THIS PAPER Is published every afternoon, Saadaji ex- eeptod V JOSH. T. JAMES, amroa asd pbopbibtob. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID 0q rear.S6 00 Six months. H 60 ; Three r r - months. SI 16 ; One month, 60 cents. r he paper will be delivered by carriers, free of charge, in uut nart of the city, at the 0 - w r m - above rates, or IS eenta per week. Advertising rates low and liberal ar Subscribers will please report any and all failures to receive their papers regularly. KEEP MOVING ! BROWN & RODDICK. 45 MarbST Street- Great Animal Clearing Sale. IT HAS BEElff OUR ANNUAL CU8T0M during the paat four years to inau gurate a ia order to 'close out the balance of our WINTER STOCK! at which time we will make a general Mark 1owu on all Sur plus Stock ! Our patrons will find every article marked in plain figures, the former price in Black and the MARKED DOWN PRICE IN RED. We cannot enumerate every article, as it would occupy too much of our space but the following will give quite a general idea: . WINTER DRESS GOODS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, Also, LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We mean business and will mark every ar ticle at such a that cannot fail to satisfy any and all who anticipate making any pur chafes in our line and would add, for the benefit ot our patrons in the count' y, that they may rely on any orders they may favor us with being promptly and as faithfully filled as if they stood at the counter. One Price to All SPECIAL SALE. We have decided to make a CLEAN SWEEr" of all our LINEN GOODS such as LINEN TABLE DAMASKS, 1 " NAPKINS, " DOILIES, And 11 TOWELS. In' order to make this a success we have marked them to the LOWEST NOTCH. Be assured they are reduced just as represented. You are Invited to Call and See for Yourselves. We have NO desire to deceive or misrepre sent anything. Our policy has NEVER been to get as much as we could for our merchan dise, but to sell as LOW as possible in order to increase our outlet and keep the trade AT HOME. Call early. Brown & Roddick. jan 11 There Is a Big Rush at SHRIEK'S pOR THE BARGAINS NOW so freely offered there in Winter CI thing and Fur nishing Goods. The entire stock Must be Sold I m in the next thirty days to make room for Snnncr Gondii. Don t delav bnt era at nncp r n .j r and gat such bargains as you never heard of m. Liiiiiimtio r if w i sv n TTv w otiore, at oawumm o AJirumuu, Market at. The Best Unlaundried Shirt in the Citv for 75 Ct. J" 2o Christmas is Over. JJUT I WILL BE PLEASED TO serv yon ia the Book and Stationery Line,' and will endearor to give yon satisfaction in every transaction at 8. JEWETT'8, dee 27 Front Street Boek Store. Dividend T HE DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OP NEW HANOVER, have declared a a Semi.Annual Dividend of THREE PER CENT., payable on and after the 10 inst. S. D. WALLACE, feb 5 3t Cashier. The Pearl H AS A NATIONAL REPUTATION and is conceded to be the BEST SHIRT in tbe maiketfor the money. They can now be had all finished and ready for the Laundry for One Dollar, Guaranteed to be equaled to any $2.00 Laundried Shirt in the city. Sold only by A. D AVID, jm The Clothier. Notice. A PPUCATlOif Jrill be made to the next rm M a k an. usasrti AJseaiDiy or tbe State for a Charter to ineorporata the "WilrJjton Ice ) The VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, N. C LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P. H KtNSBERSKE Pianos and Organs. Jjs, H. Pkttswat Ham and Eggs. J. C. Mcnbs, Druggist. Globe Flower Syrnp. A. Shrikk There is a Big Bush. 8. J bwktt Christmas is Over. Mod every where to-day. The rope walker has departed. Lent commences February 26th. Market well supplied with wood now To-day week St. Valentine will reign supreme. Ash Wednesday falls on the 26th February this year. A a a nilp mnrp fish Are BhiDDcd JrOCD a. i U M a va aw Jv 4 Wilmington than are consumed here. 0 TKo marker, was well SUDDiied with dressed poultry yesterday aud this mcrn inr. There is considerable sickness in town JUJi uwn , w-v0 Inaf nnw thniirrh nntmnar OI a SCriOUS nature. r j . Charlotte had Juhus (Jaeiar ou Wednes- dav nicrht and will have Kate ClaxtoD to- j o morrow. A cantata will be given by some of the pupils of the Tileston Institute to night week. Wilhemj had an engagement for Wil mington but cancelled it. His ideas were too lofty for our little town. It is now announced on the authority nf an "f-mineut nhvician" that it is not v x y healthy to rise beforo eight o'clock in the morniDg. This applies! on v to men. at seven and mf Wives, it is said, can rise start the fire as heretofore. It is hoped that Col McRae will be greeted by a large house to-night at the Opera House. It will probably be the last time that this lecture will be de- lirered in Wilminston and all who do not hear it will miss the best thing of the age. Capt. D. M. Murchison, Hon. S. H. Fishblate. Mai. Chas. M. Stedman. and y j- other plucky Wilmingtonians are in Raleigh and will fight the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line iniquity to the bitter end. These gentlemen know what to say , . j . f.;j n onH hnnr fcn sav it and are not afraid to I ,.L Duvaa au vui . And now the windows ot the DooKstore8 are filled with hideous looking caricatures, under tne name oi vaienunes, wnien win t i - r i . l - . l . i . l -ill be sent to parties, frequently in the spirit of lun, but too otten in order to vent a mean spirit. We hope our young friends win rememDer mat it is cruei anu cow- i i ! n l ardly to cause a pang of sorrow to any one by an anonymous communication anu especially so wnen it is accompaniea . i it i by a hideous and distorted picture. Ordered to Report. Lieut. Jno. U. Rhodes, of the U. S. R. 11., who has been here for a month past on waitiue orders received a notification this morning to report at once for dutv to Capt. Frank Barr. on the Revenue Cutter Colfax, now cn station at Wilmington, -Del. Lieut Rhodes will, of course, leave at once to join his ship. Speer's Prt Grape Wine for Partle Physicians employ Speer's Port Grape Wine in their practice In all cases where a a a ja m aj -it? . I pure wine is canea ror, ana ao an m nnwpr In foster and encourage its nrndiic.. I tion. It is oomine irito ereat favor among the most wealthy in New York city as an evening wine. ; If or sale by J. C. Munds, P. L. Bridgers & Co, and Green & Manner. Indorsement' of the Eminent Pro- feswDomK, Bellevue HosriTAL Med. College New York. Nov. 15. 1878. C This is to certify that I purchased ci Ur. S. H. Williamson, 86 Broadway, a can of Doolky's Baking Powder; that I had biscuits "made therewith; that I have analyzed the same, and that thev do not contain alum or an v other dele terious substance. R. Ogden Dobemus. M. D.. LL.D.. professor Chemistry and Toxicology in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College. The Grand Central Hotel on Bread war. New York, is a biz House, and it takes a great many people to fill it. In order to a a; do the latter, and to pieaae everybody, thA RntAl ia now ktnt OA t both 'lana the American at $2.60 to $3.00, and the European $1,00, and upwards per day. An elegant Restaurant at moderate nricea. is conducted by the Hotel. J Safe, reliable, harmless and cheap, ia Dr all s Cough Syrup, Price only 26 Daily The W. C. A A. R R." Conductors. We regret to learn that Conductor Duke, of the W. C. & A. Railroad,! now confined to hia house by a severe illness. His trouble ia paralysis of the brain, j. tit: tk uma road, has U)uuujr " 'solu"iu also be n auite sick and confined to the u e Am, H reoorted for uuun lui vuib v. j m .intw vMtrdaT mornina. Conductor ""V J Bowden "of the same line, who has been i wit are haOV to learn, convalescent, with a fair prospect of soon being again at his post of dnty Personal. Capt. LC. T. Iardella, of the U. C.ttnelt who has been with us for some time past arveying the river the forts and islands at the mouth of the rifer. has finished his work and has been ordered to Charleston to survey theStono river and approaches to Charleston. His achr., the Caswell, left for Charleston this morning under command of Capt. Iar delia's sailing master. We aegret to part with Capt. lardclia and hope that he may some day be ordered back to Wilming ton. The Hop Last Night. It was a glorious time at Grermania Hall last night, when the married folks acted the hosts and the young folks the guests, thus reversing the regular order of affairs which has obtained here. The large and elegant hall was well filled, and with a happy crowd. For once, the married folks asserted their rights and maintained them. Tbey danced and danced and danced and the cares and anxieties of every day life were put aside and the vonnzsters at home asleeD in their cribs and trundle-beds were for the nonce all but forgotten and joy reigned supreme. It was the remark of an an cient Lothario, one who Lad danced years ago with the grandmothers of some of those present, that nerer ia the history of Wilmington had as many pretty mar ried ladies been grouped togelther under the same roof. The fun was kent aliye I until a late hour and until nearly all of I the married folks present remembering their neglected responsibilities, dron- ped out, two by two, from the lestive scene and hastily hurried homewards. Dealing in Fntnres. Here is something for the consideration oi cotton aeaiers: j ne Kentucky court o J i a a. mi . appeals has recently rendered a decision l rJM m vnou v lutui cc( tuo yu ill lo U which mav be summed ud as follows- Speculating in fatures, where no actua W A. " de verv of the art c e honirht nr M I. maae, but only the difference in monev between the value at the time of nor cha8e and at the time fixed tor deli sf is to be Daid u ffamblinff and ilWal I A 7 0 o "ft - But tbe mtent to pay only the difference ;n Tftinfi aTUt nnk Ao.vor h44 mwAm ' must be clear, en fc inferred from custom. Even proof that the difference was actually paid in money in this way will not suffice, unless it be also proved that it was the intent at the time of the contract that the settlement should be made in this way. The court admits the wrongfulness of this practice, and that as practiced it is gambling, but it will not take as proof of gambliag in this c&se the well-known custom that prevails, for evidences that woald establish other spe- cies of gambling. City Court Aldermaa Bowde. :Mayor pro temp. 1 presiding Wm. Kornegay, colored, arrested last night for being drunk and disorderly was fined $2.50 or given the alternative of lodging ten days in the city prison. The ' defendant ponied up and was re leased. Mary 8tewart, colored, arrested last night for committing an assault upon Laura Haggett, colored, with a deadly weapon, in the ahape of a kaife, with which she inflicted several waunds upon the person of the aforesaid Laura Haggett was turned over to Justice Hall for trial This closed the proceedings and the eourt adjourned. UnmallaMe. The following is a list of unavailable letters remaining in the city Poetoffice Feb. 7th: P. Montague, Long Creek, N. C ; Jno Mattea, Raleigh, K. C ; Capt. Geo. Dick, Beaufort, S. C; Mrs. E. K. Allan, Hope, Ark, Hamptoa, Co. . e ... ... Ijn removing some of tha debris ia tha burnt Lippitt district tail it fou ad thai tha fire Was i REVIEW FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1879. NO. Macistrate's Row. Before Justice Hall, Mary Stewart. colored, was arraiged this morning upon the charge of committing an aasault with a knife and inflicting several wounds upon the person of Laura Haggett, colored, last night in Paddy's Hollow. The case was continued on account of the inability of the principal witness, Laura Haggett, to attend the trial as she is confined to her hease from the wounds received in the melee, and the defendant was commit ted. Wm. John Lorxg and George Wood, two white seamen, belonging to the Br. barqae Koth Carolina, were arrested upon a warrant sworn out by tbefCaptain for committing an assault upon him on board of his vessel this morning.' The defendants were each sentenced to thirty days imprisonment iu the county Sandy Johnson co.ored, was arrested this morning with a warrant upon the affidavit of Jno. Holland, white, in which it was charged that Johnson committed ... . j an assault upon Holland with an axe helve. The prosecutor and defendant in this case beinar hnth undav Vi ;nA.nn Jno. Barlevcorn and thA dAfndaf rs u u vlli a i. . liiniit in n iiii Vwinr ; . x i . , iul wuuiuuu tu siana trial, tne case was continued and the prisoner com- ... i mitteo. Before Justice Gardner this morning n w rnmus loung swore out a warrant for the arrest of Robert Thomas for the lar- . L. - I oeny or a yearling bull. The: warrant was . r executed, the party arrested and tht, trial set for 8 o'clock this afternoon, and this is all we know about it. February Wo- na ..t . i , T . ...u,ulluotwu maj January . . . Deingtlie other) introduced into the Roman j calendar hv TMnmo Pm:i:.. -" mmm A. u ui u a lllll III I I lin when he extended tbe year to twelve 01 a 1 a 4 tuese periods, its name ajose from the practice of religious expiation and puri ncation WhlCh tOOK TiIa nmnno- tUm Romans at the beginning of thi month X" vv HiAiVUi, VUQ reoruare, to expiate, to purify). It has wit m . kaan am ik I 1 ll wu tu WUU1 an m-used month, per- naps in consequence Of its nntrl want what is pleasant and agreeable to the hu- man senses. Numa et fall unnn it tha doom which was unavoidable for some one of the months how; three out f fnnr iirnM . iWVil lllura a uay lew than even those which were to consist of thirtv davs. That. i t ue .Tn u.,, . ar - a k- W nf V . AX vUOU ib auumu nave only twenty-nine days, excepting in leap year, whJ( by the iuf of . auu iiiu, i'j was to nave thirty. JSlo great occasion here . .... cnose to aaa a thirty-nrst day to August, that the month named from him might not lack in the dignity enjoyed by six other months of the year, he took it from February, which could least spare it, thus reducing it to twenty-eight in all o - .ivuj-nui) iu an ordinary years. In the parliamentary arrangement tor the lnlormation of the calendar, it being necessary to drop a day out of each century, excepting those mh of which the ordinal number could be divided by four, it again fell to the lot of February to be the sufferer. Littell s Living Age, We are in receipt of the six numbers of this excellent weekly issued since January 1st. Littells isone among the few magasines published in this countiy whose pretensions Jo not excel its ahiliti'ea I and it is the only publication of its class which f unishes a weekly, instead of a monthlyfeast to its readers. It publishes an immense amount of matter and makes up four volumes to the year giving more than three and a quarter thousand pages of matter during the year. With 1879 it enters upon its thirty-fifth year and the efforts ot the publishers are being redoub- ed in the desire to make their magazine more than ever worthy of the great patronage which has been acocrded it. To The Gulf. We are glad to learn, as we do from the Raleigh Observer, tbt the bridge on the Western Railroad will be completed across Tep Biver by the 12th inst., and that the ears will be running to tbe Gulf, in Chatham country, in three weeks. It is time, we think, for the merchants of this city to be striking for some of tbe trade of the interior and central portion of the State which this road aa it pro gresses will open up to tha people of Fayette ville and Wilmington. Wa are requested to state that then will ha no postponement of tbe lecture this evening oa account of the weather. The indications are that there will be a very large attendance at the Opera House to-night to hear Col. McRae's lecture.noU witnstandmg the untoward weather. He has Gone. After settling his hotel bill, windinn no his ropes and doffing his circus tights for ms citizen's clothes, Professor Dare, the rope walker, darted off on the South. train last night for Charleston. The Profetsor agreed with the authori ties yesterday that if thev would not n- force the collection of the showman's tax from him, he would give all over eighteen dollars (which he claimed to be his ex penses), to the poor and thus make his exhibition one for charity. But uoon rallying tne contents of his dear box after taking up his collection. t found tDt he only had $15.30 and no he uiaimea mat ne owed m.rhinir v. charity fund, but that the county author- - " " D v iii ;.: t. a . . . . ousuc 10 Pav nim tDe 82.70 to make P his 18 exPenses. But he finally concluded not to press his claim (wise as a serPenfc is is Professor) but just pocket his proceeds and "frit" on thu firnt aiD' wmch he accordingly did. Tne 01d Times. . I One of the most Pniovahlo faftiroa rf j , , J ' "t"t w p Ia-t night was a 8iuare dance I at thA 1 i www ouu ui me room, tne gen tie- men ia ifc a11 being old and staid citizens. TU. ...... . LUOJr cU8a 1C the "gray haired set," and we mttst 8a that it put to shame some I . v C l i . . 1 U1 bue owners, m the life and vivacity waicn tne old-timers imparted to the dance. The doudleshufflo and pigeon wing were executed with much graee and aguity and it is said that ono of these (TOnfloVM AW t. It I mm 88UMCmBU nuiuauy emulated his hrst ef- frtrt.;, . . I i " kiiai u ice I wn rn ara tcmr or a- u V .". -". rTT w" "ve maae at the LaFayette Ba in I J 1U I l- . . i - . 1 i i II m nirv n r ho wtaam l on J The Wilmington Excelsior Brass Band have received new silver instruments. The receipts of cotton for this port to- day foot up 613 bales. mnsnmntinn I An nM nhni.;.n ? al!Eg Placed in his hands by an East India miciiriQi.TT tl,n r i ZZTM sunpie manent cure for consumption, bronchitis. catarrn, asthma, and all throat and lune EV-. F'Sitive and radical cure ior nervous dp.hnuv and o mranu. plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has I . 14. ia. J U . . . ' ,C1"1L. u auty to make it known to his sunenog teilows. Actuated bv this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I "J vjciiuau, r reucn, or rineiisti Sent h I 41 1 J J - . ' ... " ' J 1 uy uuressing witn stamp, namiDg .rowers Amm New Advertisements. Ham and Eggs, pivuataih BUTTER, Choice, Table Bmtter Suar Cured Pig Bacon Hams, Saas- age, Liver Pudding, Pigs Feet, 8ugar, Oef- ee. Flonr. Ao. rh n w n v.i a feb 7 J. H. PETTEWAY. PIANOS AND ORGANS. QF VARIOUS MAKES, wv.w iwi vuu mi un uo Inatalmeat Plan, at HEIlfSBERQEB'S. TNK8TANDS, PAPER-WEIGHTS ' Clips, Files, Sponge Caps, copying Brashes, Copying Pressea, u oiauonery or every Variety, at i . . . . : HBINSBERGAR'R. feb 7 Nos. 3t and 41 Market st. WILMINGTON, N. C.,Feb. 5, 187V. H Y.L CERTIFICATES OF xj.uwvan , DearingSix Per Cent. In- ?vlad hI t?e 5akk of NEW HANOVER, who have received no pre- wvo uacu awuiduoD, are hereby re- MAcf Ail 4 j-v a. V m J 'JUCOKU VJ Kiseui. toe same ior payment within Thirty Days from the date of this "WW, iuieresi on same will cease at tuc eipimuon oi that time s- D- WALLACE, ,eo Caabier. Globe Flower Syrup MQ a MJLrATINE. A supply of each just received. Wktara fid earn of Wild Cherry. A fine lot of Toilet ovaps, xenumery and fancy Articles. For sale by JAMES O. MTJTO8, Dragglat, TW-'saat, Opp. City BAIL hours day or night, CCBoand6d Wa;wiilaetue to raaalvs from oar frieais en any aast atl sateease iw-wreimtanstaau Tbeaaaetf the writer .mat always beflr nibe4 tn tha SAtor. eat aide ef the paper. TT MB a J i PtraoaaU net nut he avoided. And it is tood that the Kilter daes aet always te views of aormipeadeito, ta the editorial eol New AdvertiBTnenU. Lecture by Col. D. K. MoBm XirlLMUXQTOtf LIBRARY J . A8800IATI0H. In respoose to the generally expreaeed wish repeat his celebrated Address on OHWXU AND TAUsTffi At the OPKRA HOUSE, on FRIDAY ITS lHO, Febrnary 7th, at 8 P. at. Tickets, 25 Cento each, will be for sale at the Book Store and by the Committee ef Ar rangement. -if!-i. reiarJed except privaU boxes, Store! C ecard t Heicsberfct's Boo The Same a cnt!tnn mhn mmm represent the different orfaniaations, oa the stage, at the prerioaa Lecture, are invited to X" , 06 p?1?0 the weather nould be onfavorabl e. fb -2t . V. . .v. " . T"ir- r " -'fii nrim uf i the World s Liter&tnro. Single oopy. 30c. or S3 Bar yyur A n O.l rhxomo 04x30 inchiS) of " YtZuSSm price, j; dims sneep,- paper binding : Christian 0&klfv'n book, in paper bin din, and a unnli mn. nt Household Masazine'r all post-paid, for oobr in mnnnc rw - w Address B. S.Wood, Tribune Buildin, New feb6 Annual Meeting;. rp HE ANNUAL MEETING of the JL holderi of the Baak of Few Hanover will be held at their Basking Howe, la this dty, ea THURSDAY, Febraery 13, at 11 e'eleck, A. W. 8. D. VTALLAOK, jan SMdm. Caahier. Flower and Garden THE CHOICEST VARIETIES JTJfcT FROM THE GROWERS AND GUARANTEED NBW. N. C. HAMS, SUilAR-CURED HAW SHOULDERS and STRIPS. Fine Assortment of CAKES and CRACKERS. FRESH GOODS RECEIVED every Steamer. BUTTER at 20c, 26 and 30c per pound, all guaranteed Fresh and Sweat. James C. Stevenflon. feb 3 Boatwright & McKoy !OFFIR To the Public this Week A FRESH SUPPLY OF Choice Groceries Ooad tiag ia part of Qn Bhls Flour, from A Super UU to Pianfi Intra. 50 BblsBagsr, all grade, 100 B CoCe' Ri0' MaaMvaaa, Lajruyra and Java IQQ Paekagss Batter, 12,000 '' wtut 25 000 Lbi No 1 Clclr Rib UdM 6,000 Wl0holafHtM' 25 Bhls Rice, AAA Cases Canned Goods, uuu of every asajstiftloa, 200 i,hf - Winea, Braasttae v and Whiskeys, 90 Baskets Champagne, ZU All Iapasted Also Porter sad Larger la 200 Boatwright ft HcKov, tUUMTXhTTtmtmtm Vi.sp book, in aV. We can fnrnish Whelaamla Bay era any articl. kept m tha Oraoerj Line. sW-To thneitixenaof Wilmlngtea wewlll state that wa ean furnish Fatally Bnppttes ef erery descrtptJoa ( wa mean Good Ooodn, to infOu leswi,) as LOW as any Heean an She Prtmrpt daJirary frerj Irary erwala sen nreai store gaaraatoad. n Ar feha

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