i r - -. : - ' " : ' ' ' ; ,' ' i , -t- tt- : : i . . " t - I Tula rju-js iiliiiei enry afttrnocn, 8aadayi tz. tested br JOSH. T. JAMES, ioitoe avd raoraiaToa. t , ,1 kIITIO.NS.IOSTAOE PAID. ... f S CO Six month, S3 50 ; Jhrea ...v, $1 15; One month, 60 cents. I??r will be delivered by carriers, J,.v rr ia any part of the eitj, at the T'rav . r U cecu per weak. " re rate low ana liber; f-,i ;,-rri will pleaae report uj and 7" ....... receiTe their paperi regularly Kov? Advortisomonts. j,COO, LOOK ! AT nnmmr. i Ahlj I illlllVIJV YOU TVILL'IS'OW FI.ND JO 00 -t! :i Lin'n Hd'kfi, at ft ecu etch. Urtcxtd Lawn Ilandk'fj at 3 for 10 cent. THE- DaILT , lEYIE W. . VOL. 3. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, .15, 1878. NO. 2 id i - , LOCAL NEWS. I ... nlll vm mill New Advertisements. J. A.Sraisaia Coal and Wood. J. W. Aluiimab & Cop-All Right at LaiU P. Hsmnaaia Juit Kaceiree'. j J. C. Mckds, Druggist. Trusaes and Supporter. ' ! A SBaa--Be8tUnlaandried Shirt for 75c. For other local see fourth page. 1 t Nenty. of froat and ice this mormufc. J j November half gone already ' Tern jui fugit. .t;.j The receipts of cotton at thin port to day were 1,472. bales. Thcaoare54 vessels now at this p'rt, I m m r r . 1C00 Collar 5 cenU each or S for ' oi wuicnare lorei-a. i The Csh market Iuj bwei p-iorljr sup- :S cett-s Cnfli to match at 10 c.Lt icr j air. x . I ; i . f I't'ttm nUrU iiog, all ..!-, 2 cent per ja d. s i.tcoICie, e IJ4if iollrj!e f r reck ard Ji m -. I Ir.fiM -1 itt, difl-rett itilcJ. "I-'iei f lai l anI lolid colored plied for tho pat two days. 1 he a'.mar ac promjsrs us ?' me very raiuv weithcr earl next wrck. "JTie fchixmer Fttnny TfW'j h on the marine railway urderoin Jt v-r. Tiie I ox sleet U r the pcrfrm.n. to- A Mnilcal Treat Ahead. We understand that a Grand poncer is to be given in this city at an call day under the conduct of rrof. jYaa Laer The Cornet Concert Band Trill take part and some of the best musical talent in the city has promised assiatance. The time and place will be announced in a fe7 days Kerry Gow. From all that we can learn we are led to the belief that the entertainment to b gircn at the Opera House to-morrow evening by Mr. Joseph Murphy and his fine company the Irish drama of , Kerry Gow, will be about the best W9 have had here this season. Of course, we know nothin; in ourself of the merits of the nerioimancc but nin our faith ou the stv.emei:ti of newipapers in other cities. Thits.thc Uichmond Dispatch .speaking of f Mr. Murphy in that morroA' evening is now j ger s. .i n a I!' it.flx-r i It is rather late for blacktish but some the appearance o city, s:i)K 1 ) s:ite I he opposition of th'J circus, a Ltrp .imiienre ahsembled lafit night tj wit.M .sh thi liift presentation (if the Kerry Gow. To ay that, tbey ' were dehghteo: would l.iintly tfxprc3 their coudition. They laughed aud applauded from the hfuiijiiiuir to the end of the play, ami in the List act, where Jhe carrier-doves briug the news of the race which is to decide the fate of tho hero, the exciterr.ent was so great that the dialogue of tho drama ! . AU, solid colon for very fine ones have been brought to mar- could not bo heard. I . . - , . i krt tl; wfpl- The Kerry Gow is a charming dramatic 5 . btjutj.ul naahtr. oniv aci luis week. . r. . . . e ' ' " ' ..... . ..i . . picture, with several original features. Joe Murphy bhocs a hrso and turns! and is given by Mr. Murphy's company carried doves loaw on the stage to- with splendid effect. 1 be scene ot tne ... I blacksmith's forze introiucinc a live morrow mgnt. . horse in which Mr. Muepby makes a Mr. Geo. Myers is having a new floor horseshoe and shoes the racer, was one of . .. . ... . - r I th most realistic Berformance3 we have lam io ins BTcro, ucmng reaciy ior ----- - ,of, i.l: I -er tcu ujiuu m oD The Cornet Concert Club is practicing "i r nft j rr f air. ; .: y.'i wait ftr jour neck, iolid . .I r, atJ ibaded Chenillcr, 10 I3ctt per jard. J:J itlr t-ispi too cumeroui to mention, that jfta all want. i.tjtt f n;;et the. bet Sciisors. t; v,.riKi.l Clavm Denote I . . . V 1 A on exhibition aj the neai toi tne marKci r : ttifr-.nio cents to $1.50, in 2, 3, 4, 6 Uouse again this morning. batt r . I Green pork sells in this market by "Ihe - hle ho2"at from 5 to 7 J cents a pound .VS :etiJShipei rcceired every few accordiDg to tbo stock and demand. !ajs in the Millinery Depsrt- witu care !r the band. An Appeal for the Boys. For several years past Christmas has not I Mr. Geo. Tillcy's famaus steers were meat. N. H. SPRUWT, Exchange Corner. on now music which has j ken selected been lbe Christmas of our boyhood days The small boy of the present day would enjoy a Christmas such as we had in primitive days, or before we received a city cbarter. We enjoyed, lbe kooners, took delight in tying fire-crackers aud tin pans to inoffensive canines' tails, and now and then sending a cat up on a rocket and occasionally firing off a horse or pep pir-box pistol of. the vintage of 1776 The best mouser in town is dead. That But now, what is Christmas? merely a fina large cat owned by Mr. S. G. orth- auu noiiuay no wuB, mo wi.- rop curled her tail for the last time! this crs-and if one of those ancestral relics of r . I revolutionary days is discharged, the po- morning. ' . , , I.C3 wuliaKe tne onenaer in ana compel There was a very . pleasant hop given him to make a, Christmas present of ten lt n;n liv tKn Ttnn Hlub. cnmnli- dollars tn tne city. vnat can & sniau dvj mentary toMr. and Mr.', llarry Ieb. do on Christmas but eat cakes and candy, r- . - Ol It was larcely attended. ! oraugea - , ' ii'J rOreCIOSUre OQle. I r- apples, oranges and plum-puddmg all day Those were unusually I fine oranges ionT, and take pareeoric and pain killer all . .. . . . - I o - a tirtse or tne power conrerrea oy a eer-i , v. T,.i;Z m;-7,th OnaLuu i r.st and wL'e, to the WUminston BoUdin? I gentleman bought 70,000. Ilope he'lj Let the beys have one more good old f:V"r dt7f make something cn his venture. fashioned Christmas, again, City Fathers Hi t c:?. 20. Ml and 611 of the records of .. ' ; and we dare say mat wnen me wmier oi . . . ... vnn.viA i yn?r rnnwpnpi fin i . . i i mo 13 pa)h auu juu gvA,n.. J' Haaorer eonntv. the undersigned will Duplin Superior . - . . . . .' .. . 1 . . I . . ! r T- Ml I J fr iona.e. dt pnozic ancuon, at ut coun Monday next, judge iucrvoy win pre-i . Awr ... mB an -nifahlfl and lwdoor. ia the City of Wilmington, on lu .j ... ' 4. ej will, as one man, draft suitable and iay, the 16th day of December, 1878, at tde and Capt. Galloway will be tbe o- expressiVe resolutions, "with a request that these resolutions be handed to the U a'cbek, noon, the following described loU I licitor. V"'!!'-;?" Mr. Sorior arnear. before the reader. T W for pubUcalion ; aud the .ec- -nm ata ui xiuat lutci, uv.i w &vrd!vrroa theiontheaat intersectioa I f the Rkvikw to-dav. The very best rfad Crete wita Front atreet. and mnnlnf I . , .?i;-r,l tnctmiawardlvCSf-et on Front street, coal, only 86X0 a ton,, delivered, is 54 raaaiajf back eaatwardly ISO feet; being I offered br him and he guarantee a ' -n.ini sail oi ioi .-o. I J I uirre in uiuta f . - j i..: .r.i.li : r.v-I nuarter of a cord in every load of wood --v i wi u iug vuiiui ykmu vi iu var 1 - - - Vxiactoo. sold by him. j ?7xjci sale Luh rorenaser to pay ' H.K.T.LO.VDO.V. Wc suggest that that "Ha tary is hereby instructed to present a copy of the sams to the family of our deceased brother." unmentionable Arrest of a Suspicious Character Last night, or more properly speaking, this morning, between the hours of two and three o'clock, officer Biddle and lJ.e ia Bankmptcy of the Wilmington article of female wearing apparel left at yaiterf while standing" at the corner of ifr4iizot'iOCUti0tU lte FostofSce some time ago, with no ad- pourth ana Ann streets were interviewed dress, be turned over to the Benevo bj a lored individual who gave his lent Sxiety. W e are tired, writing about name Jges Smith who Mked jf they it but as long as it is sbere we are goingto ghow tim a where.he could have our say. I' find a niehl's lodsines and- represented At Work AtTalnf ' himself as being a barber from Petersburg, By announcement ebewhere, it will be v irginia. , seen that Messrs. J. W. Alderman & Co. hereupon omcer omaio commeaccu are a-ain at work. They have just re- questioning him, and found the fellow's ceived a full line of family groceries, and answers so contradictory that, after con- ajain soucifc asuireoi iue puouc owrou i auiuug mm w- are. ineir store nas Deen luorougiuj i ciuaea to carry cim w ino guaru aousc. arrainged be His Honor's TO THE PUBLIC ! TlUfXDKRSlGXED. A MMEIVHAT FAU1L1 'iaa Iraelcs connected with choice family Groceries ! r.nalles us to state that Twenty-Nine Years' , Exrrier.ce affords advantages In select- overhauled and' repaired tince tiie late xhis morning, when he was i ; ar.d arrarcinc our Goods without tie fir, j i) f .,B M.vnr in imtrr ti icfcthf. pvwwipvpps " ' ' lore tbe Alayor, m answer to question as to where he lived, he could not other EXPERIENCES. i The State Board (of Canvassers. The Board of Canvcssers of the votes caen i a ctvntlLuance of the aame, , and Ci5t f Consaaj-n ia lh, recent election prrcpt paying purchasers to open f, , I s-ts wiihus. consists of His hxccllency, Gov. ance, anUt we retail at wholesale and lhe Secre-aty of 6tate, ibk Attorney- U.- tjwest in prices in ail standard General and Messrs 1 addell, of John- is- ston, and Everett, of Forsytbe, members U ;cs ia future as ia the norf, will of the State Senate. jThe Board has to -Uur stores cleanly and aUraaive, with make declaration of those elected by the a-ee stocK to select from. largrst Stock of CHOICE TADLE WINES, third Monday succeeding the election. It will, therefore, meet at the Capitol on th ' r I I, i TE.VS AND LIQUOIt, IN TIIE STATE. GEORGE MYERS, tolesale No- 3 Granite Row- euil-ii and 13 South Front St- ot ii. or would not tell anything more definite than in the State of North Carolina. The Mayor ordered him locked up again until he could ascertain where his home was, and the fellow left the Court Room in tears, assuring tho Mayor he could prove he was all right "if Boss you will just let me talk." Chief of Poliee Brock, however, took a letter out of his de&k and showed the Mayor where the defendant's home was. The letter i postmarked Robin Hill, Cumberland county, and is from one B. Detter than Forelcn Port. S. Adkins. under date of October 26, 18 8, Sneer's rort Grape "fcine is better tb'an requesting the Chief of j Police if he can Imported Port. and. since tho adultera- I c.nA one James Smith, colored, who ren- tion of the latter.it must take its place. It reseats himself as a first-class harber, pure, and really excellent and Health giv- I please to take him into custody, as the ins. 7rov Jimts. ! ' I , I aforesaid Smith has his trunk. Adkins Tbe most select Fifth Avenue familei I will be notified to-day and M James Smith, of New York use this wine at their even-l colored, a first-class barber,' will no log entertainments. p f doubt have an opportunity of vindicating Green & Planner have some direct from his character at the next term of the Mr.Spetr. i , Cumberland County Saperior Court. 25th instant. TVilniington tight Infantry. , The meeting called by this Company, for last night, was well (attended, not only by the active members but by quite a number of the old' veterans who, having heard that General Apathy, who did such devastating work in the ranks of the Democracy in our late Congressienal elec tion, was about to take charge of this noble old company, which, by the way, is their especial pet, by reason of old and to them, sacred associations, turned out determined to rout the monster, horse foot and dragoon ; and they did it. After the transaction of some routine business, the advico of the Veterans aud honorary members was asked, in regard to devising means for enthusing the active members with more enthusiasm and bringing out the interest manifested in days gone by, not only by the members the company, but by sill our citizens as well. !Calls brought Col W. I,. UeKosstt 1 to his feet w ho, in hi usual I usins-liko way, gave them some sound, jiractical ad vice. He pointed out them tb cause and the raruedy for thai seeming want of in terest by the members which if fol'oed must result in much rood. Col. Roger Mooro was next) called upoc. He was a little backward at first but as he warmed up, he gave iho boys ji good humored, i well-timed shaking up, re minding them that nothing desirable could be obtained without work, hearty, un- ceasicg.deterjaiued work, and that they, themselves, must do the work, and not depend upon others. Col.Jno. L. Caalwell was tho next called upon and he also gave tb.a Cum- pany some excellent advice. IIo showed them that these periods of despondeacy had afflicted the Company from its incip iency, that in years gone by the faithful few, lad stuck together aud worked and never under any consideration allowed the idea of disban d'mg 1 to cuter their minds; that the pre sent members must do the same, that the idea of tho Wit mington Light Ialantry disbanding or falling through w?as preposterous, and could not be and should not be. . Major W. C. Fergus, one of the lirst Captains ot the Company, was next' called upon, aud we regret our inability to do ustice to his remarks ; they were really eloquent, and in some portions pathetic. He gave a history of the vicissitudes of the Company in early day?, of its triumphant career prior to the war, ranking as tho very first military company in the South; of the splendid record made by it during the war, and of the great number of useful and honored members it had furnished to other commands during "the times that tried men's souls." He concluded in an eloquent strain, stating that the name and the fame and the existence of the Wil mington Light Infantry would only cease with the liberties of the people of North Carolina. f Gen, Taylor, Capt. Price and other gentlemen addressed the meeting, when a committee was appointed of the following named gentlemen, to look after and devise means to promote the interests of the Company : j From the Veteran Corps : Col. Wm. L. DeRosset and Capt. Ctas. D. Myeis. , Fro)n the Honorary Members: Gea'l. F. W. Kerchner and John C. James, Esq From the Actite Membership ; Geia'l. M. P. Taylor, Capt. Coney and Messrs.; W. J. Gordon and Jas. C. Munds. The meeting then adjourned. Ladies' Benevjient Society. 1 he annual Becevolent'Sccie't meeting of the Ladies' i y wa3 Lild vdsterda? forenoon, but wo could not Jbtaia the proceedings; in time'for r;ibl,:c;ilio:i ves- teninv 'i lm 7 I attendance v.-aa much smaller than it should have le;n. ' T.ev. Ew. Yates, by request, adJrcssaJ the ladies and afterwards rea l the" following annual report of tho President of the" Society, Mrs. C. G. Kennedy: Ladies ThecIosc of another vear in the operations of opr Society, (its V.d an niversary), calls us1 together once more; to retrospect our doings hitherto, and to gird ourselves 'a! res h for tho task assigned us by our Heavenly Father, whos hand wc acknowledge in the measu.-c of suc cess which has tlibs tar crowned cur efforts to 'r,elieve suffering huaanitv. Am yefr wc must own that we. have come m - v far short of fulfilling the requirement duty and of necessity iu this behalf. T.;a undismayed 'by past failures, c an ready to resumo the task, foelin- tint our own wit-don) a -id skill can avail us apart Irom the promised aid of Him bavins civen. ?.a a lerracv to lli.i ltpf.t:!.-. PLEASE JTOTICE. We will be rlad to reeelva eommnnlt-t from onr friends cm aay tz d all tnbjecU 0 f general interest baw e nans of tbe writer nit alwsyf b walabed to the Editor. ' 1 s 1 I Coaanalcatioas must be wiitta on oaly I one tide of the paper. Penonalluei atut be avoided. ' I I Audit is efpedaily and particularly Jn A I tood that 6e editor doe. not alway.endor.e; StK7uL!?7Pad"tf o "te d Society wdi appoint a committee of dir erect ladies' to. act with its officers. w can obtain aid Irom a lawyer and several othe gentlemen interested, and have the matter properly attended to. 1 h In accordance with the request as abovs made, a .commit.tee of confersnce was ap-' Mrs.- J. K 'Oik'cr !T 'n. - .... j 11 iiuir.i. Chaub.v.jra anl Mrs. A. A j w Willard. '1 iia collections from amniir trl tn C' 1 I ...... , . v U.J, UllU those j r;nt fctcps were taken looking to arrangements for tlie lecturo which (J,.v. Yar.ce ou:c time aco Promi ised t- dfliv.T.for-;! btneGtcl the .Soci ety. , i 1 Col. Wa Heii for secretary or ihe i Senate. ilf' fallowing, is from lh: WasLiagtja 'ir.vp.,i.uon-ee ct the Haltimore A;jJ beariiiu' date las'; Wednesday: . 1 Tbo fiiend-vn:cprestutative Wad.lU . t . . . - .- A.-i-f!: Carolina, who has iust failed .f re election in his district, announce on au- thopoor who ar always with -us, has' a'.c' :;' '. that he willj bj a caudidato for loft on record the assurance that whatso- j "-,rftary oi Vha .Senate ou thai occasion of ... .1 -t- :.. J i -i- -l . 1 .,.,.. w. t;.. . . 1 ' . . . . wo, I come. ever they ask iu prayer, bclicviri shall receive. And although! (as often before) with an empty treasury, we coutidentjy ,. trust wo shall still be enabled to Led somel who are nigh to perishing and to add somewhat to the covering of some whom the wintry blasts 'find shivering before their rude assaults ;Xo money is iu our hands to buy wood ' or flannels or other comforts, but will not tales of 'suffering touch some- hearts able to command I it ? And will hot some for his sake who gives us all things to enjoy, betvi!iing of their abundance, or even jof their pov erty, to share with thoso who are desii tuto ? We have become familiar with much of the suffering around us poverty bears hard on very many scanty em ployment plants hunger in homes once above want; sickness adds its burden and its woe, and the hidden sorrow of the homes made sad and terrible by the unfeeling waste of liquor, and thefdrunk- ard s tread, all1 ca succor ere it bo too 1 'eili )Cranc aCTSlon t, n.lwrr in tliaf Kr1 j -- - - t - v. .... laav UUUJ . l .i:s statement was mad?, undoubtedly, I with the best iuteiitiohs but wc aro in-, i ducc-d to state thu it is unauthorized oi, at least, premature. '. i We. should rcjoico 4 to sc9 tho gsllaLt ! Waddejllcalled to such an important and responsible, position arid hope that'h'e I may be induced to enter the contest. His election by a Democratic Senate' as its u Secretary is a compliment which would 'j bo felt, aud appreciated as aurh rrrr. i . .. . j where. on u- for Sad Spectacle. One of the sadest sights we ever beheld was thirteen venerable ; forefathers sitting around " a sawdust pile inhaling the aroma arising there from and then walking around town,like adetachmeht of Howard nurses, looking at the circus pictuers, oh, no, we fc mean pictures of the animals posted on the boards. , City Court. I The first case on docket this morning was a white man arrested last night for being drunk and disorder! who was d is charged? upon payment of costii The next case was one James Smith colored, arrested on suspicion by Officers Biddle and Walker, on' the corner ot Fourth and Ann streets, this morning abou hilf-past two o'clock. The de fendant's own evidence in his case was so suspicuous that the Mayor ordered him locked up to await further developments. This ended the proceedings and the Court adjourned.' 1 . ' i We hare been asked who' is the author of the Seven ages of man." Wby, the man's parent, of course. Give us . some thing bard to answer, . ! loudly late. Let us be more earnest in doinir what we can and in striving to enlist the aid of those around us. J,et us impress lijou oui yoiing f riend3 the duty and tne true enjoyment- of- being helpers to the heipies$,' showing them that iq denying thc-mselvts some trilling thing systematically tbey can- an, wnnouimucu icconvenience, conino ute the little amount of SI a jar for this cause. Can we ask our Father in heaven for His blessing -while unwilling to bestow on His more needy ones a 'little Jof what He gives us '. May God give us all grace to do our whole duty ! The Treasurers statement will show what amounts have been received iu sub scriptions and otherwise. I am constrain ed here to mention the trenerous cuts re ceived last year from many of our me chants. Our friends had failed and the public was appealed , to. Donations oj various articles of foocl (were given, amount ing to perhapsj near 1 $100. "These were placed in the hands of a grocer, to Whom we owe thanks for his kindqess ia distri buting. This supply sufficed for the sum mer, but was exhausted by October, with a very- small exception, and now we I are furnishing on credit those who must be fed. I would be glad . to give the number and names of .such "a3 have ! been relieved by the Societydnricg the past year, but thi3 can only be dona through the visitors, v.vho failed to preserve them. And now, in retrospection, wo must admit our failure id one great object we havo had I in view: tbe nope ot elevating oy umeiy aid the aims of those who como to us,, encouraging the feeling of self-reliance; and the desire to live by their own labor till driven Vy necessity to rely on others, does not 82em to be realized. Stillwe must do our duty and leave.- the results with God. May-He give His spirit for a guide to U3 and to them. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Mrs. C.G.Kennedy, president. Mrs. J. T. Munds, vice president. Mrs. X. G. Daniel, 'secretary. Miss Julia Stevenson, treasurer. v Mrs. Kennedv then addressed the meet ing as follows : "There is one matter I wih to brin tc- fore the Society , not exactly called for by the annual report It has long been known to our members that re hive in view the enlargement of bur operation or perhaps I might say a modification or change in tbe pTans pursued. It is ako known that a small fund, qic distinct -from bur cur rent funds, has been at, iuterest for tbe purchasa of a location for some institution 1 of permanent banjlit to ourj poor. Ten I shares of stock in the W. & W. II. R. were given us, about the yepr 1802 as a nucleus for this. Circumsnces hindered tbe furtherance of this and the annual dividend for 10 or 12 years was lost in i bank at the close of tho . war. We have now $1,003 from thii source, and a loca tion offered, vesterday, seems desirable for a beginning. The termi are $1,000 at ence, aad.a reasoaabfe time allowed for the remainder. A gentleman present offered to bestow $ SO. if we mako the purchase. A very nice dwelling is on the lot, and the location is within) easy reach of tbe street car track. Xo furniture of any kind belongs to us, and we must hnrrow or bez. until able to purchase. I . . . . - -. t- Intoi iiiatton Wanted. 1 Of iLubcn Herring, colored, wh been missing from his hbrno in Pcnller countv 5ir.ee September. II is1 tall blackaud is a man of fqw Words.' He left his. family without any known cause 'arid foul play is .suspected. '. Ad 1; ess 'MooreV Creek, . Pender county, N7C, State pipers will please copy. Now Advortisement8. 1 Coalnd Wood jjjUitEST KEL ASH, Store and' Orate i Coal, only $6 50 per ton delivered. Acksowl dged the best on this market. Seasoned Ularkjack, Oak, Ath, del ie.1, four feet lonr, M cord guarantied in every lo.vl. I i ucv(15 J. A. SI'KLVOR. AirTUTiTt Last t i1 e. "E AIiE rJLEASl'I- at bun able jo r- state to our ii iendi an 1 the public tlat' tba tore occepied by us, diinafed by the late fire, haa been thirouybly repaired and that '.' I l! we hare cow-in stock a full line of 1 Fresh Family Groceries, and are prepare! to fill all crderi. , SVe have atiil a Tew artlclei daniared by the ute fire which will os sold at almost any price. ' I nov 15 J. ALDERMAN A CO,1 Familr Orocerr. Cor. Chestnut and Crater ; trtati OPERA HOUSE. ONE SIGHT ONLY ! - i Saturdav, IVovcmbcr IGi the Finest Irish Comedian Living f JOSEPH MURPHfji , and hii SPLENDID DRAMATIC COM PA SY in Marsden'a Grand Drama, fint I The BZerry Gowr, The Great Hone Shoeincr Scene, I Flight of the Carritr Dove. I - ' The Bace. , ' i 1 1 The Best Performance of the Year! I Prices No extra charge for Referred Seam. Admission, 73, 10 and 25 cents,, Be Berred Seat now on a!e t lleisrbergsr'f. nor lZ-4t do not wish to act alone in this. If the Just Received, i A LARGE Auortment of i I ilL Writing Dek, Work Boxet.l I , Jewelrr Casei, G lore and Hd'fBoa-e . All .New gtjlea as , ! HIE LIVE BOOK STORE. I i i PICTURE FRAMES, all litet ad style, X Chromee and Enjrrarinr;, At Greatly Reduced Prieei. j , For aale at cor 'J HEIXSBEBGER'S, 23aad l Market at. Trusses A ND SUPPORTERS of all itylei isd 2 i I prices. Seeler'a Hard Rabler Trtw, aieJa and doable. The beat ia a4. Pr sale by; JAMES C. MD5D3, Smrtdjt, 1 amra itrcei, vpp? iray 11 All. J3t' PretcripUoBs boors day or night, oct 31. V eoinpQwaded at all i r ' V