New Advertisements, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ! 1 BROWN & RODDICK, 43 2&arket' Street- rpAKV. THIS Ori'OJi'f CXITY OF ';i!V. T sincere thanks for the pat- . o-.j '.. 1 hv.: :rad sly 'ii.cnased ,T.r !.! fcrit tf. it uiii always be ,V.r Ki .;: f.ittue. xi ill t-b- pUSti kfi'i'.jt '. v ''1 -' ? : ' " -!l;'-!it i'f Oils' Price are the - Every Article is.&ari&d in FPisin Figures an-1 i-.ery order sent is jaat a5 carefully; seloctrd 5i3 if tbe party stood at tl;e counter, f.vA jud;ri2 from tlie numerous orders we i'aily n civp, our system is duly apprecia rtl.'as a,ll (roods not, salislactury can al-waTsb'.'r-Hjrnod.- V ?.:! making preparations f t: our Grand Annual !earinr Sale. 2,::,. !.'" of which will bo given ihrbugu t'.iis medium. Toys, &c., &c. . Yve would simply date, as have NO UOOM to pack away any of - the P'ANCY (iOODS and TOYS leftover, it will, ilse DECIDED ADVANTAGE of all to irive us a call before" New Year's, as we will CERTAINLY CLOSE UP tVERY THING by that lime, our lease being limi ted to that dale. Wholesale Buyers Will do well by calling early - As the Goods Must be Sold. Brown & Roddick, 45 Market Street. dec 27 Christmas Comes JTUT ONCE A YEAR BUT-YOU CAN tome cither to-day or tomorrow and buy your CHRISTMAS GOODS I am offering some rare bargains for the Holidays in Gecta and Youths and lioja Clothing", f.ll 9YA ens tha half TTnl f n n A. r 5 Shirr in heCitTfor75 cents AT SHRIER'S EMPORIUM, Market t. dec 2; Toilet & Faucy Articles. P ERF DM FRY, Ac, FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS l're!cripticns compcunded at sll hours day or niht. ' A complete stock to fcui rom. JAMES C. MUNDS, Druiet, Third street, Opp. City Halh dec 71 Christmas is Over. JGT I WILL BE PLEASED TO serve tiu in tte Book and Stationery line. and will endear .r to give you satisfaction in cvtry tranai.tioa at S. JEWKTT'8, Front St eet Book Store dec 27 300 Bunches of - B mana. I HAVE i HIS DAY RECEIVED GOO Lunches of very choice Bananas, which will be s( M very low. Those calling early bunch at s. G. NORTHRO P"i, I deo GO Fruit and "onfecti anerv Stores iuir j tit; aniiu;ai;i; 01 SHiectin a niCO r ' otice. I A LL PARTIES interested will-please JZ. take no ice that, no indnl?renc will V. iven to those in arrears to January 11, S79. All accounts nrior to Ihe Tear 1ST0. rill, be presented and prompt payment re- urea euner oy casn or note RUDOLPH P. EYDEN, Eureka House, No. 4 North Water st. dec GO-lm Clean and Pure. T MY STORE on Second, between Mar- get and Dock atreetf, can always be found SACSAOES, HOGSHEAD CHEESiS and LlVEKPUbDlNGS. I make them inyself nd will guarantee them clean and pure. 'fNtt r qui try aiwavs on nana. MBS. ELIZABETH WARREX. -lw. jin 8 RECEIVED THI8 MORNING a splendid line of white and colored Cards and Bristol boards. Can give a nice job and the ucapesi kjd m tne city. DAILY REVIEW JOB OFFICE. oct 2 VOL. 3. LOCAL NEWS. tw tivcrtiselnient5. P. II exss'iit-!&; Organ , LI all 4 Ft Aiw.rt For 'the Ve3,ie f.,K.. I, I'AKfUT, fhrn'notlc. Ac. Fee d ''Vac? 2 - atroducad i-ric a. S. JiiwETi-Cbr.etmtis i Ore-. J. C.Mt irwi3t. ToiI Articles. ... . tsrt Fahot ; 0-tt n i3 stake. lit A IV. n v t. A great niany ltM..i.. n- tlvn mwa :est.rda. , No City (Jourtthis,iaorrj;or; arrests- i?st niiiht. ' ' ' ' Poultry has "riz' to patricwi pnece. Poor people livo on porki.' - i t ' Fresh pork by the whole Log is ,s11irjg from 4 to " cents per pound., ' Gonevievo Rogers is booked for this city for the eveniflga of the and ?5th inst. Fine old fashioned North' Carolina hams were selling this morning at 10 cents per ftound. Robins are as thick as tbe leaves in Vallambrosa Nimrods', are plenty ac cordingly. ' . , i. It takes twice as much fo pay tba cui cers of tha navy as it does all the men in I i thesarvice. , , -' Dr. Winants' ice . machine lias proven itself a real success. ;ou yesterday. It, wjis tested again The walls of the old. Brown building which was destroyed byf fire some weeks ao were pallod down this morning. i .( The bor-shcet for Bangs was pxl on sale this morning, and at an early hour -moat of the choice seats were disposed of. Advance shad, which! aro always fora runners of the delicious Ircsh water shad, are being brought to market. Fishermen predict an early season thi year. ' J. R. Nicho.s, M D.. and A. M of Boston, "editor of the Boston -, Journal of Chemistry K accompanied by his wife and daughter, is in the cityy en route for Flor ida. Tic is at' the Furce'll Honse. I Our statement yesierday, to tho effect that Judge lIcKoy and fauiijy would re move to this city," was incorrect, as no such step, we are assurod1, is in contem plation. It is Judge McKoy'rj son, Mr. Thos. H. McKoy, Jr. ,wko is to locate here for the practise of his profession.' ' - r-, 4- In Below. The British barque orth . Carolina, Capt. Buchan, from Liverpool, to Messrs. Alex Sprunt & Sou, is reported in below. She brings over, as a passenger, Mr. John Neilson, who is the last to return of the Wilminstomass who left here last Sum mer cn route fo? Eurupe and ths Paris Exposition. " I New Jersey AVinc sent to Europe. The succcis of Mr. Speer, the great wine man of New Jerseyi has arisen from! the' strict purity and valuable properties of his wiuts for invalids' and feeble persons, and his reputation extends, around the world. His Fort Grape Wino is; now beiug ordered by families in London and Munds. Green gers cV Co. , Paris. For sale by J C & Flanncr, and P. L. Bri' Dangerous We have been requested to caiij atten tion to the fact of the carc'es3 discharge of fire arms in the vicinity bfj t which, if not checked, may yet tha citv result in a serious disaster. A few days since two valuable cows, while grazing in the woods not far from Mr. Monk's place, just East of the city, were shot whether by acci dent or design is not known and oao of them seriously injured. We call the at tention of the proper authorities to the fact, in the hope that the jevil may be abated. i I i Wilmington District j First round cf Quarterly Meetings, Meth-odist-E. Church, South: I jj . Cliuton,at Clinton, January 11 and 12. Coharie, at Mingo Lodge, January 17. I Cokesbnry, January 18 and 10. m Bladen, at Center, January 25 and 6.! Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, Feb. 1 and 2. Waccamaw Mission, February 11. I Smithville, at Concord. Feb. 15 and 16; Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Feb. 22 & 23. u at Front Street, Men l'and2. Topsail, at Union, March S ind 9. Onslow, at Tabernacle, March 15 and 16. The District Stewards will please meet me at the Parsonage of , Front 'treet Church, Wilmington. Feb. 2oth, 1879, at 10 o'clock, A. M. A full1 attendance is pesired. L. S. Bubkhead, Presiding Elder. . i Daily ' 1 1 Betes w. 1 jL : J -. . . : 1 , ,-l;,,; WILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY- JANUARY The Submarine Direr The submarine diver went iowu ui ! raoruice and looked around and through f I tbe steamer Xorth KaU. which is lyin at i he-bottom f tbe river, necr tbe toot Up. rfnnameii under Ji Vilii-(,J .--. i wat-r only vx nnuuwf, as n " i he c- if'i nt Hand it. Captain Paddiscn 1 . . , , ; ,. ci -ill V, i nV and ;n tl n-nrk .-.f T.-i.-ir:-- the Mcmer until warmer ! weather. Kle:iion of Fielt OflGcers. .' h3 cftkerr of ti 4rh and 5t'i Bittal ! iocs (col.) North Carolica State troops, rtiefc in thiejty' this m-oramg, pursuant to geccral order issued by Adjutant General Johnston Jones,for the election of field officers The Howard Light Infaa trys Lraw Band of Fayetteville is in at tendance. The foll5wi82 i the result of the election: ' Geo. L. Mabson, of Wi-lsaington, Lieutenant-Colonel. Abram llolloway, of ', Fayetteville, Major. Detective Mayer's Mishap. Yesterday Mr. Drinn was sitting in the office; of the Empire nouie playing with his wild cat. Tom is permitted to roam only the length of a ttring which is attached to hia collar. Detective Mayer was looking up "dot drummer' and was followed by bis pet, & black.-and-tan. Lie started to go in the Empire House and tbe dog went in first and en countered Tom., The Detective looked i i at the dog but could detect , no pluck there, and finally he caught him by the front leg and tried to coat him into an assault upon Tom, who by this time had gotten his back hair up. His soul was in arms and eager for the fray. ;He made a leap, gained the dog's back and got the Detaetire's finger in his month and commenced his work of mastication. The Detective freed Himself as soon as possi ble, looked at his bleeding finger and ejaculated with considerable asperity'By sqhiminy, I pets vive dollar I gots one pull tog vot vips dot tam cat." A stranger, out of the goodness of his heart, offered the Detective some salve to pat on his finger when I Mr. Mayer smiled blandly and asked. 'Doeslyou sell datJ'The stranger replied in'the affirmative. "Veil den, my friend," said Air. Mayer "Veres dot lischense." That Oyster Supper. Oysters do not agree with some people, and on others they act as an opiate. . A "stag" oyster supper is rather demoral izing, and somet imes the sedative charms of this pensive bivalve jeapordizes the temperate habits of the most wary. Last night there was a stag oyster supper given in this city, and this morning there were several headaches registered on the archives of the health reporter. The oysters acted very ungraciously to three young men who attended the j banquet. Two of them, under the infiuenc6 inspired by the oysters, swore eternal friendship, and thought, they would pool tlacir issues and sleep close together. In order to be exceedingly intimate and friendly they took chairs and placed them in! opposite corners o' a room, and very quietly went to sleep. After an hour's nap tupy freed themselves from the embrace of Morpheus; they glared at each other; both turned on their heels and march off in opposite directions; neither had spoken a word to the other; they met with raw hides, and by tacit un derstanding they Commenced to ply t.he whip, when the less "oystered" man cried 'hold, enough" Hands were shaken across theVbloody chasm,"and the twin, worship? phers of Bacch ,no "oysters" agreed to play a joke on the third man of the party. He still slept peacefully. They tickled his nose.lips and cars with a straw, but could not awako him. A pack of firecrackers were placed under his chair and yet Mor pheus claimed his victim. He was dab bed with tar, and cigar ashes were placed on his hands, but to no effect, and he was labelled "The Seven Sleepers, Barnum'i Museum, New York city, C. O. D., 10 Cents," We are glad to hear it. Oar druggist informs us that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup sells better than any other medicine, and always gives satisfaction. It's very cheap too, costs only 25 cents a bottle. They don't know it. Some people don't know that they are being swindled every time they buy an inferior, short-weight, baking powder. It would he far better to buy and use the old reliable D owlet's I Yeast Pcwdes. Every package of the Dooley Powder is warranted absolutely pure, and strictly fall weight; sold by grocers generally. The New Law Compensating Post , masters. The Washington Republican tays the Postoftice Department :s realizing the beneficial effect anticipated from tho iar which went into effect on the first cf July last, changing tho v.v- (i compensa ting postmasr-ers ;t iv.ur'th cl-iss offices by allowing tbeni comwiicTis . oo the aaiount of stamps cancelled 'on letters mailed instead of ou't he 'amount of stamps sold. The return for the quarter ended Sept. SO have just bec;v adjudicated, an .1 show that the tot il amount of stamps f Id dar ing the quarter was $4,407,973, .and, tho Pa" of postmasters $1,407,311, or 261 per cent, of the postal revenue for stamps. During the quarter ended on the 80th o June it required 30.3 per cent, of the amount of stamps sold to pay the com pensation of postmasters. ) From these figures it appears that the new system saves to the postal revenue 3.5 per cent, of all the stamps sold, and that the savings at this rate during the quarter ended September SO was $224, 279,or at the fate of $896,1 1G per annum. It is noticed that the amount of stamps sold during the quarter ended on tho 1st of July was $381,745 in excess of the amount seld during the succeeding quar ters. This excess is accounted for by the fact that advantage 1 was taken of the expiring moments of the old law to scecuro the large premium it offered on the sale of stamps. A result of the old system was to leave in private hands an undue accumulation of stamps, often obtained afc a discount and through traffic and specula tion, and as these stamps will now be used in paying postage, the postal reyo nues are likely to suffer for some time to come. This is indicated by the dimin ished sales for the first quarter after the expiration of the old law. i The Consumptives Only Hope. Verily, to most people, whose systems are failing or in any way out of order, Oil as a medicine, is the most disgusting and difficult to take. Few stomachs do not revolt at the mere thought of Castor or Cod Liver Oil, yet, when those appalling symptoms of decay appoir which physi cians and patients alike know are unerring signs of greater waste of blood and tissue than the nutritive powers are supplying, Cod Liver Oil is th-j most trustworthy and effective remedy in the world. But re pugnance to its taste and odor reduce the nervous patient to despair. It is then that friends end doctor can do him the most inestimable kindness he has ever known, by telling him of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with the Hypopbosphites1 of Lime and Soda; by truthfully assuring him of its entire freedom from undeasant s.nell or odor; of its marvelous qualities as a nutrient, and the miracles it works, is giving tone and energy t o stomach, nerve and brain, , Hotel Arrivals- j i Emfibe House. Wilmington N. C. Jan. IO.-t-I. L. Dolby, proprietor. from 8:15 o clock Jan. 9 to 8:15 o clock Jan 10 R C Steam. Brooklyn; J D W Churchill, New lork; A H Paddison, Stanford, N C; John Butler,1 Philadephia; J S M Smith, wife and 3 children, S C; J H Hardie, Red Hill, N Cf H M Driver, loint Caswell; John Cowan, wife and child, city. i The Thermomter. From the United States Signal Office at his place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this nioxn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, G a.. ....... 2 4 Cairo, 111 7 Charleston, 8. C....32 Cincinnati... ......... 1 Corsicana, Tez 11 Fort Gibson, C N.13 Galveston 41 Indianola 40 Jacksonville, Fla...33 Enoxville. 13 Lynchburg. 22 Memphis, Term 12 Mobile, Ala. 24 Montgomery Ala.. .22 Nashville D New Orleans 33 New York 22 Savannah, Ga 23 Shreveport 19 SL Louis, Mo . 7 St. Marks, Fla. 27 Vicksburg, Miss.. ...3 Washington, D C.18 Wilmington, N. C.29 STOP AT THE EMPIRE HOUSE- This house has been thoroughly refitted and refurnished and the facilities for the accommodation i of its guests have been enlarged and improved We are determined to i make the bouse as comfortable and desirable in e very particular as any in the State. A strictly first-class house, at prices to suit tho times. A fine Billiard Parlor ana Bar attached. . I. L. Dolby, j dec 13-lm Proprietor. For Howards of Thlrtv ; a Mas. Wikblow's Stbctp has been nsed Cor children. It corrects acidity of I the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates tbe bowel, enrea dysentery and diar rhoea, whether arising from teething or other cause. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a bottle. d & w , A. card. To all who are sufleriDg from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weak. ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREJS OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South Amer ica. Send a self-addressed envelope to tbe Brr. Joseph T. Ivmajt, Station D, Bible JTozae, ivete zork wity. j d Jt w 10. 1879. NO 291 Kow Advertisements. YTrANTEO A niat.ufaciiirir: iirai vra a business man in WiiinHitdu iu'd an s every city ( not ilreadj- taken), to 1 represent I iUm. $100 to 400, nrCf.fsary f pav fcr ! in Cera for tho sin:e. SU0 to $2 CO per isn-th guaranteed in a legitixate, buii nts. Monsy absolutely sec c-.'-id. The mc-st eoarcbii: iartti gation fc.' li'iicd. f. b. vail a cu., , KG;A 173 Devc.n, Lire t.', ,ct OD y:t,5. j-inu0-2t Motice- 51 E K i' ; v ii o F Til: CO M .M 1 1 T (. E O 'be reception of 'Jcu.;C j'iU.-c Will tske place THIS EXESVSG, at " o'jj , at tb. Oirce of John D. Btllarar, Jr , Li.. -joall GLO. D. PARSLEY, Cn'm. For the People ' 1200 BBLS G00D FL0UK i gQQ Bush. Water 3Iill MEAL, ' t ' 250 Bbl3MESSPOEK,- ' t 1 200 Cores D. S. SIDES', ' 200 BZ3 COFFEE, , , i. 00 Bb'3' UGAR. I , , For sale low by SALL &. PEAIISA1L. jan 10 At the Live Book fetore You can get a First Class NEW TIAXO FOR $125 ! 'AN ORGAN FOR $70 I Guitar?, Violins, ,and all kinds of Musical instruments at tho Lowest Paces. BLANK BOOKS, all SiesStvles and Prices Letter Copying Books, Letter Presses, , Ink Stands, Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Inks, Mucilage; Ac, Ac, Ac For sale'at HEINSBERfxERV, jan 10 , Nos. 39 and 41 Market t. I OPER "Julius Caesar," Shakespeare's c-as?ic and historical Tragedy, on MONDAY EVENING. Jan. 13tn, . I i - . Interpreted by' the renownei dramatic a:ti;t aa Martc Antony, aa acted bv him fori over 1C0 nights at Booth's Theatre, New York. j Er- Shorn ss SScene, whose success in 'fclaoiict", "it icLard III", ana othr c-hakepertan characters, eminently fit him for hi3 great personation of CASSIUS. i ! BSr. Hobert It, 23ownin, !. AsBROTCS. Xr. Georjre ZJcov, 1 ibe accomplished actor, will, assume the role I of JULIUS C.KSAR. Seats secured at Heinsb5rger's,commcncing Friday. Admission 25c, 75c or SI. No ex tra charge tor secured seats. jan 8-4 1 NO POETRY I ' ! Bo&twnghl & MqKqj JJAYii' SINCi: TIiTJ HOLIDAY'S re newed their1 stock. Il i.? r.ov largo a.nd complete. I - 1 . To our n tail fr: izl- wij v;iU. state that we are alive to tile j v.-ats. Wo buy close and west li close. Our motto is "CAN'T BJS UNDERSOLD!'' '-Doyou mind that?" T SortiC cf our fr.iejnb v.-l:o have put up couuters said v.v v.ere "retail men," Now, to you..gentlim.?L:. who buv at whole sal, wc will ttatr, it yen "rt ill coruo and examine our ootis ai.ji prices, and" we don't put them to -the MsisIj, we will a knowledge we have been in the Grocery busmesiffor twenty. :ie'y;h2 3 to little pur pose. To our friend: v. I io l;ave been owing us four w ythsand more we w'ill state we posi-l-lively need what is due us. We gave you value received, and "wo thii :k it, as little as you can do to come forward and make a showing. YTqu can all La w. credit if you will "tote fair'f and pay yoc r bills promptly at the tnd of the month. Faith in each other is. what we need in ti is land. Nearly all debts now are dbts of honor. Von't you pay for what you ea.t, something to sustain life? To those wb o pay their bills promptly we will sell on thirty davs lower than he who sells for easb BoaWright & McKoy, ' 5, 7 &.8 north Tront St. jan C 200 Tons Coal. N OT DAMAGED, all sizes, and well screened. Delivered promptly, as usual. s 300 Kegs Dapont's Powder unburnt. At lowest prices to cash customers. Yo :dandbhingles. Fresh supplies ex pected next wee. ' O. G. PARSL12Y, Jr., AenV Coal and Wood Yard, Cor. Orange and 8. .Water Sta. j jm 6 HE WILMINGTON JOfJRNAL, iJ on of tha very beatadrcrtiriag madinmt New Advertisementa. Stamping and Pinking Em j porium. T ITS.SP2HNER de"s to inform the fTA L.adies of Wilmington and the nrronnd idS countrr tht her New Stock of Embroid- , ery and Braxdxar Patterns surpasses any In 1 tne fetate. La)ipi r ments for their work and if not convenient to call for the same it will be ent to their reii dences without extra charge. Don't foreet 1 to call at Second Street, next door to Less man'a Bakery. - dec IS tf Jwst Received. A NOTHER SUPPLY cf that Celebrated w.X' 15 rand of JACSv . FROST FJLOIIR ! A-varde i a Gold Medal at the Paris k? V'Oiitioc. It has noequal. Tbe ' very fiLCjt made. Also 1 i JQjQ lir.LH FLOUR, all erodes, . . I ' . ... '(,AA.;!!(icsDrv!tcd jj4 . . , -u' J-moked Bacon, Orn Sacks Java, Lauyra ' f asd Rio Coffee, 1 IJb's c-rujhed, 'Granulated, Stacd L O J ard A, Ex C, and C Sujjar?, o lib's Portoticn, Cub.i, N. O. V' . " ar.d. li. ilolts. Bb! Citv Mev Pork, JQQ Tubs choice Le if Lird, , nn New aui Second Hand " . ' UUU i . -Spirit Barrel Luke George and Lebanon Shectinga, , Manchester ar.d Randolph Yarna. Trackers, Candy, Soap, Starch, Fcda, I'otfl.-h, i Lve. Snuff. Matchp. Corn. Hay, o'at, Glue, Bung, Nailf, Jloip Iron, Ac, Ac. For sale low bv : " WiHiamw v Miircliisoii.1 jan S-d&w. CHRISTMAS PRICES ! PAY ATTENTION ! YOU CAN GET FOR SO Gents AT MY STORE CITRON, . . j CURRANTS, . . ' ASSORTED NUTS, HAVANA ORANGES, DRIED FIGS. . - - -f 1 1 Three Pouncls Jriltc Nicest French Candy ?, and! i'oipedecs, I'irft Cracker? ever thing in that lino at prices not to be com pc-tcd with. ' JUS 0. STEVENSON dec 20. Fort Grape Wine Used in I Hundreds of Congregations for' Church or Communion purposes. i Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Per -' sons and the Aced. . Mt, Frospoct Vineyards, New,- . Jersey. ; .' ' j 'Speer's Port Gmpo Wind ! Four Years Old. rpms justly celebrated native Wine id made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raiee.d in this country. Its invaluabU Toaic ani Strentlieiiiii Properties ara unsarpaased by any other native Wine. Being the pure juice of the grape, produced under Mr. iSpeer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its gener ous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage, ft is particularly bene-; facial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the weaker! sex. It Is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. j Speor's P. J. Sherry. The P. J. SHERRY is- a Wine of tiTJPE RIOR CHARACTER and partakes of the is made. Fe- PDRIT V, Richness of Flavor and MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it wUl b 1 found unexcelled, and must not be iadged by ' the many .brands of Sherry now before tb public. ! . S peer's P. J. or Pedro J- Brindyv This noted Brandy is a pare distillation from te grape and is equal to the finest Hen netsy or Otard Brandies ; for medicinal pur votes it cn be relied upon as trictlr Dure. See that thr signature of Alfred Speer, Passaic. .V. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Ai SPEER'8 ML Prospect Viney ardj,5rw J ersey . Office, No. 34 Warren SL New York. For sale by GREEN A PLANNER, J. C. 4 CO jaa 1 ' i Eardware, Hardware. COLLINS' TIMBER AND WOOD AXES, j Every Axe warranted. Simmons' Box ing and Broad Axes, Grub Hoes, Cotton Cards, Co flee Mills, Hatchets. Hammers, kct Ac All for sale at lowest living profits by k . GILF A MCRCfllSON, 38 & 40 Morchiaon Block. T Don't buvHardware,Tinware and Crockery before calling on u ian j rj otice. APPLICATION wiU be mad to . the next General Assembly of the Bute for a charter to incorporate the "Wilmington lee Company," of Wilmington. N.'C. I dte 2$ZQt 3 S FiieAssorM Gaiy