The Daily Review JOSIU T. JAMKS. Kl. -irl lrp tce7dav7 dlcembkk is; vx i:vs .m i:i;vi i:vs. General, w: u. 1 1-at i.;cesrrt:ch t tl.o Arr.icr, v. j . i..ri t l:e (Vir at Sr. iVM.-urg in I:f.!cr. t'.'s rgt- x.t V I. Kui.'la Lis Lir cty-tix Urj bja'.siathe Baltic aril fourteen Kuxine. llaeh cf thee steamer crew cf eight Ti c rr;:.Cai Mnie, of llcsr. i-i the 1 a ifitli wai rcccL'.Iy anntuccod, wi th J. ;t!i ff .jcn Victoria twci.ty-his . i - . r:.. f.' r tu irnu.'el "a ixiu.e fiat will a!w. turn tight J". thus ttilir.gtj i'lt'.i t rt.t. r.t. ! I. .W i;r;::.k tie i-.' i s k1 t!t 1a- ; i. ft t i! a'tfr avrjard a'fr a'. The AfJ.' - Tin ,..rit .i to rrike raiS t. tl h- i "I 'o . ;.: r 1 l.uM.'Ahui:'.x g Lui'.ntia. Tn iu-p- rtar ce cf a ?:r.g.e Tote it,.-.:,: ty therrW.t in ti e A .ir.LIy lX-trict l" V;?c;ci:. 'litre is t at,d a j c;a! ecti n l.-s bten r ,! r! f r D c. 1m. M-r. Iliu-ci I'ecci, U. lvi !, au.l rccti.tly a oiatttl Deputy Lil-rait-i:: t f th.: Vatican, is exj-ctedby tCUricaNr-anst- figure in the in:-; r:cuicg bitch of Ltvr Cirdinals itl.t r Duniiiic Venn-, a wc J-known C.tho':c j il-t tvl.o was f r a U.rj: time pra;t! in mi.-ven t rvice in the West, d'ti! in Wi Li :;;;ten Thankivii - .lay in th - ti Aty-s.xtb year el ins a-c. Th. Kir.- of !Uu lu. onU-. J ttot m .ri r.rrrr.tatre c f tl.C r et i n u:s OI ivory jrf rn; f Fidi!i at the Hoyal Theatre sliill l accor!ol to Cart lir.c ven Iktthovcn, a r.ieceof the grU compescr. I C;. Crolv. lte f the New V.rk - - - w Gr iphlc, Ulicvts that in tho cvn.t l.Mir imfi Sicrctarv SLcrrr.m wi'l oi the man for Prcsid- nt. lie beH-c.. alio, tint thtrc will U-a ttrct..: ln ISutler purty in ISi'J. It ia a!d that Mr. Walc,re Wirgite. of Saith Carolina, h is ktu married four t.ncs, auil Laa l-orue the namts of Wiu pate, Wi.AVaiker, V. rnb!c and Wade, aud that sic is low ergel to marry another W probably Wis'.c. The tHiCt of the long ccran.ercial de pression upon the German pei ple is best teen from oine recently publbLel b!atis trci. In ti e kingdom cf Prussia mar r.agts'havc tlecrcafcd since 1S72 by about o'ae-sixth, lirthi rcmainiug at a figure much more cKs.Jy approaching tint of eix years njio. A raa ia Denver I c!ie that the world will come toan endo'i next Christ, rais. lie Las prepared v. hit t robe.- for tha occasion, aud will stay i-n hi house top on that day, re!y to bo caught up to hoivcn. Ue his nude n a?ccasion robo for Lis wiff. h w vr, thinking that j she is toicruain an 1 W !citro)rd Fanny I."ul.c linckin'iatr ,the ?.ctre?s, was drunk while pl.iyia M.tcppa in In llanapoiii. Morgan McCarthy atjutncl her by talking lou lly Ix hind th" cenc, just asshs wa alwat to mount ths ;iery untamed stood.' She oir..d a revolver, said to have t!.vu!e 1 with powder and lulls, and fired twice ia tli2 direction of McCarthy. A Michigan jreu'.Ieman wLosj edeca t:ou was co:;siicrtd fair, wrote to a book atller as fallows; 'lere far; if new Lev gut a took called liccl Webster 'in a bri-3 picas send me a copy ! Tyler's Express c. o. d. i want to git it termcrrcr if i kin, cans my pellip tecber aiys I ocLtcr Levi:. There arc mysterious stories ia Xew York detective circles of the fpeedy breaking up cf an establishment in that city in which have btcn committed c rices as dark as tuose tuat gave tne in famous Kestcll llouie its ill nam?. If what is hinted at be proved, fro a horror ii to l fcrvcd up for the prurieat. Uaggie Mitchell has adopted the two orphan children of her only brother, who fell a victim to the yellow fever at Mem phis. Misfortune Las Iccn showered upon the waifs, a boy and a girl of 7 and D years, for, after their father's death, they lost their mother and two of their brothers, aud were lef: entirely destitute about tbe fame time by the turning it their fathers valuable mill and other property. An criminal document relating to the American War of Independence has been discovered in an antiquarian bookstore in Baireuto, Germany. It is the manu script diary of one of the officer of the Uefsiaa troops who served in the British army, and embraces the period from January, 1S78, to March, 187?. The author kept a daily record, not only of vc nil, bet also of the news and rumors thedav. VOTK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. The o f rial canvass in tbe South Care shows tb voir tor Hampton for Governor was UjvjCU, and Tor all rt.:s 2 p.. T tal liy,7Cl. Tor W. D s I.inita,K. f vfrn r, tl; vote IM it1(i.'.. v.- ;iKii4 Gubernatorial j i i i li-nji, uf n-i l Hi'? lutarvoie in lbiOaet j down i t 1 .:,."'"". atl'in 17I (it was IV.),- iit. la th present ar the Kadicals de clined to I u vi a State tiket against Hamp ton. Takiii:; the highest figures, it will be sen'-tha' "rjinarel with the largest vote cast bin-" tl c w ar, Ihe falling off was 40,- IJ ar ii u! ilk IUdicals polled the whole ft.r a of their own, .they would h'atenO'.JjT totes. A 31o..sti:k railway com- FA.NV. I Ti.u j.rcta n ports taat tt js are now in jrurc&i tj cocsplidate the Ud;'jo I'acific Kail way pom racy and Antral I'cif; into one C.nipany. The capital J of the first U rcjKrte l ai $100,000,000 j au i cf the secorM , at Si 80,000,000 and i - l e :ii v.u- i J c l at $100,000,000 to bo' placed undtr the Presidency of Sidney Dillon. The opin ion is expressed that, in combination, thev will be able to do a good deal in managm legislation. State and National. Those accent Jackhpniau Democrats, siysthe Macon Tclcgroph, who used to stand aghast at that, great moneyed monster, the United States Bank, with a capital of $1' ,000,000, will be breathless - - i over such a combination as this. THE CIPIIEK DISPATCnES- A Aim Jelegranj siys there U gr authority for the statement that the first opportunity S;nn-t r will ciTcr a resolution directing t ie ?i.ecial committee charjied with in- v,s.i.i,,S ,1,, frauJu c rrac;iccs I of tn I-t iriMteuiui election, commonly unown as the Putter Committee, to ex- i. ,.' ,v,a . . ,. , .J 11 ,t is alleged were Bent and received, bjr certain Democrats m ew lork; Uolum- bia, acd Tallahassee. The resolution will pll, u-siruc, ,U cittce to ascer- tain the authenticity ot the despatches m the hrst place, and to proceed with such additional innuirv as the fact, warrant. Tr Qnrinrmr ..u. W4...w4, mis acuon aner cocsuuauon wua prom- ineut Democrats and other mcmlers of the committee. , CURTIN WILL IO.MEST. rnd to Gov. Curtin. of the .Clearfield . district in Pet nsylvania, will contest the at awarded ty the retoroins board ot ...... . . , r, h:s district to hts Greenback opponent, . . . i v Gjv. Curtin has been dangerously Ul for some time and until Wednesday last be did not even know that here' Id been , . . . an election. ANow that ho is better ha is in possession of facts wnicn, ne considers, mike it his dutvto himself and his party to contest" tne electiin ot Yocum. crecn- backer, who was reported as his success- hi opponent. Itisclaimelithat frauds i " t I euoash have been discovered In a inole . . - ouufy t sive Lurtm a majority or over tw. hundred and tl:at tbia will bo quad- r;ip!cd by a rcviMon of the returns from conniiw. Tii3 Democrats o-nfi- ;;,00i, and tli:s wuul.J not have been large, They allege that the district was d bauchcil by the Camerons. WOMAN LY PRESENCE OF MIND i AND DEVOTION TO DUTV. At an alarm of fire in a public school v. i-- n ax v 'X.u rso. 3 in Ut u street, 2scw lork, on last Wednesday morning, but for the cool so'.f-possession of tho lady teacher in charge and lur fearless performance of je oi lieaven a law behind the dh Ju.y. a f,a.fu.l , nliSht have ensued l?' L C0li" i i i and a terrible catastrophe resulting in the death of many of tho children followed as natural consequence. The janitor of i mj- i- . .... I the budding discovering that the Wticd around tne steam piie ia tne cellar ot tho building, was on lire, notified the I principal, Miss Kate M.' Falvey, vho with great presence of mind rang Hie g cal to close the exercie-s and dismiss the classes. Although tin hour was quite early about Lalf-past ten o'clock the j.Y..i ' 7 r children supposed thit htir release from school at that unusual time was in conse- quence of the Thank5giving holiday, and joyously harried from the building in J r. . , . .. . . . " i" "v.ia. stood calmly at her, post watching the happy little ones Cock bv, but while about one-third of the sit hundred . achol- .... . t i- ... ars were still in the buikhng the terrible cry of lira was raised. Instantly Miss Falvav closed the doors, quieted the af- frifbted children by her words and by , , . A. J her self-possession, and passed them out gradually without a crush, until all had raached tt sidewalk in safety. Tt- r . u i- Lnsa . , This u one of the ladies whose scanty salaries haTe been pared down by the Board of -Education in crder to leave more money for the pav of political em- r.. n -j It ru i ployes cf the Board and for liberal expen- ditures on leaky supplies and repairs, But for this lady teachers presence of mind and devotion to her duty the 'day . . . , of Thanksgiving might have been a sad bno in many families, and at this moment a hundred bereaved mother might have , e cecn weepins oyer me uoaies oi aeaa cDiiaren. Charlotte Obserrer. METHODISTS IN COUNCIL- JIKKTIXG OF T11E THE JiORTH t'lKO- UNA ANMAL COXFEREXCE- rctTKTII DKY iiCVA luiuijju mo i-uuicieuCO mat rev ..W.fir, .nintinn. Jol,.nnn0 nnrlv TtAV,v ho iin mV " I-",:" rr; r.Trf i 7nf ?ai v. 7 "7 the present periodical by that name, ' :r:;:.y.-.-7;".:;V :.:;i i & r ' a r"t.,r .:tru..r;u: .r:::; ew publicatieri had not definitely set- UI W"1Iia m, V util";l- ed upon the name ; it would proba, ral Assembly be, and they are here-deybe-The JtevieV of the Metho- b-v most respectfully requested t ;J inai Hhnr.h R,.nti. - enact such laws as in their judgmeit tied hley v--k -r,.i. i .i. with nn nennnnt nf the nrr.mA.n inn nn itb an account of on iat occa.'ion, was introduced and tb adopted. The commi'tee on church property, r. y-v T nn , ;.f l. "- ' Rev Di J B Bobbitt, chairman, made a report showing that there h-d been an increase in the number of churches j 3 4 1 v, ? i ,f Lao, same. IN umber of churches la3t year, 741-thia vear 7H7- number of oarson- to, mis year, io, numoeroi pareon- o; with a proportionate increase in tun vaiuc ui tuo cauiUi Resolutions were introduced depre 4: ik. r i 1 thMn rehgious purposes. . q ,hnnl mm Irfi2l n flSS. Key K b WebD, chairman oi the 1 & church work, aad introduced resolu- i. . . 4 4. "oua ""wuT.euauUK "r. lu j . . . i i . j i . Un ru u r;0;i; of Saodav dorriDg the cymuiuauou itbaous iu iuo cumuu u. iwuu K 'T J J Renn, at present of the 1.-4 i. . ti.. .i.A4; Ba,lbpnry A.C1C5. correeponoing secretary to the editor of the bunday ibsbouh, urK- "mJLif "t"2 AniSiS. with Sejnal assocUUoo: "-" . xne report was received ana aaopi- eu unanimously. I?' A 0?Di?5SV? ! S?u?"d " i :"0 ceiTi lUB i iu. arowu, iiCUiuj uj UUuicu w JCD af . an. leffc.a le?f ' f1?10?." nf th Chtirch and to the Church itself. I , o,0,i on,! tu0 h crr.xr.r,r;r.: v .;rr: :rv-i A. w ; , mat ima couiereucu wouiu uiho proua- la. . . t j biy receive cs mucu more wunin tcei nB" ; Y(lltMW,lftr,ftj i1A frti w in; Vianed br himself H T Hudson ing, siguea ov iixmseii, ia a. xiuason and Mr E J Lilly : mi :.4 4i. i .aT, r7P , , ? b.?!hr A! T V , AT PhUn YwX j : r- Tu' and certain otber parers, touching the "4 , , V vnnmnor f train, on. I lin'rviil Itlrr f freight car8 on the Sabbath day, ask i .1. . .i. . : The institnfion of th Hav R .bhath - - was intended bv God as a merciful pro- Tiaion, not only for giving rest to man a I .J', u.wuuw.j .... 44t, u directly with the means, for thit re flection upon eternal things pdi worship of the eyerliving God which Ilinintrpfita tltaf. Iianoalirtnt lia aver i.iati Aaair,- M.n ai nor organization of men, can iufr nge A . 1 1 t upon me mauenaoie rigui oi man to the privileges and blessings of the Sabbath which God has given, or im pinge upon this beneficent arrange- Ll J1' put damaging jjuojiu iiiuraiH itou incurring me malediclions of Goi'ti violated law. In tnia connection it ought to be remem- bered, an l it must be stated with em- ..u- t u- i rjnasiP. tnatnn mnn nun sink nia nnran. ai responsibility in the acts of acents. or conceal himself from the searching J vciiaiu tUitb tua UlttVO Will engulf without hopo of resurrection every subterfuge and pretext of corporate responsibility that may have urrn wiuuueu BUOU6 IC6 lUUlViaua . I - y0nr committee ara not blind to the fact that there are other sins of the day, euch as hoise-racincr and cam- Lb,iD5 at agricu!tural fairs tbat bave a rnpt the young j Nor do th3J forget that railroad?, when properly managed, are public blessings, contributing to Mj1. material interests xf society and the spread of Christianity. But when we consider the translendant interests that depend for their preser nation upon the due observance of the fl Jl 2' 8 general V10Ift; tlon ad desecration in any way, and especially oy corporations having un der their control thousands of em Plojes- rises far above all others in its ?ctiTe effects upon human hopes Ior um ad eternity, Your committee submit further, in view of the happy effects of the Sab- nPon tne Physical, social and re- iSrnn.11 S- f3 real tQa Proper direction given to publio and private morals by Sab- Dath school instruction and the study of the Holy 8criptures, the impulse imparted to religious life and the mo lives and incentives urged for tne de- velopment of Christian character that go out on that holj day from thou- f0" ol P.a'P'" " over tnis land, ana tnat costttae not only spiritual foroea that m the son, neaer L hn! also the conservative power that fur- n'snes tne best safeguard to human pnbUo and ptwata prop- erty. the dictates of reason and en. lightened conscience imperatively de-i i xnand a united effort upon the part cf all Christian people to Beeure fta far aalpoasible a eeneral oDeoience to ine pfvine command, 'Remember the Sab- halh dv. In Vtn it holv Your committee have been put in possession of information which goes to establiih tLe f aot that many of the railroads in the S ate, and others having their termini within its bord ers, ran excursion ana other trains for profit acd pleasure on the Sabbath; and that owing to prohibitory laws of other States. North Carolina railroad j UCUUC3 uxvb uchu uauo ucpwto n unloaded from carsaad distributed to - I , , - . , uUUn. ua oc'1" KZitlllCin UUIUO UUaiU, hereby wounding the religious senei- Uities of a Christian people, and de- Priving thousands of employed of that J fe . fl x d manded alite by the weariness of tue In view of the foreoinf?. your cjm of North Carolina in their ntxtGci- boundsof our State. . VA1 -c,l . ",w V4"1 . I d Blato, JJsi , oi tho oHy oi Raleigh . j f r 1 , . , f,j I a nl v r a d-. rtA.arkV von loaf On rrt be, and they are hereby reqaested, to act as a committee to present this ac- tion oi tne com- reuoe to tne ensuing T . . An.rA naniv rf wu f tki;-k; The auestioa of the Jrablishiog House then came up, and Kev Ur , , . , ' T-, -r Fitzgerald, rwpreac-ntiug Rev. Dr Mc- t.,-,. flft n.irr... h, nomf, I, .u . . . j . , . 41. r uicbb was lu euuuiib tu uio wuicicu a proposition from the board of pub- 1 yiutw . - iTlstnt;on aa fl msanS of lionid ngit The debt now amounted to the sum of 300,000 The board pro- ..;f mufll1au nnw ftmftnn i y-k a f - v hviit ts laana nini u nun w flTf ' . rnr mte liner four per cent, lnte terest, amount of the debt, and in fact had I auiuuim iuo uc determined to do so, as the only means tteCf Tto" ... m. . f. hfiff:nnn0 nf i r o thi3 undertaking wa the sale of tbete . , Th ftH directe(1 to , f fa proposition and submit it to dhrJnt Werencas, asking the members to purchase the bonds. This oSe in several instances a! 'To? W orVlS Qad already beeu made 0ne of the conditions of '8oh subscriptions was that tbe money should not be paid until all the bonds bad been taken. The notes and debta of the concern were all 'bearing a heavy interest some 8 and others 10 per cent-aud ?r . . - 4, V, projectors pi mepian now pro posed toPay these debts and bonos which were drawing an interest that f cfonH Tho I Llin iUBLllUlllUU Ukt4'U UU Dvauv.. . naa . ,Fifa -.nnij fttan t,hm I selves of this plan to a large extent nd in thw way xl was proposed to d;spose0fa considerable proportion of lu iul tne Donus. . Of the present condition of the in- atitution, Dr Fitzgerald alio spoke. saying that the new management was making it yield a first rate prone, but it? L m,a AKf vuu w. wvw rrrClI d Somethincr must the P.lan.h. was advocating was com- UUU1VU. WMV4 TIUIV " X i .-a m imm mmam ai Aa in r n fa ghurchf hftd devoted much time Jnd study to the sublecf. They be- Keyed and he believed that the plan I ,U U naa-fr.l Th would be successful. The honor and pledges of the church must be pre served, and he argued that this was the most feasible plan that could bo successfully operated. The address drew out a discussion in which several of the ministers par ticipated. 1 Dr Fitzgerald then called for sub scriptions to the fonr per cent, bonds, and papers showing the conditions under which the subscriptions were to be made were placed in the hands of several of the members and on the sec retary's desk. The remainder of the session was consumed in taking the subscriptions, and when the hour for adjournment arrived, it was announced that this conferecce had taken $3,000 worih of the bonds. At night a general mas3 meeting was held on the subject of foreign missions. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity. fter the reading of the re port of tho secretary of the board of missions, showing that the churches in the State had contributed about $5,000, less than 10 cents per member, the meeting was addressed by J W- Reid, Esq, of Rockingham counfy, who gave a full history of foreign mis sion work, from the time that Christ gave command to His followers, "Gd ye into all the world," &o, to the pre sent day, and made an able argument to ehow the absolute necessity of greater activity in this branch of the work. He was followed by the Rev Dr A W Wilson, missionary secretary, at considerable length. At tbe close of bis speech, a sub scription was taken up for ths cause and about 300 were collected. No less than 1G8 separate packs of fox hounds are maintained in Great Britain and Ireland 141 in England and Wa'es' 8 in Scotland and 19 in Ireland number ing between them 6,000 coup'ej of hounds The largest pack is the Duke of BeauiortV with their headquarters at Badminton, in Wiltshire , where 75 couples are maintain. ed every season, burning five days a week, The next largest pack is the Cottesmore, Whose kennels at Barlejthrope, near Oak ham, accommodate no less than 67 couples of hounds; and next in order of size comes the Berkeley Gloucestershire,) or Lord Fitzhardinge's, with 66 couples, and the Belvoir, with the Duke of Rutland as mas ter, with 02 couples. IMPORTAJT TO ALL' t' s?& rown & juiv ui iktuiii ir.iy ilvumo uuuiAU all.lS I AST TWO MOSjwjj ' dttermiced ayn mliri: still greater efforts and, incredible aa it my seem, we wi!L0 W33DSI23SDA1T, THIS 27th IPJST , ufrJ NEW LINE OF DRESS GOODS ; At 15 cents, 20 cents and 25 cents! THAT AR REiUY UNDER THETIRST COST OFi MANUFACTURING Haring purcbssed ihem onTerj adraciaeoos termf.owir; to'ihe rerr large .t cki ' bj flrgt Lards nd the unseasonable weatber. We hare it&de up our icinds m cir .0C,m,fl ronsthe advantage, belerin? th it to be the true policj to increase Our aalrs' J. x 0Qr f ucees in busin-, and knowing that in adopting this method we are meeting A Want Lona Felt in this Community! All are cordially invited to.cill a:. J satisfy t; ercselres that Ihia ii KTo Bunkum GOODS In all the lt?-i ir n.a'e i iU and most desirable colore, viz, Prone, Fiuai, Garnet, ii.-Dwn, btone, Myrtle, Bronze aad Black. BLiilCK AKEloUft-.sPK.'MALi'if. Oae7.c, all wool, is a MA.RVELLOD3 BARGAIN'. We jit received brother inrcice to tell at 75c, 87 and f 1. BLAfiESTS AND FLANNELS ! Frelm' t'tic Y ork Tr .( e Auction Sale. .., Blankets from $1.50 a pir up wirdi ! Ai 'olrg a-.d Qualities in Ladie's', Genis and Children's Underwear, THE LARGEST AfiD CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT WE HAVE EVER OTFERED. LaKoi o rorsels .Reduced We tm-rt: juat received an inroire of the Limn Table Damasks and Napkins, Our Stock ia thu above are really very cheap of eucn XiIISTSIT TOWELS-We can prices range irom iu cents to i eacn.. . . i DLE ACESD AND JJTJJ3JiHJ.CH'D cOTTOWfl-in n th- nl: ular brand?. 4-4 Kockingham, A G by the Sole Agents for Prank Leslie's Cut Paper Fatterns and Mjitic Oemmer Gauza Rubber Waterproot Xor La cues and Gents.. aese gaimeata can. be done up in so small a compass as to be carried without any inconvenience in jour pocket, and are guaranteed not to he affected by heat, or ever to stick. They are made und ;r the NEW PATKNT. ASK FOK Ihey are certainly the beet that have ever been introduced into tbeinirket and are being exported in large quantities into the European nmksts. rown 45 nov i G arket Street Accidents 11 L i mWW AGAHiST THi. US . By taking out a 1 eai l v Policy in the ;;IIFE INSUEANJE CO., OF MOBILE, ALA. .MAURICE McCARTilY, President. III. M . FRIEND, Secretary. 25 Cents will insure again ts Accidents for one day in the sum of 33,000 in the Event of Death OR, 815.00 Per Week Indemnity for Disabling Injuries. i KATES 1 Day 25 cents ; 2 Days 50 centis, 5 Days $1.25 ; 10 Days $2.50; ko Days $5.00. Yearly policies issued at from $5 to $20 per $1,000, according to occupation, and written at short notice, june 25 , ' WINBERRY OYSTERS 1 Every Tuesday and Thursday J FRESII SUPPLIES of the Celebrated W in berry Oysters are received at THE (XHMi -A..iAJ. Alotofthem In to-day. The oest of Wines, le, Liquprs, lieer. Cigars, Ac, always on hand. oct 22 , Pioprietor. Job Printing. yyE ARE PREPARE) now to execute all kinds ofBOOK AND JOB WORK and respectfully solicit r tbare of tho public pat ronage. Oar facilities are such that we can offer the i - very beat work at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Call and get estimates aaa leare yur order with na. JOSH. T. JAME, Book and Job Printer. rs a m . 1 irood nir - i "but ona Fide ! i i ROiYI 20 cents to Sl-25. ?'r CI all Wool and Cotton and Wool. from I. to 75c i)pr I'air above and are offering them from $.1 to $2!; and worthy of the attention of tb' se ia want goods. ehow over 1G0 different grades of l'( wJs. Our" piece. 4-4 Lake George A A, 6J by the piece.' dddick. 1 Wilmineton, I3, CJ, TO THE PUBLIC ! THE UNDERSIGNED, HOMEWUAl FAMILIAR with all branches connected wllh choice Family Groceries ! i Enables us to state that Twenty-Nine Years' - l Experience affords advantages in select ing and arrangine our Goods without the aid of other EXPERIENCES. ale uur goods are bought for Cash and we take pleasure in extending to our 30 day customers a continuance of tbe - same and invite all prompt paying purchasers to open accounts with us. Remember we retail at wholesale and are tha lowest in prices in all standard goods. ... , ' The Ladies in future as in liie jxwf, will find our Stores cleanly and attractive, with an immense stock to select from. ' The largest Stock of - ' CHOICE TABLE WINES, TEAS AND LIQUORS, 1 . IN THE STATE. GEORGE MYERS; Wholesale No- 3 Granite Bow-Eetail-11 and 13 Sonth Front St EOV 11- Why Suffer y ITH DANDBUFF or, Itching of tk scalp when yon can get relieved by tuisf I( FURMANSKI'S-celebrated Hair Invigors tor which relieves yoa immediately ? It uied with pre at satisfaction br minr promi nent Ladies and Uentlemen Jl th. eity aad elsewhere. I warrant satisfaction after tte first application. It sires row life aad strength to the hair, without an r discoloring To Gentlemen, first application free, to con vince tnem. I. FUEMANSKI, Two Doors North of the Purcell Boose. nxv 18 Lager Beer. The Best in the City and thai Cheapest! i , FOR SALE BY TflE KEO, HUniXJfil dozen. ' ! Try it this hot weather. . 11 It will gire you m good appetite aad goo sleep aad saaie yom healthy aad wealthy aad wise. I , II. aUBOTJS A dOV, I lly Jfo. ft Market itx

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