Iiscollanoous WAIT NO LONGER! EfcBUT COME TO TEE Exchange Corner ! You should "come at ouce'andselactycur Japanese Goods before all are sold. A nice lot of those beautiful Waiters only $1,25 per set; they aro going fasr. The nicest present 5 ou canjgive is a Hand kerchief Cox with half dozen rice Handkerchiefs, r"a Clove !x with olp or more pairs of (Jlovos. You should remember ths Kid Glove De pot. The 4-Eutton Kid (ilove you should buy at once as tbey can tot buluplicAtcd in irice. Wc can giveyou jKid Gloves from 'J,0c up. Come and get your presents .at Exchange Corner for a little money! re precursor of the end of an epidemic yel'ow fever. With what: joy is the journal, the paper bearing date Ssptember 17tb, 1378, DrCarr, over his own sig-, nature, concluding an artiole relative to yellow fever, says: 1 I wiil concludeby su2Ctio;r what consider the mcst practicable means of arresting the disease. It has been well established that freezing cold is the enly su of news received in the stricken city. "We had a killing frost last night. 1 i The art of producing artificial ica and reln'serating machines has been . so far perfected during ths last few years that nearlj- all Southern citizens' now possess within themselves the means ot reducing ths temperature of rooms to any I desired extent by the simple lise 'of t cool coa densed air. A manufacturer of air bom pressors says: '"We -are able, without the use of ice or chemicals, to! reduce the temperaturo of a g'ivem spac very nearly to tbo freezing point if desired." Ikit I am treading 0111 forbidden ground in a communication of this character and so icriear speaking lurther 01 ViG means of producing artificial ,'&iillng?frot." I those who de.siro to experiment in this direction will communicate with me1, shall Le pleased to assist them. . ' 1 THE AKMY xM) THE SIX. 1 t Jt would save a world of trouble if the 1 1 i . . . 1 1 n fMT7 nft p'y f ueprcsentcuves in congress wouiu an vnly Dl PUT r'air returnt(J lh9ir homM,Yforfeilibg their rishta and privileges, except the cue of drawing pav, and let the great New Yorl . ... i Ml . , daiues run the machine. 1 One cannot . 1 . ; imagine the amount vl wisdom that is tcj be gaiueil every day Irofii these ponderous sheets, unless lr takes' tiio trouble to read 1 ou can hnd a Present for any C'IR' ,Itm them. r . t the dailing babe to the robust man. " We woi-M call your altt-nt ini! f tl eJJ Flexible E-Sip Corset For sale onlt at Sscliangc Corner ! Jl is a IIKUty ! 1 We invite all to come as v e are prepared to see tbf-m 0:1 MONDAY, 1WDAY ! AND s it As we know it Vyi'il rot only 'be The iSttn, always wiac, j(in iti own con ceit) tells the iiicmbcrs oil Congress how to frame a bill for the ref-orgauizationrof the army. This, too, frujrn a man who, unlike Job's war horse, never even sniffed the battle from afar,j logmen who, though civilians and law makers now, were gal lant soldiers of high rank in the two op posing armies during' the late conflict. The Snn will not tjnd many persona in the South who will object to a reduction of the streugth of the army for the peo ple in this section areahntst unanimously in favor of that. Uut'the idea that seems to us prep steioiis, is the j tact that ihis knight ut The quill should suggest to men ii military experience the proper mode of re-organizing an r army. After jthe next war, when Mr. Dana shall have gone to the front and performed his - duty like a gold coin to Europe ia . payment for Brazilian produce ana with mat ' gold .. t :i tne supplies 01 .Drain are purcnasea, eyery article of which could and should go from onr own country and be of our own production. 'And why is this? Simply because 01 tne superior com - . . r m . . 9 merciai ana postal j acuities mrnisnea by the European governments. There are at the present time nine regularly established steamship lines between Europe and South America, atid all are receiving compensation under long contracts for carrying the mails. amounting to five or six million dollars arinuaily from each government, while the trade of the United States until last year had no direct steam com' mumcation, and the new line now in ODeration, and which has developed a good deal of valuable trade, has not the aid even of a postal contract from our Government. A late report con tains extracts of Brazilian trade statistics, showing the per centage of imports from and exports to other countries, as follows: I Imp. Exp Germany .... J .... 1 5.21 3.43 United States..... '.. 4.57 20.90 France 19.49 13.46 Great Britain. . .....52 47 45.30 Portugal... 4 5.01 4.73 And while the Brazilian trade with Great Britain has been all the time in creasing, that with the United y states has suffered in proportion. . Let us see what articles Brazil im ports, and what proportion is derived from the United States. Among the imports for one year were the follow ing: . 1 , Total, From U. S. Boots and shoes . . $1,978,979 1 $2,877 (Jod and other fish 1,714,703 D utter 2.115,414 Cbccio 635,481 Flour 4,257,331 Straw hats. . . 606,396 Coal 5,537,405. Earthenware .... 1,037,334) Iron and steel.. 9S1.427 Iron and steel 1 rails j. 245,452 Other manufaot- tures of iron and bteel..:-r.'. . . ... 2,818.367 Agricultural im- miasion. in conversation with me few minutes later, said, Yes, the Re publican judges i on the commission were partisan, Judge Miller was ex tremely partizan, a veritable bulldozer intact, yet Judges Clifford and Jbield were every .' whit a3 partizan on our Sun. Sufferlnff for a Life Time. Persons afflicted with rheumatism often saner for a life time, their tortures being almost without remission. The joints and muscle of such unfortunates are in mos cases shockingly contorted and drawn out ot shape. To afford them even temporary relief the ordinary remedies often prove ut terly useless Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, on the other hand, Is avouched by persons who have used it to be a genuine source f relief. It keeps the blood cool by promo ting a regular habit of body, and removes from it impurities which, in the opinion of all rational pathologists, originate this ago nizing complaint and its kindred malady. the eout. Besides this the Bitters remedy disorders of the stomach, lirer and nerves, prevent and eradicate intermittent fevers, promote appetite and sleep, and are highly recommended by physicians as a! desirable medicinal stimmiant ana tonic. P. '-L. -ItRIDBEKS & CO. I 74,929 13 316 l074 2,880,439 2,207 197,582 65 52 i 5,345 I 60,617 978 to their interes,ybut to their amusement gd P-ltriot would be ;i good time for him to come to the front in an editorial like the rio in his paper of Tuesday's date. I also. l3. H. SPRUNT,- Exchange Corner- dee 21. The DailvEevie JOSTI. T. JAMES. fEd. and Prop WILMINGTON. K. C. THURSDAY JANU A. RY 16, 18: 9. j WASH IS GTO LETTER. Wamiington, D. cj Jan'. 13, 1879. We are-likely to have "nveatigatious enoug.tv liesiaej tuoj itiier Commit tee which have long heen m session here in the examination of the affairs of various Departments, the Potter Committee has resolved to go into the subject of "cipher despatches." Iam glad of this. Those despatches have done and are now in condition to do great mischief to the Democratic party. The mora they are investigated the less harmful thev will nrobabiv ho Our friends will dd well to make tfie inquiry thorough, and I to! fit at all times with open doors. ' In Kansas, Illinois and Wisconsin the Senatorial contests are getting warmer as the days of 'election aD- SENATOR-ELECT YANCE. In the Democratic caucus held in Ra leighlast night, Governor Vance wa3 proacii. In New York, Pennsylvania nominated by acclamation for the United ud Indiana it is conceded! that Conk statn. S-.nftt. . and the nomination is g Cameron and VoorNes, present . , ' , . . Jf Senators, will bo elected. There is equivalent to an election. it 13 me eec- far rom tuo same certainty as to In ond time that ho has thu3 received tee galls. Oglesby and Howe, j Against endorsement of his party for the high Ingalls aenous charges are made, and position to which bo Lasbeen chosen, and 2, & there is a kind of poetic justice in the J penter and Logan. fact that he is to be &ent agaia, and this I Since Dec. 1st four members of the ;time to be triumphantly seated where a House have died Messrs Williams, hi malignant and partisan S,nate had before Ga 'and Kcleiclie;t of Texa3 g je refused him admisson. That body will funeral services of ,the Jast named will bo known in history as the Oakes be -held in the Hal of the House I to- Ames Credit Mobilier Senate, and it da' ' l h was an extremely popular t. . , . . . u , , . . man, and actually controlled' iegisla- maybe that it feared the- admission tion on the subject of the Armyl at the among iuem oi one uioro uoaesi anu in- past session or mis Uongresfs. lie corruptible statesman to swell the weak succeeded iu securjng followers minority of pure men in that body, and unoa8h ong Democrat to prevent J x . . a Tp.inplmr. winch vrnnlH nfha.n.: . r . i - . . . - - wu.v wmci wist) hsace the secret spring of their action in certainly have been made in the refusing hiin the seat to which he was so strength of the' Army On all other justly entitled. But this, is to be atoned subjects ho voted with the Democratic rjartv for. The weak minority of honest men :i'm before mentioned the fact is now a majority, and in the . next Con- that an effort will, be made at this gress, if God spares hii life, Zcb. Vance session of Congress,! to secure a small Vdl be welcomed among them with open subsidy for two lines of steamships to e i v " 'South America one irom New Orleans arms, the peer of the pcerliat among ono fr0a New York As showing them all, be he either Thurman, or Voor; the' extent of tho trade it 13 thus hees, or Bayard, or Gordon, or Iamar, or sought to secure, and1 hoW little bene- plements, ma chinery. etc 2.374.736 268.688 Cotton, cotton fab- ( lies audciothinr.41.858,359 409.112 Prfpertlor printing, ; vntiijg, wai, 1 ' . . etc ....1.376:426 84.828 nr! . .-. wool, woolen tab- ! rics, i I clothing, j etc ..............'.10.337.409 Thus of the products and manufac tures which we can supply most cheaD ly anci plentifully, Brazil. buys moit largely in Europe, eimply because of . ?r.eat surjeriority ot commercial iacuities. 1 It being understood that Justice Hunt will retire from the bench of the U S Supreme Court, even if be recovers from his present sickness, there is much speouUtion as to bis successor. It will of course be tt wish of Mr Hayes to give the office to some one who in some way assisted in miscounting the votes forPresident. Atty Gen'l Devens would like the place, too. Apparently basing his theory upon the well known fact that yellow fever disappears with the coming of the first severe frost, Prof Gamgee submits a proposition to prevent the introduction or spread of that dreadful disease by submitting to the action of frosty air ine lnieciea vessels coming into port and the dwellings in districts which are infected. He claims that ho can in fifteen minutes reduce the air in i any dwelling or vessel to zero, and that every gem of t ha disease ia de stroyed at that temperature. I If Gen'l Sherman hk.i1 at any time a hope of securing the passage of Burn side's Armyreorganizatiou.bin he has probably given it up before this time. Unfavorable comments on it are re ceived here from all sections of the country from the Army, from private citizens, and from the press.' 1 GUKDGE. . Those who'll read thii ibyme'and rieit our 1 ' I- ; store . Will appreciate more than ercr before That our muie does not vainly aspi-e To climb Olympus, and ingloriously expire In the attempt, bat keeps an eren pace With the time, and always prointto the place vvuere iot?j vivvw wm vue pecim vumg, yamjl7 n bbl... 6 00 0 7 00 A. BUSAJ W llti J V 0 Q M U XThe following qnoUtlont represent the wholesale prices generally. In making ap email orders higher price have to be char fed. UAUUlA u Uunnr 1 Double Anchor. ........ Q ;1SJ Doable Anchor A f 1S?4 Standard Domettic......... J 12 , BACON North Carolina. Hami, 2. 12 15 8houlders, y lb.;.... 8 9 Bides, W ft)-........... 9 10 Wei tern Smoked Hams. Bide. ft). Hhoulden. Dry Salted Side. In..... saoulden, y S..M. BEEF Lire weieht... 10 6 5 0 5 13 6K 5K BARRELS Spirit Turpentine Second Hand, each I 65 Q 1 75 35 40 New York.each, new....... 1 75 1 85 BEESWAX lb 24 00 BRICKS Wilmington, M 8 00 10 00 I Northern 00 014 0Q BUTTER North Carolina lb 15 & 20 Northern, TO fi 55 CANDLES Sperms B 25 Tallow, Wlb 110 Adamantine. V set. 12 & OHEESh 12 Northern Factory, W ft... 10 & Dairy cream, lb 1IK otate, w m -y & COFFEE Java, D 28 & ilio, B.. Lagayra, TO lb CORN MEAL TO bushel.... COTTON .TIES- TO lb UUUKSTIU Sheetise, 4-4 TO yard....... Yarn, TO bunch 18 Q 70 & 95 & 11 12 10 30 17 10 72 1H FISH Mackerel, No. 1, TO bbl. ...16 00 920 00 No. 1, V bbl J. 8 75 Q 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, TO bbl.... 12 50 600 00 No. 2, TO bbl 6 00 6 50 Mackerel, No. 3 TO bbL....OO 00 & 8 50 Mulletf, y bbl. 2 00 2 50 N. C. Herring, TO bbL 5 00 8 00 nw nA na k its a n 1 j vuuj y ............ 7r v FLOUR Fine, TO bbl .Vo 00 4 00 super, Northern, TO bbl... 4 50 6 00 Extra do " TO bbl... 6 25 6 60 ? TheodoreJoqeph, : Comer of Hcnrett & HAlifboi Sts. : One Comer Wjl.Balelb:;Natiaaal Baak. RALSIQHIfr C. ' 3 Board by the da? (or on fht EaxvpuA plaa 8 itlaf action gxtrraateed In vtryarficaUr : Mj bar it rapplled with Fhache'j QoMta Wedding, 1870, GUW Un'zy&VuiEK ' A and C, and many more'; of. tat Fioeit Brands of Bye and. Kentucky Boarbo. Hampton, cr our own noble Ransom. BORROWED "lIISHUNDER. In our regular Washington letter,pflbf Iished on Tuesday, was a paragraph to the effect that there was an Englishman in Washington City, a Prof. Gamgee, who claims that he can prevent the in traduction of the dreaded yellow fever in to any placef and that when it is located ha can stop its ravages, his pain being, simply, to freeze its gems. It is interest- - ing in this connection to state the fact that this ideatkal process was recommend- el by a gentleman in this city. Dr. Thos. B. Carr. some four months before Mr. Gamgee appeared on tke board. The 'thing is on record and indisputable. In a paper written. for the Scrth Carolina Xfedical Jcv.rnal, and which appeared in fit bur' producers nd manufacturers get from it, the followicg figures are gived. The first show the 1 amount; of exports and imperts , of Brazil from 1871 to 1876: The following figures; show the amount of general import and exports of Brazil from J b" c0 -71 to 1875-76: Impjrt3 '...,.S471J570,859 50 Exports. 577,041,492 00 Daring that time tho imports of the Uni ted States from Bra zil amounted to. .h 274,14,5C0 CO And the exports of the United States to Brazil amounted to '-only. . . 48,853,553 00 The foregoing statement , shows tho mere nothingness of United State3 exports to Brazil, while the imports from that country indicate that We are the purchasers of more than . due-half of her entire exports; Instead of pay- ir fcr the cimo in predicts - of oar Counting the Electoral Tote. I Washington, January 12. Al though the House committee on the subject ol countirjg tho electoral vote lias agreed to report and urge, the pas3ago ot wnat is known as the Southard bill, its rejeotion of the Ed munds bill, which has passed the Sen ate, ma&ea the failure ef any lesisla tiou pn the subject at this session a foregona conclusion. The House Democrats do not rise above partizan considerations any more 1 than the Senate Republicans, and they are therefore peotectly satisfied to let things tako their course. A eugges- tiounasD3en made tliar, m the ab sencs of legislation, the Democrats, although they will control Iboth branches of the next Congress, may not find it plain sailing iu case of a close presidential contest,1 as Vice- President Wheeler may assume that he has the power, as President of the Sec ate, to open and count the votes. There is nothing in this suggestion as, in case of political necessity, the two uemocrauc nouses of Congress can follow the precedent set by their Republican predecessors and adopt a joint ruie uy concurrent resolution declaring the method of counting me electoral vo re. Apropos of this subject two reminiscences in con nection with the electoral commission are of . interest as showing that : parti sanship was at that time not confined to either side. - A Democratic member of the joint committee which . framed the. bill to organize the electoral com mission said yesterday, in conversa tion wjth your correspondent , There were come of us Democrats on. the committee who were not fooled by Jr Edmunds and his 'if any We kne w from the beginning that it was simply a question of eigHt to seven, and whichever Bide got tho fifth judge would win. . When we did not gee him we kn2TT it ttss all - over.' A Deno- r:'..z r?,"r cf tho e!?c!crl con Which has, withouT doubt, tin true business rinr. ". j- '-. And this thiog we will briefly explain, With the hope that we wi 1 eause no pain I To brother grocers, who, ia yearsgone oj, Learned to get goodi at figures that were hish. ! ! I -Unfortunately we see some of them incline To' fallow the customs of "Auld Lang Syne;' Bat we consider it matter of congratulation Taat we've no fogy notions in our education! In old time "big profits" hd a wide range, And old habits are hard, hard to change. Of Wilmington grocers we take the lead I How t j'prove this assertien we only need To remine the public that our dean new store ' f ' Made others be painted and swept a little ! - moral , Like all businea3 men who are truly wise, We at once began to extensiTelyadvertise, When onr friends catching the idea, ttought j it well To increase their ep&ce, as the printers will teiri At first we put some poetry in our "ad," But when they Eaw this plan was not bad, They followed onr lead. And when we tried prose They followed as nicely as if led by the nosel Wo nex.t thought 'twould be well to try rhyme, When lo! they gr.tped the Idea as sublime 1 "Though thf-y i are followed inall we hare QDJJU, When thU battle is well fought an d won, n IV Some wul csee that "extra percent," isn't "nonsense," ! City MillEx,.Super bbl... 7 00 7 25 . CamilwQ KVil T fid A V IK m-iM-ij -yp wa w 9 IV FEftTTT.T7.PniS I Peruvian Guano, 2000 lbs . 54 00 55 00 avigh'B Phosphate " r 00 00 00 00 Carolina Fertilizer " 45 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 60 00 " 00 00 51 00 ia oo 45 00 47 00 55 00 67 00 Ground Bone, " . Bone Meal " r " Flour " Narassa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate " 00 00 70 00 Wando Phosphate, " " 00 00 70 00 BergerABruta'sRos. " " 00 00 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma4 i nipulated Guano ..48 00 67 60 GLU&-m fi 8 & 10 GRAIN Corn. tore. 661bs 65 & C7 Corn, cargo, 56 fbs 55 57 The Collins House On The European Plan. Corner Front and Bed Cr o&s Street Near TJnioii Dcjpot- 'j. T KESPEarFULr.Y.'ANN'OUNt;KTg iny iJienvls and 1ih miMIc lki 1 opened the abevn H iiv and miii iiok ire. . pared to furnish nur.h and Knlslnss i llestauras.t ojhmi at all hour. Trices low and 'brd-room itHi. 1-1,1, and airy. Special rates by Uy, week or uio.ih. 1 ttTbeonly Uestaurant in the cittl ! W. M. COLLINS. 1 Oct 2-2tawiu-ilrti . Protrltr ' Beer for All ''J AT EC- StXAXLCTJfS 00X73 I No. 6 (Market rst J UST RECEIVED per Steamer, 50:iXegof that Oe!ebrate4 Pilsner Xag-er Beer Which we will eell at the low Cash -price $2.50 per Keg, for this week eoly. ( a Marcus a so.y, d23 ' , ; 8 Market 8 tree TT .uornj yei., w busheL one. Oats, y bushel...... 60 SPeas, cow, bushel.. ...... 75 111 U KS Green, y m l 4 Dry, fl... L 9 HAY Eastern, 100 lbs... 1 10 60 80 & & 9 1 25 Jiorth River. 100 lbs.... 100 0 110 HOOPi IRON-W ton 80 00 85 00 liAKU northern 8 Notice. TS HEREBY GIVEN that applieatio. wfQ A be made to the next setsicn of the General Assembly ft-r an Aet incorporating the UU toncal ; and Scientific Beciety, of Wilmif on,N.C. 1 - f deot-gQt Stamping and Pinkinff Em" porium, : MRS. SPERTNER detires te iafei u die Ladies of Wilminrton and the mrr.H. LIME "W bbl 1 25 LUMBER City steam sa wd Dipstuff,resawed,:VMft.l8 00 20 00 Rough edge plank, y Mft.16 00 18 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, y Mft...l2 00 14 00 Dressed Sooring,seasoned.l5 00 25 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, y M ft.... 1 12 00 14 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdgl S3 37 Cuba, bbls., gal M 35 . 40 Sugar house, hhds. y gal. 24 t? bblsJVgal... 26 Orleans Choice bbls. y gai. 37 45 NAILS Cut,420dto4d,k"g 2 85 3 75 OILS Kerosene, y gal... ... 16 1 Lard, gal 1 10' 1 45 Linseed, y gal.... 1 00 1 10 Rosin, y gal 30 40 PEANUTS bushel 65 100 POTATOES -Sweet, y bus. 00 50 Irish, NortheA, y bbl 2 60 3 00 PORK Northern, city m ess. 1 2 00 00 Thin, y bbl..... .00 00 00 00 Prime, y bbl (extra) .10 50 11. 00 Rump, y bbl... 00 00 00 00 RICE Carolina, y fl....... I 1C& 8 : Jiast laaia, y n " Rough, y bushel RAGS Country, y lb ....... City, y ft ROPE. SALT Alum, sack Liverpool, sack.... American y sack Marshal's fine, y ssck Cadiz y sack BUUAtt-Cuba, y ID.. irorto kico, y n. A- Coffee, y ft.. b t " y ft c " y jb Ex c y ft.... 1 Crashed 3? ft SOAP Northern, y ft...... & I w""ult er new oiocx or jfimoreid 0 00 North; Carolina ft 11 12 S ? arVfliSir rttrB nrpassei any I the State. Ladies need wait but a few mo ments ior taeir wor and if not convenient te call for the same it will be sent to their resi dences without extra charge. ' Don't forget to call at Second Street. , sect ecar a ntan'e Bakery. declitf 1 ,500 Doz EisgO, jyjOUNTAIN BUTTER, ChoieeL Table Butter, Sugar Cared Pig Bacon HaaSsw age, Liver Pudding, Pigs Feet, j 8 a gar, Cf fee, Flour, Ac Send to No. 24 Water it. dec 21 J. H.PKTTEWAT. Cypress saps y M.... 1 60 2 00 fan 2 But with old stock and such heavy ; expense, 1 hey win find that the prices of P. L. Bridgers A Co. if iollewed will surely bring them to woel To prove that we mean what we say, . v. OBlt lvr a wee irom 10- BTAVES W. O, bbl. y M.10 00 15 00 WJ w nnu. ia. 0000 00 00 EleTen ptounds of "A Sugar" for only one Cypress, y M........ ..00 00 00 00 dollar, TALLOW ft 8 00 rrmcaieaawe mnte all grocers to follow. -xxii ouippmz yu...iu uu 1200 The mnse here caught sight of that "Be- Mill, prime perM. 7 50 9 00 horse grinding machine of Herr Yon Kr s Mill, fair per M 6 00 6 60 Kriogle, and was so thoroughly tHegunted at Inferior to Ordinary,perM 3 00 6 00 the cheap way of grinding out poetry that WHISKEY-North'n,pergl 1 25 3 60 uciiuer iutb nor money coma -induce him to finish our rhyme, so it had to come to an Found Guilty Suit for AT THE LAST Term of Quiekton Market Court, Jndge ; harp, preiidiug. quite "noreauog case was reaa irons tne cm . docket It seems that L. Jt OTTERBOURG, of "Men Wear Depot" in thi !ty was ar- I raigaed for selling Clothing, eat,Farnijhb3g ' uooas 1 ana juiaen uoutrs Deiew a - proper margin, the same prorhig.diJMtrous toothers doing a similar business. After argaaeotf, by the Attorneys on both sides, Defeadut was allowed to testify,' Te-wit: "In cenile eration of the general moner depresrioa throughout the couatry PRICES wre re dueed NOT BELOW A L1T1NO MAROIIT, I but in. proportion U aforesaid hard tiaaes, 1 Ac. Jury retired, returned immediately, with the verdict of guilty, not ot the eharre hut guilty of "JUST LIBERALITY TO THB PATRONfl Off 'M WRAU TiV. HUlZZl'" w congratulate, -friend , OTTER SHINGLES Cnritrurt 'M siui rJSil TJX "? ow.T!? M " W ct- -a r ri 7 zzT I ounarea auilo and BU1T evervoedy, Common, y M. 160 2 00 Is all the damare we wfah W. n 1 00 00 75 1 00 IK 6 22 60 00 65 70 75 80 1 25 1 36 e 75 9K 10i 00 & 0 00 6 & 00 10 00 10 9 8 9 abrupt ending. Respectfully and- Truly, jan 5tf P. L. BRIDGERS it CO. AppletonV Journal for 1879. Awarded a Gold Medal at the Paris Ex- position. It has no equal. The very finest made. Also, . THE PROPRIETORS of. APPLETON'S -JOURNAL will henceforth devote itex clusiTely to literature ofahio-h orHr f cellence, by. writers of acknowledged stand- It is the erowInr hxhit tit ih ia.rn .i.j. in aU countries to contribute their best iotel- 1000 BBLSFLOUR. all grades, lectual work to th and, in order that Appleton's Journal may I 1 : w r o i j adeauatelrreflftctth innn.i .-tiZ:t- 7A OH A.' Boxes Dry Salted and the time thus expressed it will admit to its i I. t - SmokedBacon, pages , a aeieeuon or tne more noteworthy f s.v. t-. critical. snecuUUre. and t.ro Jp.S,J ' Jl. O Swk JT 2Tra 300 Bunches of Bananas. T HAVE THIS DAT BECETTED 800 jl Punches of very choice Bananas, which wj ! Jesldvery low. Tboae calling early will have the advantage of selecting a nice Duncn at a. g. jXOBTHBOP'S, dec 80 Fruit and Confectionery 8torei - Hptic ALL PABTIES interested, wfll pieiie" take notice that ne indulgence will be given to those in arream fA .Tannarr 1st.! ANOTHER SUPPLY of ! that Celebrated 1879. All accounts prior to the year 1879, Brand of I will be presented and nromnt narrapnt re- JACK FROST FjLOUR ! qu- tA?16--. , North C aro in a. per eal ... 1 60 fi 3 is w uuij unwasned. per ft.. Washed, ner ft .... 18 26 Just Received. Eureka House, No. 4 North Water it decSO-lm - . . AH Bight at Last ! E ARE PLEASED at btiag: able te state to our friends and the pabu;tht tke and Rid Coffee. I etore occupied !by us, d&msged ky the ; UU t Fiction wiU still occupy a place in the 1 0 BW pruned, Granulated, 8tid flr. hM hvA-W(,M rraalred tsl titt Journal, an4 descriptive nipers wDl appear - I0U ud A ExJ C. and C 8uga?f, ?M bm?Wiepl?T ? J but larce clace Will b eri-rn-n in .hu.. ' . . mi. i..:, .. . I . -1 :- 't ttZ If ?V ' i; ... a'ZV JZJr. r"""' I J x-onoiuiCO. Cubs. a. O. 1 wouT inswca miuxt urn . none of social and political iro.; T I ' r soiasse. i addressed distinctly tohe inteUectaal! 50 0"?: ?fit? rS pen tastes of thn nnblie. nr AmmtmA A v.: . i which the pubUc welfare or pubUc culture Is I 1 0 0 Tubi c Utt cobeerned r . . . I . loU - : Terms of Appleton's JournaLTfcr il Ofinn New and Second Hand law per annum, in advance, postage, prepsid I u u Spirit Barrels, n subscribers in the I iaxe Ueerge aad Lebanon Sheetings, CenbTeV -7 ""T? ester and Randolph Tama, Lye, 8ninT, Matches. Corn oats, uiue. Bungs, Nails Hoop Iron, A-e.j&e. . r Buoscnpnon gratisj that Is, fire copies I nl7 Will be sent nne i . . . I UJ i ui v.. year, tor utot ' Aniim - t I -w w -wwtvi ivi ma j I . - v .... .-i M 7 " ' ?' VinT HB TOM1NGT02I JOURNAL, i an ry I m- -: Fresh?; Rhidl : and at e prepared to 11 itfl ertiru : 1 We have still a few arCcks dastrel by the late fire which wCl ne lold at sissett any price. dect j. W?ALDX21IAlI A CO, - .,:.-..::x.'FasUlT CrOCetS, ' Cef. Ckestaut aai-Vatsr streets. WINBERMUYSTJinS ! . Every TtfeyjriI;",' TTUtESH SUPPLIES ef tLawCr!&rtH a WlnberrrOriteraarerrcelvf-dstTini, U08SH . KsiiAU JLlOtcft. iln-txl33r. Tbe oest of Wlnesw Ales 1 -".T. Jcr. Clears, ctalwaycnh i. . ' V. I" rtn ' - r:r: .:r

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