I THIS PAPER If eubliehed every afternoon, Sundays ex cepted br JOSH. T. JAMES, XDITOB AJD PKOPRI ITOft. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID. One mr. $5 00 Six months. S 2 50 : Three months, $1 36 ; One month, 60 cent. r he paper will be delivered by curlers, free f charge, in any part of the city, at the ebore rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising rates low and liberal bT Subscriber! will please report any and til failures to receive their papers regularly. KEEP MOVING ! BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street- Great Annual Morale. IT HAH BF.Erf OUR ANNUAL CUSTOM during the past four years to inau gurate a ia order to close oat the balance of our WINTER STOCK! at which time we will make a general Mark Down on all Sur plus Stock ! Oar patrons will find every article m si ked in plain figures, the former price in Black and the MARKED DOWN PRICE IN RED. We cannot enumerate every article, as it would occupy too much of oar space but the following will give quite a general idea: WINTER DRESS GOODS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, Alto. LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We mean business and will mark every ar ticle at such a pr ce that cannot fail to satisfy any and all who anticipate making any pur chases in qur hue and would add, for the benefit of our patrons in the country,that they may rely on any orders they may favor as with being promptly and as faithfully filled as if they stood at the counter. One Price to All SPECIAL We have decided to make a LEAN SWEEP of all our LINEN GOODS such as LINEN TABLE DAMASKS, 1 11 NAPKINS, " DOILIES, And 11 TOWELS. In order to make this a success we have marked them to the LOWEST NOTCH. Be assured they are reduced just as represented. You are Invited to Call and See for Yourselves, We have NO desire to deoeivo or misrepre ent anything. Uur policy has N EVER been to get as mnett as we could for eur merchan dise, but to sell as LOW as possible in order to increase our outlet and -keep the trade AT HOMK. Call early. Brown & Roddick. jan 11 There Is a Big Rush at JLOR THE BARGAINS NOW so freely offered there in Winter CI thing and Fui pisbing Goods. The entire stock Must be Sold ! in the next thirty day to make room for Spring Goods. Don t delay but go at once and get such bargains as you never heard of before, at SHRIEK'S EMPORIUM, Market si. The Best Unlaundried Shirt in the Citv for 75 ct. j 25 r Christmas is Over. QOT I WILL BE PLEA.8ED TO jerv you in the Book and Stationery Line, and will endeavor-to give yon satisfaction in ovtry transaction at 8. JEWETT'S, dec 27 Front Street Book Store. PIANO AND ORGANS NEW AND SECOND HAND, Sold for Csh or on the Instalment Plan, at toe LIVE BOOK STORE. VIOLINS, Guitars, and General Musical Merchandise Deals s in Violin Strings and Tiiinmings will do well to call at HEINSBERGER'S. ViLKNTI KS, Comic and Sentimental, to suit a.l. For sale at HEINSBERGER'P. No. 39 and 41 Market si. fob 3 1,500 Doz. Eggs, OUNTAIN BUTTER, Choice, Table Butter, 8ugar Cured Pi- Bacon Hams, Saus age, Liver Pudding, Pigs Feet, Sugar, Cef- a. Flour, Ac dee 21 Send to No. 24 Water st. J. H. PETTEWAY-S Samples from Baltimore and New Orleans. QRDERS for Molasses, Sugar.Coffee.Soap, Meats, Rice. Ac, promptly executed at bot arm prices by J AS. T. FETTE W A Y, s J4 Water Street. The VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1879. NO. 1 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisement. A. Ditid-The Peal. Lectcbk by Col. D. K. McRae. 8; D. Wallace, Cash'r Notice to Holders of Certificates. S. 8. Wood Wood'-Household Magazine. J. C. Muses, Druggist. Globe Flower Syr op. P. Hrissbehqer Pianos and Organs. A SuRLER-There is a Big Rush. 8. Jswstt Christmas ia Over. Hon. Geo. Howard, of Tarbcro, is in the city. Flenty of drecsed poultry in market to-day and selling at 12$cents a pound Col. Ben Moore. Solicitor of the Crim inal Court, is walking around to-day with a yard and a half of flannel around his throat. Epizoot. The arrangements having all been completed the Married Folks' Ball will surely come off to-night. The first set v ill be called at 8 J o'clock. Mr. John E. Lippitt has exhibited to 1 . I,: ,t it- Zrt Uo a plan w niarhwi uitu it id proposed to erect on the sila of the Lip pitt Block, on South -Front street. It makes an imposing and attractive ap pearance. . Mr. Jus. M. Browm, of this city, ap peared at the Lyceum Theatre, in Isew York, the other night, as ' Capt. Corcu- i- tt if o n J " ran, commanding n. at. o. i tnujvif, and the august BttraM actually oompli- mar, i a fiirr Rev. Joseph Cxk is going to lecture .... W A ' on ''Tue Inner Lite ot a newspaper. But did the reverend gentleman ever "jeff'for beer, play seven up on the bed of a hand press, or hear the forty-horse power remarks made when a form is "pied ?' We don't believe he knows enough about the inner life of a news paper to truthfully portray t$e feelings of an editor who accepts a $40 box ol gatent mtdicine for $100 worth of ad vertising, and is compelled to either dis pose of it for $4 or take it himself. Patent medicines is one of the articles of trade that his employees will not ac cept in paymect of wages. col. McRae's Lecture, 1 hose who would not miss a great treat will not fail to.bear Col. D. K. McRae to morrow evening, at the Opera House, repeat his admirable lecture on "Genius and Talent." -It will probably be the last tirre of its delivery in Wilmington, pre- haps in yearn. Gov. Jarvis. : The Licutenant-Govarnor of the State, Hon. Thos. J Jarvis, was yesterday in augurated in due form as Governor, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Gov. Vanee. Capt. J. Xi. Robinson, of Macon; has been chosen to fill the posi t on of Lieutenant- Govern x and Speaker of the Senate. Unmailable. The following is a list of the unmailable letters, papers etc., remaining in the city Postoffice : Capt. Geo. Dick?, Beaufort, S. C.J Jno. Martin, care Eider B. W. Morris, Raleigh, N. C; Miss Lizzie Curtis. Columbia, Ga.: J. C Hturgea, Catuit, Cape Cod; Mr3. E. K. Allen, Hop?, Ark.: Mr. Pi. Moutague Long Creek, X. C. Maj Engelhard is Better. We "regret to .earn that Maj. J; A. En gelhard, Secretary of State, was very ill yesterday so ill, ia fact, that his daugh ters, Misses Placido and Rosabel le, who were visiting here, were telegraphed to come to him. But we are glad to know to-day that he is much better and that he is considered cut of danger now. We did not learn the exact nature of the disease but know that Maj. Engelhard has net been wed f jr several weeks pat. The Thermometer. frogs tue United States Signal Office at his place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 7:31 o'clock : Augusta, Ga..,. 62 Cairo, Itl 35 Charleston, S. C....C8 Cincinnati 35 Corsicana, Tex 31 port Gibson, C N.19 Galveston...... 43 Indianola 40 Jacksonville, Fla... 65 Knoxville...... 40 Lynchburg. . 42 M emphifj Tenn .. ...37 Mobile, Ala.... 52 Montgomery Ala.. .51 Nashville 38 New Orleans. 52 New York... 31 Savannah, Ga 59 Shreveport. 39 St Louis Mo..:....31 St Marks, Fla. $3 Vicksburg, Miss... .45 Washington. S Wilmington. ...... M. 51 Endorsed by the faculty. The reputa tion ot Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup has been solely achieved on account of its merit Physicians prescribe it. 25 eta. Daily Review. CitJ Court. Alderman Bowden, Mayor pro temp. presiding. The first on docket this morning were Jno. Hill and Ben Allen, two colored youths some tea years of age, who were arrested by officer King yesterday after neon in the vicinity of Oakdals Cemetery after a run of six or eight squares, for insulting persons on the street. The Mayor pro fern fined them $1.50 each or five days in the city prison. Jno. Hawley, alias Dillingham, a beardless, smooth-face, white yonth of eighteen or twenty summers and an in habitant of Paddy's Hollow, and also a frequenter of all the low dance houses in that vicinity ,aocording to to ths testi mony oi ths police, was arraigned this morning upon the charge of interfering with the police force in the discharge of their duti-8. The Mayor pro tern, after hearing the evidence in the case, put some plain practical questions to the prisoner regarding the localites he visited and then.apparently mare in sorrow than in anger, imposed a fine of $1.00 or five days in the city prison. Mike Peden, colored, the notorious lit tle rascal Mike and another colored boy, J J. Wilson by name, were arrested and lodged in the Guard. House last night for disorderly conduct. Mike was given one day more in the Guard House and the other little rogue was discharged. This last case cleared the docket and the court adjourned. Appleton s Journal The February issue of th's excellent month'y, being No. 82 of the new series, has been some days at hand and with the following excellent table of contents: The Rromance of a Painter. Part Second. From the French of Ferdinand Fabcr. The Shakespearean; by Apple ton Morgan. "A man may not marry his Grandmother." (Conclusion.) By Horace E. Scudder. Eaglish Literature. A Chapter frcm a New History; by Spencer Walpole. The Historical Aspect of the United States; by A. P. Stanley; Dean of Westminster. The Judgment ot Midas. A Sonnet; by John Brougham. On Certain Present Phenomena of the Imigination; by Lord Houghton. In tolerance and Persecution; by W. H. Mallock. Verify Your.Compass; by W. R. Greg. Some Modern Artists For tuny, Millais, the Greek Artists of Eng lanJ, Leslie; by Harry Quilter. Edit ors Table: Amending the Constitution The Nude in Art Novel-Reading. Books ot the Day. Business Law. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. I An agreement without consideration ia void. Signatures made with lead pencil are good in law. A receipt for money paid is not legally conclusive. The acts of one partner bind all the others. Contracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. A contract made with a minor is yoid. A contract made with a lunatic is void' Agents are responsible to their princi pals for errors. Principals are responsi ble for the acts of the agents. Each individual in a partnership is re sponsible for the whole amount of the debts of a firm. A note obtained by fraud, or from a per son in a state of intoxication, cannot be collected. A note given by a minor is void. It a note be lost or stolen, it does not release the maker; he must pay it. An indorser of a note is exempt from liability if not served with notice of its dishonor within twenty-four hours of its non-payment. He Walked It. The rope walker Dare by name and daring by nature, gave bia promised fool hardy performance to-day, as he an nounced that he would. There were at least one thousand persona present on the occasion. A collection was taken up by the performer in person before Le made the ascent and he probably realized a handsome little sum in nickles and dimes. Publie Meeting in Pender. Bcbgaw, N. C:, Feb. 2nd, 1879. At a meeting of the Democrats of Pen der county, to-day, Dr. E. Porter was called to the chair, and Mr. Bruce Williams was requested to act as Secretary. A com mittee on resolutions reported the following through their Chairman, pr. Satchweil, which was adopted Whereas, Toe people of Pender county are properly alive to the importance of public measures now before the fcetslature and agitating the public mind of the State. Therefore Beaolted, That we are opposed to the project of making new roada or of keeping up those already ronatrncted by taxation, Dot are in uvor or aanenng to tne system of working public roads, and be lieve it would i be efficient it the present law in relation to overseers and road hands shoul l be rigidly enforced. Resolved, That the interest in sheep husbandry and of popular education de mand the enactment by the Legislature or a dog law, as it is commonly called, and that such a law would be of great benefit to all classes and colors in Pender county, and of immense advantage to the people of the whole State. Resolved, That the welfare and good name of our noble old commonwealth demand that the present Legislature should mase some fair, just, and honor able compromise of such nortiona of the public debt of the State as North Carolina is bound in honor to pay, and that in ordor for the interest of such amount of the principal of said debt1 as the Legislature may agree to pay, may be felt with the least incon. venienco and hardship by the people, we recommend our present general assembly to pass the bell-punch law, as the best means of paying the interest of such principal, believing as we do that th9 principle and purpose of j such a law is wise and just, and needs to be put in legal operation in North Carolina. Resolved, That the Representative and Senator in the Legislature from Pender, are hereby respectfully requested to use ineir innuence in the General Assembly against any law proposing to keep up the public roads of Pender by taxation, and in favor of the measures announced and approved of ia these resolutions. Mr. Bruce Williams introduced the following resolution which was adopted: That inasmuch as the Democratic Executive Committee of the county having failed or refused to act in regard to recommending Magistrates for appoint ment by the present Legiature, that this meeting recommend that the Democrats of each township meet at their respective voting places on Saturday, the 8th inst., at 12 o'clock, M. and recommend to our Senator and Representative in the Legisla ture from Pender county, the names of such men asjthey may desiretobe appoint ed Migistrates. On motion the Secretary was instructed to prepare the proceedings of this meeting and request their publication in the Wilmington Review, Journal, fSun and Atar. Bruce Williams, Secretary. One Week in Wall street. October 7th, 1878, Western Union Telegraph stock sold at the New York Stock Ecchange for 96.1-8 per share; Uctober 14th, 1878, it sold at 86.5-4. a fluctuation of 9 3-8 per cent., ir seven days; 12,600 shares sold on a margin of one per cent, required an actual capital of $12 500. The same stock delivered at 86.3-4 gave a profit of 9 3-8 per cent, on on the stock or $937.60 per 100 shares On the whole 12,500 the actual profit was -$117,187.50 er 9 3-8 times the capital used in one week. This is a single esse tken from the official record ot the Stoek Exchange, and shows how much money fs made so rapidly in stocks Few people, however, have the neces sary cash to put up in order to realize such immense profits as these, but capital in any arrount from $10 to $50,0C0 can be used with equal success by the new combination system af operating in stocks which Messrs Lawrence & Co, Bankers, New Yctflt, have established. By this method of pooling thousands of orders in various sums and operating them as one immense capital, shareholders realize large profits which are divided I pro rata monthly New circular contains two unerring rules ror success, and full in formation, so that any one can operate profitably. Stocks and Bonds wanted Government Bond supplied. Apply to Lawrence & Co, Bankers, 57 Exchange Place, N Y Oity. Wilmington District. irst round of Quarterly Meetings, M th- odist IL. (Jhurcn, fcouth: Waccamaw Mission, February 11. Smithville, at Concord. Feb. 15 and 16. Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Feb. 22 & 23. " at Front 5treet, Mch 1 and 2. Topsail, at Union, March Sand 9. Onslow, at Tabernacle, March 25 ana 16. The District Stewards will please meet me at the Parsonage of Front Street Church, Wilmington, Feb. 25th, 1879, at 10 o'clock, A. M. A full attendance is pesired. L. S. Burkhkad, .Presiding tider. Consumption Cared. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a p sitive and radical cure for nervous debiiiry and all nervous com plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to bis suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for using in German, French, or English, Sent bj mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, 140 Powers Block, Rochester, New York. 4w Physicians' Wise. New York physicians say they have been using Spear's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitten in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public aa being all that ia claimed for them, and. in fact, the moat reliable they can had. For sale by J. U. Munds, P. L. dc Co. and Green Planner. MARRIED. o -HALLARAN-On February i, lbi9, by the Rev. J. K. Walter. HORACE P. SPRINGER, tf Wilmington N. C to Mi. JENNIE fi! HALL ARAN, of Washing ton, D. C. New Advertisements. W1LMLNGTUN, N. C.,Feb. o, 1&79. HOLDERS OF CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, bearing Six Per Cent. In terest, issued by the BANK OF NEW HANOVER, who have received no pre vious direct notification, are hereby re quested tos present the same for payment within Thirty Days from the date of this notice, as interest on same will ceiee at the expiration of that time S. D. WALLACE, fep 6 2t Cashier. Lecture by Col. D. K, McRae. WILMINGTON LIBRARY A880CIATION. In response to the generally ezpraased wuh of the community,-Col. D. K. McRAE will repeat his celebrated Address on GENIUS AXkTD TALENT, At the OPERA HOUSE, on FRIDAY EVE- is ihu, F ebruary 7th, at 8 P. M. Tickets, 25 Cents each, will ba for sale at the Book Stores and by the Committee of Ar rangements. No reserved seats, excent nrivata bore. which can be secured at Heicsberger's Book Store. The same gentlemen who were invited to represent tne different organizations, on the stage, at the previous Lecture, are invited to be present again. Lecture will be poetponed if the weather ouuuia do uniavorabl e. feb fi-2t Is a monthly, 100-page Scrap Book of the cream of the World's Literature. Single copy, 20c., or $2 per s oar. An Oil Chromo (14x20 inches) of " Yosemite Valley," price. $ 3; " Black Sheep," a fl.50 book, in paper binding; "Christian Oakley's Mistake. ' a fl book, in paper binding, and a sample copy of "Wood's Household Magazine" all post-paid, for only 30 cents in money, or in one-cent postage stamps. Agents wanted. Most liberal terms, but nothing sent free. Address S. S.Wood, Tribune Building, New York City. feb 6 The Pearl JJAS A NATIONAL REPUTATION and is conceded to be the BEST SHIRT in the market for the money. They can now be had all finished and ready for the Laundry for One Dollar, Guaranteed to be equaled to any $2.00 Laundried Shirt in the city. Sold only by A. DATID, jn 6 The Clothier. Gr obe Flower Syrup jlr KRRE I j L'S HEPATINE. A supply j.tjoi each just received. VVistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry. A fine lot of Toile Soaps, Perfumery and Fancy Articles. For sale by JAMES C. MUNDS, Draggiat, Third street, Opp. City HalL CCPrescriptions Compounded at al hours day or night. jan 6 Dividend mHE DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF NEW HANOVER have declared a Semi.Annual Dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on and after the 10 inet. S. D. WALLACE. feb 5 3t Cashier. The Latest Out. THE GENUINE STEWART SEWING MACHINE. H1HIS MACHINE HAS BEEN greatlv 1 improved, and the Company insists on tne ioiiowing advantages : Speed, light running, perfection and ca pacity of workmanship and material. Beauty of finish and great wearing qua! ities ; and The best wood work ever put in this market. Also, a very extensive stock of ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE on hand, to be sold from TO-DAY on, Lower than Ever Before Offered in this Market. Cad and see for yourself at P. A. SCHTJTTl'a, 26 and 28 front and 11 and 15 Dock all ieo 4 Beer for All. AT H MARCUS ell SON'S Ke. 5 Market Street J 08T RECEIVED per 8teamer, Kege of that Celebrated fPiUaer Lager B " aico we win aeu at tne HW per Keg, for tkie 89M9 ion GatAriN reaaaaiT PLEASE NOTICE. We will bs glad tor. calve from our friends on any and all subjects of general interest butt The sane of ths writer lushed to the Editor. isst always be fa CosuDutlsatiois mast be written oa only one aide of the paper. Personalities roust be avoided. And it is especially and particularly una r tcod that the Editor doss mot always andorsa the views of correspondents, unless so stated ia the editorial columns. New Advertisements. Annual Meeting;. rpHR ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holden of the Bask of Xew Baaotar will be held at their Baskio House, ia tali city, oa THUB3PAT, February 13, at 11 o'clock, A- M- 8. D. WALLA OVf jaa 31-tdm. CaaaJer. Flower and Garden THE choices: VARIETIES Jt'ST FROM THE GROWERS AND GUARANTEED NEW N. C. HAMS, SUGAR-CURED II A MS SHOULDERS and STRIPS. i Fine Assortment of CAKES and CRACKERS. FRESH GOODS RECEIVED by everf Steamer. BUTTER at 20c, 25 and 30c per pound, all guaranteed Fresh and Sweet. James C. Stevenson feb 3 Boatwiight & McKov .OFFER To the Public this Week A FRESH SUPPLY OF Choice Groceries Ooasi tiag ia part of Qffl Bbli Flour, from A Super uy to Plant's Extra 50 Bbli Sugar, all grades, 00 B ags Coffee, Rio , M uco y ad a, -Lagayra and J at a, 00 Peckftg" Batter, 1 9 000 Lbs Lard, Fair bank LVVV free froai waUr, 25,000 Lb8 No 1 Clear Rib flWB 5,000 LbaCboie hb inn Bbls Molasses, Cuba and New Orleans, 25 Bbli Rice, 500 Cu6t cnned Goods, of every description, 200 pk""Wi-'Bir7., 9ft Baskets Champagne. U AH Imported Also Porter and Larger In abaadaaee 200 BoxeiSop- PA, We can famish Wholesale Baytra any article kept in the Grocery Line. To the citizens of Wilmington we will lat we eaa furnish Family Bappiies of description (we mean Good Goods, to eve say tne least,) as LOW as any House ia the City. aV Prompt delivery frt; Every article sen from store gaaraateod. Boatwright & McKov. 5 , 7 a 8 Worth Front It. feb 3 Direct Importation. VTOW LA5DI5G Ex-British Barque Kaa- 11 cj Holt, another lot of EARTHEN WARE, DIRECT from the English Potter iea, which we are offeriag at Beltimera aad New York prices, thereby sarin the Coun try Merchant freight and charges beta a this port aad Northern Cities. We dupli cate northern bill. GILE8 A MURCHI80N. ieD :-urw aa w Marcniaon Open Italy and Bight P C. MILLER'S DRUG STORE, m Prescription compounded with care at reaooaabie rater. , Boaoe, Fancy Articles, Cigars aad a full lac of freeh GARDES SEEDS. jaa 7T AJLT JOBomeic