II 9a 7A . .i lit nv are '' i-tr: ! I -' ' ". . , t - f re one . . k i.' r I.Htct:tait, . .... - w m.d li .It ipui t. """", . . 'tJtt!ui:. ; ' ','"., ,,.,.! i null, r" . t fI-l irn , ri sttow, ,1 tl'tw n -low n ! . r ; :- , f v." n I . J ' ,.'-. I :t!i-l . ti. irl, 4 h.ikivl Ut whitt -fx:.- n nw, " .:.k.-:t!.'l !'rie'Kt f '.-!it -' "r l,vr ' ,, . . .r:: m ... m. , , ... .: K.rth an fur aj lit. , . ,:r . li" r .t.iwI, .sweetheart. .:: r ino .rnt- ill !r!y Mat, .: u jii'Ii ;:'., ' .'U c ' Mi;Il wait. "i, I kn'-v. I - ,:, i,r !.,:. : ... i :...r.r? nre .i- iuq b.nf. j ;; ..ii.uv, N w Yrk. It js ku il iu tiiut c tr. . , ; - t ,y !u r;.l yourself of t !'--K."t is to mile .. i.k J : -t vi-if. D.i:i:io, f .... i .! - " ' : j . x.. .ii.ou j . . . K . p t . . ir!iLf; In ; ; i;i:j . i is tut : t . . . i w..r..i . i . : f ,r ti.e l..r. . k r.; v.; l it, j . .,, .i,t ! tlm ..i. r I :to i :.r .i.-.iLC.. J . .barest, tL ut jr 4ltr .i t-: sutt! : - !.- i:C , MLtl " .. -:i!:--:r.!i vut;'d - . , . - . i i " ' I' )i :':.;::. -1 Dt i.vt r, Co!, a : ! !t : -rUIi!,!-.1' of l.ucv- f .. it rla- I- i f to Ii,.' Cr.I ! r-ig!ia- Lttelj M it k Operations. St. c;:rt f r -"ul i-v.'uts lui ivt n !::. t;.i t..: ia. Wail b:ifc-i j-'I i:.:.v s ..v :..! t si: ar,; r;-4i!tcl tt. r :.! t ; p i.: t$ are nn s? in sL t ;-r. '.. Tii- ii.u-. 5u.vt-5ilul way tliit. we -i;. -:!.f :.?r uj"ratii. hi sKks is . 'I t r:.' :ia:i,,n Metli .-d of Mesis e -l ., llaj-krs. New York. Ly i . ii :.' .. .-.a":i;j of o.-t rs in various ..irp(B,Kl into oi.e V&H cjpltJ at.'! ;i.a e I ui I. r tlie moil expeneticrt! and "k t.r ii iuculzi tu'a!t thus securing to each L jrl..:,j i u;eri jr advantages and proJirs jo- pi-s?.tN in any other way. I'rot.:s a:e iC -.!. .f Jjj s. J.Jone, of !h ' i ruaJe T4T n an invi-stiu-'nl c f $1"0 II Et u ,r: are t!.ui as well or b-tter. I ipial n Atiy m , fjin $1 J to SK), J i tth e.i ial pr p r".i tia'.i ' -j U t!J- C-tabmatioti or ('o-oj craHv: 3Lul :r. vr.Kiid make 7o, c r pr ". t!.-l;Kk: would iftur.i ). ' r er im.. !;;rm tto n o il , aadso t n. .v ri; i-1,:.. uuikit, 'lhei.ew cirru- Ti:.! : J' ;t .ti n:, so th U any one can l'1! - vih r. t.t. b:ks and loud? wt.f t. Uf jio-tts rove. red. t.overninent Kr- Apply to Liwrnc t ., SrAe.j.:.; hxchan Hiv,.V. Y. Civ. I)iop,j and Ithruiuatbm. a:.d Klu'iir.iitie ji riH fmu 1 1 j i , r V f rt (.rape Wim, ol . .!.., . a-..: Wine UitterJ, o! in- I . 'Uu ir ptuity and va'.u- I J haw given Until a wide W:.';4 ui... !. phylc.a:ts throughout i -: ! llurffvi lhls wine to k L ! pumiam at the late Centennial for l unards of ThlrU Icari all. Vl-Low's Sv KIT b.u btcu used riL.:!;cn. It correct acidity of the --'h. relieves trin l coKc, regulates :hiii, cure 'tijrcKftry.a. far- tvLttLtr ruiu tan txthlr.,; or -cr car.-e. An e'.l a:.I well-tried r-..y. '2c cents a t-'Cc. tunur.ipttuii lured- , ! p!iyU i.m. retired In la p a-.i.v. :t a t ptacvd in h;hi ! ly an K: :.t:i.5;..aa:v the f.rtn;!a el a iu:ph- ftil.t ret;idv. f.r the a:1 i. r. iivt.t cure !.r consumption, ItoucLuis, .:!:, .-thiia, and all throat and Jut -'. 'i t.alto a ji!ve and laJK J cure - r . ;.u J, I l.:y and all n rv. u Cmj, r '.'. al:er 1 a .:; tested iU WoLdtiful ;tp.-r :u ;h 't;.a:u!i of iae, ha d i'v to i. iake it, known tj hu .-:.: t, Actuate.! hy tl.iUiotive. " ! a t!i-trtt uileve Iiuituti siKlVri:';:. I " i, I' clu-r to &ll who . :; . ... !-- t . v i;Ii f t!i din e;. t.s f. r p;e ; a.d t. in (iiit'ai:. Ki n.h -t.d i . ; ' . I.' I t: .ii. I y ..;dreU ;4 itll t.a:::t ' p t. v . . r-r. iY-V I.: - !: ;'i t. N- York. A far.:. io all ! ate 5t;tl-:ui4 :.s :! em", d indncirtht.S of 5ot;!h, tr-us wear.- I r (rieud: I riiuu I I : vur. r f . Altre l Speer, I'aaic, A. J., . ". , , Mr ;,;,ii', v ... ,i I r -vcr li:. c rk rf each b ttlf. . , - . , , A.l V.Kh m Mt. lropi-ct merarci,New i, m r. -1 J r! this -i"ok. j j,.r,..y (i Warren St. New York, i ? Tko It, -U.l Lcc- ..r't-iW 4.!;KLX A tLANNER, Drue- J s, eatly decay, ls ol uun h .!. c . 1 ' . i'l r.d a recrrv that will cure o:i. r'KML i UK CIIAtKil. Tfcts treat remedy was ih neutered by a missionary ia Jsmtb Amer I lex 5eud a" self addiesscd tmclope to the Kwv. JoErii T. I . si ax, tatwn Dt JiiUc JlQK3f9Stii Ycrk City. New Advertisements. SPEED'S Port CraDe Wine Usd in Hundreds of Congregations for Com man ion purposes. Also I Excellent for Ladies and TreakjY Per sons and the Arcd. 1; -Sb M 'i3f I -W'fftr VIr.M 2CKUM V""S Ht Frospoct Vineyards, New Jorsoy. i Sj - ccr's Port Grape Wiuc ! Tour Vearx Old. PHIH JUSTLY CELEBRATED NATIVE Wine i L'ia1-i fnm the juice of the Oporto (ire, ri.-rd in tLL c-untry. lie inTlaab TcflB aaj sirenpenise rroDcniPS are"uaur-.ied by ct other natire Wine. lit iiic the pare juice of the grape, produced1 under Mr. peer a own personal cupemsion, iti puritr ani rRuineaess ar guaranteed. I TK. r..nn ..! rl.il,t tr.mr nrtAk if it pprpr. UJ quAlitied. and the weakest ,inr!id mi; u. it to a lraotae. It 1$ particular! v Dene hcia! to the ajed and dcbilitat''! and'uited t- the rariouj ai.'mtnt that aQfict'the weaker 'ex. It I, in eTery respect, A WINK TO BE UK UK DUX. I.Xl'.ir.ritS VSR SPEER' SPORT GRAPL WtXJL Fir.tAl.rJ1 LSE STEER'S FORI GRAPE ii a a iwr&rja rix u a a f a j. jiviistsr.. 8per Win?j it. Ilospitalj are preferred ."!d br Dru-coprally, wno alao fell j . .j i,v a.i !vb'le.al I)..a!er. Hee that the mch 21 C;nsuin?r.s of Wood VI 7 1 1 f J v iv i r.s foi: cash, ar-' i t. i-' Mir prices befoie l'iivi:i We. will iN'liver Wood, i,'2"r ni' i:i, ii-r nio iweniv "ajs .'...,, .!".ii i! iM-i 1... ii.:!-lit -lvi.i l.frp. O. G. I'AUSLEY, JR., Acent, CVl n i V..d Yard, Cor.- Oranjre and S. W Hr f if. dec lfi Yatf.s' Kook - Store The Attraction l KAL'l IKl'I. RUSSIA LEATIIER UUOI), a l a tiiiuiind oth.- Chriatmaa i'rei-.its, suitable fr WiTc'., Husbands Sweetheart? ar..I CLildren. . dec 16 irrc.v k. i:v;;.if, tiiomas w. sirinoe Attorneys and Counsellors At Law1 WI!,.1XGT0N, N. C, WILL TiiACTU-K ia the Supreme and V Federal Courts, the counties of New HaaoTe', Brunjwick, Coluccbus acJ Pender, and will accrpt special retainers from all prtsoft!e Jrtata otiice hoars froia 10 A. 21. to i P. II. dec 5-1 w Coiiiiiisr aiid Going", QIIRIS7M1S IS COillNG and those nice Orerccat?, Cndec Coat?, ' Dress Coata and Gcr.tV avl Youths'CIotLing of all kindj, are t t . bfft. Cd.ll befure the stock gets too low and cake jour selections Ue.-t Uulaubdried t'Lirt io the Citj for 75 cents at SIIUIER'S EMPORIUM, dtc 12 . Market st. Annual Export Table for rpiIIS TABLE, WITU NOTEB of Values 1 acd Li.t oi Shippitf?, will be printed pro vided a tuillritnt number of subscribers are obtained. Pa-ties desiring copies are re spectfully akrd to hatd ia their orders a soon as possible t-i JOHN L. CANTWELL, , der 1 Z i Compiler. For Xmas. r BllhS. "HONEST CIDER" at 30 clt. ti pt-r s x'.i n. ' J , ,-n m-LS.l ASSORTED APILES, ivl ICuickens, Effs aid Turkeys. For sale cheap by JXO. L.BOYP, Market, between Second ard Third decU-lsr.' ; I Bill Heads. .YE HAVE ON HAND' a lot of Blank Bill IUaJ , purchased at a hearr re daction on reu.ar prices,' and can there ore larci.'b them 2i per cnt cheaper than -t cuibehad elsewhere ia this city. , ( CaU &n.l tee tpecixeas and get prices at th j eel? IiAlM' REVIEW 0FFIQK. Tonsorial, i.IAVINCS AGAIN located ia the base L J. tnent f the Purccll House, I hare thor outlr r nr.itrd and improredthe old stand and am cow prepared to haTe,ihampoo, ard cutbairtor crerynodr. The best of work men, clcaa towels, sharp razors and low prices. KLTIN aRTIS, jalj 77 Porcsll House Barber Shopi Miscellanoouj GREAT BARGAINS ! AT SOL BE AR & BROS. mFFER ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE and cheapest stocks of lteady Made Clotliing ! AND " Gents' Furnishing Goods. In thi. City or State. A full and complete stock of custom-made Boots and Shoes at Mam "acturet's Prices. ' Glre us a call bsfore po'iog elsewhere, des 14 SOL BEAR k BROS. THE SUN FOR 1879. i rpilK SUN w ill be printed eTerr day during 1 tt.e year to romp. Its purp se and meth od will be the same as in the past. To pre sent all the new in a readab e shape, and to tell the truth though the hearens fall. i The Sen ban been, is, nd will continue to 1 be independent of everybody and everything save the Ttuth and its own convictions o duty. That is the only policy which an hon est newspaper need have. ? oat ia the policy which has won for this newspaper the confi der.ee and friendship of a wider constituency th&n was ever enjoyed by any other Ameri can Journal. , Thk frcx is the newspaper for the people. It is not for the rich man against the poor man, or for ti e poor man ajraicst the rich man, but it fwki to do equal jistice to all in terests in tbe community. It is not the organ of anv person, class, sect or party. 1 here n -i be n injury about its loves and bttes. It i tor tlie hTft man against the rogues every time. It i fr the Lonest Democrat as agaiont the diirioneft Kt-publican, and tor the honest KeDubliran as against the dishonest Defin e at It does not take its cue from the utterances of ai-j politician 01 political or ganization. Itjtivesiu support unreserved ly when nin or pleasures are in agreement with the Constitution and with the principles upon which this Republic was founded for the people. Whenever the Constitution and constitutional principles are viohtcd as in j the outrageous conspiracy or l76, by wnicr. a man not elected was placed in the Presi dent's ofiice, where hn stills remains itspeaks out for tbe right. That is J Ha Site's idea of independence. In this respect there viil be oo change in its programme for ls79. Thk tScn has fairly earned the heartv hatred of rascals, frauds, and humbugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to deserve that hatred not less in the year 1879, than in 1878, 1S77, or any year gone by. thr cs wil continue to shine on the wicked with qnmitil gated brightness. While the lessons of the past should be con stantly kept before thepeople, The bus does not propose to make itself in 1S79 a magazine of ancient history. It is printed for the men and women of to-dav, whose concern is chief ly with the affairs of to-day. It has both the disposition and the ability to afford its read ers the promptest, fullest, and most accurate intelligence of whaetver in the wide world is worth attention. To this end tbe resources belonging to well-established prteperity will be liberally .employed. The present disjointed condition of parties in this country, and the uncertainty of the future, lend an extraordinary significance to the events of the coming year. Tne discus sions of the press, the debates and acts of Con gress, and the movements of the leaders in every section of the Republic will have a di rect bearing on the Presidential. election of 1850 an event which must be regarded with the most anxious interest by every patriotic American, whatever his political ideas or al legiance. To these elements of interest may be added the probabilities that tbe Democrats will control both houses of Congress, the in creasing feebleness of tbe fraudulent Admin istration, and the spread and strengthening everywhere of a healthy abhorenceof fraud in any form. To present with accuracy and clearness the exaet situation in each of its va rying phases, and to expouEd, according to its well-known methods, the principles that should guide ns through the labyrinth, will be an important part of Thk Sum's work fo 1879. We have the means of making The Sun, as a political, a literary and a general newspa per, more ente taining' and mo,re useful than ever before ; and we mean to apply them fresly Our rates of subscription remain unchang ed. For the Daily 8uk, a four page sheet of twenty eight columns, the price by mail, postpaid, is 55 cents a month, or $6.50 a year; or, including the Sunday paper, an eight page sheet of fifty-six column, the price is 65 cents a month, or $7,70 a year, postage paid. Tbe price of the WkktScx, eight pages, fifty six columns, is $1 a year, postage paid. For clubs often sending $10 we will send an extra copy free. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher of Thk Suit, New York City, ect25 . 1 Samples from Baltimore and Neir Orleans. -RDERS for Molasses, Sugar,Coffee,8oap, Meats, Rice. Ac, promptly executed at bot tom prices by T. rITTKnAI, dee 3 24 Water Street. The Collins House On The European Plan, Comer Front and Bed Ctom Streets, Near Union Depot- J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO my friends and the public that I have opened the above House and am, now pre j pared to furnish meals and lodgings. Restaurant open at all hoars. Prices low and bed-rooms neat, clean and airy. Special rates by day, week or month. OThe only Restaurant In the city. W. M. COLLINS, oct 26-2tawm-thu Proprietori Stamping and Finking Em porium, MRS. SPERTNER desires to inform the Ladies of Wilmington and the surround ing country that her New 8tock of Embroid ery and Braiding Patterns surpasses any la the State. Ladies seed wait but a few mo ments for their work and If not convenient te call for the same it will be sent to their resi dences without extra charge. Don't forget to call at Second Street, next aoor to Less man's Bakery. dec IS tf Noticei. IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the next ses&icn of the General Assembly for an Act incorporaungthe His torical aad Scitatia Society, of wilsaaf. ton, N. C. dac i-5lt IliscellaneoTis. "VCT A NTE t A- GOOD MAN for every n v v owe b aemtory. in tne Union; fair salary . paid. Call or address La Belle Manufacturing Co., 93 Clark St., Chicago. v m VWMiy i fc- L x Cood Aent -to canvass Wilmington ;and the adjoining towns for the best selling household articles in the world, up top profits, write at once to N. Y. ManafactaringCo., 2 Clinton Place, .iew ion. dec 3-4 w AGEJJTS, READ THIS. We will pay Agents a Salary of $100 per month and expenses, or allow a large com mission t sell ear new and wonderful inven tions.; We mean what we say,' Address, without delay, SHERMAN A CO.. Marshall, Michigan. dec 3-4 w DIPHTHERIA. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively prevent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases in ten. Infor mation that will save many lives sent free bv mail. Don't delay a moment. Prevention is better than cure o d evervwhere. I. 8. JOHNS'ON A CO., dec 3 Bargor, Maine. A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS ! i We will during the Holidays dispose of 100 PIANOS A ORGANS, new and second-hand of first-cl as makers Including WATERS' at lower p'ices for cash, than ever before offer ed. WATERS' Grand Sauaie and Upright f tanos and Chime Organs are the best made, arranted tor clA years. Agents Wanted. Illustrated Caalogues Mailei., , Music at half price HORACE WATERS k SONS, Manfrs asd Dealers, 40 East 14th st., N. Y. BENSON'S CAPCISE Porus Plaster, 1 his article is one whicn really posseees extraordinary tnent. tiy consulting relia ble physicians in jour own locality, you will tiod that tne aDove is true, it is lar Isuperior to.the ordinary porus plaster, all tbe so-called electrical appliances, and to 1I external remedies whatever. It contaim entirely new e'ements which cause it to re lieve pain at once, strengthen and curr where other plasters will not even relieve rnr Lamenecs and Weakness ot the back RdiBeased KidDeys. Lung and Chest difficul ties, Rheumatism, Neglected Colds: Female Affections, and all local aches and pains, it is simply the best remedy ever devised ioldbyau Druggist.', rnce 2o cents. dec3-4w Theodore Joseph,5 Corner of Harnett & alishnry Sts One Corner West Raleigh National Bank. RALEIGH, N, C. Boar d by the day or on the European plan Satisfaction gurranteed in everyjparticular My bar is supplied with Finche's Golden Weddipg, 1870, Gibson's 18,71 Rye, Pfeiffer A and C, and Brands of Rye oct 19 'many more of the Finest and Kentucky Bourbon. Thi important organ weighs but about three pounds, and all the blood in a living person about three gallons) passes through it at least once every half hour, to have the bile anu other impurities strained or filtered from it Pile is the natural purgative of the bowels, s i if the Liver becomes torpid it ii not separate'.1, from the blood, but carried through the veins R a'to all parts ot the system, and in trying to ej g4 cape through the pores of the slin, causes it to turn yellow or a dirty brown color, x he stom ach becomes diseased, and Dyspepsia, Indi- 5estion, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, aundice, Chills, Malarial Fevers, Piles, Sick and Sour Stomach , and general debility follow. Merrell's Hepatine, the great vegetable dis covery for torpidity, causes tbe Liver to throw off from one to two ounces of bile each time the blood passe through it, as long as there is ft W a i an excess oi Due ; ana tne enect ol even a tew 'doses upon yellow complexion or a brown dirt being the first symptoms to disappear. ThV. cure of all bilious diseases and Liver compia'r.: is ndo certain by taking Hepatine in accord ance with directions. Headache is gener:;;. cured in twenty minutes, and r.o disease tha arises from the Liver can exist if a fair trlul 1.' given. SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 25 Cts. and $1 mm The fatality of Consuiription or Throat anc AjJ-aing JJisases, whrca sweep to the grave at D least- one third of all death's victims, arises ' from the Opium or Morphine treatment, which r j simply stupefies as the work of dath goes on. fio,ooo will be paid if Opium or Morpnine, or jany preparation of Opium, Morphine or Prus DSisic Acid, can bo found in the Globe Flovek iuiiiH oYRVr, wnicn nas curea people -vh? are living to-day with but one remaining lur.g. No greater wrong can be done than to say that, Consumption is Incurable. Giobe Flowfr Covgh S Y K t"P will cure it when all other i m . i i" : 1 ) ! - i 7 . i iuan nave uncu. s , cuius, v-oupn, M I Asthma, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Uf throat and lungs. Read the) testimonials cT - null, 11V. A.. - . V. 1 J 1 V ' ' . ..11.! L 1 1 and Ex-Gov. Brown of Ga., H.im fjeo. Pea body, as well as those other remarkable cures in our book, free to all at the drug stores, and be convinced that if ycu wish to Ix cured n o j you can be by takirfg tne Olobe r lower W , Covoh SVKIT. Take no Troches or I.o.'etiees for Sore Throat, when you can gt C.i.c-e Flower Strop at same price. For v all Druggists. iPrice25 Cts. and $1.00 H Crave mistake are made Tn the treatment ot & - all diseases that arise from poison in the blood. Not one case cf Scrofula, Syphilis, .White. r- ... ... t- j 4. i - t : : 0; Swelling; L. IceroS cres ana nm disease, .a thousand, is treated without the use of Mer- 'CU ry it d th a some term. Mercury ro'.s ir e orr.c. kS anrf t Vi Hiceases it Troducea are worse tr.an . any other kind cf bipod or kir disease can be. r Prff.Tns's Stillix',u or Ot'EFx's e ' ably founded, and that will cure Cancer. H Sio.coo will be Pid by the' propnetcrs rj Mercurv. or any iBgredierrt not p-.srely veget ble and hannles can be found ia it. xn Prir. Kir 11 DrUfcistS Sl.OO. Globe Flowek.Cocch Strt p ar.d Mr sir 1 1 Hfatie fo the Liver for sale by I all lruists in 25 cent and Jx.oo bo ules. JL F. ILES2SLL & CO., Prcprietcrs,' PHILADELPHIA, PA. LUVE BACK. FT WEAK BACKS mi J Delight is the only mediemt upon which a hope of recry from Scrofula, Syphilis ani J Mercurial diseases in all stages, can be reascn- Mis eel! an oo us. a - a -l jl H 01 (TZ HOlriniV1 WILL 1 , THEREFORE . INSURE ACAIHST THEM By taking out a Yearly Policy in the LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE, ALA. MAURICE MCCARTHY, President. II. -M. FRIEXI), Secrkrv. 25 Cents will insure agaicts Accidents for one day in the sain of r - $3,000 in'tho Event of Death 1 ' OR,' 815.00 Per Week--Indemnitv for Disabling Injuries. RATE3 1 Day 25 cents ; 2 Days 50 cents. 5 Days $1.25 ; 10 Days $2.50,: 30 Days $5.00. Yearly policies issued at 'from $5 to $20 per J1.000, according to occupation, and 1 1 : . . - written at short ncflice. . 1 june 25 First National Ban mHE DAWSON BANK IS NOW CON SOLID ATED with this Eank. The Deposi tors of the former are notified that their dcS a posits and certificates are assurred1 by THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. DIRECTORS : E. E. BURRUSS, .JAS. DAWSON, 1 JAMES SPRUNT, ALFRED MARTIN D. G. WORTH. OFFICERS : E. E. BURRTJSS, President. JAS. bAWSON, Vice President. ' A. K. WALKER, Cashier WM. LARKINS, Asst. Cashier, n. M. BOWDEN, Teller. june 12-lt 8 tar copy. S. W. Vick, Commission Merchant, X7orth Water Street, Vilminston, 1ST. C. bit 5 otice. JOTICE IS HEREBY given to all whom it may concern, that application will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina, which anvenfs in Janu ary next, for a' charter to incorporate the "Wilmington, Charlotte & Western Rail way Company." dec 2-30i eT& H,T. ANTHOHY&CO., 591Broadway, i New York, 1 (Opp Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers hi Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoscopns,1 Stereoscopes and Views, Engravings, Chromos, Photographs, and kindred goods, Celebrities, Actresses, etc. Photographic Materials. 1 t We are Headquarters for every thing in the way ol Stereopt cons and Magic Lanterns, Being Manufacturers of the , v Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, University Slereoptican, Advertiser's Stereopticon, Artopticon, School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Laptern. Each stjle being the best -of its class in the market. j Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of Statuary and Engravings for the window. Convex. Glass. Manufactuers of Velvet Frames tor Miniatures and convex Glass Pictures.' Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using, sent on receipt ot ten cents. oct Il-d2w-w2m Miscellaneous. Flouis Bacon, Coffee- JQQQ BBLS FLOOR, all grades, QnnJBcxes Dry Salted and 0U " 1 Smoked Bacon, Sacks Java, L f?ra and Eio Coffee, Sugars, Molasses. O hhu Crushed. Granulated, Stand.- ard . A, I x C, and C Sugars, 375 rr Bb!s Porto Rico. Cuba. N. O. and S. II. Molasses. A .LARGE AND FRESU SUTPLY OF Crsckcrs, , Candy,- Soap, Ptarch, Foda. t otash., Lye, Snuff,. Matches,. Corn, Liar, odt., Glue, Bungs, Nails Ac. BAGGING, TWINE, TIES. I nnA Sacks Liverpool. Lisbon' lOjUUV &nd Marshall's t?alt, Lake George and Lebanon Sheetings, Manc'hestt'r tid Randolph Yarns. For1 sale low by W i 1 1 i a 111 V e& M 11 rcli i n o n . dec 9-d&w. I 1 WINBERRiY ;0YSTERS ! Every Tuesday and Thursday! ' 7R1.SII SUTPLIES of th rviPbtAtPd' W iuberrV ()Vhteii are received at TH K COsMi v j.ijAN Alotofthemln ttwlay. The test cf Winop, MeK, Liquors, Heer, Cigitrh, Ac, always on hand. J.OIIN CARROLL. oct '22 Proprietor. 4 For Rent, 1 hclitlully situated Oflices overfc uar oure. 1 &isof tne 01a I'lLUJ HOUSE, opposite P. ' Cumming A Co'sMill, and' two Officej on Dock niiiJi Street. Apply "to , augl'J GILES k MURCHISON. Why Suffer yyiTH DANDRUFF or Itching of the scalp when you can get relieved by using I. FURMANSKI'S celebrated Hair Invigora. tor wh'ch relieves you immediately ? It is used with great satisfaction by many promi nent Ledies and. Gentlemen of this city and elsewhere. 1 warrant satisfaction, after he first application. It gives rew life and strength to the hair, without any discoloring. To Gentlemen, first application free, to con vince them. T I. FURM A.NFKI, Twfj Doors North of the PurCell House, nov I - Just in Time. A N OTHER- FRE5H LOT APPLES; :' Choice Variety. Alto, Petatoe?, Ocione, Turnips, Cabbage, Dried Fruit, 'Osangcs,' Lemons, Kectutky Harup, Butler, Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. Contipned and must be sold. 1 T. B.'HENIERSON, Cornmig;ion Mercba'tit North Front st.. noy 18 1 . AU KisJit at Last ! "yyE ARE. PLEASED, at b.ing able to state to our fiiends end the public that the store occupied by us, damaged by the" late fire, has been thoroughly repaired and that we hatvenow ictt 'ck a full lice of Fresh Fiiinily Groceries, and aie prepared to fill all orders. JS We have still a few articles damaged by the Ute fire which will be sold at almcst any price. J. W. ALDERMAN & CO. Family Grocers, Cor. Chestnut and Water streets. dec 4 1W PIANOS $125 Each-, and all styles, including Grand Square and Upright, alt strictly rm&T class, sold at thei lowest net cash wholesale FACToaT prices, direct to the purchaser. These Pianos made one of tbe finest displays at the Cen tennial Exhibition, and were unanimously re oommended for the Highest HoNOhB over 12,000 in use. Regularly incorporated Man-, ufacturing Co. Factory established over 36 years The Square Grands contain Mathu sbek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history ef Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pages rm ailed free. 1 MENDELSSOHN PI AKO CO., sept.e-ly 21 East 15th street; N.Y. To Inventors & Mechanics. 73ATENT8 and how to obtain them. Pn L phlet of 60 pages free, upon receipt of stamps for Postage. Address GILMORE, SMITH A CtL, Solicitors of Patent?, Box 31, . nov 26 Washington, D. C. Fresh Celery, NOTHER .SUPPLY "m that tender White Celery just received. , -, ! i '.' i Alio,1 Grapes ia loxes, Malaga Grapci j Orange?, Choice Apples, Ac. At 8. O. NORTHROPS, Fruit and Confectionery 8toreJ. dec 4 CHAS. KLEIN, Undertaker 'tyrwA !Haler, SO. 24 Hjutlit Frnnt Bircew MLNGTON, K. C. ; f Cr, finm nrl Cii" e assorxmeB w . . kets coi . . . . tlronband. jrurniiurepv, . CleiwCT a Varnished. Orderi dec' H ;h or iswl promptly filled. 1 erjgf 1 1