TRUE. .Mirf of thy far off youth. T.Vui.jveU Me, wf 5 propoe V 1 i - - . w i -.mi V devoted to the truth. r iuVe by urTrlnic anctlfled; of the uoet-thouKht f thy youui fco cKquub uiu .!i t:4 which thy manhood - c - - ... tr:r J:..-:i f f.uicU licht and fleet: . r- f tto covenant t y '' " . . in f ul or hunnr dy. t. .n.t-. thy country, and thy .,r::. h!t!i fctin U fhf to ; t'itu art tru to me; , t:.i4: i-iinil u. In the lane. , . , H.ih vect l)Ot of " ,..-.r. iIltio woodland ranr: ' . P,!i)W IUchte on that day. . . r-k- :iouer wr trie, one; t?.rr through tUo unknown . ' . o;i the onion then begun; ' i vt brouubt by a little Imrid: ' ., ti. tatu-r of toe rhlldlnh feet l.v 1 ttll complete: . - f m:ne eye from teardrops free. isr i All the Year Kound. lJie P .jt'olocy the Liter. - , rrjet secretin organ In . !..!y. and the bilo which It e- , tut Ion and ruhdb .. .- m i ropt-r chaneht than auy . . ,r :..rna! fluid. Luckily for the :. .. Li an unfailing source , ., .f;p.ra l.v. r crnpUiiit, namely, !Io V.,r . vh i:Utcr a medicine which - ..r , -r:. r of a century has Wen ...I' t:.f-Kh cureaof the above inen . : :.t. fver and nue. dyppepfihi. ;.:;.:j;it. rheumatic and kidney v i !.vrder lnvolvlDtf 1oki o .ri -t- It I. moreover, a preven ,4 iIimsw, and nfTonl.s protec- , t,t ;.c.AESof persons reidlii(; indL ,..f.-u:.try where that dire Keourge Is -tms.:. A a remJyadaptetltotlieniedl nwiit of families. It is extreme r' . an-I r means of fortifjinj; a 1 j ni. ;t I thoroughly to be lo- s w. Vick, 3Ici chant ITorth VSiter Street, Wilmington, 1ST. O. Jfcnntain Butter & Sau?agc. .motC 10U.VTAIK IIITTTEI:, J'ork Vtzi fr!nn Suici Chickens, Tur- :z. c , Italic and Hacon bidef. Can til;c. n lumi and Shoulder, Hagar, J!olv'. aod Lard, Cheeee. Crack n. f'.isr, Hh, Ac. Vinegar, Cand'ef, i:t, ic, Trbeco, Cisart, cv -rlebj J. II. PETTEWAY. 24 North Water U E.&K.T. ANTHONY &C0., OlHroadway, Hew York, iO;p. Jlcticpulitan Hotel.) iturirs, Imixilcis and Dealers in r! Kra::i5, Albums, iraplioscoics, Mereox IV4 and Views, "Tg, CliTomo5, l'liotoraphs, aud CVlcbritlcs, Actrecs, tc. Pliolorapliic Materials. We s.-eiUei'iuarters for eTerjtliing in the way of hcncpticcss and Magic Lanterns Heic Manufacturers of the Jr'-v;er.!lc Iantem, &Teo-pAncptIcon, Utiversity Stereoptkan, Avlrertiser's iitereopticon, Artoptieon. School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lactern. Licb itjle beirg the best of Its class in J curkeL l4-tifal Ihotorrat)hic Transnarencies ouary and LncraTiDforthe window. Co vextiiass. ilanuuctuers oxVeltet fs lor Miniatures and s,nrex Glass Istaloif s of Lanterns and Slides, with ctrj for using, sent on receipt of ten - loctll-d2w-w2m FgOOD FLAN! ?Vhiy can learn to make mon-y rapidly wtuC(r ia Stocks, by the "Two unerrih 'sfortfBccess," in Messrs. Lawrence A sntw circular; The combLoation metQ- hieh this rm has made so successful, people with lar or small means to v tae benefits . of larfest capital and tiki.l. Thousands of erdsrs ia rarious are pocleJ into one rut amount and Striwi a miffhtr whole. thus secur- to each shareholdsr all the advantages of Oct 7 jrtt operator. Immense profits are Liva JLn7 aioont irom 55 to , V or tBor. can be used successfully. Baptist Weekly September 26th, 1478, VI' 1 tie combination system f 15 would f4 . or 5 per cent; 150 pars $350, or7 r,rfBl-; makes f 1.000, or 10 per cent. tt hck, darinjj the month, according to market.' Fank Leslie's IlUatrated ?aper, Jnne23ih : The combination jod cf operating stocks is the most sue .al sver a4opted.M New York Inde JJt Jept- 12th : "The combination sys isroaade4upon correct business prlnci ti5.Bo Frson need be without an ia 'twhueitu kept worklnr by Uessrs. S!r.ta Co. Brooklyn Journal, April I flt't- ,r made a net profit of aL.froatMiaoneof sfessrs. Lawrence Iff ' Y nations." New circular (mail V.t ' Plie every thlnr. blocks and -satud. Gorernmsat bonds supplied. rllK9 4 Co- linkers, 57 xchaee T) .V my new N". Y. nor 20-6 1 plies XHOS .J. SOUTHEBLAND ITEKY AND 8ALE CABLES, Corrar Thud and Prineeaa 8treeta, Wilmington, N. a Horses and YahlelM far Ktr- . and the g,,. . wa parus t.4 Mtry aeeomaoaatsKl. aa: tu w : . parti as to tha lliflcollanoons. the sun tor 1879. TIIESUX willbsprinUdeTery day during the year to com. Its purpose and meth od will be thesamsas in the past. .To pre-l email iae news in a readable shape, and to ten iue irum looun tne heartcs fall. Ths Sc has been, is, and will continue to be independent of eTerybody and every thin? are the Tiuth and its own convictions of duty. That is the only poller which an hon eit newtpaper need hare, ; That is the policy ""'m wuu lur uiu newrpaper lue coou dence and friendship of a wider constituency man was ever enjojea Dr anr other Ameri can Journal. t Tas sin is the newjpaper for the people. n is not lor the rich man againat thepoor candor for tie toof man against the; rich man, tut it seeks to do equal jutice to all in- of anr person, cJai,'sect or party. Ihtro net be no mjrtery about it lovts and liiUd. it is lur the hose.-t uian SainftifLe roirues every time. It I for the hor.e.t Democrat aa against the dishonest iwpubiican, and tor the j noneit Keoubliran as against te dul.i cen uemoc at It dots not take itn cue from the utterances of ai.y potiticisn t.t politico! or- famzstion. Iticivesits iupprt unrr?rrrl- ly ween men or measures are In azrrim-r.t wiiu v.oasiiiuuon ana wiin lue priocip:e upon which this Kepublic was toanded Ur the people. i:henjTer tte Coaititati .n and constitutional principles are riol itid s in the outrageous cotpiracy of 1.G, by whcL a man not elected was placed in the Presi dent's oflice, where be stills remains it speaks out tor toe right. I Cat is J hb tscv. idem of independence. In this rcsDect there v i 1 be co change in its programme for 17 J. Tas Mcs has Umr earned the beartr hatred of rtecI, fand., and hirnbagi of a'i sorts and sues. It hop-s to,osere ihul hatred not lead in the year tt an in IHiH, 191 Jt or any year gone br. I he M v will continue t- rhiue on the wick'.d it ri Lrrmiti- pated brihtnrs-i. bile the IesiC ES of the past th'u! i b c-n-. I stantly kept bef ire thepeopl, I he MS'does not propoeo to make itself in 11 fj a mtzine of ancient hutorr. It is prinv-d for the men and women of to-dar. Loe cnct-rn is chu-f y with tbe allairs of to-dat . It rs botn the Oisposition and ihe ability to ac ro m r-al era the prompter, fullest, and ino.-t accurst intelligcice of whaetver in llr w t o w.r d i. ortn atttit'ton. ltMter.t tie re nufrr beloncin to well-esfablLhei nr i r t li be liberally employed. ' i ue present aijoinieo c iijiii n ' i i'iiw n tnts cnuntrr. and the ur certain v ot tie future, lend an extraordinary t-iriificAiit-H to the events of the coming ear. in - discus sions of the press, the debates nd act i of Con cress, and the movements ot tne leaders in every section of the Kepublic will have a di rect bearing on the Presidential election of SO an event which muri be regarded with the mot anxious interest br every patriotic American. whatever bu political ideas or al Ieeiance. To these elements of interest may be added the probabilities that the Democrats will control both houses of'Uongress, the in creasing feebleness of the fraudulent Admin istration, and the spread and strengthening everywhere of a healthy abhorence of fraud in any form. To present with accuracy and clearness the exaet situation in each ot'ita va rjingphaies, and to expound, according to its wc!!-sriown methods, the principles tnat should guide us through the labvricth, will be an important r art of The &t work lor We have the inears of making The Scs, as a olitical, a literary and a general newspa per, more t-ntci Mining acd inore useful than ever before ; and we mean to aptly them freely. Our ratrs of subscription remain unchang ed. For the Daily tic, a four page sheet of twenty eight columns, the price by mail, postpaid, is 55 cents a month, or $ 6.50 a year; or, including the Sunday paper, an eight page sheet of fifty-six columns, the price is 65 cents a, month, or $7,70 a year, postage paid. . The price of the WkekltSitk, eight pagen, fifty six columns, is $1 a year, postage paid. For clubs of ten sending $10 we will send an extra copy free. Address, 1 I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher of TniScx, New York City. oct25 . j ' Job Printine:. vv S A KC PREPARED now to eiecute aU kinds ofBOOK AND JOR WORK and respectfully solicit share of the public pat ronage. Our facilities are such that we ca? offer the wawm -. n . m . .tA rVhUV III IV 1 1 PRICEi?. Call and pet estimates and leave yeur ordsr with US. JUaU. T. JAMLi, sept 13 Book and Job Printer. Bookbindery. rpiIE DNDF.B8IONED would respectfully L inform the citizens of Wilmington that be is now prepared to execute all kinds of Bookbindery. Old books made as good as new Prices rery reasonable. Orders for work msr be left at?3.G. Hall's Job Printing office on Princess street, nor 11 R. GRANT, Ja. The CoIliiislHouse On The Europe-art Plan. Corner Front and Red Cross Streets, Near Union Depot- T RESPECTFULLY. ANNOUNCE TO my iriends ana the public tint l nave opened the above House, and am now pre- f tared to furnisb meals and lodgings. Restaurant open at all Lours. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, clean nd airy. I j , t Special rales bv day. week or month. CEThe only Hestaurant in the city. W. 3L COLLINS, 2t3-2tawlr.-tlm i j Proprietor. Cards ECEIVED TOI3 MORNING a splendid A a. line of white and colored Cards and Bristol boards. Can give a nice job and the ...... , . 1 DAILY KEY JEW JOIf OFFICE. oct 2. , ' , Open Again. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM friends and the public that I am again prepsred, at ths old stand on South Front street, to sdl Utm FURNITURE, in any quality, design, style or price desired. My s toe a: is being added to daily by sup from the great manufacturing centres. A full line of arpels, Kugi, Hats, Oil Cloths. &c.y and more expected daily. Mr friends and the public will please call ace me and examine the tew building and new stock. F. A. SCHCTTE, Furniture Booms, South Front tt. i nor IS Iliscollanecms , liverpool & London The strongest Fire Insurance Company in $30,000,000 GOL53 ilSESTE Paid at one fire, (Chicigo) 3,650, COO. Is as able and as willing to carry and to companies are to cirry and pay $S,C0O. n.v t4 tn m b O Mi. j o tar - - 0 r S." san 0 o n k XriiiiCollaiioouE. A OEMS WANTED For tha bebt and f4te-t selling Pictorial iiooks and Libles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. .Nation!., Pub lishing -Co., 1'hila., Pa. nor 6-4w TTo usekeeper h. A Postal Card sent us with your address will insure free in return, our Illustrated Cir culara of nice Uouseturnisbing Specialties. Palmer A bxn.TON. Manufacturers, 281 Pearl Street, New York. . I nor 5-4w AGENTS, READ,tTHIS. We will par Agents a 8alary of $100 per month acd expenses, or allow a large com mission t sell our new, and wonderful inven tions. We mean what we say. Address without delay, hllKRMAN & CU,. Marsha.', Michigan. I nor 5-4w TP j n AHEAD ALL THJ3 TIME. I h A The rery best goods direct from I ! law I the importers at h If the-usual cost. Beet plan ever offered to Club Agents and large burers. All Express charges Paid. New Terms free. THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO P. 0. Box, 4235. 31 and 33 Vesey st. New York. nor 5-4w Parsons' Pursratire Pills make New Ricri Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may oe restored to souna lth if h in be possible. Sent br " . -. v . M CO., Bangor, Me. nor 54w Aeents Wanted DARK A. for UK. MAKUl'S NEW BOOKS I I I From In this new rolume the Popular Author of "Nieht Scenes in the Bible" portrays with nr- id and thrilling force and eloquence the events of Hacred Truth, and adds fresh testimony to the beauty", pathos and sublimity of the bto ries of the Bible. Acents will find this Book with its sparkling thoughts, glowing style, beautiful Frgrarings, and rich bindings, the best in the market. Ters LiberaL Circu lars Free. Address, J. C. McCubdt A Co., Philadelphia,. Pa. oct 5-4w aTiBENSUN'S gapcihe BP DriRIIR PI AST PR 1 W 1 1 W W mmrt' - m i I A W DSSFUL ' There is comparison between it and the common .low actinr porus plaster. Itj is in every way superior to all other eiter nal remedies including liniments and the io-called electrical appliances. It containH aew medicinal elements which in combi natio' ith rubber, posses the most extra- ord ry pain relieving, strengthening and curative vronerties. Anr Physician ir your own locality will confirm the aboyel statement. For LAAic iJAUa, uneuma- (ism. Female Weakness, Stuoborn and Neglected Colds and Coughs, diseased Kid- neva. vnoomnir con en. anecuons 01 uiu heart, and all ills for which f pores plaster are used, it is simnlr the best Known reme- Idy. Ask; for Benson's Uapcine Jforous rias- ter and take no otner. soia dt su uruz- zuts. Price 25 cents. Sent on receiptor orice, by Seabury A Johnson, zi riau su, New l ork. nor ww 1 Each, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, all strictly riasr-CLass, sold at the lowest Nir cxsh wholxsals ri ctokt prices, direct to the rcacHassa. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re commended for the Highxst Honors orer 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man ufacturing Co. Factory established orer 36 years. The Square Grands contain ilathu shek's new patent Duplex Orerstrung Scale, the greatest improrement in the history ef Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent oa trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 43 pages mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., sept 6-lj 21 East 15th street. N. T. QE WILMINGTON JOURNAL, is one of the rsxy btst aersrtijiag mediums. Try ir julj 3L 2 CO fsWtf Wmm " t-s- r: p. LVi4 ? Soffl1 E-iir!. S.o2? NEW PIANOS $125 Hiscellanoous. & Globe Insurance Co. World ! 5000 on a slrg! ruk as tl riti 0 . 4. TEII STr.ECT. Stoainsiiip Lines, &c CLYDE ev v AND-- Wilmington, Bteamshio in 1: fx v - .-REGULATOR,1 CAPT. DOANE, WILL SAIL FROM NEW TCRX OA 1 WEDNESDAY, Nov. 27. i , 1 !S Shippers can reiy upon the prompt sailing of Steamers as advertised. j For Freight Engagements apply to Wilmington, m. C. 1 L. S. BELDEX, SoliciUng Agent. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General A.gent3, Bowling Green, or Pier 13, JST. F... JN'ew York. nor 18 alf.emo.r and; Wi!minrt6n. 133. est STEAMSHIP LIH p- a. i Tho Steamer CAPT. OLIVE?. i WILL SAIL FP.03I BALTIMORE ON .SWurday, Koy 8,0. Steamers Sail fiOia T7ibniziton every Saturday promptly at 12 II. Shippers can rely upon the prompt Sailing of steamers as advertised. Through Sills of Xiading; giren to and from Philadelphia, and Prompt Dispatch guaranteed. flF6rj Freight Engagements apply to.' , A, X. Agent, L. 8. B ELD EN, Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore lork. nor 13 For Rent. THE C0MM0DI0U3 AND DE lirhtlullr situated Offices orer. our Store. Also, the old PILOT If!! HOUSE, ooposite P. Cumming A Co's Mill, and two OUces on Dock4 Street. Apply to aug 19jsa GILES k MUBCHISON. t. , Iv'WM Rocky Mo 1' ' :3SSay 5S 1 York "in v Bail Eoad Lines, &c. niLMINSTGi! ft WELBOK , RAILROAD COM? A 6 T ilu-ins, S. C, .o CnA'N'GK OF :;C!iEbrL:-. Ua and . tfur i:urdAT-, Tasscrger u:ls oa tI a V. doa Kailro&J willua aj i . ' v. ibln; a j; VVel- DAY MAIL hXPIMiSS T Leave Wiin:ir.i:t;'S, Frctt I at: Arrive at Wtidca &t..j....' Leave "ft'eld.a...... . Arrive at. Vi!a::sgti:, Yr, -: V Depot at . a i j am' k::: . Lexxe i: : i ot r , ,rl .- 1 :f! t u! 0 ) A ; i' n t:-il. !'? ?!. Arrive it Vvil;:i: -:' ;' t at. on T.irl pntfor Ta'b 1 if .VO 1 and Tuesday, Thursday" ar.d Mature A M. K-tun inr, Icav T?.rb:.-ro v at.; r.: 11' A- M da:l v, rut, Friday at 1J M . The Dav Tr.?n .ak- ct----WeMon tor al! i c l-ns N r't , -1 1 daily,' (except SuncUv) ar. -.1 ' mon J anJ ail raii r...u; -.j N'uh: trai: ciA-kc-' ci ' ". t an p V. T.!VVK. in v 0 t 5 Gii'l it ..fc A I IVA) I.'. : y'. (i. Nor. ? On End after Sundrtv v. ing schedule will Le ruu oa this DAY EXPRESS AND Mi tr r- v v Leave "Wilraincrton : ,. Arrive Florence Leava Florence...:.... Arrive at Wiluiin-rio: NIGHT E5fPRE';?.S Til A IN Leave Wilniififjtor. Leave Florence Arrive at Columbia.... Leave Columbia Leave Florence,.. ......... Arrive st Wilmington. .... :V 42 P M ....1.32 A M .... 5 3 A M ....! f-,0 if M 3,7 A M n . ".7 A f.' This Train 1 will on!' gtop at Flem'inrton, Whiteville, Fair Jilur Marion, and Flor ence, and alt st.itims between Florence and Coiumbia. . jSSf Pafscrcrs f-r Angnsta ar.0" L-cv nd should take Niht E press TraiD froa "Wil mington. JSgr Through Sleeping Cars on ni'Ltrauis for Charleston and Augusta. JQiN F. DIVINE, Genbral 8up. nov !) I CAE jOLSfJA CENTRAL OASL- ' WAY GpPANY. Office Genekal Supkr'inte-kdekt, 1 Vilmiington, N. C, Sept, II 2, 187S.J Iinnjro of Schedule. N AND AFTER MONDAY, IGth in?t, the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway : i PASSENGER. MAIL' AXD EXPRESS I TRAIX Leave Wi'minfrton at. No. 1. Arrive at Hamlet at..., J " at Charlotte at. 4 C:00 .. . 8:20 ...7:25 . 1:08 M M M M M Leave Charlotte at. Arrive at Uamletat. No. 2 J " , at Wilmington at 0:,40 SHELBY DIYISIOX, MAIL, FREIOIPl i , i PASSENGER AND EXPRESS. No: 0 Leave Charlotte.. 'Arrive at Shelby....... ...7:00 A .11:15 A vrt in Leave Shelby ..12:45 V -iU- Arrive at Charlotte 6:00 P The above Trains have Passenger accom modations, and are the only ones permitted to carry Passengers. Y- Q- JOHNSON1, sept 13 General Superintendent. Law School. I Ai ' bJSis&iu:s, - every Monday and JLJ Wednesday, 5 p. m., to 6 p. m. , NIGHT SESSIONS, every Tuesday and r riday 0 p. m.,.to 9p.'ni. 1 ' S3" Particular attention given tr the preparation of Ycung Men for the Bar and Counting Room. Daily private instruc tion. Frequent Public Lect ires and Moot Ucurts. Conrse 01 instruction covers two years, and same as at Harvard. , Students re ceived at any time and for anr period. - tu- dents can board in this -city at reasonable rates. 1 Tcitioh Twenty-five Dollars per session of Five Months. -Fifty Dollars a Year. One Hundred Dollars for the Whole Course. Pay able Monthly in advancejj -French,' English, Latin and uerman .Languages extras sept 16 EDWARD CANTWELL. Furniture. L AKGE'STOCK OF NEjW AND i RESU C00D3 Jast rc ciived and FOE SALE' LOW BV aug 9 D. A.t SMITH & CO. UBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY REYIEW ) Only 60 cents per month to city f ubscr M. W"r . I . . era. umce corner, u aier aoa.toiiuauii. upstairs. 0 the ... f-- ' Hf-Vl'Q 't -.8 S3 AM K Miscollanoous. itrrw-rtir.t or;in weighs but about tfcrre : . the Irwxl in a livirg r.!i n-) i jsjr through a t !e. i " ! v!' cr fi'tcrrj frc.n - i-.iti:-j! j ,itsVp cf thc t.wrU i :r !-.-cMnr, t'-r;ti it t iiof srpar; .;, ' r '.trr.ti ihrolih lh- t. .- , ? 'vt:o.r'l in ir 11:4 c . .; , f f"r v f s,c l in, .autc i!1 t ' ' ' ; V 'r-.- rs t r!,;T '1 -.e .-.. . '' ! IV? cr. l'.!cn.i.X r :s i ..iu; -ciicral 1 ! ;io,. . v , iii.v s itr.r'tTi v. rt.iJ !.:. . r ; r : :l - I hi t 1 . i.ri.-., ; - ' ' t-f Lite cji 'i tir..c ' ' "' ' '. .1-. i'ioc.- . ' ' f 1 ' t '' : ! civr.i 4 fc-' - 'i-.ey.-.n hroai:;; ' all :.. tij n i; ; , .! -u-j - s 10 ,!,. ,j-(; .,r. L' ..-s -.. -t .cs I .i ,.r icrvr . ..! i i.i-..;. ! In- vriM i-i ..v . H-..K!.vt. i,r:. . "' " . r.i! 11 . :- 1. . - l v .-. c,a 1. ,1 i'. 1 ; ;, I SUKSTITUTE FO T l . . J 7 i i V. PI .. 1 : v : I., I. IN li.M:.. V. X t. .its. ........-.u CO., i rcr.nstaxs I I IILAl)l:".L.FIiIA, PA. r4- Fo redlos u re ale.': -n cr TT.rut ..: ! -. ! ll c t;-. ,- v :: : :!. v J. ' ' l' -til H r,i! .::".. e t M -.f.r.-. li : i !.f t i . 1 1 ' .!: : v. ! it ; -t r. m..:l;,r!.-J. I '.-i i - .nc i..;n . .. t .i . I X ! 1 1 w. - " '' ' -:'l -' " A" J . C , ' ' - C t .t " . I " : ' ' ' j '-..... Mi::! -.: r :v. r r ..! 1 : ' 'i . J s!- r . t x ;i w : 'i d. lift . ': ii. 1 I .'. : i I - : i ii i.r:( ,t l,'. Li! i'r.. --: :- l T " . OsD " 5 1 ' .- y : J I . t ri.ii :": 3 'V;:-: ? j By virtue of the power conferred by a cer tain rrortpBpe di ed, . executed hy K. L, Fri inolnt and" wife,-to the llrxiirpton hui?ding Association, htaTinj cat ti.e "Hth day 'of June, 1873. r.d rpgL'trrMl in b-k G ( G, pacts C 1C, 620, (,'2 and Cl2 tf ti e records cf Now Hanover -county, the ucderfigncjd kill oll'ar lor !sale bv j.uljlic aurtion. at the court hous-i door, in Citv of Wilmirgton, On Mor.daj, the JCth day of December, I6t8.Jat 12 o'clock, noon, the following described lota i . of lard in the City of Wilmington, conveyed by gaid mor?ga"je : t-ginning at a stake, 1 the eat-tern '-Jine' of Front ' street, lit) fppt southwardly from the southeast intersection of Kcd Crj)ss with Front, street, and running ' therice eou;Tiward!y, C' ftrt on Front street, , and running tack ratwardly 1K0 feet ; being.'. the wes crn half of lot No. ( 3) three in block, 218, according to the cflicial plan of the Citr' ' of Wll mine: ton. , ' . , Terirs of b'alc Cash Purcl.a2cr( to psjf for ' papers. 1 t . ALEX. T. LONDON, V 2.c-igr.ce in Uatkruptcy of the Wi's.irg ton liuilfiint: Asiociation. . . nov 11 30t j : ' . . Theodore Joseph,12 Comer of Harnett 6c Salisbury Stjs- Oce Corier, West .Ea'eigV National Baak. RALEIGH, N. C. ', , .- ' the day orcn the Eufcpean plan 'Situfaction gurract.ed in everyj articulsr My bar is supplied, with Fincbe's Golien Wedding, 1670, Gib3on's 1871 Rye PfeilTer', A' and C, and maEy more of the Finest Brands of Eye and 'Kentucky Bourbon., oct 10 " " 1 .A First National Banir. rpHE DAi IS NOW CpN SOLID ATED with this Bank, lie Depoi- 1 ' their dt f ! tora of the foriccr are coiiSei that pgtits and certitcatcs ere ascred by THE 1 FIP.&T NATIONAL 1'ANK.1 Di;:::croK; i E.. E, EUEEUSS. DAwaoy, JA M.ES'S PR UN 7, .1.11-.:j M2RT1N D. G. WORTH. . OFriC.TuS i 1 . BUIinUSS, Trcsiact. E E JAS. DAWSO::;.Vico rmhlcux. A. K. WALKEE, CasLicr WM. LAP.KIN3, Atit. Cashier n. M. E0WDEN, TeUer." jane 12-ft BUrcopy. I .(' - v

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