57S ITew Advertisements. At ton I ion ! ith Warji Democratic Ciub fJIII.E-Members' of tho Fourth Wtrd Vcxa ocralic Club wil. ructt jjiouii;t!j Friday ee- ning,at 7.15, at tha Court Horp, for escort I - 1 . duty, to icarch to the Mass-Met ie in the i Fifth 'a:d. Evcrv Democrat oil ' I will be expected at Li poet Cornet jCo:c-:rt Club will it-port af 7. :0. The proe'esiion will march, at 7.45, ibarp.e oet::i W.P. OLDIIA! i ff,1 : 7.45, ibar i.M, I'rl't. Uy intended that this should - the Hall next Friday night, from OrangCS iltKl BaiiailftS tft J I i ii -ii i : i if have been his calling. whence they will march in procession to Col. Moore first fired a hot shot or two thc 0aks- at the County and City.ExccutiveCommit- , FIoatinff In Hie Breeze. iU :u.U Y? 77 : ; The true and tried Democracy of the lin ipftrl- in tha nrn r fit rinv&ssinrr and I i . ' tuw ,.v. .. . - -o"-- First Ward threw the'r Waddell lias to also for their neglect m not attending tne , t , , ; v ...I v. u the breeze yesterday under the supenn- lew political HJueaiuxs wuau uu 1 tendence of Messrs. St. John Fillyaw ca, e ' , zntuar,em and Julius Hahn the Committee charged As tho speaker warmed up in the cause , m. , I , , , ,u j nP v:. with the work. There was quite a large be held ud to the admirins caze of nis . i . ... f i,.. ti,- .wiif viih wbirb Hoi Wad- crowd 1Q attendance looting on wno dell had represented- the Third District in greeted the appearance of the flag as it City of Wiimillgt0n, C., tiou as Chairman cf the second most im portant Committee in the House of Rep resentatives commanded at Washington, Auction. rX BOARD, SCHR. CAIILETOX AT WMarket Wharf on to-morrow, FKIDAV, November 1st, 1878, at 11 o'clock, A. M. UKONLY & MOKIII5. Oct. 31-lt. i Auctioneers, once To Liquor Dealers. Mayor's Offic City court. I i OCTOUISK si, Robert Geary, white, arrested last night X HE ATTENTION OF LIQUOR DEAL- which be exercised for the good of his "hlI asleeP 0Q th9 6treet strongly r eraIs calledt0 ti3 folIowicg iaw of the State . , jlthe mflnrn-a of onium. was told bv His I non.t hianlg 'I ho IMPlpr ftlKO flllUUeU I ' . . .. f ' Honor, this morning, to go and Sin no to the several appropriations for tha bar ; e, to 1- l U- Imnrrtvnmonta which tllf I I - i u.a n',AA ;n Atainin-T a!1 Chester Lamb, colored, f jr committing any public plaqe, retail or sell, erccpt upon of which had been of direct benefit to the a isancQ the street was required to preacriptionof ' practicinff pby.i li-r i -nfw0acnV.nKorkoveraS2.50fineor in lieu thereof J:, ;L.:..,r of North Carolina : "Xo prson or persons ehall gire away in to many of our laboring fellow citizens on take a five days' lodging in the city pri-j I SD22 those works and the money thns secured from thc government put in circulation iician, ana I for medical purposes,any intoxicatJig liquors at any jime within twelve hours rext pre ceding or succeeding any public cLcction, or during the holding thereof, at any place The Weldon Fair. through the medium of the poorer classes. This'Fair. now in progress, has pioven Eere wastan instance of real substantial Terv successful and the exhibit is pro- within five miles of any election pr ecinct benefit accorded to the laboring men oy nounced by many to be the best they J Any person or persons violating the pro- the Democratic nominee. have ever had there. The Petersburg .1 . ,.rt!m l.hall be . - I . - .... ... - Tisioa- ui rvv,-- On the other band, wnat naa me pre-1 Index-Appeal publisbes a list ot tne : m tended friend and candidate of the labor- exhibitors and. we notice the following Hemea S 7 T ing men, the ex-Radical Judge, the man bom thig city and vicinity: "hable with a tins of not .ess tban one nun who boasted publicly that he has never jjrg v A. Paraell, ilmmgtcn dred ncr more tbar: one thousand cellars. done a days' work with his hands in all counterpane. Battle's BeT.'ial, Sections 149 and 110. - 1 J.. 1L. I . t-. . . r Til ir;i!r.A- I ! 1 ms me. Gone lor iuo rwr uiou . Xdiss iliza juciiuj, ,.4u6 , ;. v .-,d thatin accordance . ... i i i .ii v: I . . I " - L'ol. Aioore men neiu up m u u raper hanging oasset. , r. .r, , 3 i.f . T:ff TTIlmlnfrfAT, I With tne motb law, w wi Radical Judge, who is trying to ride into I paper hanging basket. i places where intoxicating liquors are sold, Congress as a Republican through the se- cw pj. L. Fillyaw, Wilmington A . u h9 cIcs(j at e o'clock, 1. M-, on cret influence of his Republican friends clock made by himself; corner cabinet; Monda SortmbtT 4tb, ad remain closed ana at me same uub iryujg w irameel crosses. . . v. r.-n- ,-nn VnfmTfnr ir p;ef f Wilminffton until 6 o clocr a. ., on him on account of Greenback principles I frame of worsted flowers. Ctb. i Col. Moore s speech was frequently ap- Mrs Taylor, Brunswick county Any Tiol4ti3n ef the abore law at the en lauded and gave general satisfaction. 1 24 domestic carpeting; 20 yards -. . ' s 5lh of Somter, nii ine iouowmg uanvassers aauuaueug- rag carpeting: domestic Diau-sw,""""-"- pra were then annonnced bv the chair: rl vu nnternine: colored dimity; WU1 DeT1oru J , rf ai.w ' .1 tt uronriMTr - - nn w Of r. Trn.. I j .. ut. :.,. i,v' domestic! o- xo C W L Smith. Wm GoodmanJP Heins- honrl. orr,Ptie dimity: cucumber ana wcu iu berirer and Gen M P Taylor. I tomatn catsno. 1 Star eopy Friday and Sua eopy Saaday. Altonlion ! 1 f Fifth Wal Democratic Club Grand Ealiy of the Banner Ward 02 Friday Hight Nov. 1st, I At Comer of Fifth and Ann Streets. ALL DEMOCRATS OF THE FIFTH Ward are requested to be pre'ent at a GUASD RALLY at the above time and place. j I The Democrats of the Fint. Second, Tbird and Fourth Wards Lave been invited to be present. ! Eloquent speakers will address the meeting. Let the lianner Ward do her duty. F. U. DARBY. oct 31 1 Pres't Fifth Ward Dem. Club. We Offer : QAA SELECTED SECONDHAND Spirit OUU Casks, warranted mrcbantble, . SI 40. I ' I i 1 A A Sacks Imported Liverpool Halt, 10U.U,. weighing 1W to 209 Ibi. to tb Sack, at C5 cent. 1 ! OA Barrels .Engliib Ale, B oid, Wolfj k jU Co., 7 dozen t the barrel, at $1.70 per, dozen. ALEXA!?DLr; rlT.C.VT A SON, oct 31-St , 1 Star and Sun copy. Trusses A ND.SCrPORTER3 f aH it.Iea an4 prices. . Setlej's Hard Rubber Tress, ilkgU and doable. TLebtitin use. . For sale by . JAMK3 C ML'.VDS, Druist, Third street, Opp. t it HalL I I . gg Preeripti!n csp'-unded at all i hours day or cihu j octai. i Ugy Books, J COLONEL THOnPE'rt-SCENES ia Ark- i nixM, with sixteen fall pajeilluitratlons "Vontaica tb wbolecf tbe 'Qaarter Bare in Kentucky," and "Bob Herri o, tbe Ark-wua-r Bear Honte V as we l as Carpinj on i tbe Sternum," "Plajin? Poker ia Aran- p tw"t and ether sketches illustrative of Hcenes.Incidenu and Character tbrooboot the "Cnirersal Yankee Nation," to which I added ''The Drama in PokerviJle,,A Niht la a S tramp' and other stories. ( Complete in one lare Duxiecitno Volume. , , Price $1.60 in iIorree Cloth, Cold and Black. For sals at t HEINSBEHGER'S. Lire Bwk and.llosic Store, oct 23 1 t a w - m - 1

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