I OUR CHOIR. J There's Jane Sophia And Ana ftjarla, WlthObadUh 1 And Jedeklah, In oar choir. And Jane Sophia soprano sings mo hUh you'd .thins: her voice had wings To soar above' all earthly things. When she leads off on Sunday; While Ann Maria's alto choice Rings out in such harmouUus voice That blnuers lu the church rejoice. And wish she'd slug till Monday. And Obadiah 's tenor high 1 unsurpassed beneath the sky. Just. hear him sing "sweet Bye-and-Bye," And you will bit and wonder; V.' h ile Jedekiah's hass profound Goes down so low it jars the ground. Aiid wakes the echoes miles ar und, Like din taut rolling thunder. Talk not to us of Patti's fame, , Of Mcolifi'tepor tame, of Oary's alto, but a name, Or Whitney's ponderouat Uawo! They sing no more like Jane toophla Aod Aun Maria, Obadiah And Jedeklah, in our choir Than. cata slug like Tomaso! Murical Record Why Hampton Bode the Mule- Theaccouut of th acodenr whicu was published in the News and Courier the day after its occurrence became known was fall and exact in every particular save one, and that omission J now desire to supply, as it answers the question which I have frequently Jioatd aked, "Why Governor i.mp ton, of all men, should ever have con nied to ride a mule in a deer hunt ?' A sufficient' reply might, be made to ttm effect that the - Governor can ride Hi.jthiug any other man can, and, 1 1 wre.ore, felt no hesitation m mount i g even a young, unbroken touie; but , m tru aud bftter reason is that be ciiocejo use thtt animal in question iHther thau continue the hunt upon t:.e horbe which he had taken with j.im, which had .already done.hiui utHjd service Ue day before, and which he wished to spare for the season that it i t his own, but l.ttd en placed .t hm disposal by a fr'cd. 'J lie Govtri or m a hard rider where Lis own btock. are concerned, l.ut te ia not oue.of that very large ' lass- of ujankiud who, according toJ fue proverur are wmiug 10 riue a 'orrowed horse to death. ' He left the liorse behind, ?thervfore, upon princi ple, and took upon himself the risk of ruling instead a brute which few other ;:;en would care to bestride. In this g Lrrdl connection I may ua well ;n r-tion auother fact in point, which j.i appreciated by any mn who 7 :oh thi .Governor or who has ever . I it-l Hi 1ouq1s to wit, that the !jf real concern the Govrnor v.t;ced at the time of the accident, , .' 'gh ftift r:ng keenly the while, ' m vc of the possibility that me b.nr-dnii'g reporter cr editor '-.v.ght rnhiifh - to tht world that he j al been itiowu from his.saddle. . Winter Work for the Farmer. Ilanl to tiio bonse and cat up wood unogh to ln-t the family a year. If vi u have not a wood fchrYl, make one Jaige enongh to chop wood in during stormy weather and to hold a year's npply. If any posts are needed for fencing or other purposes, make cr procure them, and dres them for fu ture use. Split the rails and make end repair fences when weather will permit. If any lumber will be needed procure it. Secure such material as a ay be needed for making harrow or plow beams, -wagon tongues or other pnrposes. Haul saw logs to the mill. Break down the corn stalks when the ground is frczen, and can't leave that work to be done in the Spring.. Dut all the implements and machines in re pair. Oil and repair the harness. Paint wagons and implement, and be readv for work in the Spring. ' i , Shakespeare Improved. . 'You ought at least to have self respect enough to conduct that per formance indoors, and not bring JJyour wife out and perch her on the road . side fence to whale her!' was. the neighborly injunction. of a bjpapser to a man who was beating Lis wile by the wayside. 'Not so, . sir!' was the repponse of the whaler, pausing to take breath and get a better grip on th ciothea-pole, not so. sir, for are wenot enjoined to 'bang our Hannah on the tte Renter wkIi?' Yonktrs Gazette. - Thousands of People are Martyrs To sicfe headache, that Infallible symptom of a disordered 6tomach, liver and bowels. Many suffer from It as many as three or four times a week. They do so needlessly, for 11 ostetter's stomach Bitters, by toning the digeStiv.. organs and regulating the bowels and liver, removes the caue, and dispels the painful symptom. The intimate sym pathy between the brain and the abdomi nal region causes the slightest disorder af fectlng the latter to be reflected, as it were, injhe organ of thought- The reform lnsti tuted by the Bitters when the digestive, secretWe and evacuatlve functions Are in a stale of chaos, has other and more beneficial remits, vU, the complete nutrition of the whole physical economy, the restoration of appetite and repoee, and an increase in the power of the system to resist disease of a malarial type. . S. W. Vick, "... Commission Merchant, Worth Water Street, (Vilminatoiii 2ST. O, et& Bookoindery. rpHE DNDRBSIONEn would rinMtfall II inform the cltuens of Wilmington that he U now prepared to exeeats all kinds of d?? iad0ry !d book made as good as aew irrieet yery reaienabla. Orders for work! be left at S.O. Hall's Job Printing offlcs or 11 r, GBANT, J. Miscellaneous. HOLIDAY GOODS I ' The tremendous' rush to J i GEORGE IMYERS.' 11, 13 and 1 6j South Front Street - , Ia fully explained ! , . - Standard Goods at tie astonishing- ly low pricesj causes tko EXGITSBIEfflT'; At 1 .. George -i Myers V 30,000 Oranges, - SOOBbls Choice Ked Apples 200 BoxesFire Crackers. 50,000 Torpedoes. ! . 1,000 Lbs. Assorted Nuts, 2,000 Lbs. Choice Candies t -'11 L J " SOO Boxes Raisins, 10O Boxes Sew Fig? SO Cases Citron. I Ijowest prices in; the State. ! GEORGE IVIYEHS. 4 OUR FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT French and German Goods i AT HALF PRICE. Don't forget the little orjes 15 to 25 cts. will buy token long to Le remembered, at , r-f- ; OUR XllHi AhD LIQU0B DEPART ' I ' WENT.. ., . We are selling Winen and Cham, pagne Wines at half price. ' Jile grant pure Imported and Domestic rWines at '$ 125 and $1,50 per Gra Our Whiskeys are un equaled in' the State in excellence; of quality and cheapness. Try our Old Baker at S2 per gallon Sweet (MasH Ibe best in the World at S'per gal. , . Save one hundred per pent at GEORGE BUYERS'. r I t)ur Goods are bought from first handH "SO MIDDIjK -MAN'S PROFITS", hende we can SAVE MONEY TO II YOU. have the largest, chcac--'Kt" and cheapest stock of goodR iu-OUR THREE STORES to be found in Ihe. State. GEORGE MYERS, 11,-13 and 16 Front .Street. - !.!... F.8.- Poetry again : ' . A box of Cigars for ' your friend, ! A hamper of Wicear your brother, A gallon of Sweet Mash you'll fir.d Precisely tho thing for each other. dec 17 t - - i G. M. WINBERRY OYSTERS! 1 i ! i Every Tuesday and Thursday' FRESH SUPPLIED of the Celebrated Wlnberry Ovsters are received at THE COM ; .J AN' A lot of them in to-day. The oest of Wines, les. Liquors, Beer, Clears. Ac. alwavs on hand, i JOHN CARROLL, oct 22 Proprietor For Rent, rpUE COMMODIOUS AND DE-' A litrhtiully situated Offices over. our Store. Also, the.)ld PILOT HOUSE. ODDoeit P. Curamincr & Co'fl Mill, and two Offices on Dock Street Apply to 1 augl9 GILES A MURCHISOIjr. Law School, i A CHARTER will be apjlied for to the next Grneral Assembly. " DAY SESSIONS for Lecture and Reci tation, every Monday and Wednesday, 6 P. M., to 6 i. M. , j f j . NIGHT SESSIONS,. Etery Tuesday and Friday, S r. M. to 9 r. AI. For terms, &e., address, EDWARD CANT WELL. dec 9 Wilmington N. C. First National Bank. DAWSON BAKK IS NOW CON SOLID ATED with this Bank. The Depoai. tors ef tb former are notified that !. their de! poiits and certificates are assures d by THS FIR&T NATIONAL' BANK. DIRECTORS : E. E. BURRU8S, . JA8. DAWSON, j JAMES 8PRUNT, ALFRED MARTIN ID. O. WORTH. I - OmCER8: E. E. BURRUSS, President. . . ". ' . ' i i I ' JAS. DAWSON, TicePresiden A. K. WALKER, Ca!shier3 WM. LARKINS, Aist. Cainier. jat lUi Stareopvl i Lliscellaneo lis Tick ! Tick I Tick I QHBISTMAS COODS I , CHRISTMAS GOODST I hire jojt Receired a 8toek of first -cUm Jewelry, Silver Wars, Clocks, Ac, for the Holiday Trade. Ladies' Sets, Baby Rings, I Gents' Sleeve Buttons, Ladies' Pins, Baby Pins, Gents' Studs, ! Ladies' Bracelets, Misses' Ear Drops Gents' Collar Buttons,' "I Ladies' Neck Chains, Plain Rings, 1 I I Gents' Cameo Rings, Ladies' Guard Chains, 1 Gents' Vest Chains, Ladies' Ear Drops, Ladies' Jet Sets, Ltdies' Watches, J Silver Cups, I Crosfts, - I Chrma, Eye (JJais, G Id Head Canes,; Gold and bilver Watches, Spectacles, fcilvf-r Buttt-r Dishes, Clocks,.. j Silver Pickle Dishes, Casten-, ' Silve r Celery Dishes, j i Silver Card Cases, Silver Waiters, 1 . (iobletg, Silver Baskets, ' S;lvr Toilet Sets, Spoons, Silver Napkin Rings, I Silver ;ard Receivers, Silver Pitcbers, Knives, Forks, Lockets &c, &c ' The' above goods will be sold at j Bottom Prices ! Call and make your selections ! FA ega . t Diamond Ring to Raffle JOnW H. AXiXI?. IT Market st. a & is I o PHP tm 1 3 B l ffs&S dec23-dAw'-10t A SV3 er ry C h r i stmas! IMPOSSIBLE TO SPAKE THE TIME I. . : . ' TO TELL YOU ABOUT MT 1 . - , BOOTS & SHOES, The Crush and Rush since 1 1 opened speak suffi ciently.! ! You ATill hear from me after the Holidays. Very Respectfully, C. ROSE 32 Market St. dec 23. Why Suffer Vf 7 ITH DANDRUFF or Itchinfir of the VV . . . ' .... .1 Bcalp when yoa can get reliered by using I. FDRMASKI'S celebrated Hair Inrifora tor which relierea yon immediately T It is aed with Treat satisfaction by many promi- i ... nent Ladies and Gentlemen of this city and ! elsewhere. I warrant satisfaction after the - i . .. - i -. ' ". first application. It gites new life and strentrth to the hair, without an r discoloring. Gentlemen, first application free, to con- Tincethem. I. FURMANSKI, f Two Doors Torth f the Puree! 1 House. nor 18 i ' j H Brunhild, & Bro., Rectifiers and Wholes ale D ealers in Bye Whiskies, Imported Liqnors and ' I Cigars. WILMINGTON, ir. a Granite Row, Sonth Front St. . Our roods generally adrertise themselres, themselres therefore we are not giren to fignratire langna e to blow vp onr goods. Neither do we sell certain Whukies under assumed Brands such as : 1 -1i 99 e 173 wa- r m4 - . r . c h m k m 5.- ft W S: S 9 3 f S. S. I WM O And wLeneter wa-do sell BAKER we mean to giro it. .. Despite of the prejudices which certain in diriduals ara trying to promulgate, H. BRUNHILD A BRO., are still in the market selling the purest good at the lowest prices. dee II If, Uiflcoliarieoiia. ccodemilis WILL : THEREFORE INSURE AC Alf I ST THEM ZBy taking ot a Yearly Policy in tie MOBIL SLIFEjINSUKANtJE CO., qP MOBILE, ALA. MAURICE McCARTH Y. rresideut. j - f M. FRIEND, Secretary. SO Cents vili insure agr&iats Accidtts IJfor one day in the euru of S3,000:in;the Event of Death OR, ' V - $15 00;PerWeeki Indemnity for Disablingllnjuries. " , KATES 1 25 cent ; 2 Dayi 50 centa, 5 Days $1.25 y 10 Dye$2 50; 30 Days $5.00. Yearly pohci ieeccd at from f 5 to $20 per'' 91,000. according lrt ccwptiop, and written at short no jane 25 ti l niB important organ wei&hs but about three "5. ; -Mt f irt e gallons) passes through it at ka? .!"' '--. r-uii jiour, to nave, tne Due anc :'r?.T ,7-?,2rir:s s-trained or filtered from ', r'; sa'-Jrl jnirgativeof the bowels - ; '' '"' I-i'T becomes tornid it i not teoinu - - -i b - bV':H, but carried through the e", i I j- irts ot the system, and in trying to ei the pores of the skiu, causes it vo y.-ijt-y ir a dirtybrown color. The stom- ' -JMi i diseased, and Dyspepsia, Indi . (-nipation. Headache, Biliousness, -loi ' i:ilis, Malarial Fevers, Piles, Sick -. "ur S i.-w.vih , .id general debility follow, i :iti s iiL"s It KrA vise, i he great vegetable dis-. ; '' T'' torpidii--i causes the Liver to throw .-u-.rt Wse to ounces of bile each tiirs no !' wi p usrs through it, as long as there e '-;' '' bile ; andj'.he effect of even a few ;n-r -tpjjn yellow complexion or a brown dirtv r yl-- ( . Jn, will astonish all who try it thev titc first cymptonts to disappear. T:: ':.:- " all bilious diseases and T,iver coinptsr , n--. certain by, taking'HsPATf kb in aciy. i'v-dircctions. HeadacLe is gen;--:-: '. - n -.uventv tninutcs. and :o riis'-.e 4 m thti l.iver caa exisc if a fiir '.: . :J.ASr A SUBSTITUTE FOR H L BY ALL DRUGG1 IS, iFric&25Cts.aaiJSlJ; , JThe faulity of Consumption or.Throat and Ltinz Diseases, which swceo to the crave at least one-third of all death s victim, arises from the Opium or Morphine treatment, which simnlv iruDefies as the work of daath Pfi on $to,ooo will be paid if Opium or Morphine, or any preparation of Opium, Morphine or Prus sic Acid, can be found in th Globe Flower Cough Syrup, Vhich has cured people wV are living to-dayjwith but one remaining lung. No greater, wrong can be done than to say that Consumption is incurable. Globe Flowfr Couq. 'Syrup will cure it when all other means have failed. Also, Colds, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Read the testimonials f the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, Gov. Smith and Ex-Go. Brown of Ga.. Hon. Geo. 'Pea- body, as well as those of other remarkable cures mour book, tree to all at the drug stores, and be convinced that if you wish to be cured' you can bely .taking the Globe Flower Cough Stkup. Take no Troches or Lozenges for Sore Throat, when j'ou, can get Globe Floweb Sykup at same price. For sale by all Druggists. I Price 25 Cts. and $1.00 I Grave mistakes Ere made in the treatment. -f all diseases that krise from poison in the blcoc. Not one ease of Scrofula, Syphilis, White Swelling, Ulcerous Sores and Skin Disease, in a thousand, is treated without the use of Mer cury in someform. Mercury rots the bones, ' and the diseases it produces are worse than any other kind of Mood or skin disease can be. JJR. iEMBERTOirS -5TILLINGIA Or UlEEN S which a is and reason- I ably founded, and that will cure Cancer, l, iio.oob will be paid by the proprietors if 1 Mercury, or any ingredient not purely vegeta- Die ana narmiess can pe louna in it. Price by all Druggists $r.oo. Glqbe Flower Cough Syrup and Mek rell's Hepatink por xhk Liver for sale by all Druggists in 25' cent, and $1.00 bottles. A, P. UE2BELL & CO., FroprUtorsv PHILADELPHIA, PA. Theodore Joseph, Corner of Harnett & S alisbury Sts- One Corner West Raleigh National Bank. ! RALEIGH, X.C. Board bj the day or on the European plan ' S&tiiaetion ffvxranteed in ererylparticular H7 bar is supplied with Finche's Golden Wedding, 1870, Gibson's 18TI R je, Pftiffer A and C, and many more of the Finest! Brands of Bye and Kentucky Bourbon. ctl ' J Situation Wanted. jgf A GEHTLEiLAK who will fire his undirided time to business.: Has an ezten sire acquaintance. Experienced in Book keepiac and all lines of heary ods. Prefer to ct ia the capacity ox Bsiesman and Cor respondent, dec 21 Address, P.O.Box 669. otice. IS HEREBY G1TEN that application will be made to tha next aenlcn of the General Assembly for an Act incorporating the His torical and Geieatile Sedetr. of Wibnar lj! Delight is tne only medicine upon hope of recovery from Scrofula, Syphil hj i Mercurial diseases in ail stages, can be to,N.C sTecf-m Steamship Lines, &c. CLYDE'S Wilmi n gto n, N . C.v Steamship Litie. IThe Steamer .V K R ECU LA . CAPT. DOACK, ' : WILL SAIL FROM A'KW ORK Oh WEDNESDAY, Jan. 1. : 5a. Shippers can rely upon pe prompt sailing of Steamers as aclTertiaed. gjFor Freight Engagements apply to , ' " A. 1 CAZATJX. Agroatt Wilmington, Sr..O. L. Si BELDEN; Soliciting Agent. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General agents, Bowling Green, or Pier Yrok. ; . 13, N. R., New dec ?0 .' . , ' and;; .". j- , ilminton. T3. C.p STEAMSHIP LINE.: CAPT. OLIVER, - - - 1 WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE OS Saturday, Jan 4, Steamers Sail horn VVilminertoD every Saturday promptly at 12 M. Shippers can rely upon the prompt sailing' 01 steamers as adrertised. -ju-arong-n Alius ot Jtading- gires to and from PhiladelDhia. and 5 ' . esa wAr fispatcn guaranteed. For Freight Engagements Apply to i " i ' . ' A. D. CAZATJX, Agent, Wilmington, ST. C. L. 8. BELDEN. Solicitinsr Acrent. REUBEN FOSTER, General A'gen Corner Lee and Light Streets, Baltimore; Jtork. ' dec 30 GREAT BARGAINS AT V FAR & BROS. fYFER ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE and cheapest stocks of Beady Made Clotliing , AND ; - Gents' Furnishing Goods. In thi City or State. A full and 'complete stock i of custom-made ' . j . ' Boots and Shoes at Maim acturer's Prices. Gire us a call before goiog elsewhere, -dec 14 ' SOL BEAR A BROS. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY LATEST SENSATION IN 1 Linen Collars T ' the Any style in the "ehop" (including "Rawlingfc".) ? OTTZSXLBOUZia'Ov Merchant Tailoring and Men's Wear Depot, 27 Market st .. dec T Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THIS day the 8tmr. Passfobt, will maae daily trips to Smith- rill e, leering Dock at 9.30 A.& M., leare mithriile at 2.30. P. M, Tickets S1.00, Round Trip, oet 23 1 : GEO. UTXRS, Agent Great Bargains IH . - . i - ra Era's, BOYS' AFD AT A DAVID'S. Children ' n be Steamer SOL B CLOTHING ?rl I Rail Road Lines. c. ! WILMINGTOH & YELDOK RAILROAD COUPAXIYJ Wilmington, N. 0., Tot M, 1174, CHANGE OP $0HEDULt "On and after Bun dayi Kot. Hth, 18T Passenger trains on the Wilmington A W el don Railroad will run as follows : i DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRACT, daily. Leare WUmington, Front BL Depot at...,........ w 8 S8A M Arrire at Weldon at.M....,... 1 00 PM Leaye Weldon..;...M........... 2 SIP If Arrire at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.....i.......,.M..M..... I 61 P M NIGHT KAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY. Leare .Wilmington, Front St. Depot at.....; Arrire at Weldon at........ 4i. Leare Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. 9 SO V M 3 60 A M 2 13 AM uepot at......... 8 16 .1 la Traini on Tarboro Branch Kosd 'leare Rocky Mount for Tarboro at L.00 P M dailr. and Tuesday, Thursday arid daturc" y at 6:C0 A M. - Returnintf. leare Tarboro at lCj00 A M dailrt and Mondsr.. WnAaa mt Friday at 8:30 P Mi TV. T " . ' ..I xuo umr xram maxee close connection t Weldon for all points North rla Bar Lis e ounoiyj ana aauy, yia hicn mond and all rail routes. . - i. J.-' Night train makes close connections' at' Weldon for all points north ria Ricbmon 4. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Train. JOHN F. DIVINE, General 8uoL nor z Gesn'I SuTi'ts Office. Wtl.MIXOTO.V, COLCKBIA AND IT) ' 5QCSTA RAILROAr.. - Wilmington, N. C, Nor. 23, 187a. CHANGE OF SCILEDDLT. 1 1-7 i On and after Sundsr, Nor. 24, the folleu inc schedule will be run n this roadt DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRA IN, daily; Leare Wilmington....................... 8 36AM Leare Florence.. 1 03 P M arrire at Columbia.. ..i........... 4 Is P M Leare ColumbiaiM....... .........la -6& P M Leare Florence 4 47 P M Arrire at Wilmington 9 00 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN '(Daily). Leare Wilmington..!...... iO SOP M Arrire Tlorenoe...."..... ........2 80 A M Leare Florence............ 2 0b A M Arrive at Wilmington............ 6 18 AM This Train will only stop at Flemingtoo, Whiterille, Fiir Bluf, Marion, and Flor ence, and all stations between Florence and Columbia. . , Fassentrers for Auimata and bernnil r ' p. v.. . mu I l JLB T mington. ; Through SleerlneCarsonnifhttralna for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sap. I nor 9 j CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL WAY Company. . Omcx Givirii, ScriaiKTUOur, Wilmington, N. C, Nor. 29. 1878. J Change of ScheduW. ON AND AFTER tH!8 dite, the follow, ing Schedule will be operated on this Railway PASSEJTUER, MAIL AND TRAIN, s Leare Wilmington at..., C:20 A M Arrire at Hamlet at....... 2:0f P If " at Chailotte at..i 7:67 P M ") Leare Charlotte at 6:C0 M No. 2. V Arttre at Hamletat...M. 11:40 A M J " at Wilmington at T:65 P U SHELBY DIVISION, MAIL, JfREIGBl dt PASSENGER AND EXPRESS. ' n i xeare unariotta "wi . : ...... ) Arrire at rneioy 11:16 A M Kn in t eTerneiD V : ni. it r ...! X;15 Y M f Arrire at Charlotte....... 6:00 P M . 6:0 he abore Trains hare Paisenirer acconv- mi'datioQs and are the only ones permitted to carrr, raaeengers. V. QJOHNPON. 1 ror29 General 8uxer intend nt. FURNITURE! M N ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF THE most stylish patterns acd designs, carcfuL ly selected and at the LOWEST PRf CES. The Best i Assortment of Office, Tailor, Chamber, piDing Room and Kitchen ramltoxt . ere offered In Wilmington. . A Laree Stock cfall kinds of Carpet, Oil Gotbs, Bedding, &c., &c " " j " - A substantial. CIIRIaTil A3 PRESENT can bo selected from my stock .that wlH de light the recipient. Examlnati.jn of stoek sclxitedi e ' v"' " ' ' . ' " -.;. ;!' " ' ' !' ? B CH HTTE, 26 and i3 Front and 11 and 15 bock s!s ' dec 23. .::' S Samples front Baltlrr ore and NeTT Orleans. , RDERS for Molasses, Sugtr,Cre,8eap, Meats, Rica. Ac, promptly executed at bet tcm prices by JAH. T. PSTTEwA X . I cee j 24 Water Ctrtet in - TlHl iIiV n.i rt r hi 1-