Miscellaneous . WAIT NO LONGER! LUT COME TO THE Exchange Corner! You should'come at once andselcctVycur Japanese Goods before all are sold. A nice lot of those bsautiful Waiters, only $1,25 per set; tLey arc going fast. The nices: present you carjjgiTe is a Hand kerchief Box with half dozen nice Handkerchiefs. OrVCilove Box -with cne or more pairs of Gloves. You should remember the Kid Glove De- - pot. The -i-Button Kid (Hove you should buy at once as they can not be'duplicated in pi ice. Only S1 oer Pair : We can giveyou'Kid Gloves fnjrn .0c up. Come and get y onr presents at Exchange Corner for a little money!; You can find a Present for any one, from :; , the darling babe to the robust man. Te would call your attention t tlej Flexible Hip Corset For s;ile only at Exchange Corner I It is a Br auty ! We invite all to come as we ar prepared to see th iu on MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY - As we know it will not ouhjbe to their interest but Tto their amustinent also. N. H. SPRUE3T, Exchange Comet. dec 21. The .Daily. Review JOSH. T. JAMES. Ed. and Prop WILMINGTON. -N. C. FRIDAY. J ANUA.RY 17, 1879. VIEWS AND REVIEWS. WestVirginia is after the whipping post. A resolution lookingo its establishment has bsen Introduced in the House of Dele gates, and it has been referred to a special committee. The King of Sweden has stopped a run on a Stockholm bank, and perhaps averted a serious panic by opening a heavy private account with the institution whore solven cy was called in question . It is said to be the intention of the Democratic members of the Wisconsin Legislature to give their vote for United States Senator to the lion, Alexander Mitchell, of Milwaukee, & hard-money man. I j The officers of our navy arc paid S2,043, 277 every year and the 7,500 men who constitute the working force get $2,300,000 There must certainly be either too much officer here or too much pay, says the Courier-Journal, '. . . The son of King Theodorus, of Abys ainia, who was taken to England after the fall of Magdala, isrjeing educated for the army. He is a slender youth of dusky hue, haughty as becomes a descendant of tho Queen of Sheba, and shrewd as te comes a prince cradled in adversit 3-. The paie do fo!e gras business is esti mated to give employment at Strasburg mnma rrsnns. and there arc 23 , IU ouutu , firms ia tho trade whose annual sales net 300,000. Small quantities of antimony are said to be mixed Vith the food to swell the liver. The Washington Star Tsays; "Tbe chances proposed by the army reorgani sation bill, which meet with the greatest opposition, are those which increase the authority of the General of the army, at the expense, it is charged, of that of tho Secretary of War; those which do away rith the national armory in' favor of pri vate manufacturers, and cripple the eSEciency of the ordinance . department, and ttote which provide interchangeabil dty of the staff and line. The numerous and staring defects of the bill have be- come so apparent that quite certainly it will not pass in its present shape. A very bad irnpreisiou adverse to the bill has been create ! by the exposure cf the false representations made by the private man ufacturer3 of arms in regard to the cost of government work a private work. compared ! with . - - .. iL. : Among me cooie vintTiL-au ui.ur.s obtainable in Paris are Blue Blazes, "Fairy's Kiss, Flash of Lightning, Heap 61 Comfort, Boston Float, DogV Nose,. Rattlesnake, Arctic Begion, Corpse Re viver, Colleen Bawn, I Maiden's Blush, Morality Punch. Spelling Bee and:Prairie Oyster. j A long session of the Pennsylvania Legislature is expected. Members arc paid by the day up to 1 " 0, days,! and as with a few exceptions, they could not make as much, money at jliome as in the Legislature, they are likely to make the sessicnljst as long" as compensation is guaranteed. Col. Joln.S. MLhby. upon lis arrival i ia Kan Francisco, was called upon by hundreds of people, mo$t of whom were greatly' disappointed in his personalj ap pearance, as they expected to find! the guerilla chief a man of gigantic propor tions and desperate appearance,! instead of the rather small and mildmannered man that he is. The American Consul at Copenhagen write to the secretary of Stato in corn mendation of the courts. of rjeconciliatton ol , 'Denmark. It is only when a court juf reconciliation is unable .to bring the dis putants to an amicable agreement that cases are referred to a court of j j ustice. Perfect secrecy is maintained by ; these courts. The result is than much useless litigation i avoided. A New York letter of Saturday says "The 4 per cents are obtainable on the street at 99'., against! par and interest, tnej price asked by the treasury. The cheap er street rate is made by the party selling having put in their G per cents in pay-J ment of their subscriptions to the 4's Besides which they receive from the treas ury a commission of per cent here lots-cf $100,000 are taken. The report of tha Howard Association of New Orleans for 178 has been (com pleted. It shows tEe receipts from al sources to have bejjn 373,449; the dis bursements were $380,185, of- which 287, 850 was expended ia; New Orleane anil the balance for. the relief of other yellow fever infected places. There were 21,244 patients relieved, 11 2: of whom were white and 5,13.2 colored. REPRESENTATIVE SLEICIIER. . i i i The late Representative Sleicher, of Texas, was born at Darmstadt, Germany, November 19, 182S, wajs educated1 at the University of Gressoui iin the Grand Duchy of Hesse Darmstadt;, was engaged as a civil engineer in ths I construction of several European railroads, emigrated to Texas in 1847, and after passing s me time ou the frontiers located at San An tonio in 1850; was a member of the State Housft of Representatives in 1853 4, and of the State Senate in 1859-G1. was elected to the Forty-fourth and Forty fifth Congresses, and re-elected to the Fortyixth as a Democrat. ' lie leaves a wife and several children. : CROWNED WITH INFAMY. The army on tho frontier has cvered itself with irupei'ishible' renown and 1 . il H ! glory again ia the campaign against the poor, hall starved, and 'poorly armed, Cneyeuue Indians who rec from Fort Robinson. Squa otly escaped jvs audi bucks were shot down with: the same merciless determination with which ilie valiant Lieu tenant General Sherid.i i killed tho old squaws and decrepid bucks anjl' young children when he charged into tllo Peigan Small Pox Camp atid ed the frick and cotiva lined there. ! ruthlessly murder e:ceht patients con- By all means lot the army.be increased Bring forth the laurel 'wreath and crown these heroes with that symbol of jchivalric courage for their kuightlyjconduct in shoot ing down old men, women and children. THE INDIAN MA'SSACRL The more one reflects on tho horrible, affair with the Chejenucs,' says the Wash ington I'osf, the decptr must be the con viction that it rcsuUed from shameful and mismanagement on the part of the representative of the ; Government. Gen. Crook's opinion is the best authority in the.premises. lie reports that an1 attempt was being ma!e to starve and freeze them into submission, becausa they refused to 1 j go to their reservation! where their prin cipal men were to be: tried for crimes Men; women and children j'wero pennel up, and the starving and! Sfreezins were begun. Attempting to escape from tor ture, Jthey were indiscriminately shot down, w thout regard to age or;sex. This is the record cf shame which the country is invited to face. Tho army of the United States torturing these ! wretched victims until they could bear no fmore. 1 I and when tbev made a rush tor freedom " .1 i shooting them down and braining them liks mad dogs, is a picture of enduring disgrace to the nation. ; ; ONE GOOD ACCOMPLISHED 61 THE FRENCH . EXHIBITION. Daring the Paris Exposition nearly a million and a half copies of the Gospel and New Testament, in twenty-two lau- guages, were given away to applicants. The anxiety of the French working classes tget these books in their own language was very great. On the last Sunday of 0ctobert forty thousand books were dis tributed, j These books were sent to Paris by the Bible Stand Committee, of Crystal Palace, London, and were in appropriate stalls just outside the main entrance to the Exhibition. Commenting on these facts the Macon Telegraph feelingly says: Think of the good that more than a million of the coplies.of God's word printed in so many different languages must achieve among nearly ail 6i the nations of Christendom! Verily the Bible societies of this and other countries are silent, but omnipotent levers for the overflow of Pagan error and sunerstitution, albeit they have survived for more shan thirty centuries. Before the Gospel, the writ ings of Confucius, the heathen philosophy of Plato and Socrates, and the infidelity of JIume, Voltaire and Paine, must go down eventually, as surely as the approach of the king of day chases away the shades of nigbt. The truth is mighty and will pre vail. ' . ' . Who will say after this that the Paris Exposition was merely a physical and ma terial benefit to the world ? In that; bazar of nations the Holy Scriptures, it has been seen, were disseminated side by side with the wonderful inrentions of human art and skill to th Uttsriuost ends of the earth. The lea veil of righteousness has thus been introduced, ana it will go far to work out the salvation of mankind. MOONSHINE. The folio wing order was rccentTy left on the slate of a New. Hamnshire doctor: Doc. cum up to ther house: the old man has got snaix in his bates agin, an' raisin kain.' s V i How shall we treat th j tramps?' ask the New York Sun. Oh, well, it' i you are going to fraternize with them in that way, we believe they generally jtake whiskey straight. A young man in California began' to read a paragraph about a mine to hia sweetheart, commencing 'Yuba Mine when she interrupted him with, 'I don't caie if I do, John.' j In a late severe gale a lady asked a neighbor if he was not afraid his house would blow away. 'Oh, no was the answer, 'the mortgage on it is so heavy as to make.that impossible.' Di.d you ever dabble in stocks?' asked a lawyer of a witness who was known to have fled from his native land to this asy lum of the free. 'Well, yes, I got in 'em once, in the old country,' was the reply. 'I know I am a perfect! bear in rriy manners said a young farmer to his sweetheart. '2o indeed you are not John; you have neyer bugged me yet; you are more sheep than bear.' An exchange, in a moment of rapture, wants to know the difference between a claret punch and a pretty girl's lips. The difference is that te latter don't go good through a traw Aunt Julia said a blooming girl ol 17, 'what is necessary in order to write a good love-letter?' Well,' replied the aunt you must begin without knowing 1 what you mean to say, and finish without knowing what you have written.' A Norwich man has invented a plan in three parts by whicli jnj one need lose his life in a burning hoiei. The first part states that a man should never stop at a hotel. Oraitt ng the other two parts, the plan is generally considered a success. Suffering fop a Life Time. Persons afflicted with rheumatism often suffer for a life time, their tortures being almost without remission. The joints and muscles of such unfortunates are in mos1 cases shockingly contorted and drawn out ol shape. To afford them even temporary relief the ordinary remedies often prove ut terly useless Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, on the other hand, is avouched by persons who haye.used it, to be a genuine source of relief. It keeps the blood cool by promo ting a regular habit of body, and removes from it impurities which, in the opinion of air rational pathologists, originate this ago nizing complaint and its kindred malady, the gout. .Besides this the Bitters remedy disorders of the stomach, liver and nerves, prevent and eradicate intermittent fevers, promote appetite and sleep, and are highly recommended by physicians as a desirable medicinal stimulant and tonic. N j Notice. TS HEREBY GIVEN that application .will 1; be made to the next sessicn of the General A88embly'fi'r an Act incorporating the His torical and Scientific Society, of Wilmng on, N..C. dec 6-30t " Lost- NE SIDE, or rather, one half of a Gold Locket, containing th likeness of a toddc Lady. The finder will be satisfactorily re- warueu uj icaYiug tue ume 11 lulaOuiCe. dec 27 r Tonsorial. i : -! I aAVING AGAIN located in the bate ment of the Purcell House, I have thor oughly renovated and improved the old stand and am now prepared to ebave,anampoo, azd cut hair lor everybody. -The best of work men, clean towels, sharp razors and low prices. ' KLVIN ABTI8, july 27 Pnrcell House Barber Shop Wood at Kedaced Prices ! IONSUILERS WILL BE PLEASED J to take note of this quality the rerr beit. The best oOALyoa ver uad in Wil mington, at. the lowest living profit to the seller. ' ' dec 13 J. A. SPKIJGEB, New Advertisements. P. L. BRIDGE US & COi Those who'll read this rhyme and vfr it oar stor Will appreciate more than ever before I ' That oar rnnie does not vainly aspire To climb Olympus, and iogloriotuly expire In the attempt, bat keepi even pace With the time, and always p;oi&t to the place Where they '-blow" about one special thing, Which has, withou doubt, the true ba&iaes ring. And this thin we will briefly explain, With the hope that we wi 1 causa no pain To brother grocers, who, ia years'gone dj, Learned to get goodi at figures that were high. Unfortunately we see some of the in incline To follow the cuatomsof 'rAuld tang Syne; Bat we consider it matter of congratulation That we've no fogy notions in oar education! In old time big profits' hd a wide range, And old habits are hard, hard to change. Of Wilmington grocers we take the leai ! Now ti proTe this asertin we onlj nd To remine the public that our clean new store Made others be painted and sw-pt a little morel Like all business nafi wiio are truly wis , We at once brgaa to extensively "advertise, When our friend rcatcbing the idea, tl ought it well ' . To increase their space, as the printers will tell 1 At first Tve put some poetry in our "ad," But when they saw this plan was not bad, Tbey followed onr lead. And when we tried prose . - 1 - 1 ' - They followed as nicely as if led by the nose I We next thought 'twould bev well to try rhyme," When lot they grasped the Idea as sublimel Though they hare folIowed'inUall we ha , done, When this battle is well fought an d won, Somewilifcsea that "extra per cent, isn t "nonsense," But with old stock and each heavy expense, They will find that the prices of P. L. Bridge & Co. If followed will surely bring them t- woel To pr ore that we mean what we say, We announce that we sell for a week from to day, Eleven pounds of "A Sugar" for only one dollar, Which lead we invite all grocers to follow. The mnse here caught signt of that' 'ne horse grinding machine of Herr Yon Kr s Kriogle, and was s thoroughly disgusted at the cheap way of grinding out poetry that neither love nor money could induce him to finish our rhyme, so it bad to come to an abrupt ending. Kespectfully and Truly, jan&tf P. L. rJKlDGERS k CO. Api)lettri's Journal for 1879. TBE PROPRIETORS of APPLET0N8 JOURNAL will henoeforth" devote it ex clusively to literature of a Mgh order of ex cellence, by writers of acknowledged stands ing. X It is the growing habit of the leading minds in all countries to contribute their best intel lectual work to the magazines and reviews ; and, in order that Appleton's Journal may adequately reflect the intellectual activity of tb.e time thus expressed, it will admit te its pages a selection of the more noteworthy critical, speculative, and progressive papers that come from the pens .of these writers. Fiction will still occupy a place in the Journal, and descriptive papers will appear ; but large place will be given to articles bear ing upoa literary and art topics, to discus sions of social and political progress, to pa pers addressed distinctly to the intellectual tastes of the public, or devoted to subjects in which the public welfare or public culture is concerned. I j Terms of Appleton's 'Journal. Three dol lars per annum, in advance, postage prepaid by the publishers, to all subscribers ih the United 8tates or Canada; or Twenty-five Cents per number. A Club of Four Yearly Subscriptions will entitle the sender to an extra subscription gratis; that is, five copies will be sent one year for twelve doll s. Ap pleton's Journal and the Popular Science j Monthly, for one year. for seven dollars, postage prepaid (full price, eight dollars). The volumes begin January and July of each year. Subscriptions received for any length of time. j D. A PPL ETON & Co., Publishers, 649 A 651 Broadway, New York, jan 8 j Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, I FOR SALE AT GXJHIXAb.DT dt GO'S 3rd it, opposite City Hall. REPAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING A 8PECIALTY jsn 13 tf All flight at Last !- ARE PLEASED at being; able to state to our friends and the public that the store occupied Jby us, damaged by thoj late fire, has beenthoroughly repaired and that i . we have now insteck a fall line of Fresh Family Groceries, and aie prepared to fill all orders. We have still a fews.rHr!d by the late fire which will be sold at almost any price. . - s . . J. W. ALDERMAN A CO, I family Grocers, Cor. Chestnut and WaV rtrMti T7no&BjiiXiX3 pnxono, X-The nolesale i small orders higher price BAGOIJS O Gunny my ol r.. ......". i r"A"..... j 13: estic......... J 12 -Doable Anchor, Doable Anchor im 12 i " 8 9 9 Q 10 10 0 13 6 6K 5 Q 5a 5 BX 2X Standard Domestic BACON North Carolina, Hams, y S.... M ! Shoulders, 0.. i Sides: V fi Western Smoked Hams. ..................... ....... Bides. 2.. . onouiaers. Dry Salted Sides, V fi.. Shoulders, fi)....;....... BEEF Live weight..!......... BARRELS Spirits Turpeoune Second Hand, each. 1 65 1 T5 New York,each, new....... 1 75 1 85 BEESWAX ft. 24 Q 00 BRICKS Wilmington, 3? M 8 00 10 00 Northern uo tji4 uc BUTTER North Carolina Jb Northern, 3? S... CANDLES Sperm V lb Tallow, 2) Adamantine,)? set OHEESh Northern Factory, lb ... Dairy cream, V fl.. ........ State, y fi COFFEE Java, " lb RioiVO Laguyra, fl fi CORN MEAL V bushel.... COTTON TIES-V D....... DOMESTIC Sheeting, 4-4 yard....1... Yarn, y bunch 15 20 lb 25 HK 12 Q 12 10 110 28 0 140 j 35 40 11 12 10 so 17 is &r 20 70 J& 72 IX 95 & tlU Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl....l6 00 20 00 No. 1, bbl 8 75 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, bit... 12 60 600 00 No. 2, V X bbl... 6 00 6 60 Mackerel, No. 3 V bbL....00 Q0 & 8 60 Mullets. bbl... 2 00 2 60 N. C. Herring, V bbL 5 00 8 00 Dry Cod, y ft 1 0 FLOUR Fine, V bbl 0 00 4 00 8uper, Northern, bbl... 4 50 & 6 00 Kxtrado " bbl... 5 25 & 6 60 Family " bbl... 6 00 7 00 City MillEx,.Super bbl... 7 00 7 25 Family V bbl... 7 60 7 75 " Ex. Family? bbl... 8 00 0 8 25 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 2000 lbs. 54 00 55 00 Baugh's Phosphate " 00 00 000 00 Carolina Fertilizer " " 45 00 51 00 Ground Bone, " 00 00 640 00 cone Meal " Flour " " 00 00 45 00 " 00 00 47 00 " " 50 00 55 00 Navassa Guano, Complete Manure " 00 00 67 00 Whann's Phosphate " 00 00 70 00 Wando Phosphate '1 " 00 00 70 00 Berger&Bruti'sRos. ' " 00 00 00 00 Wilcox, Gibb A Co., ma nipulated Guano...J 48 00 67 60 ULU1 V lb 8 6 10 GRAIN Corn,s tore, 661bs 65 55 67 57 kUorn, cargo, 56 tta Corn,yel., busheL.i None. Uats, V bushel 60 0 60 feO SJPeas, cow, bushel..1. 75 4 UIUKS Green, y lb .. Dry, 13 ft 9 9J 1 25 HAY Eastern, 100 fts... 1 10 aortn Kiver, lUOlbs.... 1 (JO 1 10 HOOP IRON y ton....... 80 00 85 00 LARD Northern ft 8 SX North Carolina ft Til 12X LIME yt) bbl ! 1 25 0 00 LUMBER City steam sa' wd I 8bipBtuff,reeawedMft.l8 00 20 00 Rough edge plank. VM ft. 16 00 18 00 West India cargo, accord ing to quality, V M ft.L.12 00 14 00 Dressed fiooring,seasoned.l6 00 25 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, M ft .....12 00 14 00 MOLASSES Cuba.hhdgl S3 & 37 Cuba, bbls., gal 35 40 8ugar house.hhds. gal. 24 i" " bbls. gal... 26 Orleans Choice bbls. & gal. 37 45 NAILS Cut,:20dto4d,Vkg 2 85 3 75 OILS Kerosene, V g" 15 & Lard, gal 1 10 1 45 Linseed, ? gal 1 00 1 10 Rosin, I? gal 30 40 PEANUTS bushel 65 1 00 POTATOES -Sweet, V bus. 00 60 . Irish, Northern, bbl 2 60 3 00 PORK Northern, city mess. 12 00 00 Thin, V bbl 00 00 00 00 Prime, bbl (extra) 10 60 1100 Rump, t? bbl 00 00 00 00 - RICE Carolina, ft....... VAQ 8 !East India, ft.. 00 00 Rough, bushel. 76 1 00 BAGS Country, ft IX City, V ft IX ROPE. 6 22 SALT Alum, saok 60 00 Liverpool, $ sack...... 65 70 American sack 75 80 Marshal's fine, sack. 1 25 1 36 Cadiz sack 75 00 SUGAR Cuba, ft 9X& 10 Porto Rico, ft A- Coffee, y ft........ B "I y ft 10 00 . 00 00 10 9 8 9 nx U V E" jx u y m Urusned W lb SOAP Northern, ft 6 IX SHINGLES Contract, ;M S 00 6 00 uommon, y m. 1 ou z uu Cypress saps y M 1 60 2 00 Cypress hearts, 9 M .. 2 00 ZQ0K HTAVES W. O. bbl. y M. 10 00 15 00 a U bbd. y E 00 00 00 00 Cypress, V M 00 00 00 00 TALLOW ft 8 00 TIMBER Shipping V M ...10 00 12 00 Mill, prime per M 7 50 9 00 Mill, fair per M 6 00 6 50 Inferior to Ordinary .per M 3 00 6 00 WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 25 3 60 11 or ui twoan, per.gai... 1 ou 9 WOOL Unwashed, per ft... 18 Washed, per ft 26 Just Received. ANOTHER SUPPLY of that Celebrated Brand of i J ACK FROST FJLOI R J Awarded a Gold Medal at the Paris Ex- position. It has no equal. The very finest made. Also, 1000 BBLS.FLOUR. all grades, ! OH A' Boxes Dry Salted and OUU HmokedBacon, nrn Sacks Java, Laguyra 0J and Bio CofTee. 1 rn Bbls Crushed, Granulated, Stand JLOU ard A, Ex; C, and C Sugars, q f A ibls rortojitico, uuba, . O. OUJ and 8. H. Molasses. Bbls. City Mess Pork, jqq Tubs choice Leaf Lard, nh H A ew 404 SecoaH Hand -UUU V Spirit Barrels, Lake George and Lebanon Sheetings, Manchester and Bandolph Yarns. Crackers, Candy, . Soap, 8tarch, Sodsf Potash, Lye, 8nuff, Matches, Corn Hay, Oats, Glue, Bungs, Nails uoop iron, c, sc. Fot sale low by Williams Miirchison. -an 13-d Aw. THE WILMINGTON JOURNAL, is on of the very best advertising mediums. HisbclSaiicbiLs. The GREATEST , LIYIHQ I ATJ TH0RS, ffneh as Prof. Hax Holler Bt Hon WE Gladstone, Jai a roni Prof Huxley, B 'A Proctor. :: Edw A Freeman, Prof fyAdaH'Dx 173 Car penter. Frances Power Cobbe The Luke of Argyllt Win .Black. m Thackeray, Hiss Ilnloch. Geo M Donald. Mrs Oliphant Jean Inflow, Sirs Alexander Thomas Bardy, Mit. thew Arnold. Henry Eingsley .WW Story, Tnrgnenief . Carlyle, Bnskin, Tennyson. Browning, and many rubers, are represented in tho pages of LittelPs Living Age In 1S7U the Living Age enters upon it thirty-sixth year, admittedly unnvallej and continuously successful, purh g tha year it wL'l furnish to its readers ih pro ductioi:s pf the most emloent j hutltws above named and many other; einh.-tcit " the choicest Serial and Short Stories ly th? Leading j Foreigu Noveliet, i Hj, amount ' Unapprpached by any other Period. . ical in the world, of the xiujbi vahtable Lherary and Scientilic matter of tlie day, fn ru tli Progress. The Living Age is a weekly uuz?Ah? THREE AND A QUARTER THOU SAND double-column octavo pags of flu..c matter yeaHy. It presents in an ii-xrVt . sive form, considering its great, aiuorini i issue, ana wnn asatisiactor y ciupl !te attempted by no other publcxtfrn, ' bea Essays, Itevitiws, Criticisms. Ta.I.ketdi es,Travel and Discovery, l'oetry 8 ieotifi o. i. i it ..i ..... t.i..:.i ti ormation, from the entire body o 1"ot ign Periodical Literature. ! The importance of the Living .ae fe ery Amreican reader, as hh only . tMii ec.orily fresh and COMPLETE compiu. on of an indispensable current liter uars indispensable because it embiao s tk proauctiens of the Ablest Living: Writers, is gufficiently indicated by the fblloviag OPINIONS. "In it we find the best production fth best writers upon all sobjects ready t r. hand." -Philadelphia Enquirer. "It is simply indispensable to any o wke desires to keep abreast of the thought r f tat age in any department of science er liters tare." Boston Journal. j "The prince amonir maeaaises." New York Observer. "It affords the best, the cheapest and moat cenvenient means of keeping abreast with the progress of thought in all its phases." Philadelphia North American. "A monthly that comes every week." Tat Advance, Chicago. f ."It is incomparable in the richness, v riety, and sterling wrth of its articles ine otanaara, vnicago. t "A pure and perpetual reservoir and f ou. ain of entertainment and instruction." -Hon. Kobert C. Wmthrop; - "With it alone a reader may fairly keep up with all that is important in the literature. history, pod tics, and science cf the day." The Methodist, flew York. , "The ablest essays, the most eatertalnlaa stories, the finest poetry of the Eaglkh aniruaflre, are here fathered toretaer. Illinois bate Journal. "The choicest of the day." New Terk Tribune. '" "It is indispensable 16 every oae who de- iires a. thorough compendium of all that dmirable and noteworthy in the literacy world." Boston PcsL I f It has no equal in any . country." Phua- delphia Press. . j i "Ought to nnd a place ia every Americas home' ew X or Times.- . - Published weekly a $8.00 a year, free of postage. - - -! BEXTRA: OFFER FOR 1879.-ej To all new subscribers for. 1879, will be itnt gratis the six nuomers of 1878, eoataiaiog, with other valuable matters, the first part of "Sir Gibbie' anew serial story of mteh taterest by George MacDonald, now apptar ing in the Living Age from ths authors' advance sheets. Other choice new serials by distinguished authors are engaged and wiU speedily appear. . I. Club-Prices for the best Home and Foreign Literature. , ! c Possessed of the Living Age and one or other of our vivacious American mon'hlies, a (ubscriber will find himself in cemmaad of the whole situation Phlla. Eten'g Bulle tin. - .- . I Por $10.50 the Living Age and either one of the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper's Weekly or Bazar) will be sent for a year, both postpaid; or, for $9.60 the Living Age and the St. Nicholas, or Appleton's Journal. Address LITTELL A GAT, Boston. jan 8 " : " j--'"--. .- Theodore Joseph, Corner of Harnett & fialijlrary.SU' One Corner West BaJtigh National Beak. BALBIGH, N . C. . Board by the day or on the European plfji S ttlsfabtion gurraateed n every.'partlMlaT My bar is supplied with Fincht's GeMta Wedding, 1870, ttlbibn'i 1871 By s, Pfsiftr A andC, and many more of the Finest. Brands of Rye and Kentucky Bourbon. etl9 The Collins Honoe On The European Plan 1 - Corner Front and Bed Crow Street : Hear Union Depot- A 1 IBESFECTFTJLLY AHNOUNCE TO my friends and &e public tUt 1 kt opened the above House and &ra now pre pared to famish meals and )odgingf . Besiaorant open at, all hours. - : ' Prices loir, and he4-rpoms; neat, dean and airy.-- "w, v.- i.-j.-.fr.-zl Special rates bj day, week or month. fXThe only Eestaorant In the city. - - - 3 : W MJ COLLINS, - oct 26-2tawm-UrarJ Flroprtetor.; otlcv APPLICATIOK win be mads te tke nwt General Assembly of the State Ut I charter to incorporate the "WihalBftoa Ice I Company," of Wilmington, N.JC . . pens of the foremost Essayists, Sc imiiJsu, ing every department f Koowlelj aj.a Trji! r m n as awl

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