i - THIS PAPER I, mbllshsd every afternoon, Bandays ex- eeptedhr JOSfl. T. JAMES, KDXTOS AHD rBOnOKTOB. gUBSCRrPnONS. POSTAGE PAID. Om raar, SS 00 Six months, $1 60 ; Three oaths, SI 15 j On month, SO cent. tht paper will be delivered by carriers, lfM of charge, la any part of the city, at the ihove rate, or IS cents pr Advertising rate low and liberal 9Sabseribers will please report any and jl failure! to reeelre their papers regularly. KEEP MOVING ! BROWN & RODDICK. 45 SZarket Street- - Great Annual Clearing Sale. IT BIB BKKff OUR ANNUAL CUSTOM daring the part four yeara to inau gurate a in order to'elcae out the balance of our WINTER STOCK I at which time we will make a general Mark Down on all Sur plus Stock ! o' etr wilt And everr article msiked it- lln hnvt, th former price ia Blc n1 tr.e MARKED DOWN PHIUK IN RED. We cannot en a aerate tvery article, as would occupy too much of oar space but t e following will pive quite a general idea: it WINTER DRESS GOODS, BUCKETS, FLANNELS, rAMTnu riAtiuns I. wn. w.. I Alao.l LADIES', DENTS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We mean butineu and will mart erery ar ti- leat uch a pr ce that cannot fail to satisfy mrt-w nl all vhn antininatA m akin ir aOr DUT- caa-esin our line and would add, for the benefit of our patrons in the country, that they J DIJ I CI J UU a.lij viuoii iuo; uimj with being promptly and as faithfully filled jhey stood at the counter . a Da-SA-ftA r All " 1 laCf fcw ru i SPECHAL SALE. Wa hare decided to make a CLEAN 8 WEE? f tM. f all nnr LTNKN tiOODA inch aa LINEN TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, DOILIES, TOWELS. And ll In order to make this a s access we have marked lham to the LOWEST NOTCH. Be assured they are reduced just as represented. I Ton are Invited to Call and See for Yourselves. We hare NO desire to deceive or misrepre- tent anything. Our policy has NEVER been to set as muca as we could for ear merchan- di. hot to sail aa LOW as possible in order to increase our outlet and keep the trade AT w ... . . a m UOMK. Call early. Brown & Roddick. ianll Lecturo by Col. D. K McRae ruR BENEFIT OP THE Wilmington Libraxv Association. TOMMsRAE WILL DELIVER his cele- hratad Leti en 0nls and Talent.' nn- terthe auspices of the Librarv A raociation j at the OPKKA HoOSE on r'KlDAY NIOUT, j ,.-L Tickets 15 oeata each. Will be sold at the Book and Drug to es, aUo by member-or the Committee of Arrangements. No Re- served seats except private boxes, watch can be secured at Heinsberrer's Book Store, ian 2S-aat-mon-wtd-tnu ejtar and Sun copy sun-wed-th-frl There Is a Big Rush at T R THE BARGAINS NOW 10 freely hered there in Winter Ci thing and Fur- felshiag Goods. The entire stock TJIust be Sold ! In the next thirty days to make room for and get sue bargains aa you never heard of I before, at SHRIEK'S EMPORIUM, The Best Unlaundried 8hlrt in the Citv for I 70 eta- jaa 25 New Confectionery Store. rnBC UNDERSIGNED has opened, at No. 1 13 Market street, a new Fruit and Con fectionery Store, and offers for sale all kinds uf Forairn and D omestie fruit. Confection- try, Cirar., Ac, at the very " prices. A WeV?S5;TSn 13 Market Street. Buggies, Buggies, Harness & Saddles, FOR SALE AT OSZU2AZLD!? & GO'S 3rd sUf opposite City Hall. RkPAlRING iDONE T5I3 D7T robm. . jaa 27 tf sawmwsmiemaSBMBa SlfrslkattaMMlMM Tli: DlHil lETIEW. VOL. 3. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. Opui Hovn.-Adah BlchiB d English Opera Troupe. ! j j ' . o.n p.mlit Jr-Weod S. D. Wallacb, CMMer-Annual' Meeting. A. Saaiaa-Thereis a Big Bush. P. Bawssiaeaa Just Receired. 8. JiWETT-Chriatmaa is Over, j J. C. Muhm, Droggisti-Tolletexd Fancy Article. . S -I ' An effort is being niide to;organue a bite ball elub. i ' The efforts used in getting up a skatiDg rink pweet to be firaitles. - ! I The fish market was well applied with fiDe tront nd r,terg th8 morpiDg- Bkeriff Paddisoni of Fender, has paiq in aa publio Ux $1,846 2; special tax $1,676 83; total $8,622 95. " ; f Sahacriptions for the colored Presby terian church Rt Lumherjaiwere ttug taken up ia ibis city on yesterday, j j Sale of reserved !sekt for ,tbe Adah Richnioad troupe for iloiicay nigni wju wr? 't j ' rri MJ commence at tteiusuerr 8j vi-vMvn morning. " I M i We rejrot to leara' th.it (iit -l-hn I. i" . 'J - ' . Cowan, Asdisuat (Jhiel ! r.!i'' Clark of the Anditlu2 B-virfcl. ;' .--"henng Irom a pevre cold which enfin a him to bl8 room. The Isis The ataamer it,j which i ti take the place of the stoimcrj North L fvf on the Black Ki'er line, will make her first trip to Puint Caswell to-morrow morning. jflaTjn her wharf at lOj p'clocs. North East. The wprk of raising the Ua mer North h which w lying at ine rxtoiu oivoo ,L. ;LJ f ftMn -n Water streets, will be commenced in ... i 1 , . about two weeks. The submarine divers thinV' thiv nan wnrk on her about the ' 1 i middle of February. Fancy Billiards. A couple of gentlemen fromj the North who have been stopping at .the Empire Honse f jr the past two or three days have been playing some fancy games of billiar ls. They were to make thirty-four billiards on a run br no count. iiisionary services There will be missionary services at SU J fc , church on W xt Sunday evening, "uuu . on which occasion Rev. Wm. J.; Bcone, Episcopal Missionary dress the.congregation to China, will ad Bishops Atkinson and Lyman are both expected to be present in the chancel on that occasion. The pub lic are invited. Seats alii nee . To-Nlght. From all that wa can learn, it 'the weather proves favorable there will be quite a good attendance at the Opera House to-night to near our gmea teow townsman.Col. Demean K. McRae, deliver his famous address on"Genius and rp 1 Mior Graham Daves, the Cnair LB,eui" J ! . man of the Lecture Commi ttee of the T :urarv Association, will introduce the .... . .J v. distinguished orator td the audience. "The Man or the J2thMay, 1864.'" "Gordon's March,' by Prof. Henry Schoeller, of Dalton jGa,, and dedicated to Gen. John B. Gordon, "The; Man of the 12th May, 1864," s just received from the enterprising j publishers. Ad- mirers of "Galliant Gordon" (and that comprises the Solid outn;) wi;i be de lighted with the life-like lithograph that adorns the superb military title page, and the March itself has the tree musical in spiration. Frof. Schoeller couldn't write m . 1 1 al" i 1 t poor music if he tried and this brilliant March is worthy of its name and author, BandjJ arQ alreadj paying it and it will soon be heard i from thousands of pianos through the South.! Sold by all muio dealers, or send 40 cents, to the 1 i i publishers, Ludden & Bates. Savannah, Ga. THE PRiT SUPERIORITV of the aee over the vast is largely i deter mined by the excellenc and cheapness of articles of daily uec. Among these must be preierrea sucn a oouiienoia ooon as Doclex's Yeast Powdek, which is the rulins favorite with j the public. The cans are always full j weight, and the powder itself pure, strong and pertect in its adaptations to use. The Texas Trihcr.e sajn "The Ue at nrkrfi si ircsnnesei i tui uiuvui uu . a l v - a 1 a-KlMbMia . . Colds, and Dr. iiaus ijoagnoyrup is m Br uc mand than ever." Price only 26 cents. WILMINGTON. NIC, FRIDAY, JANUARY WILMINGTON. ASHgM Sketch Of Our Cltj aUtwas . , w, unn- and as It It-Its Railroads, Mann factories, BlTer Improrements ana Commercial Prospects. n,us. .u..t. ..--L ..- dt Am r:.i.T""nS a resiaen xor para. wu. aoroaa some me 01 vu portance of our city. It has been kindly furnishau us for publication and we take pleasnre in presenting it to onr readers: Without intending any gionncation 0f the war. Th6ystem of labor was des either of wr city or jti popl, wojrp- trpyedi ajid iiMhiatry.cf almost every kin pose in this article to say a few words completely paralyzed. While wonderful about Wilmington, its past'and present. It is the chief commercial city of the State and is situated en the east side of has become more settled yet, in lone de the Cane F-ar River, at the confluence .partment ot industry,; the detetorious ef. f h. unrthweat and uorthea.t branches , . rrn u oi lust nver. xwu iinx" i -w rnUr and the buildinea Veuerallv -.-f. k;-u .rtf-r,if-ornr Tudeed. IICIII " 1 mu vi v. . . ,j ' ...tj -j ' Mnv nn tiitm rfiR nances nuu a discredit to cities of much greater preten- sions. r roai its eariy nisiorjr u i)wi hare hfn distinsiuinhed fo'r j their public spirit, their ludimry ana ;eBor'u mm nrofnsa h.Mti!4litr. As an evidence of 1 , - their wonderful energy, it u rIy neees- sary to mention one fact: In 1834, with a populatiwi of scarcely more than twenty-aeven hnuilred, they undertook the boildins of tLe Wilming ton & Weld n llailmad, at that time the loncest rAilri.id in the world, sabacribing to its stock a pater amount than tne 1 i . I whole value of. the taxable property of the town The amount of taxable property . . -1 f at the time the subscriptions were mane was $810 000 while the amount of stock subscribed by the citizaas was $400 ,000. The work jwas carried to a successful coniDletion. and is now ene of the main arteries of railroad communication be tween the northern and southern States, Thev also liberally subscribsd to the stock of the Wilmington and Manchestex J Ifnow the Wilmington, Columbia & Aug- usta Railroad) and the Wilmington, P I Charlotte & Rutherford (now the Carolina Central) besides large subscriptions to I the North Carolina Railroad, (now known as the North Carolina Division of the Richmond & Danville Railroad) besides other works of public improve- ment; in fact every scheme that was sup posed might benefit the State always met with a hearty and tangible response from them. They have given freely of their means to advance the cause of Internal Improvements in North Carolina and have been called upon to bear heavy and grievous losses of invistments mada tor the public good. There are now, at the: present time, three totton oompresses in active opera tion a cotton mill for tjhe manufacture of cloth for printing calicoes and numer ous steam saw mills ami turpentine dis tilleries. The populationj in round num bers is about seventeen thousand and we imagine that there is less actual suffering among the poor and destitute than in any city of equal size in the country, 'fk Frior to the war it was the great Naval Store market of the world, but that busi ness, of late years, has been somewhat dU reded to points further South, owing to tne absorption oi the pine forests lying near the water ccursesjand streams,! but not materially ; besides the large increase in tbe receipts ofcottori more than com pensates lor whatever loss may have been sustained in naval stores. Tbe pine forests in the interior are almost inexhaustible, but transportation to market is expensive, hence, so long as it will pay to cultivate cotton oav lands hear ; tbe water, upon which he turpentine trees have been ex hausted, that business will naturally be followed in preference to the other, for the reason that it pays better, but should the enquiry for naval stores become active, there is always in reserve a sufficient sup ply to meet every demand that may arise. In tie old Colorual time, tbe then little town of VYVuiijigtan carried on a direct tradi wUhlhe Mother Country. Almost its eLtire business was done there and with the West Iindia Islands ; scarcely any coasting trade at alL Ships drawing twen ty feet and more found no difficulty in crossing the bar at the mouth of the tfex, but the opening of New Inlet bj a, iplen1 storm some many years acspaed, a mate, rial decrease in the depth of, wier on our bars and. operated, greatly to oojr disadvan tage. The." generaj. government, however, has, been operating on our liver for some years past, removing obstructions, deep eniog the channel and closing the inlet and the results, so far, have been moat bene ficial, and we have every reason to believe that when the wots: is completed sufficient depth ot water willbe obtained for all iht necessary purposes of cotnmeree. liiree) railroads, aTeraging each oti hundred and eighty mUea in j lengthr and i 6 ,AC "ggregato more wan tweI?1 mil!ion. of mn Wilmington, while lines of steamers ply regularly between this point and Baltimore. ork- There are also steamers nxnning between this city and Fayetteville,the head of river wv tex navigation, bringing down large quan- Utle8 produce maikef. Like all other cities in the Sonth. wn. I mington suffered severely from the effect I recuperation m every branch of business has been exhibited since the body politic rects of ,,je w" ire still painfully felt namely, -Iutb cultivation of rice "CiU,c r,co croP OI tne aP "t" Bngiy vaiuaDie. Fear river j t . 1 . . Irrii i re . . L inegraiD was 101 nne qualitv and e-anar. i - . . ; o " ' 7 , 1 , " "" made elsewhere . Larce orders were al ways in market from Kew York and Bobtou tor milling purposes, and from Charleston for Beed rice. It is well known fact that the rice grown upon the Cape Fear rirer was susceptible of a harder de gree of pounding than that raised in ther localities the grain was also longer firmer arid of a more pearly whiteness. The lands open which this cjop wag make are as rich, perhaps, as any in the tuuijwrcu m uuuvihi wit, eimuar j. il. 1 in: :: ; I i ull!'B8,PPl ouom ; inas. Tne rlce croP w8 cultivated by negro labor. an1 mliAn ikaw ? A. I iL 7"'" ouiaucipaveu may a 0008 abandoned the fields. Spasmodic en"s nave smce been made to cultivate. them but without success. The rice crop i the Cape; Fear is a thing of the past, d those valuable lands are mostly lying idle or used as experiments in the ! culti- ration of grasses. -I he clt7 of Wilmigton is admirably locked for business, and it is also as 1 .lit ' - - A aeauny a piace in summer as any city of equal side on our coast. A noble riven hearing upon its bosem the rich prodaeta of the soil, sweeps by its front, while he- hind rises lofly sand hills, whieh protect It from malaria and disease. Maestic oaks and other trees shade its streets from the heat of Summer and cooling sea breezes purify j the atmosphere bringing health and vigor in their train. Not onlv th aeeessares, but nearly all the luxuries o life, are easily attainable. Beef from the mountains, sheep from the green pastures and fish, in endless variety, are daily in the market. Tropical fruits are in abundance and generally at very reasonable prices. We j mention these things not boastingly, but by way of il lustration, showing how readily all the comforts of life can be obtained here by those who visit this city either on business or for pleasure. There are few localities in the country superior to Wilmington in regard to climaie. The bitter weather of more Northern latitudes is entirely unknown and hould a spell of unusully cold weather occur it seldom lasts more than a few days, for the uniform temperature! is clear, mild and bracing. The place affords inducements for trade equal to any port n the Southern States. The products of the State from the interior and the mountains find their natural outlet here and in consequence every rariety of pro duce is seen upon our wh&rvea aixl ship ping marts, j; j With wise legislation a the part of our law makers at Raleigh the future of Wilmington will certainly be a bright one. The debt oi the city ia a small one.abcui five hundred and fifty thousand dollars, while the amount of taxable property, real and personal.amounts in the aggregate to more than four millions of d.lars. As an evidence of the amount oi busineas earried oa here, it is only racetfs&ry to say that the exports alon 4 tjrthe year 1878 amounted to mp4 than nve million. eight hundred fchpuaud dollars. Surely this musX he regarded as a very favorable exjjib'4, particularly as th huainesa has tbeen,cairied on under Tather i unfavorable circumstances, owing to the universal aommereial 'depression , aud to the un finished condition of our harbor improve ments. When that work U completed a it surely will be, for it is the work of the general government, Wilmington will thta. bound forward with rapid strides and will soon take her place amoag tne chief com mercial cities of the. Sooth. Thai this will be so scarcely, admits of doubt. . Hex 31, 1879. NO. 309 cwn natural resources, the indomitable energy and wonderful recuperative pow ers of her people, must command .n.- 1 besides it is the commercial emporium of oiaie, tne main artery through which passes all the teeming products of the roil snd the rich results of skilful industries. The resources of the State are being more folly developed than ever before, and their natural outlet should be here, new sources of wealth are beingj opened and manufac tories of various kinds are springing up " vur in last. A proper degree of State pride, econo j mpuouoasj weu as in private life ad a system of legislation in favor of our own people and not the people of other States or territories are all that is neces sary to insure our success in the future. We are authorised and requeste 1 to announce that there will be no postpone ment of the lecture to-night on account of the weather. j ! About the Baltimore Steamers and Offices. Captain Oliver, of the Steamship Etteigfi, was still toe unwell when his steamer left Baltimore on her last trip to take command, but is thought he will be able on the next voyage to;take nis plaee at the wheel. i '! I Captain Price, who made his second trip on the faleigh this week, received a dispatch from Baltimere yesterday to re turn by rail to take command of his own ship, the Foley, which ia due here next Taesday. j j j The Raleigh on her return trip from this port on Sunday will he under com mand of the first officer, Bobt. Courtney, a good whole-souled sailor and a firstrate navigator. Col. Saunders and the Observer. We regret to learn, as we de from yes terday's Raleigh Observer, that Col. Wm. L. Saunders has been compelled, through ill-heaUh, to withdraw from that paper. This is done by the advice of his physi cian and Col. S. will go to the Warm Springs to recuperate his health. We can only hope that Cel. Saunders withdrawal from aetive editorial life will prove but temporary. He has been a power for good in the counsels of his par ty in this State and the people, one and all, are indebted to his individual efforts for many of the blessings they now en joy under the amended Constitution. He will carry with him the hopes' of thou sands for bis early and complete recovery. ('Th Hill rl.t T m mro 9 There seems to be a very general desire on the party ef the tax payers of the city to have the"old fortp legs" torn down and a new market erected in some other portion of the city, if we are to be gov erned by the signatures on a petition, to be handed to the Board of Aldermen on Monday night next, requesting them to pull'er down."! The burnt Lippitt dis trict seems t be the most available place and one of the most desirable on ac count of the drainage. . If the eity author ities decide to change the site of the mar ket house, it is contemplated that a mar ket furnished with marble slabs and an inclosure for three hundred carts, and a stream of fresh Water ; running through the market house, will be erected. If the projected improvemerlts are carried out, tcere will certainly be a great improve ment over the disorder and smell of the present market house, j Either ull down tbe "old forty legs," do away with th cook shops and oisgusting eating stalls, step the smoking of dirty, nasty., stinking old pipes, or acknowledge ; we have ne city pride and are content to -eat meat coated over with charcoal and dirty pipe smoke. j Hotel ArrlTalt. Bmpibs Hous--Wilmington N. CL, lan. SL I. L. Dolby, j proprietor. from 8:15 o'clock Jan. 80 to 8:15 o'clock Jan 3lJ S M Porter, Ohio ; J B Foster, J B DM, Va ; H S ReghUer, Whdteville ; H Goble, Balto ; J B Martin, N Y ; Saxnl Huffham, Warsaw ; Mrs Hannon and 2 children, Cap The Jones, Benefactor ; R Faddison, Pi Caswell M C Nichols, N Y; LE May ward, N T ; J L Wilkina, Nor folk, Ya ; Thoa B Long, N C ; S W Watts J S Watta. J B Garratt and wUe, Franklin, KCjWfl Bagley, Weldon. SnSBJBK!SS9SS9E!! Wood of all Baincio SELLING TO CASH BUT- ers at creatly redaeed vricea. Taoee waatiag to buy in quantity eaa lay ia tmpamjr frem ear wharf as eheap aa It can be had anywhere. : i Oi O. FARSLET, Ja., AgeaV Coal and TToed. Tard, Cor. Oreage and S. jaa si ' PLEASE 1T0TICS. (17 e'will be atad te recaira atLona from our friends oa aay and all subjects of KwwmiuuaresiDuts The aaae of the writer mast always be far uaoe 10 tae editor. ! ComjaunJeatioes mast be written oa oaJv -9 M A . a t 7 uae noe or ut paper. Peraoaali ties nut be avoided. And it Is eenaeiallv and turH.nU.i. mA- stood that the Editor dees not always en dor the views of corraspoa dents, unless so staUd la the editorial eoluatas. j - . .k Hott AdvertLsoiaioiita. I Annual meeting. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING of the 8tcek. holders of the Bank of Yew Hanover will be held at tbelr Banking Honse, ia this citj, ca THURsrAT, Febraary 13, at 21 o'cicck, A. M. 8. D. WALLA CF, jan 31-tdm. Cashier. OPERA HOUSE, Monday and Tuesday Feb. 3 and 4 First appearance in ILU dty et the wr kaaawaa w saw j Adah Rich English Opera Troupe ! i IULL CH0RC8. j The Artists cosoprlsinr this Combi nation are the principal members of the Kel. logC Carey , Oatee, Dimurska and Aitnee Opera Troapes, MondaY, Feb-3, Oirofle-Oirofla ! Tuesday, Feb. 4,1a Grande Dncheise.' ! Popular prices. Reserved seats for sale a! Heinsberjrer's Live Book Store. I ian Slt - 1 Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby caption ed against trnstine: or harborirg aay Of the crew of the 8nanfah Karon t. k. A.1 If V til . : . . . - AUKuauna, , u no duis oontraetea Dy in em will be paid by the Master or Cenainees. j jan 30.2t JCAK OCERIN, Capt. j i ! 1879 FURNITURE 1879 WE OFFER OUR LARGE 8TOCE OF All Grades of Fornituro GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR THE s NEXT SIXTY DAYS Bayers please examine before bnj lag jan 30 I D. A. 8HITH k CO, Toilet & Fancy Articles t)ERFUMERY, ie., I L FOR CHRISTMAS PRE8K2rra Preseriptioas compoandedj at all hoars' aay or aignu j A eomnlete stock to bar rom. i JAMES O. HU1TDS, Draggist, Third street, Opp. City Halt dee 11 -.''.' ' : . ;- f f ; t Crockery Crockerya SEW STOCK of Decorated Chanbtrgrtf Tin Sets and extra 81ep Pails. The barqae "Naasy Holt", with a farther lot of EsgUsh Iroastose and Common Ware, expected shortly. i-j C OILFM k M fJRCHISOlf. Jan 27-dAw 88 AiO UurchisonBleck; Juct Received. LARGE LOT OF CROQUET SETS I Croquet has been for several years ose of the meet popular pastimes. Unlike laost of oat-door sports, it does sot refulra the pea eesaioa of great strength or powers of ead ranee, or severe s scalar exertion oa t&4 part ef the pinver. Excellesceia it is almost equally attafaaMe to the weakly and dtUeate as to the healthy aad robest. - Cli aaiyora; aseet oa its arena oa mora aearly eemaltsrat than ia aaj other known gaaa of skill A variety of syles for sale cheaper thsfl ever before at ; ' ! ' 1 1 ' I j 1 "I ' ' ;.-t 9ml I O : g : : o U j T : O j U I !.'' B3 J A , k : . : o : O 2j LU 9z I O : g IS- j g JJ : : : at : ; ?" : ! : : . MfttltftMMMtSfttS " H W ffi el V , : t 1 1 -a g I i 1 H W 1 a S 3 B u o g 3 w H CD ZL B a ti v era Q 2 h ' g - sf pa g 2 2 2 o Bj O . P' r . 'y I Jan 30 . t . i ; .1 Jaa 35 Live Hock asdilasis Ctare. 4. .... h