Raleigh Observer, Condensed. The General Assembly. SENATE Thursday, Jan 23, 1879. ' ! Henderson presented a petition from. O M Kimble and fitty:hree other citizens of Rowan county lor a pension Jaw for the benefit of disabieu Con federate soldiers. , -r t t, Mr Henderson, a petition cfiojn li Manning, a construction bond holder, asking the General Assembly tbjit some steps be taken to provide for the re demption of the construction bonds for the construction of the North Caro ' lina Railroad at their maturity. Mr Hoyle, a memorial from citizens of Cleveland county in regard to the desecration of the " tJjbbitn d:.y by railroad companies. By Mr Graham, ol L,ccoip, a to regulate the sale of liquor. Tui h-ll is to introduce a bell jiULch. By Mr Waddell, a biil to prtvtut fraudulent voting j u the gcounri-.:& the State. By MrErwin, c bill for the prol c tion offish. By MrBryan.of DapJu, bill toia-. . corporate the Wiiniingfon, CnarxVutt and Western Railroa i Coriipany. Mr Waddell, on a en?penbiuxj of th-: rnles, called up the bill changing the time of holding th? conrtsia the lourlb judicial district. T!j jad.ei.iry ; coia-: mitteo recommended a tuostituu which was adojited and patt.I its third , re ding and was ordered engrossed for the House. Mr Bynum, on a tnipcusiou of the rules presented a fcubtitutj from t'uv judiciary committee in regard to . th. ridings of the Superior Uout Judges, which was adopted and n-ipsei itstuird leading, and was ordered engrossed for the House. S 13 81, to require prosecutors in cer- taiacisa3 to piy tiir own coit3. Passed its third rt-f ding. S B 180, to regulate tue ses-iou " of the grand juries ior tha several on;r.i of tie State. 1'aiscd tmrd reauirg. S B 51, to define tha cricinal juris diction of justices of the pe.:eu, passed its third reading and eugrowod for tL House. S B 93, to prevent the destruction of sea turtles, terrapins ul-J marsh fowl on the sea coast iu- Brunswick county, passed its third reading. At 12 m, th9 S'jniito received from the joijt comm:tt'ju nominations for Trustees of the University, which were adopted, as follows: Class of 1831, Eu'jeno Gnsora, of tVake, in plca of B F il-joro, de ceased . Class of 18S3. A II Merrirf, of Chatham, in placi of Saton Ciales, deceased. Class of 1SS5, R II Battle, of Wake, ia place of D M Carter, deceased. Class of 1885, A M Lis wis, of Weke, in place of Forney George, deceased. Class of 1879, to fill two vacancies of additional Trustees, whoo.e tim ex piresNovembsr 30,1879 Divid A Long of Alamance and Uio v uiiams-.-u of Caswell. Class of 1879, to fill 1G vicmeies of Trustees whose term will expire ru.v 30, 1879: Mills L Kara, of GxU s; Win T Faircioth, of Wayne; J A Gilmer, of Guilford; Jno W Graham, of Orange; James M Lcacb, of Davidson; F IU Johnson, of Dare; Wca J Yatea of Mecklenburg; Ralph r Buxton, c; Cumberland; John Miuuiug, of Chul ham; Noah P Foard, of Surry; K 1; Bridgers.of Elgeconibe; II B Peebles, of NorthamDton; D P IVicLiacaeru. ot Robeson; Geo Davis, of New Hanover; Jas Li Robinson, of Macon; liev A D Batts, of NO Conference. IX CONGRESS YESTERDAY - C .' SENATE. Waiixgton- JaiL 24-The Vice PruiJent laid before the Semite a memo rial of El zateth Cady Sranton, Susan B Anthony and other officers o the Wo man s unraga xisscciauon, lajiug me Pa:Sige of a joint resolution proposing an amend rnent to the Constitution of the United States to prohibit the several Starts of the Un-ou irvm disfranchising rei-ions cn asc(-u ;t otHsex. Referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elec lions 1 1 ! - A Lill was iutrcduced b- MrGrover, to reattict tha ituaiigration of Chinese tothe United States, liefcrred to the! Commi - tee on Foreign Relations. . j j Mr Saulsbuy caUtdjup' the ireolution submitted bv htm caliipg upou th- Sicre- tary of thi Tre-is-jry r inf.rni i'.ion in roinrd to tl e cnn:t. '?.fliQ l aid bankers ami otltrs fiT t;eg jtiaifiig the fjde of U S bond; whether intrl has been paid to cihcd boiiis at thc smQ t;rne that inter est was acciuiug oi the I'utufs sold to re-t!c-crn ti..e can-e; tiov- much ddub-e interest was so pai'l; wLe(h. r i jthe jprocteds of the botids sui(l liad jbeQii I af.'oWed to I mala u;i deposit wifh the Naii ) al lian j Churcli SerTices. ' Worship in the various churches of the i cit v to-morrow as follows COIHIEIICIAL TIE WS. re- noait vvifii tue iai ; ai iianics act a.Guv.ri-mvit Djjoit'ries, etc., i4r Morrdi, of ('t., submitted the am.'i:diiitDt, i rovi :i!n r : that ttip informa- tiou heret.'fore oniinunicate i to either Hou.sa of. C-M.ress ii&all' not bo repeated, bin reference to the(ociv:ninD where the iinuti is t-j be luuii'i thull De made, and tho ijaincs of fcubscribera to the popular WILMINGTON MARKET Jakvakt 234 F ,.l ST. JOHN'S chuech, I 8FIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at corner of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. 27 centfc bAles 309 caska at thAt v0 (ientrra Patterson. I). 1) . Ifr-r. .Tn ROSIN Firm at l 15 for Strained and 20. 1870 The Third Sunday - after the I 1 17 101 ij0oa trainel. No sales reported Epi; any.! Celebration of th llolv Eucha-1 TAK Finn at Jl 10, Sales receipts at rist o cl.ek. Evening Prayer at 7:30 o'clock. I CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted firm at Sli I'd ay School at C;30 p. in. - I $1 25 for Hard and f 1 85 for Soft and Virgin. ! I Sales at quotations. .xx v-xu!, COTTON-QuotedQUiet. We hear of sales cpr:t.. r ol Market ana 1 iltn streets. Kev. J 25 bales at the following official quotations: tfi I,, layior, raster, services to-morrow Ordinary ....... --Cents. a 11a. m. and Iz'ZO p. ni. Sunday School I Good Ordinary .......... at V::X) a. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at I Strict Good Ordinary....., j). m. l oung !3Ien7s 1 rayer Meeting 1 Miaaiing. 1 r.tVidv- E?at. a i:-J(J O clock, f-hnrrh I j o w - - . i n J : aer Meeting Thursday night at 7:30 rwuu Jumui"I4f Ok'J -t K. 1 . CULT BKOXIPTt 8 9 .. ............ t$ t tt Rosin.. Tar ... Crude Turuentinw 62 bAles 252 cak 2 132 bbl? 74 77a iOuiI iUoV Jllo, IS? Uiia;Kus L;.e Ucu hiaJe;- may bejomit- ltd. t w hom no com- TLe lancndiiient ' vi - L(l- the rc-nu!uiiua"?j"rec-d to as accej.-tcd by Mr pally cagaged on )utcrtuce "report, the bill, as the bouks to coaie ia .aiissuary, amerj'l'jU. ' 'J'ne Siuafe saj tl; IVfet "i:0u:e till; whica at tho.last st'ssioa was not : acted upon. Tlie'Iloue " conference committee i'atu lcfustd to cuLslder! ciaiite therein, aHowit tree turoaga the ra ula mj pursuance ot the Postal Treaty Uu ion, vtas rgirded ' as a re veil saeasure &ul as! suci should have origimittd m tub liuuso. The bill alao cuutuii s ihu Ujaziliaiiia iil steamship suhsitiy' ciaim, and provides fur reviving the fruukirig privilege, both of which aie regarded by some s ct'p.lrute measures Afier couai .tr-ibje debate, the question of Parliamentary law andithp privileges of each iiUoo, involved id tuis ronort. were refer mi to a C'.muiittee bf live. iir K.lmunds agaia rcsuaied the mo tiozi to tao" up his itsoliition ratifying the recent constitutional amendments. Sever.d dilatory motions were interposed, &aCt, pending th origma T. VALM.S EVANG. LUTHERAN CHUECH. Corner ot Sixth and Market streets R . 1 Cotton .. . lioinheim.!) . D.. I'astor. Frnjar-Mp"ts Turpentine ' .. . " r 1 D.:-, iUm -..ervioj ( Jinqiisn) .a; 10:30 a.m. Service and C. imau ji u at 11 a. m ix. iinu service at t:-;u p. m. cuo day Se!i ol u, C p. 111. lUirivdau's Aatc ciaiivii at, 4 p. m. Cutecht-iical Instruc tion on FriiJ:y at 3iU p. in. ST. JAMES PARISH. corner Third and Market streets. Kev. A. A.Vats?:i; I. !., ittt0:r. Jtn. 2(J, 1879, Third SanJiiv tar kvoh i t. Morning Pr4yerjit. Hoc ock. Sunday School at 2:45 p. u. Evening Prayer a: 4 o'clock. FP.OT -STBSET M. E. CHI R ;II (SOUTH), C3r!ner Front and Wajnii!; srr Rev. E. A. Yates pxs:or. Services tt 11 a. m. and 7"3p p. m sundry t'c it oi .it 3. p. iu. ; VV, M.! Parker, u p'. Yuijg Meu's Society luss 1 v evening at 7:30 o'cl-xk, and reg ular Prayer Meeting ;v.id LecLuie Wednes day -'vetiiu at 7.'00 o'clock. FIFi;i STKHET M. E. CHUiiCH (SOUTH), on IPif.h, between Nun and Church s re.'t. U. 11. Hail, pastor. Services or &'0 thb wksk esdiso jan. 20 '79 at, 11; a. m. :-r.d 7;I5 t. m. Sabbath School I nnt r . a.m. iVfivT iit'ftt'? I I.H'sriaw ov . I at 7:30 o'ciock. sr.?Auis trijcoPALi'cuuKcn, corner Fourth and Orange stceets, Kev. T. Spirits ashore ai. m-her, .uect ;r. b-itvices at 11 a. m. aad 7: 30 p. in. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. s.ia.s tied. SECOND BAPTIST C4UBCT, on Sixth, between Church and Castle streets. Preaching at 11 d 'clock, a. m. a-id 7."3j o'clock, p. m., by JJ10. J. P. Kinjr. S inday School at 9:30 a. m. Eec- uiar Prayer Meeting at 8 o'clock, Tuesday even ni'. I MARINE NEWS. ' AKKIVL'D. Steam-yacht Passport. IIarrr. Suiitlivllle. Gec Myers. Steamer D Murchison. Garrason. Favette- ville, Williams A frturchSkoii, bteamsnip D J Foley, Bennett, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. Nor barque Dinorah, Hansen, Cadiz, It E Heide, Schr Ada Ames, Adams v Iiockland. Me. (with lime to Worth & Worth) vess to Master. CLEARED. Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smith vill , ueo buyers. Steamship Kegulator. Doane. New York. A D Cazaux. . Steamer D Murchison, GarrasoTJ, Fayette ville, Williams & Murchison. WEEKLY STATEMENT miscellaneous. Iliocollanoous. JOHN W. GORDON, a WM. J. GORDON JOHN W. GORDON & BRO. good companies General Insurance Agents and Adjusters. REPRESENTING Over 350,000,000 Assets : Prompt Adjustments. x-iJPBt FIRE JLA.'Rxisi .24 XIOHTH WATXSU s? m - o p ID 0 at V. nin4 afloat TotaU afloat 3,824 030 7,754 7,044 20 o 9 Total..... a 7,064 Basin ashore S0.305 aiioai 5.187 Total Tar ashore afloat nioiion, the HOUS& OF REPKESENTATIVE3. Jan. 23, 1879. By Mr Newell, ptthion from citizens of Bliden county. rJL the Committee on Propositions and Grievances. The speaker presented a memorial from the Virginia and North Cut jlina Chistian Conference in relation to the running of trains on Sunday, which wag read and referred to the coiamii tee on internal improvements. The following named bills, -were in troduced, read and passed first time and were referred or otherwise dis posed of as follows: By Mr Lindsay, bill to require the tix collectors of cities and. towns to make monthly reports. To the com mittee on counties, &s. By Mr Lockhart, bill to amend the charter of the Great Falls Maauf act ing Company. To the committee on Corporations. By the same, bill to amend the char-. f ter of the town of Laurinburg in Sichmond county. To tho committee on Counties, Cities, &c. By the same, bill to allow the com- missioners of 'Richmond couuty to Jery a special tax. To the committee on judiciary. By Mr ArJrey, bill to tax non-rer-dent merchant and drnmoit-rs. To the committee on judiciary. By Mr Blocker, bill to prevent the selling or giving away of liquor at political speakiDgs. To the commit tee on propositions and grievances. The Speaker then announced that the time had arrived for the House to proceed to ballot for trustees of the University, and appointed Messrs Davis of Catawba, and BjaisJeil to superintend the election.. MrXockhart nominated n 'list ci gentlemen whose names will be found in the report of the proceedings cf the Senate, and tho House proceeded to vote viva voce, each member voting for the entire lh t of naaej with a few individual exceptions. utbMaga xcuciYCU II (JLI I Lie Senate transmitting amendments adopted by that body to the bill fixing the times of courts in the 4th Judicial District, The' amendments were con curred in and tha bill ordered to be enrolled for ratification. Senate adpurntd II 0 USE OF KEPEESEXTATIVES TLe proposition to hvve the sugar bill maatftre special order! for Wednesday r - uest wis objected to Lvf m Mr Banks, of A resolution was adopted iustruciingtho Ways aud Mtana couiiriittce to consider the feasibility of euaciiud a law equalizing the internal revenue tax amons all th Sta'cs. The Census l-iii was u order for tii- secind 'i'u ary. The II.,usj thtvi weu. the vVhoIvj c.n tl:e r A! mot .ill thfj "war cU ol'j rt 'i 10 ly Lir lir i-,of Wisconsin ji.r L imJi1j(rtiijL1:tl a substitute for the army oiatr.z ition b.i , which was or dered to be printed.' j j" ilr iSay .er intntdiiecd a Mjbstitute for the ex:eu's:cn of th3,! privilege? of Ci.iciu- aati as a port of enfry. llfterred. to-hi:ht 1 for ahe corner ' hi:d ami Orange Sstic ts llev. Dr. .J. 1. Wi s i., nis or. Services at 11 a. m. -i-.td :'-j:J p. ui. Young I Men's Prayer Meeih.g 1 ues era. j night at ! 7:20 o'clock . Lecture" WTursdAj eveuinj; at. 7:30 oMock. 6ibbit!i i hxl at 3 p. w. somen's uetiiel, Dock, bet.veen j Water and Front streets. ujv. ,) is. , . (.;ai, chaplain, isenicesatl Total...;..; Crude ashore.: , afloat 85,492 6,058 129 6,187 1,W V. o 3 m f fS.g CD j c S ta T B .h fi H ttSh, " I Pis! Is a fl a 1. I 3 oHlp r u "Bill P L. BlilDGERS & CO. TotaLJ ,,409 REOBIPTS FOB TS1 WBEK EMDIHG JAN. 20. 1879. ' I Cotton... 1,335 opiriis... Th083 who'll re-ad thU rhyme and vUit orr store j Will appreciate mora thao ever before I ' I That oor m i o do s cot vainl' aspi e ! ' . . i . . To climb 0- mpus, and inglorioailj expire s4n I Tn nt K , - Rnain 1 11 ono I ,lCJTli "" " pate i r llj a. iu., m vihieh seainen are' cordially Crude"" ' mviied. I j,&u sipoaxs FROM JAN. 13 TO JAN. '"201879. Domestic. ade the spec'a? play ia Fecru- iiito co:nriiittce of ivat'j calendar, ims" I i 1 1 3 ! were The pu jlic are invited to attend religious services at the Tilestou upper room, iu the Tile tou Norm d ISohool tuildio", on Ann. between Fourth and Fifdi streets, every Cotton 1 ounaay atternoon at o o'cIock. Spirits sr. maiik's (cm. misfmuT nuMvTr I Kosin J 1,145 I With the time, an i at way p;oiDt to tho place Where tej ' bloir" about one special thing, - ! Which has, withou dubt, th true basinesaj SPEER'S ! Port GrapeiWine Daedin Cli arches tor . Comiannion purpoiM. ring. V. MACK'S. (CO!,.) EPISCOPAL CUV ECU, j 5J orner Sixth and Mulberry streets. Iltv. CrudeV.V.V.V.V.' & J. O. Ura iy, Axinister. barvices at 11 a. " " ' corner C m. and 7:"0ii? ui. Saints' Days ya. m. and 4:30 p. m. fcas:day bclioohut. iS!;TlJaniabas at 3:30 p. m. SmU iiee. J FIR3T CO G USG A1IOXAL CaUIiClI. l' Memorial li all, .corner Seventh a .d .Nun streets it-v. i). I). Dode, Minister, fcimd iy sc: vie-:; at 20:30 a. iu. nud 3 a!.d 9:55 2 I And this thing vre wil briefly explain. With the hope that we wi 1 cause no paia Foreign. t'ottot 3,410 Spirit?..... ;. 2.626 Rosin..... 13,173 Tar ioo urude Op Frais-j and (Juriierriic. infujj every Wednesday, tdht at 7:30 oV:i.ck. 1 1 . : . i . :.. xuc xxyvico is j i j t:iuu business of the Judiciary Raleigh News. Wake forest Collect'. To bro-h r groce 8, wha, ia jears'one Dj, Learned t pt oodi at; figures that were high : Unfort-iD.Mi-tjr we at e ?otni of them incline To f )h t c-i! . -nf nf fn!d Linjj Synej' 300 HKUIIC llCS Of iiaiiaiiaS. Bat we coniiir 'n ''. congratulation That Wfl'rc no frx.tr r,.tir.a ir ,.t ...x:. I T HAVE IHI DA V RECEIVED 300 w J. Bunches of very choice iJananas. "which n old tim,i P fi6" hida wide .Vanffp, win uesoiu very low. i nose calling early .j'ij v K.. i a u j will have the advantage of a-Wi ft niJL And old ?abllS are lard, hard to chae. cori. mitteo. AliUIIXAf Thaaumvary of tho t wo literary bunch at 6. (vNORTHROP'S, Of Wilmington grocers we take the lead ! jcieties of ttiiA lustitiritn will be held decoJ. Fruit and Confectionery Stores ' onthelith of Februirv. Thd exerv cises of the day will begin at 2 p tn ia the college chaiu l. when them will h o Iii'eiih Observer: The Governor has public deba; between the nhnsor, appointed Col L C Jones to examine the orators, who are in following gentle Western XCK R, as at practical railroad taen: Mr J F xtio diliau, of Lumber man anipivil enviqeer undir a-esolution ten: Mr J N Hold ne. of Wake Forest y apj roved Jan" Mr E F Aydlett, of Camden, S O; and Meats, Kice. Ac, promptly executed at bot air ii Montague, of Wake Forest. I Mceoy . jao. x. rsiTtWAr, Now t proyd 'this 8ssertin we only need Speer's Port Grape Wine ! Four Years Old. X n I OailipieS irOlll lialtimOre 10,em,ne tDe Publl thatour clean new store HpHIrt JTJSTLT CELEBRATED NATITK and Nev Orlems. RDEaS for Molasses, 8ufar.Coffe,goap. U Water Street. of tho General Ass2mbj 18th, 1S79. Polkton Argus : We learn that there I At 7 o'clock m the evening the an- IS 1 rrrat dp:ll nf PtMfnmonf ?n ofi; niVerSatV OratOrS. fiho.PTl VV tha fm - r-y - - . m v.. . .txu t , j I r .v. w . neighborhoods of gui sister cdunty Stanly, ii3 wiiJ VK-- These are Mi 'Tiiat iillSbaiKl Of Minft" wiicie iue revuuue oincers maue a raiui a n " w'5u, u xx,t, u, ui me week cr aod fri tha sti! cljftzsns have been iIe5Srs. J r A'deruitfti', of Clinton; L T plce in the city to bur Clothine-. Hat Fnr uircaienea. : Arme i mau are coins about 1 " vj.uiuuui uuuiiiv: ,j iu t. . t iu tqaads, rocliius houses, firras off their Davl8 of H-ndeisonviile; and W T U1SU'D2 wcoas, and m fact, 6Terjthin ap- guns, spring - vengeance against the V u"r'"i -te president pertamingto the desires of a Gentlemanrlow revenue ofiicers. if thev should . Wain : hP 13 "90 1 L richard.- of Kicbmond . i caught ia the county. IWe tell this as J' tne oecretary MrJTJ Battle, of uuwn' ac Pnces t0 8mt times, is at bid bv ben from .V.ttAH .f 01' xaa anniversaries at mia college are always occasions of the revenue ofiicers made a raid! a ! -Li Wright, ut Troy, N C. of the 2r two since. It is said the parties ;PiiIpmatheiii; and Mr. vV N Jones, P CLARES EMPHATICALLY, particu- rieuds of the same, interested! in of Raleigh, of the EuzeUan. r jhf . - !lingireon.the war path and the , The marshals oa tnis oc3ioa nre 7' P08ltlTel7 nd ncereiy, that the only wo haar it and as it was that county. N ra!cih Observer : Made others be rainfed and nr.nt a. llfito I - ' r- n mio iiviuug Ol IDS vforiv mor$l "rape, raised In this country. Ita invalnabl T.llh t. , ; , . . Tonic anfl Strentlieiiiii Preiertips L,ke all bxmnes, mea who are truly wise,; are unsurpassed by jniiiTv . We at once bean to extensively!advertie - ejnfrhe Eure ce oiLe Pinced - JK under Mr. 8 peer's own personal fuperrlsleD, WherJoir friei.d catching the idei, tl onekt ij pwity and genuineness are cruaraateed. 6 Tho youngest child may partake pf Its Mer it well ous Qualities, and the weakest isTalid may-, n, . . , to advantage. It Is particularly beif 1o increase their ep ace, aaih i printers will Acial to the aged and debilitated, and suited . , - to the arious ailments that afflict the weaker tel1 ' e-TTIti8ineTery respect, A WINK TO Bl xxs. . .. RELIED ON. t I At $rst we put some poetry in oar "ad,"j o 4 -w ' f The P. J. SHERRY ia a Win. f Mnpt They followed oar lead. And when we tried KIOB CHARACTER and partakes' of th b"'vcu quaiiues oime grape rrom Iwnica u But when they saw; this plaa was not bad, OTTERBODRO'S. e -' Anl . , . A. A. ! mt ml ' I llr TIT V. ... . a "i-cviiBi ci. 'luvuiciib to viHirnrs nf chi i - men a wear ipnnt" t irn .x r- .y ... I ,j , . : " uvui - -ar - - J wuiini. cuuTiuieu HkopriDs ierm, ot Union institution more flourishing how Superior Court, of manslaughter, and than for bnii years, and eveu a more sentenced to the Penitentiary for ten eDiOTable annrvrsirr 'thn- n...i ;.. mi - (tcuttt lO P. S. Examine "Argosy" Roller Fuspen- jan 23 ders. years, ba keen pardoned by j the Gov- piedrcted. ernor. He copy th3 (jroveruor s indcrse- ment.in full as it is alike creditable to Success in the Stock Market. his consideration fiiirl f ho : .Tia7icli vwolr. . I T" 'RmiMr 7 t r r: ljF P20Fl understand Sn ,ir rw w ' Jn:., . tue a'" amassed so ra Cf Wot ice. OFFICE W. A S. RAILROAD CO, January 21, 1879. They followed as nicely as if led by the nose! We next thought 'twould be well to try ibyme, . When lol they graiped the idea as sublimtl Though ,they Late followedagali; we hare done, 1 When this battle is well fought an d won. . 1 mtJP ountinm . nr. ... - I now large for- ' I VAtta wm ,eaTe head Some will , see that "extra percent." un't lOluiv in" suvlr I x . . -v vwuw ouui ana c as tie I is made. For MEDICINAL PROPERTIES, it will be found unexcelled; , Speeds P. J. or Pedro J. Brandy, This noted Brandy Is pure dUtlllatloa from the crape and is equal to the finest Hes nessy or Otard Brandies ; for medicinal par poses it can be relied upon as strictly pare. ! See that the signature of Alfred Speer, Ff8Ac N' J; u otet the cork of eachlwttle. A. SPEER'S ML Prospect Tineyaros.Hfw J ersey . Office, No. 34 Warren 8L New T ork. Jjey OREEN & FLANNER, J. C. DS' DruggUts, and P. L. BRIDGEB'S AC0 4 I .nl i . ,.nr:.: ..... t , pauuua, lutfbsrs. Lawrence vr i v i n . w u. wiu w. i nKn i i - . . - n i . ouiin umi and Union. TLe case was one of man- f V A - nave ust published rous of nailing the Cemetery can rely m.on slaughter no-, aggravated aud I take 7?t unerring ru es for success," and full mff ac.ding to above schedule, pleasure in saying Ihit I sin the pardon e. - r WRIGHT, Supt. ia part recognition of the rood icd law- 727 e V v r , v c.omomallon sys- ab;dmg oharacter this being tho and Sun copy. AH Right, at-Last ! brought fo ray notice, on the part of any of that peoplo " j ! A card. To all who are suflerini ,f5nv ai.a auuis, are pooiea into I 7"E are piVAcvn one immense capital, and co-onerated aJ VV "K, w a mighty whole, thus securing to each Ute to our fi lends and the pabUc that the shareholder all tho advantages of vast .v 1 , capital and best .kill. Profits dirSS occupied Jby us, damaged ky the late " The Stata 3ranse meets February 4th. - ; . in IUIeigh n -..1 : . . . r . ot jouiu, nervous weak- profit OF CHARGE. This roni tiie errors every 30 days. 815 would make S7r. fie, has been-thoronffhlv raiui - V V I - B f - wl - wx .XI I i wouia return xi.uou. or lt centi on the stock in the month, and eteat remedv tt. 1 on' cording to the market. Mra. S. Ppftfili IWW discovered by aiiiissionaly in South Amer-1,, .e7 fashion Editress Newark l uucriCS, and aie prepared to fill all orders. 1ST- W llATA ttll .fAw J . U- i.xJ xngea K.. T i -j uownre wnicn wul De sold at almntt better. Large or small amounts m anv nnV- - 1U Bi UH0BX Por Ud wards or TMm Years fused -with equal proportionate snvps Vwl Jl W. AI.HKRWav a- rn Mils. Wixslow's Sykup has I been used !hls sJster). All kinds ct stocks 'and Family Grocers, for children. It corrects aciditv nf t.h onds wantetlj 'Government bonda snn- Cor- Chestnut and Water streett. stomaca, Relieves Kind CQlicj regulates "T- APPl7 lo Lawrence & Co., icx xsena a seir-addiessed envelope tothe ultU -auvemser, maae over 375 per . KivV- Joseph T. Lnmak, Station D. Bible cent- Profit 0Q I aa investment,. Oct. 5th AAuui. Liu j. oK ijiiv. tt. w oio. juany otners are aoin i hp I , I But with old stock and such bavy expense, They" will find that the prices of P. L. Bridgers I & Co., ; ; jl: " . If followed will surely hring them to woe! f To pio 8 thlt Vt nif in iit ... W e announce that we sell for a week from to day; A ' . Eleven pounds of "A Sogar" for only one dollar, , y-J Which lead we invite all grocers to follow. t The mnse here caogbt signs of that ne horse grinding machine of" Herr "Von Kr.s o.iigiB,MawuM taoroughly diFjruted at the eheapway of grindiDg6ont po5try that neither love nor money coold induce him to finish our rhyme, so it; had to come to an abrupt ending. ! Reapectfnlly and Truly, jan 6ir P. L. BRIDGERS A CO. The Latest Wews. y rpnE CELEBRATED PEARL' I1IRT cas aow be bonght all ficiahod and leadj for thi L&undryjat t $1 One Dollar $1 Call 'and are them.! '. . .-Ij f No flFlIRT in thm . r- - ri,u eTep per cent, more m Bey. dec 4 Sold only by A. DAVID, The Clothier. the bowels rhcea, other remedy, l Law School A CHARTER will be applied for to the XX. next General Axsemblr. Hard Ware.SHard Ware . PAT SESSIONS for Lecture andkeclv ROLLINS' TIMBER Awn wnnn .wc xf'.!T? Monday aod Wedneidiy, V Every az warranted. Simmons' Box- Every. Tuesdaj w- n A . i xh vf- ana 1 itrnin a t.i - iiMk i t.i .... . cures dusenterv ! and riW- "ers, d itxicnange riaco. X. Y. Qtv. U V v D THIS MORNING .nieTI(1M nrTrnCx""' 0n muii r SESSIONS. . .. i i a irwA -i.;x. j . . c i " kU, xismucu. nimmn a r j T' - j . - . . whether ansms from teething or I I "4 wultf eoiorea uaras and &c ' All for tale at l.Mt imT ZZZirz 1 x tlua oi .il. to 9 r. cause. An old and JweU-teier ZON JOqRXAlx, i. oT h .TiTBnicob ; r GILF8 AD&iSrJ7 v.. kl V 25ccada6c d&ir. TrVir VTerr ' "DAILY revew job of n. SS&MiircbJaonBlocfc- r,r'. v. EDWARD CANTWEL14 T7iIxZirtC3, If. C. ... S - - - . a : I u. w"f "uware,ainware and Crockerr I V ; r-r- ; xor. caiiius ca ua. , iaa " dec 9