TUI3 TAPES el etery afternoon, Bnndayi tz eepted br ids II. T. JAMES, c::tou ad PEorairxoK. v i l ITIONS. IHXSTAG E I'AI !. ir.JS M Six month, $260 ; Three -.M. SI One month, 60 cent. ;x;rr vl'A te delivered bj carriers, .' J Ptrt "f the citj, at '.he -1" , r 12 c f cr week. : rsMl" aci libera -r .!' pUae report any and r. . xt? tLeir papcrireyalArlj I.'cv Advertisomonts, Till Opening Days : Vciiieiday, Thursday and Friday, C:r. 30th ?r.d 31st and Kcv. 1- AtlUWERT AMD FANCY GOODS! :.- :V.Ut aid tcojt complete itcck the r w:; LveeTerhad to lelcctfrom. I ,TJ! MILLIKERY DEPARTMENT -. .. t-.iKlt-c l-'t oif. il the rt-w r. l;ncet. 1 licming?, Silks, , .!.:in( rumeM, 'ATTEF.U HATS AMD DONNETS t.3 will sre n the Opening Dav. r-, r r all may come the openiag wi 1 c :,.. us t:.ft-- days. FANCY GOODS CF ALL KINDS Variety. Solid eorcd Hose all !f M t r.?ttch nice quality. . 4-i:i:u! - '! . t ju?t the kind . :.!. FAMCY GILT BUTTONS. .AS I.u.?r. 'r. f.ct NecJIes cl all .... . : , tw 1 1- 1 V.. '.' r. riafin. . M j1 ' : f C. Bordered Hand- . -":, : a full lite of Ladies atd . ::.' tez m sr. ! ilk Hindi erchiefj. t. t: io li'f, Dutrj, Ac , a large lot. Ar t-f X ll jtf, l c-W.f, (full ox. t . : :.:' Cwan atd Cut!, all Ic. ik r.'.-st bargains ever iCercd to tLe V. a r tu ic in Kid Gloves ! . : ":d lurk Shade? in 2, 4 and 6tuttot.. i.M I cc: ! ti Sl.fcO per pair. i : T' :t Hand Glas?es. Mottoes, i V ! a i Ifriit- l ltard. Gold and fcilwrr, l f f. ail kind. . Ivb't fnrscttle test Scifsors aid .Vrcdln ia the World. A t'sll us-; ef ttoi bciatiful Kaxor Stoc . rr.r lUTi Vedrday, Thursday and .n liT, Uct.tcr atd 31 and jSoTember I. H. SPRUWT, Exchange Corner, .New Boot ami Shoo Store. 32 XVXAHHI2T 3TH233T. f TAKE THE TLCASCRE to respcctfullf 1 u'-rx j-y fricndi atd the public cecerally '". it I bar rpened at aboTe place with a full cf Philadelphia and Eastern made c ia tbe latest style and beat quality, LttfT h? warranted. Stadr tour own in ' : atd jite me a call before purchasing wlere. New arrivals eTerr day! Latest -fj.'-sl Beit Goods! Cheapest Trices ! U. ROSENTHAL. A Xcw Barber Shop !. f PHE UNDERSIGNED hereby;noUes the i TUt" that he has this day remoTed his Ht-t.-r.Shm from the baementof the FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1IUILDJNO. to the t r- a Frcr.t street recently occupied by l;tam Jaj.W. L'ppitt, as a Confectionery ubl femEt- bat which has been thoroujth- t iiLNuVATEU AND RKF1TTED to suit -T. . rial business. My old customer a taanr rew ones as desire a FIRST 'Lss UiTC at tho hands of first-clais ;rivr.t are re?pectfolly intited to ca'l. I. FCKMANSKI. T Doers North of the Purccll Uou.. iue Merchant Tailoring! UTE I.SVITE ATTENTION of these In tcrcte i to our Immense Stock of Fieee f -i. eapruicf all the leadiui: styles in aai Domestic Goods. , Oar fac-.Uties for fine Merchant Tailoring any in the city, and we feel " rratt-.d ia faj ic that our " STYLKS. FITS AND PRICES c c:pr? favorably with any Northern Vi are tsakio suits to order cheaper this awn tUa rtr before, and will be glad to -ur stock to aay one farorinr us with A.DAVID, Merchant Tailor, ' 1 Wholesale and Retail CiOthier. At Shrler's you WILL FIND AN Excellent line or Gtn:s Youths ana Boyi Clothing and Furnishing Goods ATI He LOWIlSlj LIVING PKICE5. tlU.N'wl Orercoat at only $3 and l Ust Ctlaandried Shirt in the city for 75 fits. A splttdid aisortmeat of Hats and Caps, l stUiaj rery low at H0Ti A. SHRIER'3. on nn VOL. 3. iWILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, r S7S,! NO. o LOCAL NEWS. h t- New Advertisements, i. liEtxsBifcQi Musical Wonier. O.U. r.Rs.Er, Jr Ked rnl Wiita A,h Coa!. , ' i j C. W. Yatej Blank Book, Ac. A Saaiza Btet Unlaundried Shirt for 75c v rr c r- i . . . J. C. Mcxds, Drog'Ut. Trueei atd Supporters. . - ; No City Court to-day. N-e local on fourth pa;". Tretiv inoo&lilibt nights now Tbitlcctioa ii otct. yhatLcxt ? The fiih mar'itt s wwll Mij-plit-l Ijj liscTooicrv is in rL'tcra'ar. Good U atiris watj rin i.c Ci: ' W.XT yet. A great may siureo?.- ' ar ' t c:ty. I I)ui?v tlrv aiil r. ramv c 1 w--::M be wtJcoiui?. Kvcrb;Jy tc-nictl tb' " n rr.enins. n tiy so pensive It is not yet known whether 3 Jr. Car ver nn 1 Texas Jack wili c-r.hi'it b"i-. The UiCical party aro ' jubi!arit i !ay but to-nv. rrow what If to-'nv rrov ? T-- ' OwC ofTil'ey's bi tcers weighed Ms and the other L1L0. Hi-; Uef. The repairs on the revi nt:j bt'.arut r Ci"ai'j'ord hive u : yet been C'):iip!.(cd. The c!I:s .sti! draw ;i crowd, . the I't-uja'c Mic.-trcls to-iriIi v.iil- dn.v a larger e-t-e. ScrpWi.i from ' oiled lloxs ihould be placed iu the cren air : ai Jiuhlo to spontaneous combust ioi The demand for opera glasses id ia- crca3:r.2. Tbo pcrformanic commences at half-past fceven precisely. -. ... r - I - Don't examine jo tr friend's new fall overcoat too closely. It, costs more to dye a dus'.cr Ihiu many people think. i i The circus agent has como and gone and yet wo "do not know if tber will show here cn the fifteenth o( this month, j TbefouuJa!ioa for t laid when a small boy in an apple for his com id meanest ihati is urns the worm.Lole unin to bite from. Madame Ilentz's femile rouj.e arrived this morning. Thq male members of tho company who compose the band paraded the streets this mcrning IIo.v long do the city authorities pro pose to allow the mountain of ts.uid on Trincess, between. s Front , and Water streets, to remain where it is ? ' The new front ol tho Donald McRae building" oa Front street has bad the finiihing touches put on it and presents a new and handsome appearance. Oa Friday the brother-in-law of Miss Linkhaw, the murderer of J. L. Hart man, will have a hearingjunder the light of tho habeas corpus in Lumtcrton. Bishop Keane to Lecture. Wc are requested to state that Cihop Kcane will lecture'cn next Friday even ing to the colored people cf this city at a place to be announced hereafter. The public 'generally arc invited -tj at tend o". the occasion. The lIuck jTIiat Wins. Yesterday's Raleigh Observer . . say s: Major Engelhard and Mssrs.Thcs. II.Mc- Koy, W. B. McKoyaad R. ill. McKoy left yesterday for their homes m the Ihird District to vote. This is sure enough Dcaocracy, and if we hal(sack' a spiri pervading and animatin3 our party we cnld look with confidence to tho results cf election?. Through Frclfiht on the C. C. U. W. .r Yesterday's Charlotte Observer says The Carolina Central Kail way has cut off from the na'cigh and Augusta Air "Line, or the Ra!e:gh and jLugusU from the Carolina Central, in consequence of which the Seaboard Air-Line1 ruute via Nor folk is no more. What the trbuble is the Dublic Lis not been permitted to know. Th( aent of the jCaroIina ! Central rpad has had published the fact, and intites all shippers to try the Wildiogton route. The Uockinsham Spirit, speakin j of the sams thing, says thit a line o! wagons to haul freight is Boon to be established be tween Rockingham and Llamlet, and adds that efforts will be made to induce the Raleigh ajad Augusta Air-Line to extend their read to Rockingham. Dably pyiEW. THE ELECTIONS IX OTHER STATES. Ibi'EC.AL to Daily IIeview. Washingtok, D. C, Nov. Gtb,4:'p.m. Uutlerlis defeated by forty thousand plurality. ?Iaryland is Democratic except Urner in the Sixth District. Dela ware and Connecticut arc Democratic. The New York Congressmen elected, aro Muller, Cox, Wood, Einsten, McCook, U'Crien, and Morton. The Legis'atnre is Ilepublican. ! j Ia Pennsylvania the Stato I ticket is Ilepublican. Vir,;iuu c'.ncts Johns'.on, G ck1c and IIiris. In Georii I'd ton and Harris are de- fuMlf5. In Alabama Lowe is elected, in the lyt:r:h District ; also I'ettibone, lle- i i pul!icarand Dibrell, Democrat, j Kec- y hi eone Democratic. Quick Work. Th-. s(eamcr Margaret arrived aboi't .'I ofonc day, unloaded and loaded arid clcired fur New York the next day. i The !t' Hcyi'later did the same th"r;r. ; Some Biff Potatoes. Oce of our subscribers', Mr. E. 'Meares, o! Clarkton, has brought us in two mon strous potatoes, groarn by hiai from slips. Oae of these measures 19, aud the other 23 inches in circumference. They are decidedly the largest we have seen this season. To-Niglifs Show.; The public should not forget lhat the Ilentz troupe shows here to-night. Their entertainment will no doubt be pleasing to the audience which w.Il greet them upon tneir nrs. appearance m mis cry. oi mem an escnange says . iho .iiidipnrP. WMnrinoinallvmnfinedtothe s. s ''sterner sex." The-ladies of the troupe are very pretty, and, in the main, gooa sogers ana gooa aciressea, wcue me fnalfturtnr. arP rnnal to anv we have seen here either in minstrelsy or opera bouffe. Ihere was notineg in tne penormances the great Aimee or the little favorite Oates revel in for nights on the stage before the inost lasmonablo houses. 1 he atmosphere, it is true, was not quite so pure ; but that is not due to anything that happens on the stage. It is the iault entirely o the audi- of Paris," last night, was very fine, and the twins, Castor and Pollux, were as good a nr n vi wnnld w!h tn draw to. To - night the bill is to ba changed to the bur - le.jsue opera of the "Forty Thieves," which wm ne proaucea in a siyio equai ia uru. liancy of costume and want of costume to any-wc have had on our stage. u. s. umricc court, This tribunal convened again this morn- ing. His Honor, Judge Brooks, coming into court at 11 o'clock. The first busi- nessofthe mornin? was to draw and empanel a Grand Jury and the charge to the same by tho court, which consumed the time until recess at 12:15 p. m. The charge was nearly the same as is usual I a. revival of the offences which are made I criminal by acts of Congress and the duties of the Grand Jury'in such cases. I The charge wa3 very abla and exhaus- j five in its character, and claimed thel strictest attention, not only ol the urana Jury, but of the largo number of the legal profession who were present. Tho following compose the Grand Jury for the term: - A D Brown. Foreman. 'Joshua Meares, II II Foster. Samuel A Kinz. R W Mid- dlcton, George U Bellamy, Alfred Brown, Abraham David, Frank Mitchell, XJeorge Franklin. iE Schriver. Lewis Herring, Charl W nrad.ey. J D Vood7. J A Eracs, Joseph Gore, pollers, I uar6'e' I Madame Rentz's Female Almstrel troupe arrived this morning and register- I ed at the Fnrcell House. Jiidging from m I mense house to-night, ' Indications. Wak Departmekt, Office of the Chief Signal Orhcer ashmgton D. C,2sor., 6th. For the South Atlantic States, warmer, paruy ciouuj- u, vuu :it . variaoie wmoa mosuj ouujj, u-, . i miJ VJi . r . , I rTllmlnrtOIl DlltrlCt. Appointments' for Quarterly Meetings (in part) made by Rev. L. 5. liurtccad, D. D., Presiding Elder of the Wilming- ton District, Methodist E. Church, South: roCBTH BOUXD. Clinton, at Andrew's Chape L.Xov -10 Onslow, at Queen's Ceek Not 16-17 Mountain Chapel, Rockingham co-, I LeabSSaVT lS Reidsrille, MondaT ercslss Not 11 1 St nnliv . N'n fll The flections. . jociecuon returns, so iar as received at this writing are as follows: I KKW HAKOVEli. First Ward Upper Division, Waddeil 47; Russell 430. Lower ! Division, Wad dell 83; Bussell 580. Second Ward Waddeil 235; Kussell 123. 1 Third Ward Waddeil 250; Russell 129;( Canaday 2. 1 Fourth Ward Waddeil 219; Russell 125. 1 I ' . . : Fifth Ward Waddeil 117; " Russill 537.' , Majority for Russell in the city 02G. as against l,15Cf for Cinaday in 18761 The total votf in the city yesterday was 1,001 for Waddeil, 1,924 for Russell and o for Canaday against 133G for Waddeil and 2.502 for Canadav in lRTn. Harnett 1ynship Wadddl L".; Rud- -i - - sell 1GJ. ' i rear Township Wadi-2:! 10; Russell 217. iuasonuoro iowfcship Waddeil 11; msr i . . Russell 45; Canaday 1 Inj Brunswick county but three pre cincts, down Creek, Xorthwcst and iJmithville have thus far been heard lrom. The report from these gives Russell ! 54C majority. Rrunswick gave Canaday 58 majority !in 187C. i I In RJaden County, Bl2denboro, Drown Marsh, Wh:ti's Creek and AlboLtsburg are reported as having given Russell 121 majority. Reports from this county by steamer last ni:ht arj to the effect.?. how- ever, that the vote of Dladen will mt vary , j much from that of two years ago, with I probably a slight incrcaeo in favor of Waddeil. Bladen gave Canaday 58 major i jy jQ 57(jf Cumberland rnm.tvr vnnr mnrh tn th 0"i"00 v "43o' luuit -uv mjuruy for Russell. It would have been much greater, but for the fact that Cross Creek i , . , . r , AA . r townsnip made a gain cf 100 1 for Wad I dell. In pender contv reports thus far re ceived place IluSEell's, majority at from 300 to 350. These arc not, however, of- I gcaj re orts I 1 j Harnett county, according to I a private di 8patch received here this P. M., is said to be"all right'and Moore will givo an in- creased majority for Waddeil. 1 I I I 1 . jolumbus county has given waddeil j about 300 majority against G iO held by i r- 1 " I There are repo:ts fro n Dupliu but noth ing reliable as to the result from the coiin- ty as a whole. ' The county has undoubt- edly gone for Waddeil, but on what vote is J yet uncertain. J Humors from Carlerct are to the effect i' I that the county! will "ive ai decreased J majority for Waddeil, as compared with the vote in 1876 Onslow is far off and hard to heir from A dispatch received here to day from a prominent citizen of that county esti- mated the majority for Waddeil at GOO, but this estimate was not foundel uron tie returns. Telegraphic advices to the Review as relating to Sampson county state tnat the vote there was light but as yet vce have had no figures. It ia not worth while to give fall details of the votes of vanous counties ouisiue oi this District, as our readers w ill care only for general results. It is certain that the Democrats have carried five out of the eigM district De e J ; " Y . dU.ih to tte Review received at 3 o'clock from Gold 1. - - Kf Kp vntfi will hp. xptv clcse I Ml I I'll' wuiU( aaj a kuav w ..... j and that full returns win ne neeuea to decide the result. ... As to the elections iu other btatcs u is 0;W ret to civc results. It only seems certain that Butler has been defeated in. Massachusetts and that we have jost geral Democratic Congress men but not enough to endanger a major . . npt Uous0t Tha returns from every direction come . . , s nd we baTe id vain endeavored by telegraph the reason bcio- reinm Irorn the van- per uaus. " - . arfl notTet iq Oa the whole the result in .thio district n0f by any means i encouraging, and at this writing, judging irom ice ouuwk, we fear that Col. Waddeil has been de- feated. The break in the Carolina venuw waT, caUsed by the falling through of the v Bridire. has been repaired and tb are ;now running throngh on rctcials t!e. ' ' - "" ' r . ' - . . )0 3Iidnisht Tax Gallierer. ! I Vi:evcP ecte-l ad, chlranceJinto th: iur- bybrcako'i.rv r " 7 - taK'D A l,aiie ul j,- srenr U;e w UJ".1' rcar.'ot L h v-T) i , wasa quantity of ..n'l y, ,v c: tains, 'i'lri ti;ic.vcs. t' i: a U o:i t money drawer but we:;e- uaiucc;s3f.i! . i clue as to the pdrpctrafers ft' the ti- f: . A Strange Ilcsc ue. a-desolate island studying ,.-. live three davs nri f.vlj The mystery vj L. ived P'-'Uii i-t sailers producing YtAsi IViV.'i m, v light l.iiscuit, that hearty when read : j' u i w c re ... UiShest Prizs''Lcrt Vj:ic. The best wine (in took the highest irc:v;i nial, is Speer's Vcrl i tiia country, - :: 1,1:4 at 1H3 (;-:;: : rapij; u has b eccme sa cc.ebratcd. TMs w v and his 1. J. Brandy are now Lei:: hy! ph si'cians everywhere, whoire'iyui;vj: mem as ueing ti purest and be J.vl ! oy Uruggists. For sale Flanncr. by (irefrii New A'dvortisemcnts. Kefi and White Ash CcaL ALL SIZES FCr. GRATES,' Stove;, Fur naces, Heaters and Ranges. .Well ecf :: ed and deli rered promptly. Also, I lAiinp Bitnniinous ' Coal','.' a most excellent article fer Grates pivin- a bright, blazing fire and emittinpno odor."" nov 6 1 Cor. Orange and S. Water 'S St:j. IVlusica! Wonder. rpHE ZlTBEIiX, ! ' A useful MuJical In.-trnrr.pnt fur all. It caia be tuned like a Pianb. bv means of a key. Can bs played by no tec or liu-e. Any person can n'ar it 1 njinutes. i A new lot received at THE LIVK L'OOK .STO.'ii.' mHE "S-vapfel;" pou.vdi:::,- An Instrument : 1 r fale at I J K 1 StiU hit GivR'S, tov o Market si. A.ULMS WANTED. For th- , b--ft add JTX fastest selling I'ict jrial Uook's and Uible Fricas reduced X', per cen:. Sxuoskl Fr lishixg Co., Friila., Fa. , A Postal Card sent ua with your a'ddrr??' will insure free in iretarnj our JHu5tra'ted Cir culars of nice HifcHsefurni-ifain Specialtie?. PxtiiER & i?Krr.TO if . r. T ll Street, A'evr rork. nov , AGENTS, BEAD THIS. We will pay Agents a Salary of $100 per month and expenses, or allow "a larpc com mission t sell our new, atd wonderful invefa tions. We mean what we .av, jAddres withdut delay, SHERMAN & C'J,. Marshal,, Michigan. , I nor 5-4v TT A O AIIEAD ALL TUt TIME. I B $ki$ The very best pooda direct, from I tmri the importers at li If the usual cost. Best plan ever offered to Club Amenta and large buyers. All Express charges Pa ir. New Terms free. THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO P.0. Box, 4235. .'il and 33 Veseyst. Xew York. i nov 5-4 w Parsons' Purjative Pills make Xtw liitn Blood, and will completely chang-e the blottd in the entire svstem i a ; three) months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may bo restored to eound health, if guch a thing' be possible. Sent br mail for 8 letter etainps. I. S. JOIEN'SON' A CO.j Bangor, Me. nov Acents Wanted! TO for I)K. MAICCH -S m m ma Awmt , new tu j tKz From In thia new volume the Popular Author of "NhrhtScenes in the Bible" portraya with viv id and thrilling forte and eloquence theeventi ... . " . r t r V. .- ot Sacrea irutn, ana aacs iresu iwumoEj io the beauty, pathos and sublimity of the Sto ries of the Bible. Aeentt will cd thl Book with it sparkling thought, glowing style, beautifal lirgravings. and rich, binding?, the beat in the market. Term: LiberaL Circu lars Free. Address, J. C. JlcCrscT 4 Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1 oct 5-4 w TiBENS0H'S GAPUIME PP FOHUS PLSSTER. A WONDERFUL REMEDY- TKf-rp is bo comnariin between it &zc the common slow acting pcroa pia.jtr. I ia in PTf-rv war sarterior t all other exter Baal remedies including liniments nd th jo-called electrical app.iaxce. i: coniaio- aew medicinal element wtica ia coibdi nation with rubber, posses the most extifa jrdinarr pain reliericg, strengthening ani curative properties Any rcyfisia it loealitv will cocfrm Use ahovt UtementlFor JiAME BACK, Uheoma: asm. r emaie Mea-vne, ou-.u Neglected CcHj and Cough?, dueased Kid - whwintsp Conzh. afections of the h.irJ ndH ilia for which poms piaster. fare used, it Is aim It the beat known rtxue idr. Ask for Benson's Capcine Porous Phu- tfy iBfi me so oucit , c? j rifta. Priee2 centx. JSs on receipt o; Ptay JntUfj Wx ' - - PLEASE NOTICE. We will be clad to receive ccRRctln'. from our friends ca any i and all inbjectio B-c lucres: tut : TV- .. .. . I T "fc8 writer' atwsy.. b umiaied to the Editor. ' 1 , I I "vuwa B3!l t W!ltta t3 T -e side of the rper. ' , . - v.i.uuiufj TZX.H & Acdit is especisjiy and parti: tQod that the editor does net a I Kjiiecdor the Tiews cf corr-njndee'ts. t4 o sa!ed "i ujc eciionai coiBttts. Now Advortisomontsl ' PW ANi) XCV STATION I ! Albums. Mia!.. UTmn uock, p . .;' cBS ma rencus. ,(. i'nk,l't?, Moci:a?e, Ac, lrl i 1 r ;i'''' V;- VA7,.loct-Irr. j I Secretary's Office, I T v-7;r;i ANM'iL Me!t:rJ t'c'', ; ,WilaiioJtc J I Jt n r will Le held in I W. -THUMPSojc, j " ; j iV Srerf tarr. Secretary's Office. I W ifi.r.pjt. ;;. C , Oct. "3, W. : iM::i;(;'ioii.- tu AViixia-ton a I tc .pVtldua Ijailrcail .('!..;: j-anr hive Jcc!acd a DlflDI.M, OF TUIiKi; 1'LIt Cn.4T. qa the tal Stock r taUl C' :iiiacr, j i ajall-i-tui ItckL'i'.dors u ar.,1 a'fiir lis ZOlh ol Novell, r ii :-rt. ' .. 'i'rrc- frt' i.. ln X Ii be c5s!:d;;ci.i the '2-lh f, .Voveir. ber till ItLo l.t '!. !) ::r.ber; ! i ' , ' ' I I i .1. W. THOMi'SO.V, - l j I ' v ! i'tcretarj & Treai-jrer. u russes , lTi'O.ItTi:r.S. of all atjlea and pxic.s. r - . .'.-lilr.l Kub!;er Trust, tinJe - ' . i ii i , - a n -i ( its 1 1.0 1 ,t ia ure. F !r alc t v Jtf .j 'urjded at nour car f r ciht oct:n i i ;io tne l.'ra:. at .-Low. I i Anil Ex?.'-Suilki'l act D. . .'IMKtJ, 1f 2000 J;!3A(;:Ii-'n:: 1000 I;J-i,;M-! T; 1 fjn ' I Wl-.-,!,-. f.n 1 Half V.iA'is IIAGOIV 5 00 i. V 500OJh,-O!:,V (V ('in Hhds and Hblj CUiiA and i 1 . m)lJ u PpiCTO lilCU MOIJASSKS, 9QQ Il-la S. II. SYRE1V ,! 1 llAs EEOCn. fllovric- b;anld I , x.yjxrJ Jtk Kroat, Plant' Ektra, Lalpoie, j B'anche, Paraxon, Priaces, Ac. i 250 ic ic- I Williams fc Miircliioii, no7 4-divr i 1 . V . I Grand j Cponing- of Winter ' ; Millinory. ! rjHIEIlE WILL BE A (RAN'D OPEN'j ing of Fine Frech PATTEILV II ATj?, fil) S .N'LTS, FJLOWEHS, Ac, Ac, on ' ; Thursday, Friday and Saturday cf , fLidks are respectfully itvited to call nov4-:;t 21H3. E. A. LCMSDE.V. "AMERICA'S GRAND HDVELTY ' OPEJA HOUSEJ i Wednesday, Nov. 6. I .I, The justlv -.?k-hraU d ;.:;! threat o:i; ' M Rentz's Minstrels 1 Arid th'? s:;?rb aud p.crleys , Matsl 'Santlsy's Bnrlestine Compaaj. hsrdutely th nost L-rihiant, novel anI a'tractivc ent.?rtjiniiiir.t n the worlJ. ed- lracinz the l.Alnitrz t'.atit., ronatellxtlon 3Ialcd Smiley. Ij:.j 'ru. hni.Jy Iluc'-sith. Kat Ilavnhara, Floric lllmto May T?n lirocck. . (From the priccjral fr.don TheVj-f s. 'I h:r tirst appearanc-j ia Araorica.) . I.oa !, fcallie Adar, Hattle Form, McUcrniott .siitcrs. Lid 4 Kenyon. Lulu Mortl a. o:u, lilanche Mea'l'r,, Juliette raca'l, J. K. lieiisuav.-, John ii J berti Ja3. Colhr:, Hi. Henry, A. J. fl u"- . I'menting a "Kjsgn.t-rcnt rt'iertosre o; K 1 rotan ai.U AiiV iicxn icnsition?. I XfitTrithstai.ding tL hnnene ;!). prices will remain usnaL Ucs'nki sals sqcurctl thr?e diya ia ai!ratxw at Ileins hfrger s Ik ii t -re. - A,. .S I.K VVITT,(Icii'l A?rsL , mnK T7IL3I1SGTOX JOonAL, Is oz.9 Hi Try t.rt t - 1 p