YEAR. 5 17v,afe mellow, rip . - . - " - ; J i rit e Kail u the y nr. . i.; Mi-Tallin. . art- bllin-jr. ' 'I ' . . Stlie tubbW: is ; .'.:' c:oer. , r.-.- Svrr. A ,.. tte J ail o tLc vt ar. . r U flittins, : "V it ! fltttnsj .- ' . .. ,r: ?.oiil l mkc!-u!. !ia-r: "."". ri.i.n. ",,." f,- L-kMiliir.z. . . :.ithe i aM tl. year. , Mr. -M. I". l'.ult-. ;:!iisore Sua. (harih Tendered Jtr- Mood) TJrli rLnrch f-r the meeticri '"', . " n"ar.i:ttr ctii-tit g o? " I: irv II bl. an v,I ' i r ;i h .M r. M:o I) V ' "V r" m inr-i'tire r. -nr. ttct a. from i.-jarf nd th- tit-4. The . .. :.i il 1 mil jmculhj M !v li !i: fct t!ie ;.7, 1 :.".. by iu etii 1, I !. tli- vt-ur9 l)r. lV.i- r 'Iv of them, myj :u lo tukj; pirt m tV'tu. 1 r ta the Punch. y n inwcr that Tarn Anay Wrath. 2, ( LerI Paillipovitca, cjci-z."i-r u cLief r f the Au-ftriaa uraij "1 c . .'J-:i iu Da-Lin, ti n art J 1'tir., Wh'CM im tle if.: L'.r'e iii thf'qaidrtiri, h ?' ( ctraJ; hav, nit'i four :cel tnd a bltz:' 'Af.j ; j on c 1 r u'm ilo !;-;a::sj he trots and gal!oj wci', f::r.i Lis head well op, is fctili yoac, ill Lii tLo Lest of temper.' Wei:, who h the best roldicr iu lie t j';ilron ?' Xizr d'Anos General.' R'Lv he ?' T.-Tiusc ic takes care of hij horse, j ;L ttf-t &Ld serviceable, keeps his- (;pr-Lt3 in perfect shape, auil da'r up to tho handle.' VLir :a tho horfe joa ! avc eiEck Jspro?" li my hor.e, (J-Lerd!.' Aid nlut is tho paragon of 'j!dier.s yi h-To landed thus Y ' I itru tl.e mar, Genera! V j i rasej!' eaid pleasai.tlY the r iiUitder, h ho paised hii pncn tt t the trcoper. A Boston Love A flair. Caj :.t"iarks K. Porter saileJ away f; m IV!on twcnty-fiTc years ao, le.iv--:z t:i s rctthcart, Amelia Ilo'Iis, Lchhd La. While Toyasin on tho other sitle ! tK w t!.! he rrrrii-el the mtra that she Scurried anotlicr. He was crushctl j lie ! ippumtmcnt, and never rc :;rtc i to ttjatca uotil last year. Then h received a noto from Amelia rcjucst Lira to call ca her. Lie went, and i t ! I ly her that the was a tvidow, tii: !. La 1 plenty of money, and thai :? hii never ceased to love him. Of a carriao ensued. Up to this ; .itt the story is a pleasant one, but .-: t a disagreeable icquel, I'ortcr ixl Uc'.rso a drunkard, lie and LU ..' qirrclled, parted, becamo reconciled 1 f irtel aiin; and cow Porter ha3 m-i::el euicide inaa inaauc asylum. Poor Laborers Swindled Telhi: Haute, led., Oct. '25 La bcrers who haT been workinpr oa tho tirrtw gaage road at Carlisle, . a few cfs touth of here, were left in a de tlcrable condition yesterday by the nLiisv cf one of the managers. Tho lUconJcr is W G Pres?, who is treas urer of tho road, and disappeared jetUrday without leaving the hands csy enough to bay bread. Tho la hirers iranediately pait work, carao o town and begged tho citizens for -l. which was given them. The :rk oa the road has been suspended il the laborers are quietly leaving kc Thesym.pathy of tho citizsns ith tha men, whoare owed coa--erible and are now penniless. Consumption Cared. . As c!J physician, retired froai practice, T- bij placed ia his hands by an IsJU missionary the formula of a ki 'e vegetable remedy, for th f peeily rcrtsancnt cure for consumption, -"ch.t-ii, catarrh, asthma, and all throat u' '-r. a:l'cctien-, also a iositivc and cure tor ccrvom debility and all --v-uj complaints, after havio2 tested : cccrful curative powers in thousands , his telt it his duty to make it wa tj his sufTring foMows. Actuatcil r t-- motive and aacsirc to relieve hu- i --: ii will send, free of charge V;l w Ujirc it, this recipe, with full J-rtctwcj f r preparing and usinj, in "rciw, French, or Enslbh. Sent by tU iy a!ires:ns with stamp, naming ? r. W. W. Shcrar, 119 Powers Ucii.-.-:cr. New Yo'k. oct S- 4v U)a;h hakl- Like an Aspen Leaf A t- cLUU aaid ffver. the victim of f"- niy tiU recover by using tho celc- ri:1 ; c'.r.c. II tetter's Stomach Hitters, co: only breaks tip the mw.t agsra !.4V attack. bm prevcntitLelr recurrence " ir.r..:u !y preferable to quinine, not 'r 'uxe it do- tho business fr more '' r,jU'ty. I u t aIo on arxunt of Its perfec t - -sintniM and luvlfforatlDg action t' ntiemt:rei.ystera. Testimony is con ?ft. iitivo an j ample, howinK the '-ive nature of lur fleets, and that it la RreiAliattTe. FhyslcUns concede it x- cre, and there is a constant influx of -aiunications from persona in every clasn t4 ' travouchlcff iLa merits, and bearlnc -'-aevu its superiority over other reme- -aUr thruughoat the West, wherever - "k pin auat um U.e Ulretand most fertile portions of -,:.-;: th. trcsVcs and official "irt r . Morint-Wrccn Place zZ" Ft icopil church Lc-M at wh:cu it was resolrcd Jiliscollanoous J5m mJ I Labor MADE CGLGATI 4 ! SO Itn-ers of this lon'-cstablished rSidtfavorite brand of Soap are warned against imitations of its name and style. Bo sure that each wrapper and bar bears tho name of W. F. TAYLOR, !aml is now offered at re duced price. . AY. F. TAYLOR'S Ilcterxivc now offered at a REDUCED PRICE. Be sure that each wrapper and bar bears the name of AY. F. TAYLOR. Col . - ! Kept lD-Swd&w. 1 THOMAS DKiiXiER I KT .BOOTS AlffB WO. -17 XVZAII2SX27 STIII322T. IS NOW I'ilKIARKI ti fIiow the gDcrou people of Wilmington the most coooplete itock ef BOOTS AM) h'HOKS, compr:iojrooda ofall descriptions from the cheapest to the nmtt elfcant. ' I.adi-b Kleant Frtncn Kid Jiatton liootsat $4.60per pa:r. Infants Shoes froai 12.'cup. hadis Shoes from 7: cent up to $5 00. Gents' Shoes from 70c up to Z.vQ. IdUdU and Children j Ta?e!f d Shops Tartie tlosirous of cettir.r the worth of their at .Vo. 47 ilarket Street, where ihry will have a repreftntod. and old ,.-t the.l -.TCJt poi;ilj!e oct 1 Pamlico In. ml Banking Co. of Tarboro. N. C. Hon. Gcorgo Howard President. Capt- John S. Dancy Vice President- T. P. Cheshire Sec. 6c Treasurer. Orrcn Williams Supervisor- Capital . i;V FA II THE MUST AIJLY,2!ANJLOKIi, most popular and most eucce?sful home com pany in the State. Ad juts ami pavs i!s lofses with as much liberality and promptness as AN V AMERICAN COMI'AN V. We know whereof we speak as the Company haspaid five 1oj5C3 th ouch this airencv. 70i3 W. (KOKDOX fc BRO., Agfs., oct 23 ' . 24 North Water Street. URCELL: DOUSE. TViImiiilo!2, IV. .", COBB BROS.,--Proprietors HAS DC KINO the Summer been thor oughly overhauled and relittcd in every particular, and ia now new throughout; and is very desirably located, bein convenient to every buMnei bouse, also to the Post o.Hcp, Custom Honsc, City Hall and De pots. . Terms S2 and $2.50 per day. octS Sew Boot and Shoe Store. 32 IYIAHHEt' STREET, I TAKE TIIEPLEASCUE to respectfullv iofcrm ut fricntla and tho public jjcnerally that I Lave oreccd at above place with a full i assortment cf Philadelphia and Eastern made goods in the latest itjle and bes Quality. Every Shoe warranted. Study your own in terests and give me a call befure purchasing elsewhere. New arrivals eTery day I Latest tries ! Best Goods ! Cheapest I'rices ! cct 1C. GV ROSENTHAL. A Sew ltarbe'p Shop ! T I1E UNDERSKtNLD herebynotifies the puDUC mat ne nas inn uay remoTea iiis Uarber Shop from the bapme"nt of the FIRST NATIONAL DANK DUILDINO. to the Store on Front street 'recently occupied by Captain Jas.W. L'ppitt, as a Confectionery establishment, but which has been ihorough lv RENOVATED AND REFITTED toiuit ... . . . t . 1 . J l!. the Tonsorial business. My old customersj and as manv new ones as desire atlKM CL ASS SUAVE at the hands of firt-clats Darbers, are respectfully invited to ca'I. I. VpilMANSKI, Two Doors North of Ue Purcell Douse. oct4 ' I Notice ! Preserve Your Teeth; it is Condusive to Health ! OUR TRICES are within f5T reach of all. ,A11 dental AtS&S ODerstiom performed ekillfullr UJ iTTl and tausfactorily. Artihcial letn mseriea ia from one t- three weeks after extraction aad a perfect fit guaranteed in every instance Tmh eitracted without pain. The best Tooth Taste made, for sale at 50c per box. THOS. B. CABS & SON, DENTISTS. ' O Sice No. 3 Market t aag 3. Lager Beer. 1 Tho Best iu tho City and tho Choapcst! . ! TURSALE UY THE KEG. BOTTLE, OR X1 dozen. I J ' Try it this hot weather; Ti milt pit vou a cood appetite and goo sleep and make vou healthy aad wealthy and ; W II. MARCUS A SON, No, S Market itreet. Cards RECEIVED THIS MORNING a splendid line of white and colored Cards and Bristol boards. Can give a nice Job and the eheaceit lob ia the citr. DAILY REVIEW JOB OFFICE. Mis eel! an eons. "ST L 0 3HL' S 1 1 Savoro y BY HEW YORK. 3 1 i Soap is Fold everywhere and is Sole 3Ianufacturers, New York H. HOWEY, something new, neat and cheap. moner will find i to their advantaee to call the satisfaction of knowing that the Uoodsare price. An examination 13 respectfully solicited. So. 47 North Market Street. - S200.000. First National , Bank. rjTWE DAWSON BANK IS NOW CON SOLID ATED with this Bank. The Deposi- tors of ths former are notified that their de f i posits and certificates. are assumed by THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. DIRECTORS.: E. EBURRUS3, J AS. DAWSON, JAMES SPRUNT, , ALFRED MARTIN i D. O. WORTH. OFFICERS : 1 E. E. BURRUSS, President. JAS. DAWSON, Vice President.- I A. K. WALKER, Cashier WM. LARKINS, Asst. Cashier. ' I n. M. BOWDEN, Teller. ' i 12-tf SUrJcopy. Commissioner's Sale, BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER made at the June Term, A. D., 1878, of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, ia a certain civil action therein pending, wherein Martha C. Mebane is plaintiff and Maria A. Mebane is defendant, the undersigned, as Commis sioner, will offer for sale at the Court House Door, in the City of Wilmington, on Mon day, the 4th day of November, A. D. 1878. at 12'o'clock, M., the following described lot of land : Beginning on the North aids of Princess street ninety (90) feet, from Front street, the corner of the National Bank lot, thence Northwardly with the line of the Na tional Bank lot, sixty-six (66) feet to E. . Burruss' line, thence Eastwardly with his line forty-two (42) feet, ten (10) inches to his corner, thence North with his back line nine-tv-nine(90) feet to the line of the lot belong ing to the estate of Eli W. Hall, dec' a., thence Eastwardly with that line seventeen (17) feet two (2) inches to the corner, thence Northwardly with his back line sixty-nine 63 feet to Mrs. Meares' line, thence West wardly with her line fifteen 15 feet to the corner, tcence itortnwardiy with her line ' thirty SO feet, thence East twenty-nine 29f teet two i a j incne, wua ner line, wence Southwardly one hundred and ninety-eight (198) feet with the back lines of Mrs. Cowan's and Mrs. Whiting's lots to Sherwood's Use, thence Westwardly twenty-nine feet two inches to Sherwood's corner, thence South wardly with his line sixty-cix feet to Princess street, thence with the line of that street to the beginning. Terms Cash. 8. VANAMRINGE. Clerk S. C. New Hanover Co. oct 2-tnov4 Tonsorial. i aAVING AGAIN located ia the base ment of the Purcell House, I have thor oughlf renovated and improved the old stand and am now prepared to have,shaspoo, ard cut hair tor everybody. The beat of work men, clean towels, aharp razors aad low price, i KLTIN aRTIS, . july 27 ' I'mrcell Houm Barber Shop. SOAP i ines, &c. CLYDE'S Mew York ! . AND WilmirrgtonJ B3. C; SteamshipZi Line.! IThe Steamer ULATOR, i CAPT. DO AXE, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YpRK ON WEDNESDAY, Cct. 23." Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to 1 1 A. Z CAZATJZ. ilg-ent, Wilmington, U. O. L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, Bowling Green, or Pier 13, N. R., New i ore. oc i 2 irnor AND Wilmington. mm STEAMSHIP Lim. Tho Steamer t- : CAPT. OLIVER, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON Saturday, Oct. 2G. Steamers Sail from Wilmineon every Saturday promptly at 12M. JB? Shippers can rely upon the prompt failing1 of steamers as advertised. Throng-b Bills of Lading- given o and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. For Freight Engagements apply to I A. D. CAZilXJS, Agent, Wilmington, Z7. C. L. 8. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore.-a'ork-. , oct 21 S. W. Vick," i Commission Merchant, north Water Street, 1 i J "Wilminscton, KT. O. oct 5 For Rent, mnc nnxfunnrnna AvnrP X lightfully situated Offices overgg2i our store. Also, the oia niAM HOUSE, opposite P. Cumming A Co'b Mill, and two Offices on Dock Street. Apply to aug 19 - GILES A MURCHISON. First National iBank of Wilmington. rpHIS BANK WILL BE MOVED on the lst of October nest, to the building recently occupied by -the DAWSON BANK,! which ia tow being Ctted or its accommodation. E. E. BURRUSS, President. aug 29 NEW -HANOI $125 Eachi and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, alt strictly first- class, ssld at the lowest kit cash wholesale factobv prices, direct to the pcacHASEa. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Highest Honors over U.0C0 in use. . Regularly incorporaUd Man4 ufacturing Co. Factory eaUblished ortr 36 jean. The Square Grand contain Mathu t.nt Duplex Overatrang Scale. the greatest improvement in the history of Pianq making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent n trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 43 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., sept 6-1 r EMU5thtrt. N. V. DeEosset & ITorthrop, -piRZ: AND MARINE INSURANCE Ag,nts. Representing Standard Amerjcan and English Companies, 25 North Water Street, Wilmington, K. C. f oct 12-lna. ) 1 JK WILMINGTON JOURNAL, ta i one j of the rerr best advertising mediums, i Trjir jul3L Steamship X I REG Bait i "i ! I be -L Miscellaneous. PARIS.187SAT EVERY SWEDEN, 1878 WORBD'S !";'18:;iEXPOSlTI()N SANTIAGO, '75 I vicuui 10.0i run li: itAKi i. ri n H . 1813 HIGHEST HONORS ! flare beta Iwardcd the PARIS, 156; .'MASOF&.iiAMLN,. Cabinet lOrgahs I At the Paris Fxpontion this Tear thev are awarded the GOLD MEDAL, the highest re compense at the disposal of the jury. Thv viaJf AIso. receivtl the - GtvA.VD GOLD u Norway, 16TS. No other American Orpsr.s hare evir attsintd highest awa-d at A." World's Fxposition. t 1 tof, cash psvments by -insiaUmecU. atest Catalojrae?, wi.h newest ftTle?, prices. Ac, free. MA0 V A HAMLIN ORGAN Oo., Loiton, New Ycrk, or Chicago:" eet t-iw i I tee back, Kheumatism! and al ''local ach.j na pains, the best remedv known It nrefited to nvc rc-im.. th oi:,,'S he ordinary Prraj PlA5ter. It relieve: ain at occe, and cures where other p!av :ers will not even relieve, told tvcrvrher oy yruggicts. I'.ice.L'j cectf.-. oi-t S4v:7', Agents Wanted for 1)11. MARCH'S TO DAWN. NEWFor?s:!ufini In this new volume the Popular Author nf 'Night Scenes in the Bible" portraye with viv id and thrilling force and eloquence the evicts of Sacred Truth, and adds fresh testimony to the beauty, pathos and sublimity of. the Mn riee of the Bible. Agents will find this Book with it snarklincr thoughts, rlowintr strlt' beautiful frgraviegs. and rich bindinp,"tbe j Dest in tne marKet. J erras Liberal. Circu lars Free. Addrc5, J. C. JIcCludy & Cn., Philadelphia, Pa. ' oct 8-4w Parsons' Purgative Pill3 make New Ricn Blood, and will completely change the blocd in the entire by stem in three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night froni 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent b mail for 8 letter stamp. I. S. JOHNSON h CO. Bangor, Me. oct 8 4w Don't say humbug, but iudgc for yourself. Send for Freight-Paid Sold on Trial free lithograph of 5 Ton 850 Wagon fecaEe, all iron and Steel Brass Beam. Address Jones of Binshamptoni Binghamptcn, ?icw York. Oct JS 4w . . 1 'ILL T iiEREFoin: By taking out a Yearly Policy in the E LIFEIINSUSAKOE CO., dF. 3IOBILE, ALA. MAURICE MCCARTHY, President. - II. M. FRIEND, Secretary- 25 Cents will insure agair.ts Accidccta for one day ia the sum $3,000 inithe Event of Beatb! ' i ' Oil, ; . 815.00 Per Week Indemnity for DisablingSlnjuries RATES 1 Day 25 cents ; 2 Days 50 cents, 5 Days $1.25 ; 10 Days $2.50 ; 30 Days $5.00. Yearly polices isaued at from $5 to $20 per $1.06oJ according to occupation, and i -written at short notice by ARTHCR J. HILL, Agent, , j Wilmington, N.-CJ June 25 !BETJCEl WILLIAMS i ATTOB.WS'S' AT LAW, "Pender Count'y, N. (i- --T7lLL ATTEND at Stanford, (Burgaw) VV everv Monday,; and at his office at LilliDeton, the remainder of the week. Colleetio- s and Conveyancing a jate 4-dAw Law School- i -i 1"AY SESSIONS, evervj Monday and I J Wednesday. 5 p. a., to 6 p. m. NIGHT SESSIONS, every Tatsdir aa i Friday 8 p. cj-. to 9p. m. j EST Particular attention given theVeparation of Young Men for the Bar and Counting Room. Daily private instruc Uon. Frequent Public Lectures and Moot Courts. cWse of .Instruction covers jtwo years, and same as at Harvard. - Stadentore. Jeived at any time and for any period. Stu dent can board ia this city at reasonable rates. i ! TrTTm- Tweatv-five Dollars per sessioa of Five MonthT. Fifty DoUar, a Year. One able Monthlv ia advance. French, Eagliibf lTAilLAIE BACK S flEJfcJ EexjonVs .Capcini: Popes Pi. a. J b I Teh is for lamen nflD Accidents Hail Boad Lines, &c. I. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL WAY COMPANY. I Orrtc GcstaiL Scrtatsristisr, " Wilmingtot, N. C, Sept. 12, 1S7?. .Change of JSchcdiilc. 0?KA?f? A?TEfl 'MOXDAtJ iCth iatL, the ' fnllowipatkhedaie will be oneratJi on thu Railway ; rA ssEXG :?, ir.tir. a .v; ;.r rR KS!) ' are Wmingtoa at.... C:C(1 A M Arrive at. Hamlet at. 2:00 P X . ' t Charlotte at.... :?9 A M No. 1. v o ) LeaT Calotte at ..7:i5 A l -t. ,-Arrif e at Haruletat.; 1:GS !P M J V at Wilmington at 9:40 P M I ' . t siiKLn r nivmox JMii, tKEiGh? it1 VASSEXGER AXD KXrRESH j r " t-Ir Charlotte... .T:P0 A 31 ' ' " ) Arrive at ShclbT...... 1V:15 A M Nc.l'i I 1',tc Sheibv..... ) Arrive at Charlotte... ..P::4S'P -V. .. 5:00 P M, The above Trair. have Pajierer aeenm r.dat;f.D., ur.d are tie no prrruittrd t carrv Pa-'sent rj-. . Q. JOHNSON, 1 'a! SurertLter.deLt. .l:t GenMSuprts Office. V!LV!V.roN. (Ol.P'Ml.riMi Ali ''IJSTA liAll.HOA , . Vi:n irttr.r , N. C.Jbte . Cr.AZGr.QY ?CII?:i)LLK.i On and efter Vi nday, Jvr.e 3, li e u.V.rv ing schedule will be run on this read: DAY 1 vT'lJiys.M) VAI.1, TKAIN.(ilT Leave Wilding!'); Arrive Florence Leave Florence... Arrive at Wilmington... . ) 'lo A M . :o P M ' "0 P M 7 CO P M ' NIGHT. EXPRESS TRA IN ( .ITJ." Leare WilmingtoD 7 25 P ' 11 47 P M Arrive at Columbia 3 25 A M Lcare Columbia 11 "30 A' M Leave Florence..... 4 0TA M Arrive at Wilmington.... t 30A M This Train will only stop at U.lckleT'n Flensingtori, Vrhifyille, Fair Blur, Nlcb ol?, Marion, and Florence, and all station? between Florence and Columbia. 23 rs tor Augusta and bevmi should take Ni'cht Eprces Train from Vll- , miegton. jaSTlir.'upfi " lerping Cir on iiijrnt trfr ' for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN. P. i)'VJNF,Ctr.erai Sup!. - j ur.o ' , WILMIM6TGN c, WELDON RAILROAD COMPANY. Orricn o? (Jsn'l S r r f r i s t s .n d a n t " WiIa.ington,.N. (.'., Juno 1 , 1 7 8. f change or hciii-du:.:'. ' ", On and after Monday, June 2J, 1-73, at 3: 1 A. M., Passenger tra;n ti the WM ( mington h Weldoc Railroad will run a ful- low 8 ' - DAY MAIL A N I) EXJ'R ESS TRA I N , daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot ' at ., K 60 A M- Arrive at Weldon at.... 3 10 P M Leave Wcldon... 11 4b P M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 705 I - M 1 NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, DAILY j EXCEPT SUNDAY. I ' Leave Wilmington, Front St. 1 J 1 Depot at 7 50 P M Arrive at Weldon at : 3 10 A M Leave Weldon, daily at 3j 15 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at 10 05 .t W Trains on Tarboro Branch Uoad leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 2.30 P M dailv, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturc ay at 5:00 AM. Rfturning, leavo Trrborn at 10,15 1 A M dailv, and.Mondav, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 P M. " - The Day Train ir.akes cloe xnnectIon at Weldon for all points North via Bay Lint daily, (except Sunday) and daily, via Rich-! mond and all rail routes. Night train makes close connection at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. . Sleepinz Cars attached to all-Nlght Trains. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. june 3 Raleiffh & Augusta Air-Line, . 'i I El"P2I.VTEN"EE5T's OFICf, ' " Raleigh, N. C, May lOtl , 1878,1 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, May 10, 1878, trains on this road will rcn as fol lows : Sundays excepted. PASSENGER TRAIN. Train leaves Raleigh :20 P i Arrives at Hamlet ,.12.15 P M Leaves Hamlet 1.30 P J Arrives at Raleigh M5 . P M This train makes cloe connection at Ham let with the Cart lina CVntral Kallrcadto and from Wilmington, Charlotte, AsbevilU. SfatesviUe, Warm Springs and all poinU In Western North Carolina and all points South and Southwest: ..,.., JOHN C. WINl'KR, , julv '6-tf Superintendent.' j CHrKLEIN, Undertaker and Cafciaet Mater, i 17o. 24 South Fr.-nt Street (' WILMINGTON, 4. 1 stf A Cn-e asortent of CoCosand Cs kts consuatir oh hand. Farniiore BepaiNdj Cleaned aud Varnished Orders by graph or mail promptly ned- rtl- i j C. q. POHHILLj TJndertakor, Carpenter and Cabinct-Maker, ' . ' I i 1 ffhird Street. Opp, City Uil ILL FfttMS'H COFFINS d Casksti , with attecdacei? t n otie. Orders for Cn-"-' ork awl Cahiat work resptctfulii uitc aa-1 promptly stj ecu ted. All wot k guAraatead. It oct 2 i r 4