- t THIS PAPER paLe4 every afternoon, Sundays ex. ceptedbr JOSH. T. JAMES, EDIT AVD nOTZlKTOM. 4t lCRllTIOy8.rOSTAGE PAID. ,J tetr.SS CO Six months, S3 60 ; Three B:ti,$l 25; One month, 60 cent. ft rr" IeliTee, by carriers,! .,.. .r 13 cent per week. I ft er::'-fiZ rttet low ana lioerai 3bcnlxri will please report may and risr recti 4cr ppcx rcj(iuMij- By Adv.rti.mel.t., emu CORN! ! Opening :Days : ffrf.toy. Ttaxtity and Friday. Cctr. 30tb and 3 lit and Not. 1." dllllMERY AMD FANCY GOODS ! It falleat tad tsoit complete ttock the hive ever bad to .elect from. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMERT Tir b nihioff left out A !l the new ,.t;f, ia IUf, IlonneU. Trimmince, SUkr, &xj tad p!ta ortatnenU, PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS i r.k -- ill Ifm flniknlncr T)ar. r.,!r tnatallnar come the openiac wi ll r susue itree dajt. fAKCY GOODS OF All KINDS Gfft Varktj. Solid ci!ored Bote all "cotton to match nice qaalitj. i tetottfu! lice1 f Corete jait the kind FANCY GILT BUTTONS. C.l 3. Dittos. Crochet Xeedlea of all -i bc&tifa! Hoe of Colored Bordered Hana Alto a foil line of Ladies' and G.cu' Liaea and tlk Uindserchieff. Tie teeet ia Tk, Bowe, Ac , a lare lot Ase ltof Z-phrrf, all eolotf, (fall oi Uiki Collars end CuCi, all styles. Tie greeteit bargains ever offered to the uxia itoa pad ic in Kid Gloves ! 0;ru asd Dark Shades in 2, 4 and hnttona, Frict from 10 cents t j 51.60 per pair. lite Tet'.et Soaps, Hand Glasses Mottoes, Ctri tad Bristol Board, Odd and Silver C:ri. Bscsiegf, all kinds. tfGSi Don't forget tle'test 8 elisors and Needles la the World. A fit! line cf those beaatlfal Basor Steel Qitzizg D a je Wednesday, Tharsday and Friday, October 20 and 31 and November L N. H. SPRUWT, Exchange Corner. Xcw Boot and Shoo Store. 32 &XAUTXI32 OTXUQST.- J TAKE THE TLEASURE to respeetfally Warn t friiads and ths pahlic generally tist I hire opened at abort place with a fall mortsent of Philadelphia and Eutera made :islathe latest style and best qaality. E'try 8ho warranted. Stady jonr own la and rive me a call before parch asinc fcwwfeere. New arrivals every day 1 Latest 7i Best Goods I Cheapest rrices x oct 18. ? C. ROSENTHAL. A Sew Barber Shop ! rpIE UNDERSIGNED hersbyotifies the fi"ic tlat he iu this day removed his 2rir Shop" from the basement of the PIRST National bank building, to the brtoa Front street recently ocenpied bj v?uia Jas.W. Lippitt, as a Confectionery Nubliikatnt, bat which has been ihoronjth- RE50VATED AND RKFITTED to salt '-Tcasorialbaiinesa. My old easterners ; many new ones as desire a FIRRT J145.VSUATE at the hands of first-class c.: 4re respectfally invited to caU. v I. FUR MANS K I, Twa Doors North of the Parcell Hoase. em To the Trade, at Low Prices. 400 BozM 8aoked and D. S. SIDES, 1000 B4:GKIPTIE8, 2000 B4IACMETIES. 1000 PIECED TIE, . 1000 Who!i naif Rolls BAGGING1 500 NAILS, 30 0 B4l HAT, 3000BwicOR 1 300 Ulit ad Bbls CUBA and U PORTO RICO MOLASSES, 200 BM,S-H 8TRCP lOOO KVs FLOUR, folio wine brands J ck Frost, Plant's Extra, La Rose, Blanche, Paraxon. PriactssrAc. 250 BlI8UOARS, 250 2l COFFEE, Ae.( Ae." Sc. Mtircliison, VOL. 3. v I WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 9 ; 1878. LOCAL NEWS.! New Advertisements. I P. Hstxisisesa They Have Come. E. Vucbiv A WtsTiaiiAS a Foreclosure Change of Schedule W1WRE. Change of Schedule WCUK K. E.8. Miany, Feet'j Historical and Sci entific Societ. j J i Baowa & Eoodick Double column ad on 'J Boot! and Shoe s. If, H. 8rci Exchange Corner. J. C. Mckds, " Druggist. Trusses and Supporter. j j Ssaisa BeatUnlaundried Shirt for 75c Ko City Court to-day. Day's length 10 hours and 23 minutes. Full moon to-night at 0 o'clock and 19 m,ouw. j j ti . .,inuR-V...f i ftitmfr off slightly. ... Only two intc tcry this week. cvoti thus l.xr. and Jim Hciton? One interment only in Bcllevue Ctme- tcry during the" week. reop'e havequitfignring on the election, torn their estimates up and t brown j he pencil away. . r . -rf . . ii IIUul W VV4SSO W e a v . O lGof money changed hands at the election hereabouts and wc are; sorry to my that it all went the wrong way. The-rtaleih Observer trulv sava that the loss of Col. Waddell is a personal " i 1 nnJorU ;n ih Rt.t. , 1 j Tbanks to Air. James u. Lonis lor a copy of the eld, time honored and reliable Auma-M norm wuunufnuHuvi vu je" 18 J George W. Price, !jr., has opened fruit and confectionery establishment on South Front street, two doors from the corner of Market street. s Unslow Las given both Waddell and r -ii -i 7BU T . Tw iTT , rj to Lave cast majority for Waddell.- She ka .ii co J ! Miss Linkbaw has been committed to jail to await her trial for the murder on. Mr. Hartsaan. Her brothers-in-law were to have had a bearing yesterday under a I writ ot habeas corpus. .They are charged with being accessories to the murder. Burning chimneys are not only an an noyance, tut they frequently cause des truction of property. The- burning of a small quantity of sulpburet cf carbon in a tin plate on the hearth is recommended as , V . i. ( . chimneys. It produces a great volume of I . J , . . , j. , noxious sulphuric acid and gas, which extinguishes flame at onoe. Unmallable. Teere are unmailable letters in the Post- oaice forlJudy Barrett, Moore county, N C; W Henry Jones, iColvert, N Y ; S KinoiMoore's Creek TO, Tender county, NC; MrstF J McDuffie, Mullins, S C and a return letter for M F Full. Toasted Oysters. "Angels on horseback'' is the name iven by an English paper ta oysters cook- ed tn the following way; Place a large I cooking pystej in a piece of fat bacon, tie 1 it up with cord, and just toast it for moment before the fire. Serre on a piece of toast. i I linfe Dominoes. I Oar citizens are offered a rare dramatic entertainment in that which is to be eiven " i I at the Onera House next Mondaesn nr. The piece to be offered is a splendid one I and it will be presented in a very at tractive matner. The Madrigal Boys will add their quota to the entertainment and the musical play of 'jenny Lind, whichis to conclude the performances, wiU be a fitting finale to the pleuures of the "evening. ; That Fat Person Cannot -bs Found. Not even Edison, witk ali bis inven-1 live genius and extensive research, can find a fat person that Allan's ! Anti-Fat wUl not re nee at the ratcW from two to five pounds per week; Those having uselessly tried different anti-fat prescrip- tiocs. including "starvation" phorse- back" and "saw-horse priding." may be .xAf.L medicine, and that it will speedily fulfill 1 all premises. Sold by druggists. " ; . - - Bishop Keanc'a Lecture. The lecture delivered last evening Bishop Keane to the colored ciiizens Wilmington was to a largo there having been many wnue i; xtussell 408. Election gone by de persona present iu aeatt reserved turn out. Ought to hare given especially far them. Bishop Keane ,, 1 80 mjority; we are the bluest -.t- r i.:. u i. : .Dx Ul pressut ana future ana ma remarks wcrei liitened to throughout with absolute! ...,... .ii wn wJ would be cUil toctre bU remarki iu full dare not but of course cannot, and we attempt a aynopaie. Third Elxtrlet. Tho following U the vote of the Third Consrcfsional District, at the election heM on Tuesday, the 5th of November int.,Ko tar as heard from: Waddell Bladen 79o 1205 Ilruuswfck....... 433 G07 Cuteret Columbus 1052 75 Cumberland I Dupli.i.J 1491 858 Harnett.. Mnoro 692 397 New Hanover 1078 2411 Onsl jw . Tenders 71C 1160 Sampson 140.0 11C8 une oiKusieii'i oniiuuenis. The man who would "steal I coppers from a dead nigger's eyes and uamn mm oecausc tney warn t quarters, has turned up at last hereabouts. He. I vntoA fr.r Pti.c.ll laat anA than thinking to raise the wherewith to wash If . . . . . i - wjn Via mmaiii I .-vm r 1-v m (nli S Lj Barnabas School House, corner of Sixth and Mulberry streets, and stole out again with a lot of Sunday, School library Books and a few Bibles. He has'nt wcu IUUUU u:uc w,u UFU uuo Wk 1, e J . .Pi :n .r "0 tolen Bibles and read the loth verse of the 20th chapter of bxodus, he may be therei,y deterred from r:again enterine a churcb building with folonious intent, Tfce ghurcil authonties are always glad to distribuia Bibles, but prefer . to select their own assistants and don't generally dtstnbuta them through a roar window at 12 o clock at night. Tne Olden Times. rn Mnnr?. oVnW tipt: Mr Hpnrv v" J ' o " J Natt will read at the regular meeting 0f . ...... . 7 i. - the Historical and BceintUic bociety, a paper on "The Olden Times in Wilming- ton." Mr. Nutt, from bis-long residencein Wil- mington and the interest he has always manifested in the history of our city will present a paper that will prove oue ot the most interesting of the series yelread before the Society. There is no man among ns better qualified for ! the task of lifting the heavy curtain and giv ing us all a glance of our unusually misty past than, is Mr. Nutt. ,The ; , . . . t -d Presldtnt of the Society, Rev. Dr. Bern- heim, .will issue cards of invitation to such , , . ladies and gentlemen as may apply to him for them. AdTlee About Gnus. As the time of year is here for people to go gunning a great deal we publish the following advice to, sportsmen in order that they may avoid going gunning for themselves: "Don't point the gun so that its range includes all your hunting comDanions. uon t try to una oui whether your gun is loaded or not by shutting one eye and looking down the v - rrBi w:th ,- other. Don't use your gnn for a walking stick. Don't climb 0Tcr a pUn y0Ur gn through muEZla foremost. Don't throw your gun jato a boat so that the trigger will catch in the seat and the charge be deposited in your stomach. Don't use your gun for a Iedge hammer., Don't carry your gun Ml cocked. Don't carry your gun with . . j. . n i r i T loo nammer aowo. xrou . ue iwu xvuu k Jou frSe Newspapers. Newspaper law says if a person orders PPCT tinned must pay all arrearage,, or ;U publisher may continue to Mnd lt nntd payment is made; and col- lect the whole amount, if the paper is taken from the office. Also an action offrandcaab, inItitnte4 against any mrson (whether he is responsible in a fiaAncU1 Tiair m nok) who refuses to pay . . ,. n r J inscription. . f Baadthonew double column ad of Brown & Boddick. on the fourth page of this issue. It is not only good reading but is set in an attractive style. If tkere 11 u7 pTuda in the Stain who can beat it we would like tn hesr frca tim. ..f ". - . : - Onslow. by " ISpecial to Daily Review. o'Jej,, . New Riveb, Nov. 8. I Jest heard from our county. Waddell "v. aeen. o much tor our county, for-over confidence. E W. V J7 - ' The BcneTOlent Society. ?be Lad Benevolent Society will hold thcir aDnual Meeting Thursday, Nov. in, at li o'clock. A. M., at the Hook & Ladder Hall, at which time an addresa I may be expected. We urge allthe ladies. I and aIso the gentlemen to be present. cnfipare us oue hour. It takes but one dollar annually to become a member. Owing to the times the society has with the past year selrcs in debt. The Latest Postal Law. Postal cards 1 cent each; with an ad tiohal one cent stamn thov can be sen to Canada, Newfoucdlandjand by direct Domestic money orders arc issued at money order offices at tho following rates; unorders not exceeding 15, 10 cents; cents; $40 to $50, 25 cent. ororeiga rostage,- Lettec per ounce or fraction' thereof, to Canada I rpnt- tn Hraot TrUn; r,. .l U I uermau Lmpire, France, tswitzerlaud T - I Man m 4 v IV DaI T . 1 i. ' . . A i ! Prussia and other Euronea i countries, 5 centp; Mexico, 10 cents; Ii rcsil, 15 cent?; 1 Cuba, 5 cents; Jamaica, 5 c enU; East Iri- dies, 10 cents; Japan, via S an Francisco, I r nu: tn i i j - i -r i i . I uiua, loceoig; oao awicu Jisiauus, 6 cents; Australia, British I tail via South- ampton, 15 cents; Borneo, 1 cents; j Ec- nador. 20 cents: Peru. 17 ce nts: Chili. 17 cints; Morocco, 15 cents; Lil wr ia. 1 5 cents; tiold Coast, 16 cents; Greenland, 7 cents; Iceland, 5 cents; Ejrvptr 6 :ents Accident to Gov. Ilainpkon. There is a universal expression 'of sym pathy here with Gov, Uanrpton 1 in his affliction. The Governor was riding a mule at a deer bunt near Columbia on . , .1. Thursday aiternoon ana in ieiping r. maAA ri.u Ji.n- U. n',on " i " l . . in two places below the knee, tha bones. protruding through the flesh. There are, we. regret to learn, some, fears as to the result j but we trust that his life and strength may be spared as Wado Hamp ton s death at this timo would be a na tional calamity. - j ' Hotel Arrivals- Pubcell House. Wilmington JST. C. Nov. 9. Cobb Bros., proprietorsfrom 10:05 o'clock, Nov. 8, to 10.-05 o'clock Nov . 9th J RFIeeman, New York; Capt W H Anthony. Covington, Ga: Dr T J Boy- kin, M A Cotton, Baltimore, Md; Eliaa Hanff, Philadelphia, Penn; li August, Harry E Pope, W P Morton, H F Moore, New York; Wm G Gray, Louisville, Ky; Albert M Levy, New (York; L B Lent, New Ybrk; Jo French, Rocky Point, N C; S A Smith, Baltimore, Md; J F Hill, N C; Jno L Ford, Baltimore, Md; W D Greanelle, New York; Capt C J Kioger, Marvina Schutt; Col W L DeRosset,City; P W Dole, Boston, Mass; John II Mc Fadden, Philadelphia, Penn; P F rescud, Jr, Raleigh, NC. ' 1 The Register o I Deeds has this week issued, marriage licenses for twbi white and five colored couples. TricfcyTTraders. The attempt to establish a business by closely imitating the name and style of a favorite article has new illustration in W. F. Tavlor's Labor Saving Detersive soan. For manv vears this brand of soap has been made solely by Colgate & Co., New York, which iact, together with its wide popularity ,has made it a shining mark for the unscrupulous imitator. Buyers should remember that each genu ine wrapper and bar bears 'he i name of W. F Taylor. Its reduced and present low prices en sure iu being sold" everywhere as hereto fore. 5 septl9-8w Tor FDwards of Thirty Tears Mas. Wikslow's Stbcp has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves tcind colic, regulates the bowel- cures dysentery and diar- rhcea, whether arising from teething or other cause. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a bottU. dfe w. Fine & Cominon Crockery rvLNNER AND TEASETS ia White and Decorative French China, Semi-Porcelain, White Granite aad a C. Ware, Glassware, all grades asd all prices. GILES 4 IIUECIIISON, tilt s SjasdOllBrehisoalJlock. . I j NO. 211 .. low Advtanu. i THOMAS DEillSR IKT BOOTS AIHB SHOES 1 stock of BOOTS AND SHOFS p?l,f ' f ilmtocU -'tl st coinUte to the tost elegant. Li anll d?CW f' fJ"from 123cup. Ladies Sh???? ;? ,Pr pair. Infants' $3.00. InfDtj and Children's f miRh .1 ll J (ieot Shoes !rom 70e up to Parties desirous of eettinSth I t No. 47 M.rke"8t7 ' t.re to e.3 nor 9 w Scientific SocieiF. THE ADJOURNED .-.MONTHLY MCV lnjr of the Historical snr) Nr;n;f; ety will be held on Monday evening next. ' which occasion the paper for the e renin will be read bT Henrr Jfatt Eel ol ' Olden Times in Wilmington." h. MARTIN, COT 0 Secretarr. Foreclosure ' Sale- Y vmrnp vn j ttt c? tt . ' tne powers contained in aa Indenture origge executed to the undersigned br C. F. Alooreand his wife Marv. Maria Moore. ?!-Iinff late the 2ith dr f APril, A. 1)., 186, and registered in the Register's oflice of Pender coanty, in Book li B, page 214, 215 1 and 216, we will proceed to forecloge said Mortgagejj a sale -of the tract of land and premises therein conveyed, at the Court ?idr2S.t0T? of IJurgaW, Pender r ic-c i V , , V rT -,a 7 PT P". her, 16,8, at 12 o'clock noop, for cabh. The Said tract ofland and premises are situated in the county of Pender, 1 vine on the East sideof the Wilmington and Faretteriile Stage Road about mile from Point Las well, bounded as follows, to wit : beginning rat a stake on the East side cf the Stage Road near the fork and runnmrr ..M roaa aeg. w est 10 poles and 20 links slump at tiiH icra ot the roads, thence jwith the Point Caswell! and Moon' Creek- North 10 deg., East 403,' poles to a e road v m Bonnam'i corner. Then with hi lino as follows: South SO deg. East 23K poles toastake. Thenc-North 3SU deg. liast, 40 poles to a stake. Thence Sduth IV , Knst 3 poles to a stake. East 27 poles to a s East 27 nolea to . .i.Va. lihn NnrtHiK West 68 poles to a stake in tlje old Herring line, near Will's house. Th.ene with the said linn Q T. CO J n i nnni l . J uouiuoueg. r-asi uj poie toaflORfl pine. A. Moora'gMcnor. Thinr Smith n . : West 39 poles to Simpson's corner. Thence with Simpson's line South B4. dejr. West 134 poles toD McDnffie's corner. Thence with his line North 9J West 116 poles to a stake, McDuffie's corner. Thence South 30 dep. West 10H poles to ih firnt station. Containing one hundred and fifty jfonr acres. Bein a part of the tract of land conveyed to G. P. Moore br Thos. ltorks bv deed reeis- istered in :ecorJs of New ll&noret countr ,in Book M M, pa?e 369, March 31st, 1855. Said a eea bearing date Feb. 25,185. E.PESCHAU A WESTERMAXX, nor 0-td Mortgljrees. en'i Sup'fs Office, WILMIKGTONj COLUMBIA AND AU- RAILROAD v'ilinlnjjtoo, H. C, Her. 9, 1878, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Sunday, Nor. 10, the folio- j ing schedule will be rnn on this road: DAT EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, daUy. j Leare Wilmintrton i. 8 35 A M j Arnre Florence. T CT .........VJ 35 P M 4 60 P M xjbstb riureoce uu xi m Arrire at Wilminzton... 8 60 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN f Daily). Learo Wilmington 9 42 PM Leave Florence 1 32 A M Arrive at Columbia.... 5 33 A ll Leave Columbia 10 50 P M Leare Florence 2 37 A M Arrive at Wilmington..! 6 37 A M This Train will only stop at Fleminetoa, Whiteville, Fair Blutf", Marion, and Flor ence, and all stations between Florence and Colombia. ' J&t Passengers for Augusta and beyond! should take Nizht Express Jfrain from' WiW mfntrfrm. O .vM t j . JThreuffh Sleeplnr Cars on ni eh t trains I for Charleston and Augusta. JOILN F. DIVINE, General Supt. no 0 " yiLMiNGTON & WELDON 1 RAILROAD COMPANY. i Oman of Gis'l StJpasiHTasnxirT Wilminirton. X. C. Not 9. 1878. On and after Sundav. Nor. 10th, 1S78, Paasenrrer trains on the Wilmington A Wei- doa Railroad will run! as follows : ! DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN", daUy.. : IveJTiiinington, Front St. Depot Arrive atWeldon at!!JZl 1 00 P M Leave Weldon... 3 32PM; Arrive et Wilmington, Front 8 . i Depot at. .................. 9 21 F Jl j NIGHT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN ! DAILY. ! Leave Wilminrton. Front 8t. t I Depo Hif- 9 10 PM j Arrive at Weldon at. . - 3 50 A M I Leava Weldon. Arrir at Wilminslon. Front St. ......... - WW , Depot at. ..... ........J r 8 15 A M Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.-0 P M dailv, Tu The Day Train makes close connection at ' Weldon lor all points aorta via fitjwni; daily, (except Sunday) aad tfauy, via wca mond and all rail route. Night train makes; dose connection at Weldon for all point north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. JOUJ F. DIVXNE, General Erst and Tuesday, Tharsday and batur ay at &sw t . ; . AM. Returning, leave Twboro at 10.-00 H-LMofUNt ( Friday at 8:30 PM. I : LMDI.h PLEASE S0TICJL We wEi U glad to reeelTt eoasnicati 1 trom oar friends on en isd all tWtf lsera interest bat : . . t P1 Bta of writer nt alweyr l furnished to the Editor. :' " . ' ' te viianuacauozi fixaii be wtittea n eilr j one tide of tie paper. PereonalitlM nasi b Andit i eepecialiy and particalarly aa(. tood that tie editor doci not alirajt eadoxw . Now Advortiwmon H. HOWEV. I " 1 - -mm. .4 . 1 "".WIJIN li. iiOWCV. it ,! rth Market Stxeit. They Save Come. t ALL AND .SKK.TilEM. f. , Urst cd htn teltcttd stock ' C' broach t to thi. city. Cr' ,Jeti,Ql l Cheep a TI1K LiVf? ROOK STOUK f poil TiiK LITTLE ONKS : ,U ' I::!.Fb01.,.1l' Kuildin,: Bloss, of And Qt -ilundrcd t.,r Atiat (! iUrcn. ATIiUHprnBl I fn i r faio at i'i:iNsnEiiqji:irs, aadii Market it. OPERA HOUSE i Extraordinary Comedy Attractikn ! tnderthe Uansffciaentcf Vr j t 17rtPT) J u- 1 lur J -tUlti, Oli Baltimore MONDAY EVK Nor 11 fV, I- J. ."T - , OV.. Utn ' he onlnant Singing Comediecho ; KL.ixCIIK CHAPMAN PORU i The enjirent Comedian OFO W tp-Tfu ! rn,Jrv"ri -ozneoian ULU. V JJEMiAJt, i roim ore s (rrand Opera House, Baltiwi'G, ! - Hie special Attraction or ke 20 Maryland Madrigal Boys, ! 1 110 1 liv-n- Binders of their AJ iio.rvv the great new conatdy. ! ' T.TrTTr rtrnvrvnTAn ,"vU1 V ii nv; ucrrS, ,t he ,Ve rLrrc nllr i&r x lit; n re, . tv icijf, l.it feiabn. Tiie v, i tli im tniidical ; TT!t7T7Tr v ' OiJWi. J AI JLI Stats' g?fm.j t If. iustrre'j. nor S-;;t. ' I OPERA HOUSE. Tuesc-ay and tWcdrxeiday, l?oTcaiber 12th and 13th. F"i: if i-xtTrvi ! EXTPAUliLLNAKYl IsOUZSB P02VZZ1X107, I Supported by Ed nard' Dramstic Corobina i tion, includinp: W. li. LEAKE and . f New 1 qrk favorites. TUESDAY, November 12tb, the pre-emi-i ntctlr fuccesefal Society Play, THE AOiRONOAGKS ! WEDNESDAY, November 13th, by Ppecia Kcqueet, Alexander Dumas' Mast-r pifCf, CAMILLE. . - i Pnecs.-rjrquette and Dress Circle, $1,00 General AdmipaJon, "5 cents, j J'arquette Circle, 50 cer t', i uallery, 25 cent. Seats at Heissberger's. - nor 8 ' ' - " arains. yyE ARE OFFERING some good bar gains now in articles slightly damaged by jibe late fire. Mmt be sold to make room for new stock now ordered and daily expected. 3 . w. a i.n krm a v Jk r.n i v . m mm mm w ha turn, m. ' mm V W f Cor. Chestnut and Water streets. EH nov 6 A. Shrier. l r it ANDSOME SUITS at $7.50 worth 1 i ram t Anal m nr. ri - w . .VMfc W bU'VMV J p I Fnll line of OVERCOATS at lowi prices. i U i ma" 06 tnia' , 1 i naif Hos?, Hats, Caps, Flannel Under. wear, Glove?, Handkerchief, Ac, Ic. All Cheap ! at nov H A. HR1E'. Trusses I A ' ND SUPPORTERS of all stjiee aadj priceg, sceler' Hard Rnbter Truss, single and double. The Lit in use. i For sale by JAMES C. MUNDS, Dragglst, Third street, Opp. City Hall. . , . I jT PreicnpUons compoanJcd at all hours day or night. 1 oct31 1 CLOTHING l f MEN A5D B0Y8. CLOTHING f J MiN AND BOTH. CLOTHING i MEN AND BOTH CLOTHING J K I MEN AND B0T8 . ,T1TV T T . T4 T- 3 . I AT GKEAT BARGAINS'! AT CHEAT BARGAINS ! AT GRKAT BARGAIN I O0D5AND HATS.' . LLAS AND CANES, TRUNKS AND VALISEJ. AT ZsOW PHZCZ2S ! Call eaily and often at ' , i A DAYlD'8t . tov 7 TC