this pipe a PLEASE SOTICE. We will be glad to reeelre comm.unlcatiosj . from our friend, on aar trd all subjects f general interest bn i The name of the writer mast alwayr b furnished to the Editor. Commanleationi must be wiliten on only one side of the paper. 'i Personsiities must b avoided. Andit is especially and particularly una r- stood 'that 6e editor does not always endors e Vf .respondents, unless so stated ia the editorial columns. 5rl enrj aftaraooo, Bandayi tx- M ..4 Ki r 1- JOSH. T. JAMES, A9P raoraiaroa. . .KllTlOS.I-OHTAaK PAID. ? . I co i-Ux months, 1150 ; Thrst . ft wee Bonu,Btf tcau. ' ..,r will bdelifered by carriers, " ' f.,,ia2J prtof the city, atih. VOL. 3. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 20, 1878: NO. 250 rfkT:"tl and liberal Flc report u7 a1 " " t , rt wit their papers regularly Bahy IlYIEW. i ?;ew Advertisements. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P. lStmscaoxa Sliced Object. J. C. ilexes, Druggist. Trusses and Supporters, j j SHaisaDcf t Unlaundried Shirt for 75cj No Citj Court to-day. Tfillt WAITING run ANOTHER of pickpockets. tie? Li-ta UscdkercUcff, wt i.lthr t-e oeit week .. pri 4 Button Kid Gloves, Fine j Puliij Good Shades, for SI 00 per pair. t rtha i;u3 u tie lot wis Kvcrytbiog is serkus to day. I A Ut office the soap boiler's, j f Wood is still high and in demand. You can tell a good cigar bj its per fume. ' i Mntrd i wholesome condiment it J. Don Cameron ex-Secretary of War. riUtU soared, and is relished with cold under Grant and we hope soon to be ex- meats and salads. If prepared with U. S. Senator also, is no longer a director t . - c" am Mt cannery ia the W. & W. R. R. his place having OUtteiMiy-. Reported ! Miscellaneous. IT IS New Advertisements, THE TJLTaOXJB .... ,,faeJ price. 1 come at otct . it no want. roll Dress" for Sl.OO. ii at,t at ! n4 tnnm .i. .t in fho ritr. yj'-'t! JittofCieie Liwe, io-sll styles , f r teck asd stecrcs. It iii laf-aU ilUU, d:flereatftKf. A CnLw bight seeing Ilis Honor dispose of his prisoners. i Every bar-roota has its own mint in the springtime. j j m 1 1 m- a little kaH can be stirred in with x been nuea oy Mr. T. C. Jenkins, of Ual- DntVmbst icotle mix it with water or timore. His ex-accidency and soon to :npr.r J be ex-Congressman C. . II. Brogdcn was j also decapitated be having been superse- r;l -i ;Tn,l. Wted b Mr E- B- Borden.of Goldsboro. the city from the country, wrote borne as Mr. Donald McRae, of this city was follows: 'We aUend a great deal alien- elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by -i..... ik .im'ii like other I the clcain ot tbe lamented Wm. A. ladvs. and bolen up our cloz 2. Nobody I Wright, Li. isn't rjolbin' now-a-days which dona boia im ti.pir rinand the biaT you holds 'em Sunshine, and Clouds. " 1 . i ... the more attenshnn you attract. I Ao one would imagine by looking tut upon tbe beautiful sunshine to-day that NI Generally Believed I ! ! THAT Boatwriglit & McKoy ARE ALIVE To the Wants of the People. oae? if - i They will state to the doubtin ! you don't believe it Call and See Them See their Stock ! Errincr Brother An erring husband, who had exhausted at this time yesterday the heavens were all explanation for late hours, and had open and the ram pouring down in tor no ar o!ov ready, recently slipped into I rents with a cold wind setting in from the the house aboutone o'clock very soMy, Northeast indicating a. severe storm. AM f) ACEf THflR PRITPR f AJarriageaoie aaugniers aaugmeis w no denudeJ himself gently and began rocK- v "ur wuuug ioo ciouusnave never gt married. in" the cradle by tbe bedside as if hadlnear'y aI1 l,cen dissipated and we is booked for been awakeoed out of a sound sleep by can iw. uuu irom our winuow upon an infantile cries. Ho bad rocked away for almost cloudless sky. buch is tho beni Marr Jan?, who had "cence of nature, that without a little Life': as uncertain as a North Amcri- s, , ., ,.i M Innnahine we could r.nh nndnm th efnrm siicniiy ooserveu iuo wuoio iubluuiio, . - - Wyman 'the wizard, tbe Opera House. -Never in the historv of Wilm inftmi wait can savings. bank. such a Stock of Family Groceries ! ollered to the public. iptit tef MiiKS i Ui J and solid colored Hie. Aim. s!;d colors for the sharp end up. LiiiS, beautiful quality, only IS c .-atj rer pair. Would not our citizens enpy said, "Come to bed, you fool! the baby and without a little storm we could not Spring-time when vou bit on a tack Ui n't there." appreciate me sunsmne. bo it is m our little heartaches and troubIes,a dull dreary Don't take our word for it. Come and Ex- tj .jr. . I day overcast with thecloulds of some lit tie sorrow must come in order to make One of Tliein. The balloon man is in town much to Almanacs for 189 are out an it,. .UK.t.t r tt. ;U.nn I rin nnw ot rift nr I "trial ink PR. tJne OI tUC UCIinUt UI IUO lUIIUItUt www. " (5-- j - I : 1 - . , which is aNewVork druggist who sent his u - J7 o true musings . . . . :. jto wr t i..r yur cect, sona pcoicr in Humpty Dumpty ? cbr.asd ihtded Chenilles, 10 Tony c!crk out to drum for sale of oils. He cirried the card of the proprietor and Some men cannot sUnd prjsiHriiy. tho picture of his girl in his side pocket. Gibers n.v:r get a chance to try. 1:1 rtrtl in p too numerous to mentior, tbitjna all wacL jtjVt the btitt;c;iiis."flc; lztxvtr tie Kid Glore Depot. it'll a wiio b3" that huown mothsr when hi father is elder. when an Almighty Hand in His Ornnip- otencc sees proper to extend them to us. . amine for Yourselves. Boatwjight:&. McKoy, S 7 & 8 Xforth Front Street. nor 18-diw I LONDON CIRCUS! AND SANGER'S . Bnlargefl Britisauenararif WILKIXGT0N, One Bay Cnly! Wednesday, Nov. 20, On Camp Lamb Ground! On a Triumphal Southern Tour, and the South's Favorite fihow ! SEATS I-OIi S,000 PEOPLE ! 2,000 0PER1 CIIAUIS! Twenty Tous of Ilephant Flesh in PyramidsMilitary Drill, &c. He! called upou a tradesmen in this city, ii's own and tossed a card upon the counter, say- a iv.or non " " inn.uvwi intnt." The tradesman picked it i p, To-Morrow Week. Just to think of it on week from to morrow and we wiil all have a holiday The defaclo President and His Excellency, Governor Vance, in this State, have by New Hoot ;uk1 fcliuo M.ore. - i . . IV rtr Ba I uwtiuui ante, itt iuis oiaiu. x.ave uj The tutkey gobbles: only one week more 8lTe 11 aaj l . f proclamation enjoimd upon all the peo i j i.t-i :ni wa a fine establishment, and was inform- f r. J . Iiun au lue Pe" picked The furniture ia : ed by the clerk that he - had represented Ple to come ether and return thanks the Purcell Hoom at h about ibree yearf' wherenpbn . he w- for tbe many benefits received during the I The furniture in the rurcc'.l Mouse at I , . rf ... past vear. And what have wp tn Iia JNo trouble to show goods. "- w m Norfolk was to hive been sold .at auction - thankful for? Well, we will nnt. Mil.7 T- -JJcfu r - v . uuuv vi wv3 auu ouuca UU C Rosenthaf, 32 rVIAIHTET S5IL33EP. NEW ARRIVALS DAILY. All trnna wo rra n The la test styles and best makes. rnces to suit the times. ' Great rush of customers. Jio trouble to show goods. tattaCS. )!:;!iia34 Shapes receired erery few dtjs ia the MUlicery Depart- asst. yesterday. i I wuuiu buuh wo uaifcuc. jw" ,, I hand There has been a slight increase .... I 1 1 cm anr mnra nAarr lnf Af n t,C .aid he should be c eased to sell him w,,, uu. V1 uuo lumg A t f E a . p B o of RomfCftAloil and that his establishment wearelulte sure and that is: We are Gxre me a call and look at my stock before some coal oil, and t hat his esj UDlwnmeni and kickin- and another Ppl7 yourself. Remember the New handled more oil than any other in Des ana KlCKinS ana. another Boot and Shoe Store at 32 Market st., Wil- Moines. The tradesman took another """T " meiy ; mxonu II. H. SPRUWT, Exchange 'Corner. water in the river, with four feet at . - f ttevtue yesternay morning, t V v , Shraik . Now .avi v"" uiWkuv 'j 1 and there are wails coins uo from the '" au 7" b uo wa3 uo "turucu ua e o .u widowed and the fatherl ss andmotherless innn BBLS FLOUR, all grades its batched. to his Docket. x . i utu vuhi uui bcluuu lias uccii auareu. J and we are left to enjoy life with those dear nov 13 , , . . . . ii while our brethren out West fand in the r, boys what's the gender look at the .card, and asked the boy if he farSouth hava fiuffered fro stilence FlOUr, BaCOll, Coffee Lad (whose mother keeps wasn't mistaken. He blushmgly guessed , f. Q WT.0 r A ? "C,V'VXA uuucc smtIS MF.V AND BOTH BOTH is to tLe eye. BOYS BOYS 31210 j P f ME.V AND i2T2IJO f J NeT.V AND rJTdI50 f "V MEX AND J I iJEX AND AT GREAT BARGAINS ! AT GREAT BARGAINS ! AT GREAT BARGAINS ! AT GREAT BARGAINS ! TiTCIUXG GOODS AND HATS I CKBK ELLAS AND CANES, TRUNKS AND VALISES AT LOW P3IIC22S ! Wtt;!T and often at ,JSf I A. DATID'8, Tbe Clothier. A Vocabulary ViOT PRICES FOR r HIGU QUALITY GOODS. - siwear, Hcsierr. 8carfs. Ties, I cut near U Back sad Dc? Siln, Kid aad : jCntorlUaea Coi'ars, Shirts, Band. 1, Traill, Cnibreilas aad Valises. 'fcrcliit Tsiloriar aad "ilea's Wear The latest compliment to an opera star s stent -Seers. voice is that it is as attractive to the ear as I a stran-rer happening in the city this relatives and friends still around us. And six inches of a pretiy,girrs striped stocking momlng and along Front street woHld " wu UKJb '' "wnusianamg an f certainlylhave thought it was Court week " " f ieil0W woo e n . . .. ino loJ" ! a inner f! of the shoulder a fen and getlenough powder A young man up town who lost his . " "Jfw J' a , . and shot to charge it with, who will stray .I:., side walk could be seen men of all classes I . . '. . J pisiui8u3 u iL-e luiei wm icm u i I ... .... . , . . i wo w ouu3 ucAb i x uursuay on a he will give him the contents and a sic no I 7 smau-sized bird hunt, instead of going to questions. man on up to me grave, grj-uu cnurch like a dutiful chntian. The fact is, .1 members of tbe Produce Exchange and we wouldn't be surprised if we went our- rrcquem.y me niascuuuo pnuer Chamber of Commerce and oa the veran- self-cant heltfit, only once a year useu to cenoie ojm sexes, as wceu we dahs and balconies were gathered young say, 'manf isx mortal. Man trcquentiy mea and maidens, and even the matrons Hotel Arrivals embraces woman. were there, too, and in the nurses' arms Pubcell HousE.--Wilmington,. N. C, There is a great woman talker here I and trotting along the streets were the ba- N0 u. Cobb Bros., proprietors from , i. .1j J tsl -o... - -n 10:05 o'clock Nov. 19 to 10:05 o'clockNov. aoouu who canuoi. ue KujijJtesatu ui ur-1 Dies ana cnuareu. j u lul 120: J H Currie Cumberland G B passed, she tclis an sne Knows in a mm- do7 The answer is simple ana piam. xne Myers, city ; Jo French, Kocky Point ; T iifA and'lhr.n tries to tell what other TDeo-l wn Than rnmp. thfl first that has visited K Hoyt, mrs R Dockrill, Arbuckle and ii . f tti a jw wife, mr Gardner, T Kennebel, E Kenne- inw "'"--"- " I Dei, j raterson, mrs Pauline .Lee, miss Several of the handsomest wagons of and bi8fe wer3 waitbe on tho look-ut ter, E E Kohl, London Circus ; miss the circus was not in the procession to- ClSTcTb M W Ne QOA iioxes Dry Salted and 06U Smok " tr I , , ... . , iL. I vuIWWU, U V i 1J iU lTliibllJC&, ing to tho deep sand at the railroad u to look at the elsphants as they York . Jas A Bufi. Baltimore . Chas Tay. 7 ca0i r trudeed alone in the procession flapping lor, N C ; miss Lela Taylor, Maine; I tbe cbarriots were not taken off the cars, their bigears. The Tally Ho atage coach Maasunan, Fh.ladelph.a. One of the heaviest of the circus j wagons went into tho sand this morning at the corner of Third and Walnut streets, was an interesting feature in tho proces" i sion. New Advertisements. Objects. bona J. OTTERBOCRO, CTllarketit. Overcoats. Supposed Drowulns;. . f t. I This mominff about half Toast five wuauuuuuuu,w l. i . I -l-i.-i- w i tt at.-:u I rnHE TERT GREAT SUCCESS OF twelvo fine horses were hitched to it and pciocs:, iuicnaei xiurau, mo wawcuniau wu x it was pulled out. 1 j I I P1 A D Cazaux's New York steamer's I Bliced Animals and Birds, has .induced the . , wharf, saw a man walk past the entrance publication of SLICED OBJECTS' on the Why suffer with a bad coll it one not- 0r the de ezta to the vard where he tUnfllr TinllsfWh aSvruD will cure 01 1 . i ga . . 1 ra W.e.r same general plan. The puzzle is gotten up Q? WAHM THIS CUOL Weather, cough of the worst" D B-UlM and were, r Ooueh SvruTJ is sold for 25 cents ! per thereafter heard a splash as though some 1 I . . . . . t m s I .... .... . rri . t I t ...a.ii. 012 Jt oi:..j 4 xMtK . 1 bottle, or nvo bottles lor l.uu, m every i one nad iailen into tne water, imiuhj- wwuoiwwiiuiii, ouwuaw L wu-3ueaui- -""J Soou respectable drug store m the United fol Mike immediately ran to the cap of Uals and Sliced Objects there is iren more ! the wharf to render any assistance if forIess money than has ever been siren in ueuertnan foreign iron. necessary that he could. But could dis- fiirJi-t t . .. epeers lor.urapo oe ocucr man D0 one atii .though he states that ' v inn iii x r 111 i.ll lcji .ik muiii loao i ts ljlmmz m s. b i nnre and reallvxcell ent and health civ- in a very short space of time the groaning ; HEINSBERGER S, r - -M mg. iroy iim s. , 1 ceased and every ming was as sueut u 225 S acks Java, La Bacon, and Bio Coffee, Sugars, Molasses- n r A Bbls Crushed, Granulated, Stand tUard A, Ex C, and C Sugars, 07r Bbls Porto Rico, 'Cuba, N. O. J 1 J and iS. H. Molasses. A LARGE. AND FRESH SUPPLY OF Crackers, Candy, Soap, Ptarch, Pcda, rotash, Lye, Snulf, Matches, Corn, Hay, Oats, Glue, Buns:?, Nails Hoop Iron, Ac, Ac. BA.GQI NO, TWINE, TIES. 15,000 Lake George and Lebanon Sheetings, Manchester asd Randolph Yarns. For sale low by Williams Sc Murchisoii. nov 18-dAw . Sacks Liverpool, Lisbon and Marshall'5 Salt,. Ko X A Li TALLY-HO C JACH, illustrating English Pleasure Life. 20 LADY .KIOSKS, led by the unchalleng ed Empress of theArena, and the onlv wo -man living1 who rides four horses, lilld ELIShi DOCK KILL. 12 MALE Is. Q 0 E 8 TJUI A N S. , headed bv the champion bareback rider cf the wcrld, RANCESCO BROWN. 5 ROYAL BENGAL TIGERS, performed open lair. 10 GRAVE ROBBING HYENAS, in an on bound den, open in the streets, with their ainer among them. 30 AGILE LEAPERS, inspired by the Australian athlete, FiAK GARDNER. Groupof SIX MEXICAN PANTHERS. 10 GREAT CLOWJS'S, Iruh, French.Ger man, English and American; and 1,000 start ling: features, new to the public. 1C0 SUPERB CIRCUS CELEBRITIES Finest act of tumbling, most perilous feats of leaping, best dressed people, more and bet ter trained horses and ponies, most brilliant street procestion, most stupendous exhibition and largest menagerie on earth. All under acres et water-proof pafillion. Tiro QUA YD PERFORMANCES at 2 and 7.30 P. M. Doors open one hour previous. GORGEOUS FREE STREET PROCES SION between 9 and 10 A. M. daily. Admission 60 cents: children under nine years 25 cents; reserved chairs 25 cents extra. Gold boro, Tuesday Nov. 19. Marion, Thursday, Nov. 21. nov 14 Just in Time. ANOTHER FRE3H LOT APPLES: Choice Varietv. AIeo, Potatoes, Onions, Turnips. Cabbage, Dried Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Kentucky Hams, Butter, Tobacco, Cigars, Ac, vonsignea ana must De soio. T. B. HENDERSON, Commission Merchant, North Front st. nov 18 Why Suffer "IT 7 ITH DANDRUFF or Itching of the v v f -4 bite Money and Medicine. f 4 Use Cf Otercoat, best make, SnillERIi EMI'ORIUM, Market Street. tov 20 Live Book'and Music Store. Trusses The most select Fifth Avenue famllcs the grave. The watchman doe not even f XTJlk'futhiS WiD at tbdr know distinctly that the splash of water j CPPORTERS of all stjles tad -Spccr Mnllotc f Mullets ! ns entertainments. T 1 7 . . . . II 1 . 1 II.. vw.aBiMnH Kw lha mm - Green & runner have some direct irom ccaru wm ud uvw j sjuuiiTKr, eggs, ac, t t. . . 1' "fd Rubber Truss. sin.Ie The xnermometr. ilMi Vi?f.V lorbT From the United States Signal Office at i u-es i, upp. tity JiaXI. I - o -- "ftt compomaded at all of the thermometer, as Ukcn this myrn- inS at 7:31 o'clock : Cairo, 111 -,.'41 t'wU and WnnH. Charleston, 8. C..62 CincinnatL.. M....M.4S i tj ASH, Stove and Grate I Corsicana, Tex....M47 ' : u For t G ibfon, C. N. 4 1 C. rr.t0B Jnred. Ackaowl- Galveston 60 S-ir!!.ttlimrket- Indiaaola. -58 Wl1' 04k Ash, Ac- Ac, Jacksonville, Fhw.56 ; cord f-aaraaUed la every iTnoxvllIe---v.--.-41 ii Lyacabarg. ...-.tiT J. A. SPW5GER-, Memphis, Texm..! Mobile, AIa...MM.43 Montgomery Ala... 5 3 Nashville ..-,....--.43 New OrIeaiu..-,--43 New York.......M.45 Savannah, G a. -..-& 2 Shreveport... ..41 L LouLs Uo.w.M41 8L II arks, Fla....,W Yicksburg, M..4g Washington, DCi8 Wilxaiogton, N. C.50 -Vnm Vi -r -4 Th trxl nnlv a. I L Annies and Oranges. i . Ji it. Hay. Tobacco and Cigars, few minutes before falling into tbe nvtr, Meats, Lard, Butter, Crackers, but he thinka it mow than probable that gjj mr Coffee' :Pl0or' Cand7' c snch was the easel This is all that is r 7 j. H. PETTEWAY, knowninresdto tb. 4mtter d Mr. !,,, Sf,, Horan cannot tell whether the person was promptly delivered. nov 19 j white or black. . Z T. - : urape rniit ana jrineappies, "Sea foam, indeed! Yom may taltabout ti ananas ORANGES. MALAGA the froth of the ocean as much as you ' plesse, but my ideal u i rather feund in the California Tears, ttoPS0''"??7 LmoQj, dotos k SfS Chestnuts, Apples to her friend. rThats ithe kindef rolls, Fresh Home-Made Candy. All on biscuit and cake made by that prince bzn& at of domestic help Doourr's Yeabt Pow- 8. O. NOBTHBOF'S, deb. 111. US9 nothing elsa in my house.n nov 18 Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Open Again. I W0ULD RESPECTFULLY j INFORM j 8cajp when you can get relieved by using U my friends and the public that I am again FUBUANSKI'S celebrated Hair Invigora prepared, at the old stand on South Front j tor which relieves yau immediately ? It is street, to sell them FURNITURE in any used with great satisfaction, by many promi- ,;-: a-.;- .... nent Ladies ana uentiemen 01 thU city ana HJ,W;MgiiJ.i.jrw ui Fiigo uewreu. juy elsewhere. I warrant satisfacUon after the first application. It gives new life and strength to the hair, without an discoloring. To Gentlemen, nrat application tree, to con vince to em. I. FURMANSKI, Two Doors North o'f the Purcell House. nov 18 I Cash or C. O. 1). Orders. new stock is being added to daily by sup plies from the great manufacturing centres. A fall line of Carpets; Rugs, Kats, Oil Cloths, &c, and more expected daily. My friends and the public will please call id see me anc the new stock. an;:; BLACK-JACK, OAK, Ash, Fine, .: :Z e JL Mixed Wood. or Lightwood. nov 16 F. A. SCHUTTE, Furniture Rooms, South Front st. The Collins H ouse We will deliver anvwhere in the ciiy cord lengths or cut up as desired at lower prices than same quality of Wood csn be bought elsewhere. O.G. PARSLEY, .is.. Agent, Coal and Wood Yard, Cor. Orange and 8. Water Sts. nov 15 On The European Plan. Comer Front and Bed Cross Streets, Near Union Depot- k J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUJJ0E TO my friends and tbe public! bat' I have opened tbe above House and am now pre pared to furnish meals anc lodgings. Restaurant open at all hours. Prices low and bed-roqins neat, dean and airy. Special rates by day, week or month. QSrThe only Restaurant in tbe city. W. M. COLLINS, ' oct 2G-2taw m-thu Proprietor, N The Latest EWS 13 THAT OUR STOCK OF Baj- gies, Carriages and Harness Las arrived, . and the astonndingly Low Fric s have crea ted wonderful excitement. Call and exam ine, aad be convinced that we can sell you a Top Baggy at 1 75 to $103. REPAIRING in all its braichss Short notice, and all work guaranteed. HORSE-SHOEING a specialty. , nor 13 GEBHABDT A CO., Opposite City Hall. 4 p

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