The Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES. Ed. ami Prop WILMINGTON. IS. t:. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 18T8 VIEWS AND REVIKWS. Since 1C tLe SbipwrecUd i! SocUtjof Germany baa sated 1,1C live? Adelica Tatti has saubbed the modisiei of Pari bv orders for oreratic toilettes at Vienna. Tbe Shah bu ordered frutn Vienna . band master acd instruments fr -thirty-fix rausiciart. Tbe DcddbUt priesthood find the fj-rcsd of European science in Japan very pre- j jJical to their influence and interc:a. The Klcl-raor.d colored pnacLrr uj.o hclds tbat thesun do move,' i n.akir - a nicilcl to iiluatiiie Lis theory tf a'ir. ny. VLt-ck out f.r the laint!' ::! a toy in tlegalkry tf a tbio-i ;l:.;e, when U to ct the play ki?-l '? 1 rro. in. Tuft CM'to student akcd fur Cre cicafcj, an 1 tbo Faculty ivc tbeui a rule a.'ainat fD'.oii::? in'th- co!!e,;; JJOULdi. A (terrain prist wirts hi country -m?n t!at unlcaj i-Jotialim be quashed a r?To!ut.c:i in ISS'J will ttrwr that f ITS'J far the shade. tlen. ta. iri a box it. a Ciiica pothfjfir durtLj; a burlesque jtrf II--app!ant!ctJ theiinin a:trti ir. ti,;h:a, whereupon sl? threw hitn a Ihi- Hesrcmcd t- rese:.: 1 cr i:n- The a; it npt oa tbo Kind's I : m a a:i cpiirtunily t hit cut ut li.c ; liberal pjj ers, Our uf which, ii.cln-i-the ImjHjrcial, which has tia 1 truest circulation iu the ou-.iJry, bav-r leeu m I -ended. A father and bia ton were himulune only married to a mathrrand herdaugh trr, in Majsville, Ind. The younger cou ple bad been courting for a Iod time, but tbe parents, 81 acd 80, went iuto wedlock ou a sudden impulse. Tbe President of tbe Berlin police, on the strength of the anti-Socialist bill, has dissolved four Sccialist sccietits in that city, and prohibited thirty-four Socialist books aud pamphlets, published at Berlin, Uerne, .men, Brussc's, Pcst'a, and Chicago. A desire to lynch has been expressed in another New England town. A mob in Grbwold, Cone, seized Tora Dowley, who bad assaulted a woman, put a rope JOTURXER AGAInI Says tbe Durham Plant: "It Is now said that Jos i ah Turner is to be the Radi cal candidate for Governor in 1830 He no doubt hopes wish a solid Radical rote and a considerable sprinkle of Democrat. to canr olT tho Gubernatorial prize. Are Democrati prepared j to longer encourage this wolf in sheep's clothing? lie is in full accord with the I.adica! party, and his own acts prove it." It doesn't look to us very much as tbot;"!i the Democrats of your district, fiiend riix', were reauy to endorse Jo. for anything outside of a Radical caucus, lies', as vi ad that we have do use for him down this way. There are none so poor in the Third district as to do him any kind of reverence, even if a great many of tueni couldn't leave their "craps' to vote forWaddcll. They'll, though, the next time they have a chance. f.oi y THE RESULT. I .- general result of tin elections held Tuesday are satisfactory, although they might be better. The Democrats will control both branches of tbe next t Congress and the only hamper to bene ficial legislation will bo the veto which will reet in the bauds of the fraudulent President. As regards tbe result , by atates it teems certain that there will be a tie, 19 Democratic Stales and 19 He pus! icat-s, a condition of affairs which docs not look well for the peace of the country should the election! for President be thrown :nto the House iu 1830. In Nrih Carolina, if the returns tthtr portions of th Stitc may bo relied on, we have dor.o w-jll, the only repret he ir. he lot "f Cj!. W i i.lell's election. This eYcti'.-n, as we said yesterday, has me by default. There was too much 40 co:. fi knee :i the part of f.v.H t:ri:2hei!t the J ui re to j r.i.i.iy who the WaJ-IeH wuuh! not need that one partic t ' th vi.-.iii'li, a. l V.ri n'Mi'.t is th man who is undouhu-iiiy the choice of three tifths of tne pe.-plt iu this District loses his elect ion. It is too late now for .re grets, but it i. neither toi late nor too early to take to heart tbe lesson thus ia cuIateJ. It my A Ui gwl in the CtarlotU Obserrtr Rport Condensed XORTH ClBOLTiri BAPTISTS. Mectinrofthc rortj-USMh Annnal H ggy p g Mays, of Knoxrille, raa The receipt hare beea $3,69 this rear, aa airainit $2,817 J26 3 ear. This includes $500, the quota of North Carolina for the chapel at iwme, Convention. ur Democratic . ,' Dibtnct; there that CjI MORXrcO SEf'lION. The Baptist State convention of North Carolina met in ita forty-eighth annual session in the Baptist church in this city, yesterday morning. In the absence of the president of last year, Hon. John Kerr, tbe associ ation wad called to order by the first vice-president, Msj W A Graham, of LiDcolnton. The roll of local conventions was called and tho following delegates were enrolled: RALEIGH ASSOCIATION. II M Norris. Apex Church T H Harrison, Rev J W F Rogers. Swain Street Church N B Brough ton, Rev W R Gwaltney. FLAT BIVEB ASfiOCIATIOK. . Oxford Church Rev F R Under wood. Hester' Church Lawson Knott, H T Knott. Enon Church S W Knott. C2DAB CHEEK ASSOCIATION. Fayetteville j Church-Rev F W Easou. CAPE "FEAB ASSOCIATION. Kt-v A L Pitlman and W.J Tolar. king's mountain association. Rev A L Stougb, A T Hord and O F Thompson. CHOWAN ASSOCIATION. Rev J Ir.Hufham. 1 PEE DEE ASSCIATION. i i Rav N B Cobb. i Lilesville Church J J Sanders. received ai a corresponding member xrom tbe convention oi Tennessee. An interesting report on education was read by Prof W B BoyaD, showing that tbe cause was in an improved condition, as- compared with other years, but the board gave it asfits opin ion mat when tbe hosts oi baptists in Worth Carolina were taken into consid eration there was much room for fur ther improvement. The consideration of this report was deferred till Thursday. AFTERNOON SESSION. . The following committees were an nounced by the president: On Time and Place of Next session. Rev O Durham and E W Timber lake. R D Graham, W H Rogers and W H Cherry. ' To Nominate Preachers for Next Session. Revs J H Booth and A R Pittman and S J Tatem, RS Gains and Alvis Durham. On Periodicals. Revs J. B Boone, J A Brumfield, E N Gwyn and O C Haymore and H W Buffalo. To Nominate School Board. Revs W R Gwaultnev, S F Conrad, and W A Barrett and H W Norris and H T Knott. To Nominate Board of Education:. Profs L R Mills and W E Royall and Rev O F Thompson and F W Eason, and W H Hoffman. - To Nominate Board of Missions. Revs T H Pritchard, W , B Harrell, and A O Dixon and N B Broughton and W J Tolar. Religious Exercises. Pastor ulJ other delegates for Charlotte ohurch. The itimized report of the treasurer was read and adopted. A few additional delegates repotted. The committee appointed to nomi nate the board of education for the FULLY PREPARED ! Scowim h Roddick, WE ARE FULLY PREPARED TO SHOW THE LARGEST AND Curia,. ' country5tOCkfDRY COODS eW "ow" a tt"S35fc?fi CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES! TOU CANNOT be deceived, when you see OUR STOCK Con and Shelves are crowded with the MOST DESIRABLE MATERiiiiJ Styles for the season. The best FOREIGN AND DOf.lESTIc" anuficiJre.VS represented. IJ OOR PRICES WILL SPBAK FOB -THEMSELVES. WE MEAN BUSINESS and will allow NO IIOU5EJNOR1 II OK ipUTH, i;s in prices. '; to hii OUR STOCK MOST BE SOLD ! ! WE KNOW Hi Bring your sanij t the secret of selling large quantities is by giving LOW PRICES ls from New York or elsewhere: we dont confine vou to thi.,?. You can only jiitee by comparison, and we invite you most cheerfully to maWi.' same and we will as istyou with pleasure. WE HAVE MANY SPECIAL 11 ill GAINS, that it will be to your interest to call early and see, for it is au impoasib'iliir for us to enumerate ali in so small a space, . ' An Endless Variety from O C8ntS tO $ I .25. ' PLAIDS, PLAIN and FIGURED, including au tbe LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON ! U"llt around his neck, acd co doubt would hive hanged him if officers bad not in terfered. At tbe Silford Sessions, in England, tbe " other day, great amusement was caused by a medical certificate, produced for an absent jarymau, stating be was su:Tcric; from nervous debility, arising from a!co holia excess. The siid because a raaa chose to get drunk was no excuse, and he must be fined 3. Tbe Right Ron. Williim E. Forster, v peaking at Bradford, Koslaod, a few dava a 20. maintained tuat a reorganiza tion of the business of tbe House ot Com mons was necessiry, as it was outgrow lag tbe possibilities of dealing with it. Tbd Irish Home Rulers find ia this a strong argument for repeal. The Russian Jnvalidc puts the number of troops engaged in actual fighting during tbe last war 232,000 iniantry.37, 000 cava!ry, cr S33.000 men, with 1,283 field guns. The artillery used .204, 923 charges, and tbe infantry and cavalry 10,057,764 cartriJgca. Tbe Turks are reported to have lost altogether nearly 150,000 killed and wounded. Tho reason for General Tod U-ben's threatening movement on tbo Varna Dourghaa road ia Bulgiri.i and Rou melia is nowappareat. The Turks were holdiog on to Varna against treaty stipu lations, and tbe Russians were maneu vering to compel acquiescence. They were successful apparently, as Varna is to le definitely surrendered at once. The dignified coluunt of tbe Court Xeics were recently humiliated ' by a typographical error that showed that even royalty itself is not exempt from vexations of this kind. Tbe paper was made to say: "The Queen drove two cows yesterday to visit tbe King and Queen oi Denmark at Lisburne Rouse.' For "two cows" read through Cowes" and tha statement will become less re markable. lbs Russian Government is making preparations for trying 340 Nihilists who areaow confined in prison at Odessa. Many of tbemhava beea ia prison since 137C, and of thesa six will be tried sep arately for attempting to murder one of their associates whem tbey suspected of bfing ia tbe pay of tbo police. During tl.a course of tbe examination tbe garri sen will be increased aud the polico sup plied with revolver. future but it is a terribly swallow just now. I ! bitter pill to I Ojt of 130 grand prizes, 2,470 gold metlals, G.400 silver medals, 10,000 bronze medal?, and 10,000 honorable mentions awarded at the Paris Exposition, " England t.kis J0 giand prizes, 231 gold, 341 silver, 4i9 bronza meda'.s and 340 honoraMe mentions; wh;le her colonies carry off three grand priz?s, 50 gold, 109 silver, 2S0 bronze medals, and 318 honorable men tions. England also lakes 21 and her colo nies 13 diplomas of honor. The United States carry off grand prizes 10 ; diplomas of honor, 30 ; gold medals, 135 ; silver medal, 200 ; bronze meda!?, 220 and honerable mentions, 15G. j. Tbo Count of Bismarck Bohlen, cou sin of Prince Bismarck, committed sui cide lately in Venice.) He seemed deter mined that his work should be thorough, as ten razor cats were found upon his limbs, two upon bis arms, and two upon his throat. Covered with blood, and l leaving a trail of it upon the floor, be drag ed himself to bis bed, and, after lying down, shot himself in tbe head. His age was forty.-ix. A disease with which he CATAWBA ASSOCIATION. W A Graham. Rev E A Foe, J Q easuinar year reported the following: Hill. W HCbeerv. M F Pasour. Rev Rev W T Brooks. D D. Rev W M J II Booth and Rev James Brumfield. Wingate. D D, Rev J S Purtfoy, Prof j BRUSHY MOUNTAIN ASSOCIATION. Rev G W Green. Cub Creek Church J T Privett. W B Boyd, Prof C E Taylor, J M WE ARE makiner annprialtv rif th'ui rJpnarttriAnf. and ran tmltr aYwvor . J..i ' - rr m -, . I r tr J - - 1 , w"" j vci ouujc LU4I VC.S Brewer, Dr A R Vann, WB Smith, for Cheapness, both in Cotton Warp and All Wool- , iir u i jimnTiHii. n u iiiiiri r i ijiiiiii. i - ---rr 1 Dress Fringes in Silk and Worsted. WE CALL particular attention to our W O Allen, J O Ooddell, W L Poteat, F M Purefoy, C W Scarborough and Prof Ij R Millu and W R Simmons. During an interval which ensued here, while the convention waa wait- 4nr fr fnrfhpr rAnnrtu f rnn thft rnm - Smith, Rev W B Royall and Rev W mittees. Rev R H Griffith suggested 11 13 as Sod as any in this city for double that price. au. iiiu5ib, u xj, i mat several oi tne ministers wno naa New Hope Church M W Buffalo. labored voluntarily in the mission Wv report CLOAKS AND CIRCULAI?S BEULAH ASSOCIATION. Winston Church. Rev H A Brown. CENTRAL ASSOCIATION. Wake Forest Church Prof L B I Worsted Fringe at ti cents.- Pritchard, D D. Forest ville Church D W Allen. SCUTH YADKIN ASSOCIATION. Rev Wm Lambeth, Rev J B Boone, and SF Conrad. I I MnokBville Churoh E Frost, J A Williamson, R S Gains. Jerusalem Church S J Tatem and P O Tafem. Catawba Church J S Bridges. Charlotte Church T li Vail,. D Stuart Lyon, R D Graham, T M Pitt man, W H Hoffmau, J M Brewer, T Coleman and J B Franklin. MOUNT ZION ASSOCIATION. Rav W B Harrell, Alvis Durham Durham Church Itev O Durham, JL Clark. Chapel Hill Church Rev A C Dix on. LIBEKTY ASSOCIATION. Rev Henry Sheets, J M Stoner. TAR RIVER ASSOCIATION, Rev J A Mandv, C M Cooke J Rev W J Futford and 3 W Timberlake. BRIER CRXKK ASSOCIATION. Eaoch N Gwyn. j YADK.IN ASSOCIATION. Revs Moses Baldwin and O C Hay mose. , 1 . The convention then W9nt into the election ol a president, which result ed in the selection of Maj W A Graham, of LinoolD. Revs Thos J Rev Mr Gwaultnev gave an en couraging account of his labors near rnonx upwards.: Beaufort, and Rev Mr Dixon spoke of We really have some very stylish and desirable garments, tbat it would do you good to see, and at prices that is within the REACH OF ALL We have a full iine. They combine, i i Style, Comfort and Ijow Prices. Also SHOULDER SHAWLS- We offer some as low as 25 COltO- successful efforts at Mt Airy, Surry county. Rev Dr Pritchard, chairman of the committee to nominate a board of mis sions, submitted the following: W R Gwaltney, J S Bridges, T J Wigga, 3 P Mason. H P Smith, R H Marsh, JJL Alford, W B Clement, A D Blaokwood, J T Webb, J Jenkins, W J Fulford, O B Justice, J D Huf ham, F P Hobgood, C M Greene, J L Stewart, SOtho Wilson. E L Davis, W J Tolar, WH Pace, T H Pritchard, J D Joyner, A M Lewis, W D Watson, E Frost,B F Montague, Jordan Wom ble, Jr, O M Cooke, O B Edwards, F H Jcnes, Eugene Harrell, Haynes Lennon, O T Bailey, J M Heck, R R NO Excuse tor anyone being cold this Winter. uverby, John Armstrong, J A Mundy, N B Broughton. red thTt a .ai 'sr' m.Iog LADIES' AND GENTS' HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR!! be held Friday evening to take into . . , ! ,. ..... . . .-j consideration the church at Charlotte. verv IU11 sl0CK ana a11 we can saJ at 11113 "me w 7 On motion of Rev Elias Dodson, a special committee was appointed on Home and Indian missions, consist ing of Revs E Dodson, S F Conrad and Theo Whitfield. , 3BXjijI3E&3E3iOI?iS. KEEP Yourselves Warm, it pays every time. We are selling some as low u fl.50 i-A.iJR, ! 25 per cent Lower than Last Year. wa afilicted caused him creat suffering Harrison, and J B Boone, and N B Broughtou wero appointed a commit tee to nominate the remaining offi cers of the association and the follow ing were reported: 1st vice-president, N B Cobb, of Anson; 2nd vice oresi- and it is thought that he killed himself in a frenzy of pain. PEOPLE AXD THIXGS. A reporter of a California free fiht says : 'Colonel was shot once in the left Hide, once iu tho right shoulder, and once in the drinking saloon adjacent. 1 me strongest propensity in a wo man's nature,' saya a careful student of the sex, 'is to want to know what'is going on, and tho next thing is to boss tho job.' il ( Professor Edison is t present en gaged inventing something wherewith to obviate the necessity of getting up at 2 o'clock in the 'morning to rocs: the baby. Uafljlo Lxpress. If Mr, Ldison desires to givo the people of Pennsylvania something which will be utilized immediately, let him trot out an instrument for stratch icg election tickets. Oil' City (Der rick. A wealthy, but illiterate man, ho was advised by his architect to build his suburban residence in the Tudor style, replied : Oae door will do for me. My family is small, and there'll be less to lock up. Cincinnati Corn mercial. A patent-medicineman posted hand bills in every available spot in the Tillage the otner morning, and before night fifteen goats had enough medi cal information in them to run an eclectic college. Turner's Fall Re porter. , , 'What Cin yon say of the second law of thought?' Student: 'It can rot bo.h ba and not be. For example, the door over there must be either shut or open; it oannrt be both shut and open. Tutor: 'Give another illustration Student. 'Well, take the case of another door EVENING SB SSION OPENING SERMON. ... ' ' I The convention! assembled at 7 o'clock to hear the opening sermon by Rev J A Mundy, of Warrenton. The church was .completely filled. The sermon was nearly an hour long and was listened to with marked attention. In all makes, qualities and colors, and they are without doubt the best value it has e?e r been our good fortune to offer, and we take great pleasure in doing so. I COTTON FLANNELS, sp,S5i,StfSnS Bleached and Unbleached, at all Prices ! ted and will be found very much lower thai stock. We keep no grade that we cannot recommend. o errtfn mv nthoi- ri a I arro rau hova or. rm ... . .... . . - dentProf L U Mills: 3rd vioe-nri, I .r:,T I' r. 1 mu. I I iDey are careiuny seiectea ana wiu do louna very mucn lower tnan our last year . 3 A. T"l T . T-T !Atl m I ... aem, uey a. wrimia, . oi ouariotte;. tendance, which it was feared at first treasurer, Jordan Womble, of Baleigb; would be small, will, it is no; be anditor. W W Vass of Baleich: v,a Jn.n.i 1 fflma1? gS0 g 1 HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT. Moravian Falls. Beware of Cheap Excitants, J The president appointed as fiuanoe And use, if you need a tonic stimulant andl Linen lable Damasks, committee for the association, Messrs! alterative, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The T L Vail , E Frost and J G Hill. Revs F M Jordan and W T Jordan, reported aa corresponding members from tho Western Convention of North Carolina, and they were enrolled. W H Pace, chairman of the board of missions, read the annual report of the board, being a full statement of the work in the State throughout the year. The report was highly encour- liqnors of commerce, even when they are not adulterated, fail to produce more than a temporary exhilaration, usually followed by a depressing reaction, anything but beneficial to a weakly constitution. Not only do the potent botanic Ingredients com bined with the alcoholic of Hostetter's! Stomach Bitters minister to the health and vigor of those who use it, but the basis- pure old rye, the finest and most salubrious i Linen Table Napkins, I Lirien Table Doyles, j Linen Table Towelf, A Special Bargain in Bleached Damasks at 50 cents worth 75 cent J. . . . . ... I llAnn rMc-H1tA1 la Tnafln of A. agmir. it says, amoncr other things . . J .7 . . luKa healthfnl condition of the digestive orrans mai -in Bpiie oi tne nnanciai sinngen-i . : , ,,, . Vnf tli A timB, Q ,o n owl It" presence in the Bitters is essential to n7fr Preserve their vegetable constituent from ilVJlBl and it unquestionably ang-' BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED COTTO.N'S. All Makes and Qualities, SS ?K lXLfJ S"! Potion, of a propriety Mtare haT. SCOTCH TWEEDS, CASSI MERES, DOESKINS, KENTUCKY JEAMI, i at.- r r " tt I ver received such, strong commendations a r ,.u U1,mua" "pre- from medical men. wvvawMvkwt a u KJ 1X4 UaOfrViJr. KVlens and Boys' WearJ Miscellaneous NEW PIANOS $125 An Anlo-Afghan diaionary is soon to bepuhliahed. In reference to an acrencv to canvass the churches, impart information and collect funds, the board said that after careful consideration it had come to the following conclusion : 'We are of the opinion that the cause will be beat advanced by adhering to Each, and all itylea, including Grand Square the plan pursued during the year now and Upright, all strictly tijut-clajs. told at Closing. Tne cost oi a canvassing I lowest hit cah who&x&il tactobt I prices, direct to the ruacaAKsa, These Pianos nthoF AaaA-ana-a rrha r, maae one pi tne nnesi aupi.j. ia ven- 7;" . ? t"F"Ta taial Exhibition, and were unanimously re- Uons in other respects are commended for the Hishmt-Hoaoaa over wuiikci u&iaaca mesa uiaanvanuu;ea : 1 12,000 in use. .utsrai&rir ucorpor&Ma ju&n- at least it seems so to US,' though we I fc taring Co. Factory established over 38 leave the whole subject to be decided yve?- Tfio 8quare Grands contain Mathu 1 1 j . J : . w laek's new oateat Duplex Overstrauz Scale. Jri ,:?!- r..r ,r...:. .v Z improvement in the hirtory ef sjiiuu iu uiciu iuiasious ixie 1 riano msxisr. - Tne upngnts are tne nnest report says: I ia jLmerica. Pianos: sent a triak Don't It is a matter of profound conrat-1 f" write for illustrated .aod. DescnpUve ..... O. I flm a1 JO . mailail fpa. uiauon mat tbere seems to be an in- f .r creased interest in this department of MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.; our labor on the part of our churches. 1 sept -iy J ; 11 Xaat ifith street. If. Y. The Largest Stock South of New York, at prices ranging from 3 cents upward. Neck Rucning, a Beautiful Assortment. " &C, &C, &c, &c S45iir.iaricetZ81ree

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